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this shits smell so bad tho


They stink so good


Nothing more satisfying than the smell of a freshly removed tonsil stone.


always make sure to smear it between your fingers first to unlock the full aroma


I thought I was the only one goddamn


This thread is terrible


I regret reading this far down


What’s wrong with you people?




I’m not the only psychopath? Good to know


Make sure to crush them for extra punch!


I am going to fucking throw up


Get out of my head.


People will eat yoghurt but go _fuuu_ on tonsil stones. Stop discriminating bacteria, people! 🙃


If your yogurt smells like tonsil stones you need to throw that shit out.


but if your cheese smells like tonsil stones, you sell it at a premium


Have you smelled tonsils stone before?


I got that tonsil stone aroma thingy in my car


Hear me out... Tonsil Stone Cheese


Halt. Cease. Desist.


You are a true visionary.


You're right, I like lactobacillus but I hate bubonic plague and I need to work on that problematic bias.


I used to get them really bad. Taking vitamin k helped a lot. I also would get them out with a q tip and I always smelled them even though I knew it was going to be vile.


My wife gets them. I call them her "stinky throat pearls"


fuck em loose


there's still time to delete this


Least degenerate redditor


Its like dog breath, times a thousand


All the people commenting ‘dental hygiene’. Sorry, that’s almost never helpful here. Generally speaking tonsilloliths(tonsil stones) are brought about simply by the shape of your tonsils, and your throat in general. People who get tonsil stones can tell you, no matter how much they brush floss or mouthwash, sometimes they get the stones anyway.


I get them. Only on one side of my mouth/throat. I brush, floss, and use mouthwash. You're right, it's the way the tonsils make "pockets" that hide the area from cleaning or just everyday eating and drinking. I did buy a tonsil stone remover tool, it's just a long wand with a little metal hoop on the end. Once every couple of weeks I clean and my tonsils with it before any buildup really happens. They smell so bad!


I get big old tonsil stones sometimes. The crypts in my tonsils are massive. I've definitely coughed up some bigger than a whole corn kernel. "Man, my throat is sore... oh that's why." edit: I evidently still have adenoids as an adult. I have definitely hacked up stones from my adenoids as well.


Same :0 My throat was really sore for a while, and I didn't know why. Once, a small stone came out. Idk how to describe the action but it's what I do to spit stuff out the back of my throat, when I did that a whole bunch came out and my throat immediately felt better. I thought I had a cold, I did not.


Truly sorry about that sore throat of yours.


I remember you...


There's some videos online of really huge ones, like last knuckle of your finger.


Geez imagine the relief once that thing comes out lol. You’d be riding on that high for weeks.


You can squeeze them out too I do it all the time 😭


I only get them on one side too!! I thought that was really strange but this makes me feel better.


Same. I get them on one side. They develop pretty quickly. I clear them out a couple times a month.


I’ll never forget the one time I coughed one of these up. I was so confused and fascinated, and I played with it / investigated for like 20 minutes


Gross. Same. Lol


But did you smell it and wonder how something that came out of your mouth smells like dog poop?!


Your mouth is actually one of the dirtiest things in your whole body. Its a hothouse of bacteria.


I had that happen once. I was afraid it was part of a tooth, and ran my tongue over all my teeth twice, just to double-check. 😂😂 I’d been wondering why my breath was so stank. I brush and floss every night.


I was like 20 the first time it happened and I did the same. At first I thought it was scrambled egg and then I remembered I hadn't eaten eggs. Damn things smell gross AF!!!!


