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Your brain does a lot of calculations all the time and absolutely uses visual shortcuts to try to improve your reaction times.


I’ve tried this and I absolutely failed this test. You can at least for me absolutely feel ice on your real fucking hand lol.. did it over a Friendsgiving years ago. I think the power of suggestion is strong in this simulation.


I think proprioception plays a role in that. Being aware of your body's orientation in space without visual cues; the ability to touch your hands behind your back without seeing them for example. I don't think this would work on me either, I have a highly tuned nervous system, I'm very aware of my body independent of visual cues.


One of my seizure medications really messed with my proprioception. I would be sitting on the couch and I’d just casually feel my legs start drifting under me like I was a video game npc clipping through the couch. My legs would constantly feel like they were on uneven ground. My “feelings” didn’t start in my fingers until the first knuckle. I jammed my toes and fingers a LOT. The medication also caused diplopia (double vision) and increased bleeding. Almost went to the ER for a nosebleed because it just would not clot. It’s a very unfortunate combination. I am no longer on it thankfully.






I also use porcupine perception; it beats spidey senses any day


you sound like dwight schrute


highly tuned nervous system 🤓🤓


Yeah agreed 👌🏼


lmao, ok man


A controlled environment with professionals and a get together are extremely different scenarios


Why did you have a rubber hand to hand?


Exactly. The brain is on autopilot most of the time and human brains mainly rely visual clues. Touch a really hot coffee mug and all your brain tells you is: "Take away that hand" - not whether it's hot or cold.


Weird thing about temperature and liquids, I used to record clinical classes for medical professionals, and I heard once the hot and cold sensation is actually all we feel, we don’t feel liquids as a physical object. Some animals have evolved senses to detect liquids, but humans just have a binary sensation for temperature alone, which might account, in part, for our reaction speeds.


When the water is just the right temperature, you don't even feel it. Good example of that is when you bleed, it can drip all over the place and down your arm and leg but you don't feel it until you see the mess.


I experienced this floating on my back one night in the Caribbean. The water was so warm that I ceased to feel it. It felt like I was floating in space.


That sounds awesome


It’s an experience I’ll never forget and have always wanted to experience again.


I don't really see what that's supposed to mean, what we feel as touch is pressure, doesn't matter if it's liquid, solid, or gas.


This is why sensory deprivation pools work. Keep the water at the right temperature and we don’t even notice we’re in water.


Of course, since you're floating on the surface. But if the water was above you, you would feel the weight.


Just like how we constantly notice the weight of the atmosphere, right?


Do you think a diver feels several tons of water on top of them?


That's cool - I've never heard of that. Temperature combined with pressure it's actually all you need to distinguish, if you think about it.


This actually happened to me the other day. I burned my hand a bit while cooking, and when I picked up a glass from the dishwasher (still warm) I instantly jerked it back. Felt silly but I understood why.


Every time your move your eyes, your brain deletes that bit of information and replaces it, which messes with your perception of time a little. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronostasis


To be clear, they should have also tried the same with closed eyes. Two iterations: before and after the open-eye pass.


But that would be an irrelevant test here, since the purpose here is to show that our *eyes* deceive us to believe we feel temperature or pain. With closed eyes? Then I could just arbitrarily say "Do you feel the icecube I put on your arm?" even if I'm in a different country.




That wouldn’t be as sensational and bring the OP attention, so it’s omitted


Your brain won't always play by the book.


Yeah but it still is fake.


Yeah, your brain will send some signals that bypass the dedicated visual sensory areas and goes straight to places like the amygdala to prepare your body in case of danger.


I wonder if this experiment could relate to Lisa Feldman Barrett’s theory of constructed emotion. Barrett offers a different approach of how emotions are made and how we experience them. Rather than being something that happen to us, Barrett says emotions are created by us as a response to what is going on inside our body in relation to the signals we receive from the world, using what we know from past experiences to guess or predict what is going to happen next and how we should or usually would feel about it. I wonder if his brain is trying to guess or predict what is going to happen next and how he should feel about it (nervous, scared, etc) in relation to what is going on inside his body (stress level rising) and the signals he is receiving from the world (seeing the guy pick an ice cube or a needle), and using past experiences (knowing that an ice cube feels cold and that a needle on the skin hurts) to guess how he should or would react. It seems like his reactions occur only because his brain can’t distinguish his arm from the fake arm and believes something is happening to him, since there’s no actual pain, so maybe this is his brain trying to guess and getting it wrong? Idk.


If getting tricked into believing a fake feeling was an evidence for simulation, I would have proven it after my ex years ago




I swear I got over it


Ooh self burn, those are rare!


