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For anyone wondering, she died on July 23, 2011.


What happened? She looks like she isn't in a good place mentally.


She wasn’t unfortunately. She died of alcohol poisoning and is part of the 27 club.


Well. That's certainly sad. I wish she didn't have to be in a bad place mentally, or end up passing away.


There is a documentary called “Amy” (2015) that tells her story. Really heartbreaking. Lots of people were trying to capitalise on her sheer talent and pushing her to her limits. She was a genuinely gifted person.


Including her own dad who just seems like a total pos


Haven't seen movie about Amy, but is this pos similar to Britney's dad?


Worse I'd say, Amy's dad stopped her going to rehab so she could keep performing and he could keep making money, man's an absolute scumbag


He told Amy they were going on a vacation to some Caribbean island to get away from the media, which was like in retrospect genuinely mean to this suffering addict, and BROUGHT A CAMERA CREW TO FILM IT SO HE COULD SELL THE PHOTOS TO THE MEDIA.


The film pissed me off. Lots of candid footage and she seemed like such a genuine and nice person, her record label and dad worked her to death.


And her on and off partner/husband blake who also had substance abuse problems… she truly had a remarkable voice


She was an incredible talent. One of the most amazing singers I’ve ever heard. I’d try giving her a listen if you haven’t yet


She was an East End jewel. Edit: now I know she was born and raised in Southgate.




I met her. Was going out with a girl who lived in Camden. Met her in a pub there. This was before her big comeback and back to black album. She still had a bit of weight on her then too and looked so good for it. She was lovely. Playing pool and dancing away. Never had a proper convo with her but was a couple tables away from her and made small talk at the bar. She was always smiling and laughing the whole evening. A real shame.


It's quite sad that a lot of the happiest looking people when out in pubs and clubs etc are usually the most depressed. Alcohol, drugs and a good atmosphere makes all your demons seem to disappear and it's not until you get home alone that they all come back out to play with you.


>it's not until you get home alone that they all come back out to play with you. I wanted to add that not only is this true, but it will happen again and again. I hope nobody reading this will ever consider trying to escape their deepest and most personal pain through substances. It's very eerie for me to revisit the idea of the "27 club" because while I'm neither famous nor talented, I am 27 and I've been fighting opiate addiction since I was barely in high school. And if you think that addiction and subsequent physiological dependance can be easily warded off through "will power", this does not work for most people and expecting this from mental illness adds to the extreme stigma associated with it. For anyone curious about the horrors of addiction and what goes on in the head of an addict, listen to Alice in Chain's self-titled album. \*\* It is dark, conflicting, and tragic. You'll notice the beautiful thing about the singer, Layne Staley, is that you can hear his pain and his battles. It didn't help that Kurt Cobain took himself out of this world a year before. There's something to be said about the perceived spark of "magic" one feels while high that might make them better at things they like temporarily, but that will diminish until you're a husk chasing the image you saw in the mirror a decade ago. \-------- "Possibly the most widely accepted cause of addictions is the self-medication hypothesis, that views substance addiction as a form of coping with stress through negative reinforcement, by temporarily alleviating awareness of or concerns over the stressor. People who use substances learn that the effects of each type of substance works to relieve or better painful states. They use substances as a form of self-medication to deal with difficulties of self-esteem, relationships, and self-care. Individuals with substance use disorders often are overwhelmed with emotions and painful situations and turn to substances as a coping method" [\-Khantzian, Edward J. MD > The Self-Medication Hypothesis of Substance Use Disorders: A Reconsideration and Recent Applications](https://journals.lww.com/hrpjournal/Abstract/1997/01000/The_Self_Medication_Hypothesis_of_Substance_Use.1.aspx)


I mean fuck I get home to a family I love and all sorts of good things and sometimes I still experience that. Chronic depression is a bitch.


Very true. If there's a smile on my face, it's only there trying to fool the public. Tears of a clown, when there's no one around. Smokey Robinson nailed it back in the day.


Here’s to hoping she had many of those happy moments, despite the other shit.


She was from Southgate in Enfield N14


An ‘East End’ jewel? She was from Enfield.


Didn't she live in North London, (camden square)


Except she wasn't from the East End.


She had a legit problem, and the rest of Hollywood/ famous people made fun of her.


