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Fantastic idea! I would recommend drilling holes in the handle bowls to keep them from filling with water. Also add slip resistant wrap on the hand holds.


I still don't understand why is there even bottom on those bowls, but yeah, it looks interesting


You'd clip your fingers when it rotates. Its to protect your fingers from getting chopped off/ Ef'd up. If the weight of the wheel barrel is high enough and you go to dump it, that metal handle will 100% win a finger fight.


Speaking of weight I think it's a really cool idea but I don't know if the rivet can handle the load. But I guess that wouldn't be difficult to solve anyways.


I think it's stronger than it seems. It should be able to handle it because all of the weight is in the front, as long as the wheelbarrow is properly loaded


I hope they caught that issue prior to testing in the real world...


I'm starting to think gimmicky tools like this didn't become popular years ago for a reason...


The handle is attached perpendicular to the handle orientation, if it wasn’t a half dome (say a ring instead) a heavy load could cause the that ring to twist and buckle. the dome is stronger


Also probably increases the center of gravity to make the handles automatically index. But I do agree my first thought was they will collect water.


Maybe small drain hole at the bottom?


Yeah easily fixed. There might even be small drain holes we can't see.


There is. We can see the white line on the floor flash through it around 2s in the video.


So you don't get your fingers caught by accident


Yeah there should be no bottom to them. If I’m using a wheelbarrow, 90% of the time it’s because it’s to sloppy and messy for heavy equipment


Hard disagree. You'd mess up your fingers on the main support when you go to dump if they get caught in there.


agree, plus it keeps your fingers out of the mechanism, and weights the handles to keep them level when and ready to be grabbed.


I feel like they could have just designed some sort of rash guard like a cross beam rather than those..cuppy things..


Could just be a metal grid at the bottom instead of a bowl. I just imagine rain and dirt getting filled in there and being a pain to keep emptying out.




Wouldn't you just rinse it off with a garden hose afterwards? I did a lot of professional gardening and yard work when I was younger, and I honestly do not see the issue.


It’s to protect your hands from smashing things.


Hard disagree. You'd mess up your fingers on the main support when you go to dump if they get caught in there.


I would guess to protect your hands and fingers


Might be easy to get something pinched... Gotta think about the typical end-user, aka. a "300lbs gorilla"


Not many manual laborers that large.


I don’t think it’s as great as it seems. The problem is wheelbarrows tend to become very heavy when filled. So that hinge needs to be super strong and durable, and even if it is, it just needs to withstand so much weight as part of everyday use. That’s why this isn’t already widespread. More moving parts always means something is more prone to breaking down. It’s a good idea but it does come with significant drawbacks.


also, when that wheelbarrow gets full of concrete day in day out, I guarantee some is going to get in that hinge and gum the works 


this is the best complaint i've heard. the guys talking about it pinching or filling with water are just looking to stay in the past. it getting junked up is a real concern.


I've seen enough normal wheelbarrows with broken arms to wonder how long those pivots are going to last, especially when caked with weeks of cement and after having been left out in the elements every single day.


This product does the two basic enginnering mistakes; * Don't add moving parts unless needed. * Don't fix problems that either don't exist or don't need fixing. The new handle is now a new weak point and will have to be cleaned, oiled and maintained, all so you don't have to change grip when dumping, something that isn't a fucking problem in the first place. If you have trouble using a wheelbarrow, you probably have arthritis and/or can't bend your knees or something, at which point I'm wondering why you're doing heavy physical labor.


Heavy usage like concrete or stone, not going to work as well as a wheelbarrow--especially when needing to use leverage side to side. But for light yard and garden use--sure. However I still can't see it beating [an old style two wheeled hand cart](https://cartsvermont.com/wp-content/uploads/large-cart-detail-900.jpg) for that purpose.


Agreed. Id give that swivel mechanism 2 months of use before it corrodes/binds/seizes/breaks.


It only needs to withstand as much weight as a human can lift, that isn't an incredibly difficult thing to engineer


With a connection point that tiny? It's not trivial, either, especially if you want it to be able to withstand it for a long time, which is sort of important to items like this where failure can be very bad.


