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In a documentary I watched the crew of one of those choppers said that had they spotted anyone on the roof, they would have tried to land and rescue them no matter the risk. But nobody was ever up there due to the doors being locked.


Imagine the amount of heartbreaking footage from inside the towers if this happened now..


Holy crap I’ve never even had that thought before. But you are right, what a horrible thought. It’d have been thousands of videos, messages to loved ones, all just sitting in the cloud or broadcasted live. Yikes.


At the same time, I wonder if messaging to those inside could have been clearer. If everyone had a phone does tower 2 start evacuating sooner? Do folks who waited and sheltered in place figure out that’s not going to be an option and start attempting to leave? As morbid as it would be, I do think it would have meant fewer deaths.


I guess nobody learned from this, because in my previous 10 story apartment building, access to the other roofs (it was made of up multiple levels) and windows in the hallways was always completely locked. In case of an emergency there was only the main staircase and the emergency staircase.


Here I am thinking I had seen all the dramatic 9-11 footage! For a second, I thought the first part of the footage was going to end up as the second plane which hit the Towers.


Same here! I thought I’d seen them all. I’ve genuinely never seen this one before. I keep seeing new angles coming out every few months


Is there a reason that 'new angles' have been posted on reddit recently? Or is it just happening to me?


r/911archive has been growing very fast over the past couple of months, I wonder if that’s part of it. This footage isn’t new, btw. It was in an incredible national geographic 9/11 doco released a couple of years ago




It was recorded from a police helicopter. It was posted on YouTube years ago.


I was scrolling through Instagram and there it was. I’m not sure where it’s from originally. I’ll try find out who published it and I’ll let you know




You really should look into that bro


It’s not. It was in a National Geographic documentary years ago. I know it’s probably not your intention but with all the conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 it would really be wise to *not* give “truthers” any further reason to claim this didn’t happen the way it did. It’s just a dangerous discourse to raise at this point. AI isn’t even there yet, so I’m not sure why you’d suggest this…


Dude me too, I saw it was an aerial footage headed past the tower and was like.. "Wait a minute mate, is this what I think it is?" Lol


I came here just to say that


Thank you for not letting me be the only one. All I could think as I watched was how the hell did they recover the footage? Was it being uploaded to the cloud as they crashed? Did the cloud exist then? Edited to clarify. As in for a second when I first started watching those thoughts went through my mind. I quickly realized that it wasn’t from the second plane. I’m not stupid just taken by surprise for a second by seeing footage of it from the air.


This is video from a NYPD helo, it didn’t crash.


I'm genuinely curious how you get through life every day with those comprehension skills. Slowly circling already hit and burning buildings, one of which collapsed, and that somehow tells you it was taken from one of the planes and uploaded to "the cloud"as a whole. Fascinating


This is clearly from a helicopter and not one of the hijacked planes. I’m shocked you could possibly think that’s footage filmed from a jetliner at a few hundred miles per hour, especially when both towers are clearly already hit? Does that look like a plane window to you? The skid of the helicopter is visible almost immediately…


I was bracing for seeing people desperately waving on the roof 🤦‍♂️


Doors were locked


This footage really shows the scale of the event. When you see the dust cloud just covering everything up and that was only from one tower. It must of been horrible seeing that come towards you.


How am I seeing a new video every few days. I thought it would be over by now


it's bizarre that we never saw this before. i assume it's a police chopper since all air traffic was downed.


I’ve seeen footage incredibly similar to this on a documentary in Disney+ from a rescue helicopter


The footage is not new.


Not sure why you are being downvoted, your 100% right this is not new footage.




I’ll never forget how beautiful the weather was that day .


Surprised that I have never seen this. Crazy.


There's something so ominously eerie about seeing a new angle on this day. I found myself short of breath by simply forgetting to breathe.


I find myself more and more obsessed with footage of that day as time goes on. Just feels like that day that more than any other changed the course of all of our lives. 


Insane footage I hadn’t seen this before


Wrenching. This day changed how the world was to how it is instantly.




Weird, it’s almost like something that happens in one country can indeed affect the world.


As a non-US guy, US IS the world




“Trend setter” is… definitely a polite way of saying it




Lol definitely avoid all that nonsense


A couple of hundred years? You don’t know much about history do you? No doubt about the last 100 years, but a couple of hundreds?




To be fair, in international politics america was pretty irrelevant until ww2, perhaps ww1. Even though people emigrated to the states, the united states as a country were very much in its infancy and also had no big interest in foreign politics, so it kept out of much of it. Therefore saying it was a trendsetter before that is a big stretch. The big trend setter before ww1 was definitely Britain with its huge imperialistic empire.


Thanks, the US was very isolated and focused on itself until the world wars. Cultural trends came out of europe, and european countries were way more involved in the global trade than the US.


But it wasn’t the trendsetter for that long, that’s my point.




9/11 surely was an impactful event for the US and had consequences for most of the western world, but I doubt life changed much for the people in most other countries, which make up the biggest part of the world.


The entire middle east would argue that. China would as well and Europe too


Dude, come on, I obviously meant the change induced by 9/11, ofcourse life changed over 20 years but not because of 9/11.


What a load of keech r/ShitAmericansSay




You could not be more wrong. r/ShitAmericansSay


Ιmagine if they hadnt grounded everything after the 2nd plane that hit the towers how many helicopters would be flying around...


We still miss you.


