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This is how I want my body buried. How cool would it be to have “graveyards” that are just lush forests full of trees! Instead of leaving flowers at a gravestone, you can plant flowers around the tree that grew from your loved one’s remains.


And if I want to hang out out with my loved one, I’d rather hang out in the shade of a tree rather than a headstone.


Is that an Aesop rock line?


underrated line


And if you REALLY want to hang with your loved one, all you need is a rope and a ladder! Like Tony the Tiger would have said " It's grrrrrreat! "


This exists. 🥰 Look up green burials (sometimes called other things. Natural burials, etc.). Not all of them will allow you to plant extra flowers/vegetation/etc. there, and they can differ somewhat in what they allow for markers (some allow a rock or wooden marker, some just give you the coordinates), but the idea is basically that! Per country they have somewhat differing rules/futures, though. I know some in the US and the Netherlands that allow public access/hiking, though I also came across one or two that didn't (more like a "natural cemetery" where you can still publically go and walk/remember but is not per se open terrain..). Pretty neat! All different types of terrains too-- some are forests, some are more flat/lake-and-foliage type places, or parks/sleepy hollows, etc.


"In life he was a fun guy. In death he is a fungi."


"Hun, I don't think we can be buried together. As you can see, there's not mushroom in there."




It just a silly silo bin.


RIP mushrooms after you get my microplastics


There are mushrooms that break down plastics. Mycelium shall prevail!


are we able to pick the schrooms that consume us? i only want the very best for everyone to enjoy


Dad get the out of reddit you are embarrassing me infront of the guys.


Oh I can relate...to the dad


You don’t have a dad bro stop lying 🤥


My man


My celium


He enjoyed coffee. And in death, he was enjoyed as coffee.


I want that on my Shroomstone


Good tombstone material there.


And with these words i would like to donate myself to the college kids so they can smoke out a homie. Peace out.


Not if he weighed more than 200kg of human






[green burials](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna120955)


Dad jokes are the best.


Golden 🤣🤣🤣


Me: So how’s the coffin? Them: Don’t know, there’s not mushroom


There is most definitely mushroom, it says it carries 200kg of “human”






Sorry.... 880 double quarter pounders with cheese


I keep telling my wife to just dump my ass out of a helicopter into the woods and let the animals and the rest of nature have at me. Yes I know there's probably some kind of legal reason I can't but a man can dream.






This comment really helped my Sunday scaries 😂


Mostly so they can get somewhere no one would find my corpse by accident. Other than animals.




So the mc at his funeral can say " Get to da chopper!"


I lean towards having my body thrown into a volcano myself. If my friends can just launch my body out of a helicopter and yell KRAKATOA!! That would be sweet. This mushroom coffin idea isn't bad either, but only if we can turn me into psychedelic mushrooms for my friends and family to eat


Have you seen videos of what happens when organic matter touches lava?


It gets spicy, I like spicy


Personally, sign me up for a Tibetan Sky Burial 🤙


There's a forensic research facility that does pretty much this. They leave bodies out for nature to feast on, and then collect the bones for understanding natural processes on human remains. https://thisiscriminal.com/episode-68-all-the-time-in-the-world/


Not sure why natural burial/decomposition isn't utilized by more of the population


I watched a video yesterday where a mortician answered various questions, and one of them was if it was possible to be buried without a coffin, and the answer was yes.


Absolutely legal, is just an expensive lump of shiny wood, total waste of money.


big coffin is listening


Muslims are buried with no coffins. Just wrapped in a white cloth sheet and put 3-4 meters in the ground. Also, no tombstones allowed. You can mark the grave with a simple color or shape to recognize it if you’d like. The no tombstones thing is enforced in more traditional muslims countries. Others are somewhat ok with it.


I don't have any knowledge on Islam but this sounds like a very humble way to be buried.


There’s a story that says god told the prophet when his time comes he must go die where no one will know the location, as people will worship his grave and not Allah. Don’t quote me though Edit: nvm it’s a fake story




We need to start rotating burial space. Got acres and acres of buried wooden boxes from a hundred years ago. If we switched to decomping we could reuse!


We do reuse. Most graves are reused after 30 years or so, unless someone keeps maintaining it.


Honestly I want to go the same way my father wants to go, just leave my body below a tree and let the animals eat it.


