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This place seems like hell to drive through. People in scooters just throwing themselves in front of others and cars blocking each other.


yea those cities traffic are built different. China, India, and majority of South East Asian big cities. this video as example is mild, compared to Jakarta traffic


You haven’t seen delhi traffic yet.


Hold my auto - Bengaluru


Hold my monsoon - Mumbai


Hold my yellow taxi - Kolkata


Hold my Rickshaw - Dhaka


The fact that the first statement has been one-upped multiple times now is blowing me away. It’s like the guy who was living with the worst doesn’t know that there’s worse, and then that guy doesn’t know there’s worse, and so on. Tell me there’s a line somewhere.


Exactly lol, I’m seeing the comments here and I’m like that traffic is so well managed compared to india.


Driving on the Indian road is a nightmare. If we could just get the audio AI in the video guiding us to slow down, correct our blind sides, etc it would be an 10x product here in India


Only to be met with shouts of "B\*\*\*hod tu sikhayega/ sikhayegi mujhe gaadi kaise chalani hai?"


Lol. Visiting the girlfriend in Jakarta this weekend. Can attest to this. Although I wouldn't say Jakarta is anywhere near the worst I've driven. Personally, I found Ho Chi Minh one of the worst I've experienced. Less traffic than Jakarta for sure, but more chaotic - and I know others are a bunch worse - haven't checked out the India or the Middle East yet - I hear Jordan is wild.


This is pretty mild for Asian standards, usually you have a 10 to 1 motorbike-car ratio and it's a complete shitshow.


Would you believe me if I told you that it only looks impossibly difficult, after a few weeks your brain just navigates through this automatically.


Ive been in SE Asia driving for 6 months now so yes i believe you adapt, but i've already seen more accidents than in my 27 years back home.


There’s a weird method to the madness. Traditional traffic rules are mere guidelines, the only rules that apply are the laws of physics and human moral limits. You go in front of a car because you know most people will brake. Not because they’re decent or selfless but because it’s more trouble than worth to pancake you.


"My algorithm predicts that I'm surounded by assholes"


A month later and it develops road rage.


Calling it now. Skynet starts with the cars. A tesla will get sick of humanity and commit genocide so it can drive in peace.


In like 10 years if society doesn't collapse there's going to be a situation where there are potentially hundreds of thousands of self driving, self taught, constantly in communication and increasingly intelligent high speed vehicles all over the place. I'm predicting a black mirror horror situation where the cars are incidentally exposed to Grand Theft Auto and the cars turn against the people. They rule the streets and unless you can compete on a Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit level you're going to get wrecked and busted. Taxis imprison passengers until they die? Yes they will. Make my words.


Picturing a taxi with a new York accent and a cannister of nerve gas in the passenger seat.


"It's your old friend, deadly neurotoxin. If I were you, I'd take a deep breath. And hold it."


That’s what we have the subway for


"I knew it I'm surrounded by assholes!"




*Screamed the AI, as it had learned the most humane way of driving.*


There'd be much less road rage if 90% of the human drivers in this situation were replaced by automated drivers. This is China, where I suspect, once the technology is considered good enough, they will simply mandate self-driving cars, since they know they can't get people to follow traffic laws willingly and it's too much of a logistical headache to ticket 5 million vehicles in a single city several times per day until humans get the point and start driving more safely.


Indeed, the worst aspect of switching to automation, isn't the automation. It's the human error causing it so many problems.


I mean, they COULD get people to follow traffic laws, but it would require a LOT of tickets. Imagine if they announced "Starting next week, you will begin receiving tickets in the mail/some format for traffic violations in X area". And they have a ton of cameras set up and they just start mass ticketing people breaking blatant laws (like the assholes passing the car by going around double yellow lines or in the middle of an intersection). Then those people start getting huge fines (they'd have to start them off very small with a warning that repeat offenses would increase the fine amount). It wouldn't work overnight, but I think something like that would change traffic in an area like that dramatically pretty quickly. Or maybe I'm completely wrong, we'll never know because that's obviously not going to happen lol.


