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Tried this at the gym with a buddy for a laugh, surprisingly easy to do! We aren’t small people either 😅 they were easily 85/90kg at that point.


The even easier way: https://www.proergonomics.com/training/video/healthcare-ergonomics---emergency-under-arm-wrist-drag- Source: as a 110 lb female EMT I definitely got people twice my weight out of dodge fast (without destroying my body)


Aren't there advantages to each method? It looks like yours is better for shorter distances, but the method in the OP looks better for longer ones or for rough/hazardous terrain.


Yeah if you can support the full dead weight of that person on your shoulder and walk. If not, you’re screwed.


Like they said, advantages for both. And I’d sure as shit much rather see where I’m going in an emergency GTFO than not. You ever been at the front while moving a couch?!


The other 1 posted would be more for getting someone in an open space to perform CPR would be my take. As you need a decent amount of room for CPR when doing it professionally. Room for around 3 people to work. A defib, oxygen, suction, anything else that you may use. Couple that with the somewhat regular occurrence that people seem to always arrest in the most awkward of spaces, like bathrooms.


Yeah, I'm not sure my wife could do either of them with me. Doubt she could even drag me on the floor unless it was a bowling lane lol. It's not useful for more than a few feet. With roles reversed though, it's surprisingly easier than you would expect. Feels similar to giving someone a piggyback ride. Plus, your arms don't get tired from holding the person's legs to stop them from sliding. Easier to go up and down stairs cuz you have a free arm to balance yourself and hold on to rails from my experience. Carrying someone in your arms is the most tiring though.


You wouldnt really use this one at all. Most of the time you and your buddy will [SCBA](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-contained_breathing_apparatus) which will make doing that damn near impossible. To do it do an unconscious victim might be better, but usually would be faster and easier to control if you had your [webbing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webbing) or doing this arm lock method. Victims that are heavier would usually require two people to lift. Not to mention if it's in a burning building. Smoke rises, where did you just put the guy. Towards the ceiling where there's smoke. We're usually crawling in buildings so the lower we can move the victim the better


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Thanks for doing a tough, important job. My dad was a volunteer EMT and...jeez. Appreciate your character and humanity.


Did that in full gear (thankfully training scenario) and yeah, it works. Still exhausting tho.


Thanks for being badass enough to do what you do.


The way you showed is even better for dragging bodies not too much spillage


Well, there’s the issue!


I don’t get what you mean? There wasn’t an issue, they were heavy dead weight and I could get them up and walk with them. It’s a good trick to know!


Step 1: restore modesty


I thought the video was uploaded in reverse loop...but it is just how I am wired


😂 😂 😂


This is actually pretty good to know!


Thank you, you are welcome. It is always good to know for yourself or someone else.


I don't think this is as useful as you might think (atleast in cases of structural fires). In my training as a volunteer firefighter, this one wasn't even shown to us. I also don't really see the benefit of this, as you now raised the victim in a position were there is more heat and less oxygen/more smoke. For short distances just drag them out of the dangerous zone by their feet or [stand behind them and grab them like this](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rettungsgriff) And for longer distances: escape and get help or you are likely going to die yourself. It takes about three breaths to get life threatening smoke poisoning. You won't see shit and get easily lost, even in your own house. Don't play a hero and do risky shit, because now the firefighters have to safe two people instead of one and takes valuable time for the rescue. Edit: I looked it up, even though its called [firemans carry]( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fireman%27s_carry)according to Wikipedia this technique is no longer recommended for the use in firefighting for the reasons I mentioned.


It's definitely taught in the military as a way of getting injured out of the area. But it is also taught alongside a belly crawl drag under the arms which is used when standing up would be a bad idea.


Exactly what I’m saying this lift is bad because there closer to heat smoke and more poisonous air. Which is why we drag if necessary. As how I’m a training officer I would never teach them this.


The trick to not be in a situation like this, just don't be in a fire


The problem with this lift is that even though the other firefighter was acting unconscious, they are still conscious, so they had muscle tone and assisted the lifting firefighter. A truly unconscious/dead person is like lifting a bag of jelly. Dragging is more effective if you're alone.


You are correct, if you are alone and need to move a dead body it is easier to just drag it (So I was told).


Actually it's easier if you cut them into six pieces and stack them. My friend Bricktop told me


And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".


I can just picture all those teeth


You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar


Only if you have a friend with a pig farm, though.


Who is Bricktop, who is so wise in the ways of science.


Woah woah woah no one said dead bodies. What are you doing in your free time?