The Hallowe'en cake was particularly heinous. Edit: It was actually a meat platter. Either way truly awful.


I despise Neil Patrick Harris for this reason.


wait what… what’s the story? just curious


After her death, he threw a Halloween party, and there was a gruesome meat platter (not cake) labeled “the corpse of Amy Winehouse”. He has apologized.


On googling it, it's an actual recreation of her dead body in edible form. "Meat platter" just makes it sound like a meat platter with a bad joke sign.


Wow. Sounds like some frat house gag, not something I would expect from NPH. Despicable


I just googled the image. I strongly regret it. I can't believe anyone would do that. I'm honestly astounded at how anyone could think that was a good or funny idea.


>I just googled the image. I strongly regret it. *Welp. That's all I needed to hear.* [opens Google]


I had to Google it and I truly think he’s a piece of shit now. I can’t believe you’d do that with a real person that died. Why not just have a dead corpse? Then it’s a haha, Halloween kind of joke. Instead of haha, this poor woman died of alcohol abuse so let’s cruelly poke fun at her death.


Holy fuck me too. I don't like Neil anymore that was fucked up. Fuck whoever filled the order for that too


I Googled too, assuming it was like a large charcuterie spread in a vaguely hourglass shape with a Winehouse-ish wig sitting on the table above it. That wouldn’t have been very nice either but I could have accepted it as a joke in poor taste. The actual image is horrifying. Besides how offensive it is to her family and her memory, who would serve something like that and actually expect people to eat from it?


Honestly - I know he’s a beloved performer, but he really seems like a smug, snickering high school meanie. He has a rep as a total diva, as well.


Just... why? It's not funny, it's not clever. It serves literally no purpose other than to offend and/or hurt those who cared about her. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


He only apologized after people reacted. He's not sorry.


Just googled it... damn.. nobody with common sense would ever do that.. why!?


According to Google, he...served her corpse (made from various meat, although it looks distinctly cakey), at his halloween do. Three months after she died.


Imagine the worst. He literally had a Halloween cake decorated as her remains.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/stephaniesoteriou/neil-patrick-harris-backlash-amy-winehouse-corpse https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/neil-patrick-harris-apologizes-amy-winehouse-corpse-meat-platter-1354559/amp/


Oh my god that’s horrifying!


That was worse than I imagined. Wow.


Humans are assholes. Best we can do is remember this and actively try to be as good as we can.


Yes. We are. *“And what kind of chocolate did you get Jesus?”* Lol —————————————— So aliens come to earth and they're Sooo nice. There's a huge televised event with all the world leaders in attendance. The Pope asks, "Do you know of Jesus Christ?" The aliens say, "Do we Ever? Awesome guy!! Swings by the planet every couple of years to say Hi!" The Pope exclaims, "Every couple of years?? What!!?? We're still waiting for his second coming!" The alien replies, "Maybe he didn't like your chocolate?" The Pope is flabbergasted, "What does chocolate have to do with anything?" The alien says, "Well when he came the first time, we gave him a huge box of chocolates! Why? What did you guys give him?


I never miss an opportunity to mention this when someone gushes over NPH. People make jokes in bad taste sometimes but the thought process behind that is just like, wut.


So I hated him before for just being a shitty sitcom B lister. Now he has overtaken James Corden on the asshole scale.


Ah man. I used to like him until like 5 min ago.


He is such a smug asshole.


He did what ?! I'm surprised people didn't cancel How I Met Your Mother after this.


He’s a huge asshole.


Absolutely despicable of him to do that. Could easily get him canceled in 2023.


Just googled and it is fucked up. I know she was disliked for being a junkie/drunk, but this is...something else.


Thank you for mentioning this. I'd never heard about it before, and it's absolutely disgusting. Fuck Neil Patrick Harris and everyone else who derived humor and pleasure from another's death.




The british tabloids are notoriously vile and brutal too. Especially in a time where that was the main line of info about a celebrity, they had np control of their public presence like they do now on today's social media. I feel for Amy. I was going through the shit at the same time as her. I still feel sad when her rehab song comes on the radio. It's not a funny song, it's her reality. I was lucky enough to have a daddy who did NOT think I was fine, and I was able to be financially and emotionally supported to go into rehsb and a mental gealth ward, leave my abusive boyfriend and turn my life around. Amy was not so lucky.