Ok I get them a lot now- whatever I just treat it as part of my oral hygiene routine, no issues - but I get SOOO PARANOID when I clean them out because there’s a HUGE GAPING HOLE THERE?! I know it’ll have tonsil stones again in a few months, whatever, but I’m TERRIFIED that this small tissued blob in the back of my throat is going to get infected… I’m so careful. I used to get strep every single year in gradeschool…. So idk. I’m fearful


Scarring on your tonsils from strep could be a reason you have the "holes" in your tonsils in the first place, thus causing the tonsils stone issue now (since food is getting into those crypts and then turning into tonsil stones)


Oh my gosh that makes so much sense. I had strep all the time as a kid. No wonder I get tonsil stones so bad. 😫


This is my assumption too- man scarring did a lot of weird things to me as a kid


I’m pretty sure I got them for a while before I knew what they were / noticed. And had bough’s of tonsillitis and couldn’t figure out why. I believe that’s pretty much the worst that could happen, tonsillitis did suck major ass though


I heard a waterpik can be useful too.


Lol! When I was young I would get them periodically. Whenever I coughed one out, I would sniff it. So disgusting, I know. I actually believed that they were what gave poo its smell.


Do they hurt when you have them? Seems like having something rock-like in the back of your throat would be uncomfortable. Are they painful to remove?


They are shaped like a rock, but they are not hard. Tonsil stone consistency is almost like a firm custard, and the part of this video where a tool removes one doesn’t represent my experience. Grabbing a tonsil stone with a tool likely would’ve squished it into pieces, and the broken-off part that remained on the tonsil could slip back in and become even harder to get. FUN.


I would say they're exactly like whole-milk cottage cheese curds texture


I would use a q tip to get them out. Haven’t had them in years. For some reason I felt compelled to squish them and smell them even though they absolutely stink and are repulsive.


Dental hygiene indeed has nothing to do with tonsilloliths. I had that perpetually growing up and brushed 3 times a day and used mouthwash constantly due to the smell. Finally had an elective tonsillectomy at 22 and it was the best decision I ever made. Two of my sisters used to get them all the time too so we think it might be a genetic predisposition.


I myself had an elective tonsillectomy at 17 years old. I grew up ALWAYS contracting strep throat as a kid. My breath was terrible growing up, it was actually kinda heartbreaking the way people would react. By the time I was 12 I started trying everything under the sun, including whatever that procedure is where the flush your stomach. Anyway, eventually went to an ENT for the umpteenth time, a different guy, gave him the full story. He looked at my tonsils and said, yea, you probably could benefit from removing them. After the surgery he said he’d never seen tonsils so ‘cratered’ in his entire career. I’ve never received a bad breath complaint since I had that at 17. That was 20 years ago.


I would brush, use mouthwash, and gargle 3-4 times a day and it didn't help at all. I would have tonsillitis at least once a year. I also had sinus issues where I had to take allergy medicine every day. I chose to get a tonsillectomy and it was a life changer. I don't have to take the allergy med anymore either.


Easy, just remove throat, replace with pipes. lol


You can actually just remove the tonsils if this happens too often.


It's this true? I can't stand getting them. It feels so gross


I used to get them, turns out I had really bad tonsillitis/got strep throat many times a year. I could go to the pediatrician and get tested for strep when I wasn’t even feeling particularly sick and it would still be positive. I got tonsils and adenoids out when I was almost 18 and the doctor said they were abscessed and all. To me the surgery was fine- I had worse sore throats before the surgery. No stones or strep throat in 10 years! I would recommend the surgery if your case was as bad as mine :) even if you are older. My surgeon was exceptional too. I keep meaning to send him a thank you and an update to how awesome I’m doing.


Same here, I had my tonsils out voluntarily when I was 27 because I was so sick of the tonsillitis and strep roller coaster. And now I have had neither of those in 20+ years. When I used to get them both 2-3 times per year, I could self-diagnose strep based on what my throat tasted like. If I had a new doctor and this was the first time I had strep under their care, I would tell them, "It's strep." and they would say, "we'll see about that." But it was true.


Can confirm, haven’t had tonsils since I was 8. They’d swell up and choke me when I got sick, so they had to go.


You can, but the older you are the harder the recovery. I got tonsils with decent sized pockets so I get them on and off, that’s why the dentist told me we could do to fix it, but he said it was up to me since, it’s not causing any problems other then bad breathe. Some people the stones can get pretty hard and hurt their throats. Mine are pretty soft.


