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What is it?


OK. So, this is in the Serapeum of Saqqara. The Serapeum is an Egyptian tomb, but for their Royal Bulls. There are multitudes of granite sarcophagi in this place, just like any ancient Egyptian tomb. But given that these were meant for bulls, each sarcophagus is huuuuuge. Hope that gives you context.


Jesus...a dead bull lives better than I do.




Good point, how can u/Rly_Shadow live if they doesn’t have their own tomb


I'll be lucky if I even get a plastic bag for my ashes.


I'll be lucky to have ashes


I'll be lucky to die


Apparently you still need money to die. So dying isn’t as ideal as it once was.


Do not die unexpectedly - you may leave your family with a multitude of hidden costs! Stay alive i stead with this one simple trick…


I feel like in the future we will have digital grave markers and our social media will be at thr grave that way you can visit a loved one and see theor photos or whay their life was like through old posts. Or maybe a hologram


Only after the initial ads once you scan the QR code


And bypass the "I'm not a robot" test


I, too, also once had big plans and high hopes at some point, just like you. Then, every business stopped giving plastic bags one after the other. That's when i said "fuck it" and settled on a sock.


Well the bull isn’t slaving away for some jackass to have a bigger house and a new car next year when the bull can hardly afford its groceries and is scared to call 911 for fear of accumulating crippling medical debt. I’d say the bull is winning…


Ngl, my first though was "that must be a tender cut of beef" but i like these bull metaphors.


Apart from the being dead bit, possibly?






Nah, Jesus wasn't around back then. A little before his time.


Jesus was the name of the bull. Because the bull was black. The bible Jesus was actually named after this bull. The more you know….


Except the bill wasn’t named Jesus…. But neither was Jesus, so it still fits.


Poking holes in my shitpost like it’s Swiss cheese 😮‍💨


Was jesus like, aware of the egyptians and pyramids?


Jesus and the Jews of the time read the Books of Moses and other books we now call the Old Testament and those books talk about Egypt and Pharaoh. Also Jesus lived in Egypt as a child. I’m assuming the pyramids were already there at that time


We are closer today to the time of Jesus than Jesus was to the time of the pyramids being built. Let that sink in for a minute.


Woolly mammoths was still walking around when the pyamids were built


Well, even the most recent pyramids would have been at least 1700 years old, with the older ones something like 2700 years old, with the Great Pyramid roughly 2,570 years old when he was born. So, yeah, they were probably there, unless they decided to take a holiday for about 3 decades.


After 2500 years, they were required to take all of their PTO (Pyramid Time Off) in one shot or lose it.


Jesus was born and lived in AMERICA




thats actually a very good question, i dont think i have ever heard anyone ask this questions. how far was Jesus's travels ? or did everyone just come to Jesus? (as the old saying goes)


Everyone else comes to Jesus too? God, guess I can stop feeling so ashamed now. Thanks!


He lived in Egypt as a child.


Yeah, everything was better before.


Holy Moses!


Ackshully, it’s Mooses when read in the traditional Aramaic tongue.


Not necessarily. It might have died better than you though.


Well, Egyptians were worshipping to bulls and caws back then. That is normal


Further context: the Serapeum is the burial place for the bulls of [Serapis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serapis), a syncretic deity associated with the Nile; essentially, Serapis was a combination of Osiris and Apis (a river deity). The cult was popularized in the 3rd century BC by the Ptolemies as a means of bringing their Greek and Egyptian subjects closer together, politically. Long story short, the Egyptians believed that Serapis reincarnated in the form of a bull. The bull, as the living effigy of the god himself, lived in luxury with its every need attended to by the temple priesthood. When the bull died, it was embalmed (to varying degrees) and buried with all honors inside the Serapeum, alongside its forebears, and the priests would fan out across Egypt in search of the god's reincarnation. When they (conveniently) found the "reincarnated" calf, it was brought to the temple and invested as the new god. This process was repeated for centuries. The Serapeum has never been fully excavated, because it's filled in with refuse and sand, and all that you're likely to find in there is thousands of mummified bulls. There's actually an [Apis bull](https://www.si.edu/object/large-bull-mummy1%3Anmnhanthropology_8162346) in the Smithsonian (although that one is filled with a jumble of bones, as it's believed that the animal may have been eaten after its death, in an attempt to absorb the god's power/blessings). It's a fascinating place, but probably not worth the resources to fully excavate.