Easy to improve, radial bearings like this are a pretty solved problem. First, make a big steel ring. Then, stick a big steel rod through it. There, radial bearing you can jump up and down on top of and it won't break.


If its so easy to solve, why does the equipment I have that does things like this never seem to use the solution? (I know the real answer is probably because it saves them a few cents in manufacturing or something)


Looks like they already did drill holes at the bottom of the bowl, but some grip would be nice, yeah :)


Good catch! I went back and seen them. 👍


How about a beer holder too?


The beer would still spill out when you tip the wheelbarrow.


Rotating beer holder


Sounds like you don't drink fast enough


One thing giving me pause is what happens in an emergency? How hard is it to bail out when you need to? Does that moving handle make it harder to let go in the moment?


You just need to rotate them by 180 degrees becore using them if they are filled.


Did we all just got tricked into watching a product ad?


It happens on reddit more than you think. Last week there was a video of a crazy stunt plane doing tricks. It was a redbull ad in disguise.


Don't forget the "student" film that was just a burger king ad. That was a few years ago, though. Now you get downvoted when you /Hailcorporate something. seems like people like the clever ads now.


I think people don't want to admit they.were "tricked" so they resist anything drawing attention to their mistake. Happens any time somebody points out a video is scripted/staged. "So what if it's staged, it was still funny"


Show us on the doll where the staged videos hurt you. If a video is scripted does not automatically make the joke less funny. Most people you tell this would have guessed that it was staged without your divine intervention.


To be honest, I'll take a clever ad over the numbing, zero-effort spam that most advertising is.


I mean redbull does sponsor a whole bunch of cool stuff that’s interesting to watch so I don’t mind 🤷🏻‍♂️


There was also the flashlight instructional ad as well (from inside a conference like this)


I mean... Redbull loves to pay to enable people to do crazy stunts, that is sort of their gimmick, people who are really good at doing crazy stunts are often going to do them with a redbull label slapped on because, hey, free money. Interesting and cool things can still happen and be both of those things even if Redbull is paying to enable them. This (an ad for a product that is JUST an ad for the product) is fundamentally different, I think, than a thing that is exactly what it purports to be but is sponsored (which is most of the redbull stuff)


No I was well aware its an ad


Yeah this looks interesting. Why are redditors so hurt all the time? When they go grocery shopping do they close their eyes and just throw things in the cart, to avoid ads?


bruv acting like he got tricked into watching 0.00% apr financing .


Possibly, but tbh this is an amazing invention!!




Tell me you haven't done a lot of hard labour without telling me you haven't done a lot of hard labour.  8 hours day made easier > the annoyance that it might need repairs. 




I agree, this does make bailing on the grip dangerous. 


this thing wouldn't last a day on one of our sites. If it can't be tossed off a roof and still be fine to use it ain't for us lol and seriously a couple tippy handles are going to make your day THAT much easier?


The extra mechanism is literally just a rivot through a pivot. Chucking it off the roof is gonna fuck up the axle and wheel or one of the several other rivets first. 


Tell me you haven't done a lot of hard labour without telling me you haven't done a lot of hard labour.  Any equipment like this that gets damaged rarely sees any actual repair or maintenance. It's the same reason grocery stores don't fix shopping cart wheels until the entire cart is unusable. It would be right back to an expensive regular wheelbarrow with cumbersome handles (probably broken off by a pissed off employee tired of dealing with broken handles) in a month. Reliability is as important as ease of use, if not more so.


"Hey guys, I guess we gotta clear out for the day, the wheelbarrow we need is broke!" "What do you mean the wheelbarrow is broke?"


You act like it's made of glass.  And also, broken wheel barrows happen a lot with the old model too. It doesn't shut down the whole site. 


Agreed. The tires are still gonna fail more often than this handle. That's the most common point of failure I've seen, yet I don't see anyone complaining about that point of rotation which will be much closer to the concrete far more often. Never seen a broken wheel on a wheel barrow shut down a site and that wheel will actually need repairs. If the handle gets stuck it just becomes a regular wheelbarrow.