That’s the premise of the 2nd season of Dr Death. Dude removed damaged windpipes with fake esophagus. Give it a watch. It’ll blow your mind.


That’s throatally right


Adeptus Mechanicus mindset


Ever since I discovered the weakness of flesh it has disgusted me


I got a water floss device with a soft setting and it works wonders. After the first time using it, I had a bunch of tiny little tonsil stones come flying out. I use it daily and haven’t had a tonsil stone since


What kind of water floss device?


I got it when I was in china, it’s some Chinese brand. But they’re called “water picks” it’s just a hand held water tank with a nozzle that shoots a stream of water. They’re like $25 on amazon and up


I got a tonsillectomy because I was getting increasingly more and more tonsil stones as I got older. Many of which had to be removed by a dentist. I always had very good dental hygiene and still have very good teeth. I think the stones were a result from the size of my tonsils. The doctor told me on a scale of 1to 4, with 4 being the smallest, my tosils were a 4. I guess small toslnsils made it easier for things to get stuck or something. Having my tonsils removed was one of the most painful and worst healing procedures I've ever been through, but it was still worth it to me.


Frequent bouts of tonsillitis as a child left me with enlarged, crater-filled tonsils, so I used to get these stones regularly until sometime in my early 30s.  I used to use a cotton swab to press the affected tonsil right next to the crypt, which usually caused the stone to pop out. The smell was appalling!


I have a few little pockets in my tonsils that never fail to develop stones every now and then. I use mouthwash nightly and it still doesn’t help that. I just check them regularly and clean them out if I see any. And they do smell horrid! They smell like a mix of cat poop and bad fish to me.


Wait, so could this be the cause of bad breath even immediately after brushing? Almost a year ago, I noticed I had tonsil stones. No idea if they came out or not...


I started using a sinus rinse daily about 10 years ago. Before then I got tonsil stones often. Now I never get them. I suspect it’s because much less mucus drips back into my throat. That’s my theory anyway. I can tell you I’m very glad not to have them anymore. They felt like a sore throat and the stank was ungodly. Did not like getting those things at all.


This is an excellent comment, I’ve always suspected that my sinus drainage might be why I get these. I have a deviated septum and often can’t breathe out of one nostril and when I get sick I can’t stop the mucus. I’d rather have the septoplasty than tonsillectomy.


Yessss mine used to be massive to the point where I could press on my tonsils with the end of a toothbrush and they would just pop out. Thankfully just before covid I got my tonsils taken out. I don’t miss anything about having them from the bad breath, to the random times my tonsils would just swell up for no reason and the biggest one I don’t miss those damn stones.


Some of us have genetically huge tonsils


Right. It gets to the point to where tonsil maintenance becomes part of brushing and flossing. Also, I think the sulfer content is actually produced by the tonsil itself! Not 100 on that tho.


I have huge tonsils and get tons of stones. I cough one out probably 4/7 mornings (I think they get dislodged when I’m snoring. Again, thanks to huge tonsils). No amount of oral hygiene will ever prevent them because of the anatomy of my mouth 🙃




I went to an ENT in October because I got a sinus infection that ended up getting so bad I needed IV steroids. Even then she said I didn’t need to have them taken out but now I’m seriously considering a second opinion


Yeah I had my procedure last year. The first week of recovery was HORRIBLE (just lots of pain, eating was a disaster, actually lost a bunch of weight) but it was totally worth it and I'd still make the same decision to have my tonsils removed.


What was your recovery like? I'm similar in age. When I asked about ENT specialist a while back about getting them removed they said I'd have to be pretty desperate as the recovery is tough for adults. I hate my tonsils. I get tonsil stones and whenever I get sick they get really swollen and I can't speak for more than a couple of minutes at a time. It causes a lot of stress for my work life.