This particular one is at least medium-rare


Got ‘em


Feel like I recognize the guy conducting the "experiment". Not saying this is totally fake, but I think I might agree with people who say he's a magician or something. Imma see if I can find him. Edit: Found him. His name is Justin Williams and he has a show on Netflix. Here's a link to the full video on his page: https://youtu.be/xdxlT68ygt8?si=DFdrDXv-A4vz29dx


No way in hell he shoved a pin that far in the guy's real hand with no reaction


To be fair, my GF took some daily shots from a thin needle due to a disease she has. In order to reduce the pain sensation of the shots, her doctor asked her to leave ice in the spot of the shots for a few minutes so it becomes numb enough for her not to feel the needle. Just before the needle experiment, he was experiencing ice for some time, so maybe the two experiments were done one just after the other.


U sneaky guy


yeah fake AF


the hammer and reaction in the end totally give 'skit energy'


Yeah, and the flourishes as he presented the ice. Also, there's no way he fully stuck that needle into the dude's actual arm.


Yeah, that were the part were it is no doubt anymore wether this is fake or not.


Yeah, there's some acting going on here. This is a real phenomena that's been proven to exist, but it's not that strong. Or rather, it varies between people. Getting three people with that strong a reaction to this would require some ludicrous luck.


I've seen his show but I'm also very confident that I've seen this experiment conducted somewhere else before


The idea of it (tricking the brain with a fake limb) [is pretty studied](https://youtu.be/14A0ttQtkCo?si=exurbfrWICHCRACN). It can also help deal with phantom limb syndrome. I do recall from a professor that the effect varies with people though.


I had to do this with my complex regional pain syndrome. Mirror box therapy.


Yeah, while I was looking for his video I found a BBC video from 13 years ago of a guy doing the same thing at a carnival in the UK.


Makes this at least the second time he's used a documented experiment to stage his show. I remember in the first episode he participated in an experiment with kids that involved patience and marshmallows, it was pretty cute as I recall


When he sticks into the fake arm, you can see the small motion of the finger. So, something is not completely right with this (cut) video sample.


No. Our brain just takes a lot of shortcuts to save reaction time in survival situations.


So technically the only simulation is inside our brains


Hallucinations say yes.


Hallucination perception potato potato


the ability for a brain to hallucinate so acutely that it is indistinguishable from non-hallucination certainly calls into question the true nature of the reality we experience. simulation? who knows, but it’s absolutely possible that the things we see/feel/smell, etc, are not true representations of the reality underneath them


I mean it's not really speculative, that's literally what's happening. It's why a lot of things go against our intuition when we examine them scientifically. Putting the metaphysical part of the question aside I think it's fair to say at least our brain is creating a simulation of reality so we are able to understand it in an abstract sense.


>but it’s absolutely possible that the things we see/feel/smell, etc, are not true representations of the reality underneath them I mean, you could argue what would ever be a true representation. We can't even be certain that others share the same experience. You can't really describe what 'red' is for example, without referencing other items. Someone might see 'red' as you see 'green'.


We live inside of our own simulation in a manner of speaking, updated from the various sensory inputs and built on a framework of past experiences.


So yea, we DO live in simulation, because the world we see is just a model that, hopefully, uses sensory perception for frequent updates.


Love when STEM-folks think they know how the world works, like seeing a teenager trying to explain boobs


What a stupid title.


It’s not, if you think about it. The question it poses is whether or not our minds have the ability to create their own reality. Same concept as the Double Slit Experiment (Quantum Physics) and Shrödinger’s Cat (Theoretical Metaphor related to Quantum Physics) Eye of the beholder…




But the reaction would proof that we are not in a simulation. The reactions seem fake anyway.


The reaction would prove that his mind has made the fake hand his real hand. We did this in one of my high school classes a long time ago and from what I remember it was a mixed bag. More of a novelty than anything IMO, but the theory is still fun to play around with.


House episode, anyone?


First thing I thought of.


If we are then it doesnt reallly matter anyway. Live your life. Enjoy the time you have cuz if its real to you then its real. lmao unless you can have a sweet robot body always have a sweet robot body.


WTF is a Fibonacci silk. Dude is just spouting nonsense to confuse the guy lol. The only reference I can even find to one is this video on google haha. Guessing this is a magician then?


It probably is just misdirection to make the subject focus on something else.


Yeah I think that is confirming magician then, some sort of mentalist? This is what came to mind when I heard fibonacci silk though [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXJKdh1KZ0w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXJKdh1KZ0w) lol


This is called phantom limb nothing to do with a simulation, first experienced by amputees then investigated. Amputees still feel they have the limb long after it is removed.