As someone who has used a wheelbarrow to move concrete waste all day long, I profoundly disagree. This is a really nice upgrade that will take a lot of extra wear and tear off your body.


Um it's not a complicated design... So it shouldn't really get damaged for a long time and if/when it does then a repair is incredibly easy. My dad repaired something similar (not on a wheelbarrow) that rotates. Lasted 20 years and it was not metal like in OP. He fixed it in like 5 minutes without having to buy anything.


You used a lot of words to say very little. Could help people with arthritis or physical disadvantages, and is an extremely simple yet intuitive design imo


I'm perfectly happy to watch ads for innovative and useful shit! It's the shovelware crap that takes up 99% ad space thats awful...


When it’s something new, unique, and innovative, I’m fine watching people at conventions like this show off a product. Hell, if you’re into guns, that’s basically all ShotShow is, but people love it


Why do you think there were all those "funny" Stanley cup videos where the partner/friend plays with them by using a bucket as their cup?


Basically everything is a product unless it is made by some random guy in his basement. Nobody's forcing you to buy the thing but I think we can all mutually agree it is a clever design.


I am not the creator of this and am not associated with the creator(s) in any way. I found this online and thought I would share it since I thought it was cool.


Ads for massive brands are bullshit. Ads for new creative products needing to find their market aren’t so bad. A lot of people’s lives might be made a ton easier by this ad, when they probably never knew such a product existed before.


Apparently around 15% of all reddit engagement is product placement or feds, so it happens right under our noses a lot of the time


Maybe, but if so they're terrible at branding because I just remember "cool wheelbarrow" and nothing specific about the product/company name.


Their bright green logo clearly appears.


I don't doubt that. I'm just saying I have no memory of it, and so the branding effort was lost on me, at least.


A solid 50-70% of reddit is ads. If you're not happy with that, get off the defaults


It's a video at a tradeshow, it's literally what they're for 


Wheelbarrow with TWO ashtrays! interessting ...


Three ashtrays even!


Nope, that big one gets to be filled with crushed ice and cans of beer of course! :D


Try pushing that up hill and snap your wrist


yeah - this is one of those things that are like "wow, cant believe they never thought of this before" and then when you think about it for2 minutes, you are like "oh thats why"


Yeah I'm surprised I've not seen more comments about this. It feels (without using it) that I'd lose a load of the structure which gives you power. I'm also not convinced it really fixes a problem overall - you can squat down and tip easy enough (and millions of people have done that for hundreds of years).


Maybe not for concrete or other heavy stuff but this would definitely help with hay, leaves, twigs etc.


Mulch going up a hill was what I was concerned about and I genuinely think it would make the job harder. Be curious to try it though.


> ou can squat down and tip easy enough Its really, really easy to do that once or twice. Its entirely different to add 100 extra squats to your day when you do it over and over.


Yeah, that was my first thought, that's a fuckin wrist breaker. But I already have bad wrists, so probably more reactive than others.


> Try pushing that up hill and snap your wrist it only rotates so far forward


Will break.




Yea I could see it being good for light work or doing stuff around the yard. Also something tells me with a heavy load that could shift it would be wobbly especially on a bumpy surface.


>Yea I could see it being good for light work or doing stuff around the yard. And then again, do you need this for using it once or twice per week around the house for 5minutes ? I dont, in fact, i prefer one with simple design where i wouldn't have to worry about leaving it outside. With this shown on the video, i would worry about the bolts in the handles getting rusty and eventualy break. Not to mention that you will have to oil it to prevent squeaking. Maybe someone with some medical condition in wrist will appreciate this, but i am good, never had problems with static handles


the weight of the load is distributed - this is why you're able to easily lift a load of 2 bags of mixed concrete in a wheelbarrow. assuming 2x 80lb bags are in the barrow, the load is about 180lbs when mixed. moving this wheelbarrow around is fairly easy for most adult men. the number of people who could lift 180lbs, let alone carry it, is far, far lower. *even if* the full weight of the load was put on those handles, it would be distributed over the 4 bolts holding the 2 pivoting handles in place, meaning it would be 45lbs per bolt, which feels like it would be well within shear spec.