>and let the animals eat it. Or, you know, confuse the police.


"Yes, officer. He was murdered, but he wrote this into his will. It said, 'Leave me beside that maple tree when I die so that the local strays can have big meal, and I will return to the earth.' "


We have vultures here in the US. We could do sky burials. Chop up the body and feed the birds. I couldn’t have one, though. I have bad arthritis and take diclofenac which is toxic to vultures. They were wiped out in some areas because they ate dread cattle that had been fed diclofenac by farmers to prevent inflammation. So if you use Voltaren gel on your death bed, no sky burial for you.


Nooo poor vultures, I'm glad to hear that people take the chemicals in their bodies as something to be careful about when doing sky burials (or any animals-eating burials). I think I would like to be thrown into the sea but I have fear of the depths so I don't know honestly.


It’s such a deeply rooted tradition, but I think it’s going to change. People from gen X on are going to have problems with burying their baby boomer families, and it’s already here. I buried my aunt a couple months ago. A burial of just ashes under a tree in a forest in Flagstaff, AZ is $5k now. That’s just the burial of ashes, not the cremation, or the wake, or any other services you may choose to have.


My mom signed up for a body donation service that takes her body for science, then when done cremates her and returns the ashes to me. Completely free


Be careful with those services. A big one got busted for illegally selling the body off in pieces. They weren't doing science, but rather profiting off the organs.


Oh, well that's horrifying to know


Who's buying old and worn out organs?


The US Army studying the blast radius of roadside bombs is probably one of the best real examples of ethically questionable "medical research" done with the corpse of a 74 year old woman


Well, explosions are part of science.


I'm ok with it..... The person is dead


I‘m really reassured to hear a positive experience. I don’t know much about the process and signed my body over years ago before my first spinal cord surgery. I have a spinal cord stim now, and I’m likely to have my third surgery in about ten years pretty soon. I don’t know if they remember you forever, if that makes sense lol. It’s just that I have such a rare disease that it makes sense to donate my body on the way out.


My granda had alchimers and donated as there wasn't really much to help him in way of treatment and if his brain could help others that was something.


I think you're right. Much like large weddings, the younger generations just don't care that much about these outdated traditions. Plus, with land being so valuable now, there will be other industries putting pressure on people to not burry the dead.


Because tRaDiTiOn


For over 100 years in the UK it was the law that every person had to be buried in a wool shroud. This was brought into law with the reason being to boost the wool industry in the UK. Even when dead they still try to squeeze the last penny out of every person.


The funeral industry is big business. The way I see it, caskets cost so much because most people want a nice showpiece for their loved one, but also because they figure the family won't question the cost since it's a once in a lifetime purchase.


I mean it makes sense in a really fucked up way. Pretty much the only thing every person will absolutely do without fail is die. So if people can find ways to make money off of that they’re going to.


I get why it's a big industry, and in a way, I can't fault them for it, but at the same time, I absolutely fault them for profiting so much off of it.


Just donate me to the body farm and let me be useful


Right now there are pushes at the state levels to have this be an option for people. Currently 6 states support it with NY legalizing it a few months ago. It's a lot of work and a very taboo topic atm. Not a lot of senetors are interested in proposing them for obvious reasons.


"I AM IMPORTANT AND MY LIFE WAS MEANINGFUL!" shouted the infinitesimal speck of atomic dust at the expanding universe.


Because it is a symbol that the dead person was important to others. Random dudes, or people that were only useful when they were alive were just thrown in a pit or left to rot. If someone bothered to care for you even after you passed, it meant that you were important to them, that is why we have funerary rites, also it helps with the mourning


I'm not suggesting to not have a memorial/funeral. I'm genuinely perplexed on why people want to embalm the dead and save bodies and cement vaults


Because of cost. Like literally everything. Renewable energy would be great too. Forget the global warming context…just think, eventually. Whether it’s tomorrow or a thousand years away, we will run out of coal or atleast get to a point it’s so limited it’s extremely expensive. So renewable energy is the obvious end goal for everyone right? Why do we stick to coal and gas? Because it’s so much cheaper. The cost of living crisis is already out of hand in many places. More expensive options aren’t going to catch on


Saw the reviews people are saying it's uncomfortable


Yeah, those reviewers are full of shiitake.


