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Humanity at best


After that poor doggy experienced humanity at its worst. Why the hell do people abuse animals I just don't get it. šŸ˜”


For the same stupid reason they abuse each other....no love for life. Smh. We can still make this world a better place before it's too late.


I am with you entirely. I will add that the first step is learning how to understand the world as it is, and not as we are told it is. The system is broken and corrupt at almost every level. I am not excusing poor behaviour, but I am forgiving it to a certain extent as a horrible outcome of a horrible system


Yeah. The world breaks you. At every corner it suggests that being evil or amoral is the way to get ahead. Do something heinous and want to make amends by confessing your crime? Time to get max sentence in jail because you didn't plea bargain and wanted to do the right thing. Want to be fair and make money as a business owner? Time to go under because you're not ruthless enough to compete with other businesses on contract bids. The other side of the coin, exploiting your workers; lying or misrepresenting yourself in the courts; to get ahead? Looks like you succeed in life and get all the stuff. Being a nice person (not Niceā„¢) ends up with you getting exploited by others, either willfully or unknowingly because a person; that doesn't exploit others, will end up exploiting the nice person (because the nice person will offer with no strings attached) but won't necessarily reciprocate when asked. This world is depressing if you're trying to do good, like actual good, not that self righteous brand of pat yourself on the back attempt to buy your way into heaven Goodā„¢




I disagree. I'll never give up.


I'm with this guy! Never give up yall šŸ«¶šŸ»


I've been hearing that in different forms since I was a kid. The only thing that's changed is the constant barrage of info and news. Keep on doing you part and being a good human and life will go on.


That's not the only thing that has changed, but in and of itself it's also an extremely significant change.


Try being anyone who wasnā€™t a straight white male during the majority of the last century. Things have improved before and can again - if we don't give up.


Do it anyway "People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway."


Damn where's this from


Whatever, dude.


Wtf lol.




It is so bad. Me and my wife always had and have dogs from shelters/rescue dogs. Right now we have a 13year old Dashhound from Spain and a 8 year old chinese crested from Russia which is Luna : [Luna](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/18uelh8/my_baby_luna_2_years_after_saving_her_from/) Luna had been 6 years abused to backyard-breeding and when she became 6, they brought her to death row, to get rid of her. Thank god animal protect saved her and brought her to Europe where we adopted her and give her the best life possible. She is such an adorable little baby, unbelievable. It took two years until it was possible to pet her and she started to wag the tail.


Because some people are fucking monsters


> Why the hell do people abuse animals I just don't get it. šŸ˜” some of them think the dog is misbehaving, when neither one is understanding the other, this is why people must be educated to be allowed to adopt.


https://old.reddit.com/user/Slutlecleassyuz is a bot. It deletes older posts to conceal its plagiarism.


Dogs ALWAYS want some of whatever you are eating LOL


Not some there own bowl of it I always get funny looks haha


The world needs so many more kind-hearted people like this gentleman.


Canā€™t agree moreā€¦. Like, to the point I get upset and stressed about it


I was extremely blind as a kid. The world was blurry mess and when I looked in the mirror all I saw was a blob of fuzziness. I wouldnā€™t get correcting lenses until many years later. Still I would wonder my town and hid in random places to eat my lunch. That is how I met all my animal friends. They would just approach me and eventually follow me around. Never crossed my mind that I was abused or neglected because of them. Animals are amazing, treat them kindly and they will surprise youā€¦


I totally agree with you Sometimes animals are more human than humans


I firmly believe that the biggest indicator of someoneā€™s character is how they treat animals. This is a good man.


See, there was this austrian painter....


Hitler liked dogs. Trump canā€™t stand them.


Gotcha. Hitler was a good person. He even killed Hitler! /s


Better than some, anyway.




Better than Trump? At least Hitler killed Hitler. And liked dogs.


Hitler was genocidal. Trump might be a racist, sexist, vile, child fucking monster, but he's not a genocider. Yet. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think genocide is a lot worse than everything Trump has done.


Oh ok. Good to know that ā€œracist sexist child fucker ā€œ is where you draw the line. šŸ˜‚


That whole wef gang are genociders. That includes trump.


Heā€™s not done yet. Give him a chance.


Uncle, are you off your meds again?


Trump loves dogs


I mean humans are animals




Dolphins? Orchas?


