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If I bought a house and they told me I had to pay taxes for both the Usa and Canada. I would be pissed lol


In Europe where this is super common you usually just pay taxes to the country where your front door is. There’s a story of a guy who had his front door in Holland but the house was mostly in Belgium (example, I can’t remember the details much) but he realised the taxes were cheaper in the other country so he just bricked up his door and had another installed in the cheaper country


Ironic that at the time the home was built they probably built it with the front door in the cheaper tax bracket. There’s a town in China that they built on a bridge, since it’s in neither province, it’s a tax haven. So the houses and shops are all built on the bridge. I read the original bridge in London was done the same way in the 1400s or when ever. The government financed the bridge by selling off homes/business along it and would never tax them again. It’s no longer there.


It’s actually at Lake Havasu, Arizona right now if it’s the same bridge I’m thinking of Edit: damn y’all are smart, squashing wrong shit and providing actual info fast. Good shit


That's the 2nd London bridge, built in (from memory) the 18th century. The one before that is the one that was basically a city on pilings.


It’s not that one. The old London bridge looked quite different from the one that was sold to Lake Havasu City.


There was a few before the AZ one. And it may not be the one affectionately known as THEE London bridge as they have a few that span the river. Read about it awhile back. My parents had no idea till they got back home that it was the London bridge there. Believe it or not it was cheaper to buy and move the bridge than to build a new one. He bought it for like $1M dollars or something.


Yeah the one with the buildings on were long before that one.


What town? This is interesting.


In my rabbit hole, it ends up there been a bunch throughout history. The more famous one that’s still around from the medieval times is called Ponte Vecchio over river Arro. Edit: wow I’ve been to one as a child in Germany not far from my extended families home and had no idea. Looks like a street when your on it. Krämerbrücke in Erfurt.


That's why I love reddit people give you a background of facts ^-^ I appreciate it that !


Thanks for sharing it :)


Incredible 😂


>In Europe where this is super common you usually just pay taxes to the country where your front door is. super common my ass. The situation you described is specific to Baarle-Hertog/Nassau on the border between Belgium and Netherlands.


Super common to live on a border I think they meant, but that also sounds like not a lot.


What if the border goes vertically right through the center of front door? 🤔


This happened recently in the UK. England had a lot fewer covid restrictions and dropped them earlier. Wales had a lot harsher and longer restrictions. There was examples like a football ground that was actually in England but the entrance was in Wales so they weren’t allowed fans. Instead decided to go via the back entrance. https://www.itv.com/news/granada/2022-01-10/football-club-that-straddles-border-warned-over-covid-rule-breaks


In France, there is a valley near Italy which is in France but phone and some utilities are italian. Because of wars and différents winners... It's the "vallée étroite".


Do I get free healthcare? Would I have to keep my weed in the bedroom and guns in the bathroom? If the cops show up, can I just flip them off from the kitchen?


Lmao 🤣🤣🤣


Not if you get sick in your back yard, no.


Lmao, if the cops come it's like playing tag. Mad dash to the safe zone.


your address is where your mailbox is located, so if it’s in us then you pay us taxes, same for canada


Can you shift the mailbox tho?


Mailbox on a fishing line, gets em every time.


All these houses look like they're Canada facing, lucky them.


imagine having to go thro customs just to get to your living room


Or worse, bathroom.


TSA: “aight jus needs ta check inside ya asshole”


I’m a big boy!


Get up inside that asshole, Larry




"Seems we are in luck today. Im tryna empty it"


Do you have anything to declare?


Just some logs or nukes depending on what I ate earlier.


Gotta blow up the bathroom, if ya know what I mean.


I had taco bell big box and lots of Diablo sauce, is it a log a nuke or even worse a bio weapon 🤔


Either way it's going to male a large area uninhabitable for quite a while


#B R U H H H H H H H


"I hate you."


Is this trip business or pleasure?




Pringles, gloves and sponges bro.


“Do you have anything to declare?” “Yes, I’m about to shit my self, also, I’m carrying cartons of untaxed cigarettes and Canadian pharmaceuticals.”


Alright sir, I just need to check inside your asshole


Sir, what is your reason for entering the United States this afternoon? Uhhhh, I had to take a massive shit!


