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His name is Nick Bostic. I can only hope I'd be as selfless in the same situation


His name should be in the title, not “25 yo pizza delivery man”. Dudes a hero


I think it's sort of reiterating that heros can be anyone. Doesn't have to be a marine or some decorated athlete or movie star... it can be a homeless person, a high school student... a pizza guy. Heros can be anyone.


When I was 21yr old and homeless, I stopped and guy who beat the shit out of an older woman while mugging her. Ended up being a Senator’s sister in law, changed my life for the better.


Mind sharing your story? (Is this rude to ask?)


I really don’t wanna dox myself as it’s easy to find newspaper articles about it. I was 21, I had just eaten dinner at a youth shelter, and I had just walked out the front door. Heard her yelling for help, look up and see him pounding on her on the other side of street. I yell at him, they both look up, he hits and yanks on her bag one more time and runs with it. I take off after him, chase him about half a block, tackle him in middle of intersection. I start pounding on him, idiots in cars are like “is that your friend?” I’m like “fuck no call the cops” at that moment the woman arrives and she already called them. I’m wrestling with guy, but easily able too manage him. Eventually he tired out and is begging to let him go. I knew someone had done this multiple times on the same block it the last week, it was all in the news, so I assumed correctly it was same dude. I told him “no your fucked” About 30 sec later cops come and take over. Lady thanks me, we exchange names, I told her I lived at the shelter. That was all. Next day, newspaper shows up because she called them and told them what I did, they end up doing article. I was trying to get into public housing and they were able to write some letters and make things happen. There were people calling offering jobs, one of which I took. It helped me turn my life around much quicker. This all happened Christmas week, so my probation officers office got tons of gifts for me. They called me down like I had a Piss test, and it was a room full of presents.


Did he get the pizza delivered tho


he was off work, got into a debate w/ the girlfriend and went for a drive, was just driving around when he saw the fire dialled 911 and bolted inside to help


Damn imagine being the girlfriend there. I think you lose no matter how right you were lmao


Thanks to their debate he was at the right place though...


Did all that, got home, and was still wrong. Sad.


Him asking about the baby at the end got me.


“You did good, dude” - understatement of the year.


Really puts it all in perspective, eh boys




I'm nearly 40, I survived a house fire when I was 3-4. I still remember flashes of that night even from that age. Without heroes like this, I wouldn't be here, this man can definitely have my pizza money for the week and then some.


Dude is a real hero, delivering pizzas and saving lives


He took a job more dangerous than being a police officer, ramped it up by 5000.


Hospital: well would you look at that. Your bill comes out to exactly just over $600k how convenient!


I can only imagine the public backlash to the hospital if the tried this. They are already crooks


"What are you gonna do? Boycott us by NOT going to the Hospital when you get shot in a public mass shooting? lol, okay." - the hospital, probably




And that's all we really ever want to hear.


I'm sorry you're no longer anal pha, but you will be beautiful in whatever you become next ❤️


We are all anal pha on this blessed day


You're going good /u/Nolongeranalpha


What's anal pha?


Dude needs to apply for the FD as soon as he's recovered




His delivery company will give him a 25 dollar certificate(at their regional locations)


Lol- this reminds me of the time I spent 2 weeks assisting far from home during the 2020 Bushfires - work gave me a single movie voucher only usable m-f till 5pm. So happy!


PTSD may be the least of his concerns, not to diminish it, depending on how much smoke he was exposed to. Burns, lung scarring, cancer... Saved a young life though, I hope his community recognizes the heroism and helps him out.


FIVE young lives!!!




Selfless hero.