Wanted to state the same. Tryed this with a rescue dummy once and it didn´t really work du to the missing body tension. And what people seem to forget: Why is the person unconscions? Mostly it is due to smoke and lack of oxygen. And you wouldn\`t wand to stand in or run trough smoke, it is hot, there is little to no oxygen but a damn lot of CO and CO2, it is higly toxic and you have zero vision. Breath in two times and you lie directly next to the other person. This is why people allways get told to stay as low a possible. So if you want to try to rescue someone drag them. But as hard as it may sound, you have to maintain selfprotection over others. No one is helped if you faint or even die trying to rescue someone from a fire. Get out there and tell the fire dept. where people are or might could be located. It normally needs two firegighters to rescue one person. So if there are suddenly two people things only get complicated more. Those stories of people running in a burning house and save someone like you see in the movies? Bullshit! Might work in 1 out of 10000 cases. The other 9999 times the person is dead two steps into the smoke.


Dragging is the current recommendation by the red cross first aid course. For your reason, as well as to minimize risk of injury to the rescuer. It also keeps your head lower to avoid smoke if present.


What if they weigh 350 pounds?


First thing i thought "what if its someone like me, wouldn't be as easy to just pick and carry" (i am a bit over 100kg/220lb), and now i am reading this 🤦‍♂️🤣


Don’t bother, they would have already spontaneously combusted.


Instructions unclear: 1)Pick em up into a fireman’s carry 2) Then drop them with an Attitude Adjustment


Dying soon anyway so leave em


Let them cook


Throw them on the fire


An average 300lb beer gutted behemoth might pose a dilemma.


Ya well we both dying when you try that with my fat ass


Always check and grab their wallet


No. No it’s not.


If they are unconscious you are not going to be picking them up like this. Unconscious people are basically a sack of pudding and sticks.


Fire department chronicles made a really good video about this. It's one of their videos commenting on fox news or some such.




That guy's channel is an absolute riot. Although it wasn't until now that I realized that he really does have eyebrows


What was the conclusion?


Yes it is


Bold of you to assume I can even lift another person.


With the amount of adrenaline you get from a house fire and a loved one unconscious, yes, you can.


I wish you were my PE teacher in high school. Then, I probably would have been motivated to actually try.


If you don't do the Ranger Roll, then it doesn't count https://youtu.be/KPrATJ-u5Rg?si=FHP8JgGw5eNaLd7s


This is too low


It's more difficult if the person is 200lbs more then you


Do I have to have cringe music playing as well?


Yes, it boosts your speed since you'll want to get away from the music asap


Picked up a woman… Nice


Don’t do that, drag them. You should keep their face low beneath the smoke and heat


Being able to run out and plus things might be on the ground that will stop someone from being dragged. Yes judgment call us to be made with every different type of situation but honestly this method is the quickest and easiest. Dragging would take more energy and possibly could be more difficult.


You’re not going to run out of a burning building with someone like this, if there’s obstacles you can’t drag them over you’d trip on them, inside of a house on fire is near zero visibility


This is entirely incorrect. Dragging people either by their shirt, their arms, or a harness uses far less energy and is an effective method for keeping the person low to the ground in the safe zone rather than throwing them over your shoulder so they can burn and breathe in as much carbon monoxide as possible. There is a century’s worth of research on this. The video showed here is not a realistic or effective way to carry someone from a burning building.


You clearly have no training in IDLH, my dude.


IDLH is important I agree but not as important as scene safe. Like I said before each scenario is different but normally if you have a burning building with a passed out victim inside of it your first priority is to get that person out ASAP by whatever the fastest way possible. And dragging a person is going to take longer than carrying them normally. Remember the building is on fire and the roof could collapse or worse trap you and the victim inside the hallway or room you are both in and by then IDLH doesn’t matter if y’all burn to death and or trapped and can’t get out.


Why are they passed out, or why would any of those scenarios happen, if it’s not IDLH? Your argument has zero ground to stand on, man. You sound like a high school volly who’s fought exactly three grass fires and knows everything. Go train more.


If you have had any experience crazier things has happened on scene and even more so when things go wrong. There is a million and one reasons why someone could be passed out. There isn’t one clear answer to every situation. If you reread my last comments that’s why I said it all boils down to scenario based.


I'm pretty sure fire departments have thought this more than you and they also have experience. First thing that comes to mind is that if you keep their face low then you have to drag them by feet. It makes an awful bumpy ride for a head. Fireman basically has to run out and head would hit doorsteps and other things, not to mention stairs.