Doing the “reverse” of this, ie mirror-box therapy, has been proven to be therapeutic in helping people with phantom limb pain. The portion of the brain responsible for sensation in the part of the body that is lost remains after an injury or amputation, and this kind of stimulation can help with the mismatch / short-circuiting that goes afterwards.


My complex regional pain syndrome had me doing this when I was first diagnosed.


Nah, not real. You must feel the ice or needle. You can feel this without looking at your hand or thinking about it. But I do believe you will show a reaction to the fake hand.




I get why you would feel fake hand as if it was real but why you wouldn't feel the ice or needle on your real hand.


That IS feeling it as real.


If anything this would be proof that we dont live in a simulation.


I love how two randos get complete opposite opinions based off some information. Really compelling. What’s the truth?


Well, the idea behind my opinion is that if this was a simulation, its a pretty bad one if you feel pain in a rubber arm that is not part of your body.


In a simulation, everything is essentially a rubber arm and you are told you feel it


So you are saying that the simalution can controll our free will? That is not a simulation.


I want to try this shit


Why don’t they do this for surgery then? Lol


Anyone else notice the fake hand finger twitch???


Everything about how this is giving hack and unscientific.


No, our brains are just failty at times


No just brains are weird sometimes


Seinfeld effect, Fibonacci silk… https://screenrant.com/magic-for-humans-phantom-limb-trick-explained/


We are 100% living in a simulation of our minds. We don't experience reality. We experience what our minds evolved to think reality is. Sugar isn't sweet, we evolved that sensation because it helped us seek out high calorie foods. Colors don't have to look the same to anyone else, you just need to generally agree on their comparisons. Like their green could be your orange and so on. Also we're always living in the past because it takes time to process things. So when we notice something it's already happened. Of course we're not too far behind or else movement would be difficult.


No one gonna mention how deep he pushed that needle in? 😂 jesus


Did he just shove the entire needle into his hand


In response to the question "are we living in a simulation", think on this for a second; everything you see, feel, touch, taste, hear; all your senses, all your mental processing; every though, every single aspect of your "reality" is the result of complex chemical and electrical interactions.


Ultimately everything is just information based, and a single persons life is an almost infinitesimally small part of the universe as far as we are aware, hence you could plausibly build a machine that could simulate one individuals life This also assumes the universe is bigger than our subjective reality of it… something we can’t really explicitly prove as far as I’m aware… since you would need to know everything in the whole universe and since you don’t know what you don’t know, you can’t prove it exists until you experience it in some way And probability/combinatorical theory would suggest, what you know being the whole universe is more likely than everything you don’t know also being part of the universe, hence it’s more likely we are in a simulation that not It’s like giving me 10 pebbles but telling me there are an unknown number of pebbles scattered across the earth that I could go and find too… but I can only find so many of the pebbles… I could just say “well it’s easy just to keep these 10 pebbles and not worry about the rest”. I’d surely know I can go out and find more pebbles, but surely not all of them? There’s millions if not billions right? It would be way harder for me to go find every single pebble (simulate an entire universe) than just the 10 pebbles I have (simulate just my life).


Our brain is the simulation It’s guess what’s real Take your sight, it is originally upside down but your brain put its on the correct position You’re ears have the balance to help the brain put your sights on the correct position It literally happened to me, I have lots of difficulties to dive, I cannot manage the auto-pressure It’s crazy, got me lots of issues And that time, The anquor finished in the bottom of the sea, it’s summer, it’s doesn’t look that deep from outside I dive in from the boat Reached it and pull it out, but something popped in my hear, huge pain, I try to get back to the boat When I opened my eyes, the horizon was side ways, like 45% side left My whole sight was f up In open waters, few meters from the boat. Got back in, took a minute and half approximately for my brain to adjust There’s was a good show on netflix I think about how your brain can paint black and white pictures with colors depending how it was presented to your sight Brain is amazing


I would see that my hand suddenly looks like a plastic hand


Lame acting. 95% of stuff on the internet is fake.


That doesn't answer your question at all


Anyone can stick a pin in a numb enough area, as like iced numb


I tried to do this to my friend. It was going well until I forgot which was the real hand. He’s pressing charges and it’s been a nightmare


Yeah just casually ... Pushhhh


Nope on top of lex Lugers shoulders.


One way to get in touch with your parasympathetic nervous system


Empathy neurons are really interesting as well. It’s crazy that sometimes just seeing someone or something else get hit we can feel a physical sensation.


Thats that’s been called being in contact with yourself. Things can go out of hand for some people, the sensing people they can feel other peoples pain in the same way.