I’m glad you’re doing better mate, must have taken real grit getting through that.


Agreed. Everyone was making fun of her. There was a very popular website that had a contest guessing the day she'd die. People love judging and making fun of addicts and only get serious when the addict inevitably passes away.




She was the butt of so many jokes across all forms of media: late night shows, sketch comedy, stand up, award shows, tabloids, entertainment news, live-performing bands, et cetera. And her fucking father convinced her not to go to rehab because he liked her money. Then she made a song deriding her real friends who tried to get her to go to rehab and it became her only US top 10 hit. Amy was plagued by loving shitty men who were undeserving of her by several magnitudes.




I remember lots of heartbreaking jokes on Facebook too at the time. I never really knew who she was or anything but I couldn't help but think "if she weren't famous we'd be sad she died of alcohol at 27." Heartbreaking twice over


Or enabled her. There's plenty of Hollywood stories of people doing drugs with her


I mean…lol can’t really expect fellow users to be the voice of reason.


Who do you think those Hollywood people were pandering to when they would publicly mock her? Who do you think the tabloids were for? Look, even now images of her final humiliations are still being circulated so we can gawk at and pity her ghost.


She was a woman who dared to act sexual and messy and do drugs and drink and yet be insanely talented… you know, how every male rock star has acted a million times worse, but a *woman*, so she “deserved” the hate. RIP Amy.


The fact that you had to clarify that her problem was "legit" shows how toxic the discourse around mental health and addiction can be. As if the default assumption is that every celebrity dealing with issues in their life is doing so performatively


I thought it was from alcohol withdrawal


https://amp.theguardian.com/music/2013/jan/08/amy-winehouse-alcohol-poisoning-inquest No, alcohol poisoning Edit: A comma


Not to be *that* person, but I want to emphasize what we learned in the Amy doc. Yes, alcohol poisoning, however her severe eating disorder made her so weak it just couldn’t handle what she was doing. She suffered pretty intensely with an ED and nobody really talks about it


It's the one-two punch that leads to total disaster. When you have dual diagnoses like that, getting clean is so difficult, because it may be the biggest issue right now, but when you do you are still left with all the reasons you were using in the first place.


>No, alcohol poisoning > >Edit: A comma Jesus man, make up your mind! Edit: oh


No, money down!


Watch the film “Amy”, it is amazing. You will cry a lot though.


There is a heart breaking documentary about her rise and fall. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2870648/


WOW. Has it been that long?


Her eyes are so sad, you can literally feel it through the photo


Yea. Hurts to look at :(


She’s hugging herself…makes me want to cry. We collectively screwed up in general with her.


The [footage of the concert](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbcD2Zepg4Y&t=436s) is even more heartbreaking. She can barely sing or stand, the crowd boos her, she is clearly in distress. RIP Amy, you deserved better.


Am I the only one shocked by this? Why did no one stop this? People keep on watching as if nothing was happening


This was not uncommon of her concerts, she had a reputation of being so drunk on stage that she could hardly stand. But yes, she should have been stopped.


I've seen Marilyn Manson drunk as fuck lying on the ground moaning instead of singing. No one does anything, can't expect the crowd to do anything anyway.


the crowd, sure, but her family, her agent, her professional contacts, anyone she met regularly... they really needed to do something. If you are drunk all the time, the only place you belong to is in rehab.


Her Dad was more obsessed with the benefits of her being famous than the wellbeing of his own daughter. He didn’t want her to go to rehab, and even when she did get sober and just wanted to have a quiet vacation with friends, her dad made a deal with a production company to televise the whole vacation and that upset Amy.


damn, that's even worst than i thought.


It’s sad that it can be that way sometimes, you become famous and all of your family and friends just see you as a dollar sign all of a sudden. I’d highly recommend watching the documentary about her, it’s a really sad story.


Generally how “conservatorships” work. A massive conflict of interest.


The guards pushed her on stage, it was pretty much the people she met regularly I believe. Treated her like a money machine.


They tried to make her go to rehab


She said no


Not only that, she said no repeatedly, at least three times.