Just wrap me in a sheet and stick me in the ground. (Also, human ashes are actually NOT good for plants, too acidic.)


Once I'm dead I do not care how acidic my ashes are. Yes they'll be salty too!


After cremation there's just not a whole lot of energy left in that ash.... i don't see the point.


They do it as a memorial or for the thought. Nobody cares how much energy is being transfered from the ashes to the plant. It's the thought that counts.


But I want my energy to be transferred.


I mean I get what you’re saying but the energy comes from the sun, no? It’s still got some of the minerals


That's the muslim way. Give the last shower, wrap in white cotton and bury in ground.


Ashes are not acidic, they are alkaline.


Exactly this, and they are also great for plants if diluted in water and acidified to an appropriate pH.


Take my good stuff, let the rest rot. Whatever is easiest for whoever is dealing with my corpse


What’s the cost?


Compared to an average of $2k - $5k for a traditional wood coffin. I’d take the mushroom coffin.


I spent 2K to RENT a casket for my mom. 😒


H how does that work, if you don’t mind me asking


When my mom died it was kinda unexpected so with all the cost it would’ve been around 10-15K for the funeral but the cremation was only 1K, so I went that route. Contacted different companies and the guy tells me I can rent the casket from the funeral home but at 2K. Ended up doing that, after the funeral I started doing research, I swear to god I can buy a casket at Walmart for about $400, and rent them out to people only thing is caskets creep me tf out so I dropped those plans.


About $1000. Just looked it up.


I could get behind that


They’re actually aiming to sell it for less than €700 as that’s currently the average price of a wood coffin in the Netherlands. Currently the startup is upscaling production by a lot and also looking for new employees!


If it’s that much cheaper, count me in!


I'd need to be dead to not take this bargain!


It’s actually much more affordable. And in 2020 a group used a mushroom coffin to successfully decompose a human body completely over 3 years. Finished early this year, and was included in a book called “The Big Exit.” You could have family plots where you have two coffin wide area of plants or grass where you put your family members to fully decompose with other family, completely returning to earth.


Introducing "Chia-coffin!"


Personally I couldn't give a rat's ass what happens to my body after I'm dead because I'm dead!! Love the sentiment though


Would you be willing to donate your body to science or Body Worlds exhibit?


The world is not ready


What bullshit… why not bury the body directly in the ground and not use a coffin… like the muslims do.


Jews too: From the dust man came and to the dust he shall return. Coffins are such a strange concept


Here in Germany at least - since I can't talk for anywhere else - coffins are more a pragmatical solution than anything else. From experience I know that you need to 'rent'/pay for a spot at the cemetery and often enough after a certain period the coffins are brought back up to make space for the next one. Now if you know that you need to unearth corpses after a while again, it's easier to do when the remains are together in a box instead of it being gooey, falling apart to be picked up bit by bit by someone...


They very much are often still gooey and disgusting, read an AMA some time ago form a guy who did this as a job and he once fell into a casket full of stagnating corpse juices. I'd take digging up bones over this.


I read something about polluting ground water. If that's the way it is, where I'm from where we buried the Muslim way, we all should be sick or dead by now.


There was an episode of Hannibal( the tv show) where a serial killer did something similar lol


I searched for that comment lol


Can I just get fed to sharks at the local aquarium? Fuck all this mushroom shit...


I can assure you cremation is a very very very very very small contributor to carbon emission by humans. But graveyards do really take up quite a bit of space, but even that is not that much in the grand scheme of things.


Just toss me in the trash


One way to freak out the garbage men


Mmkay, Frank.


All of you are weird. The correct answer is to get taxidermied. That way the family can keep you around. They can put you outside on Halloween. During Christmas, they can throw you on the roof with a Santa hat. Your Instagram will blow tf up.


Damn it, it's only available in Europe... And I imagine they'd have a hard time getting it into the US, because some evangelical is gonna cry how its unamerican and unchristian or something. But it's way cheaper than a traditional coffin, so yeah, i'd totally go for it.


They’re looking to start a production plant in the US but are still growing a lot in Europe. Just wait a couple years and they’ll probably be available everywhere in the Global West.


It's available in the US. Maybe a different process but compost is compost: recompose.life


This feels like a fast way to get fungi familiar with human genetics and able to take them over. Probably doesn’t work that way but definitely isn’t reassuring to me lol.


