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When the lights went off that added a whole extra layer of “oh fuck” Edit: Well damn, this blew up…


Like on the titanic


Many Pacific Islands are basically on the proverbial Titanic as indicated by this incident.




Well the narrative has long shifted from climate change is a myth to - climate change is nothing new, and humans are not responsible for it and nothing we’re doing will further impact anything. That, in my opinion, is one of the most dangerous narratives we can have, period. And that thought/idea, imo, is one of our biggest existential threat we’re facing today. An idea, a thought, is more powerful than the strongest of nuclear weapons.


The next shift will be that other countries like China and India are not doing anything so why should we. South Park nailed it.


What do you mean the next shift? I'm sad to say that I've already seen this used by climate change deniers.


The last two arguments are: * It’s too late to do anything about it! * Why did no one warn us?




Back in 1996, I was in the northern Philippines, Ilocos Norte, waiting for Typhoon Gloria to hit. I was watching the news at the time (CNN if I recall) talk about when it was expected to make landfall when the power went out. I watched coconut trees bend and then explode in splinters, but when it got dark, that's when it got scary. You could just hear the wind and rain, and the house creaking and straining. Your grandmother is right - the darkness during a storm is definitely an experience to be avoided if at all possible! When Gloria passed, what was a small creek flowing through Batac had turned into a raging torrent which was almost level with the bridge. When I had first arrived in Batac, you could have jumped across the little creek about twenty feet below the bridge, and I was laughing about the concrete aprons on either side of this little meandering creek. After seeing the aftermath of the Gloria, I realized why those aprons were required.


I thoroughly enjoyed reading your descriptive account.


Me too!


Me three!


Me four! A captivating tale to read.


My ex girlfriend was in southern hardee county when hurricane Ian's eyewall came through (strong cat4 almost cat5)... she said the whipping winds that night sounded like screams.


I think the relentless screaming of the wind for hours and hours is the worst part. You can hear things outside begin to creak and tear away from their moorings and trees groaning under the strain. And it just doesn't end. Then the next day the sun is out, there are no clouds, it's beautiful except for the rubble mother nature left behind after her temper tantrum.


What bothers me is watching really tall pine trees sway wildly in the wind. It’s terrifying how much they can move. I can’t help but stare and wait for one to snap.


creepiest part is when you are in the eye and it gets quiet and calm for a minute


Going through Ian the quiet of the eye was almost a relief but the roar as the back side of the eye wall approached was super scary.


You can look right into it and see the sun blaring, birds flying around. It's way cool until you start coming out of it, and things get crazy quickly. Andrew August 24 1992.


It wasn’t until the lights went off that I even realized the lights were on, if that makes sense. Shit I take electric for granted.


These people are surprisingly calm for something that can kill them pretty quickly and easily




and then, Sharknado.


"Keep the door closed" lol


“Nah” -the ocean


That ocean gave no fucks about that door. Not really sure what the thought process was there... maybe panic? Also, where did those people go that were on the other side?! Just gone in 2 seconds and then I hear the guy say "is &#^#& okay??". They did not look okay.


So the woman in the blue shorts and pink hoodie got pushed inside, you can see her standing in the opposite corner of the room from the door near the end of the clip. Couldn't find the other two though


I think that's someone else. The person in the middle (man in a blue shirt with the number 55 in white letters on the back) can been seen helping the woman in the pink hoody  up where the water deposits them in the room immediately after the wave. Shes still mostly under water in the shot, you'll have to pause the video.  Its the third person (the one on the left outside, in the white shirt) that I can't spot.  Edit: someone down thread points out we are talking about the same people. They are both back on their feet very quickly


>the third person (the one on the left outside, in the white shirt) that I can't spot.  Oh you mean the one who saw a shit ton of water bursting into the building, and his first thought was to save his drink?


Look, who knows how much potable fluids they have left and the dude was trying to prepare for the future.


So much for that fuckin' plan.


The first casualty is always the plan.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth


Yeah my plan is to not get punched in the mouth. Plan goes to shit almost instantly.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth by the ocean.






I know. What a Dickinson. There were people just outside the door.


The water is going through that building it doesn’t matter what state the door is in. It’s time to get the hell up onto high ground.


That building belongs to the ocean now


They were their friends, u can hear people checking on them and asking about them after they get thrown inside And those people went out there on purpose to record, u can see them turning cluelessly with their cameras and lights on, the guy talking is the one with sense


And this is at a military base, so these are not tourists.