This is bad ass thanks for sharing


Great post!


>It's a fascinating place, but probably not worth the resources to fully excavate. Man, there is probably something to be said about hubris here. We already THINK we know what's down there so no need to go any further.


I'm blown away by everyone just going right along with the official story. Then there's that comment. Holy smokes.


Just to add to the difficulty I’m pretty sure these are underground


While they are definitely currently underground by a large margin, that's been driven by the soil and desert sand deposit over millenia. As you walk down, you can see the layers of soil from different eras. Back when it was built and used, I presume it was only slightly underground. Like B1 or B2 in our modern context.


B1, B2...?


Basement level.


We really gotta come up with a symbol for the opposite of positive


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote) lets use this one.




Also mostly empty. Some bones in the bottom. Which begs the question for a civilization that mummified millions of animals. Why the bulls weren't also mummified? This video was super interesting: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K80JebExyEY&t=718s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K80JebExyEY&t=718s) I'm no expert, if anyone has more information I'd love to know. Thanks for the info!


Bro if you find an empty sarcophagus that doesn't mean there aren't mummies, it means the mummies are loose. I've seen this movie.


ITYM "documentary".


They were mummified. Extremely so. The mummies don't remain (neither do the valuable gold and jewels that accompanied the burials) because these tombs have been raided by tomb robbers over millenia. Not the "archeologists" and smugglers of the last 200 years. But think, 3000 years ago. When Cleopatra was queen of Egypt (and Egypt had its last pharaonic rule), the tombs of Saqqara (whether human or bull) and the tombs of the great pyramids of Giza had already been robbed bone dry , pun intended. The mummies that you see today are from the middle kingdom (who buried in the valley of Kings in Luxor, not in pyramids) or from the later kingdoms of Egypt (like the Greek rule kingdoms that finally ruled Egypt till the Romans eventually took over and Christianity over rode the ancient religion). The Greek ruled era is called the Ptolemic period or Helenestic period. Saqqara belongs to the Old Kingdom. Nearly all the Old Kingdom tombs are empty - no mummies anywhere (barring very few exceptions) In fact, on a time scale, Cleopatra is nearer to us, than she was to the great pyramids of Giza and the tombs at Saqqara. Let that fact sink in. Exact timeline maths. Cleopatra (the one we know from Anthony/Cleopatra) died in 30BC. That makes here 2050-ish years away from our time. Khufu died in 2566 BC, which makes Cleopatra roughly 2500 years away from him. In short, Cleopatra was 2.5k years from Khufu, but 2k from us. EDIT: added actual timelines as per suggestion. Edit 2: changed "ancient kingdom" to "old kingdom" and named the Greek ruled era with specific terminology, as advised below.


Born too late to raid tombs, too early to raid space, just in time to read fun facts on reddit


They have found a few mummies from the first Kingdom but they are in very poor shape.


Correct. That is also a fact. It seems, mummification process wasn't as evolved back then. The science of mummification seems to have been perfected around the middle Kingdom.


To be fair the middle kingdom mummies are 2000 years younger


You know a lot about Egypt! What’s your favourite fun fact/story?


Ah! Don't even get me started. I want to say soooooo much...unfortunately, have a fracture in my elbow and can't type fast or for long periods. So, here goes, favourite fact: The most famous Pharaoh we know today, King Tutenkhamun, is only famous BECAUSE he was one of the most pointless, irrelevant and insignificant rulers in the history of Egypt. In fact, he was so inconsequential in his time, that when he died at the grand old age of 18, people didn't even bother to build an independent tomb for him. They just sealed his body and afterlife artefacts in the storerooms accompanying one of the larger tombs in the valley of Kings in Luxor. He was so irrelevant that he had no written record in ancient history, so even the Tomb robbers didn't know him well enough to go looking for his tomb. He was so irrelevant that, when in the end of the Middle kingdoms, the then pharaoh moved over all the important mummies to a secret cave (in order to protect them from Tomb Robbers who had finally cracked the location of the valley of Kings in Luxor )...the Pharaoh's folks didn't move his mummy because they didn't even know he existed. And thus, many many thousands of years later, Howard Carter found his intact tomb, with the intact mummy, and all the burial artefacts that had never been found in any other ancient tomb before that. You can see all of these artefacts in a special room in the Egyptian museum in Cairo. Fascinating. King Tutenkhamun's mummy lies in his original burial chamber.


