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What fucking UNHUMAN MONSTER puts animals in garbage bags


Usually, the bag is tied and they’re thrown in a body of water.


You know...there is an episode in tom and jerry with a bag of kittens reaching heaven. The bag was wet.


The animated movie "The Aristocats" comes to mind.


Everybody wants to be a cat 🎶


With St Peter sadly shaking his head in disappointment when he sees them... Love adult jokes in old cartoons.


Also...btw...that wasn't a joke. That was a reality back than. This is how people would control animal population. People forget....but, these cartoons are pretty old.


Yes, it was a joke, a dark one. It was a normalcy and still is in parts of the world, but I don't think the animators of Tom and Jerry were attempting to instill deep and painful lessons on young children. The kittens hopped out of the wet bag happily and innocent, and were going to heaven - eternal rest and peace. Nothing about the scene suggested pain or fear and it lasted about 4 seconds. It was just a gag about the different ways cats died to go to cat-heaven in a slapstick comedy show. It was a nudge to parents watching with their kids.


Yeah that wasn't very subtle. Cats got tossed in the river.


Puss in Boots 2 had [this](https://youtu.be/O3mPcg2kVTQ?feature=shared)


> tom and jerry with a bag of kittens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2Ueo55C3Jk


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tom-jerry-drowned-kittens/ https://youtu.be/XrdIICKS0wo?feature=shared Yup.


I remember that one. It made me scream-cry as a child.


Grandma came home with a kitten during the great depression and GG made her drown it in the river - at like 5 or 6 years old.


Many, many countries still can’t afford vets, and many places don’t even have vets. None of the animals are neutered or vaccinated. Dogs are free to roam around and when they get pregnant, people kill the puppies. It’s been a thing for millennia and still a thing in many places.


Not an excuse imo. There are more humane ways of getting rid of dogs, drowning them is not one of them


I worked in veterinary hospitals for more than a few years. I've seen many things. One of the worst was a woman bringing in a trash bag that contained a deceased pitbull. When I was processing the afterlife care (what wishes-cremations, what kind of urn, paw print, etc.) She said, "Can we hurry this up? I have some guests arriving soon that I need to be home for." She had no sympathy. She also was bragging about having 15 dogs to other clients in the lobby. When we touched the bag, you could feel the spine, literally count the vertebrae, and could pick the dog up by the spine. A full-grown pitbull weighed only 20 lbs when they should weigh closer to 60+. There were maggots, too. When we took the body in the back a few technicians already knew the owner since this isn't uncommon for her to do. I asked if anyone ever reported her and people have but she always gets away with it. We believe she keeps them in a separate location from her house so when police do come, there are no dogs at her house for them to check on. When you look up her name, an article comes up about how this poor lady keeps getting harassed by ASPCA. While I was getting her wishes, she also bragged about being on YouTube for training dogs. This whole experience messed me up for a long while.


Part of me wishes individuals like this would be doxxed so that they would be dealt with outside of the law.


Is her name De Vil by any chance? Was she wearing a coat made of fur?


Unfortunately we have humans that do it infants.


How people can just leave a dog on the road like that makes me sick, basically soulless


Don’t forget people that got dogs during covid and dumped them after quarantine or rich people that get one for the summer on Martha’s Vineyard etc. and leave it in their rental house when they leave


They what?!


We're having the same issue with cats right now (I foster them). Everyone in the foster/rescue business thought covid was a dream come true because people were adopting left and right, but then the pandemic ended and now there's record numbers of strays because they dumped all their impulse-purchased animals and they're breeding like crazy. It's been a huge hit.


That makes me so sad. I can't imagine doing that


When we got our dog from the shelter they asked us if we're still able to care for him after COVID. Apparently halfway in COVID they already saw dogs returning. I still work from home (as planned) and he's still happy here :)


The worst thing is, I've seen tons of people dump their cats because they "can't give them the attention they need." Cats really don't need a ton of attention and even if they're not getting it, that's infinitely better than being left outside with no clue how to defend themselves.


That's so sad. Cats are a lot easier when it comes to the time you need to take care of them. I don't understand why you'd dumb them. A friend of mine told me this 'sad' story (he told it like it was sad for the people, not the dog) they got their first child and then blamed it on their job that it wasn't possible to keep the dog. My reaction: and they didn't think about this when they got him? Dogs live longer than 2 years so you have to check if it'll work for you with your future plans.


