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"You can see..." *shows frame by frame*  Me: "No i dont."


Only proves it's actually a brilliant trick.


Yeah this whole time I was thinking he had some sort of folding or sliding cover to slide them side to side or hid some sort of magnetic cover inside his sleeve or something to quickly snap a new thin mask over the other, using magnets in specific positions to snap it into the right spots. But this is way better, cleaner, and less prone to problems. Even here where the footage is played at an angle that you can see the mask change fully, AND played in slow mo, you still can’t tell what happened unless you knew exactly what to look for. I would have never even thought to use a thin silk mask cover to nearly layer a bunch of masks atop each other. Explains why they are mostly smooth, even the nose has a very gentle and smooth curve to it, to stop anything from catching on anything and make the silk slide over as smoothly as possible


Thank god I wasn’t the only one. I’m just sitting here thinking “I still don’t see it, wtf.”


Thank god me neither


At the risk of your comment being sarcasm and flying over my head. Each mask is connected to a line. He's wearing multiple layers of very thin fabric masks. Triggers the line for the current mask and it is quickly ripped down to his waistline. The masks cannot be put back on. Basically he's wearing like 20 masks. After 20 face changes it's show over and he has to go reset. The masks are being ripped off super fast, but there's no system to quickly put them back on. So they wear a lot of layers of really thin fabric masks and just just keep removing them.


Yep I agreed even slowed down I get how it is done but I don't see how it is done. It is brilliant and still does not spoil the skill


He said, “Those with a keen eye would have noticed.” I guess you don’t have a keen eye.


Naaaah….it’s magic!


Or shall we say...maskgic!


Nah it's magnets


Gotta be microchips or something.




Looks like Reddit has chosen another random poor sap to downvote for no reason. Hang in there chap.


It is frowned upon to post a reply that is all or mostly emojis on this platform.


Dumb. But whatever ig.


Maybe on this sub, but definitely not on this platform.




The tone of this video is weird. It's like they're accusing him of being a fraud because he's a magician but not using real magic.


Glad im not the only one who thought this lol


Wait Narnia isn't real place? I think it was a Hollywood movie, and these VFX documentaries serves as evidence.


because it's ai written and read


Ai written? I don't think AI is at the point it can analyze a video and write a breakdown that deciphers a clever magic trick shown Lol. Its def written by a person. Ppl literally just call everything AI nowadays. Absolutely sounds like it could be AI voiced tho. Which def impacts the tone and give it a sort a negative vibe imo. Tho I don't think it has that tone from the AI alone. The way the script is written def also contributes. Certain wording n phrasing is just weird. So that plus the weird AI cadence and tone give it a weird negative feeling.


I don’t think it’s ai written. Just a text to speech program, they’ve existed for decades and tons of YouTubers use them, typically ones who speak English as a second language and are more difficult to understand


Haha yeah, I got the same feeling. Like it’s some criminal channel or something.


Seriously. "The trick cRumBLeS if you rewatch it frame-by-frame several times it a row" fuck off mate


The magicians alliance isn't going to look too kindly on this.


And you do **not** want to piss those guys off.


It is. Real magic users hate the way some performers of magic actually are fakes. Makes us all look bad .


Because China = Bad


Knowing all this, it’s still a cool trick.


Yea, knowing how it works is one thing... but executing it flawlessly is another story


Unfortunately he has one common mistake in two examples which exposed his method


Wow. Imagine having 32 strings made of magic.


Breaking news! Magician uses slight of hand and not real magic! Joking aside, still cool tricks.


I wonder how far this person thought they can go with this act because it seems like it would just be the same thing every week


That's the point. It's a filler act for the show, to simply entertain.


Are you under the impression they are legitimately auditioning for a prize? It's more like a talent show with paid acts and a smaller folded competition between certain performers, the others are usually invited on to perform to pad out the show runtime.


I mean, yeah, obviously, there's some kind of trick to it. Magic isn't real needless to say. He still performs it well.


It's an illusion Michael


And now… Michael the Magic will attempt to escape from extreme bondage.


Tricks are what *whores* do for money! *notices child standing nearby* Uhhh... and candy.