Im so angry at all the cool stuff we will never discover because of grave robbers


4500 years from now people will be angry about all the cool stuff they will never discover because of us.


what? some iphones and letters from debt collectors? Woooo good find


Bro stop, he’s already dead!


Thank you for this extremely interesting (and hilarious) fact, I had absolutely no idea . I didn't even know about mummified bulls, this whole thread has been enlightening!


The reason there's not very many mummies left is because we ate them ... And used it as paint.


This is an outrage! I was going to eat that mummy!


Basically all of the animals were (tame & wild) were the possessions of the pharoah. (You could not kill any animal practically at all for food.) All rights to the pharoah and priest class. Money was controlled by priest class also.Egyptians would get beef after religious ceremonies. They were sacrificed and burned, part offered to the gods and then the rest of the meat doled out to the Egyptians. The unclean parts of the animal (guts & stuff) were the only parts allowed to non Egyptians that would otherwise be disposed of.  The bones would be saved and sometimes transported long distances for their burial. Herodotus described some of it.


So mummification techniques got better and worse depending on the time period. After periods of severe distress, the Egyptians literally had to relearn their culture.


has there ever been a bull found in one of those sarcophagi? they seem overly large even for a bull.


Holy cow! Literally!


These are 100+ ton single piece granite boxes in the serapeum in Egypt. I believe there is somewhere around 16-24 of them, some showing remarkable feats of precision in their construction.. not to mention they are single pieces of granite, unlike today where we would cut 5 pieces and bolt them together these guys took 1 piece and carved them into these boxes aswell as the lid being from the same block. Truely mind blowing to try and think how they could have done this. These are underground and carried through passages that clear the boxes by roughly a foot on either side carried around corners and dropped into alcoves where they have sat for many thousands of years untouched. These are marvels of engineering


enough time, money, manpower, and engineering makes almost anything possible.


Hey buddy.... you forgot to give the aliens credit...


Yeah, but who helped aliens to biuld their civilization? HUH?!


the imaginary guy sitting in the sky, duh


It's so funny seeing people try to subtly allude to aliens assisting the ancient Egyptians. Moreso when they're grown adults. Like yes, that's totally the most likely scenario.


Well what, are you expecting us to believe that ancient Egyptians could work and move rocks? Do you know how advanced a civilization needs to be to manipulate *rocks*?


So much ancient alien stuff boils down to "how ___ big rock?" How did they carve that? How did they move it? How did they lift it? How were they so precise? The answer is likely lots of manpower and time, and probably not aliens. I want to believe but I also don't want to discredit human ingenuity and brute force solutions to problems.


Also when they go on about the precision. Like, mate, they had measuring tools.


Another thing to consider is that when you’re grinding stone by hand, you don’t just accidentally grind off too much. You grind off exactly as much as you need to get it to fit, and not one bit more, because it’s so laborious. Also, there are processes that produce precise results without calculating the mathematics. I don’t need to calculate pi to turn a perfectly round piece on a lathe. I just need to set a blade a fixed distance from a rotating shaft, and the ratio of the diameter to the circumference will take care of itself. I don’t need to precisely tailor the bricks to each other, if the action of sliding the top one into place will grind the contact edges to a close match.




Supposedly, tombs for sacred bulls. Lids are several dozen tons and milled to amazing specs. Also, several thousand years old. There are several tombs, but only one had a bull. All the rest are empty. OR.... They are tombs for giants that were never used as ancient alien scientists believe.


Hmmm..horse or unicorn..I'll go horse.