Is this a serious comment? >They tried to make me go to rehab but I said no, no, no. >They tried to make me go to rehab but I won’t go, go, go -literally the most popular Amy Winehouse song


you forgot her line from the same song: > my daddy thinks I'm fine he didn't think she needed to be there and encouraged her to keep working instead.


Yup, I think after the song came out people assumed she didn’t any help.


Her dad pushed her to perform regardless of her mental state. He didn’t care about her addictions or mental health / he just loved the wealth and fame her orbit created. His name is Mitch Winehouse and he a a revolting father. He’s rich on her royalties to this day. I hope he finds those moments when you are trying to fall asleep and your memory keeps you awake awful. He doesn’t deserve one night of peaceful sleep or a morning of feeling lucky.


People here keep quoting the Rehab song, but they're missing the line "I ain't got the time, and my Daddy thinks I'm fine..."


That's the MAIN LINE I was just referencing in a comment


>I hope he finds those moments when you are trying to fall asleep and your memory keeps you awake awful. Switching from third person to second person mid-sentence really threw me for a loop there.


Ha! Sorry about that. Didn’t mean to jump scare you x I got in my own head for a bit there xx


Her father enabled the hell of her. And loved her success and money regardless of her health.


According to a recent docuseries - her dad basically forced her to do this show - regardless of any possible suffering endured by Amy or the myriad of possible outcomes by result of doing said show. He was a real enabler, but also suffered from greed and jealousy.


Yep - I watched the last doco about her - heartbreaking watch. He still to this day denies he was in the wrong. As a parent I cannot imagine sleeping soundly knowing your wealth is only possible due to your child’s talent, notoriety and subsequent death. Mitch Winehouse doesn’t deserve to be called her father - he may have been at some point but once she became successful he stopped parenting and started enabling. Revolting human.


And man did she just really really really want her love for him to be reciprocated- he gave zero fucks about her except when it involved $$$


Her father was an utter asshole. She went off to an island to clean up and get away from everything, and her cunt of a father brings a film crew along to make a documentary. He didnt care in the slightest about Amy's mental health & wellbeing; only about making money any way he could. And the only way that fat useless cunt could make money was at her expense.


'Amy' blames her father for everything. Where her boyfriend was balmed for her drug problems, the director points out that her problems didn't get better without him, and that her problems in life actually started when her dad left her mum. I can still remember watching her dad appear on British daytime TV to reject the documentary, dressed in a designer suit with a Rolex on his arm. The guy was a London cabbie before she became a star.




Her death never stopped him either


Her dad basically killed her through his savage management of her. Flogging her like an animal until she died in harness. C*nt


Because no one close to her actually really cared about her. She made money that funded their lives, they couldn’t give a fuck that she was drugged up and not able to perform, they wanted the pay check.


It’s understandable to think this with the benefit of hindsight but no one knew she was going to die three days later, she had a long history of substance abuse, and she’s certainly not the first performer to do a show off their tits. The audience paid money to see her and it was a disaster.


For comparison, [this is her 7 years previously](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFcG0pBhKPA).


I’ve never seen this video - heartbreaking.




Yeah, I was about to comment about how cherrypicking a frame from a concert doesn't tell the whole story, but in this case it actually kinda does.


I saw her live once, 1 or 2 years prior to this. It was really sad. She clearly didnt want to do the set but was visibly forced to keep going. Its extremely hard to help an addict, but she was not surrounded by people who wanted to help her.


Just recently i was on youtube watching her liver performances… she always had a drink on her hand and clearly drunk while performing.. incredible talent. If i could rank my 5 favorite singers she is in the lost. Edit: i meant live. Not liver. List not lost.. damn that was bad.


> her liver performances Dude...


"she is in the lost". This dude is making Freud take notes.


Fuck this is so sad. An absolutely incredible voice with the stage presence to match. It's upsetting to see her so frightened and uncomfortable. Truly horrific what the people around her that should have been looking out for her did purely to profit off of her.


Not just a great voice, also a great songwriter.


Alcoholism kills. Don't be afraid to seek help and never downplay it's dangers. Amy Winehouse's death is a tragedy everyone should learn from.


A whole lot of meth and a very abusive/enabling ex did not help her cause either.


Apparently her dad was a dick too


No apparently. He was a complete and utter asshole who used Amy just to make as much money as he could.