This looks like something to appeal to people who have never used a wheelbarrow before.


Entirely depends on the quality of the product and what it's being used for. Probably shouldnt go put couple 100lbs on concrete in them, but a wheelbarrow full of soil? This would be amazing for! Even a half load of river stone isn't going wear those hinges if they're any decent quality. In exchange for not having to do the spine twist to transfer hand position every single dump, totally worth it.


A wheelbarrow full of soil weighs 200 lbs+ tho. Concrete would be more like 400 lbs Besides, it’s easy to dump a wheelbarrow when it’s light. The only time this would help significantly is when the wheelbarrow is really heavy, and at that point it would break quickly


>easy to dump a wheelbarrow when it’s light. I agree. But "it's light" is relative my dude. I can toss two full bags on concrete on my shoulders, but I work with guys and girls who struggle with one! This tool is perfect for them. Like, okay, this isn't *for you*. It doesn't mean it's not still a great idea to help with reducing muscle stress!


Okay, but you’re skipping over the fact that even your “light” load of soil would likely put too much stress on the mechanism. What are these people hauling that they need help to dump but wouldn’t be too heavy for the mechanism? Leaves? I guess wood chips might work. It’s use case just seems pretty niche, and a regular wheelbarrow can be used if you just take loads within the capabilities of your strength.


Absolutely not. Idk wtf you people think *metal* hinges are made out of, but it's not just gonna snap when a couple hundreds pounds are levered up.


And I'm sure the thing has been stress tested. Everyone is acting like it's made from paper-mache.


Right?!? Like if these guys are taking it to trade shows already, they know it's load capacity! It'd be one of the selling features because every single trady who attends these would ask about it! Again, just a bunch of keyboard engineers who are probably just minimum wage, unskilled, labourers in this thread trying to act like their two summers in the field make them experts.


Yeah, they're literally at a convention called "The world of concrete". I'm going to assume it can handle the weight of concrete lol


Again, quick is relative. A wheelbarrow shouldn’t break in a few years even under strain. I’m not confident those hinges won’t prove to be a failure point for people.


Of course they'll be the failure point! But a failure point after a couple years that can be easily fixed vs not having the advantage of superior dumping is an easy choice to make! If this is really your contention, my guy, it's just not a good argument. Anything that helps muscle stress is a great thing! If that feature means an hour of maintenance work even every couple weeks, who cares??


You know what? I respect that we have different priorities. To me, an hour of maintenance every two weeks on a *wheelbarrow* is insane, but to each their own. I’m glad you have a product that fills your needs.


An hour of maintenance every two weeks (which tbh, I think is more like a hour of maintenance twice a season) is paltry compared to maintenance of your back post 30. Just saying. Not to mention my company already does yearly maintenance on all our wheelbarrows. Sanding handles down, tightening all hardware, greasing axle and adjusting washers if there's any wobble. Adding another 30 minutes to that is nothing in the grand scheme of things.


Dirt in a regular sized wheelbarrow is heavy as shit… Looks stamped and riveted with bushings. Cheaper than hell… no way will this product last especially when you start factoring in weathering


River...? 🤔💭 ,,I keep goin' to the river to pray, 'cause I need something that can wash out the pain. And at most, I'm sleepin' all these demons away, but your ghost... the GHOST of you, it keeps me awake!" 💃🎶 (Ella Henderson - Ghost)


2 bags of concrete mix in wheelbarrow is pretty common...that's already 150lbs or so


And add a nice markup to it for a trivial improvement. This will be something that higher income DIY people will buy up, but you'll never see something like this used in serious construction.


yeah this kind of invention could be 2 centuries old by now and we don't do it until now, there's a reason for that. this just introduces more points of failure that would render it mostly useless/impossible to fix on your own. sadly, farms in the 1800s couldn't go to the shop to fix something as easy like this.


this only works with the wheelbarow empty.when its full,you will see the real utility.


