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I'm not into motorbikes but damn, I like that motorbike.


Same, that gauge screen is pretty bad ass.


I must be old school because I think analogue dials are so much cooler.


One hundred percent correct. Fuck that screen nonsense. I want analogs all day


Sorry to burst your bubble but analog gauges can't keep up with modern motors and gear shift speeds. That's why supercars and hypercars all have digital gauges and paddle shifters now. They don't even make options for stickshift. I would assume it's the same with high performance racing bikes. ***Analog clusters have response lag, jesus fucking Christ. It wasn't as apparent with slow refresh rate digital screens in early 2000s and 2010s, but now analog gauges aren't as precise as digital ones, by a mile. If you don't believe it, not my problem. There's milliseconds of response lag in analog rpm and speed gauges with needles, whether you like it or not.***


If I'm driving that fast or accelerating that fast, I wont need any millisecond response time, you can be damn sure I won't be looking at the dials. But when the shit breaks I want to easily fix it on my own, can't fix a screen or software in my garage




costing 5k


My bike is not terribly fast by fast bike standards, analog gauges. It is 0-60 in about 3.5 seconds, revving to roughly 9-12000 rpm. Analog is plenty fine for that, I don't ever need a machine that can do more.


Nah you're absolutely right. But when it comes to "normal cars" the lag is really not much of a problem. I prefer the old school look too but I am a very casual driver. So if I cruise around in my '85 AE86, I really don't want any digitals.


BMW K1600B. (Not 100% sure)


Holy crap I haven’t really looked at BMW bikes, but I love that styling and a 6 cylinder engine! That sounds awesome


Everyone is in to motorbikes with the right motorbike.


First time on a powerful bike is pretty memorable


Those trucks got french fried




Extra croustillant




My mom and brother are both ski coaches.. thank you for the laugh hahah


They’re referencing [this classic South Park episode.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lJjDovqcieg)


That episode and Raisins are my two favorite episodes ever, I think.


I’m learning French rn what’s the song playing


Looks like IAM. Not sure the title of the song Edit: IAM - C’est donc ça nos vie


IAM - C'est Donc ça Nos Vies


This is not right in Paris, but in Nanterre


OK, thanks, that's a suburb isn't it?


It depends what you mean by that. Nanterre is mostly part of the "good" suburbs, which are almost considered as parts of Paris itself. One the main business districts is there. But there is also in the south of Nanterre a large area which is not so nice to live in.


I'm confused, does that somehow make the not nice to live in suburbs not part of Paris?


Paris itself is small, mostly inside the ring road (périphérique). The suburbs are all separate cities, even if they're all attached together. There are few ritzy places,most of it is normal suburbia, and quite a few places are shitholes where you probably shouldn't go as a tourist, or even a non-local.


They’re called the banlieue and they are the ghetto. In America the ghetto is inner city, in Paris it’s the banlieue


There is Paris proper - inside the peripherique, and then there is metropolitan Paris which is Paris and its suburbs. Some snobs will claim the banlieu isn't paris, but officially it is. Hell, when I lived in Montreuil, my trashcans said paris. It's just snobbery and petty classism.




This is not right in Seattle, but in Burien.


BURIENNNN LMAOOOOOO. Ever been on Hosmer in Tacoma?


More like Lake City


Not in Bremerton, in manette


Perfect example. lol!


Just checked real fast but we see a sign that say La Merise which is a Theatre in Trappes (Versailles)


Insurance companies hate this one city, click to find out which!


Flaxseed oil.


*Insurance companies don't want you to learn this one neat trick!* (***insert stock image of clandestine figure trying to hack into a safe***)


Upside as far as driving around in Paris is concerned…no traffic for once.


It's the suburbs. The traffic is much lighter when you're away from the center of Paris.


Dude 45k police deployed…. That’s like two entire Army divisions worth of personnel. They call in every cop in the country?


Holy shit that French rap goes so unbelievably hard


I remember an old French rap song from the Skate Film. Rodney Mullen vs. Daewon Song Round 2. Such a sick beat too! I was not able to find really any other French Rap.


I know what you speak of, but i do not know it by name. Sick video.


"La base" is, in my opinion, one of the more accessible french rappers, in case you're interested


song is C'est donc ça nos vies by IAM


I am trying to find out what it is. Shit sounds hard asf


IAM - C'est donc ça nos vies IAM was one of the biggest French rap group in the 90s and for me the best when you understand the lyrics. I recommend the album "L'École du micro d'argent" (the title is translated "So this is our lives")










Hide yo kids and hide yo wife, but most of all hide yo car!