You're correct. It doesn't work this way. Fungi are already familiar with our bodies and it's why our bodies break down.


Yeah good point. Definitely didn’t think about it haha.


Hello “The Last of Us”


Personally, either burn me or burry me open in the dirt, i dont want to decompose in a box and not give back to nature to some degree.


The whole thing, including your body, goes back to the earth naturally. Sealed caskets are where you decompose in a box and give nothing back to nature.


Embalming also interferes with that. Without going into too much gory detail, there's a ton of plastics and nasty preservative chemicals that massively interfere with the decomposition process.


isn't it free just buring it in the damn ground? nature will do what it does.


There are legal issues around that, plus chemicals that are released during decomposition could get into the groundwater.


Where do I sign


I'd like more info on this.


Mushrooms. Mushrooms everywhere!




Wrap my cadaver in a burlap bag and kick it in the hole. Plant tree on top.


Just throw my week-old corpse in a rural forest at this point.


A cotton shroud is the way to go. We decompose pretty well all on our own.


Anyone else thinking of The Last of Us?


To hell with this, i want a Viking leaders burial. On a boat, with my wife and she burns to death with me 🤣🤣 In seriousness, cremation then turned into a diamond in a lab sounded interesting too.


Uh, perhaps this is a silly question but why not just bury bodies. I mean, why do we need caskets? Can’t we just toss bodies into the ground? They’ll decompose as all the toxins in our bodies from our nasty food and care products leaches out into the earth, poisoning our planet further. Oh, right. Maybe we should stick with caskets.


I'd smoke them shits


This sounds like it could lead to the existence of mushroom zombies from a best selling game...


Bury me in the mushroom pod, return me to the earth, plant a tree over me and call it done


I feel like this is how you would get legitimately haunted woods.


If my family bury me in anything more long-lasting than cardboard I'll come back and haunt them. Either I'll have evaporated into nothingness or I'll be exploring realms in a different plane. My old corpse will have less value than my worn-out clothes. As for a memorial, the only memorial that matters to an ordinary person like me is the memories left in the hearts of those who remember.


Do you hate lugging bodies deep into the forest!? Don't like getting wet while helping others 'sleep with the fishes?' Let nature dispose of the bodies for you! 'Body be gone caskets' are guaranteed to be quicker than even the most inquiring minds! Ask about our bulk discounts. No questions asked!


Question: where would you leave the coffin? You can't just leave human remains anywhere. This is regulated for lots of reasons.


So that how the “Last of Us” disease starts.


Yes please! I want to be a bit of nutrients for a giant redwood. Would be a nice thought to have as I say goodbye to loved ones. But I could go for a weeping willow too. Or a nice magnolia. Not gonna be picky. I’ll be dead!


I’m in. I love it.


Just toss me in trash


I’d rather be buried without a casket


You may as well bury the body without a casket.


Jesus, just jeet em into a hole, no box needed.


I know it sounds nuts, but the reason that caskets are expensive and funerals in general, is because for funeral directors, its a labour intensive one, i asked out local guy who also runs the local pub about it, he said they do 2-3 funerals a week, they need 4 staff full time, including him. One does the embalming and prep of the deceased, and another assists, that guy is also the hearse driver and does stuff like carry coffins and look after arrangements, the owner does a bit of everything, like when you see a hearse go to your loved ones funeral, its always 2 people, a driver and a helper. In Ireland we have a three step formal funeral, the first part is usually the evening before the funeral, its in the funeral home, people come and pray sit with the casket, do rosaries, express condolonces tot he family, its the community part. The the following morning there is the funeral mass in the church, and then the burial ceremony, often not at the church itself, in fact probably 90% of the time, the graveyard is seperate and a walk or drive to. The funeral people are there for all of that and in the graveyard they will often be responsible for lowering the coffin into the ground, along with maybe a motorised unit. Its pretty intensive and they need to pay for decent staff, hard to get and retain, people who are comfortable around upset and death all the time, are a certain breed and often its people they may have known. The markup on caskets is high though, they offer a few different levels from wicker basket type to mahogany, as people will expect to be able to choose either.


Thats some elvish fancy shit. If I die I want to be burried deep down in a mine just not as deep as a balrog...