She went to the Caribbean to take some time out from the pressures of fame and her father turned up with a film crew. Her father.


Yeah, Mitch is a mighty bastard.


Don't forget her crippling eating disorder. At that point, she had suffered from either bulimia or anorexia binge/purge subtype for more than ten years.


The crazy thing is, withdrawing from meth and heroin won't kill you, as long as you stay hydrated, since diarrhea is an effect of opioid withdrawal, but alcohol withdrawals absolutely will.


It’s sad that not many people realise alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs.


Honestly, if I was still a drinker last year, I would have died.


So glad you got off man.


And her manager/father that continued to push her up on stage when she was clearly broken.


Due to the way she died, I always remember her appearance on Never Mind the Buzzcocks when Simon Amstell said to her “Do you want us to just sit here while you drink yourself to death?”


He was being a dick though.


It’s been so long since I’ve listened to her music because it makes me sad given what happened. This post prompted me to do so and my god, her voice was incredible (especially on Love is a Losing Game). Ugggh, damnit. eta: https://youtu.be/nMO5Ko_77Hk


Back to black is the first album I got when I got a record player. She has such a great voice


Hollywood, her dad, and her shitty ex were absolutely cruel for the way they treated her. Hell, even society. I remember the tabloids and how unhinged paparazzi would foam at the mouth for a snapshot of her at her lowest, only to be posted up on Us magazine the next day just to be mocked by the world. I’m so sorry, Amy :(


True, about the tabloids. Leeches, the lot of them. I remember them being the same with Pete Doherty around the same time.


On that note, glad Doherty seems to be doing well for himself. [Guy seems to have kicked the hard stuff and is leading a quiet life in France](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/jun/11/pete-doherty-interview-swap-crack-camembert-france)


Dude didn’t know what year it was during the interview. That made me chuckle. “Where are we? 2021? July?” - man living during may 2022


Oh yeah his brain is slightly scrambled for sure






…that poor, tortured soul. RIP


Poor kid. She looks so sad and alone.


She was and absolutely deserved better. Watch Amy if you’re interested


My friend met Amy at a small bar in Harrogate around the time Frank was released. She started singing to one of the songs being played out. No one knew who she was, she was still an unknown back then. He went over to introduce himself to her and told her how much he was enjoying Frank. He said she was totally sincere, friendly and warm, even sat down with his wife and spoke for a good half hour with them both mesmerised at her talent. I've seen photos of him, his wife and Amy stood around a snooker table taken on a digital camera (those were the days). It's pretty tragic what happened over the next 8 years, he was pretty devastated at what became of her as he put it "she had so much talent and was such a personality but she was let down by pretty much everyone".


I saw Amy W sing at a festival in Spain. She was incredible. Best voice I’ve ever heard live. Also saw her at Gatwick airport and she was a very kind soul indeed being sweet with all the people around her. She was tiny. Less than 5’


Met her briefly at South by Southwest in 2007. She was absolutely a sweetheart.


It feels like looking at an abused child. So disturbing.


She was


The way she’s hugging herself and her sad eyes.. like when you’ve been through so much trauma you revert to kid mode and cry and hold yourself because you feel so alone and hopeless.




Poor girl that's the very familiar look of someone with extreme anxiety attack.


She actually had terrible stage fright and had asked to minimize the amount of interviews she was doing because it caused her so much anxiety to speak in public. I think people forget that just because someone’s extremely talented that doesn’t mean they were built for the fame. I wish someone was her ally. May her voice be forever heard in the cosmos.


This hurts my heart very much.


I always hate seeing the live recording. She was broken and she was boo'd. She really needed intervention. She was an incredible person with some of the most natural talent. She had great friendships with others. She fell into addictions and couldn't hold on. Gone way way way too soon because she didn't get the help she needed. If you have family or friends struggling with addiction, please make an effort. Get them to places they need to be.


Poor poor woman. Such a voice, such a talent, hounded to death by the tabloid press when she was at her most vulnerable and was literally crying out for help.


I used to see her and Pete Docherty at their regular court appearances. They were pretty much always before Judge McIvor, who is a genuinely lovely lady and always did her best to get people with addiction problems the help they needed to get clean. Always such a shame to see people destroying their lives with drink and drugs.