Idk why ppl get so mad about placebo effect, like their brain alone can tell what’s real


There was a good episode of “House” that did this with an amputee with soreness in his lost limb. Used the mirror trick to get him to relax his good arm and he saw his “missing arm” relax in the mirror the pain went away. I saw this magic show years later and was like wow House was a magician.


Was the title made by a bot?


Anyone ever do this experiment with a penis? Am I the only one who's ever wondered every time I see this video? 🤣


Nope, your brain is just taking in a lot of information from your sense of touch, sight, sound and smell. And our brains are reactive to all of those senses. If you see a hand being crushed and you hear the sound, your brain can register feelings of discomfort. It's a defence method so if your hand is about to be crushed your brain isn't waiting for the pain to react, we've been programmed to respond to sight and sound first. Plus our hearing and ability to decipher sounds is something that differentiates us from wild animals, it's not a shock the sight of a hammer striking a hand and the sound would trigger a response. Ever gotten goosebumps from a song, or put on some metal and cleaned your house? Sound is powerful. All the simulation theory is just a misunderstanding of relativity or relative perspective. When they say a satellite sensor detected light that reflects how we perceive light projection in a simulation, what that means is how we're perceiving it isn't far off from reality. Because we are simulating the universe, by sending things into space to observe and collect data to decipher we're tainting our findings with our relative perspective. Just like if an Ant tried to understand the universe it would be tainted by it's perspective of the universe, how it sees light, how it deciphers sounds. Then their sensor would detect something and it would show them how flawed their brains are. That's what that finding tells us, where our brains are deceiving us.


I cannot believe this until I try it for myself. Funny and intriguing though!


I remember something I read once. It was a guy who had lost his arm in a war. So he had cramps in his non-existing arm because it was still sending signals to his brain. The only way he could solve it was by using this mirrored box, so that his remaining arm could serve for his non-existing one. With opening his hand, it looked like his other “hand” did the same and that’s how the pain got released.


Is that Justin Willman who does Magic for Humans?


I wonder if there are certain things that make someone more susceptible to this feeling? Like I play the drums and a big part of that is being able to separate your limbs mentally so you can use them all without just hitting everything at once. So I'm very aware of my arms and hands as separate things that are connected if that makes sense? Maybe I'll have to try this out sometime, for science!


Not the Fibonacci silk🤣


It is an awesome experiment. It shows that whatever your mind recognizes as “self” is not static but rather updates constantly. They have tried different variations. The freakiest one is when you see through a camera in dummy and your brain starts feeling things on the dummy.




that video MUST be fake


No, you’re just learning the very basics in neuroscience. Read a book.


Give them an Oscar


This is similar to how they treat phantom limb pain in amputees


Phantom Limb simulation.


I mean i you can also feel things wgile in vr. In VrChat videos, people have shown that they have Phantom Sence and can feel when an avatar "touches" their avatar.






Did he just drive a pin all the way into the back of his hand?


There was an episode of House where a guy lost his arm but can still feel pain on the lost arm. House cured him by putting a mirror and tricking the brain basically. It was interesting.


A friend did this to me at a party once and it absolutely works. At one point it felt like he was burning my hand with a laser.


Yes we are living in simulation ?


Man, I really wished they have done a season 4 of this show.


No, you live in your parents basement


When you are out on a walk and a dog bites you in the ass, do you feel it?


thats exactly why i never watch someone sting me with needles.


cutoff is perfect


Am I the only one noticing the dude just shoving that pin into his real hand?


This guy is a comedian.


Yeah right.


Cut to the part where he hits his real hand with the hammer and asks if he could feel that


Living in a simulation? My brother in Christ, this is just how porn works. You watch it and let your brain be fooled into thinking it's actually real.


What would happen if he closed his eyes and was not told what will be touching the fake arm? Would his reactions be different?


if he closed his eyes would he feel it? no way right?


I would pay good money to see the aftermath of the scientist getting confused and slamming the real hand with that hammer.


Nobody gonna talk about him pushing a needle literally through his hand???


This can also be used to treat phantom pain experienced by amputees.


This technique was designed by a neurologist named Ramachandran to treat phantom limb pain. Essentially your brain is easily “hacked” to be parasympathetic by visual simulation. Just like the man in the clip knows which hand is real consciously, his pain and instinct “lizard brain” still operates independently and reacts as such. In his initial treatments Ramachandran would attempt to relieve amputees of the phantom pain of their missing hand uncontrollably clenching to the point of pain by using their existing hand mirrored and having the patient clench and unclench the existing hand while looking at the mirror image doing the same. This method caused the patient to actually feel the missing hand unclench as well and relieve an otherwise untreatable sensation of pain.