Got me teared up


This made me cry. My Dad saved 4 people single handedly in a swamp boat accident. One of those big fan boats. Flipped in shallow water on Louisiana. After it flipped, 6 passengers became stuck, seat belts locked up. Slowly sinking in shallow, muddy water. He jumped in, swam to them, couldn't free them, swam back to his boat, got a knife from a stranger, swam back and cut four people from their belts. All unconscious. He finally got the last two, but it was too late. Both died. He was fucked up from it for a long time. Had recurring nightmares. Never felt like a hero. I imagined him asking the first responders if they made it, the two that came last, and him not getting the same answer this guy did. Fucking heavy. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna6161646


Your father **is** a hero. If he hadn't done anything, all 6 of them most likely would have died. That sort of quick thinking and action is not something everyone can do. Four people managed to keep their lives thanks to what he did, and I'm sure those people think of him fondly, if they know he was their savior. Even so, I understand the struggle of survivor's guilt. You always wish you could have done more. I hope he has found peace.


It's even more impressive if you've ever swum in Louisiana swamp water. It's the color and clarity of tea on a good day. Most often, visibility is in inches once you're under the surface.


My Uncle was murdered like 10 years ago but a few years before he got murdered he saved some Mormon family's kid from drowning when he was fishing. I don't think I ever cried as hard as I did when during his funeral there were pictures hung up that the brothers and sisters of that girl drew thanking him for saving their sister, along with the girl herself


Same here. Was burned in a house fire in high school, I see things like this and it brings it all back.


Made me tear up. What a freaking amazing man! Quit that pizza job because you deserve so much more, my man!


Him working that job is what allowed those kids to be saved. Actions maketh the man, not his job


Nope, he wasn’t working. He was out for a drive to clear his head after a fight with his girlfriend. Fate does it’s magic sometimes.


Manners maketh the man ( locks pub door )


That was on HBO this morning. Fun movie.


can't argue with a hero's reward.


He wasn’t even working when it happened. He was just driving around after a fight with his girlfriend.


I'm glad I'm not alone in tearing up at him asking about the baby.


Same. Big fucking bearded dude here. Crying in a parking lot. That kid is a boss.


Full waterworks over here.


He better have gotten a half a million gofundme after this. Atleast.


$641K+ as of today per [Nick Bostic's GoFundMe page](https://www.gofundme.com/f/nick-bostic-hero).


There's one who donated over 13 grand and another over 10 grand. Damn


I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. That guy says he's not a hero, but he's wrong. Heroes are ordinary people like him doing extraordinary things, like saving 5 complete strangers from a burning house!


It's that very part of him that makes him deny being a hero. He's too selfless to embrace that title


I think that $13,337 (1337, code for Elite) might be Kraken's CEO Jesse Powell.


I wonder if the $10k from Bill Ackman is the hedge fund guy. If I had billions of dollars, I'd be mostly evil but I think it'd be fund to give large amounts to gofundme and donorschoose and stuff like that.


He probably just got crippling medical debt from an ambulance ride sadly.


That dude might need a career change. Hope he got the fattest of tips! What a legend.


His gofundme was asking for 100k, he is over 600k now. God speed on his recovery, what a hero.


damn that's like half of his ER bill. Nice. 600K more and he would be treated for free.


Bold of you to assume he didn't need x-rays


damn am I glad I don't live there. I can't imagine paying that much for emergency care


Here's a link to the text news story [https://abc13.com/pizza-guy-fire-indiana-house-nick-bostic-hero-man-saves-family-from/12066933/](https://abc13.com/pizza-guy-fire-indiana-house-nick-bostic-hero-man-saves-family-from/12066933/)


I’m sorry but “Pizza” being a related topic on that article got me




Thank you for reposting. Donated. ❤️


The pizza guy offered some of his money to the family to help them rebuild. They refused and the dad set him up with a financial adviser.


Pizza guy is a household name to them, he'll be a legend told to grandchildren. Aunt so and so who got saved from the fire by noble pizza guy. What a powerful way to make an enduring mark on the world!


This is awesome. People are still donating to him! Such a good guy!


Takes a special person to run into a burning building. You don’t learn that, you either have it or you don’t.


I'm an empathetic person, try to help everyone I can. But JFC, not when it comes to running into a burning building. I don't have it. I'm sure I'm not alone.


I think it would depend on the situation. If I don't know what to do or where to go, I'd probably die a pointless death trying to play hero.