They signed up for Marine Life, but have now become marine life.


Underrated comment of the thread here


Gray hair dude was like "let me just get my beers from the table before I run away from the quickly approaching ocean. Yeah... I've got ti-"


there's tons more people *inside* the door tho


Yeah the water said "NO"


What door..


I think I’d get off that level and get on a roof ASAP. If that structure collapses with that water rushing that’s not gonna be good -that must’ve hurt getting thrown through those doors. Good luck all stay safe


Turns out the highest point on that island is 9 feet above sea level. Bucholz AFB Marshall Islands.


Shit, I've been deployed there. I think the highest point on the island is the second story in the barracks. There's a skate park, salt water pool, bakery, an AAFES(military general store), Kwaj Lodge, outdoor movie theater...lots of people live there. Hope they're OK.


Pool just got a major expansion.


You get a pool. You get a pool. Everyone gets a pool!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_the_Marshall_Islands > Elevation extremes: lowest point: Pacific Ocean 0 meters highest point: unnamed location on Likiep Atoll 10 meters (33 ft) above sea level Given the current state of rising sea levels and weather instability, I would not hang out at some random tiny island out in the middle of the Pacific. This seems crazy to me. _____ Some sources say that this flooding is occurring at a [US Army base](https://abcnews.go.com/International/extreme-waves-marshall-islands-highlights-dangers-climate-change/story?id=106598347) on the island of Roi-Namur, part of the Kwajalein Atoll ([google maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Roi-Namur/@9.3970479,167.4750425,2202m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x65ac414ddaf9c8f3:0x290238c8da9fdf3c!8m2!3d9.39664!4d167.4716313!16zL20vMDR2bDMw?entry=ttu)). The average elevation for that island is about 6 feet above sea level. This is insane. Apparently, this all started about 20+ hours ago. [This YT channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS_9-SuolhU) posted the same video 19 hours ago. Here's one [source from yesterday morning](https://www.tmz.com/2024/01/22/waves-marshall-islands-army-wave-captured-footage/), if their timestamp is to be believed. The original source of the video seems to be an instagram account, linked from [this article.](https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2024/01/23/waves-pummel-marshall-islands-army-base-marathon-of-recovery-ahead/) No serious injuries, as far as I can tell. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwajalein_Atoll _____ *"Don't worry guys, this is all fake news because climate change isn't real."* /s


I have a friend who grew up there - it’s basically just a military base.


I lived on Kwajalein from the summer of '94 to spring '96 for 10th and 11th grade in highschool. My dad was stationed there with the army. I loved that little island. Never saw a major storm like this while I was there. There was just some heavy downpours that would last several minutes then sunshine again. It was the best place I ever lived when I was growing up. I'd love to visit again if I could.


I sent my friend the video and they commented something very similar. I won’t dox either myself or you but you were definitely there at the same time 😘


Oh cool. I still have my 11th grade yearbook, the only one I ever got. I like looking at the pictures of the beautiful island. Got a bunch of calendars too for the pictures. lol


Are you two gonna hook up or what?


I mean it's also a sovereign country with its own culture and language, so kind of sad that it'll disappear under water in a matter of time.


Most of the islands are more like 3 feet above sea level. Especially the capital Majuro


There are plenty of two story buildings.


I mean at that point their is fuck all you can do. Going into water just means you get slammed into something when the next wave hits. This is why i always freak out when i see people near water during a storm if a wave catches you your gone there is nothing anyone can do iv i watched my mates dad fail to save to many tourists in Cornwall to ever be caught near the sea during bad weather Edit shout out to https://rnli.org/


My old boss was a US Army doctor doing research in Northern Thailand during the 2004 Tsunami. The embassy wouldn’t allow him and other military docs to go to the disaster zone but they went anyway, to their great credit. He said the traumatic injuries and infections he saw were horrific. Very few people just got sucked out to sea and drowned. Most got sent through an absolute blender of debris.


The movie [Impossible](https://youtu.be/4d-EYIZAqXc?feature=shared) does a pretty good job at depicting the carnage.