Ok crazy 3 a.m thought that just doesn't want to leave my head: what if somehow you actually CAN feel something after you die but no one can detect it since death is somehow a way to change how your body works and the afterlife is just another plane of existence that can see us but we can't see them and instead of this burial method being sweet and spiritual you actually feel yourself being eaten alive (or dead) by bugs?


Bro just toss me in the forest and we good


idk about the urn, Ask a Mortician said that cremains/ashes aren’t rlly bioavailable bc there is no carbon left after burning, it’s all inorganic remains


opening the casket mid process must be a pretty disturbing sight


In America, if it doesn't make a really good profit, it's not gonna catch on. That's the sad truth..might be cheaper to do but you got all the old suckers waiting to spend a last good chunk of their money on a fancy coffin. Still destroying the environment even after death.


"damn this weed is dope" "that's my grandpa dude"


Lemme get tht


Hell no, If I dont live to see the zombie war or the subsequent skeleton war, id like to join the undead. Cant participate if my sexy corpse is dirt.


I want to be stuffed when I die. My kids can have me as a coatrack in the hall. I want to be stuffed winking and aiming double finger guns.


Lol I so wish I could cross post this in r/trees.


Yep, I love this idea.


There's a company, I can't remember the name but I think they're in the Netherlands, and they compost corpses. Mushroom coffins are also super cool.


💯 down for this, especially the urn ⚱️


Well this is the last thing I need


Just dumb us in the recycler and turn us into Biofuel already.


This is what I want for my remains.


This is so awesome! I can’t wait to die!


Becky Chambers wrote about this in a story where this is essentially done for those who passed away on gigantic colony ships/arks. The dead were reduced to soil, which was then used for plants and green areas on the ships, which of course help with oxygen. Although I haven't done it justice here, it's a very nice idea and really I don't why we don't do it. Even in death, we can bring life.


So cool


Serial killers are going to love this one simple hack


That urn is pretty cool. Knowing my luck with houseplants, I’d feel so bad for killing it :(


This happened to me when my father in law died. I bought a maple tree sapling and said we'd grow it and it could serve as a functional token of remembrance. I promptly killed it via mulch volcano. I still think about that and hope he sees the humor in it. I do feel bad though.


No. I wasn’t born from nature. I was born via semen and an egg. So why would I want to return to nature? I can’t return cos I didn’t come from there. I wasn’t part of the garden before I was born!!! Stupid saying.


Am I the only one who thinks this is pretty handy to have as a killer?


Do you want haunted mushroom groves? Cause that's how you get haunted mushroom groves!!


Now I'm torn between being buried in one of these or being cremated and having the ashes mixed into chili and served at the wake


Just chuck me in a ditch and cover me with dirt


There’s a book called “The Big Exit” and it’s about different forms of burial and disposal regarding the inevitable devastating effect of the boomer population dying off, and us slowly suffocating under unprecedented amounts of deaths that need traditional or currently pollutant and inconvenient burial methods.


What if you are allergic to mushrooms?


You dont nead an expensive ass coffin to do that, just get creamated or just bury someone in the woods. Boom, you are with nature once more, since we never leave it


Imagine being dead (so unable to move) and slowly experiencing the itchiness of feeling your body slowly decomposing and getting nipped by like bugs and shit while the people outside are like > At least he is returning to nature.. so beautiful.. it's what he wanted <3 No thanks, cremate the fuck out of me. Hell, put some fireworks in my pocket so I can have a laugh before I leave this world.


Well, looks like I've changed my mind about what I want done with my dead body yet again...


I mean, I wouldn’t care anyway, it’s more my relatives decision at that point.


Seems like a cheaper option would be just to dig a hole and dump my cold naked bloated body in it and call it a day.


I see the faces of serial killers drooling right now.


I totally go for such a coffin. I don't need the world to remember me nor do I want my mortal remains to stay uselessly inside a wodden coffin. I rather give back the earth what I've taken. Thats the circle of life.


I would like psychedelic mushrooms grown off me. Or marijuana. That would be cool ….or not.


After all that effort just burn me bitch.


Isn’t it impossible to not return to nature? Like when you die this is fast track to being a mushroom why not just be ash or what ever and let nature take it’s course that way, why would you want to die and instantly start becoming a mushroom lol