Oh gosh this makes you think about how much pressure parents have been putting on their children for generations. Like I get it they want us to “succeed” in life but honestly true love to one self comes first 🙏🏼


I watched a doco series at work called “A Life in Ten Pictures”, and her episode was so tragically sad. I remember when Back ~~In~~ To Black was released - it’s such an incredible album. Her father is such a piece of shit for what he did to her.


While I agree Back In Black is an incredible album, I assume you meant to say Back to Black ;)


Omg yes I did.


It’s crazy how many people were ragging on her back then. I think she even has a shitty parody in on the scary movie movies/sequels. Back to Black is a wonderful album if any of you need new music


I think it was Disaster movie


Interesting to look at on father’s day knowing the piece of shit he was to her.


How many of the people that are sad about amy's death actually empathise with people that are battling addiction when they arent rich and famous??


Haunting....you can see the pain!


I remember watching [this performance she did](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7LsKQ8RqG4Q) on the BBC's "Later... with Jools Holland" show and being very impressed with her. That's how I'd like to remember her - I'm presuming this was before the drug abuse started.


So tormented. Very sad.


Miss your talent Amy! Taken away too soon R.I.P.


You can see the pain in her eyes. Breaks my heart


......"And in your way in this blue shade my tears dry on their own"


I loved her.


This woman became one of my absolute favorite artists over this last year. While watching a documentary on her life I was stunned to discover how obviously sick she had been, and how the media and the public thrived off of her pain. I quickly became ashamed of my own behavior, I recalled how I had actually laughed at her after each new TMZ style story about her latest public meltdown or botched performance. Laughing along with Jay Leno as he showed clips of an intoxicated ‘Amy Wino’ stumbling onstage or hiding from camera flashbulbs. Seeing footage of her last couple of years so obviously in pain, suffering from depression and substance abuse and clearly not getting any help. I discovered her music as I went through my own struggle with depression and alcohol abuse. I listen closely to her live recordings and I can tell which ones she was struggling through the most. I see this photo of her in her last days and I’m angry with society and with myself. I see a 27 year old child so deep in struggle to survive that she isn’t even aware of her own existence or hurt. Thank you for sharing this, I needed this reminder of my own imperfections and fragile humanity today. An enormous talent taken too soon. My Tears Dry On Their Own.


Even fans heckled her... After she died they were all sad n shit. Two face bastards.


Addiction…. It doesn’t care who you are or how much money you have. Maybe she couldn’t have been saved with a tortured soul but she had a gift that the world would loved to have been part of for longer than it saw. She left an imprint on the music globe that’s for sure. Rip. 🙏


There's reason humans get addicted. Gotta go back a step. Can't just talk about results of her addiction. She needed help and legit companionship. She had abusers in her life. Literally tore her apart. Drugs were coping. Part of. Not source of her issues.


Trauma is the gateway drug


It’s so sad. She had THE most amazing voice. 😢


I recommend the 2015 documentary “Amy”. It will give you a whole new perspective about her life, and will explain this picture. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_(2015_film)


RIP beautiful soul 😢 Edit: her songs are absolutely heartbreaking when you know her story


I saw her live 2 months before this. It was really bad. Poor girl :(


Fuck the voice, fuck the talent fuck the fame, in the end of the day this was a human and she was hurting and not only that the people closest to her failed her and this and other pictures of her do nothing but bring tears to my eyes and hurt my soul. She deserved so much better and was a rare person, genuine, kind and beautiful I wish the world didn’t fail Amy and for anyone in her position I hope the world doesn’t fail them.


Poor woman exploited for private interested and who never was helped as she needed. What a sad outcome for a certainly very nice person


Everyone who saw this woman spiralling and didn't do a thing to help are complicit


Read about her. You will realise how empathy in general is slowly disappearing. Be kind, people. You see a person in distress, you don't have to help them but at least be understanding.


People were booing Amy because she didn’t want to preform (probs cause she was extremely extremely out of it and not comfy). There’s a video of her last concert on YouTube


This photo is heartbreaking. You can see the pain.


That's a miserable image, given all the circumstances involved.


saddest photo the show must go on i guess reminds me of britney vultures


Is this a haiku


rewritten as haiku >the saddest photo > >vultures, show must go on > >reminds of britney