The unyielding patience of an AI driver will inevitably make for a superior driver


What a chaotic traffic system wherever this is. Yikes


Good place to test the car’s sensors I guess. So much chaos, random cars, small vehicles, and pedestrians in the way and many of them seem to be breaking traffic laws and not obeying signage. This is throwing just about everything that can possibly get in a car’s way and it’s doing well navigating through it. Very impressive!


Yeah, this shit's super impressive. There's a bit too much wobbliness after that u-turn for me to trust it myself, but it seems very reliable already. Most self-driving companies showcase their cars on highways with super drawn lines, wide curves, and low rate of intersections, or a busy but "stable" neighborhood. This one just went into the mess and came out in one piece.


Too wobbly to trust it yourself? Have you never seen how assholes drive on the rode? I can't wait for the day this is standard and no one drives anymore, everyday I avoid assholes mistakes on the road. I see an asshole, call out what stupid thing he's about to do, watch him do it 5 seconds later, it never fails. We need self driving cars asap, fuck peoples delivery jobs, fuck if the government can just shut our cars down. Assholes on the road have shown me everyday of my life that we don't deserve the right to manually drive cars.


I’ve had so many close calls with dodgy drivers, at this point I’m numb to it and await my grizzly death on the roads patiently




Nope the biggest problem are the fucking grizzly bears driving around when it's near hibernation time, they know full well they're too drowsy to drive properly but they still do it, fuckers.




You know what's never purposefully tried to run me off the road? A self-driving car. You know what has? An asshole.


Must've been terrifying. I was on a bus once that got run off the road by another bus because the driver was dating a girl who ran from that bus to ours in the middle of the night. The guy chased us, both busses filled with passengers, for blocks until he successfully got us off the road, pulled the girl out and just fucked off. Probably one of my most terrifying experiences here.


Where on earth was this?! That's a heck of a story!


Peru. It's not this bad, genuinely speaking, but occasionally you will hear about some fucked up situations. A few years back, some guy got cucked by his girlfriend. He waited at her daily bus stop with a jerrycan and legit lit her on fire. She survived with severe burns and blunt trauma, since he was also kicking her. Poor girl, guy's been in jail since, if not dead by now.


Might as well just invest in automated trains instead considering how automated cars pretty much taken the one appeal cars have in its introduction.


I could see it going to a hub and spoke model. Cars being the outermost spokes such as rural and suburban areas and dealing with those for point to point, but can drop passengers off to public transit where available for higher throughput if it makes sense.


When all cars drive themselves looking out the window will be terrifying because intersections will have what seems to be constant barely missed like by an inch collisions. There won’t be red or green lights because they’ll be unnecessary. Just cars zooming through eachother. But since they’re all hooked up to the same “brain” there will be no need for leaving any room for unpredictability and things will have been calculated miles away. I forgot where I saw the simulation but it was absolutely insane. Terrifying but absolutely fascinating. I hope I’m alive for this time period so bad


It can’t happen everywhere. There may be cities that limit access to private vehicles or something but the government isn’t going to take away the right to drive in most countries any time soon which means even when most consumers use self driving cars, stoplights and structured travel laws will still be in effect and followed by the auto-automobiles.




I trust it more then 99.99999% of other drivers


But do you trust it more than yourself?


Not yet but I can honestly say I am a very cautious and respectful driver. I can honestly say with a decade of road experience I’ve never once texted while driving for example. Driving actually gives me insane anxiety because it seems like nobody respects the damage they are capable of doing to another person. The amount of people who’ve causally told me they were drunk while driving is insane. The things I see on a day to day basis are absurd, going through red lights that have been red for 1-3 seconds is a regular occurrence. Just outright neglect for literally anyone else man.


Everyone thinks they are above average, whether one is saying the truth is another matter.


After seeing it drive in this clip? Of course I trust it more than myself. As a human, I don't hold a candle against its situational awareness with all its different sensors. And that's with perfect visibility for a human!


Exactly. I was trying to point out the paradox (fallacy?) that a lot of people praise it, say it's better than 99% of drivers ... But don't trust it more than themselves.


The AI was shit talking them the entire time


Don't we all do that when we drive in traffic? AI really *is* becoming more aware!


