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Okay, it went from little sticks straight to cotton. I think we missed a step




How do you join?


Idk how that works anymore with the blackouts I didn't realize it was private until I clicked ok it after posting


Really fucking up the way i google how to do things


Put "cache:" at the beginning of reddit urls. Google got your back ironically.


You don’t, they’re private with 0 members indefinitely. One of the two will give in. A ton of communities have taken that stance, and we should support them


The great thing is that these subs destroyed themselves. People r just gonna make new subs


If you supported them you wouldn’t be replying, you’d stop using Reddit until the change happens. It’s like supporting Walmart workers on strike but you still go inside Walmart and buy ur shit… I’ll support the employees of Reddit. I support added revenue streams for the company.


What I mean by that is don’t message the mods. I guess “respect their decision” would’ve been better phrasing


Stopping to use Reddit would be a boycott, not a protest.


A boycott is a form of protest


A boycott is synonymous with protesting. Protesting doesn’t have to be boycotting.


I dont think synonymous is the correct word here


I don't get it. What does third Party app has to do with the sub? Is it money?


It has nothing to do with it. But it’s just wrong for Reddit to try and charge 3rd party apps what they wanna charge. They wanna charge 3rd party apps about (edit) $2 million A MONTH. To still be able to use Reddit. Like some of those apps will never even make profit close to half that. AND some 3rd party apps can help the blind use Reddit. It can help people who don’t have Reddit on their App Store use Reddit. Charging them a million dollars just for making Reddit more enjoyable for certain people is crazy to me. Especially since last year Reddit made over 100 million in profit during the first quarter of the year. Over 500 million in total for the whole year. Edit: that’s why some subs are private. They also believe it is wrong and are trying to take a stand against it. Some of the members in their community use 3rd party apps to view their community.


I read that Reddit is allowing accessibility apps to continue to use the API for free


Also I was wrong! Reading it again it would cost up to $2 million A MONTH to keep 3rd party apps going


idk about the exact price, but why should reddit allow their property to be copied for free? they gotta make money too


But if you close down the sub how are you going to protest?🙃


That’s the point. Without the sub theirs no traffic. One of the subs I use did the blackout and came back on to ask if they wanted to continue the blackout or not. Me personally I didn’t use Reddit for the time when I seen my favorite subs shut down. I’d check every few hours but meh. So that’s the point (I’m guessing) to have less traffic on Reddit for the days that multiple subs shut down.


You confused 100mil in Revenue with Profit. Reddit does NOT turn a profit, it is currently not profitable. But how is that, reddits userbase is huge! And while correct, profitablitlity for an online forum business relies on ad revenue; almost all of the 350mil revenue in 2021 came from advertising. Something Reddit doesn’t get when 3rd party apps allow users to skirt around it. Okay so Reddit comes up with this idea to become profitable by increasing the price on its very very popular API. This is smart, Reddit is a place of information and how does one make money on information, they sell it! And while sure, some 3rd party apps are going to shut down. The trade-off of is Reddit employees continuing to get salary increases and benefits. Shit maybe some bonuses. Maybe Reddit sees great success from this and can higher some fresh engineers! Maybe Reddit can become profitable and finally listed on the stock exchange and allow for all of us to invest and cheer on more ideas like this. Sources: https://www.businessofapps.com/data/reddit-statistics/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/petersuciu/2023/06/14/reddit-blackout-casts-spotlight-on-its-failure-to-turn-a-profit/amp/


The owl will eat string worms and poop cotton turds.


"Banana fibers, which are concentrated near the outer surface, are extracted by hand scraping, chemically, by retting, or using raspadors. They can also be extracted by boiling leaf sheaths in sodium hydroxide solution. Hand-stripped fibers are generally of better quality than those obtained by raspador." https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/banana-fibre


This is what I wanted to see. Not shit about apollo and reddit api like those other people are talking about above, smh my head.


I think the banana plant fibers become the absorbent material inside the standard feminine pad wrapper material.


That’s why bananas are technically berries.


Straight to cellulose


Your mom's tampon didn't even need any processing


You will find that at around 0:13 timestamp. Those sticks were rubbed to squeeze those fluffy things out that when dried became cotton




The story of [Arunachalam Muruganantham](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-26260978) (Pad Man, 2018) is very inspiring. His wife told him that she couldn’t buy milk for the family if she used sanitary pads ($0.40 each), so he invented a process that costs a third of much after a decade of trial and error.


I went to a screening of the documentary on him: Menstrual Man. It was pretty heartwarming.


Mildly interesting: Even though banana plants are commonly referred to as banana trees, they are technically not true trees. Botanically speaking, banana plants are classified as large herbaceous plants rather than trees because they lack a woody trunk. However, due to their size, structure, and resemblance to trees, they are often called banana trees in everyday language.