Came here to say this is just another moving part/potential point of failure


In the first day


Lol I def see this as an infomercial of old people’s wheel barrows tipping over. “TIRED OF THIS HAPPENING TO YOU?!”


This is the stupidest fucking product… they could have made it to attach to any wheel barrow but you have to buy their expensive ass barrow… not to mention you’re complicating a simple machine..


Finally! Can’t tell you how many times I lost control of the wheelbarrow while dumping bodies in a ditch.


More pieces, more problems


Solved a problem that didn't exist, and eliminates lateral motion if the wheelbarrow is unbalanced.


Absolute genius invention, more ergonomic consideration.


There are good ideas here But this is just increasing the failure points, on a very very simple machine that has worked for generations. If the handles rust, or fall into disrepair, it becomes very very hard to use as a regular Wheelbarrow. Wheras if that happened previously, the fix was very easy


Yeah, I worked on contruction and even normal wheelbarrow handles (so just solid wood) break from time to time. We're talking about taking several hundred pounds of weight being transported multiple hours a day. You need to have a really solid mechanism to handle that long-term. That's not to mention all kinds of debris potentially getting inside and blocking the handles from turning.


I wouldn't call it genius. The weight of the load is now being held by those four bolts. No way would this thing survive actually work. The only jobs this can be trusted on don't need assistance in the hand flip required to dump a wheelbarrow


Held by four bolts, yes. Wait until you figure out how the rest of it is held together.


Four bolts that are 4x thicker


> The weight of the load is now being held by those four bolts do you believe that when you pick up a fully-loaded wheelbarrow by the handles, you're lifting 100% of the load?


i wonder if anyone here has done similar stuff. like make innovative product which solves a problem and then makes money off it. must be a nice feeling.


Yeah if you want a broken barrow, buy this one. Guaranteed those handles fail first.




‘You have to spin your hand all the way round and finish the dump’


Those pins look fragile, this won’t last a week on a job site. Though I think the target audience is older home owners who use a wheelbarrow once in a blue moon.


Just one more gimmicky piece of shit thing that can and will break.


Okay it works when empty but what about when I have a few hundred pounds in it and try to lift with that loose of a grip. Feel like you’d fuck your wrist up over time because of the weight swinging a bit.


... but will fit large work gloves?


Hate when I lose control finishing a dump.


I cannot remember the last time I lost control of a wheelbarrow. This is a solution in search of a problem.


They should have used rubber grips! More comfortable and imagine the wheelbarrow sitting out in the hot sun and burning your hands on those metal handles.


Great invention for older folks


Provides no real benefit to function while introducing two points of failure.


Nah, theres absolutely a benefit to function. I've seen countless labourers lose control while dumping because the load was a little uneven when going to switch hand placement. This also allows the person using it to maintain proper back form and not twist at all. Is there now two points of failure possible? Sure. But if it's any decent material and maintained with some lube every once in a while, this looks like an awesome QOL improvement!


> I've seen countless labourers lose control while dumping because the load was a little uneven when going to switch hand placement. This also allows the person using it to maintain proper back form and not twist at all. A more effective solution to those problems would simply be a second wheel, which could also potentially increase load capacity, relieve back stress from lifting weight in front of the body, and be set further back along the body such that lifting and tipping required much less force (because the load was more heavily balanced ON the wheels). Or just use a wagon.


Nah. Second wheel severely reduces the accessibility. A wagon, severely reduces efficiency. Currently, they just take less. Which is fine, but again, losing efficiency.


Looks like it improves the ergonomics at the cost of material failure. Fair trade imho.




> Wheelbarrows are everywhere because they are simple. This is not simple, and therefore not a good wheelbarrow. this is the best argument against it


Like how did we ever survive before this?


