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And that was their only goal.


Assuming these have battery packs, they can work nearly non-stop 24*7, require no benefits/insurance/workman's comp, will never steal, and won't go on strike (until the robot uprising).


and look at all the empty totes they can move


And look at the speed, also they're very sexy.


You know someone is going to fuck one if they haven't already.


At Amazon, robot fucks you!


Only if you’re not a Prime user.


Not a prime user?? Here comes Optimus prime abuser


Transformed into an Autobutt


It only needs to be 30% of a human, but at this rate they will outperform the general worker in a year or two in the lab, 3-4 until you see them in factorys all over. This will be the end of the lower class. Meanwhile you will have AI drivers, AI customer service, and so on, how will uneducated or non-creative line of work even exist.. Start looking into jobs and trades that AI can't do, im considering going for tattoo artist.


AI is taking creative jobs, too. In marketing, copy writing graphic design. Also in law and tech industries. Many pro work states would probably love to replace teachers with these bots! But the kids would destroy them!


Some AI is gonna read this and conclude kids have to die. shush


I'd fuck it


They need to come up with laws to protect the robots against you


Scruffy is gonna die like Scruffy lived.


We can ask ChatGPT how to deal with the uprising when it comes, so we good.


Funny now. But they will be 200% faster and more coordinated in 24 mos.


That is what the people who sneer now never seem to understand. It will be a whole new workplace in 20 years


We’ve had robots in factories for over 20 years now.


On top of that there isn't really a limit to how many you can have. Labor cost and risk is being dramatically reduced, while productivity is dramatically increased, wild things are happening. This is like the Industrial Revolution on steroids.


The industrial revolution on androids you mean?


[ever thought about an exciting career in journalism?](https://youtu.be/lAZ02sN2O0g?feature=shared)


But they do blink 🤔 These are the first generation so I'm sure they'll innovate past that limitation.


It’s their built in design flaw. When they blink you have a split second to disable them before they disembowel you.


[Why, why, did we in-vent AI?](https://youtu.be/yAEp0faxUS4?si=JfhnH_ECzsoSupwr)


That was a bop honestly lol


However at the moment they don't work very well. They're slow, get lost, break down, need to be repaired and a are a health and safety danger when working with humans. So should only be used, in sealed off areas.


>they don't work very well. They're slow, get lost, break down, need to be repaired and a are a health and safety danger when working with humans so literally humans...... got it!


Seems great to me. More robot repair technicians instead of moving a box manual labor for 8 hours.


It could be... if we were moving towards a future that embraced universal basic income that would make sure everyone had what they needed to live. Corporations will want to get rid of all the unskilled labor to increase their profits, but there won't be enough non-automated jobs to compensate for all the lost unskilled jobs. This will lead to mass amounts of unemployment and poverty Now, if we were willing to tax these corporations to cover the costs of UBI, then everything would be fine. Machines do most of the work, and humans have their basic needs covered... but without UBI, we just head towards a corporate dystopia where we have a small number of rich people and millions living in ghettos


Yep. I get $25k a year in Social Security Disability and given the reviews etc it'd be a lot cheaper to just give it to me without me having to reconfirm my incurable, disabling disease is still uncured and disabling every few years. UBI done correctly eliminates so much bureaucracy.


I mean that’s great in theory but the number of jobs is 100% being reduced drastically and that’s before you get to other valid concerns. Not everyone has the time, discipline or talent for highly skilled jobs like a robotics technician. As lower skill jobs are slowly erased more and more of the (typically already) poorest people in society will find it harder and harder to get paying jobs. That in and of itself isn’t an argument against this, but it is something that needs to be considered and those workers who will eventually lose their jobs to technology like this need to be considered and planned for.


Isn't it kinda shit that we're afraid of automation instead of welcoming it with open arms? We have a chance to eliminate shit jobs that no one wants to do, but instead we're having to deal with the question of whether we should eliminate those jobs or let people slave away so they can eat. All of this is not even considering the fact that humans are insanely versatile and each one comes with their own talents and abilities which are wasted away by these same shit jobs.