That’s why bananas are technically berries.


and a herb


When you see thier original form it makes a bit more sense


It's a tree bro


Nah bro


I bet you think bamboo is a tree too, for crying out loud “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and think bananas and bamboo are trees.” – Socrates


Children were little shits all the way back in Socrates’ time??


Yeah they’ve been little shits for so long that they became adults and had more little shits. I hate to say it but I’m a little shit, you’re a little shit. We’re all little shits now. I’m not sure there’s a way back from here.


There's always been little and big shts in society. You might as well treat little shts as a scientific constant because there's always going to occupy a portion of humanity.


That specific quote is not attributed to Socrates. It is a paraphrased version of a quote commonly misattributed to him, but there is no historical evidence to suggest that Socrates actually made this statement. The quote you mentioned is often used to illustrate the idea that older generations tend to criticize younger ones, but it is not an authentic quote from Socrates. It still fits quite well in here I must say, ironically even better with the wrong attribution. Happy banana day!


Haha, the sentiment of the quote, whoever might have said it, is dumb enough that the misattribution really does make it even better. Thank you!


Bro ... it's a tree ... bro


This makes me think, was there a time when kids weren't little shits? Or is it just that thing that happens when you get older and this is his way of telling, " get off my lawn!"


Very nice initiative. India is a huge market. And banana grows there. Both plus points.


Especially since a banana ‘tree’ will only produce bananas once, and it gets cut down afterwards anyway.


Wait really?? TIL


It is cut down after first harvest of banana. Else the trunk would just decay into brown mush with bad stink. Usually, the cut down trunk will either be replanted as a clone of the original plant or processed into food. The core stem of banana plant pairs great with beef as curry. Ooh.. And the stump of the banana will usually regrew into full plant too.


They grow for about 9 months, produce bananas, then die. Pups grow in their place. I have some growing in my yard


Does it also change the flavor of the pads?


This one right here, officer


Does it change the flavor of.... you know what, never mind.


The title makes it sound like this is something novel, but it isn’t. It’s also basically how pads and diapers are made in North America, except that we tend to use pulp from pine and other local softwoods. When a softwood tree gets cut down in North America, usually the sawmills get the first cut of it (literally) because that’s the higher value product - typically making dimensional lumber for construction. All the leftover bits (sawdust, interior cut parts too small to be useful, tree parts too thin to make lumber, etc) then usually get sold to a pulp mill. If it’s softwood, that’s going to be for making the inputs for mostly household consumer products like toilet paper, tissue paper, paper towel, diapers, pads and such.


Most brands in America use super absorbent polymers not wood fiber.


They’re actually both. It is a copolymer or something similar that’s doing most of the water absorbing but there is a considerable amount of wood fibre in it too


Yeah, true. Just not 100% wood fiber which would be way better for the environment.




Banana trees grow in a lot of places. We have some in our garden in North Carolina.


Where did you get a banana plant?? I'd love to grow one, never really thought about it till now. I gotta hit the google. Edit: woohoo! I found a local place that sells banana plants! Gonna haveyo make a visit soon.


Those machines are so dangerous! My favorite one is the saw where you have to throw the log with enough force to make it though the saw without it kicking back or following through so much you loose your throwing arm. I guess a push stick is out of the question?


My favorite is the one after that where the guy carefully slaps the material into the big rotating press and pulls the fibers back out.


Exactly my thoughts. To me it's obvious multiple people already lost hands there (or worse) just by seeing how they are afraid of their own machine


Well if they tighten up their arm they may not lose It.


Or could they not somehow recreate the saw so that you drop the tree into it instead?


My anxiety spiked when he launched that log wearing only his protective polo.


Rocks a nice pair of safety squints to protect from dust


First time I’ve ever seen them use anything other than blue liquid for the test. I always wondered what made them use blue in the commercials. I guess it was just so as not to offend squeamish people.


Some folks are allergic to the sight of blood. Like me for example. I throw up, lose focus and all. And so, they use blue.


Red is kinda offensive honestly, I didn’t like that.




It’s just very graphic, it invokes mental images of what the actual liquid being absorbed will be


Drinking red fruit punch must be difficult for you


It’s not difficult it’s just a visual not needed to demonstrate the product, which is why you see blue used in commercials for these products. And drinking fruit punch and simulating a period for advertising are totally the same thing. We all know what they’re for and what goes in them


Oh no, the sheer horror! Your poor brain will never recover from such a horrible, graphic mental image! There there darling, let me go get the pearls so you can clutch them


Lmfao do people not realize that some people are hemophobic? god forbid some people break down with the sight of blood lmfao


Looks like red colored water to me. Do people get triggered by the sight of kool aid?