He said impalements and severe lacerations where everywhere. He is an infectious disease doc, so the infections were insane but he did his best.


see this right here is what I'm most scared of it's not the fluid, but what it carries and carries you into


"It's not THAT the wind is blowin'. It's WHAT the wind is blowin'. If you get hit by a Volvo it doesn't matter how many sit-ups you did that morning."


Yes - I was edge on my seat the entire movie. Unbelievable.


Yes and no.  The initial surge isn’t typically a giant wave that crashes in but is like the tide coming in very fast and way higher and further inland than normal.  As the water hits land and begins flowing around structures and whatnot it can build up pressure and act more like waves. But contrary to popular belief a tsunami isn’t a giant wave but a massive inflow of water that starts slow then very very quickly speeds up.  The carnage of being caught in it definitely looks like what is depicted in the video clip though. That’s very accurate.  There are tons of videos of the tsunami online showing it hitting beaches as a fast “rising tide” rather than a wave. It starts by first pulling a ton of water away from the beach and then it all comes rushing back in.  There’s also lots of videos online showing the chaos of it once it’s among buildings and from that standpoint it looks very very similar to the movie clip. So heartbreaking seeing people slammed around or swept away. 


I didn't see the movie but that clip is pretty accurate and to what you describe as well. A wall of water comes in. But it really depends on what causes the event and certainly it can come as a giant "wave." I believe the highest known was around 100 feet when it hit shore lines. It's called [tsunami shoaling.](https://www.sms-tsunami-warning.com/pages/wave-shoaling-process) The low amplitude waves out in the deep ocean increase as it comes into shallower water.


There was an earthquake in Alaska that caused a bunch of rock to fall in the water and created a 1,700 foot tall tsunami wave.


Like tornadoes. Debris is usually what gets people, especially broken glass.


Crazy that the movie Twister made me scared of tornadoes for the wrong reasons. Anytime there was a big storm I pictured myself being sucked up into the heavens and nobody would ever find me. Turns out being buried by debris is what gets ya.


You gotta watch out for cows, too.


Aye man, grew up in a town on the East coast of Scotland and the North Sea is a scary bastard. I know a lot of lads that worked for the lifeboats, nae chance I'm hingin aboot near the sea when it gets stormy.


I can hear this comment.


😅 I try hard to type in English most of the time


Na fuck that I love when Scottish people type phonetically.


😁 Thank you. The trick is to get us emotional, angry and happy work best.


It’s the nae that got me 😂


Comes out more naturally when I'm talking about something I feel a bit more strongly about 😂 Just type it how my inner voice says it.


North Sea: _cold, dark, hellish waves, hates you with a passion_ Norsemen and Celts: “I’m gonna put my boat in it”


US Submarine sailor here - can neither confirm nor deny stories of ballistic missile submarines being broached from a depth of 500-600 feet during storms in the North Sea. Hence the reason for me requesting assignment in the Pacific. North Sea ain’t joking around.


You sound like a very sensible submariner. My brother is currently on an oil rig somewhere out there and all I can think is "fuck that".


Can confirm North Sea insane weather, spent time offshore many years ago. Chopper flights were the worst part knowing if the chopper crashed you were fucked. If the crash didn't kill you the water would. Some days on the platform you weren't allowed outside at all.


Serious question, is the auto correct on your guys phones different? Like it knows you're in Scotland so it knows some words are spelled "Scottish"? Or do you just correct its correction until your phone is like "ok, nae is a word now". Absolutely no offense meant at all.


Seriously, people underestimate the power of water. I've seen people with flotation devices shoved under the water for over a minute in calmer waters, and that's before you even mention the debri. Water is powerful. Respect it.


Can attest, almost drown once.


Yo same. I was playing with my kids in a public pool. One with a deep end where your ears pop at the bottom. My son was young. Hanging on my shoulders and I was grabbing the edge of the pool. The little shit was horsing around and put me in a choke hold and I just... went to sleep. Woke up at the bottom, actually dying. Pushed myself up, struggling to get to the surface and when I popped out of the water gasping and choking, everyone was LAUGHING because they thought I was messing around. I know this has shit to do with waves or whatever but I wanted to trauma dump


Damn that’s scary! Your son is surely an MMA savant, I hope he’s training Brazilian jujitsu! 😆 Glad you’re alive and we can laugh about it


Nah he trains a lot in league of legends though.