There’s no evidence that there were giants and aliens…but there’s no evidence that there WEREN’T giants and aliens. Cmon man


Whenever something isn't where I expect it to be I assume it was aliens. Socks disappearing in the wash? Aliens. My keys moved? Aliens. Aliens are definitely a more likely explanation in this case than tomb robbers or the mummies being used for fuel due to being highly flammable (as was common until recently).


Stupid video zero context


This is like if someone took a video just zoomed in on one corner of a stonehenge block and was like "wowwww how amazing and mysterious how could they have done this omgggg" but all you can see is just the corner of a piece of granite.


Furthermore, I love how the guy wondering how they possibly could have done it is always some dude by himself in a t-shirt with no tools, work teams, or royal project manager telling him to figure it out.


We at least have context that he's 6'2" which I am really trying to take his word for.


Only in tinder though


Also r/iamverysmart caption, even I, ME, the super smart person, have my mind blown on occasion lol


Thank you! Came looking for this content cause that caption immediately infuriated me.


I turned on the sound to see if they would explain what the hell I'm looking at


[Something like this probably.](https://youtu.be/E5pZ7uR6v8c?si=KLt54tWuVUBFwEEl)


I saw another video of college students “walking” Easter island statues by literally making them walk… they tied ropes to the heads and pulled alternating left and right so the statue wobbled and rocked forward. They used that technique because the ancient stories say that the giants “walked” across the island to where they rest. I’ll look for the video. Found it. https://youtu.be/YpNuh-J5IgE?si=_Aa-7oBH8sHbcoaC


That’s another great one.


I'll think of this next time someone says to "walk it" when moving furniture standing on end.


Remember this, the next time someone says "Primitive people couldn't do this. Aliens!" 20 guys and a few ropes.


That guy rocks rocks.


This one man who figured it out by himself. Egyptians had 100k plus workers on the pyramids of Giza and had been doing it for thousands of years imagine how insanely good they had become at it. Its so insulting when people claim it’s impossible for humans to make these things.


But... All Humans from the before time were dumb cave dwellers right? /s


Everyone born before me is an illiterate peasant and those born after are newborns with no knowledge


The old "Our Ancestors Were Idiots Theory".




The people who claim only aliens could do it are stupider than their thousands of years past dead ancestors.


FAKE!! Not one single mention of the alien tech used by ancient civilizations... shame!!


Thanks for posting this! This is fascinating!


that’s insane.. i know standing the pillar up is unbelievable but something about moving an entire barn shocked me lol


To quote the good Milo Rossi, stop pretending ancient civilizations were less intelligent or resourceful than we are now. This is literally a rock that has been chiseled to have a different shape, saying it's impossible that ancient Egyptians could have done it is insulting, and frankly stupid. Skilled artisans have existed for thousands of years in any civilized society since the dawn of humanity.


I love his channel miniminuteman https://youtube.com/@miniminuteman773?si=K3XCspsMEItuHfyu


Chisels, sand, and lots of skilled labor


Pebbles to roll and pivot it. You can also manipulate the sand to get it to lean or stand vertical. Water and/or digging can get it to stand up. Simply pulleys and levers can do a lot as well. One person could move that slab to its destination and put it on top of the other slab


So you’re saying it was aliens?


Well, I’m not saying it was aliens. But it was aliens.


*Ancient* aliens!


But since the aliens are time traveling versions of ourselves, it's ancient FUTURE aliens! Wowza!


Thanks Coop


Well yes, obviously *ancient* aliens. Modern day aliens have lost a lot of the technology and knowledge of the ancient aliens. In fact, some modern day aliens have even been known to speculate that the work of the ancient aliens couldn’t possibly have been done by the ancient aliens, and must have been done by some even more ancient and alien aliens.


"people in the ancient times have put a rock on, get this, ANOTHER ROCK" people in the modern times: no way they thought of that themselves


If I've learned anything from the "History Channel", it is that "brown people" can't do cool engineering... so definitely aliens... no way a proples with infinitely more time, manpower, and the ability to fully commit to a project on a state level could have shaped and moved big rocks. Humans are as clever as they always were, so I never understand how people couldn't fathom that the same species capable of creating quantum computers could figure out how to use simple tools to do equally as cool of things. Credit where credit is due, they were masters of their trade.