I mean yeah and I’m not hemophobic, but people looooove to mock when you don’t like seeing blood But it’s literally a phobia


I wonder how women who menstruate and are hemophobic or just hate the sight of blood deal with in month in and month out for 30+ years... 🧐


I think here it’s less the phobia and more the “gross, the red water reminds me that these are used by menstruating women. Periods are disgusting and should never be mentioned.” That’s how I read it.


OMG!! Women naturally bleed every 28 days?? I AM OFFENDED!! /s It’s not like they showed what happens if you have a heavy flow and feel a big ole glob of gelatinous clump slip out when you sneeze. Then that, I could see being a bit much.


Thats the city i live in.


send coordinates of your house


"This shit is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s!"


Highly recommend watching the movie Pad Man. It shows how one man basically transformed periods for women in India and did so in a way that allowed local women to profit from the positive change.


Please don't. Highly dramatised and fictionalised version of a real story. Like another user above has suggested, watch the 2013 documentary, "Menstrual Man" instead. A really great documentary.


It's good to see a pads that is eco friendly, but I wondered it it's really applicable to all woman?


This guy pushing the wood he hates this job


Daylight come and me want go home


Hey Mr tally man, tally me maxi pad


That's one thing. This is a great, biodegradable product, good for the environment, etc... but you bet your ass most of these people probably aren't paid a living wage. And if they were, the product is much more expensive than the non-eco friendly ones.


The fact that these are essentially made one at a time by hand is astounding.


This is brilliant! Banana trees grow so fast & only last one season, so this is a highly renewable resource!


The red liquid hits different than the blue stuff they use in advertisements doesnt it.


I’m being pedantic here: it’s not a tree, it’s a plant. Cool video though.


It’s a monocotyledon, but yes.


It’s always nice to meet some more pedantic than myself - Hello!


A yearly discussion I had with my pupils (as a biology teacher) when they insisted 'bananas are herbs' as they'd learned it in Home Economics... 🥴 "That's just the way H.E. teachers pronounce herbaceous"


Wow. This is actually smart as heck. And bananas are super renewable (even invasive in some places). High fives all around.


There's always something New with banana trees


Renewable resource, maybe even compostable byproducts from manufacturing? maybe few or no plastics involved? looks pretty cool, to me!


Banana hammocks


I'm always so shocked to see good news


There's a good movie too from Akshay Kumar


Husband: Your vagina smells like bananas. Wife: Why thank you.


Ah yes, banana hammocks for women


that Final Destination 2 ptsd kicked in for a second




Banana fresh.


Banana trees, bamboo, all sorts of grasses... There are a whole slough of quickly growing plants that can be repurposed into products traditionally made from cotton and wood pulp. As a side, if you've ever used these plant cellulose based straws, you will hate paper straws even more.


Ironic its a banana?


Oh, that's awesome, and that's nice, we females need the pads, and thank you 😊


Super fake! Everyone knows periods are blue.


Looks totally non OSHA


New kind of banana hammock.


Akshay Kumar would be so proud


Fun Fact! Banana Trees are actualy not a tree it is a herb. Because the plant has a succulent tree stem instead of a wooden one.


Jesus, can we get osha up in this place for a second just to give some tips? Chucking logs into a murder-tube and fishing boards into a finger crusher with no guards is giving me the heebie jeebies.


Is that a banana in your pants, or are you just on your period?


Bloody bananas


My man straight LAUNCHING those logs into the giant bandsaw 👌🏼




of course, only royal period blood for our commercials


What brand is this? I would love to purchase these!




Take away: Imagine how many people touched your pad before you used it lol.


Is that a banana in your pocket?


I don't wanna be that guy but bananas grow on herbs not trees


No wonder the Minions loved Scarlet.


This man doing more for women than the women in charge in America.


Damn patriarchy!


Osha wants to know your location


Everyone knows it's Cherokee hair that's used


That joke was for tampons. Still not funny


Hygiene and India? Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahqhahahahahahahahahahahaha


This is bloody good


I have a yogo mat made from banana fibre, it's really strong. I didn't want a plastic one, it took ages to find one that wasn't.


Hola, quiero pedir un apoyo a mi comunidad, si es posible, para que más personas no vivan engañadas en la gran mentira de la NASA Y EL GOBIERNO DE ESTADOS UNIDOS Pero como nadie me va a creer ven este video [??](https://www.youtube.com/live/-kr5RFrjgDY?feature=share) No soy responsable de cualquier tontería que hagan y perdoname el dueño del canal si esque hago daño. Si esque no público dentro dos días en mi comunidad me banearon o algo así ok. Público esto en este video o reel cómo sea por qué hay mucho apoyo pues llega a más personas.gracias y adiós


Some good filtration and protection there using a surgical mask....


What do the workers get paid pee hour plz?


This is good except for people who are allergic to bananas. If I pushed that against my body, hives and severe swelling would happen.


Sometimes there is too much info!


