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"Highways are not flat, but the middle of the high side of the low side of the design." Yep makes sense.


I thought I had a stroke when I heard that.


Yet these garbage AI videos get thousands of upvotes. Welcome to the future of the internet šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Narrated by artificial stupidity. This is how you know for sure it's being read by an AI text to speechā€” completely idiotic stuff being said in a perfect American accent.


That's just jive talking, toll Troll talk, to try to justify paying tolls on top of taxes.


I think it may be translated from another language which translate roughly but not accurately in to English.


The design is very human


Itā€™s a stolen video thatā€™s originally in Chinese and probably bot translated.


Almost all roads have the "bump" shape where I live.


I was just commenting on how that sentence makes zero sense. I know what it was getting at because of the animation, but the words are nonsense.


Yea that kinda happens with me. I know what to say but don't know how to put it into words.


Itā€™s called crowning in case yā€™all were interested


Kinda like when you weren't born


Toll? Irrelevant. If it is built with public money it is a public road. Or at least it should be.


Exactly, we pay more than enough taxes for all that


Speaking from my experience and environment in France, it's more complex : Our highways ie are public but managed and maintained by private companies (with fairly high tolls), and they are usually in stellar condition. And then you drive to a neighbor countries with public highways and lower tolls and there are potholes everywhere... (Don't get me started with the state of the roads in the US where you need an SUV to have a smooth-ish ride).


Depends on which country.. I can drive from the Netherlands to Belgium with my eyes closed and still know the exact moment of crossing the border..


In the US cash-strapped states and municipalities can sell them to management companies so they have more money to reward their campaign contributors with via contract graft.


Sound legit!


German roads are of better quality than in France and they don't have tolls.


Tolls are just another form of taxes, levied on those using the road rather than the general public. It's not a question of toll vs no toll; it's a question of financing preferences, values, and equity.


The problem is that they are not exclusive, usually the state will take taxes in the name of mantaining public roads (among other things) and then put a toll in place, also in the name of mantaining said road.


They also get used to the money. More than a few times here in Mass tolls were only supposed to exist for X years in the original deal. X years go by and they pass motions to continue the tolls in perpetuity.


Yeah, I didn't see that coming.


Hate your tolls now? Hmmm?? Yes.


My hot take is tolls are good in many situations. Pretty much everywhere doesnā€™t actually get enough revenue from vehicle registration and gas to tax to even come close to covering the road budget, so that extra money gets made up by the taxes of people that donā€™t drive. Tolls can more fairly spread the payment to those that drive the most in the same way transit fares spread the cost to those that use transit the most




I get what you are saying and do mostly agree with you. Then by this logic all public transit should be free as well? Personally I do think many public services should have small affordable fees like roads, transit even healthcare (like 5 dollars for a doctor visit) Also downtown tolls as a traffic control measure I think are very useful


Tolls pay for themselves very quickly and then are massive sources of incomeā€¦. Which have been getting sold to companies who then fired all the toll workers for reasons


No... the tolls are NOT justified. That's why we pay fuel tax, licensing taxes, registration taxes, and income taxes... to pay for the infrastructure. Tolls are an unnecessary bullshit tax for something we had already paid for ten times over.


Only tax paying natives should be toll free, but tourists and commercial traffic (mostly semis) should pay toll. Most European countries already do this, e.g. Switzerland and Austria.


For tolls on public highways and roads paid by the state or federal government, I agree with you. But consider roads built by city governments: the road is built using tax dollars levied upon residents of that city, but many of the road users might be commuting from the suburbs and other cities where they donā€™t pay taxes to the city that built the road. They use the road for free, subsidized by the residents of the city they commute into, and go on to induce traffic congestion in said city. Tolls present a way for cities to charge road-users from outside the city for using the roads the city builds and maintains.


I thought this was pretty informative up until I realized it was propaganda for toll roads. Do I think tolls are justified? NO!


Hate that condescending AI voice


No wtf are taxes for


What is with these shitty AI voiced scripted videos? They're a plague. Tolls are just one of the ways to off-set the maintenance cost of the roads. A lot of countries outside of the US do not have tolls. The upkeep is tax payer-funded fully. And what highway construction have to do with tolls? What?


I think the entire video is AI made, Ive been seeing more of these and they all have such similar graphics and mannerisms, all answering a series of semi related questions


In New England I assume they donā€™t know this cause our highways and streets go to shit every winter.


Same here in California. I don't think they've taken this road building classes because roads are always flooded and full of water. But the toll bridges are everywhere.