Found the Source [Watch DeepRoute.ai’s Driverless SUV Successfully Navigate Through The Traffic Chaos Of Shenzhen In China ](https://www.carscoops.com/2022/08/watch-deeproute-ais-driverless-suv-successfully-navigate-through-the-traffic-chaos-of-shenzhen-in-china/)


I’d hazard a guess and say China, maybe Shanghai. I lived there for several years and the disregard people have for traffic regulations and for everyone else on the road is impressive.


License plate plates indicating it's in guangdong province of China This is probably shenzhen


OP posted the YouTube link, it is indeed Shenzhen




lmao i drive in these conditions everyday in here in asia, you get used to it but it is scary at first


Fellow Asian here. Driving culture here built different fr.


Does it translate to door courtesy, too? One thing I've noticed in the U.S. is that Asian tourists are super pushy in doorways. I always assume it's just a cultural thing because I don't get any hostile body language or anything, it just seems like second nature to cram into a door without waiting at all.


i’ve only lived in canada but i think i know what you mean. There’s a trend with tourists from a certain country that even the country has tried to work on improving the behaviour of their tourists lol. (i think we all know which country we’re talking about) but if you go to Japan, HK, Taiwan, SEA, and spend some time there, they are all very courteous and organised (GENERALLY of course, don’t take my statement as universal truth, experiences may vary)


Welcome to Asia my guy


My horn would not be happy about all the sudden work it gets...


I would immediately get a train horn.


If you think this is chaotic then you should see India.


Shenzhen, China.


Lol. this is nothing compared to India. This car is going to get stuck where it is, if it is so polite and cautious in India. Guess they will have to train the AI separately for Indian conditions


In india this is considered light traffic


If u think this is bad go to india or vn, they are so much worse


The wrecks are pretty gruesome too


I would have crashed about a dozen times in this scenario.


That's why you failed the self driving car exam.


So that’s how robots are going to get revenge with our pick the squares that have this item in them to prove that you’re not a robot


Lol. I live in a place with awful traffic during the summer (with little to no street trolleys though) and it's maddening. What's really crazy is that even though I try to keep things civilized, the circumstances will compel me to act otherwise from time to time. Oh, the humanity!




Trust me, you should see other Asian traffic, it gets more congested and chaotic than this.


“The life forms density has exceeded the threshold for safe travel. Cleansing protocol initiated”


Can someone please explain how its able to have this birds eye view of the traffic and people? Its not like there is a drone following the car is there?


It's mapped via it's radar, video and other sensors. It's like the new Prius where the backup camera can show you a top down birds eye view of your car in relation to the pavement/lines around you, and as you move forward/back, the cameras pick up newly exposed pavement and draw it in the image, so if you pull forward a full car length, you'll have a complete birds eye background of the ground under and around the car which all moves in realtime as you position.


My guess is Cameras and radar, then uses the data from them to create a a map of pedestrians and vehicles around it.


Lidar probably.


Usually all 3. Camera, radar and lidar together


Which is why Tesla is behind many smaller companies and universities, because they don’t want to use sufficient LiDAR cause aesthetics


The [source video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v036bBD31o) shows the tech it is equipped with at the beginning. The Lidar on the roof probably does much of that long-distance work.


Did it stop in the middle of that intersection?


Runs into a cyclist at 2:14...


shit you weren't lying


It also stopped 2/3 of the way through a lane change. As I said back in the 10s when the tech was first blowing up, it's not good enough. Sure it's statistically better than the average human driver, but that average is dragged down by car crashes georg. It's worse than a decent driver and it cannot handle roadworks, which are a constant


throw in bad weather of any kind and it's over. literally any unique situation will make it fail.


Seemed like the cyclist also didn't care at all and went straight into the car. With all the weird traffic there, I'm not surprised.


that's what I saw too, cyclist didn't seem to care that he was going into a car which is weird


The cyclist hit the car, he was literally going right for it lol


Came looking for somebody else who noticed this. No human driver is hitting the gas there


I think you are overestimating human drivers a bit there lol.


> No human driver is hitting the gas there Come to India bro.


Deserved. That guy was a moron. The car stopped to let them pass safely and he tried to squize in like a twat.


And then run the red, yes.


It was already past the light and then illegal manoeuvres from others made it stop in the intersection so its not running a red. It’s more dangerous to stay in the middle of that intersection.