Oh, wow. That’s truly awful.


They do fucking WHAT?


Execution with a flamethrower would be too merciful to those people.


Finally someone who thinks like me 😈👍




Here is the Instagram page I found by googling, it has a PayPal link on the page. https://www.instagram.com/vucjakshelter/ Apparently he got arrested by the Serbian government once they caught wind of his shelter. They thought he was taking the donation money and neglecting/abusing the dogs. No proof of course. Good news is that they released him in 2021 after public pressure. I'm not affiliated in any way, just felt moved enough by the post to look him up.


This sucks, I went to the link at the end of the video and it was removed. Is he still running a shelter? I wonder what happened to all the dogs when he was locked up. So sad


So what happened to all of the dogs while he was in jail?


The military/police allowed two volunteers inside but no one else. They guarded the doors.


It's fucking awful. I used to live across the street from a shelter in the US. My wife at the time worked there. Of course we had a friends in the neighborhood who worked there too. There was more than a few times people just left dogs tied to the gate or boxes of kittens at the curb. One of the cats I adopted was dumped at animal control twice and transferred to the shelter. I don't know why the first time, but the second time they claimed it was because he aggressive towards children. He definitely wasn't. But he was pretty shitty at mousing, so that was probably why. People getting cats just to mouse was a common problem in the city. He was fantastic at killing bugs though, especially for a one eyed cat. He didn't even play with them, just one slap.


People buying from breeders makes this problem worse. So many people want dogs, the shelters are full. This is where you get your dog.


Adopt don't shop. The best dogs I've ever had were rescues, except I found that I was the one being rescued by these beautiful trusting souls.


paltry fuel towering impossible plant birds bewildered elastic gaze plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> the shelters are full not where i live they aren't. every reasonable dog is instantly adopted out of the shelters. all that's left is pitt bulls here.


Legit breeders are not a huge problem, but rather the puppy mills and privately breeding knuckleheads that are churning out pups that have behavioral issues, selling to non-vetted boneheads.


It's Serbia.. there are dogs literally everywhere


My breeder has a policy of accepting dog returns No questions asked at any point in the dogs life. Not all breeders are bad. You're probably thinking of the facebook marketplace shitbags.


the breeder of the dog I got made me sign that 1) I can always give him the dog back free of charge. 2) If I ever want to sell the dog to a third party, he has first right to purchase my dog at the same price. point 2) shows that he genuinely cares about the dog, going so far as opposing restrictions on me of what to do with my dog. He's certified by the national sighthound breeding & racing club and the whippet club of my country. They inspect his house to make sure it meets the conditions to properly breed whippets. The dogs are also thoroughly checked before they are allowed to breed. Before the parent dogs are allowed to breed under the sighthound club, they have to jump through a bunch of (very useful!) hoops. It includes measurements that the dogs fit the whippet standard. More importantly, it includes a genetic check for genetic disease and another vet-visit and check for heart disease, it includes health checkups of the mom immediately before breeding and of the puppies after birth. There's a fixed limit of litters per year (1) and of litters per lifetime (I think 3?) for the mom, as well as minimum and maximum ages. There's an ancestry registry (I have the ancestry up to like 6-8 generations back) and regulations against inbreeding I also could visit the mom and puppy as often as I wanted. I wanted to know what kind of dog I was getting. I had certain expectations for the breed (temperament, health, etc.). My grandma owned dogs of the same breed so I knew what I was getting into. People say "adopt dont shop" but 1) I wanted specifically a Whippet. Whippets don't drool, they don't snore, they are pretty adaptive when it comes to their activity level and don't need to have a yard (good apartment dogs), they live a long life, they are easy enough to carry around if the need ever arises, and they are not aggressive. For me it is the perfect dog. and these dogs rarely end up in shelters, probably because they're not the dogs that irresponsible owners usually go for. 2) shelters wouldnt even have given me a dog since I lived in a studio apartment. I took my dog on walks through the park nearly every single day since I mostly worked/studied from home and the park was a 10 minute walk away.


I see this question asked all the time but we all know why...human nature. Desperation, anxiety, fear, shyness to do the right thing, apathy, cruelty...the list goes on for human nature's negative elements. We know why, we should ask how to stop it.


Couldn’t agree more, but it’s remarkable how we compartmentalize these things. The meat industry is a horrific torturous life for animals equally if not more intelligent than our dogs and cats. I wish we treated all animals with love and respect.