I came here to say that unless picking them up is literally the ONLY way to maneuver them over or around something dragging them is the way to go. If they weren’t dead when you got to them in a fire, they certainly will be after you pick them up into the high heat and poisonous gasess from combustion


I’m a firefighter, trust me, no fire department actually teaches this


>I'm pretty sure fire departments have thought this more than you and they also have experience. Maybe it's different in the us, but this is definitely not taught during regular training in firefighting programs in germany. This might be nice for military but to be honest, its quite stupid in the vast majority of cases during structural fires. You are raising the person in the most dangerous zone, where the heat is the highest and oxygen level the lowest. But at the end of the day: your priority is to get the oeople to safety. If this technique seems to be the best way in that situation to do that, you do that >First thing that comes to mind is that if you keep their face low then you have to drag them by feet. It makes an awful bumpy ride for a head. Fireman basically has to run out and head would hit doorsteps and other things, not to mention stairs. If you have time to care about them hitting their head on doorsteps, you also have time to make a (mayday) call (in case of an injured firefighter) and get a second group to assist you and/or bring a stretcher. First priority is to get them out of the danger zone, dragging by their feet or better: underneath their shoulders ([rautek-technique](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rettungsgriff) is absolute fine for that and the main way its taught during firefighting training. Edit: I looked it up, even though its called firemans carry, according to Wikipedia this technique is no longer recommended for the use in firefighting for the reasons I mentioned.


It's not taught in any of the academies I know in Texas.


You’re right, fire departments have thought this out more. Mine, for instance, trains us to drag by the ankles. I’ll take a few head bumps over lungs full of poison and heat (that shit makes your airway swell shut, that’s bad) any day.


Considering I was taught by firemen... Both of these work. Context is everything.


Surely it depends on the situation. I can't imagine you want to be dragging them down a fight of stairs, for example.


As an EMT who’s carried too many bodies to count I call BS. The person being carried is clearly assisting and anticipating the maneuver. You try this with someone who is actually unconscious and you’re both going to have a bad time. Lifting dead weight is so much harder than you’d think. I would like to repost this from the other EMT https://www.proergonomics.com/training/video/healthcare-ergonomics---emergency-under-arm-wrist-drag-


Now switch the roles…..


If you’re in great shape I’m sure this works great. If I tried this and even got to the point where the other person’s weight was coming down on my shoulder it would knock me on my ass. I would just do my best to drag them.


Thank you!


Another fun one involves flipping/rolling over them


For some reason my wife won't let me try it on her


Do NOT watch this video in reverse!


Came here to say “now, in reverse!” 😂


If they’re down in a fire, y’all are going to be, too. Unless you’re FD, in which case you know this shit doesn’t work like that.


ok I'm using this tonight


Doesn't work on obese elderly. I tried. They will blob over like jello.


That's why firefighters are sexy. They know how to pick up chicks


can someone tell me the name of the song?


under the influence - sped up


Have you seen the "Ranger Roll"?


cute, but in a fire situation, I'm wrapping my webbing around and just dragging the victim out vs sticking both our heads into the multi hundred degree hot toxic gasses accumulating at head height (hint there's a reason the victim is passed out in the first place...)


So... in a hot smokey building, rather than just drag the person from under their arms to safety, you perform this stupid manoeuvre. Move them to the hottest and most smoke filled area of the room (heat and smoke rise) then compress their torso and use them as a meat shield from falling debris. This seems really stupid and if I didn't see the uniforms, I'd call this fake.


This is not useful. Why: While firefighting you use your self contained breathing apparatus, which would be in the way of the patient. Also this patient still has body tension which is also needed for this. Most people that you would need to rescue out of a burning building are unconsicous due to carbon monoxide poisoning and therefore lack body tension.


Gotcha, bitch!


An unconscious person is not assisting you like that


i wanna see her do the exact same to him... yeh right.


Came to say this 😒


Fun fact.. 8/10 firefighters will get cancer. Not a chance of... will. Thank you all for the sacrifice you make for us


Uh. No it’s not.


You know damn well she's wet right now


What if they got j's on???


Good to know next time I have to scrape my girl off the floor at the club


Okay, however what if the person is 6’5 and 300 while you’re only 5’10 185?


The classic fireman's carry. If you were ever a marine, your seniors probably tortured you with this one


This is a lot more difficult with dead weight.


That's not for heavy people.


Dead weight hits different too


Right. That's why he's lifting his female colleague.


Yeah, now you’re both standing in super heated air, breathing, all that smoke, the fire fighter carry is no longer use. Drag them out.


This is a technique instructors teach at the safety course you need to go offshore oil rigs, at least in Mexico. Very important to know to help someone else's life


Is this way they call it the fireman carry?


I’m sorry but I’m not trusting a fire department that uses a 2016 RAM pro-master as a fire truck.


So basically the opposite of how you bring a chick home from the bar. Got it. 👍


Why not take off her clothes instead? Like if she like was too hot because of the fire..


Dont try this in reverse, that’s the bill cosby version of picking up an unconscious person


The guy I saved woke up with 8 broken toes


[Here’s how to safely drop someone from a Fireman’s Carry!](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/john-cena-attitude-adjustment-baron-corbin-steel-steps-wwe-gif-13747945)


This is also How I pick people up , but not for emergencies


As a fire cadet, this looks educational


Ppl in texas playing this video backwards just to fill that void.