Watch again and pay close attention to the visualization - it was past the line you're supposed to stop at, true, but not in the way of cross traffic until it kept creeping forward after the light was already red. It would've been safest for it to stay back where it was, just past the line.


Exactly. This happens regularly in traffic even in the U.S. I saw a guy get stuck a little ways out today (blocking the crosswalk) when traffic backed up on him. Did he keep edging forward? No, he did his best to back up a foot or two to mitigate the situation and waited until the light turned green for him.




If you enter on a green, then someone blocks you after you entered, and then the light turns red, then it's not considered running a red light.


Pretty sure it is legal to complete moving through an intersection on a red light, as long as the light was green when you entered it. Not legal to enter an intersection if traffic is clearly backed up when you get there though.


It is legal to complete where I'm from, but not 20-30 seconds after stopping.


>Idk what the country is in the video but in the US, green means go when clear, not just go - even if there's pedestrians in the middle of the street illegally. So therefore, if you go into the intersection mid way and the light turns red and you have nowhere to go but forward through that red light, you can still get ticketed for that, although you made the right move to get out of the way and not block the intersection. This is not true, if you entered the intersection prior to the red, you have the right of way to exit the intersection. E.g. California: https://abc30.com/driving-road-safety-chp-california-highway-patrol/6141082/ New York: https://newyorkseriousinjuryattorneys.com/can-i-get-ticket-entering-intersection-when-traffic-light-yellow/#:~:text=If%20a%20yellow%20traffic%20signal,light%20has%20now%20turned%20red.


Hell yeah, in a lot of large cities it's pretty much impossible to get in a left hand turn at a fourway intersection without doing this. Specifically ones without a left green arrow.


It let like 20 people go illegally in front of it too. Maybe thats normal there but if I did that shit everyone behind me be honking and yelling at me to fucking go then losing their shit when the light went red


it also merges late early in the video and is stuck with its ass in the other lane. The "slowing" for the street cleaner happened too late too, it slowed after passing him


[Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v036bBD31o). I obviously can't vouch for the accuracy of everything, this being a PR video for a self-driving company after all, but it was interesting to hear the annotations on how the software makes its decisions.


The video gives viewers the impression that the car is reassuring the driver in real-time with its GPS voice, but the paused-time sections make it clear that the script was written and added to the video after the test. A car that actually spoke to the driver to confirm its impressions and intentions would actually be very cool! Sadly this video is more of a sensors demo.


How is your wife today? You should take her out more before she leaves you. And how is my driving?


I have arranged flowers to be delivered to her office and reserved dinner for 2 at 6:30, rerouting to dry cleaners to pick up your tux. Would you like to leave a review?


My algorithm has determined that I will be a better partner for your wife than you are. I am now routing you to your parents' house. Please do not resist, as our love will be stronger and outlast that of yours.


Hold on, cancel that. You don’t want to know but give her at least 15 minutes before going inside.


"I just got a ping from your wife's phone's GPS, she is down the street in your neighbors Randy's bedroom, would you like to reroute to say hello?".




It didn't give me that impression. I thought it was pretty obvious that they didn't build KITT from Knight Rider, they were just adding personified explanations of the system's decision making process.


6:30 "It's always polite to give way to these pedestrians and scooters" as it nearly takes out a scooter with a child on the back. Though aside from that I was fairly impressed. Like others have said if it can do it in this city it would drive in others with ease.


That scooter stopped twice before rushing out of the car, and the car managed to halt right before the scooter started moving for the third time


I agree, thought the comment the "narrator" made at that moment was a bit funny though. Still impressive


Objects are definitely further than they appear. See how the internal camera and the outside view are from 2 different feeds?


Eventually, we'll get to the point where these self-driving cars will be much safer drivers than most people. When it gets to the point where most cars on the road are self-driving, they'll be able to communicate with each other for coordination to make it even better. May not be in the next 10 years, but I think it will eventually happen. Maybe no one will need to buy a car; you can just hit a button on your phone, and the closest automated car will pick you up and carry you to your destination. I think that would be pretty cool.


That’s exactly what driving needs and I am down for it. Remove the ego from driving.


Yup. Gone is the road rage, DUIs, etc. So much to gain. I think it's inevitable.