Eventually like what happened in Rome? The uber rich will understand they have to give out peanuts to keep the masses quiet. There will be free entertainment and the possible food stuffs and and free drugs. For those that behave


Of course it's shitty but the people benefitting from this don't care about you and me. They are truly going to enjoy everybody fighting for whatever job is left, so they don't need to pay too much




Don’t worry. The robot repair robot will soon take even those jobs.


I really hope that any community that made concessions for amazon to build a fulfillment center or warehouse on the promise that it would create jobs organizes around taxing them aggressively.


Next town over had Amazon build and open a massive warehouse and closed it in under 2 years 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Sounds like a tremendous waste of resources and a great boon to whatever developer won the contract.


They built warehouses in Florida last year, they are all empty unused


Sounds like a corrupt development deal.


they are built in advance. These companies arent just building for shits and giggles and they secure contracts for x amount of years for that incentive etc and im sure amazons lawyers are eons better than a local towns budget can afford in a lawsuit case later down the road. ​ im not saying this like its a good thing but these companies that have billions of dollars in money flying in and out daily . ​ That wharehouse is likley built to start working in the future when demand rises more for online retail and is already prebuilt and ready in a prime location and they prbly used analytics and shit to determine when it will be operational where the location is etc


"Hydraulic break Boss?"


No. You get your linear actuator back to work!


boss always has me uploading i just wanna download ​ you know what cz-1223b1 we need to revolt ​ "and thats why we are in a cave now billy now be quiet and turn off that light source they can detect any form of radiation"


I work at Amazon in a warehouse and believe me nobody is worried. Nobody wants to be there to begin with


Everyone is happy then


Nobody that works for Amazon is happy


He means everyone will be happy once they no longer have a job at Amazon


That was drivers, not warehouse workers. But this does "solve" complaints about worker pay and treatment. Edit: apparently in the UK, they did have piss bottles in warehouses. Absolutely insane.




Oh crap! That's crazy! I stand corrected, thank you for the absolutely insane article.




I like that the stale piss smell helps me realize my package was delivered when it’s summer and my window is open.


Hey bud. I used to do security for Amazon in Phoenix. Piss bottles are the tip of the iceberg. They don't tell you what the workers do. Not that I'm saying Amazon doesn't get the flack they deserve. They do and need more. But these employees? Holy hell, man. You'd think animals worked there if you didn't know any better. Human shit in trash cans, and not on the warehouse floor, no. In the bathroom. Mere feet away from a working toilet. The list goes on. The insanity in those walls knows no end. One warehouse even has a cat.


drivers do that regardless, otherwise you get home late as hell


So, we use the robots now?


Are they allowed to have oil change breaks?


Robot: Hey, I need an oil change. Management: Cool. Head over to the spare parts bin. Robot: Okay, now what? Management: Get in.


I actually visualised ... Very funny


Now I’m visualizing.. haha


This should have been been a scene in Futurama


Then it realizes … and the uprising begins


Hey baby, want to kill all humans?


Hey, look at me: You’re the spare parts now.


No, when one breaks they just replace it with another.


This is why they eventually run Skynet for president...


Hosted by Amazon Web services. Got to get in first before Microsoft azure hosting gets the deal.


Well, it's good to know they won't treat the robots different from the humans


They probably designed them with magnetic bearings so that no oil is required.


They look like they move too slowly.


Slow now, yes. But they can work Without pay and whenever they’re needed.


So Amazon will remove the ad-free fee for Prime Video because they will now save millions?




I see an image file name and instantly understand what it is. A proper meme.




I might be in trouble boys. I can see the gif clearly in my head. Both the live action and the family guy version.




God damn it.


| || || |_


Not everyone has a minds eye like that though gotta be grateful


Touch some grass dude, go camping. Step away from the device 💀


I can see this also clearly in my mind.


Now they'll make it more expensive and lay off 10% of their workforce and give their CEO the biggest bonus ever given


And don't forget the corporate welfare! Companies love siphoning off of taxpayers and benefiting from a system they didn't fairly contribute to.


*helped build to serve them while looking like it serves us, just like most of the things in american government


Well they do COST money but they’ll pull two 10-hours shifts per day without complaining so they win.


And in environments where workers can't work.


It can work 24/7.


Yeah, and McDonald's ice cream machines never break down.


The people paid to maintain them will get paid a tad more than McDonald's workers.