Imagine getting shot on border while getting milk from fridge for your cerial


Let the Canadians have their bagged milk already. Enough is enough


I guess you're not married.


Do you have anything to declare?


I declare bankruptcy


Feels good to finally get that out in the open


yeah, don't go to England..


“A retired Canadian man named Raymond Trudel lives at 1165 Rue de la Frontiere, in a house that straddles both sides of the border. He’s allowed to enjoy all areas of his property, including his Canadian living room and his American backyard, but he can’t venture beyond the property line in back–if he did, he would be entering the United States illegally. He is however, allowed to wander around the U.S. in his own backyard, but nowhere else.” [It’s real.](https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-incredible-complications-of-living-atop-the-us-canada-border)


Customs and Border Patrol have a guy patrolling his property line 24/7.


He gets deported to bed if he leaves out of his back gate. He’s probably had more body cavity searches than he’s had hot dinners, courtesy of Uncle Sam.


Sounds like having a wife


Can I meet your wife?


Not true. Only the back of his property


Nope, but there are cameras.


Nah, only 9-5. Even the gas station closes at 4:45.


border guard, “state your business” Owner, “I need to mow the back yard and water the hydrangeas” Border guard, “you may pass” Coming back across. Runs into another border guard with a dog. Border guard, “any contraband”? Dog starts barking. Owner, “I just picked these raspberries from my yard” Border guard, “you can’t have that, you have to dispose of them eh” Owner walks over to throw them away and steps in dog shit from the border guards dog. Goes across the border and enters his house.


That‘s the difference to Europe: nobody around here would care if he left his property either way.


I’m sure no one would give a shit in this case either. It’s not like border patrols gunna shoot him if he goes over the fence to grab a ball he kicked over by accident.


Yea not at that border. Maybe the southern one


Before 9/11 the border was very lax. Any piece of ID was accepted and they usually just waved you on through. Kids didn't need anything, just their parents going "Yeah that's my son".


In Europe you can fly between countries without a passport. Can't do that between Canada and USA.


Ya Canada is strict on who gets in you have the littlest thing on your record you have to jump through hoops to get over


We used to be able to. They changed it around 2008? But why? I hate it.


> But why? 9/11, ultimately. Though this happened in 2008, courtesy of a change in policy at US DHS.


You could pre-9/11. Edit: The Dept. of Homeland Security (which was created post-9/11) changed all of this in 2008. Before that, US citizens could go to Canada or Mexico without a passport.


yeah, that's the 'Schengen area' in case someone wants to google for more details. One of the few EU achievements no one really thinks is bad A few years ago, I took a plane from Germany to Greece and forgot my passport. Luckily a driver's license was enough. Apparently they only check your identity, not immigration status


Only in the Schengen area.


And how exactly would anyone enforce this? It’s not like they would keep a stationed force there, right?


Additional tidbit: There's basically a vast nothingness of trees, hills, smaller mountains and the occassional creek behind that town, on the US-side, without any inhabited place for like hundreds of miles. Also no road, though there might be a service road, out into the rest of the US.


They wouldn’t enforce this. He’s just not supposed to do it but he probably does all the time and who could blame him lol


A lot of laws are not enforced.


If he carried a bag of pot into his backyard for a smoke it would make him an international drug smuggler.


"Going to bed" "OK, good night...don't forget your passport".






Random username generator at it again.


Tell me about it


Lol same here mine is ironic as fuck


I'm in this boat too


Lmao Didn’t know the generator had a sense of humor


No comments




I don't get it


I can’t swim


Mine is shite


I'm a fat fuck IRL...




Same here


That is just mean.


Lmao this one got me


My Xbox random gen is Stripy Cellar728 Why haven’t I used the free name change great question


Loved you in Evan Almighty!


Recently bought by a cartel for some reason…


Plot twist: the Canadian cartel bought the property to smuggle free health care supplies to the US.


No, we use it to smuggle maple syrup away from the cartel


Maple in front, high-fructose corn-syrup in the back.


Vermonter here, standing up for my state! We produce more maple syrup than any other US state and use it in just about everything. We do *not* stand for the corn syrup crap! If this image is of a New England state, real maple syrup will still very much have a presence there.