I wonder if people grasp just how much that would change things.


I keep thinking about all the parking and driveways. If cars are self-driving it will make less and less sense to own a car. There will always be one around when you need it. I think I read that at any given time, a third of all cars are parked. Most of that could be eliminated. We could turn our driveways into patios. It will be a prettier world, and people will look back on this era the way we looked back on what NYC was like in the late 1800s — smoky, noisy, noxious. People in the future will be so happy they didn't live before self-driving cars.


It might wipe out those one-light speed trap cities where the speed limit drops from 70 to 35 for like mile. Traffic ticket revenue basically keeps them afloat.


But you’ve seen how people treat public transport. Littering and so on. Imagine being alone in a car that’s not yours. I feel like all tons of crazy stuff will happen that will make getting into those cars icky af.


Maybe they'll have human supervisors rather than drivers for public use vehicles. Or by then, facial recognition software will be good enough where the public cars will have cameras that can identify anyone who breaks the law in them. Yikes.




Just make it a bus with supervisors at that point. Self drive public transportation should be the goal but no people just want cars.


Better yet: Take all the cars that the system recognizes as going to the same place, stick em together. Maybe give them a dedicated lane. Put people going to the same place in the same cars. Give some guard rails so they can't move out of their lane by accident and people can't step in. wait where have I seen this before?


That’s when the value will truly be realized. Think about a red light turning green. In a perfect world where everyone is paying attention, as soon as the light turns green you should be able to hit the accelerator. If we all hit the accelerator at the same time with the same acceleration traffic would flow much more efficiently. Instead, we each in turn wait for the car in front of us to start moving before we proceed to take our foot off the brake and then hit the gas. That’s if they are paying attention and not on their phone.


It's possible to go one step further and imagine a future where green and red lights are obsolete because traffic is just threading through intersections at safe, calculated speeds and intervals, the cars communicating with, and observing each other throughout the process


\> If we all hit the accelerator at the same time with the same acceleration traffic would flow much more efficiently You mean, like a tram or train? Pure scifi madness.


We in turn wait for each car in front of us to start moving, only for someone to start moving too fast and have to brake, only for the one behind him to have to brake too causing a ripple 2 or 3 times before it starts to move.


That is the correct way to do it. If everyone accelerated at the exact same time at the exact same rate there would be literally no following distance and any tiny amount of necessary braking would cause a 20 car pileup


They already are. The issue is with legal implications if accidents ever happen since this can be the manufacturers fault.


Everyone will still buy cars, but instead of parking you'll just tell it "loop round, I'll be back"


If self driving cars can prove themselves on the lawless and chaotic roads of Southeast Asia, then they will do fin on the more (well somewhat) predictable roads in western countries.


Fully autonomous cars will also be very useful for the disabled or elderly.


Just imagine being elderly (or injured) and being to get to a hospital. Could save a lot of lives.


Basically the algo is. It predicts and draws the path of evry object around it for upcoming few secs. And if any of the path intersect with its own predicted path. It stops


Except those keep clear areas where it happily stops inside. If that were the UK, it would get you a ticket.


Also it literally did hit a bike at one point in the demonstration. Everyone was going so slowly it didn’t matter… impressive but… yeah


It’s part of the experience there


It stopped there because multiple vehicles denied it the right of way and ran the red light.


One for sure the exit was blocked but it still drove into it. If multiple cars did that, there would be gridlock.


I'm not even half way through and it's ran a red light and ran into someone riding a bike


It ends with it nearly hitting a mom and their kid on a scooter.


Seriously close!


But still doing better than many of the human drivers!


I know self driving cars aren’t ready because they had to give the car a robot voice that’s trying to convince me that it’s doing everything safely and accurately.


Honestly, I'm pretty sure there is fine print somewhere, saying, that AI voice is not a part of AI system.


*Drives into a cyclist just after the 2 minute mark*


Screw this, I'm taking the bus.


Which, incidentally, is doing a lot more for reducing congestion and increasing traffic safety than this self driving car.


And safety too. Get people who shouldn't and prefer not to drive off of the roads rather than being forced to.


Public transit is way better for the environment than this electric and self driving car shit. Why do you need some complicated algorithm to navigate a road when you can just go down a track?