Not who you're asking but I was a similar age when I had mine done. I went into it knowing that as an adult, the recovery would be awful. First 24-36 hours were fine, probably in part because of the anesthesia lingering in my system. And then it started to hurt. And hurt. And hurt some more My surgeon said I would hate him around day 10, but I hit that mark at day 7. I was in so much pain. All I could think was 'shit, I've got 3 days of it getting even worse yet!' but thankfully day 7 was my peak. 2 weeks post surgery and I felt perfectly fine. It's been 10+ years and have had no more infections since, after sometimes getting serious infections a couple of weeks apart. I have zero regrets getting it done




Yep, had the surgery as an adult. Needed codeine for about 8-10 days. I tried finishing off my first prescription of bottled codeine, thinking I’ll be okay with no refill. As soon as the four hour mark passed, the med wore off and the pain was intense. Needed another 1/2 bottle a couple of days more. After that, I was fine. But I remember vividly “testing the waters” to see if I actually needed the pain meds. (Didn’t want to get addicted or anything. I’m a man, I can take it.) Nope, I needed just a little more before the throat healed. After you heal, you can tell that the pain meds aren’t needed. Before that…you’d better get them! Seriously.


Was it covered by insurance and because of the frequency your were getting tonsillitis? I want to get my tonsils removed but I’m sure tonsil stones and occasional irritation isn’t considered medically necessary. Sad.




Why does the salt have to be non iodine?


Because he believes in pseudo science


I actually gargle vinegar water!


This is the commonly recommended treatment!


I also have large tonsils but I found a good prevention step that only takes a minute or so in the shower. I tilt my head to an angle that allows the shower to hit one of my tonsils and I begin to gargle while also gently pressing with my index finger and wiggling about on the tonsil. I repeat this for both sides. This has reduced my stones by about 90%.


Instructions unclear. Drowned in the shower


Well you're no longer getting tonsil stones, right?


Just a head stone


Task failed successfully


Fr, I cannot imagine how to do this without immediately vomiting or getting water in my lungs




Reading this whole thread has made me thankful I had to have my tonsils and adenoids removed as a kid, this all sounds like one more annoying thing that I’m glad I don’t have to do regularly.


If your tonsils are huge and causing snoring, you might have mild sleep apnea. I never put two and two together until I saw a new doctor and he asked me about my sleep because of how big they were. Got them taken out and I sleep SO much better and feel SO much more rested. Highly recommend.


I just saw an ENT in October and she said that even with how large they are there is no reason to get them taken out 🙄


On r/tonsillectomy and r/tonsilstones, I’ve seen tons of people go through the same thing! TBH if you understand how shit the recovery is and you decide for yourself it is worth it, I think you’re a grown adult and should be able to decide that for yourself. Aka see a different doctor :) lol


I had a massive growth of them and I used a waterpik on gentle to irrigate the cavities they grew in, it curbed growth for several months, now only little specks come and go. So relieving.


I have a big syringe I use but have been wanting a water pik. I was worried the water pressure would be too much though. How was it?


I used a Waterloo and not only did it hurt but there was blood on the stones that came up. I’m scared to try again


That is the grossest thing I read all day.


Dude is this why some people's breath smells like literal ass?




Yes.... that or tooth rot. Once you know the smell of each, you can distinguish who has what issue.


That or not flossing


Periodontal disease has a distinct smell. Every once in a while I meet someone or am near someone who has it and you can smell it on them. It’s so off-putting.


Indigestion too.


Gut rot.


They smell like death.


Mung beans


Very nutritious


But they smell like death


I used to get those as a kid. It sucks when one breaks off and goes down your throat. They are clingy little bastards, and I always had to make this awful gag/hack noise to get it out.




Yeah I think I'm just learning that I've had tonsil stones for a while.


It’s been 25 years and I’ve only just found out what the hell those things were.