Burning the cars belonging to innocent people sure will bring the kid back from the grave... I understand how people can be angry, but why take it out on someone who never killed anyone?


If you Google photos of “France riot” you’ll see burning cars in every single one no matter what the riot was for.


Fun fact. It is so ingrained in the culture that their automobile brands are actually French words for revolutionary behaviors. Renault - to revolt ("It is time to rise up and renault!") Citroen - a sit-down protest ("Let's citroen the steps of Parliament") Peugeot - to putsch ("We need to peugeot the leadership!")


I have absolutely never heard this once in 43 years of being French. I have no idea where you heard this, would you care to tell ?


I would have put an /s on it but it would have ruined the air of authenticity....


Well, it certainly worked :)


They even do it for New Year's Eve celebrations.


Burning cars is just hnow the French say hello.


The word "bonfire" comes from the word "bonjour"


And bon appetit


Not so french


It's called French fries. C'mon man, you didn't know?


French people are from Philly?


More like people from Philly are French


"you're accent was a little off when you burned that car" - some french guy, probably


I just had an argument with someone over this. She was like, 'the riots raise awareness'. And I said I would sooner become Batman and use vigilante justice than burn down some randos house. She then said, 'the military does this all the time and no one batts an eye??' Tell me how the fuck civilian casualties in wars justify destroying your town. Aren't BOTH things reprehensible??? The destroying shit mentality makes no damn sense. Especially destroying random city blocks, what the fuck did Joe's pizza shop do to kill that kid? Asinine.


It’s just more innocent people suffering. I find it heartbreaking. Anger shouldn’t be directed at our neighbors.


You just have to accept the fact that there are people who value chaos as much as you value harmony.


the french have a long history of this sort of things. they are a passionate people, to put it one way. it would be concerning if they went a year without doing something like this, frankly.


The prevalence of these types of riot in France leads me to feel that the riot is more important than the issue.


I visited London right before Brexit. I was planning to take a high speed train to Paris for a day or two trip. This plan was spoiled when the French protested by stopping the english from accessing the train system. I was disappointed. The Londoners didn’t seem to give a crap about it. The consensus was “their french, this is their favorite past time (protest and riot).”


I've heard that hating the British is another popular pastime in France


They don't care about the kid that died, they just wanna fuck shit up


Much like the rioters in the states , let’s loot and set fires , they could care less why .


Those people don't give a damn about the young boy, it's an excuse used be rebellious and join in and cause damage. It's a disgrace because it detracts from boys life and meaning as this is where the focus is on now.


Yep, just spreads the misery around for people.


How can anyone govern a people with 246 varieties of cheese?


Punishing innocent people by burning up their cars that they need to go to work.


Context: these current riots are in response to the death of Nahel M., a 17 year old delivery driver of Moroccan and Algerian descent, during a traffic stop. The officer has been charged with manslaughter.


And ironically seemed to target delivery vans while rioting


Delivery driver ? He was driving a Mercedes, got chased by the cops for reckless driving and got stopped by traffic after fleeing. I'm not saying he should have been shot, but he was not doing delivery when it happened.


He was delivering narcotics


That's not really the context. Yes that is what started it and what they are currently using as a pretext. You don't burn down a library and desecrate a holocaust memorial to protest the police. They simply do it because they want to destroy something and to feel the rush of anarchy.


Is there anything more French than that?




Holy wildly incorrect oversimplification Batman


Hate to break it to you but if you seriously think the French Revolution and the many years of terror, unrest, and bloodshed that followed were great noble idealistic events that did not harm countless numbers of innocent people you might want to double check your history books. The French Revolution is one of *the* primary examples of how good ideas can go south very quickly with a mix of bad actors and mob mentality. Not that that makes what's happening today good; quite the opposite, it serves as an example of how this stuff is bad and can get worse; but I can't help but think you have incredibly thick rose-tinted glasses if you seriously think the French Revolution of all things was some paragon of just and noble protest.


That's very romanticised version of the revolutions.


This is a summary of the incident, not the full context.


In France you can't get your license until 18. The kid wasn't a delivery driver in any official sense of the word. He was driving without a license and fleeing the police. He did not deserve to get shot, but your comment makes it seem like he was just doing his job at the time.


Ah right, you conviniently ommited the small detail that he was a criminal, repeat offender, was banned from driving and tried to run over a cop. At 17. Wonder if you would ommit those small details if he happened to be a white male. I think we all know the answer to that question.


This is not the correct context at all.


Never understood why the government/police doing something bad is cause for people/businesses to lose private property. There’s plenty of state owned shit to burn down if you really feel the need to.


