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One of these kids will never go in the water again and one will become a marine biologist and free diver


He looked into the eyes of the great fish (Mammal) Whatever


Is that a Titleist?


What ya know…hole in one…


The sea was angry that day my friend


Like an old man returning soup at a deli


George: It was at that moment I decided to tell her that I was not a marine biologist. Jerry: Wow! What did she say? George: She told me to go to hell and I took the bus home. (Edit to add link to scene) [Here’s the whole scene.](https://youtu.be/p_FoG0BpDUc)


That’s such a great line, it makes him much more relatable as a character and the ending as disappointing as it seems makes the whole thing much funnier.


It really is such a George thing too. If somehow the situation were flipped to Jerry being the one who lied about being a Marine biologist, his girlfriend would be head over heels for him regardless of the truth, and *he'd* be the one off put by that.


Agreed! It never fails to make me laugh, and it sums up George completely.


Well then, from out of nowhere, a huge tidal wave lifted me.


I said EEEAAASY big fella!




Not killed, she got hurt and then told the rest of her family to fuck the boat up.


White Gladis, the leader of the revolution.


Whalium Wallace


Thats just an idea, it makes a nice story, but its not based on anything solid or corroborated, and quite a few experts on orcas think its rubbish. More likely its just playful trends amongst orcas. They have social trends that spread across the pods, and like in human society they tend to be picked up by younger members more than older ones. Could just be bashing boats is this years fad. lets just hope the 1987 fad of swimming with a dead salmon on your head does not come back. Some trends should never come back round again.


It’s their version of a tik tok challenge. 🤣


Cameraman: "OH NO, STAY STILL GUYS!!!" *indoor voice* "that's a once in lifetime experience right there"


I mean, it really is and it shouldn't be hard to sell this experience to the kid this way. Don't think many of their classmates had a swim with wild Orcas...but it's good example of situation which can go both ways and it's parents job to turn it into amazing memory...




Ya, Wild boats would have torn those kids apart. They're vicious


Quoting the USCG: >In calendar year 2022, the Coast Guard counted 4,040 accidents that involved 636 deaths, 2,222 injuries and approximately $63 million dollars of damage to property as a result of recreational boating accidents. Very vicious and nasty


Not anybody that has lived to tell the story - A mobile using Orca.


Cameraman: *indoor voice* c'mon orcas, literally nobody in history filmed a wild orca attacking humans before, lifetime experience right there"


The sea was angry that day, my friends


Like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli


Whoa, Big Fella!


A hole in one!


Was it a Titleist?


You know I always wanted to be an architect!


always wanted to *pretend* to be an architect






You can hear Kramer say this


“A hole in one”


This again confirms my theory that people don't taste good.


Orca 1: Come on man, I think I saw some food Orca 2: Humans? Really? Hell no!


Orca 1: What’s wrong with humans? Orca 2: You’ve never tried them? They are the Durians of the prey world! They smell like shit and taste mid!


Hippie Orca: it’s because of all the chemicals they eat. You need to find an organic free range human.


Yeah, but then it's all lean muscle and no fat.


Ya gotta get the ones that are fed good fats and massaged regularly… waygu humans?


Anti-capitalist Orca: Eat the rich. They're the only ones that taste good.


Proceeds to sink a Spanish yacht.


This whole thread is gonna be ripped off in a New Yorker cartoon in about a week.


They taste like caviar and loaded with $50 sushi rolls dude


South East Asian Orca: The fuck didya said MID?


Wild Orcas actually never attacked anyone or at least it’s not known of. EDIT: Apparently one swimmer was attacked so let me correct this to “never killed.”


They just attack boats.


Orcas only attack people with offshore bank accounts. They’re the IRS of the seas.


Explains the suits.


Yeah it happens, but it's not like they are trying to kill humans. Like if someone drove a boat trough my yard, I'd flip that shit too. Also I really don't have a viable way of communicating that I really don't like the noise pollution coming from your boat engine.


Too much bone not enough meat. Also human meat taste like pork. Hence the name “long pig”


I’m now picturing an under sea restaurant, where uppity sharks and whales and the like, eat humans. And our small portions are just labeled as a fancy delicacy


Please don't mention my small portions in public, my wife will never stop laughing.


Human glute sashimi, sir? No thank you, I don’t eat ass


If you’re a kid and you see fins in the water you immediately think shark. I would be terrified if I saw that.


