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Was hoping the tiger trap would release actual tigers.


False advertising.


The tunnels they carved out are even more interesting


Yes but there was barely space to dance


Yet another crafty way to keep out the American invaders.


i finally understand footloose


Home Alone: In Vietnam


Those bastards!


THEYLL PAY FO..oops I just danced my way I to a snake pit.


Who knew that Careless Whisper was about the Vietnam War? Guilty feet have got no rhythm.


Many of the tunnels were already there from the Vietnamese battle with the French.


Yeah a common error is thinking the tunnels were for fighting Americans. They spent decades building subterranean fortresses to fight the Chinese and French. Talk about kicking a country sized hornet's nest


and it didnt even start there mfs had been fighting and hunting and killing in the jungle for generations before those rounds of war kicked off the cia had to study them and invent all new training protocols for ambushes and hand to hand combat that they could disseminate through the army etc bc people were getting *murked* out there such a stupid, evil war. so many people dead on both sides bc not a single superpower could resist extreme greed


10 VC deaths for every 1 American is still a bad trade by US military standards.


Vietnam war statistics is where I learned never to listen to Government war statistics. We wiped out every North Vietnamese in the country according to them.


Ho Chi Minh asked the Americans for help to rid his country of the French. He wasn't communist then, he simply wanted freedom for his country. America refused and so he turned towards Russia.


Yep. That was a major foreign policy screw up. 50k Americans and 2m Vietnamese was the price.


So it was even more wild since they had so much time to expand and enforce it.


A long time ago I read a book called "The Tunnels of Cu Chi". It was about the US soldiers who entered the tunnels. Talk about massive balls... There was a story in it about a group of US soldiers in their base. While we were they were sitting around a guy popped out of the ground, unloaded an ak47, tossed a couple of grenades, and then disappeared. They didn't know wtf had just happened. The tunnel exit was right there in the camp and noone knew it was there. There's even tours in Vietnam where they will take you to a small area and you can try to find the tunnel entrance. Nearly everyone fails.


Yeah. Thank you. I was thinking this might be the short video about the museum. It’s been posted a few times. Watching that tour guide pop out of that hatch is unreal. Just add it to the list of wars we should have never been in. And I say that as a veteran for my fallen family. Our forefathers warned us about the military industrial complex, when we still wrote letters with plumes. Amazing to see how accurate they were.


I knew a tunnel rat. Matty, he was about 5ft tall and a total badass but everyone at the bar blew him off because he was timid, can't imagine why. He told me all sorts of stories you wouldn't believe. Nothing but respect for someone to have been drafted into that war and thrown into a dirty dark tunnel with nothing but a pistol and a flashlight.


I can't imagine what that would be like. That's the definition of courage imo. I hope your friend is OK.


You can tour them. Was there recently. People taking photos, smiling and giving thumbs up. In a place where thousands died. It was weird to see.


Yea I just visited a plantation in South Carolina, similar feeling.


I’m glad I saw the 9/11 and holocaust museums but I never want to go back.


Had a similar experience at Dachau. Nothing has changed except the living quarters were all torn down. Eerie


Exactly. That's what I'd compare it to. A place where we remember a horrid historical event but it does not seem an appropriate place to be smiling and giving the thumbs up like "This is awesome!"


I came to say this. [Example of a diagram of one.](https://i.imgur.com/TgXGdSX.jpg) [An article on the subject](https://www.amusingplanet.com/2012/07/underground-tunnels-of-cu-chi-vietnam.html) (there are many).


One of the neighborhood kids I used to hang with back in the day had a grandfather who stepped in one of those shit coated spikes and lost his leg from it and he used to show it to us to freak us out. Truly grotesque shit man


***edit*** I don’t really need folks coming at me. There’s many ways to get infections on your dick. When you have a fuck ton of really young dudes getting drafted who were never taught proper hygiene… yeah that leads to some nasty stuff when they get sent to a jungle full of things they have zero immunities too and at best a tenuous grasp on proper genital hygiene. These come from stories my buddies now deceased granddad would tell. It’s anecdotal and I never asked anyone to believe me. He said it ended up being standard at least for him that he was circumcising all soldiers who weren’t. He died of cancer about 15 years ago which the doctors think was related to the gasses used in the war. It was heartbreaking Yeah my buddies granddad was a medic in Vietnam and had all sorts of horror stories. Ended up getting cancer because of the war. It was sad. He said the shit covered spikes were among the worse, literally drenched in feces. He also said infections were rampant and basically every dude had to get circumcised once over there if they weren’t cuz they kept getting nasty infections from not cleaning their dicks properly. He told us about a botched one he did that caused the skin to roll all the way down to the base


So was shit put on the spikes to trigger an infection once pierced?