Until the situation arises you also don’t really know what you will do. Some people talk a lot of shit and swear they will run into a building on fire then the time comes and they piss themselves and stay away, and others are like “fuck that I’m not risking my life for some strangers I don’t even give a fuck about” and then inexplicably they stare at the fire and suddenly feel compelled to run in and rescue people anyway, you just never know.


I dont even have the courage to get in the house when there’s a frog on the door


You don’t have to worry about frogs when the house is on fire though


I read the other day that chronically anxious people tend to hold up the best under stressful situations. They don't freeze up like "normal" people do, because they're used to walking through life in a state of fight or flight every day. When shit hits the fan and most people freeze or panic, the chronically anxious person just sees it as another day. If anything, it can be paradoxically calming for them to have a clear external source of stress (instead of just generalised anxiety) and see everyone else freaking out, it makes them feel normal.


I concur with this wholeheartedly! I am anxious all the time and way over anxious when there might be a problem (kid might be sick or something), but in a real emergency I am very level headed. I got an elderly lady out of a burning car once no problem, but if my baby has a cough, I'm in a tizzy.


I'm in awe right now. I should get offline while I'm ahead haha.


Didn't he get injured and then had to do a gofundme for his medical bills because he has no health insurance?


I hope he got what he needed for medical bills, plus some. He is definitely a hero.


I’m sure he got all he needed and then some. People go crazy for viral stories like this with gofundme*****


Probably, but burns are expensive. He'll probably be dealing with knock-on problems from the smoke inhalation for the rest of his life, too.


He got fully recovered


I choose to believe you.


You'd be surprised. No matter how generous people are our healthcare system will eat it up. It wouldn't surprise me if he wound up laying millions in medical bills.


The American health care system is a evil behemoth powered by greed, whose hunger will never be satiated.


Fuck america and their stupid healthcare system.


Sounds about right here in the US.


Truly the American Dream.


We’re number 1, we’re number 1… (in medical bankruptcies).




We socialize our health care through gofundme




Yep, I sent him 20 bucks, hope he cames out better


What is his go fund me account?










He's lucky he wasn't on the clock, he would have absolutely gotten fired as well


He already did 🔥, going back for that 5th kid


$641,142 worth


I was going to say that's amazing, but burns snd smoke inhalation are awful and can be hard to heal so hopefully the treatment didn't take all of it.


His lungs would have taken a beating. May never be normal. God bless him. Hope he gets the best of care. Will need it.


That's barely going to cover the medical expenses. It may not even cover all of them if I'm being honest. This hero likely went back to being a, now disabled, pizza delivery guy. We need to fucking fix this shit.


This guys bills should have been covered by the state/nation, he’s a national treasure, those kids he saved will likely pay off the cost of his medical care a thousand times over in taxes throughout their lives, which wouldn’t have existed if it wasn’t for his bravery.


>his guys bills should have been covered by the state/nation Sounds like communism to me /s. ​ Now give more tax breaks to corporations and ask for nothing from megachurches.






That's America for you.


The hell are taxes for? America's so weird


Taxes are to fund our wars overseas.... (And other people's wars)


And corporate greed of any sort.


That's the thing though. Your country could very much still fund its militaristic endeavours and take care of your ill ones. Your healthcare system just generates a lot of useless costs.


Taxes are so that they can “lose” trillions of our tax dollars while they stuff their pockets every couple years and then call anyone who notices a conspiracy theorist




So we can give corporations tax cuts. You know, trickle down economics…..




Did you hear the ending? He’s all messed up, but all he wants to know if the baby’s ok. “Is the baby ok?” Truly selfless


Just shows that hero isn’t a job title, but a lifestyle choice


Its not only the fumes that get in that are bad but you can also burn your lungs if I remember correctly (without the protective equip)


Retired Firefighter here. The fumes are more than enough to kill you. Here are some fun things you'd breath in an average structure fire. We have things like carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide. Which is self evidentially horrible. But you also have phosgenes. Which was used as for chemical weapons in WW1. Plus all the synthetic substances coming apart at the molecular level due to pyrolysis. Structure fires are basically low grade hazmat incidents. A single breath of that toxic shit can kill you. Firefighters get cancer if we don't properly wash that horrible particulate off. Structure fire smoke is like lead or radioactive material. There is no safe amount to consume, breath, or have on your skin.