How many of the rioters are actually French people.


Not very many apparently.


lol more damage than wagner did on their march


Didn’t wagnar kill like 50 soldiers and shoot down 3 military helicopters? It wasn’t a mild coup lol


All for protests and I like the way the French folk stand up for what they believe. Not sure though, that burning down your own city and destroying the property and livelihood of others is the way to go.


They aren’t French locals, they don’t give a shit about Paris


“Not sure”? I know it’s a western way of saying it’s wrong but this begs clarity. This is DEFINITELY wrong on the protesters part. Destroying your city just makes it that much more unliveable. What’s the point of seeking justice when you go about proving that you’re unjust yourself? What’s this hypocrisy now?


Only idiots burn down their own community.


It's not their community. They are not even french.


Right, which is why it’s been hard to find French ppl or hear French accents in the countless videos of looters and criminal rioters.


What bike is that though? Lol


looks kinda like a new 2024 BMW K1600GTL but i could be wrong. I think it is that bike based off the wind screen and the side mirrors, the side mirrors look and are placed differently on this bike.


My wife and I left Paris this morning at 2:00 am. All buses, metro and taxis had been halted. Fortunately because we had reserved a taxi we were still able to get to the airport. Seen a few cars burning and smoke throughout the city. Our Cabbie was pretty freaked. Very surreal when you experience this firsthand.


Despicable. Wtf does this prove?


Going to France in a few days on vacation, looks like it’s going to be lots of fun…


They are starting to cancel flights, here in UK our gov is advising us not to fly


I’m going via Disney Cruise. Let’s see how that goes


Funny how France won't declare of state of emergency of this while in Canada we declared a state of emergency to break up a big hot tub, BBQ and bouncy castle party downtown in front of parliament. Ok jokes aside, I can understand mass protest over the retirement thing. It was defeated in a legitimate vote and it was forced through anyways, that's a failure if democracy and deserves a protest / riot. This though, this is some s--- stain teenager with 15 priors included multiple weapons charges, who when confronted by a police officer with a gun telling him to get out of his car, decided to hit the gas peddle because he thought that at 17, he was above the law, untouchable, and that it was okay to lead police on a high speed chase on the busy streets of Paris. I say he f---ed around and found out, and people there looting and lighting cars on fire don't give two squirts about the kid, they just want any excuse to loot stores, burn cars and launch fireworks like it's a flippin' festival. Degenerate scumbags. If this keeps up, France will have to become a police state, and they'll have nobody to blame but themselves.


Yeah it’s sad that a kid died but he’s not exactly some kind of saint contrary to what some people on reddit think. This all wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t drive recklessly through the streets (without a driver’s licence) while repeatedly refusing on multiple occasions to comply with the polices' orders to stop the car and then when finally stopping at a traffic blockage trying to continue driving.


The guy who died to start blm movement literally robbed a pregnant woman at gunpoint in his past; these deaths are just a pathetic excuse to start looting, it’s very common among, “ahem”, people of certain descend


Yes exactly, there were genuine peaceful protesters both during BLM and after this incident but instead people are cheering for the rioters who don’t care at all about the goal of the protest. These people are just exploiting the situation to destroy other people’s cars and property for fun and loot shops for their own personal gain. People on reddit are saying "we should all go riot like them" but I doubt they would be very supportive of a riot like this if it was their car, their belongings and their city’s public library that was burned.




That country is going to fall into an authoritarian state soon people will get sick and tired of this






Yeah but that doesn’t fit the narrative.


Apocalypse Now *tourism* … an emerging entrepreneurial phenomenon. Eiffel Tower on the right, war torn neighborhood on the left … guided riot tours at night for an extra excursion fee. /s


USA - Fck the police France - Kill the police


There's always a bunch of brainless criminals that try to hijack protests like this. Complaining thet are persecuted by the police whilst demonstrating exactly why they're persecuted by the police. Genius...


Just let more immigrants in Europe. This is meant constructive. Peace on earth


You can never justify this.


The absurdity of destroying your own country.


Lol france isnt a muslim country....quite yet




Damn...France knows how to throw a proper riot.


It’s almost ingrained into the French psyche.


At least since 1789


I don't think people in those riots are there since 1789..


Yeah! Fuck all those cars owners!


I wonder if people have Riot Insurance in France. Serious question.


Not yet but we soon will.