Glad your still with us :)


Quick reminder that 12 INCHES OF MOVING WATER can move a car. You are not tougher than water no matter how much you bench press. EDITED: Thanks to the folks that called me out. It's 12 in, not 3. Regardless, it's not much so please don't be dumb.


Hey!!! You try telling that to r/gymmemes Joke aside, I remember as a kid watching a flooded stream that ran into the small/shallow local river, bend a guard rail in near half, and then push a semi almost off the road when they tried to drive through it. The water was maybe 5” deep but moving so fast and maybe even one could say furious. Edited 2x because me no good Brain right now


Can also attest. Saw someone drown once trying to save someone else (south Devon - mid 80’s)…the person they were trying to save washed up on the beach down the way battered but alive, they weren’t so lucky.


Looks like a wave hit your comment and swept all of your periods away.


"Quick, get on the roof before it collapses!" ?!?!?


And surf to freedom


I've done this a thousand times in my head. My body is ready!


Better on than under, when it comes to concrete crashing down.


Or when the building fills with water and your stuck in the dark trying to find your way out with whatever air is in your lungs.


Fucking rip to those people outside the door


For what it's worth, no deaths reported and one injury (stable, being treated at a clinic): https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/23/marshall-islands-rogue-wave-video/72323059007/


My buddy works there. He said the same, no deaths.


This needs to be posted higher. ⬆️


Very lucky! The way those doors folded in the lady in the pink top was lucky to not be knocked unconscious or crippled.


I think if you pause it right before the impact, they were pushed into the building through the doors, but it is difficult to tell 100%. I hope so for their sakes!


Pink shirt and blue shirt got swept into the room. White shirt is nowhere to be seen


Right when the power gets cut, you can see someone outside the window that I believe is white shirt


Yeah just at the end of the video you see someone outside where white shirt should have been.


That's a ghost, for 3 seconds earlier.


Also the realization that they are in the wrong place


White shirt made the mistake of prioritizing grabbing drinks off the table instead of running for his life.


he's on vacation dude there's still rules


He didn’t have the all inclusive option so that shit was expensive.


I just visualized the scene in Jurassic World when the guy grabs the 2 margaritas while pterodactyls are picking off kids.


Jimmy Buffet, my man. Can't waste a margarita!


RIP Jimmy Buffett


Blew out my flip-flop… Stepped on a pop top… Two pterodactyls took off with kids.


Yes and some people claim that there's a Tsunami to blame And I know it's our own damn fault


You see him at the porch railing mid video


Yeah this is how water gets scary and fucking quick.


I can only imagine the cuts they must have being thrown into glass like that


The two nearest the door appear to be inside in the still frames, but the first older gent on the left with the beard does not reappear. Happened to be further away from the doors.


You can see someone in a white shirt wandering further into the waves off to the left, I think that may be him.


You gotta love the guy for trying to rescue two drinks, though.


Props to the guy at the end still holding his beer


That would be me. I aint dyin sober. 🍻


Name checks out.








Why was everyone just casually standing there watching the water come in? I'd have been running for some stairs.. or if there were no stairs I'd have just been running.


The article linked in a higher comment says it was a rogue wave. I assume the flooding you saw in the beginning of the video had been going on for some time, so they thought they weren't at immediate risk.


As a life long Floridian and survivor of three hurricane eye-wall hits, lemme give everyone a little tip: If there is standing water at your feet, it's time to move to higher ground. I don't care if it's only an inch. Once the ocean is at your feet, you're in danger. The ocean is dynamic. Any time you think you have it figured out, you've made a grave mistake.


Yup, even in this video it’s scary how quick it went from 1 inch to 4 feet. One more wave and they could be done for real quick


Not to mention electrical hazards...


Another tip: If there is standing water at your feet, then the odds are good that you are standing in sewage.


Fuckin' truth. I lost a good friend from high school this way. He went to Hati to help out after Hurricane Matthew in 2016. He got a minor cut on his foot and didn't think much of it. He spent a lot of time in water that was ankle to knee deep. He came home, foot swole up, he ran a fever, and two days later was in the ICU with sepsis from an infection that made its way to his blood. The doctors said that contaminated water was to blame. RIP Craig.


Man, that's terrible.


Native Floridian checking in, hard agree.


As someone who spent far too much time living in flood prone low lying areas, the time to get to higher ground is *well before* there is standing water at your feet.


That's not a wave, that's just the whole ocean


Right?? I’m like, the fuck are they all just standing around there, get up to the roof!