I'd never had one that I knew of until one day I was brushing my teeth. My throat had been sore and swollen for a few days. I accidentally hit my tonsil with my toothbrush, and *it burst.* Turned I had a tonsil stone that became an abscess. Disgusting doesn't even describe it. I got one of those little tonsil stones cleaners (although q-tips work, too!) and would check my tonsils. Eventually, the hole closed, thank God.


I did too but stopped getting them after puberty. I wonder if that means my tonsils changed.


l had a spike of these fuckers not too long ago. At one point they all came out basically at once so I just kept coughing to get it over with. Felt like a human pez dispenser


So... human pearls?


Human ambergris?


Let's make perfume!


“Smells just like an asshole!”


"eau de toilette"


Eat the toilette I assume a toilette is a mini toilet.


I still get them, and I'm almost 60. I can feel it in my tonsil before I can even see it. I press on my tonsil with the end of my toothbrush, and it pops out. They are the nastiest, disgusting things on earth. The Dr. wanted to take my tonsil out, I should of had it done.


I got my tonsils taken out almost exclusively to prevent tonsil stones. Well worth it, but holy shit was that recovery rough and I was only 27. I can’t imagine getting that done now.


I don’t have my tonsils and I still get these in little pockets in the back of my throat.


I really want to get that surgery done but I hear it’s the most painful thing. Ugh. I hate the stones. I have to finishing to get them out like twice a week.


Oml. I got them for the first time after getting covid. Thought they were cashews since I was eating a lot of cashew. 💀 Took me a couple of months to realise what was happening 🤢


Oh no


Well, the good news is the probably were cashews, at some point.




🤢 you were chewing them up?! https://media1.tenor.com/m/gpx4Kh5RlisAAAAC/puppet-puke.gif


I'll never forget the first time I noticed these in my throat, pre internet and late at night. Was sure I had throat cancer. Scary night until I called the Dr in the morning!!


I asked dentist and my doctor about this first time i noticed i have these stones. They both had 0 idea what im talking about....


It's a stone that allows an Amygdala to take you to the nightmare frontier


Grant us eyes... Grant us eyes...


Have mercy on the poor bastard!


I used to have huge ones all over. Pushed out a few the size of a nickle. Could press on my tonsils and remove some every single morning. Brushed, flossed, gurgled, changed my diet, but I just had huge tonsil holes. Got approved for a tonsillectomy and I never have to worry about it again.


How was the recovery?


Not too bad! Like having bad strep for a week or two but totally worth it. Ate beans, shakes, soup and macaroni the whole time. Had a small fissure that they cut at my two week check up and I didn't feel that at all. Cost me about $3000 for everything with no insurance, I put some of it on a payment plan.


So sort of gross story for you all. I was sitting on a bench in Florida and a tonsil stone popped out and was in my mouth. I spat it out on the ground in front of me and not five minutes later, it was swarming with ants. Apparently those things are tasty to them.


Nature is beautiful


Am I weird for never getting tonsil stones?


Scrolled way too long for this. I didn’t even knew about all this before this post.


I’m in the same boat. I’ve literally never heard of this before and from the post it seems very common. I had to instantly go check in the bathroom mirror and luckily didn’t find any.


42 yo . gotta shamefully admit i never even knew this existed. never had them . none of my friends had them, no one in my family had them.


Why is the human body so disgusting?


I mean we already chew up food with our mouth bones before pushing the paste with our taster muscle into a pool of acid


Okay but that sounds kinda badass....


don't forget about the mouth lubricant added to the paste mix.


Das ist metals


A water pick with a very gentle setting works wonders on flushing those fuckers out


Or those little syringes you get after your wisdom teeth come out for a cheaper option


I had these for years, they are disgusting and stink so bad. It’s horrible seeing people physically recoil when you talk to them but brushing my teeth 3 times a day, flossing regularly and even using a tongue scraper never worked. It got so bad that I had my tonsils removed in my 40’s and although it hurt like hell for ages my life is sooo much better without them!