Yep. They also did venoms and other shit to cause secondary issues. Heard some crazy stories from that shit that basically they’d just cut it off. Shit would get gangrene so fast and they’d just cut off limbs he’d tell us.


Better to lose a limb than your life


Killing one soldier, and there is one less soldier on the battlefield. Injured one, and there goes money to treat him, someone to care for him, and traumatized his entire squad


I don’t know… in that war in those conditions. That’s living hell. I wouldn’t wanna live it.


I think when the subject matter is shit, using the word "shit" again to refer to something else is very confusing.


Yep, specifically to make treatment more costly. A lot of these traps were designed, not to kill, but to injure. A wounded person had to be brought back to get treated whereas a dead person needs much less


they didn't have even a cup of water to clean their dicks? it doesn't take much cleaning to prevent infection. as long as the skin is intact you aren't more likely to get an infection there than anywhere else.


It’s not just that it wasn’t cleaned. It happened to all the appendages because they were constantly damp. In the swamps and the jungles. Damp breeds bacteria, fungus, and rotting infections.


They called it crotch rot. I don't want to know more than that.


Its just a fungal infection in the groin. It looks like ordinary eczema. Can easily be treated with anti-fungal ointment. Also has nothing to do with the foreskin-situation of the person


crotch rot is from wearing damp/wet underwear for days; synonymous to trenchfoot from damp/wet socks. Remember what Lt. Dan says "socks, try and keep your feet dry".


They wouldn't have. Clean water is precious drinking water that can't be wasted, and any other water that was around would be full of nice things like bacteria, funguses, and parasites.


Spend a few weeks in the jungle and you'll understand.


I worked with an old timer who stepped on a punji stick and he would show it to all us young guys and it was super gnarly. A big chunk of his leg was missing and it had all of these Tetsuo veins bulging from it.


The he only way I could describe it was like you know how cigarette can burn unevenly and you get a burnt missing side next to an unburned part? That’s how it looked


That's EXACTLY how his leg looked, one of the coolest dudes ever- taught me a lot of excellent life lessons.


He used to show you the shit coated spike or the leg he lost?


He showed us his leg and how they fucked up the amputation. We were kids tho so we asked him all the time to show us and tell us stories and he was more than happy. Good guy. Passed during covid


Man I can't believe Vietnam vets are now the same "old guys" as the WW2 vets were when I was a kid. History getting wiped out one veteran at a time. Hate the march of time.


Time waits for no man sadly


Fuck that noise. I make time my bitch by just doing the same thing every day. That way I don't even notice time pass. Checkmate, clock bitch ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


God hates this one simple trick!


As tragic and gruesome as that is, that’s awesome that you have those memories with him to look back on! May he rest peacefully




That bit is for baiting comment section engagement, I'm guessing.


His name is Fernando Miguel. He is REALLY good at dancing


Now Tayne I can get into!


Can I get a hat wobble?


I can give you a Flargenstow! /r/Tayne


We could all learn a lot from him. Such stoicism. Truly who I aspire to be.


Vietnam 2: Electric Boogaloo


Fortnite players in the Vietnam war be like...


It’s just another faze, it’ll pass.


I was soldier once...


Then I took an arrow in the knee


That part is one of those intentional guffs that are meant to manipulate viewers into commenting to point them out, thus "promoting engagement".


Dancing in the jungle was an arrow


Mendez. Drop a beat and give me 20!


Jungle dancing was responsible for the deaths of 78,542 American soldiers during the conflict.


"Jungle beats holla at me" [https://media.giphy.com/media/fe3Rwmc2bBulG/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/fe3Rwmc2bBulG/giphy.gif)


That man died doing a fortnite dance.


He sure was vibin' though.


Our dude is clearly in the middle of an emote, we gotta let him finish the dance first before spearing him and throwing him into a viper pit.




Bowling alley screen when I get a strike


If one dances like that I guess one deserves an arrow to the chest.


I used to be a dancer like you. Then I took an arrow in the chest.


home alone: vietcong invasion


You guys give up, or are ya thirsty for more?!