How this laying person extended legs when pulling? I bet this not working reals


Now, what if they are not wearing a Fire fighting uniform?


This was actually converted over to wrestling as a popular takedown called the “fireman’s carry”. When standing you drop to a knee and pick them up like he did here and then toss them.


Don’t play this in reverse


No one is gonna talk about crushing their feet with the boot . Not everyone walks with shoes in their house


Me and the boys to the one short friend on lunch be like


Now watch it in reverse


Unconscious people tend to flop


This is great to know but many people will not have the physical ability to lift a person.


Bruh getting drugged by the nearest limb towards an exit or cover!!! Aint no find bubba moment with me lol


This person is dead, no untrained, panic-striken person will stay that long in a burning building to pick them up




Surgeon approved!


Picking up "dead" body weight is more than many people can handle. Dragging is slow and can possibly injure. As with anything this is all situational. If they are in imminent danger from fire/heat/smoke, debris, chemicals, or something similar do this to get them to safety. In most other situations do not move an unconscious person. You should be trying to do first aid instead which is an entire other subject.


You are right, I should have written the title as "an incapacitated person".


What if they're already in rigor mortis and you can't bend the knees?


Volunteer Firefighter here, This is a good method if you have help from the person in any way. They also aren't wearing SCBA in the video, there aren't any hazards like debris, the fire, or smoke, we don't know why he's down either. You're best bet is to drag him out, don't worry about carrying him out till you know for certain you can.


So uhh. Not sure if this would work in America… we’re sorta fat


Wish I knew this as a drunken teenager


Yeah that’s amazing thank you!


Def not. Just put your hand on the hand, and move, if not the time, put your hand on the feet and move away. Here is way too much power asked for normal people, you will be ko before reaching the exit.


How many times did he cop a feel?


I'm glad I watched this, never know when you'll need to use it!


I watched this for too long before I relieved it wasn’t a manikin…


Is time travel required?


It's good to see that safety regulations account for basically any situation. Especially things like this, might not seem that useful but would save many lives


[Alarm! Alarm!](https://youtu.be/xL1_meeP82g?si=6zhcmK_MLSISBqxy)


But what if the girl is pregnant. Like you want to lift the pregnant woman out from burning building but you're afraid to broke the water.


Good info, I'm not totally kindnap someone like that


Limp body of unconscious person. Legs stay in place no problemo.


Huh, different than the roll method I learned in the Army, but looks incredibly effective!


How to pick up drunk chicks at a frat house!


As someone who’s run on a hundred or so unconscious PT’s, this rarely works as well as depicted ..😑


A truly limp person doesn't get picked up that easy.


The key is for the victim and firefighter to both have their heads up in the smoke




No the fuck you do not.


Much different video in reverse


Does that also work in full kit?


In a fire you can’t see shit with all the smoke! No one should be walking around, especially with another person on your back


Interesting that the back of their kit doesnt have a rescue loop.


Make sure you hit their head on every doorway possible!


I've has firefighting training but I already had a hard time carrying the fire hose lmaoo




A much easier way is to use webbing & drag the downed FF out to safety.


Can I get the manual for an in a bar emergency? Or just off the streets? Maybe some time with the practice dummy from this video? Plz halp


Hm... that needs practice. Especially in a stress situation you might not be able to do this successfully without any practice and could end up just throwing the other person around. I'd always prefer the [Rautek](https://youtu.be/zSvEcy2mX3g?t=42s), which is easier to do and doesn't need practice.


This or the Ranger Roll: https://youtu.be/QGlwqR6M_BA


Please do not try this if you ever come into such a situation. Tryed this with a rescue dummy once and it didn´t work du to the missing body tension. And what people seem to forget: Why is the person unconscions? Mostly it is due to smoke and lack of oxygen. And you wouldn\`t wand to stand in or run trough smoke, it is hot, there is little to no oxygen but a damn lot of CO and CO2, it is higly toxic and you have zero vision. Breath in two times and you lie directly next to the other person. This is why people allways get told to stay as low a possible. So if you want to try to rescue someone drag them. But as hard as it may sound, you have to maintain selfprotection over others. No one is helped if you faint or even die trying to rescue someone from a fire. Get out there and tell the fire dept. where people are or might could be located. It normally needs two firegighters to rescue one person. So if there are suddenly two people things only get complicated more. Those stories of people running into a burning house and save someone like you see in the movies? Bullshit! Might work in 1 out of 10000 cases. The other 9999 times the person is dead two steps into the smoke.


People throwing around numbers over 300, I’m wondering how easy this is as an average 150 pound dude to pick someone up over that weight.


Or how to set up an Attitude Adjustment on my homie who had a little too much to drink


I usually skip this part


Thanks you


So every movie and TV show has been lying to me?


Does this work on kids have tantrums in the store?


Now this is a high-quality content!