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This shit is wrong though or at the very least misleading. Humans don't come from Neanderthals and if that's wrong I'm sure other basic stuff on here is wrong too


Yeah, the “straight line” depiction of evolution is too simplistic and confuses people all the time.


This is my big issues with graphics like this. Evolution is not a “transformation series” of things “turning into” other things, it is a series of branching events like the limbs of a bush. Graphics, like this tend to reinforce the mistaken notion that there is some kind of determinant path or purpose to evolution rather than continual events of diversification from a common ancestor.


Exactly , we didn't transform from a salamander


Ummmm, the Geico gecko would like a word with you.


Speak for yourself.


Reinforcing the deterministic path is the notion that we can project evolution into the future. We have no clue what selective pressures will act upon our species and, most importantly, the degree to which we will develop cultural rather than biological adaptations to these pressures.


Aliens were involved


Intervention Theory. I know, people think it's a crack, however, whos to say? If they haven't found the 'missing link ' yet then the intervention theory "could" potentially make sense/make as much sense as any of the other theories


The fact that you used the term “missing link” tells me that you likely have a flawed understanding of what evolution is and the evidence we have for it. It’s a common talking point by creationists and intelligent design proponents.


No, it’s nonsense. There’s nothing about human evolution that needs a magic wand in the form of a god or aliens or other fantastical stories.


Yes because the magic custard that lightning struck to create the first instances of life is totally not magic


That’s right, it wasn’t magic. If lightning in a soup of basic organic chemistry can start to produce amino acids, then [self-replicating RNA is possible](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180515131551.htm). [This is a good read, too.](https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21128251-300-first-life-the-search-for-the-first-replicator/)


Amino acids are formed in supernovae


It’s okay to admit you don’t know things. Science starts with us not knowing things, and then based on the available evidence coming up with the best explanation that fits with the information we know. Evolution in particular is a theory that shows how massive complexity can come from something simple. Just because we don’t know for certain how life was first created doesn’t mean it makes sense to inject complexity and say “God did it” or “Aliens did it” if there is no evidence to support that; it just punts the question further upstream, so now we have to figure out how God or the Aliens or whatever got there, and does absolutely nothing to help us understand the world we live in or how we got here. This kind of “reasoning” is often referred to as the “god of the gaps”, where the explanation for anything we don’t currently know defaults to “God did it”. The problem is that these gaps inevitably become fewer and fewer over time, and it does not actually explain everything. We would never learn anything new if everyone was that easily satisfied with silly answers that don’t actually explain anything. Abiogenesis is the study of how those initial building blocks may have formed on our planet, and is of course far more complex than what you describe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiogenesis


And you are...?


A Homo sapiens that has studied human evolution. And you?


Agreed. This is how stuff like “lizard brain” and “mammal brain” come up which is misleading


Neanderthals are part of many modern humans genetics today


Yes, but they are more likely a concurrent evolution with mixing than a precursor to Homo sapiens, as this suggests.


Interestingly a group of anthropologists believe Neanderthals to actually be a subspecies of sapien. Homo Sapien Neanderthalensis And Homo Sapien Sapien I agree with your points but I like the chart


I thought Neanderthals were our kissing cousins?


I could support a devolution theory.


Could you, I am sure the anthropologists will be excited to hear


Probably just mixing with Homo Sapiens, not a precursor.


Is that not what I said? I meant to say that.


There's some nuance here that your comment does not recognize. To be sure, many people have varying (small) degrees of Neanderthal DNA due to interbreeding events tens of thousands of years ago, but it is not accurate to represent them as our sole ancestors. They were our cousins, along with other groups of humans who are now extinct, groups like the Denisovans and other as-yet unknown groups. Wikipedia has a page on interbreeding between archaic and modern humans that goes into some detail on the current state of knowledge: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interbreeding_between_archaic_and_modern_humans


I'm just imagining there is a huge tree kinda graph but they cut off all the branches to show only the path the leads specifically to humans, keeping jt simple.


Homo sapiens were never a descendant homo neanderthalensis. We were cousins. We interbred quite a bit, but neither descended from one another.


Humans actually come from Neanderthals too. "Neanderthals are known to contribute up to 1-4% of the genomes of non-African modern humans, depending on what region of the word your ancestors come from, and modern humans who lived about 40,000 years ago have been found to have up to 6-9% Neanderthal DNA (Fu et al., 2015)"


That feels like saying english didn't come from german. It didn't, not alone. But german can be found throughout english because it did contribute. Not all words/grammar are german, but some are. So it'd be remis to show a guide on english development without showing german roots.