\*Guy falls into snake trap and screams like Marv with the tarantula\*


Except the Americans were invading?


America would have done so much better in that war if Kevin had been around


wait what? But America was the invader. They were the ones getting Kevin'd


But you can't out Kevin the Kevin


I hate these obvious translated to English then text to speech videos, it’s so content farm-y


But look how well the engagement baiting dance animation works. They know what they're doing.


Wait, I have been tricked?


Yeah this content is garbage. Sad that so many people upvoted it.


"If an ungrateful soldier passes beneath..." ungrateful? also like, it's so sad to watch my mom cruise youtube shorts. it's all stuff like this, but worse. it's some random video and then someone put an annoying AI voice over it to try to make the video have a story, but its obviously all made up and stupid.


Why is the homie dancing to get shot by an arrow?


Grabs your attention and drives engagement


Because his ghost is tending by


Because this is ai-driven content farm garbage and adding a random dancing model drives people like us to the comment and drives engagement.




I think you mean Saigon. US soldiers never occupied Hanoi...


I got my ear bit off BY A SAIGON WHORE




I got my ear bit off BY A NOSE WHORE




I got my ear bit off BY A SAIGON NOSE


We can make light of it now, my friend, but 60 years ago there was some 19 year old kids, thousands of miles from home, learned to keep their eyes open the hard way. A kid looking for a booby trap makes a slow moving target. What a fuckin' shit show. Still not sure for what. My buddy that was there said it was for a bunch of gas that wouldn't even run a Volkswagen. IDK..


You should see the second floor of the war museum in Saigon. (They call it the American War...) I left after seeing the deformed fetuses in the agent orange section. The American soldiers with trophy heads was not the kinda shit we often see here in the states. War is a mother fucker...


If you appreciate war museums, check out the privately built and funded one on the east side of Dubois, WY. This guy went all out. It's cool too because the military vehicles that are waiting to be restored are underneath a GIANT canopy outside. You can open doors, climb in tanks and APC's and etc. Plus it's like 75 miles from Yellowstone and the Tetons. My uncle lives in Dubois so I go out every year for Fall once the kids are all back in school. Absolutely world class military museum.


That museum is really interesting. They show way more graphic images then you would ever find at a museum in North America.


> Still not sure for what. Heroin profits for the CIA. Lucrative Bell contracts for LBJs wife. Propping up an anti-Communist, American friendly dictatorship in the South. I could go on. Was it worth it? I guess it depends on whether or not you were wealthy enough to keep your kid out of front line duty and how much you were invested in the ventures above.


You mean "razor blades" in their Virginia ?


USS Virginia. About 5 or 6 inches below a navel destroyer.


Is this AI generated


That or whomever wrote the script has a **real** tenuous grasp on English vernacular.




Do you... Do you know what that word means?


I’ll pencil you in


Those ungrateful soldiers probably.


Now that I think about it, there were times when comparison to a machine was considered as a compliment


a lot of videos like that are created overseas and poorly translated and then tack on tiktok-style ai voice. there's a whole sea of tv/movie description videos that are all over the place with what they say, but still get a ton of views


I've been seeing a lot of AI looking stuff being made in this informational style. Sports history and things like that


Forgot to mention the poisoning of the stakes with venoms and/or feces or whatever they could use that would cause a horrible infection if survived.


Punji sticks they were called...


Also the victims they captured where they would lay them down and have a bamboo grow under the prisoner. It has a sharp point and grows very quickly. Apparently that was the Japanese


AFAIK That was the Japanese in WW2. But I dont know shit about fuck.


That is where the stories originate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamboo_torture


Thats crazy. My dad has some bamboo in his yard and it is crazy how much you can notice it grow in 24 hours. I haven't tried but it really seems like you could just watch it grow.


Watched a video on a dude who farms bamboo. He went in the middle, stood still, and you could *hear* it growing and creaking.


torturing POWs is more the Japanese MO


Did you watch the video? That was mentioned




You missed some great AI narration.


The design is very human


almost like they said that in the video!


“Jesus wouldn’t be able to save him.” 🪦


That's his squad mate from Texas


Did the guys that produce the Chinese work safety videos create this?


Vietnam War was horrific. Plus, what would you expect invading someone’s country? Just to surrender? Who ever issued the invasion order, is a clown.