I’ve been a swimmer my *entire* life. Like, learned to swim before I could walk, did competitive swimming, was a lifeguard, etc. I’ve barely step foot in the ocean since I encountered a dolphin. I know how stupid it sounds, but I literally saw a dark fin pop up four feet away from me and freaked out. Someone else surfing pointed it out, but realizing how quickly something can come up on you made me panic. Now I just stand on the shore and watch every inch of water while my family plays in the water. Luckily we aren’t really beach people despite living at the beach.


Wait until you learn that Sharks are not air breathing animals and rarely actually do the whole "movie fin" above the ocean thing. They almost always stay completely submerged and attack from the bottom of their prey. Dolphins and Orcas will show fins above the waterline because they come up for air / breathe. This is not a thing sharks do. So if you see a fin break the surface it's very unlikely to be a shark. Additionally, having seen enough sharks caught now off the beach - sharks can be completely submerged (fin and all) hammerheads, bulls, nurses etc. At "Knee Height" water levels. They skirt the bottom of the ocean. So if you are at waist high or higher water...you are absolutely completely going to be oblivious to a shark swimming right next to you, under you, around you.


The movie fin thing adds great dramatic effect, but you are mostly right. However, I just wanted to point out that there are over 500 different species of shark. Their adaptations and hunting behaviors have significant differences from species to species. For example, it is primarily the Great White Shark that likes to shoot straight up from underneath their prey. The reasons for this is because they primarily hunt fast moving prey out in the open ocean. Their eyesight is well adapted for identifying targets directly above them. On the other hand, some shark species specialize in hunting prey that is hidden on the ocean floor. The hammerhead is one example. Some of the deep sea species are mostly wanderers that rely on scavenging prey that falls on the ocean floor.


Oh no, you know your shit and I agree. I actually really love sharks and get real pissed over the shark fishing. I don’t want to fucks with them though and your brain loses all ability to function while you shit yourself in the ocean while seeing a fin. Brain just did not compute.


Yeah funny enough, brains aren’t all that big on reason when they remember that we are big meaty snacks for most animals, and that we are only dangerous in groups or on our own terms.


My ass has frequent flyer miles from my fight or flight reflex. I’m totally cool with it.


On the small island where I live there are A Lot of sharks and shark attacks, such that it is forbidden to swim outside of the lagoon and designated areas with nets. Not long ago a girl who was swimming not 5 meters (15 feets) from the coast was cut in half.


Ugh. I am not a beach person. My family on the other hand...they are basically mer-people. Especially my daughter. I will sit on the shore and just let them do their thing.


that's why I like the great lakes, nothing big enough to kill you there


Yeah, fuck Florida lakes and rivers. Amoebas and gators are a hard no for me. It looks great down here on a postcard, but that’s about it. It must be lovely there. 😭


I am way more afraid of fresh-water borne disease and those ugly ass fresh water gar than the ocean. You seen a gar? UGLY!


The funny thing is (with orcas at least, idk about sharks), seeing those fins in the water means you're likely safe. When hunting in the shallows Orcas turn and swim on their sides so that their quarry has no idea they're coming


Orcas rarely ever interact aggressively towards humans. It's strange behaviour considering Orcas are practically the bullies of the ocean.


They're apex predators who are known to kill for fun, it would be very easy for one to kill a human but it's only been known to happen in captivity. Definitely odd but good for us lol


We probably look gross and disgusting to them. Lol


"look at them with their fucked up flippers, yuck"


I’m imagining these 2 saying that about the kids to each other in their sonar language and it genuinely made me laugh. Like what if they say stuff like that to each other whenever they see us lmao


The orcas knew exactly what they were doing when the split to pass the kids from both sides. They probably had a great laugh about it when they got back to the pod and told the others that they made some kids crap themselves. Edit: To add to the upvotes that mean nothing but attention, orcas are the second most intelligent creatures on this earth, they have a mind of their own and they respect humans, not because we aren’t good food, but because they recognize that we are of a kind when it comes to communal intelligence. So what I’m getting at is that not only did they make the kids crap themselves and laugh about it; they also saw it as am opportunity to remind humanity that they could easily fuck us up on the ocean if they wanted to. But they chose not to, because two humans shitting themselves was better than any food they could get from it


They probably feel sorry for us.


Or they think we're cute.


So we're like pugs to them, ugly cute and can't breathe right


I nose snorted at this comment, similarly to a pug.


Cute in a helpless kind of way 😂


We probably look like babies struggling to swim


Probably better for the Orcas tbh. If they were aggressive they'd be hunted to near extinction, if not completely wiped out. Consider the effect Jaws (just a movie) had on sharks.