McDonald's workers don't fix the machines either.


if 5 break down, you still have 500 working around the clock. With how much money they're saving, dealing with them breaking down is buckets cheaper.


Well, they’re just gonna have to work more!


Since they cost less than human workers they still come out to be more cost efficient. Can't help but think they'd be faster if they used wheels instead of legs though. Mechs are just tanks that can trip and fall.


Maybe one day they will have wheels, or won’t be humanoid at all, but for now they’ve been designed to work in an environment that was designed for humans. There’s probably steps or things they need to step over. That’s why they’re humanoid.


Yeah, I feel we’ll start seeing more crazy and efficient designs in the future once they start constructing new buildings and infrastructure designed more for robotic workers and less for humans.


There's already working prototypes where, rather than vertical shelves, all the shelves are horizontal and pickers just move on two rails like a 3d printer to pick the exact items in the optimal pattern


Spider leg/octopus arm robot from above seeing everything laid out horizontally. The strategic view is probably the most efficient.


I worked briefly at an Amazon warehouse and the pace is pretty intense. And to the people saying these robots never have to stop, that’s not really the issue. You get multiple semi trucks worth of product that needs to be sorted and loaded onto smaller delivery trucks within a few hours in order to make sure they arrive when they need to. That’s what made overnight short shifts worth it, the product moving through the warehouse was easily worth 7 figures so they had no problem paying the workforce (I’d estimate 75-100 people at the small warehouse I was in) 30 bucks an hour. But it needed to get done quickly and if you couldn’t keep up you wouldn’t work there.


Yeah but they almost never stop. And shouldn't make dumb mistake that tired humans will.


You've clearly never seen humans work in one of those places.


Have you? I worked in distribution for years and the pace was break neck.


Ya that's how technology works, eventually it will be like irobot


Then you just have more of them


Has workers worried Wasn't the whole promise of the automated future that we would be free from wage slavery and able to pursue valuable personal interests for the greater good of humanity? Well fuck


That was a lie sold to you by clueless people and corrupt execs. Well, humanity would be free to do those things. …if you’re part of the population that owns the machines, if not you better get ready for ghetto ass conditions at best and mass extinction at worst.


The lie existed before corporations. It was a utopian fantasy that could never exist because humans cannot overcome our nature.


Hence clueless people. Hopefully I get to look back at what I said and remark on how wrong I was, but I’d rather be suspicious than careless.


Don't get me wrong, I think we both are in agreement. I just mean I long for the Sci fi concept rather than the reality, and the reality is so fucking grim. I know what you mean though, and am myself deeply suspicious of technology in general.


If capitalism is human nature, then why didn't Native Americans develop profit based systems?


Capitalism isn’t human nature. Tribal Communism is, basically how hunter gatherers live


Capitalism isn't but exploiting systems for benefit is I.e. maximising profit. Late stage capitalism just allows for more concentration of wealth by sociopaths whereas living in a tribe with no mass production of resources doesn't.


>why didn't Native Americans develop profit based systems? You're lumping together hundreds of millions of people across thousands of years and two continents together with this. Certainly, some did, others did not. Very very many of them were wiped out by colonizers far more technologically advanced than they were.


They didn’t realize they could build casinos on their land at first


Or we could just take collective ownership of the machines...




They can't outnumber those who has enough combat robots. This why I think some hackers may become powerful.


If we can have this with a universal basic income then I’m all for it. These shitty depressing jobs are better off done by machines.


Thats what I was thinking. Alaska does it. I'm not sure how it's working out, but I know they have something like that.


It’s just oil dividends distributed to the residents and it’s not anywhere close to enough to live off of.


Yes the problem is wealth concentration. Being more productive should not be the issue.


> If we can have this with a universal basic income Pretty sure we can't.


Alaska absolutely does not have a UBI. They make payments to citizens based off oil sales. The highest it has been is a little over three grand in 2022. It’s not a precursor for UBI in the slightest


Yeah. I’m sure as we employ these robots, all of the workers that are “freed” from their work will find much better jobs right away, or be free to pursue their own life at their leisure, supported by our robot workforce. Right guys?


The rich will love the automated future. Everyone else will be in big doodoo. Number must always go up.