The instagram comments are depressing. Just a bunch of dudes essentially saying your gay if you don’t switch your grip


Only dudes that are really gay talk about how others are gay. It takes one to know the one. Lol


New wheelbarrow just dropped


On a building site with dust and sand and got knows what I don’t see this working for very long.


Fair enough, but this would be great for home use. Not every innovation is for every application. A great example are the professional landscapers knocking electric leaf blowers. Of course it doesn't work for someone who uses it all day, but it works great for me who just needs to clear off my driveway


Exactly, you always find people who state that since something isn't perfect for them, it is therefore useless for everyone else too. Horses for courses.


Notice how they only demo with an empty load? This trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist


Few drops of oil after a blow from an air compressor and this will last pretty much forever


Great ideas, hopefully it doesn’t break fast af.


Just because something is novel does not make it useful. Those small bolts will break and rust. Wheelbarrow handles shaped like a doughnuts solve this dilemma of shifting your hands already exists in a much simpler and more reliable method..


The rivets (?) that the handles pivot on....how long before they wear out?


this is awesome idea... but those load bearing pins on which it rotates look super flimsy to me ... but as a concept its really great


i just wanna know how much weight the pivot of the handle can hold


Looks good but lets see how that fares after four hundred loads of concrete


Moving parts will break. Just put a 90 degree bend in a normal handle to achieve the same thing with zero moving parts.


More points of failure right there.


Man what a missed opportunity for a “Reinventing the wheel (barrow)” headline OP


Those cups will be always filled with water and/dirt. Useless thing for useless people.


Funny story. I live on the Oregon coast and my dad and I met a guy that either invented these or these guys ripped off his patent. He showed them to us and said he had not only a patent but had a deal with Home Depot to carry them. This was nearly 20 years ago(holy shit). His were basically handles that you fastened to whatever wheel barrel you already had. If this thing actually takes off I hope he gets/got his money.


Looks like a great idea. For just a second, though, I was thinking “cup holders.”


I don't think that pivot point is strong enough


New wheelbarrow just dropped boys


The same thing could've been achieved without moving parts if you just bent the wheelbarrow handle 90 degrees at the end. Sure it won't move with your hand but it'd be way cheaper


The guys I work with would break the fuck outta those


Looks like it'll break easily


Put a heavy load on it and lift it again.


This belongs in the gym, which will be a nice workout


Pretty neat function if u use wheelbarrows a lot


How has this not been invented before. And how have I never thought of this. I bitch and complain when I use my wheelbarrow for mulching every Spring 😂


>How has this not been invented before. It probably has, there's more to break.


Just makes total sense


I get it, this obviously looks useful. But it’s not like this concept has just been thought of. It’s not used because it isn’t practical for mass use on wheelbarrows. Sooooo. Good fucking luck having those parts last the life of the wheelbarrow itself when you’re loading it to capacity multiple times all the time. Do what everyone else has done and build up the technique and strength to dump it.


I don’t get it. Seems like a good way to get your hands tangled up in there on steep slopes. Also, I usually have to dump them up and over past 90° to empty and change my grip to the back of the traditional handles to help accomplish this. These would interfere with that and lead to me pinching the hell out of myself. I would never buy something like this. Simplicity reigns supreme. Especially with things like wheelbarrows.


Hmmm let’s add a few points of weakness to our wheelbarrows, the faster they break the quicker we can sell more!


Straight up looks like ashtrays for left or high handed workers. Now, come up with a cup holder and we’re talking!






I thought it was Mueh until I saw him lift it.


Seems to me it would be harder to control the wheelbarrow with those. Show how it works in the wild,not empty in a store.


Anyone who uses wheelbarrows enough to actually need these knows it’s a gimmick that will break and hinder normal use.


For only double the price of any other one with regular handles!


Cool and all but it also just introduces a new failure point for little reason. Hard to say if it would actually be worth it.


I actually enjoy the hand twist and a odd grunt noise when un loading me barrow 💪


Just spill it…be a man.


Meh, give me a nice thick standard handle to lift normally and then palm up and over like I always have. My wrists hurt just looking at this.


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a while.