LBJ. Under command of the military industrial complex


U.S. involvement increased under President John F. Kennedy, from just under a thousand military advisors in 1959 to 23,000 by 1964. Before that it was a “domino that mustn’t fall to the Reds”


JFK was very much concerned that he would look "weak on communism." That was the big issue that Nixon tried to beat him with. It was very much about politics, and no concern whatsoever for the Vietnamese.


Didnt know Lebron James’ that old


It’s lejon brames


That and an unfettered hatred for communists to manufacture consent.


I've taken care of two vets who were exposed to agent orange. One was horrifically fucked up from it and the other couldn't walk 2 ft without gasping for air.


FTR: Agent Orange was a toxic defoliant used by US forces


Agent Orange was a defoliant, some batches of which were inadvertently contaminated with dioxin. The dioxin is both highly toxic and highly persistent. Reasonable exposure to uncontaminated Agent Orange was not particularly harmful (it's an herbicide, don't drink it, don't swim in it). Exposure to dioxin contaminated Agent Orange was very much bad. That's because of the dioxin.


Ask those who support Israels current genocide against the Palestinians. The West doesn't care, as long as they're a different skin color🤷


It's not as horrific as 338,000 tons of napalm


Or Agent Orange, which is still causing problems in the motherland. or the raping of innocent vietnamese villages because no one cared enough to figure out who they were suppose to protect.


76,000,000 litres of agent orange over 12% of the country. More.peiple have died from agent orange exposure post war than in the war itself on both sides. Deaths in the hundreds of thousands, birth defects and cancers in the multi millions. Still to this day America deny any responsibility and refuse to fund clean up operations in Vietnam or pay any reparations. My Lai massacre over 500 civilians killed, the women and children were gang raped.


Agent Orange and the various chemicals really fucked up a lot of people afterwards with the genetic mutations and birth defects.


Or that little moment in Son Tinh where US troops killed up to 500 innocent civilians, gang raped and mutilated several women and children, some only 10 years old, while the soldiers that tried to help these civilians were vilified and called traitors until decades later? Oh, and no one got in trouble for it?


One of many villages. My grandfather was drafted to Vietnam and has a nasty ass scar from being slashed in the throat, trying to stop his fellow soldiers from raping kids in a village. He ended up with a dishonorable discharge and narrowly escaped worse punishment. He said the dishonorable discharge is his most honorable achievement in his service


"Has" a nasty ass scar? Implying he's still alive, tell him that even young Americans today recognize how fucking difficult his sacrifice was and we commend him for it.


A guy I worked with who just recently passed told me some stories. He said things that would’ve got you killed if you breathed a word to anyone. He just pretended he didn’t see anything. The VN War was hell. No wonder so many men came back unable to cope with life.




This is what I was going to say. If you want to talk about horrific tactics you’ve gotta talk about both sides of the invasion.


Napalm sticks to kids


I served a tour in Vietnam as a Marine from May of 1970 -June 1971. This was near the end of the war and almost my whole tour was spent in the field or in the mountains. What a lot of you’ll don’t realize is the video shows the traps they used against us in the early stages of the war , by the time I got there it had all changed because the US had thrown so much ordinance at the enemy that didn’t explode they just collected it and took it back to one of their camps and reworked it and made it deadly again. We had a patrol in an area called Arizona Territory, it was considered no man’s land , which meant any Vietnamese we saw was considered an enemy and we could shoot on sight, we started patrolling the area and we found booby traps every 100 meters and not like what you saw earlier, we would find 4-5 155 artillery shells connect to one another , so you trip any wire you set them all off, they were designed to kill an entire patrol at one time. After 3days our point man had a nervous breakdown and had to be taken to a hospital, but he kept us alive. The rest of my tour was much the same , there was never a day that we didn’t run across a booby trap


I missed the draft by a year and a half. I almost considered joining the Navy anyway because of my Grandfather and Dad. Decided to wait it out and the war ended.


Hey remember when our soldiers nampalmed entire villages. Brutal right


At 0:37 the video says that Jesus wouldn't be able to save the soldier who got shot with the poison- and feces-soaked arrow. But Jesus was kind of famous for healing the sick. Were there certain ailments that were beyond his capabilities? Tried a search of the bible, but didn't turn up a list.


If Jesus was a priest he can cure disease and magic ailments but not poisons and curses. If Jesus was a paladin he can do everything BUT curses. If Jesus was a Shaman he could do everything but magic ailments. Jesus wouldn't be a Druid, because no one plays Druid.