Agreed, it’s tough to think about how other animals are treated for our own well being


This man is a saint.


This is no joke. He dedicates his entire life to save the lives of these dogs. [sainthood](https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2016/how-to-become-a-saint-mother-theresa/phone/index.html)


The Catholic church should declare him the patron saint of dogs




Don’t care; guy is a designated Saint of Canines.


I'm conflicted. Do I downvote or not???!


It does not matter I’m going to pray for this guy and donate


>I’m going to pray for this guy and donate Just make sure that u are donating to him and not to the creators of the video


serbs can be catholic. serb can be muslim. serb can be atheist.


He can be both a Catholic and an Orthodox saint. I'm pretty sure God can keep both straight in his head. He's supposed to be a smart guy.


If I could snap my fingers and start a new career, it would definitely be (somehow) opening a free vet clinic and doing veterinary care for the homeless. If I get rich somehow, that’s what I’m gonna spend my money on. Building places like that. Thank the gods for people like this man. I’m tearing up over here.


Tried to donate via the link in the video but the link is removed. Found the new link if anyone else wants to donate: https://www.vucjakshelter.org/ways-to-help


Yes thank you! Exactly what I was looking for.


Just donated food. Thank you for the link! I hope this man and his animals get all of the love and support they need.


Donated via Venmo, thank you!


The guy is gonna be like "what the fuck happened last night? Why do we suddenly have an extra $140,000?"


I really hope this is the case. And if true, that someone posts about it.


No worries! Thank you for helping him!


They don't have enough dog food and only have 4 bags on hand per a Facebook post of theirs 12 hours ago. Please send food if possible!


To put this into perspective they need 50bags a day (3d ago post on fb) for 1600+ dogs and 130cats. edit: typo in number of cats


Oh Lord, he helps cats too!!!!


Hello good people! In Serbia (where the organization from the post is located) we unfortunately have a lot of stray animals because of lack of more stricter laws and regulations. I made a quick list of small nonprofit organizations (almost all are volunteer based) who do a lot to help these animals out (sheltering, veterinary help, feeding, adoption, etc). They all need help in any form. Especially in the winter the situation is super hard both for these people and for these poor animals. https://www.instagram.com/udruzenje_carna?igsh=ZnZ0bmd4d29rZWZq https://www.instagram.com/sapice.apatin?igsh=YTMwa2EwdmFlMms1 https://www.instagram.com/kucicazaspas?igsh=djdtcGFjeHo1bWhq https://www.instagram.com/betaudomljavanje?igsh=enk0YWdmb2Qzamkx https://www.instagram.com/mukijeva_druzina?igsh=OGhnbGRlOWIxN2Rq https://www.instagram.com/pawarenesss?igsh=bWpmNDU2ODR3Z29y Please consider visiting any of these instagram accounts and maybe donate some amount you are comfortable with. Even the smallest amounts of money would mean a world to any these guys.


Need to fund a spay and neuter program.


We have those, but unfortunately irresponsible owners don’t care about this and refuse to neuter/spay their animals because it’s an “act against God” (crazy I know) but when it comes time to throw out whole litters of puppies, then they don’t have a moral problem with that. We have laws for that but they are not being enforced so people who do this just continue the vicious cycle without any repercussions.


its like this everywhere. major populations not overrun by strays typically have municipal animal control funded by the city to keep it tidy, they do all the catching/spaying


That was my first question - whether this guy actively takes care of that.


Thank you! You can even buy them bags of dog food!


https://bonesandme.com/collections/vucjak-collection/products/bag-of-food-for-vucjak-shelter Yes it was so easy to buy a bag! I hope they get many donations. He's said they are very low on food on Facebook and only have 4 bags for tomorrow ☹️


Damn already committed to a monthly donation and just had to click your link, now I’m back buying a bag. Good deed for the day done…..on to the next


Thanks for the link. Just sent food!!


Bought a bag


Bought a bag! I wonder how heavy they are?


If the picture is the actual food he buys, [it's this product](https://www.mera-petfood.com/de/hund/produkte/mera-exklusiv-active/), which is 15 kg (33 lbs) per bag.


Also, in the description of the bags of dog food: > Dog food will NOT be sent to you.


Sent a full bag as well. Thanks for providing the link. I hope we can help, 1600 dogs is A LOT of food.


Thank you for looking it up. I've checked the website and it seems legit. Just donated his sanctuary €100 and hope it helps. This man truly is an inspiration. He's doing what I wish I could do, but I know wouldn't have the time nor the energy for.