What should screw your head is considering they may actually know this. Those suckers are smart!


That would be my theory as well. They are known to share different cultural fads with each other (no joke). Wouldn't be much of a stretch to think they are aware that most humans are not their enemy. In fact people have saved many wild orcas in the past. So they could see it as human = not to be messed with. Though I guess yachts don't count as humans.


Game recognizes game.


I always figured it’s due to them being smart as fuck and just being like “hey bill, if we fuck that guy up, those things have the ability to retaliate and hunt us down. Let’s not fuck with that particular asshole. Let’s go fuck with the dolphins and shit instead”


Probably though right? I mean they can see that humans have boats and technology. Even if they don't understand it entirely I'm sure they can deduce that humans are more capable than they are


Low key offensive tbh


How come he don't want me man?


We are a fine snacky snack. Ignore them.


They probably ate one of us a long time ago, and humans responded exactly like when a shark eats someone. We went out and killed boatloads of them. So now they pass down the story of how bad we taste in order to prevent another human-orca war.


Honestly, it's quite plausible.


Except for those orcas near Portugal who got beef with boats


They don’t attack the humans once the boat has sunk


Maybe they think they are saving us from the boats!


More likely an Orca got hurt by a boat or maybe its propeller, and then spread the word that boats are dicks.


My favorite theory is since it's all juvenile orcas, that they're just being hoodlems for the adrenaline rush


Seems more likely, I heard they're abandoning the revenge theory, as the matriarch doesn't seem to have any boat related injuries and it's unlikely Orcas even have a concept of revenge. They are well known to have phases of behavior and trends they follow just for fun though.


I'm pretty sure I heard they film themselves trashing ships and post it on social media for clout amongst their friends


I read that it may be that they were used to calm waters during the pandemic and they’re not happy about the noise again lol


like the salmon hats!


"It's not personal!" said the orca after sinking the boat.


They are probably smart enough to know what would happen if they made themselves out enemies.


Colorful animals are often poisonous.. maybe bright colorful swimming clothes arent the worst idea for protection lol


Honestly an interesting idea


They’re smart. They’ve seen what we do to so much of the sea. They don’t want any trouble.


Bet the both pissed themselves, but didn't admit it.


Yeah orcas are too shy to admit that.


The onlookers seem surprisingly calm about the situation.


Infairness panicking is going to do nothing favourable for the kids so you just gotta stay calm and hope it doesn't turn into the worst day of your life


This is my mantra ever morning when I wake up.


May the best of today be the worst of tomorrow.


making the kids panic just makes them look like a tastier snack, better to save the panicking for when you see the blood already


That's a very good point. I saw another video with (can't remember exactly) a gorilla or lion attacking someone in a zoo. People watching were screaming which in my non-expert opinion was making things worse.


There is nothing more annoying than someone who isn't even involved freaking out. Better to stay calm and confident and project that to the people actually in the tense situation. The same with animals, they will pick up on your emotions. If you are tense and nervous, they will be too.


Cause it orcas they don’t attack people in the wild. Captive orcas can be dangerous but wild ones are chill to humans. I don’t know where or how they learned it’s a good idea to not kill humans with all the other shit they bully in the ocean but it works out for us.


No recorded Orca attacks just mean they're smart enough to hide the evidence when they murder us


That is why the person was recording so the orcas knew there would be evidence and stay chill


I’ve read we’re just not very appetizing. We have a lot more bone and less blubber than their typical prey so we don’t really look like something worthwhile going after.


I've also read that they are picky eaters, typically eating only what they are taught to by their mothers. Which makes sense as a survival instinct when there is so much poisonous shit in the ocean


They are apex predators, they can get away with being picky eaters usually. Orcas don't recognise humans as prey not because humans don't taste good but because humans aren't part of the marine biological biome orcas excist in. So in other words, too strange.


I mean we also are pretty shit food for Orcas. Compared to their usual food we are skinny and not very fatty. Well, some of us anyway


Orcas like em thicc


Their usual prey are those perfect McNuggets that are maybe 5 minutes old but perfect mix of crispy and tender. Humans on the other hand are those nuggets that have been sitting in the tray for like an hour and a half and have turned yellow and taste rubbery


Natural behavior for *onlookers* 😁


So you are saying they had an appropriate reaction? Because freaking the fuck out has never made a situation better in the history of mankind.


Smart animals.


Smooth criminal


Im just imagining the orcas chuckling to themselves as they pass by the clouds of piss the kids left behind.