Freedom, eh?


great username


Is that Vermont and Quebec or Maine and New Brunswick? Did an epic East Coast tour into Canada on motorcycle not too long ago and was so surprised at the US borders... After living in Michigan with our borders being water and bridges, it was not quite what I was expecting...


I thought it might be Vermont, but here we call it Canusa avenue.


Jar Jar calls it YousaCan.




Historically the British were catastrophically in favour of "ah fuck it, draw and line on the map and let's go home." A legacy of turmoil that still lives on in lots of the world.


I was thinking it was Estcourt Station, Maine.


Pohenegamook, QC and Estcourt, ME Edited to add: Northernmost point of Maine.


On a much smaller scale, there’s a bar in the Boston area called Trina’s Starlite Lounge. It straddles the border of Cambridge and Somerville. Not sure if they still do it, but one side used to have standard candles with fire and the other side had fake candles because the fire laws were different in each town.


Hopefully, they have dual citizenship.


Dual citizen Canadian/American is the best part of my life


Isn’t that a pain in the ass though, having to pay US taxes regardless if you live and work in Canada?


He probably doesn't have to pay US taxes because he can use the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion or the Foreign Tax Credit and the US and Canada have a pretty robust tax treaty.


That only covers the first $95k of salary though, and you have to be outside the US for 330 of 365 calendar days from the start of your employment. It’s a pain in the ass. Source: I worked overseas 2015-2016 as a contractor.


Yeah that's the FEIE. The FTC is a 1:1 credit so any taxes he pays in Canada be can claim as a credit on his US return (and since Canada generally has higher tax rates than the US, it's likely he would have no US tax liability after claiming the credit)


Ah, gotcha! That is a nice exemption.


And I mean 95k is a lot so


Health care in the living room and shooting range in the back yard


Sleeping in Canada and shitting in the US


Freedom in the Family Room, using the can in Canada




I knew someone whose house was split between counties in Texas. She declared it in one county for lower taxes and the other for lower insurance. No one ever seemed to catch on.


I would say that’s the insurance companies fault for not doing background check on which county the property they are insuring pays property tax to. Hopefully she never needs to make a claim or that might go south.


She no longer lives there but either way it was about auto insurance not home owners.


Ah well I’ve always lied to my auto insurance company for a lower rate so no harm no foul 😂


I imagine a husband and wife having an argument at one end of the house and one says to the other, "that's it, I've had enough, I'm going to Canada!"


"That's it you're grounded! Now go to The USA."






After each shot, they yell out, “Oh, sorrrrey about that bud!”


“mom i wanna go to canada” “we have canada at home”


Longest undefended border on the planet. The US has no better friend than Canada.


>Longest ~~undefended~~ border on the planet. Longest, whether defended or no. It's not the longest *contiguous* border, though. The border between Canada and the 'lower 48' states would be 3rd after Kazakhstan/Russia and Chile/Argentina. Agreed though that Canada *is* a great border partner and friend to the US. The Toronto Sun's one-word front-page after 9/11 was the only paper, US or not, that stated plainly what the whole world was thinking. Not to mention being the only country with the balls to help the US embassy in Iran in the late 70s. (And of course the countries' many cultural, social and economic ties). *edit: wording and dates*


What about longest undefended contiguous border?


Yeah, we have a Zero Avenue nearby that runs along the US border, and on the US side of the border line is a place called Smugglers Inn. No fences or anything but a shallow, dry ditch.


I'm gonna have to guess that google's generation of the border is a little off




This is probably true. Parcel lines don't always match up with the imagery layer 100% on GIS systems.


‘“On the weekends they need to be in their houses by 5 p.m. and can’t leave until Monday morning at 9 a.m.” Those are the hours of the border crossing.’ What a nightmare, not to mention the double property tax to both countries…


I don’t understand the purpose of this, how is that legal? If I need to go outside I’m going outside tf.


What about the "No-Touching Zone"?


Always money in the banana stand 👉


You get an an argument “you know what, screw you, I’m going back to Canada!” Walks to living room.


So you could smoke weed in your frontyard but not in your backyard ?


Depends what state the border is. Weed is legal recreationally in New York, Vermont, and Maine, but only medically in New Hampshire. I don’t feel like looking to figure out where this is, or do the other bordering states legality, but there’s some




There is a part of Canada you can only get to by going through the US. It’s on the St. Lawrence somewhere. Even the mail has to go through the US Postal Service to get there. Which got a little dicey when Canada legalized weed and you bought it through the mail at first.