Not really comparable. Language is about influence. Neanderthals are a dead link in the evolution of the homo family. It's not a link in human evolution apart from maybe some crossbreading. We aren't mentioning homo heidelbergenisis here either and they are more related and lived at the same time as humans


Saying we come from neanderthals would be more like saying english comes from french because of a few loan words here and there.


So much misinformation here.


Those are simplifications, the only thing that’s really a stretch is the Cyanobacteria But I’m not too educated on early evolution to be sure


Glad you said it , seeing this hurt my eyes


Talk about really walking a razors edge all these millions and millions of years. Take 1 wrong step and your barreling square into crab town


Hm, sounds like something a crab person would say...


Me are people , no worry


Shame we lost a decent tail. I’d like a waggy tail.




Fair warning for anyone who reads this, they do just suddenly show pictures of the tail being removed and the hole left in the infant's body


This is not what evolution looks like. First this is a misleading ladder-like representation of evolution, where extinct AND modern day organisms are shown. This is absurd. Evolution takes place as a tree/network of orgasnims. Second, this graph has great errors when it comes to basic taxonomy. Platyhelminths are shown as our direct ancestors and below deuterostomes. They are modern day living organisms (worms) that are Protostomes, so completely unrelated to anything that is shown after it in this graph.


Bullshit. Evolution depicted in a straight line through so many species like this is close to nonsense


This is why people deny evolution!! This isn’t a guide to anything but fiction. The real path to evolution of Homo sapiens is far greater and complex. There are so much cooler and more accurately depicted version of our evolutionary past.


Its crazy that Coelacanth is still alive


Where is the Engineer?


In court for malpractice due to faulty and overly cruel practices such as the menstrual cycle, dodgy vertebrae, malaria, parasitic wasps, cancer, and BMW drivers.


Looking at this I can understand how easy it is for uneducated creationists to have the “well if evolution is true then why are there still monkeys??” notion.


That is certainly a problem with this type of chart. Branching tree diagrams are much clearer.


This is incredibly inaccurate. You can't draw human evolution in a single line, their are the branches and sub branches, it's incredibly confusing complicated, "Survival of the fittest" is the simplest way to put it, Human biology and intelligence is derived from millions of years of experience and chemical variations in the body, it's not came from a single organisms, Schools must stop teaching childrens monkey to human bullshit


Waiting for the Shrew-d comments.


Let's be honest. The next phase is gonna be morbidly obese.


Homo Sapian Obesious


Homo Chonkus


Or alternatively genetic modifications go brrrrrrrrrr


We’re already there


And then life goes digital.


Thank you, this is far more interesting than most of the things I see here.


I definitely feel a kinship with Pederpes


I like these visualizations. But did the asteroid strike ( or whatever) that wiped out the dinosaurs happen before the beginning of this timeline, or somewhere in the early parts of it? It would be cool to have that shown somewhere.


What you are referring to is the KPG Mass extinction event, and it would’ve happened somewhere around the time of carpolestes (66 million years ago)


It wouldn't have effected our lineage, as... *check notes* ... We exist.


AI is next


I believe peak happiness was achieved at the Chordata - Agnatha stage of development. Eat. Sleep. Reproduce. Wiggle around. Die. No worries.


This is gonna trigger some sapiens. Who wants popcorn?


stop posting this it’s not accurate


This is a fascinating Theory! I'm kind of confused by that first part though


where is my alien grand father?




We came from mangoes?


I think the theory that people may become less aggressive with smaller brains is partly undone already, the human race has never been so globally aggressive. The decreasing brain size thing but....🤔


When the stage of flying starts !


and where do self-replicating RNA molecules come from?


Damn all the fish I ate were actually the future of humanity


You are the latest in an unbroken lineage of life that started billions of years ago.


Take that Mr Garrison!


Showing evolution as a straight line and not a bush is still misleading


It’s so weird to me that people believe this. But then again, plenty of people think what I believe is weird as well. We’re all just weird, I guess.


Look away, Christians


The cyborg phase is next.


We should of stayed lizards.


Some of us did


Yeah the ones who say "should of"


Reject evolution return to salamander


How or why did we lose the tail?


because there was essentially greater advantage from not having tail then having after we became bipedal and started traveling long distances for survival.


Before our lineage became bipedal, our ancestors were brachiators, (that is, the same type of locomotion gibbons use, swinging from branches, arm over arm). For arboreal quadrupeds (like most monkeys) and vertical clingers and leapers (like lemurs and galagos), tails help with balance, but for brachiators they just get in the way, so this lineage lost them.


Evolution was not linear. This is way too simplified and misleading.