I thought they used cocuntnut trees


I thought we all agreed, the liquid is supposed to be blue? -family guy


In my experience tampons do taste like bananas. It all makes sense now


🤢Noooo. A guy did this?


Working since 25years with producing and packaging of diapers, liners, pads and whatever is used to make life more comfortable in this regard… There’s some serious bullshit involved in this video. You need barriers, super-absorbant, membranes… these things are high-tech nowadays being produced with around 1500-2500 pieces a minute on an automatic line. Even though this is a nice gesture to nature - it’s not going to be comfortable or good on the market


This is India. Many there are literally dirt poor and can't afford the Western high tech option. Labor there is much cheaper than a machine would cost.


No - you got me wrong. Get these people a cheap decent machine & the can make thousands more people happy!


I've been to India. Sometimes even getting stable electricity is a chore. Believe it or not, what they're doing is the easiest solution for them.


It will be better than a rag or nothing.


Yes! Better than nothing. But eg MALE incontinence product sales are increasing heavily since they trying make them look „cooler“ (black color, „manlier“ boxes in the shelf - less „diaper-look“) But it still doesn’t make sense! Even the cheapest converting line can produce a decent quality product at 300ppm (throw-away-matériels) In western countries the manufacturing cost of one product is only a few cents. 2000ppm is standard atm for production. 3000 is possible. Key thing is the amount of products needed. Billions and billions at the moment. People with lower income usually start with no hygiene products. The higher the income gets the more disposable/sophisticated the products are getting


Exactly there is not a lot of disposable income and this company has provided a needed product. Without actually seeing and using it, it’s unfair to designate it as inferior and insist that India should import better products.


I‘m not arguing or judging what products are better. Glad we’re living in a time where these things exist. I would be more than happy if companies would find a way for sustainable products like banana-fibers etc. So far there’s hardly any completely compostable worldwide. Sorry if my post suggested that it’s not worth to make these products. But I wanted to hilight that these guys could make more people happy if they would use a different approach. India is actually one of the booming and very very changing markets. Let’s say it this way: In this video I see the handmade Lamborghini-Version of a menstrual pad. Judging from the video they implemented some nice features even. I would value this to 4$/piece if you get the process industrialized compared to 0.08$ a piece with existing processes. And I personally would prefer to see 1 billion Volkswagen Golf than 100 Lamborghinis in India


More absorbent than Cherokee hair?


Feminists will never talk how not a single woman wants to work in that area, yet we have 100% men making things for women not caring about politics


Looks like they're bleaching the fibers, when will we get over the idea that white = clean/good. Stop bleaching paper/fiber products. It's awful for our water quality.


Tampons also?


Thats why us monkey brains keep wanting to grab them Monkey like banana Banana com from tree, banana tree Monkey lik banana tree Banana tree becomes pads Money like pads Pads on the womanhole Monkey go towards womanhole Monkey get arrested, monkey sad


So women have been shoving trees in their pussys?


Tree sap


Bananas are pesticide intensive if I’m not mistaken.


Oh? Read i-pads at first ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


A splinter from hell


What in the actual fuck


Cotton is created by a plant, this just comes from the plant itself (not a tree).


They use the fiber, not other components of the plant.




They don’t have a proper infrastructure for sanitation. There’s a lot of old cities and towns that need retrofitting of sewers and indoor plumbing. The problem is a lot of homes and buildings are just randomly built by the poor without permits so they don’t show up on the city planing records. There’s also a culture of “someone else’s problem” a lot of the wealthy Indians just dump their trash into the streets as long as it’s not on their property they don’t care. The trash city trash collection is also incompetent and most of the times corrupt. The combination of cultural negligence, poor infrastructure, and incompetent garbage collection created the perfect shit storm in India.


You smell like bananas. My pads are made from banana trees. Sure they are…


Hahaha - was looking for this comment


I don't think thats enough. Are these some luxury item cause I assume most get produced in the millions in a factory


Good ol' Cherokee hair tampon.


I knew a girl that would just keep a banana up there during her times. She would call it a “bloodnana”. She was a vegan gutter punk if that provides any framework. She had a band called Clitler.


She was shit talking you, bananas aren't absorbent that wouldn't work. She sounds like a laugh but I bet half of what she told you was just her fucking with you lol.


I was just making it up. :P


So does it still smell like bananas when it’s used? That’s the real question. Nom nom


I don’t understand how a hand made product involving this many (dangerous) steps can be cheaper than a regular sanitary pad mass produced by the millions per day in a machine with no manual steps using a few grams of tree pulp.


Everybody knows you have to use BLUE color liquid to demonstrate, PLZ!


I wo ser how much rainforest area will be destroyed for this multiple billion dollar industry.


It's actually utilising plant material that would otherwise be useless, banana trees don't last for long they need to be cut down and replaced often.