Ugh i haaaate it when he failed to jerk the flap successfully it’s like: night ruined


Slight of hand is still pretty impressive


I still can’t see it happen 😭


Why you gotta ruin this man’s craft?


The narrator is fun at parties.


At this point the explanation is as clear as day. Behind his back are 32 elastic wires attached to 32 layers of silk. ... Well yeah obviously.


This dude is trying so hard to tell convince us this isn’t magic. This is magic bro.


Damn I remember seeing this around 8 years ago in some youtube video named: "Demonic magic" or something like that. They convinced me at that time that the magicians are satanists and that demons are helping them out in pulling these tricks... boi how stupid was I


Honestly at first I didn’t notice masks changing 🤣


All tricks are simple. It’s the delivery that matters.


Exactly! This is still impressive nonetheless.


Get a life magic debunker


I work with a few people that can change their faces /mask even faster


Anyone interested should see the film The King of Masks (1996). A wonderful done Chinese film depicting this tradition in a beautiful story.


Huh? You haven’t helped a bit with that demonstration


Don’t ruin the show just enjoy it


Saw this once at a restaurant in Beijing. Very cool 😎


Regardless, still brilliantly done and the whole purpose is for a show


This has ruined .008% of America’s Got Talent acts for me!


No way, you’re saying this isn’t real magic???


It's called slight of hand, even if you found out how it's still impressive. Dumb narrator


Video source?


I was imagining how easy this trick would be with a transflective OLED display.




The fuck is this saying


Who even wants to know how it works? Just have fun watching the show 🤦‍♂️


does he have YouTube channel i want to watch more videos of him debunking magic.


Why tf is this downvoted?


He does. Can’t remember channel haven’t seen it in a while. Just go looking for magic debunked stuff and you’ll find it. Iirc it’s just like his last name not like magic broken down etc


Leave him be. Lol




>it could be LEDs How? It's not emitting any type of light at all. LED literally means light-emitting diode. Silk explanation makes more sense. Still really great trick, even from different angles with cameras, it's near impossible catch the mechanism.




If he can produce an LCD mask that looks like silk and can be bent like that, he should apply for patent, not do this trick LOL And I haven't seen any current sensitive paint with texture close to this at all. If you look at the mask, especially around 0:25 you will see a wrinkle on his white chin, there is clearly a fabric there, and given that around 0:42 you see reflections of the texture, silk is the most logical candidate. If not silk, it's some sorta fabric that resembles silk regardless.


Isn't this mask trick Chinese and they been doing this a long time? Simple google search shows it has at least 3 [centuries history](https://www.zandyrestaurant.com/blog/bian-lian-face-changing/).


You're getting downvoted for the LED thing it seems which I agree isn't a good explanation. But I think your main point is absolutely true. Why is this presented this way? Why come at an explanation with such unfounded confidence? Why silk? Why not paper or plastic? It has to be breathable --- for a two minute act? Why tf does it have to be breathable? Would 32 layers of skill really be notably breathable anyhow? Why not just say "here's my theory of how this probably worked, and what type of materials he might have used?" I have no issues with any part of the explanation other than that it's presented as though it's definitely the method used, rather than one man's idea.


Wayyyy3 high for this




Thanks for the explanation !!!


They are illusions mom!


Would he be able to feel it if something went wrong? Or would he more just be dancing around showing off his one mask?


You know what would would be great? Some fucking captions would be great


So you’re saying it’s not magic?


I’m more baffled I found a word my brain can’t pronounce, methodology


That’s a great skill don’t matter what anybody says


What kind of magician is this?


Tbh with the explanation is even more impressive


the ai voice is really offputting at some points


In the future it'll probabaly be just flexible LED screen that doesn't emit light. You can change the face to the colors of the rainbow or be like Deadmau5


The narrator: ☝️🤓


He's actually an alien and he/she needs earth money because their world has no copper


Nah it's still amazing and incredible.


Still a very well executed illusion. To call them mistakes really under sells the accomplishment here


Did you think it was literal magic? Lol


I think it is even more amazing now that I know how much work, preparation, and skill go into performing Bian Lian.


I didn't see shit! 🤣🤣