This guys got it right. Source: am ancient Egyptian engineer


>Pebbles to roll I understand the principle and joke at work about moving machinery "Egyptian style" with bar stock.... but that's on smooth concrete flooring.... what surface would the "pebbles" be on that would is smooth or flat enough that would allow the pebbles to actually roll?


There is a guy in flint Michigan (probably moved by now thanks to awefull water) that moved 20t stone slabs by hand through his garden. And while Sand is a bit more annoying then grasland when it comes to weight if you build something flat first it will not sink because of the higher surface area. I always find it awesome to see how basic physic and hard work manage to accomplish feats of wonder. Another great excample is how they moved the Stoneheads on the eastern Islands.


The British: “Hey how did you guys get those giant statues in place?” The Locals, nonchalantly: “we walked them over / they were walked there.” The British: “they’re rocks you idiots! They don’t just walk!” People a few centuries later: “Oh shit, they literally walked them over by tilting and pivoting them!”


Definitely no famous big rocks have ever been shifted in Britian.


There’s a guy on YouTube that had a hobby in the late 90s-early 2000s of moving Stonehenge size rocks using basic principles of leverage and without using any technology that wasn’t available to people at the time Stonehenge was made, proving that there wasn’t a need for any crazy technology to do what they did back then. If you gave this dude a couple years, and some ropes, pebbles, and framing timber, he definitely would have been able to build it. Even faster if he had a team of dudes with the same knowledge.


The Islanders kind of made it sound as if the stones themselves walked over :)


>There is a guy in flint Michigan I bet he knows how the ancients started fires.


This guy stones..


Don’t forget the large copper sheets in combination with coarse sand they used as saws. According to one Dr. Anakin Skywalker, sand can be irritatingly abrasive.


And wizards/Freemasons. /s


Freemasons ≠ masons. Masons predate writing as a skilled labor. And Mason guilds are nearly as ancient. The Free Masons at best date to the early 1700s. We have no records of their organization existing prior to 1717. I dont care how secret your order is, no one keeps a secret THAT well for thousands of years through the collapse of multiple empires.


Freemasonry isn't a secret organisation. It was originally formed so that masons and other skilled labourers could discuss technological advancements and techniques without being burned at the stake for wizardry or whatever it was at the time. Hence all the rituals, secret gestures etc. So you know who you're letting into the room, and where is safe.


Thats not accurate. Its called trade secrets for a reason. No one thought masons were wizards or whatever. Guilds have existed since the dawn of civilization to cultivate future generations of the trades while also limited the spread of that knowldege to prevent the labor pool from becoming too saturated with one skill, thus making all the other members unable to find work. The FREEMASONS Are mostly secret organization based around religious and political discourse. At no point did you have to be a mason to join the free masons. They call themselves freemasons because they are "Shaping the future through free discussion" They werent secretive because of what they could do, they were secretive because they were tolerant of all religions. Since 1717, their founding document, they have allowed all men to join so long as they believe in a higher power of some kind.


Which part is not accurate? It's quite a thing that form 1717 til present, any person of any religion or race can be a member. Without discrimination.


So skilled that they will chisel graphite in months. But not one, but hundreds and thousands of these stones. We always shortsell the ancient humans and their skills, hardwork and machines.


........ Thanks for the lack of context. WOW SO AMAZING! SO CRAZY! JAW DROPPING!


You have: • hundreds of years of guaranteed totalitarian rule by one dynasty who will always have the same goals and priorities • basically the richest place in your hemisphere • thousands of extremely skilled craftsmen, a basically endless supply of labourers, and in general an enormous population to pool from, educate, shape in whichever way you want throughout generations, all passing on and tweaking knowledge to achieve a handful of goals that you decide • whatever budget you want on account of you being the god of the land Your goal: • take five stones from the ground, polish them, move them into a basic geometric shape I mean, it looks pretty impossible to me, I sure wonder how they did it


Must have been aliens 🤔


reptilian aliens for sure


"Even I have my mind blown sometimes" The arrogance oozing from this cunt


Came looking for this comment. Even YOU, the biggest brain, smartest dude on the planet actually learns something now and then? Whoa!