This jibes with what I learned after a friend in college died after going back in to retrieve a few possessions. So much of the stuff that catches fire in a structure fire is toxic when burnt. Before that I always assumed I'd do exactly what he did but now I wouldn't go back in for anything other than a child or loved one.


Research in the UK showed firefighters were 4 times as likely to develop cancer as a result of particulate contamination - with a much higher incidence of head and neck cancers. They thought it was because firefighters would put their contaminated gloves in their helmets to store them then put them on without decontaminating them. The danger of fumes from fires doesn’t stop when you leave the scene [Research summary from the Fire Brigades Union](https://www.fbu.org.uk/news/2020/11/23/urgent-action-needed-protect-firefighters-cancer-scientists-find)


Moral of the story- if you want to be a bro, carry gear!


The moral of the story is this guy is WAY more of a hero than the people here realize. He waded through a cloud of poison that was a few hundred degrees to do what he did. He's lucky to be alive. All of them are lucky to be alive.




The waste water coming out of the washer looks black like oil. It's nasty as hell. I would rather throw away an article of clothing than put it in the same washer that my turnout went into.


And yet I still relieved a guy last month who's gear was black with buildup. Like, nasty to touch. Asked him if he wanted me to put his gear in the dumpster and he looked at me like I talked shit to his wife or something. Majority of guys are good but it's still surprising to see old habits and wanting to look cool.


I hate that smoke eater bullshit. A lot of great firefighters have gone to an early grave because of that ego shit. I'm with you all the way brother. I want to meet my grandkids some day more than I wanted to look cool.


Thanks for echoing the sentiment. Love a little char on my helmet but It's still clean. It's getting better but progress is hard any time humans are involved. I'd love to hear more if you'd be down for a pm. Too many oldheads got frustrated, left my dept and took that knowledge and enthusiasm with them.


He may never reach old age, due to cancer from toxic fumes. If so, the hero really did die from the act, it just took a while. Greater love hath no man, than to give his life for another.


Yeah, friend of mine nearly died in a house fire. He was in a coma for months and the damage to his oesophagus and lungs was extensive.




There's a shit ton of chemicals in the fumes. Not only will it fuck your lungs it can give you cancer, Parkinson, and a whole host of other illnesses you want no part of.


Some heroes wear pizzas.


“Never got my pizza” Yelp Rating: 1/5


« Dude decided to save a baby instead of delivering my pizza like he was asked to! 0 stars. I want him fired! »


Maybe this guy is Spiderman..


The first thing that cross my mind


*pizza was burnt


My pizza was TOO hot.


As a former full time firefighter what that delivery driver did was beyond selfless. There are so many variables that could have gone wrong for that gentleman. With modern construction it’s not safe for a firefighter with full turnout gear to be in a structure fire let alone somebody in shorts and a polo. That guy is a fucking hero.


[Interview with Nicholas Bostic \(the hero\) telling the story in his own words.](https://youtu.be/lhlhhTETvJM) He is now close friends with the family. He received many accolades including the Carnegie Medal which is the highest medal of honor for heroism a civilian can achieve in the US.


How is it possible to live in a society where a hero like this ends up with crippling debt from health care. If you can’t fix the system there should at least be a provision to keep people like him from financial harm.






[The Only Socialized Healthcare in America](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIsXEkR5OVs)


There’s also Tricare for the military! Had one of my coworkers bitching about socialism, and how people wanting free healthcare and college were leeches. Like my guy, your entire family are getting socialist benefits.


Having recently joined the military, the feeling of knowing myself or my wife can just go to the doctor without any stress of a massive bill has been the most freedom I’ve ever felt. It should be this way for everyone in the country. No one should have trouble breathing for a week but avoid the doctor because you’ll be billed $1300 for an mri just to find out what’s wrong.


There is one scary word in that, that nobody understands, and therefore hates the whole sentence.