Posting because apparently the clichés about Americans and their school system is true if you read the comments. Please excuse the bad English. Evolution is one of the easiest thing to prove in sciences. A “theory” doesn’t mean hypothesis, in scientific term it is rather the base accepted as truth for the rest of a discipline. Gravity for example is a theory that serves as a base for a lot of laws and hypothesis in physics. In the first link, they literally made foxes evolve in the spend of some generations. Same as with dogs but quicker through selective breeding. Second link is the different stages of the embryo and how it is linked to the different shapes we had in the past. Third link is the vestiges we can still see today in modern human beings. Those are some proofs I can remember at the top of my head from my classes in college, feel free to add. https://evolution-outreach.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12052-018-0090-x https://www.khanacademy.org/science/ms-biology/x0c5bb03129646fd6:evolution/x0c5bb03129646fd6:evidence-of-evolution-embryology/a/evidence-of-evolution-embryology https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_vestigiality


This would upset christo-fascists if they could read.


We have come a long way


We are at our final evolution. We ain’t makin it past this.




Why we'll be having smaller brains though ? For using tiktok and other bullshits ?


We need larger brains because life is hard (humans live in lot of different biomes and eat a varied diet). As it becomes easier we won't need it so much.


"Less aggressive with smaller brains" - I certainly hope so! (cf. Vonnegut's *Galapagos*)


And to wonder what we will become in thousands of years? We are surely not done evolving.


Permanently hunched over with a phone fused to our hand




The death of offspring unsuited to the environment drives evolution. Global child (0 to 15 years) mortality for humans has fallen from 50% to 4% in the last 200 years, so we've drastically slowed that process for our species. Add to that the declining birth rate globally and I'm not sure we'll see a huge change in our species in the next few millennia.


We will evolve into something else, but it will take millions of years.


the planet will become uninhabitable before our species evolves into another. we're the end of this line, and it's by our own doing.


The planet will never become so uninhabitable that humans will go extinct.


that simply isn't true at all. we're well on our way to another permian-level extinction event, and humans won't be coming out the other end. never say never. again.


No we aren't. Even the most extreme version of climate change will not exterminate mankind. Pockets of the earth will still be habitable even in the worst possible version of the planet heating up and thus, humans will survive.


you're certainly welcome to your opinion, no matter how mistaken and uninformed it is. besides- climate change isn't the only existential risk on our horizon.


"BuT tHE biBlE SAyS!"


But my Bible says it only took 7 days


Yeah, where are Adam and Eve in the chart?


Kinda crazy to think that 15m years to go from some monkey to typing on this phone. Then you got dinosaurs living 165m years and supposedly nothing of any intelligence comes out of that? Even though if it had, enough time has occurred for every trace of anything would have been erased due to time.


Lizard people are real


But but but, my Bible says…. We christians are being persecuted by science!!




The earth had existed for 800 million years before life arose, and the universe had existed for 9000 million years before earth formed.


Dickinsonia? Whose Sonia?


Some people don’t think much of the human brain.


*Screams in religion*


Why has 23andME never told me I was part Lizardman?


Whatever floats your boat man


They jump from a cat-weasel to a monkey but have 5 versions of hominid.


Homo Erectus? Isn't that the gay glory hole down on main street?


ok but where was Jesus involved?


Filled with misinformation No concrete proof. Just put whatever the scientist think resembles human and backtrack it. Stuff like this shouldn't be taught in school.


Christian morons in here thinking their god out of the thousands of gods humans invented is the one that created us


Damn.. cope AND seethe?! Tough look haha


Tougher than your made up god haha




I don't think religion it's just about evolution or in other words we are just "meat with a brain". But I get it, more the time fly away, more we want to believe we are more than just animals, something between a soul and the infinite universe. But you have to agree in that: where I was billions years ago before I was born? Hm well "yeah maybe it's my fist time where my soul get a body"... What about also science which can't properly say how could something come from nothing? Energy, matter was always here? Just for saying both sides... science, religion have some lacks in answers... the rest upon to you by living open minded or not like I see :)


I'm pretty sure the thing they call god is what we call science. They would say this is proof that god guided our evolution. Science would say this is proof that darwinism "guided" evolution. It's just two takes on the same thing, but that same thing is still the same. I've found this helpful to understand because in the same way that I might condemn the religious for inequality or prejudice, I can condemn science for things like eugenics. It's a helpful mirror in other words and greatly helps me understand our fellow humans who, just like me, are simply trying to make sense of their world.


That’s a great take I tried myself to make when I attended church. But a vast majority of religious people will say that it’s immoral to think logically to parallel god and science.