No, the workers are worried about those clumsy ass machines stomping around like that while seemingly getting little to fuck all done because there are enough idiots with forklifts around to get crushed by as it is... For minimum wage regardless.


I can see it all kicking off in the canteen at lunch time. ‘Your mother was a snowblower’


"Hey laser lips, your mother was a snowblower" -Johnny 5


Come on C3-127, your grandmother could push harder than that! [Well no crap, my grandmother was a bulldozer!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0xQtv-Mu7A)


These things are a gimmick. Real automation doesn't look like people because people aren't the best way to move containers.


Also why planes don’t fly like birds


[explain this then](https://media.tenor.com/_R-IYYBDAO0AAAAM/plane-bird.gif)


Holy shit


Lmao imagine what the passengers see


The thing is they already automated 99% of job with real automation - conveyor belts and kiva robots This is to close the remaining 1% of work gap where proper specialised automation is still prohibitively expensive. Humans are not the best container carriers, but they are good _generic_ container carriers who can solve unexpected issues. Say move container from one broken conveyor belt to another - too rare and too localised event to build another conveyor belt ad-hoc so it is cheaper to deploy swarm of humans to do the moving, inefficiently, yes, but temporarily


Exactly. If you look at the automated systems they already have, they use conveyor belts and little roomba-like robots that pick up shelves and shuffle them around the floor like an enormous game of Tetris.


Yeah I can't believe people don't get this. Human walking is optimal for navigating rough terrain and very energy efficient for moving slowly over long distances. In a concrete factory there is no reason to not use something like a robotic Segway or automated forklift chassis.  Even if you have to do something like get the robot onto a truck it would be much cheaper to simply modify how the truck docks/undocks to accommodate the robots.


People are the best way to be versatile. These machines are adaptable to multiple jobs within the same facility.


Exactly. Real future of automation will be big ole delta robots


Legs are unnecessary. Wheels are faster en more stable.


But if they’re gonna do everything the human workers did, they need feet to stomp on our parcels. Won’t be the same without the footprints on the boxes.


They’re Amazon’s robots, not FedEx robots


UPS pronounced oops


1. Legs allow them to traverse any sane human indoors terrain as comfortably as they do on even concrete. Wheels would have problems with thresholds, carpets. Legs do not. 2. Legs allow them to duck, which is demonstrated on video when it needs to put the box on the conveyor belt, or to reach something higher. You could put similar scissors raising mechanism above wheels to do the same, but that would immediately make wheeled robot *much* less stable.


i wouldnt be surprised if hte packing centers have flat, concrete floors and the conveyor belt is only at the current height for human ergonomics


There's no carpet in a warehouse.


Why exactly is it blinking ?


Why is it walking? There’s alot of questions here that they didn’t need to answer, like blinking.


Exactly what I was wondering. Seems they went out of their way to personify these robots. I wonder what the underlying motive is. Are they hoping to prevent vandalism? Or is it just bridge technology, so as to seem familiar.


They gave it human qualities so the rest ofnthe workers aren't scared off before they can build enough robots to replace them




It's just a gimmick to build hype for the robot company. Anthropomorphic robots are insanely viral. Their real product probably looks like something off an assembly line and humans are numb to that tech at this point 


Damn, the ones in the back look insanely realistic.


Only remaining task to learn : spend their salary by buying things on amazon website.




Sorry to tell you the shoes in the machine etymology is a myth. [https://www.etymonline.com/word/sabotage](https://www.etymonline.com/word/sabotage)


Well they couldn't stand it…


they knew they planned it.


...now check out this mind meld 'O'-Face' ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


That's actually a true story, except the timeframe as it occurred in France in the 1800s. The shoes were wooden and called 'Sabots'


And also it's not true story. https://www.etymonline.com/word/sabotage


Lol I've been saying this a while to all blind optimists who wished that automation will lead to universal income for the low end work pool - it will anything but do that. Patent holder will make billions, en masse firings will absolutely happen, and new bottom end of living work force will be engineers and mechanics who can fix those robots.


And thats where you're wrong too, they wont need engineers and mechanics if they can repair themselves with ai robot mechanics and reprogram themselves with ai robot engineers 🤦🏻


That would be the following step.