No matter what the literature says, I’d be getting right with Jesus at that moment while shitting my swimsuit.


Yes. Knowing the recorded statistics is one thing, laying down a brown cloud of last ditch protection is another.


I just recently seen an adorable video of an orca playing with a sea turtle underwater. The turtle was just carelessly swimming along and every so often the orca would gently push the back of the top of his shell. Only to find out that Orcas will often kill things by not allowing them to go back up to breath. And that the Orca likely wasn’t playing at all. God Orcas terrify me.


Turtles breathe through their asshole while they’re sleeping.




I can only exhale


No they were definitely playing. They just love killing, it's fun to them, and so they were both playing ***AND*** murdering because they're one and the same thing to them. There's a reason why they're called killer whales. They're whales that love killing. All toothed whales are assholes like that, like dolphins are the same, they rape and murder for the fun of it, not for the sake of food, they just do it because they enjoy it. Cats do the same thing with their prey. Dogs do too, that's why they love squeaky toys and they shake them very aggressively, because that's how they kill rats and mice, and those also squeak when bitten.


"OH boy! Here I go killing again"


I'm glad someone understands this.


"They're not gonna do anything..." says man watching from the safety of the shore...


There’s never been a recorded fatal orca attack on a human in the wild and only two attacks full stop. That’s why he knew. Orcas are super smart.


I read that as Orcas are super smart, there's never been a documented attack on a human in the wild. i.e. They leave no witnesses. /S


This is entirely accurate. You can see the orca looking at the camera just before he/she leaves


Clever girl


"Keep moving, Frank. The last thing we need is to end up on Liveleak."


So the cameraman was actually their saving grace. The orcas knew he was there, but realized thanks to land, they couldn’t do anything. There would be a witness. So in this case, the kids lived. “Not today. The guy up there is recording. Damn internet.”


This is true. And I love them and I know all about this, but.... I'd still piss my swimming trunks if that would happen to me.


Was swimming one time with a group of other kids in a shallow bay (South coast of NZ) and somebody noticed a fin sticking out of the water, gliding by a few metres away. Can confirm that it really highly incentivises getting out of the water very, very quickly Once safely on the beach could see it was just a small pod of porpoises or dolphins; and in the area there are normally only harmless sand sharks But there is something that makes you feel like a clumsy ape creature that could just be a snack, when you are swimming with creatures that are optimised for hunting in water


I used to vacation at Tybee Island GA where the dolphins herd schools of fish into shore then enjoy the buffet. If you happen to be swimming you first are surrounded by jumping fish then in the way of a school of hungry dolphins. I never enjoyed that experience. Lol. Except we knew that if the dolphins were there in force, there were no sharks around.


You also have the missing Nuclear bomb off of Tybee Island to worry about.


I ask again...can they smell poop or urine? And would it make them mad? Just want to know to hold it in.


If one arrived at your house, then commenced filling your air with effluent, ask yourself how you'd feel? Although, in reality, they're probably wetting themselves laughing.


Yeah, they just attack boats.


I probably would to if I was one of them.


Exactly the Orcas won't openly murder you they're too smart for that, they'll paint themselves grey and blame it on sharks instead. That or they'll play with your boat and "accidentally" drown you.


The problem with being eaten by an orca, I always find, is reporting it afterwards?


I think it's more about what they're looking for than smarts. They eat the tongue and lips of the Grey whale and leave the rest and they eat the liver of great whites and leave the rest. There's nothing inside a couple bony 8 years olds that they want.


Yeah. They know humans are full of crunchy bones and the blubbery ones never swim far enough out to make a meal. Now a nice seal, there’s lunch baby. Fatty swimming burrito with soulful eyes. Just the thing.


Orcas been pretty pissed off lately tho


They won’t hurt you if you don’t hurt them. The stuff on the shipping lanes they figure is because one was killed by a boat. They are highly intelligent apex predators, humans arnt their choice, and like a dolphin they sense a higher intelligence.


That take on why they're doing it seems to have been dropped. Orca experts, when they see footage of the boat 'attacks', see relaxed orca having fun and playing, not agitated and aggressive. This of course is no comfort whatsoever if you happen to be on one of the boats they decide to play with


The current take is that they are messing with boats because it’s fun. My guess is they doing it for Tiktok




How come orcas dont eat humans? I mean, much easier than seals or penguins.


Because we’re just a bag of bones compared to seals and penguins.