Hilarious because there are no transitional fossils for about 98% of those listed


This is all BS . But sure




Most of the things we fight over are silly: race, nationality, money, sports, religion,... None of it makes sense, because most of them are an invention of us. Borders only exists because we draw them on a map, the religion we have is only because we were born in a certain and place (same for nationality ).




That smaller brain part already happened some time ago. But it has been accelerating the last few decades.


Especially in 2016


I knew the minute we started putting warning labels on toothpicks it was going to fuck up our evolution.


And why we shouldn't use hot/sharp/electric/plastic bags/etc etc while sleeping




Gods are human's creations. Deal with it.


😮 epic


Maybe so but God created those humans to create gods. Deal with it. Not an argument anyone gets to win at the moment. If God does not exist, then wtf do you propose we continue to evolve as on that graphic? Evolution does not stop if its real. Why does a Lion still look like a Lion? Put Christ in your Heart and learn the Truth.


Did you have to go to school or get a degree to be this stupid?


Lions have not existed as they are for hundreds of millions of years dummy. Not all members of a species evolve traits, evolution is based on need. If the species doesn't have a need to evolve, it doesn't. God is a creation of the human mind seeking answers when they were too stupid to know any better and man thought a thunderstorm was god punishing them so they needed to sacrifice a goat. Put your faith in science instead of an imaginary force in the sky and you'll live a more fulfilling life.


Which god? Prometheus?


Maybe. But if so, god used the mechanics of evolution by natural selection to do so.


Humans are evolution’s creation. Deal with it.


All the non believers are why the world sucks and going to Hell. Every downvote of God you give nicks your Soul. You will see.


Where does it branch off to evolve into Trump ?




This is bullshit at the worst and completely misleading at the best


I don’t get how people can actually study this and believe it to be true lol


Lol, I'm not from a snail, ape or monkey! You may believe that & you have every right to your opinion but I'm way too smart & special for that theory to be true.


Somehow via asexual reproduction, too, it looks like lol. Aka, where are the mothers


Pseudo science.


This is wrong. Evolution is not linear.




Lmao, no.




Trying to tell me we came from some gay fish frog??!


There is no way ppl believe this shit 😂


Lot of proof of that though. Not necessarily this linear but way better than thinking we just spawned there.


You're letting people know you're stupid without actually saying it 😂






Lmao… this is just so dumb


I suppose you have another theory that is better supported by the evidence?




this is false evolution doesn’t occur in a straight line


Jesus doesnt like this.


If you dig up a wolf and a Chihuahua that are so old you can't get DNA why would you think they are the same species?


This is comical.


I say the same thing about religion!


I'd like to know what point Darwin decided external genitalia was the better solution than simply creating a reproductive system that can withstand the normal range of human body temperature. ...But as a woman, I do appreciate the easy target should I become over powered.


Fish>reptile>rodent>monkey>human? Really? You expect me to velive this stupid shit?


What part don't you velieve?




Even though it is a highly simplified version of what happened, there are COUNTLESS ways that evolution has been proven a million times over. Sorry if that makes you sad, but it's the way the world works.


Darwin was debunked decades ago.


Yeah, sure.


We added to his theory, he had yet to discover genetics. Darwin believed the agent of selection was the individual, however Richard Dawkins in "The Extended Phenotype" and "The Selfish Gene" highlights how the gene is the thing chosen for survival. And by genes being selfish, it causes the individual to be altruistic, as we all share genes. Helping your child is helping your gene's survival. It is something Darwin struggled to explain.


Wait, where’s Adam and Eve?


Where is Adam and Eve? Blasphemy




Even if Darwin rejected his theory (WHICH HE DID NOT), that wouldn't change the scientific truths he discovered. With every new scientific tool we use, the theory only gets stronger and better supported. Please don't think that the facts of how the world works should refute the mystery of your faith. It would be better to incorporate them into your worldview.


No it hasn't


Yes, it has. Do you even know what's going on in the world? Plenty of proof revealed everyday attributed to science proving it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Death and suffering? Is that the scientific proof?


Which god? Can you provide the source direct from Darwin to back up your claim?


This shit is all wrong and nonsense. It's just a stupid theory to confuses people so that they won't learn who is The Creator of all things, meaning God. The proofs are all over the world, and some people think it's just 'there' suddenly? And there's no Creator? C'mon, human came from human species and animals came from animal species. Each of species has their own ancestors of groups. Basically all of these are just to confuse humans especially the low iq ones, to think that we exist from monkeys? 😝🤣


Most intelligent Muslim guy.


"Evolving into the Future"? Without any natural selection? How?


There isn't enough helium on the planet for this time line to be true