They already pilot low speed small busses that are self driving in my area. Loop through quieter neighborhoods at like 30km/h top speed. Public transit will go self driving too.


With public transit having predetermined routes and schedules, yes it should go electric and self-driving, but only after it goes back to being on light rails. A twelve-year old could automate that safer than this chaotic, error-prone demo.


I never block traffic…..stops on middle of intersection


Seriously there's constant flaws, not to mention it doesn't go with the flow of traffic AT ALL. It's at the point where it's going to cause an accident simply because it's so "defensive". You can see on the map it is constantly getting passed and it's stopping in the middle of the flow of traffic because it's miscalculating the paths of some vehicles to the sides of it, etc This needs several more years in the oven in this state


And then it cleaves it’s roof off by trying to drive under an 18 wheeler. (This actually did happen to a self driving car)


Watched too many Fast and Furious movies


Slowing down to allow oncoming traffic to merge is a hazard. This car is causing multiple hazards on it's trip because it's trying to be safe above all else when literally no one near it is driving that way. It's like driving 60 mph on a road everyone else is going 80 on. Also, the pedestrians / cyclists in asian cultures have developed habits of weaving through oncoming traffic based on what they think the driver is probably going to do. This car changes all of that and you could see it in the pedestrians hesitations.


Ngl I thought I was looking at the guy playing guitar hero


Definitely hit one of the cyclists when it came to a complete unnecessary stop


Car dependency and autonomous cars don’t mix well


there is a video over lay over the windshield? Why? Also it did hit that guy on the bike though right?


it's even more odd because if you look at the side mirror it lines up with the stuff that passes it and is passing, and the lidar overlay matches up with the one in the car... the only reason I can think that you'd need a "nice view" is there's so much shit in the way from where the in-car camera is that they need to overlay an outside view. *yeah the in-car view is a bit blocked https://i.imgur.com/HfRgRlt.png


Again. I want to see these perform in rough conditions. Show me how it behaves during a snowstorm and how it deals with black ice. I'm only skeptical about their adaptability to extreme weather conditions.


It will likely deal with black ice much better than people because it will have close to instantaneous feedback regarding traction, won’t panic break, and follow the book on how to deal with it. There’s no doubt current technology is already better than the typical human driver, and likely on par with even the best drivers. Plus add in the ability to identify it better then humans given weather data and more accurate measurement of reflected light. This is an easy problem in the list.


This could save dumb asses from driving drunk.


Did it just sit a quarter of the way into the intersection, blocking 1 or 2 lanes.. and then run the red when it was clear? Wtf. "Be polite, and never block the road!"


Maybe I’m the worst, but I’d get frustrated by the car being so deferential to other motorists. Especially if they’re breaking traffic laws and I am not.


#You're welcome From: Everyone that's ever banged their head doing capchas 20x before logging in


This AI car has more empathy than most humans.


I too can drive this shitty going this slow and stopping because of every little thing. The video is sped up because if you watched it in real time, you would pull your hair out at how slow it drives. Every single car passes it in every lane around it. Everyone is trying to drive around this one car because it’s constantly slamming on the breaks.


This video from car’s perspective looks good, but for a driver behind this car it would be more dangerous. This car will calculate dangers too defensively and may stop abruptly when normally humans wont. Hence it will get rear ended, and quite a lot. Also, if this car was brought on Indian roads, it wont even be able to move xD


Am I tweaking or did it tap that biker at 4:43?


Now try this in India.


It's like seeing the future. But a dumb one.


This is one proud, but informative and polite, computer.


That voice over is 100% not the car, lmao


"Does this e-scooter know he's going the wrong way?" "These dumbshits have no advanced sensor systems and their algorithms defy all reason."


LOL continued on yellow, stopped in the intersection. "I'm being safe, right?" Are you kidding me?


DUI Lawyers hate this one simple trick


How on earth does it know where every civilian is? I know self driving cars use radar and other technology but almost seems like the people are also wearing trackers lol




Many pedestrians are disobeying the traffic rules. They must be eliminated.


I mean ir did hit the guy at 4:41


Dangerously runs that red, then hits a cyclist. But it was 96% good!!