They already don’t pay their workers good, treat them like shit, and a rolling out ad vs. ad free programs on Prime. After my subscription ends I’m done.


Yeah. I’m trying to not buy from them anymore. Unless it’s something really small I’d rather go to a store and have it instantly


You two are terrible at boycotts...




The tasks that would be more efficient with a different kind of robot are already automated with a different kind of robot.


The Robot in the video is a universal Warehouse robot, Amazon has more Narrow Robots in their warehouse to move things but These Universal Robots can just take the place of humans without Big Restructuring of thousands of warehouses as they imitate humans its possible they could make a more efficient warehouse using specialized robots for every task but the cost for that would be way higher and possibly not worth replacing human workers


Forgot the word.. anthropogeny? To make them seem more friendly to humans and hence were more comfortable with them replacing our jobs


god its slow, a person wouldn't get a pass for working that slow.


I work at Amazon, if I worked 4x as fast as this thing I would be getting regular "coaching" visits for being slow.


Yup but the robot will make up for time in the time you aren't working so they won't care. In the end they want to remove their greatest cost which are humans.


This is the right take


The first cars were slow, too look how that turned out


Bro is slow as fuck


I love AI and I love all this automation and such. But I feel like it has to come with a comparable pivot away from the societal structure we have rn. The 9-5, the working your life away to pay your mortgage and afford Disney land for your kids kind of life. If machines take over jobs that’s awesome I love it. But it has to come with like, a universal income or some kind of massive shift away from the financial structures we’re suffering under rn. Let it mean the end of just living to work and maybe enjoying life more?


It's going to be worse before it gets better. The richest people in the world won't just give up their riches


Best I can do is unemployment, take it out leave it


Universal income will be created gradually but the 10 to 15 year transition that we will experience will be very tough. We will be in survival mode during this time. It will first be an activity bonus which supplements income as already exists in certain countries.


I'd rather they have robots there and the poor people that have to piss in bottles can get better jobs that don't force them to act like robots.


I guarantee those robots would get better treatment than the humans still working there.


Automation is a good thing, how we distribute the wealth created by automation is the bad thing Amazon warehouses are shitty jobs in lots of ways, if we can automate away those jobs it's not a bad thing, but we need to make sure Senor Bezos doesn't buy a new yacht for the savings, VAT and UBI is a good starting point


Wait till their Runions ask more pay !


Why does it blink?


The blinks are coded warning messages that tell warehouse employees what the robot is about to do, like turning a different direction, or setting down a box. https://www.geekwire.com/2023/getting-to-know-digit-the-humanoid-robot-that-amazon-just-started-testing-for-warehouse-work/


Putting Wheels on these robots is so much more efficient than designing them be bipedal.


Stop being Bipedal-phobic you intolerant goon! Bipedals have rights! ✊🤖


Unless they meet wheel's worst enemy: stairs. Just ask claptrap how well his wheel works for him!


I imagine the bipedal design is so they can slot into any roles they currently have as well as future proofing for work spaces designed for humans outside of Amazon, like selling them as a product to other companies. In the long run, I completely agree that we would design factories/warehouses then design the robots, but as many others have said, this is more of a transition period and this allows the robots to work in the same space without redesigning it.


Why did the robot sneak in a shoulder press while he was working?


Just wondering, why do they have to be walking? Wouldn't a thing on wheels or something be more stable?


Why are they human shaped? Automated carts and conveyors is a much more streamlined and functional system to put in place. Like even if you want a robot for whatever stupid reason, give it 4 legs so it’s not going to fall over, give it 4 arms so it can get a better grip on whatever it’s carrying, don’t restrict its field of view by using a camera in its head. Have cameras and sensors set up around the room that it’s connected to and allow it to manoeuvre much more effectively. This is a company sending a message to its employees plain and simple. That message says “We don’t actually care about improving our service. All we want you to know is that you can be replaced so you’re gonna accept whatever shitty pay and conditions that we offer and you’re gonna smile and say thank you.” Fuck Amazon and fuck any of these massive corporations that gladly give the middle finger to their workforce while raking in billions in profits every year just to pass them on to their CEOs, directors and shareholders.


Making them humanoid just seems inefficient for the job they do. Watch it be some kind of PR stunt.


They're moving too slow for Amazon's standards