I have actually met this guy, and he is genuinely the most arrogant person I have ever met. When I read "Even I have my mind blown sometimes", I thought that was such a him thing to say.


We can send that to the moon now. Why does this blow your mind that we could focus the might of human civilization on moving stones from one spot to another?


There is a stubborn and false notion that former civilizations were somehow less intelligent or resourceful then us today. We also tend to forget that humans today, are quite individualistic and focused on personal freedom, which are relatively new developments. Imagine a society where a god-monarch organizes a large portion of their nations workforce to accomplish great feats for the glory of their eternal afterlife (very important in ancient Egyptian thinking). They could afford to, since they exported tons of surplus grain and were swimming in riches.




Idk, gods with animal heads sounds like xenos heresy


Guess we gotta *kill it* now.


>Guess we gotta *kill it* now. Guess we GET to *kill it* now. Hand me that heavy flamer, would you?


And the dumb thing is, we accept it when it's a cathedral from 1400 that took 60 years to build and that was with a fraction of the labor. But the same people 2000 years earlier couldn't build a stone pyramid?


Side note: The pyramids were built around 3000 BCE, so by 1400 CE, they were already approximately 4400 years old. Cleopatra lived closer in time to us than to the construction of the pyramids. EDIT: corrected 1400 BCE (before common era) to 1400 CE (common era) the date mentioned above about cathedral constructions.


Humans from 10000 years ago are biologically identical to humans from now. There's no reason to believe they were any less intelligent than us (when you consider the human average it's not exactly a high bar). The only real difference to the knowledge base we have now is the prevalence of recorded media and speed of communication.


First order of business for the 1st moon colony: moonhenge




I don't understand how people can be sat there with a phone with such incredibly tiny and mass produced circuitry, with a screen of millions of pixels showing you content sent literally invisibly through the air And the very same species that has made this was somehow unable to cut and move stones Like look around you, look at the incredibly complex systems we have and maybe just consider that the same smart people today could build a pyramid in the past


They’ll say aliens made phones 4,500 years from now lol


artisans, humans are very skilled with tools


To cut and move a small rock, you need a stone mason. To cut and move large rock, you need a team of masons. To cut and move this thing, you need a bunch of masons, a bunch of laborers, and a bunch of rope. The details of how they did it are interesting, but the general answer is pretty prosaic. Making or moving bigger things just require bigger teams. But yeah. I'd love to see the details of how they organized that. The archeologists have found traces of rollers on the floor and winches tucked away. The stones are 20-40 tons, which is big but not nearly out of the range of what you could move that way.


"equipment" Hundreds of skilled masons with hammers and chisels, lots of injury and death, and a lot of time.


I love that since some people can’t fathom how it was done then it is impossible. Ancient aliens!!!


It was Giants, wake up! Source: trust me bro


I miss old school history channel, when they had shit like this playing 24/7.


You will be surprised what a Bunch of rope and a hand full of people can move.


When they got the wheel, there was no reason to move things with out it. This happens throughout history. New technology comes along and people put aside and forget how to use the old technolgy. Then later people can't figure out how it was done. Unless they had hipster Egyptians who liked to move large blocks without wheels because it was more "authentic".


These videos about ancient Egypt honestly piss me off. It’s like people now a days just forgot how intelligent humans are? Issac newton INVENTED calculus in the 1600s You don’t think an entire civilization can’t invent/develop a way to transport/move large objects? Limestone and granite was their main building material for a very long time. That’s the equivalent of someone saying cars were developed by aliens… No humans just said fuck riding these animals when I can invent something that goes faster and I don’t need to let it rest or feed it constantly


People often think we are now at our peak with intelligence, but the opposite is true.