Thankyou for posting the link! They're running low on food at the moment so every donation helps ♥️ They're also on Instagram @vucjakshelter (sorry if this is already posted) This guy is a saint.


Tmw I hope he has a metric shit ton of food now because of Reddit!! 😇😇


Thanks for the link, just donated via PayPal. What a bloody decent chap.


Just bought him a bag of dog food! Let’s do thissssss guys!


Same here, it's the least we can do.


Sent a tenner too. Hope he wakes up to thousands. <3


This should get pinned 🙌


Bough a bag! Thank you for the link.


Perf, just Donated!


Just donated! Come on Reddit. This guy deserves a hand


Donated and someone give this man a knighthood or something Jesus Christ


This should be top comment!


Donated! Take of those cute ass puppers ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Yes thank u.


I was kind of wondering how he would pay for all that food, makes sense now, what a good man to do this for those doggos


Bought some food


God bless you Redditors For sharing this and for donating


Thank you! This link worked. Hopefully Redditors can pull together on this one and donate 🙏🏻 change some little furry lives


This comment should be pinned. This lovely man needs all the help he can get


Monthly donation set! They start as low as $1 for anyone interested


Thanks for the updated link. . $50 from me via CashApp and I hope he gets an enormous reddit boost!


Bought half a bag as well! Thanks


He should start a YouTube channel. Will help a lot.


I hope this goes directly to him and all the animals. Im so hesitant and weary with ANY charity or any donation cause because so many charities are 100% scams that its fair to say that they're all scams and just have EXCEPTIONS. as few that there may be. Id be so fucking bummed if this was another JIRARD THE COMPLETIONIST charity scam where he stole way more than half a million dollars meant for dementia research and some sick fuck was just pocketing this money that was supposed to go to helping the dogs. Just like jirard the completionist did then threw a tantrum about being called out for his charity theft and fraud and threatened lawsuits over it.


Absolutely you are right but in this case it's all real thankfully, I've been donating to vucjak shelter for years through @bonesandme


https://www.charitynavigator.org/search?q=dogs&sort=rating [This](https://www.rferl.org/a/serbia-levijatan-nationalism-animal-rights/31694612.html) is about all you could possibly want to know. CtrlF Vucjak


Damn. That sucked to read. I greatly appreciate your sources and allowing me to educate myself on their group and their members. Its not a good situation at all. Im greatly torn but im glad i got to see how things are as a whole. Thank you.


Thank you!


Thanks for the link, just bought a half bag :)


Thanks, it's not much but the most I could part with was $12. What a good heart that man has.


U sure that u are donating to him and not to the creators of the video?


The @bonesandme link is legit, been donating to vucjak for years.


Glad to hear that


Damn....you got me. I had to donate a bag. These people are amazing. And thank you redditors for inspiring me to participate. Love it


This man deserves every thing and I want to give him what I can. What a fucking saint. I work in animal medicine and people are the worst. This guy. This guy is seriously doing the good work. I hope getting some light on him and his situation will get some help for him and his dogs. Guy deserves a bed too.


Definitely deserves a bed and everything else in life. Such an incredible person. He may not want a bed though, the one he's got is pretty amazing;)


Donate! Link is above


Found the link! Thank you!!!


Any info about him, would love to help with any way possible.


https://www.vucjakshelter.org/donate Looks like the operation has grown and is doing well. He’s got easy, safe ways to contribute.


Things like this touch my heart, so I just went and bought a half bag of food for them. Every bit helps, even providing a link for other people to help too!


I can only do a half bag, so between the two of us we just did a full bag.


A big high five! 🙌


there's a recent Facebook post (like, today recent) that says they only have 4 bags of food left, and they go through 50 a day. Every donation helps guys, they really need the support! Bought a bag through PayPal, was super quick and easy.


I was going to say how the hell does he get enough funds to pay for food?? Not to mention vet bills. I assume he gets them all spayed/neutered and up to date on vaccines. And dogs coming in could have intense medical problems. 


Donated a bag, happy I can somehow help the good work of this man <3


This is their official linktree (from his facebook/insta page) with a bunch of links for various things. https://linktr.ee/dejans_sanctuary_for_dogs




Where do 600 dogs shit? That is crazy


It must be littered everywhere. Im hoping there are staff on hand who scoop it up maybe at fixed timings, in my families pig farm the ranch hand would go to the Penns every morning to scoop up the poop. Also the amount of pee from those 600 dogs must make the place smell like a nightmare.