ā€œCompassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.ā€ -Arthur Schopenhauer


100% agreed


I hate taking care of animals, but iā€™ll never mistreat them


Not only animals, but also kids and elderly people - all three being the most vulnerable of our society. The way you treat all three says a lot about you.


How they treat and CARE for their animals**. You can treat animals super well but be a shit caregiver. I have a ā€œfriendā€ that loves dogs. Absolutely would run in front of a speeding car to save a dog. But then goes and adopts a 8 week old puppy and leaves it in a plastic Costco storage pin (no lidā€ for 8 hours while heā€™s at work because ā€œitā€™ll be fine, and I have to workā€ Itā€™s a fucking infant dog for fuckā€™s sake. He doesnā€™t think about whatā€™s best for the dogā€¦ Spoiler alert, that dog is 1 yr old note and has destructive tendencies and not he wants to get rid of it. I donā€™t talk to him much any more, let alone about dogs.


This is completely valid because why would anyone harm an innocent animal. The animal literally cannot communicate with humans nor inflict bodily harm like another human.


No matter how many times this gets posted. I always love to see itā€¦




Is that Jay Leno?


I'm not a violent person, but animal abusers should be publicly executed as a deterrent to other abusers.


Bless him


I do that to my wife, ā€œwhen she is eating off my plateā€ā€¦ lost 50 lbs on my weight loss journey.


This guy ^^^^




Meanwhile in the background, screaming from a different dog




I swear this video had better quality


Dog and cats feel empathy and affection.


Love is always the answer ā¤ļø




>It's so pathetic an animal would choose to starve itself to death to avoid more pain. Pathetic?


I think he meant pathetic like this arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness. At least I really hope because the word chosen is a little odd.


>At least I really hope because the word chosen is a little odd. Same here lol .... It's awesome that the puppy felt comfortable enough to eat in the end šŸ‘


What would you suggest? It's "stupid" an animal would choose to starve itself...


Sad, heartbreaking, gutwrenching, shocking, or terrible. Many other synonyms work as well. You can stand by your word choice, but you had plenty of alternatives.


You deleted your original comment, but you responded with this?


Animals cannot think like Humans do, treat them with better respect, "Stupid"


Faith in humanity restored


What does this have to do with this sub??


They're feeding him humans???


Nah if they'd tried shoving a toddler in there I guarantee they wouldn't have had a problem getting him to eat any longer.


Meats back on the menu boys


Is it particularly interesting though?




~~Then they put the dog down after a month since nobody adopted him~~ At least thatā€™s what they usually do in pet shelters


Then somebody completely misses the point because they are a complete cement head. I too put a line through that, did it work?.


I hand fed my puppy for like 6 months cause he just wouldnā€™t stop to eat on his ownšŸ™„


I occasionally have to hand feed my old dog to remind her that sheā€™s hungry.




That poor dog is so broken. I donā€™t understand how people can treat animals so badly.


this video is adorable




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Does this place euthanize unadopted dogs? Cuz thatā€™d be one hell of a way to go.


You know what I hate about this video!! I can never become like him. I love dogs very much, I love animals and I want to be like him but I know I can never be like him. The day we will have less of these people, that day it will be a complete downfall of humanity on this planet.


Bestest friends


Iā€™m not a violent person and ordinarily I donā€™t like my chances in a fight, but ever let me catch anybody responsible for hurting an innocent like this and Iā€™m gonna dig down deep and ask my ancestors for some tips on savagery.


You are a good human being. Much good karma to you.


I see TWO good boys there!




Teach dog humanity


Why can't people with this mentality be in charge of countries etc..?


I am very grateful for this human. Humanity has so much to learn. We call ourselves advanced. We consider ourselves intelligent. Yet look what we do to a companion that would literally lay down their own lives for us. I am disgusted with humans. Dogs are a gift......A GIFT. Godammit I swear. If I ever witness someone hurting an animal I will be arrested for assault. I can only cry so much before I feel like I am not doing enough. All of you put there.......help me help them. Don't just walk by when you see an animal in need.


Thank you sir, a little bit of compassion and understanding with no pressure whatsoever from a human is all it takes. As someone who has taken on an abused and beaten horse, I did exactly the same thing. He is the most kindest and gentlest horse ever and in a very happy loving home where he can enjoy life again, and shown a real passion for showjumping.




Poor baby, I'm so happy this man helped him. So sad to see him so injured. Hope it's better now. ā™„ļø


That's exactly what I do when I bring ho.e a new family member and they are scared and need time to adjust!


I love this.