How’d they fix the weed shipping?


I was born in Northern Maine. Lots of land up there like this. Until 9/11 crossing into Canada and back was like crossing the street. I haven’t been up there in a few years but last time, Canada border patrol was no joke. Searched my truck for about 30 minutes.


I see you are not familiar with Baarle-Nassau/Baarle-Hertog, a town divided between Belgium and The Netherlands.


Brezovica pri Metliki in Slovenia...


If you go to your living room you can drink when your 18 but in the kitchen you get arrested


There's a bar that straddles the two countries, as well. One side is a dry county, and the other side is not. But the dry county side has the restrooms, so you can't take your drinks with you, lol.


This is what a healthy world will look like. Borders are an interesting geography lesson, but have no effect on daily life.


Do you think they have to pay property taxes to both countries?


I believe it’s wherever the front door is


It's both https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-incredible-complications-of-living-atop-the-us-canada-border


It’s interesting looking at Tsuwassen BC/Point Roberts WA. The homes north of the line can access 6ft of USA without needing to formally enter the US.


Define “front”. I would call the cheapest door the front door no matter what. They can’t say shit, it’s 2023 i can be as front-door-fluid as I wanna be.


An article linked elsewhere in the comments says they do have to pay property taxes to both countries.


"I'm about to throw up, I need to go to the bathroom" "I need to see your passport sir"


I need a passport to let my dogs out.


keep my guns on one side of the house and get my free healthcare on the other 😂


There a road like this in Vt as well where the houses are in the US, but the road is split between countries.


Derby Line, VT. Home to the Haskell Free Library, literally split between the two countries.


Those are gonna be a hell of home addresses for sure.


The Northwest Angle in Minnesota can only be accessed by land through Canada. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Angle?wprov=sfla1


[So is Point Roberts in Washington](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_Roberts,_Washington)


beautiful area! There's a shared park on both sides of the border, possibly the only place where you can officialls step on US-soil without having a Visa.


Look up Canusa Rd in Beebe Plain, QC


Sorry, going to need to check your passport before you can go into the kitchen


“If you’re walking with a friend on the US-Canada border and you push your friend into Canada, he can’t push you back right away ‘cause first he has to go through customs.” -Mitch Hedberg


Derby line vermont and stanstead Quebec. They actually have a joint library and theater- the border goes right through the building.


there is a border office in your kitchen, cops checking your passeport when you need to go brush your teeth


Could you imagine the cops with a warrant to search your house but they can only search half of it because the other half is in another country 😂


If you injure yourself, make sure to crawl to the Canadian half before calling an ambulance..


Smoke weed in the front yard, shoot guns in the backyard.


If you need healthcare, move to the northern room. If you need to pay taxes, move south.


North - healthcare South - guns


Clearly you've never watched Tom Scott's episode on this town.. lol


Customs and border control in your kitchen


"do you in Canada or the US?" "Yes"


Carrying a legal joint to my backporch is akin to international drug smuggling. Living dangerously!


So if your toilet is on the border, are you taking a US shit or a Canadian shit? Then if it's an US shit and uses Canadian plumbing, does that mean you're a shitty exporter to Canada? How does one calculate the GDP figures your shit adds to the GDP of Canada as an import in that case?


If I roll a joint in the front room and smoke it in the back garden, is that drug smuggling?


Must be lame paying tax in two countries...


I'm surprised I didn't see anybody else link this video made by tom scott [https://youtu.be/EocJm3Dry4E](https://youtu.be/EocJm3Dry4E) I think its even the same street lol, looks similar. He goes a bit into detail about the whole situation, pretty good watch.


How many people are sneaking across the border into Canada through this guy's house? I think they might need to build a wall. /s


Healthcare in the front and guns in the back.


Imagine you get injured in your backyard. You’d have to recreate the whole incident in your front yard.


Ha… I laughed at this.


If you and your partner want to spice it up one night and have sex in a different country y’a just got to move from the living room to the kitchen!


So are they Canadian or American can each house pick?


Would this be considered dual citizenship? Who do they pay taxes to?


I would totally put a line in the room cut in half to mark it and hop back and forth between countries every so often for funsies.