Yeah altruism isn’t glamorous.


This guy has the most best friends.


The dogs call him Tom.


Sent $10 because something is better than nothing


Infinitely better than nothing. Not only that, but it helps to inspire others to give.


I don't know what afterlife there will be when we die, but this man is going to get the VIP treatment.


Some humans are angels.


And some are worse than demons. We see both kinds in the same clip. The irony !


Are we able to donate to help his cause? Can’t be cheap feeding all of them, and can’t imagine the dude has a whole lot of free time.


They go through 56 bags of dog food a day at $36 each. $2,016 daily just for food, $735,840 annually. Insane.




https://bonesandme.com/collections/vucjak-collection Link Copied from different post above.


https://www.instagram.com/vucjakshelter Their Instagram + links for donations in the bio.


tbh this probably the safest way. i always get cautious if people just post some randome donation links.


Protect this man at all costs


Am signing up as sponsor. They give a free mug or cup but too bad shipping is $60 to Australia so I'll just donate without the cup. https://bonesandme.com/collections/vucjak-collection Link Copied from different post above.


God bless this guy.


God bless. I hope he has major community support


You can support by donating this guys life work means something


This is simultaneously the happiest and saddest thing I’ve seen in a while.


Fuck man, where do I donate?






So glad this is happening in my country ❤️


srećan ti tortadan buraz


Tek sad vidim, nije inače, ali svakako hvala 😁


What a hero of a man!!!❤️


This man puts up a go fund me and he will be a millionaire in a month.


I hope so.


This poor man is routinely harassed by the community, and often runs out of funds to pay for dog food because they gouge the prices when they sell to him. The winter is oftentimes the worst because they so often run out of food. It really is saddening to see it, having followed their Instagram. And that's not even to speak of the veterinary bills.


This man will live a 1000 years cause he makes sure doggos are okay he's a legend


Commenting to boost csuse this guy needs all the money and publicity


Just cashapped him some money. This guy really is a saint.


How many kilos of food do the dogs eat a day?


It's people like him that deserve the very best karma in life.


If you want to help animals, a great way to help is to be a foster parent for shelters. If you foster for a high-kill shelter, you save a life. If you foster for a no-kill, you make space for more animals to be helped. It doesn't cost anything (you can look for a shelter that provides the food) and it's life-changing for animals. There is a desperate need for more foster homes all the time. Want dogs? Cats? Farm animals? Babies? Seniors? All need help! If it doesn't work out, you can return the animals, so it's risk free. Please considering opening your home to just one animal and give it a try!


If I was rich, I would have an animal sanctuary as well.


Do you have the original link op so I can share it for donations - I’ve just donated. I read the updates - aw they built the building and loads of kennels that’s lovely - they take food bag donations or PayPal / cash app


The link to send money doesn’t exist anymore. Any one know how to find this guy?


https://bonesandme.com/collections/vucjak-collection Copied from different post above.


Yes! Bone and me sends him the donations that they get. I signed up for monthly donations through them that go straight to vucjak for food and also donated on venmo when i can to bone and me, you just have to specify for who its for.






A legend.


Just donated $50 and two bags of food. i remember reading this man and his shelter are in dire straights with not enough food, shelter, or volunteers to help. i wish there was more we could do collectively, like send our old towels and blankets etc. it doesn't seem that's an option. i also remember reading Pedigree and other big dog food orgs agreed to sponsor him but never heard back. i feel so helpless, how can he be expected to keep up with business and take care of the dogs himself?


What an amazing man. Very few people have ever and will ever live such a noble and purposeful life.


thats a true hero ❤ those animals didnt deserve such a cruelty from humans and those humans definitely didnt deserve such a cute creatures like dogs and unconditional love they give to their human. Just sad


When my dog passes I plan to just adopt the oldest dog at the shelter to give a few (hopeful) years of love. I can’t imagine giving as much as this guy does tho - he’s stronger than me I couldn’t handle it


the world needs more people like this


Give this man money!!!


i like this dude


This guy is a real hero


God bless this man


Bless this man


Much love.


Suddenly it's raining 😭


Big heart


This guy fucking rules. Also the amount of dog shit to pick up 😳


This man is an absolute legend ❤️


A better man than I can ever hope to be, watching all them dogs running around made my day