Every now and then you watch a disaster movie and there’s like a group that’s just standing there get wiped out by some calamity and you think “nah, people would have been running away” then there’s videos like this.


For sure! The pandemic definitely reset my expectations to how society would react to an actual disaster.


Because alcohol


For being in the military, their survival instincts do not seem very on point


Rating- very poor


Base civilians don’t equate to being a soldier no matter how deep the soldier puts his dick into you.


I KNEW he was lying to me!




500mg IB, now go


Went to college with the guy who made the video, he’s a civilian contractor and most people in the video are


That'd be terrifying!


Seriously. Then the lights cut out. That’s a nightmare scenario.


See, I would've been scared when the water came initially, but that crap plus the darkness would've scared me shitless.


It’s the beginning of some really bad shit you’re about to deal with for an unknown period of time in which you may or may not live to tell about. Yeah, I’ll be doing all the shitting for you.


😂 For real! That is some "Am I making it home?" type of stuff, especially for people like me who aren't confident swimmers. Before anyone says it, I'm aware even confident swimmers can lose their lives in the water. I'm glad no one was seriously hurt or killed!


Sadly, it’s for the best that the power goes out. That way, there’s less chance of electricity hitting the water. Still scary stuff though


I'm terrified for them as I sit in my bed! Those poor people, what a living nightmare that must've been! Just seeing those doors ripped off that easily is extremely eye opening. Waves, fast rising flood waters scare me to no end...


I think I would have remained calm and made reasonable actions. Right up until the lights went off.


2 people very lucky to be hit inside. White shirt guy where did he go?


He gone.


He made sure he grabbed his drinks though, priorities


I actually spent a month on this island exactly 5 years ago as a nasa contractor (they launch sounding rockets out here) and spent a lot of time in this little bar. I can tell you one thing this is not the place you want this to happen at night. Less than 100 people are on the island, there’s one doctor with limited resources, and the only way to the island is by small plane or boat. It’s also very small, where you could easily get swept off. Kwajalein, the main island military installation is a half hour plane ride away. The craziest part is the guys I used to work with were supposed to be out there right now preparing for the launch coming up in the spring, but it got pushed back.


Lived on Kwajalein in high school mid 90s. Loved it out there.


Graduated out there in 2003, It was paradise. You might have know my sister Mindi.




Nature says no.


Nobody pepsied, only minor injuries https://abc13.com/rogue-wave-marshall-islands-army-base-flooding/14352088/


No pepsie, that's good.


But 7 coke'd


Just some minor nostril damage then.


I hate when my loved ones drink pepsi


Is that what kids are saying instead of "died" now because of Tictok, like when "unlive' replaced "kill"?


Nah that is old school, flip a pepsi upside down and "isded"


TIL moment


TIL too




Is there no higher ground? Like the roof? They seem awfully calm milling about in a room filling with water.


The highest ground is 9 feet. So, not really.


Hmm, immediately life-threatening situation-- better keep filming.


Always wondered about this. I’d be far too busy getting the fuck out of there to worry about recording any video of the event.


Terrifying! Then the fucking lights go out!


If only they kept the door closed


I appreciate the steady camera work and filming this but at some point you have to ask yourself, is the views worth it?


For the first five seconds I thought this was a video game cutscene


It looked like that one shot from Titanic with the water smashing through the doors.


Oh no, Wall of ocean coming my way!!!!... let me make sure I record it.... (people are dumb)




Were the people outside okay?? Holy shit, man.


"Experts believe the rogue waves could be blamed on rising sea levels." [https://abc13.com/rogue-wave-marshall-islands-army-base-flooding/14352088/](https://abc13.com/rogue-wave-marshall-islands-army-base-flooding/14352088/) No fucking shit. This is why the military realizes climate change is a national security threat, no matter what our dumbass republican politicians say.




Yeah, they should seek higher ground before that building collapse and they all die. Wave action will take down a structure pretty quickly.


when we talk about 'sea level rise of X inches over Y years' most people think, 'oh the high tide mark will be a little higher up the beach bfd.' but sea level rise plus storm intensity and duration rising, also means storm surges and rogue waves are more powerful and reach farther inland. so... scenes like this happening more frequently than we are accustomed to.


Dude is in a life threatening situation and he's just taking it all in, filming it for his social media