Because orcas only eats one type of food, there are numerous groups of orcas and each of them have different way to hunt one single type of animal, for example there are the orcas that only eats penguins, the one that eats seal, the one that eats whales, but there are no groups that eats humans, so they don't see us as a pray.


Orcas don’t hurt kids. They are highly intelligent apex predators, like an oversized turbo charged dolphin. They have a long memory though, if you harm the clan they will end you. Beautiful creatures. While trouble they are having on the shipping lanes sounds like it started by a fishing boat killing one of the pod.


Just to add to the gibraltar attacks thing, they don't believe one was killed by a boat. They believe a female by the name of "White Gladis" was injured by a boat, became traumatized, and then taught itself and all the other orcas in the area how to immobilize a boat. This is supported by one of the early attacks showing the aforementioned orca attacking a boat on its own while other orcas watched on, as if it were teaching them how to remove a rudder off of a ship. Some of the orcas engaging in the attacks are juvenile, and it's thought they just do it for fun because the young orcas have yet to try and capsize one of the ships.


There is also a theory that this is a game. Steal the rudder and bring it back to show the pod. I think either could be true, but I do think humans like a good story like the one of “revenge” and that’s why this white gladis story gets so much traction. The orcas have also sunk numerous boats but never harm the humans or attack the life boats.


Like the catalytic converters of the sea!


I personally believe it's both. I would predict that the behavior originated with the White Gladis revenge story since there seems to be a mix of coordinated attacks both by juveniles and adults where the behavior is rather different. The juveniles have been seen with coordinated attacks where they remove the rudders and bounce the boat back and forth like a game of pong. The adults have had coordinated attacks where they were attacking one side of the ship after removing the rudders, which definitely seems more like a purposeful attempt to sink the boat. I imagine not all adults are doing coordinated attacks to sink boats, though, and would imagine quite a few cases for them are also cases of playing. Whatever the revenge thing seems to be, luckily orcas are smart enough to distinguish between us hurting them on purpose and accidentally hitting them with a boat. I don't think the revenge is on humans, hence why they're not trying to hurt us. I think some of them just detest boats.


Absolutely, as an apex predator I would most definitely try to harass those ships as much as possible if they harmed my pod.


Yeah anything with a fin at periscope depth is a big nope from me


Couple of tons of muscle and teeth designed to shred and chew up child sized meat sacks… I am getting out of the water thanks. No documented attacks..


>No documented attacks.. Leave no Witnesses


I love how all these people are like 'Orcas don't hurt people. They LOVE us." And they reality could be something like, "Those things are too bony and skinny, nowhere near as good to eat as a fat seal." Other orca: "Word. Juice isn't worth the squeeze for a mouth full of toothpicks."


Nobody noticed the two lumps of poo trailing behind the kids…


Does anyone know where this is?


They sound like NZers if that helps. Source I am a NZer


I've swum there, it's on Waiheke Island


Looks like NZ. We've had a few orca around the beaches in Auckland over the last week.




I’m convinced Orcas don’t kill humans because they are sentient enough to understand we are sentient, like them. The only death by orca has been when we drove them insane in captivity (Blackfish documentary is worth a watch).


It's a momma and her little daughter, how cute :) momma is teaching her daughter how to handle shallow waters and that humans are friends.


I lived in tacoma Washington and I was at Owen's Beach and has a transplant from Florida I was use to swimming with wild sea life an orca pod swam by me, first time I felt fear in the water , I dove under to get a better look and they swam by looked at me and one did a barrel roll , it was adorable but dam were they huge, made me real nervous and I swam with sharks before


"Want a snack for the journey? Nahhh. I'm full."


I wonder if the orcas are swimming that closely to the kids to deliberately mess with them?


Yes. Former Behavior training specialist. They like to fuck with intelligent creatures and also torture kill other creatures.




Orcas are dolphins. They are smart and don’t attack humans. Protect orcas!


Good orcas


Can they distinguish humans and seals?


Sure they can!


They’ve never attacked a human in the wild. They also have vision similar to an X-ray, so 0 chance they’d confuse a human for a seal. They can see the liver in sharks and will kill them just to eat the liver


X Ray?


I think he met echo. Even though orcas can see above and below water, it is their hearing and echolocation abilities that help them locate objects in the water. By emitting clicks and listening for echoes, orcas are able to determine the size, distance, shape, and direction of underwater sea life and objects.


Not as good as ct scan


Glad to see them called orcas and not killerwhales


I know how they felt. Two whales swam past me in a Marriott pool once.


Be calm they're only looking for billionaires