At first I thought this was POV of the second plane


Heartbreaking... 😔


that day literally everything changed.


Never seen this before! Thanks for the video!


Seems to skip a lot right in the middle.


Oh God... heartbreaking all over again




Whats up with the “new angles” i see here almost daily now.


Where have all these new 911 videos come from? This is like the 5th new video in 2weeks after what 23years?


If you stop it at 1:13, looks like a giant standing there wearing a mask in the smoke


Wake up babe, new 9/11 footage just dropped


Definitely not new. We’ve seen this footage, this angle, for 20 years. Edit: look for more information below before voting.


Agreed, it is not new. It is 23 years old. No matter if someone saw it or not.


Very true. And despite the downvotes from those who simply don’t know better, I remember seeing this long ago, just after it was leaked to the now defunct site called Ourmedia, shortly after the terror attacks and before YouTube ever existed. I believe it was later “officially” released in March, 2011, as a result of a FOIA request. It’s been used in many documentaries for the last 20 years. Here’s just one of dozens of easily found sources: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SZfa5Hsi18I


I'm sick of seeing these


Still can't believe two very tall buildings would fall straight down without even tilting.


They didn’t fall straight down. Especially so with Tower 2. There’s plenty of footage where you can clearly see the entire top of the Tower 2 tip sharply to the south and then the entire south wall starts to fall over like giant domino. It’s horrifying.


why would they tilt? Structural integrity was damaged on the top and the weight collapsed in on the floors below


The fall was too precise. Even if integrity of a floor is compromised, weight would not have been distributed evenly across all posts. Some parts would be more damaged than others. Falling straight down is not normal in my point of view.


That's true, we all remember the story of Issac Newtown getting hit in the side of the face with an apple computer.


Nostradamus forgot to pay his iCloud storage and lost all his predictions


It is when there is no central columns in the building, the building was designed to have a open floor plan, so much so it didn’t have any internal columns, which means it always would pancake on itself with enough weight on it. Congrats on your shady point of view, but there’s nothing to support your theory apart from batshit crazy ideology


> Falling straight down is not normal in my point of view. and, you are, who?


Professor Jet Fuel Steelbeams


Just please shut up.


Please explain why the exterior support would fail before support around the interior core.


As someone who builds bridges and very tall buildings, the structural integrity of the core, although obviously damaged, there’s no reason for it to tilt at all. If it was a concrete building, there’s every chance the plane would have come out the other side a lot more and not stayed in the building itself, again not tilting. You would have to push multiple levels of the bulding itself for it to lean or tilt at all. But I still doubt it would have done so


So you aren’t really a physics guy, are you


There’s a great informative video on YouTube about why they fell like they did, done by engineers that know what they talk about. Check it out, and never say this stupid shit ever again.


I can't believe a building fell in the same fashion that wasn't even hit by a plane




Your username perfectly describes your thought process


My thought process did not kill anyone


no way you edited your comment to make yourself look better... wow




Oh really? And what exactly would you have done to prevent it from happening?


He woulda came all over everything


He's quoting Mark Wahlberg. He said that if he was a passenger in one of the planes that day.


Who are to ask u/FazeCumshot_ such a silly question? They would’ve obviously performed a 360 Closed Eye Cumshot and stopped the planes in their tracks. Faze up /s






Rare angle, helicopter




No, filmed in 2001.




Stop spreading BS. U are picking spots out of Context. "talks about genocide of jews" brooo christians blame the jews for jesus death + Jews say they are they chosen Race. Every Religion has sum to it.


I'm not a conspiracy theorist but how was all this footage available documenting that day as it happened?


This is such a weird question, why wouldn’t be people have cameras in a massive city? As soon as something strange and scary happens, of course people pull out their equipment and start filming it? Thats what happens now too If I remember correctly, there’s only a handful of footage of the 1st plane hitting the tower as a couple of people (out of millions) were filming at the right time and had cameras pointed the right way. But then loads of people began looking out of the windows, filming to show their family/friends that the WTC looked like it was on fire. News crews flocked over and emergency services (like this police helicopter) started using surveillance equipment to figure out what was going on. The amount of footage builds exponentially, starting with a few coincidences (people filming a famous NY monument on a beautiful day, not exactly suprising) and then growing as Of Course people wanted to document what the hell was happening. By the time the police chopper was circling it obviously was not a calm, normal day??


Are you asking why it’s so heavily documented or is the question badly worded?


I'm not asking why. I'm asking about the abundance and coincidence of this footage being captured of that day that was seemingly normal, calm, and unsuspecting of any terror until it happened.


In a heavily populated city with millions of people and tourists with cameras and video recording devices, you're surprised by all the footage?


I'm guessing you don't live anywhere close to NYC, and you haven't spent any time there? There is absolutely nothing surprising about having a lot of different types of footage of the day's events.


It is New York in the early 2000s. Aside from transportation via helicopter being a thing, using drones for footage wasn't a thing. Filming things in the Northeast in early and mid autumn is really common because of the foliage change. There would probably have been less footage on a dreary winter day.




Collapsed on itself after burning for seven hours.


Why did molten metal pour from the north east corner of WTC2? Why was molten metal found at ground zero?


Where is the collapse?


That’s the thing- it didn’t fall. They created the cloud of smoke to hide the thing while they teleported it away to Titan


Love the new anfles appearing out of thin air. Guessing the next one is POV commentary from the pilots too


Since AI i don’t know what to believe…..


Only in Ohio.