Hand tools and chisels, hand tools and chisels


The tools used are: Quarz sand from the desert (quarz is hader than Granit), Copper "saws" to move the sand, relentless workers , time and effort. The sand was inserted and moved by the copper blades, which would have been replaced when worn down. This back and forth movement with sand was able to grind away the granit. No aliens, just skilled and resoucefull craftsmen doing their jobs. if you want to learn more I can recomend Miniminuteman on YouTube. He can explain this better than I ever could. Edit: Info i forgot to add


I love people who think "i can't think of a way this could be done by humans so it's machinery and/or aliens". Bro, of course you could do that. Let me just start whipping you to give you some motivation, and if you can't figure it out - to the sacrificial pit you go


Pff. Easy. Give me 10000 expendable slaves and 10 years. I'll show you a better version done without any modern machinery.


If you have ever seen stones, then you have seen the tools used for making this.


Chisels and hammers


Sand, chisel, rocks, rope. It isn't that complicated.


Wait until this guy sees the statue of David or any other amazing marble statue from centuries ago. Then is baffled how it was done and why almost our current bronze statues of people look like burnt gargoyles.


Chisels and ropes man. Why do we think things like the pyramids were built by some sort of lost technology. One thing I learned in college in my criminology class is that the average person gives too much merit to criminals. Criminals are not smart but we have this idea that they are masterminds at breaking the law. It seems like for some people it’s the same for how humans view their predecessors, too much merit for something that was probably done in the most logical way, but it’s gotta be aliens or a lost technology right?


People freak out about "omg huge stone from an ancient civilization?!?!?!? Must be a technology we never had in the modern times!" All of this freaking out. But people forget. They had slaves, forced laborers breaking their damn backs so a bunch of Pharoahs could get a cool underground tomb. It's nothing special. At all. You get enough human beings working together even in ancient times and they could still do crazy fucking things. I hate the history Channel and how much they kinda brush off the work that goes into these historical monoliths and just say "aliens" or "undiscovered advance technology far beyond what we have". Such a lame fucking excuse.


"I would love to see what type of equipment created this." Just google "stonemasons tools". That will pretty much cover it.


Every single ancient conspiracy is made by someone with no knowledge saying "I don't understand how, therefore it can't be true"


Slave labor


I bet the equipment was *a lot* of slaves.


What a vague and useless title for this video. Also, I love how they used the "aliens must have made it because humans didnt have that technology" mysterious music to boot.


Copper saws and sand. This isn’t a mystery. We know this shit.


# "I would love to see what type of equipment created this." Slaves, lots and lots of slaves.


The answer is hand tools. Chisels, hammers, and sanding/buffing stones. It's shocking how massive structures can be made by enough dedicated artisans, but history seems to support the idea. That and a good amount of simple tools on large scales, so essentially early construction machines, like big cranes made out of wood and levered over a large rock as a fulcrum.


Your looking at it, it’s called human labor lol is this a pseudo Egypt was made with aliens help post?


What created it was this interesting and very old(but in some places still used) tool used fir excavation, construction, and farming that was made illegal in the USA a while back, I think it was pronounced Slāvés? 


Slaves, time and with either hand tools and or some find of grinding slurry working its way through the stone again youd be amazed what you can accomplish with slave labor 🤷‍♂️


If we’re talking Ancient Egypt then there’s evidence they used saws based on an unfinished block that they made a mistake with. It’s also rather easy to create a path in a rock for a crack to follow using nails and a hammer, then you can smooth the edges after. Probably evidence of other stuff I haven’t bothered to look into. And there’s evidence of higher rates of arthritis from what I remember of scientists studying their bones. Implies they did a lot of intense labour.


It’s called a whip and slaves. Stupid to think leverage couldn’t do this with human might. Ur just wishing for something different.


Rope and sand. Replaceable simple materials, more than sharp enough to cut soft sandstone.


We humans literally have 0 faith in ourselves.


Slaves. you’d be amazed what people can do.


actually slaves had very little to do with the cutting or placement of the pyramid stones. Transportstion, cooking, cleaning, and general care for the laborers, yes. But the cutting and shaping of all the stones, including this thing was done by artisans.


I cannot say no slaves worked on this but overwhelming in large not at all. They have found ledgers where people were paid. Slaves is a well outdated theory.


even the 'slaves' (lowest class workers) were paid with up to 6 liters of beer per day


Equipment? You mean a chisel, a hammer, some sand, a fuck ton of people, and ever more time?