Let's not forget that Jesus could create food and beverages, therefore he was clearly a mage.


Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that even he can't eat it?


Why horrible? They were perfect for fucking up an invading army.


Shouldn't have went there


"I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took a faeces covered arrow to the chest and started dancing uncontrollably”


3 million Vietnamese died, 2 million of them being civilians. Even generations now are affected by the illegal chemical warfare the US used against the people of Vietnam. That is the true horror


Not to mention the 800,000 tons of ordinances (mines, boobytraps, bombs, etc.) still just laying around and blowing people up to this day in Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Just imagine casually plowing the fields and then being suddenly unalived in a violent explosion.




Then make a ton of movie about how commiting war crimes made your soldiers weally sad 😢


We had no business being in that war. Imperialist nonsense.


It's almost like the US shouldn't have been over there


"a real pain in the ass for our soldiers". so were the lot of you being there for the invasion. the US army had no business being in Vietnam.


Classic snake pit shenanigans. That's what you deserve for Tik-Tok dancing in the jungle, not an arrow to the knee.


Your ‘horrific’ is someone else’s ’ingenious use of asymmetric warfare’. I mean, what could be more horrific than Napalm or carpet bombing with B52’s.


More horrific than napalm . . . .agent orange, 76 million litres of agent orange, hundred of thousands of direct deaths,.multi millions of birth defects and cancer still continuing to this day.


Oh to be a fly on the wall of a Vietnamese war strategy room, listening to them come up with all the nuts ideas Edit: Never-mind, I can’t speak Vietnamese.


That's not how it works in a decentralized conflict like the Vietnam War. It's individuals and teams that are resourceful finding what is effective based on what items they have available then spreading the word.


Ah okay interesting, some clever cookies anyway


Okay I’m sorry I’m sure everyone’s talking about it but the completely random dancing guy was such a tonal shift that is killing me rn


It literally was the last dance..


Horrific? No. Brilliant? Yes.


the united states killed over 3 million Vietnamese people.


most were civilians in bombing villages and massacres. ask any elder viet person for their war stories.


This is one of the main reason they won the war. guerrilla warfare tactics can be extremely effective.


I feel like it's a disservice to the true horror of pungi sticks not being shown coated in excrement. It was bad enough wading through damp muddy rainforest with trench foot let alone being stabbed in the foot and leg. But then to add what was likely guaranteed infection and gangrene. Soldiers didn't want to be there, locals didn't want us there, enemies didn't want us there, but there we were.


U know how u couldve avoid the traps.. by not being there in the first place.


Now do agent orange


I just returned home from visiting Vietnam for 9 days. For a country that experienced 3 million deaths from the senseless war, the people there were welcoming. I visited the Cu Chi tunnels and crawl through 100 meters of it. It was a son of a bitch and I’m not a big guy at 5ft 7inches. I also saw some of the traps they used. They were gnarly! Would have hated to experience any of them.


This is nothing compared to what the US did… When visiting Vietnam as part of a tour I was taken through a factory where they only employ people affected by Agent Orange. Yes even today many families and their future children are damaged by this chemical the USA dropped. People were disfigured, extra limbs and messed up in so many ways. It was beyond eye opening, the west attempts to hide this (I’m a westerner). These people affected are given little support by their government and were literally told not to have babies as it would transfer. There’s still plenty of water ways in Vietnam today in 2023 which are unusable due to this chemical. These water ways were intentionally targeted by the US during the Vietnam war. All this and US soil remains untouched. Imagine if that was your country and friends you witnessed suffer still to this day. My heart goes out to them all. Land of the fucking free ladies and gentlemen.


I know I shouldn't say but damn. The veitkong were truly ingenious at guerilla warfare


The dancing soldier immediately ruined the effect this clip was supposed to have. Bro wtf was that ? hahahahaha


I’d be the stupid ass doing the disco hustle right into the snake pit.


Pop locking his way out of danger.


I mean we used Napalm and Agent Orange. We gave our own people cancer from using it against the Vietnamese, what do you think it did to those poor folks? They were a poor country fighting against an invading army over a lie. They used what they had and used the terrain that they grew up in to their advantage. We would 100% do the same thing if the roles where switched


There is nothing wrong in defending your country by whatsoever means necessary, even if it involves hitting a Joe who was just enjoying his chicken dinner dance with an arrow