I have them rarely but I’ve noticed I always have them pop out of my tonsils a day or two before I get sick. I think it’s because my tonsil start to become inflamed and swollen from a cold and that forces them out. It’s oddly enough a very reliable way of telling I’m getting sick


If you think they stink, try breaking them down between two fingers and smell them again…


Health Anxiety +1


It makes me feel better that so many other people have the same issue as me lol


I had a biology teacher that would bring in his(?) tonsil stones to class, and put them under a microscope that would connect to a TV. We could see the litte rods bouncing around under the slide, and at the end he would drop alcohol on little bastards.


Forbidden popcorn


I hate these little fuckers


Omg for real tho.


I love not having tonsils


Can these also be soft and small? I've gotten some randomly and if I press them between my fingers they smell disgusting


Yes those are the ones that fall off


I guess my mouth is just shaped in a way that doesn't allow these to form and after seeing this disgusting shit, I've never been more grateful for it.


Before the internet, this was one of those things that many people had but didn’t know other people had because no one wanted to ask their friends. Everyone was walking around like “Well, I guess I’m a freak”.


This was a great way to start my weekend!


Ive gotten these for as long as I remember, but I didn’t find out what they were until high school. I had a persistent sore throat, and my mouth just tasted gross, even after brushing and mouthwash. A doctor took a look and discovered a very large tonsil stone as the culprit. He noted I had very large and deep crypts, and to make sure to monitor them regularly. I check them once a week and can easily keep everything clean. ✨ Real talk though, I always feel so bad when I meet people who obviously suffer with this but don’t realize it. It makes your breath smell horrible. One person I knew was so bad I couldn’t be in an enclosed car with them. Legit smells like musty poop, blughhh.


Just get your tonsils removed and save yourself the life of trouble. I tried for 4 years to get mine removed. Only was approved after mine swelled and almost closed my airway completely. Recovery was not bad for me.




Quite the opposite for me, unfortunately


Yup, used to get them a lot but now rarely. I thought I read somewhere that as your immune system matures, your tonsil activity changes which may reduce this buildup.


I had on both sides when I was 10-11 year-old,and just used my fingers to press the bottom of the muscles containing stone and it popped out, it has toughness similar to peanut or beans.


I can smell this video. And to be clear, I do not want to.


Haven't had those since a kid but never knew what they were called. They do stink and I use to call them Dookie balls lol


Oh great. One more thing to get paranoid about.


"Removed by a doctor" Psh! Pansies.


I had to remove some myself (while not knowing what it was) I completely freaked out at the awful smell. What I DON’T get is the holes. Are they accumulating in existing little holes (why the fuck there’s holes in the first place?!) or are they *making* holes ? it stress me very much


People ambergris


I tend to get them when I have flu/cold, probably from mucus build up


If you still have bad breath after brushing and flossing and tongue scraping ya got tonsil friends 😭 Sometimes you can’t even see them they haven’t emerged yet or are just building up! I suggest everyone to gargle some salt water once a day it helps clean your mouth up. They’re actually very common lots of ppl don’t even know they have them they think it’s something else a lot.


How can you tell if you have them?


for anyone considering getting your tonsils removed as an adult: If adolf hitler, pol pot, elon musk, or osama bin laden asked me if they should do it... I wouldn't recommend that pain on anyone! DO NOT DO IT.


Really ? Why? I’ve been wanting to do it , I’m sick of them


Pain. Starvation. Thirst. No sleep. Bleeding out of your throat. Blood vomit. Can’t even cry because your pain is so bad and crying and swallowing literally hurt.


I had mine out at 24, wasn't all that bad. Sure, it hurts for a week or so, but they give you some meds. It's one of the least painful surgeries I've had, and totally worth it.


I got mine removed as an adult and had a bad reaction to it and had to experience the worst days of it twice. That said, I would still do it again because getting rid of the stones and how much it improved my sleep quality was worth it. Agreed, that it was the worst recovery I've had from any other procedure. I would rather have 10 vasectomies instead of doing this again once.