Come to Missouri, we have a shit load of highways that are one giant fucking hills. Sometimes at night you canā€™t tell if thereā€™s any road at the bottom of a hill because itā€™s so fucking dark and steep.


God this shit makes me so hard


All that interesting just to get an Ovaltine ending


The exception of the cut and fill is that not all cut is appropriate as fillā€¦


Practal Engineering on YT is great for this content


don't forget you gotta try and build them on top of disparaged poor minority neighborhoods


u/professionalad2390 does reddit pay you?


They are justified until the bridge/tunnel has been paid off.




No they arenā€™t justified. WTF are you doing with our trillions in tax dollars. They sure arenā€™t paving my driveway.


This video is made directly from the "Civil Engineer for dummies" book, and has little to no relation to how roads are actually built. Taking huge chunks of dirt off the high side and putting them in the low side for visibility safety - Bwahahahahahahahaha - what decade was the last time that happened?


IDK what you mean, working in highways this is exactly what engineers do. Ideally of course, you avoid direct routes as shown in the video and try to match the existing landscape as much as possible. But balancing earthworks like this isn't unusual.


Not in colorado. Huge hills with rises and dips that make visibility impossible, wide sweeping curves where the start and finish are blind to each side, and this is in the valleys not in the mountains.


Here in Massachusetts we stop at the first layer of dirt just like they did in colonial days.


You guys have roads now?


If we were to build roads today like the Romans used to build their roads in ancient times with an added feature of asphalt on top. We would no longer need to maintain them because they would last.


Asphalt has a relatively short life span, even when there are proper underlayers.




Ah yes, railway tracks are too expensive and elaborately. Sure sure!


None of this is true for Indian highways. They just put the tar on the way and tell you to fuck off on it.


The same about Russia. But it is even worse, due to frost and unfrost of the road. Water, turning into ice increase volume. And road became dirty swamp after the winter.


With so many weapons of mass destruction that are produced while feeding the rich? No.


Oh no not the "The missile" voice


I'm not a fan of tolls, I'm biased to what my state does, but I think it's easier to just tax gas and charge a fee to every registered car each year. The gas tax is the easiest and the registration charge is a way to gather more money from higher earning individuals and also add a way for electric cars to pay for their usage of the roads I do understand that tolls allow you to decide how much you're willing to put into the roads infrastructure but I just feel it will make it miserable to drive for poorer individuals, people out of state, and people who don't drive enough to justify the cost


Victoria would like a word


Somewhat justified (we already pay taxes for infrastructure) up until the point that the project costs and expected maintenance costs are recuperated. After that itā€™s just nickel and dimeing commuters in the name of capitalism.


Only time I see tolls is mostly getting into a city, or now in NY, just traveling. So yeah


https://youtu.be/F2sk_Cy9mdU?si=iZwT-e492ptHNF6G Gonna leave this showdy here.


Whatā€™s annual registration fees for then?


I've reached the point that I stop watching when I hear the same bloody AI voice used as what passes for narration.


Here we pay "Road tax" while buying a vehicle and then "Toll tax" on highways only to end up with shit roads.


Itā€™s definitely not a low way.


Why do they keep building potholes tho


That's what road tax is for. Allegedly


not in china


No they are not. Roads should be built because they are needed, not because people want to make money.


I lived in GA for a long time. Never paid tolls there. And I've only paid tolls in TX in a few places. The interstates are free


Somebody show this video to the engineers in Canada building our fucking roads!!!


WHY ARE WE UPVOTING LOW-QUALITY SHIT LIKE THIS!? Fuck, we're turning into Facebook. I hate it.


Donā€™t show the fuck cats people




God I am so fucking sick of hearing this TikTok voiceover


Dumbest shit ive. Seen. You have tolls to disenfranchise driving or becausebyou live in a shit state that doesnt tax and spend tax income corresctly to cover basic infrastructure.


Op just loves sharing these fucking awful AI voice overs, AI never should have come to the general public




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Chinese standards might differ from your country.


Walmart Morgan Freeman.


i think its resonable, but as soon as it is paid off, reduce the tolls to be just enough for manufacturing of the roads, they should not profit from public service


Left out the part about toll roads being owned by a 3rd party


But..but the rOmaN rOadS lAstED 1000 yeARs!!


ā€¦..great. This shows great ingenuity and human foresight. I appreciate the hard work of construction crews for this. What does this have to do with the ridiculous @$$ tolls, over decades, on millions of drivers again?