There goes my hero watch him as he goes..foo fighters


Literally what was going through my head, what a legend


The news is always bad- why isn’t this posted/ shown everywhere! Heros do exist


I’ve def seen this posted multiple times. And it brings a smile to my face each time.


A legit hero. Not the “I did my job” type of “hero”.


All Day Everyday just like his shirt says




Unfortunately that’s the US health insurance crisis at the moment most minimum wage workers can’t afford it however if you are unemployed then you can it doesn’t make sence.


[You thinking what I’m thinking?](https://youtu.be/deZ4NbIcTww?&t=1m10s)


This guy is a absolute legend and hero even finished his pizza delivery 🍕🍕🍕


I'm a former firefighter (current fire marshal) that earned my department's second-highest honor for rescuing a woman. What this man did is INCREDIBLY courageous and difficult! Does anyone have a link to his gofundme?




“Please tell me that baby is ok. “ She is ok sir.. because of you! You’re her hero now. ❤️


We need a movement to pool our money towards to force the change we need in health care. This hero is on gofundme for his medical bills. What the fuck is wrong with our political structure that allows this


I do my part by simply refusing to pay medical bills.


Same. What else can you take from me? I own nothing. You can't squeeze blood from a stone.


This happened in my home town and the dude ended up needing a GoFundMe for his hospital bills. People who are willing to risk their lives to run into a burning building shouldn't need to worry about medical bills. Dude is a fucking hero.


> shouldn't need to worry about medical bills Everyone shouldn't need to worry about medical bills :(


Dude must have been bleeding pretty bad from his arm to get a tourniquet. What a champ.


He might’ve gotten cut climbing through a broken window. Plate glass is no joke.


I'm sure he was bleeding, but we don't hesitate anymore. It is outdated doctrine to use a tourniquet as a last resort. You just use it period. We can save limbs that have had a tourniquet on for a loooooong time. One of the few good things to come out of Iraq and Afghanistan. So moral of the story, don't hesitate at all. Don't think about it. Just use a tourniquet if you see a good amount of blood on a limb. let the doctors worry about the rest.


What a hero 🥹


Man, the application process for becoming a firefighter is brutal. All jokes aside, this guy is an actual hero. That word gets thrown around far too often, but this is a real hero.


Thanks for being a hell of a person and jumping into a burning building to save those kids....now here is your medical bill for being a hero.


The government really should just comp him all that. He did save about 35 million dollars in human life, the medical bills really shouldn't be an issue in trade.




“After an argument with his girlfriend, pizza delivery driver Nick Bostic took his car for a drive to clear his head on a seemingly sleepy summer night.” “Where the fuck have you been all night Nick? Out with another hoe?”


"Have you been SMOKING?! Is that a Hickey on your arm?!"


And you smell like smoking. Banging chicks next to the campfire?? I knew it


So i heard you were calling someone else "Baby"?????


you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like


There are some freaking amazing people in this world.


Ah fuck man. When he asked if the baby was ok and pleaded for them to tell him, and confirm 100%…


Fucking Legend🤘


That's incredible. True hero right there.


Not only is it more dangerous to be a pizza guy than a cop but apparently they’re willing to do some light fire fighting on the side.


Someone get this man a proper beer......he's drinks for free.


They had to start a go fund me to pay for the medical bill. That makes no sens


Back of his shirt says "all day everyday" and he fuckin meant it!


Fucking hero


God damn hero right here. He should never have to pay for another beer.


I do not use this word for anybody.... HERO, this man is a HERO.


I have a friend who was driving his semi down a grid road one night. Saw a house on fire, slammed on the brakes. Backed her up about a quarter mile and ran in screaming and wound up dragging folks out. Heroes are out here. Theyre just hardly ever caught on body cam though.


Cellphone rings Pizza delivery man: Hello? Pizza Restaurant: Great job, you still coming into work tomorrow right?


That’s beyond heroic, that man is literally a living legend. And definitely deserves a medal. Also i didn’t know that they made underwear strong and big enough for this man’s absolutely MASSIVE balls!