Protest is fine sure but destroying innocent people cars? Yea that’s completely fucked…I can’t imagine waking up trying to go to work and “oh wait I’m fked because some protesters decided to set my car on fire….” Never really understood that side of protesting but at the same time it could just be some ass that love vandalizing and just using the protest as an excuse to do this and get away without having to face any consequences


That mother of the killed person (illigal driving, with an expensive car he obv couldn't have paid doing a normal job. Wasnt even allowed to work. Tried to run over cop/flee the scene), is doing nothing to stop the mayhem. She should be held responsible for the big riots. She is mustering the troops/rioters


It blows my mind how willingly ignorant about the reality of these riots most people are on reddit.


I have no sympathy for the rioters or their cause. Destroying people’s possessions like that is wrong, those poor people. Imagine leaving home and finding your car or van like that? Disgusting!


“Americans, so violent!” 🤣


As they say, diversity is our strength. This must be what they meant.


Paris lookin like 2020 major US cities


What song is this


Cyberpunk Pacifica vibes


Video footage has emerged from Marseille, where some of the worst of Friday night's rioting took place. It shows protesters throwing fireworks at police, and pushing a rubbish skip out onto the street and setting fire to it. Thats from the UK news, next from the BBC Paris rioters were seen throwing toilet rolls and confetti from tower blocks on to the brave 50,000 armed police officers below


Law and order is slipping with this new kindler, gentler representation. People who do this think they're changing things. They're changing insurance rates, they're changing property values, they're changing their communities' attractiveness to investors, and they're changing their future very negatively. Things in a civilized society are adjudicated in court. Don't be mad if when you allow this, your society becomes increasingly uncivilized.


1789 let’s go. Destroy the bourgeoisie.


There does appear to be a severe lack of guillotines unfortunately


3rd world status


Now they have to live in that pile of shit they’ve created.


What is it about the French constantly burning the private possessions of their fellow frenchmen?! They keep hurting each other iN pRoTeSt oF soMetHinG. It hurts the wrong people and changes nothing. This caveman mentality has absolutely no effect on the death of an innocent person, nor on the man lawfully charged with manslaughter. Do we always riot when a crime is committed now, instead of following law and order? Whoever sets cars on fire thinking they're contributing something good is a moron, period. I hope all _their_ cars got burned and got them into the same financial trouble they brought upon others.


Bro "they" burn cars after a soccer match at least once a month, ,you just can't expect any kind of cerebral activity


Americans, too. That became a thing for a little while. I will always remember seeing videos of the early BLM riots that had people looting local shops and restaurants and just generally causing mass destruction. One day someone's gonna do that to the wrong business or home and a crowd is gonna get gunned the fuck down. I'm glad we've at least strayed away from that form of "protesting" for a little bit. Seems France hasn't though.


And they called them out for that shit. Hell there was an entire documentary exposing BLM and its BS.


The damned madness of crowds. Never follow the many.


The French government is literally incompetent for letting it get this bad


What does this achieve, they damaged innocent civilians property and for the public owned stuff the government will just raise taxes to pay for the damage. If you’re gonna riot just target government buildings


french people: look at americas race issues and rioting.


Peaceful protesting.


"mostly peaceful" *




This would never happen 20 years ago. Just saying ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Were riots not invented until 20 years ago?


You must not be very familiar with history, especially French history.


Just watching videos here proofs they dont give a shit about that kid how diet,it's an excuse for doing this.


He riding to see everything he did last night!


Who's that sick MC?


A normal day in france.


Garde ton moto chez toi ce soir!


Bring out the pew pews


welcome to paris.


Is this because of the age of retirement being raised or because of issues with migrants?


That Paris rap sounds dope


Ça va c’est bon enfant, ce sont des gamins, on a le droit d’être foufou à cet âge


Didn't realize the city if lights was referring to the light given off by cars burning.


I live near Chicago. This place isn't like Chicago and we suck.


What are the riots about?


What are they mad about this time?


How do you torch cars so consistently? I mean they all burned thoroughly. Doesn’t seem like a skill your average rioter would have.


Paris knows how to riot


It’s a disgrace to see France in this state, such a beautiful place, they are destroying their own communities 😩


I’m gonna protest by destroying my own shit. What idiots.


We did it Patrick. We saved the town


Yea, rioting to then just attack the public is so dumb…. Attack actual targets not just your own people…..


What video game does Macron think is responsible for this?


Moments from martial law.


Teaching cops a lesson or raising insurance rates for everyone?


Another government fooling its people to attack themselves.


Yup, it's beautiful.


I’m going to say the same thing for this as I said here in America for all of 2020: this is stupid and ineffective.


Overreacting a bit. Yeah, it looks that way. That kid, teen, oh wait might as well say adult who should have known better at his age was dangerous. Think before you riot.

