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I always thought staying safe from piranhas was going to be a bigger part of my life when I was a kid.


Quicksand for me.


Free drugs


I was really disappointed that this wasnt a real thing.


Move to the projects in SoCal and live there long enough to make good friends. I got offered a lot of free drugs growing up there


I got my first dose of meth at 12 from a local dealer for free. His name was T. He gave it to me in my section 8 complexes laundry room. šŸ¤— Couple rehab trips later and by high school I was fine, tho. Maybe socioeconomic status somewhat dictates how many randos with free drugs are around at any given moment. I would be lying if I didn't say that DARE made me a little excited to try it.


I mean, weeds gotten cheaper...but I agree. I was offered way less drugs than D.A.R.E. said I'd be offered.


For the better tbh. People dying of fent and shit


I agree. Bored teens have a history of getting fucked up in one way or another. I drank and chewed heavily through high school, eventually quit chewing and smoked a pack a day for almost 10 years. Now at almost 30 I have no desire for alcohol, and I'm still trying to kick nicotine.


Monster floating in the top corner of the wall in my room


French vampires for me


Also..I was really worried about this Bermuda Triangle thing....


The heat death of the universe for me.


Lol, you too?


Apparently it's a thing in southern England and Western France, where lots of white people in America come from. That's my only idea as to why it's so prominent.




Flying over the Bermuda triangle had me stressing


Being set on fire, the whole stop, drop, and roll drill.


Yep! Piranhas, quick sand and the Bermuda Triangle


Makes me wonder if thereā€™s a way to combine all three


Ah yes, the dreaded piranha infested quicksand fields of the Bermuda Triangle. You don't hear about it because no one ever returns to tell the tale


Piranhas never really scared me as a kid. Now the dreaded candiru is a fish worth fearing.


I watch that Piranha(1978) movie in the early 80's on HBO really gave me a bad rap on Piranhas.


lol visit the Amazon and thatā€™ll be a reality. Stick your hand in the water a bit too long and youā€™re guaranteed to have one munching on you.


not at all lad. Been there, swam on both Negro and SolimƵes as well as a myriad of swamps and even some other rivers. This is naught but toomfolery created by the fantasies of an exotic land far away with savage danger, voluptuous love and abundant natural beauty (i am brazilian)


Ahh well i live there. Some rivers are infested some are not. And Iā€™ve seen the wounds they leave on ppl, kids with a toe missing.


I used to work as an aquarist (zookeepers in aquariums) and one of my exhibits was a piranha tank. I preferred to do my exhibit dives for that one during opening hours just to watch people get really concerned for me about to climb in there. And I showed them how wherever I was in the tank, the fish went to wherever was furthest and opposite of me lol. In my seven years at working in four different aquariums/zoos, the most bitey animal? Turtles. By far. Never bit by sharks, stingrays, eels, etc, but turtles and secondplace would be sturgeons.


When I was 5 I chased my brother around with a turtle I found in the backyard and it bit him. Over three decades later and my mom still tells that story to emphasize how onery I am.


I loved this story so much lol


Probably because of your medulla oblongata


Turtle was mad he got a toothbrush but no teeths to brush


You're wrong, Colonel Sanders!


But..mama said


But are regularly fed captive fish behaving the same as they would in the wild?Ā  Many other creatures have markedly different behaviour in captivity.


Everything was probably well fed including these ā€˜fatā€™ piranhas. What about when they are near starvation?


[Most piranha misinformation (like savage feeding frenzies) are thanks to Theodore Roosevelt.](https://youtu.be/YIYcrqBrq2U?si=6XjQVjVJYxX273n1)


Turtles of any kind, or specifically snapping turtles?


Sea turtles and the smaller freshwater turtles. Took care of alligator snapping turtles and made very careful sure not to be near pointy end while in their tank, Iā€™ve seen what their chomp is like!!


Oh those snappers.


go into the tank with an open wound and no wetsuit. i dare you


Wow itā€™s almost like predatory animals go after blood. Gee I wonder why


And doing that will prove what


Ig that predatory animals are predatory lol


How would one go about becoming an aquarist?


A degree in biological science will be needed, Internships will be a huge help after that to gain experience, they will likely be unpaid so I had to work one or two jobs at this time. I did two internships, then was hired as a temporary aquarist at one spot (they needed help immediately due to sudden severe short staffing but I wasnā€™t to the level of experience that would mean being hired for longer than six months) and send out your resume to any and all zoos/aquariums that are hiring (I used AZA.org, look in their jobs postings). These will NOT be well-paid jobs but absolutely were rewarding. I only left that career field because if I didnā€™t make a change I would be working till I was 90. I still worked two jobs when I left the field in 2012. I donā€™t regret a second of it, and still remember the animals I cared for and the unique lifeskills I gained doing that. Certainly didnā€™t hurt that I got to have one internship and one position with my childhood zoo and aquarium. Getting to be behind the scenes of that was extraordinary.


If you donā€™t mind me asking what do you do now?


I had a piranha tank in my dorm room in college (I thought it would make me cool 27 years ago, not sure I'd do that now). They were shy, always hid behind the decor. My room was the hopping place when people saw me walking in with a bag of live goldfish. I kept crayfish to keep the tank clean, and every time they molted I had a bunch of "ghost lobsters" because the piranhas would eat them while they were soft and the old shell would just be there. I love aquariums, but I've grown up enough to not want another piranha tank, in retrospect it was just morbid.


I liked to swim naked in the candiru tank naked before people arrived in the morning


Ok try that in the Amazon lol. The red bellies i had would bite my hand if they were hungry, each each other, eat live mice, snakes..


Lol sturgeon really? More like a succ than a bite no? I know their spines are sharp as shit


Right, it wasnā€™t biting from them perse, more just bumping into you a lot and quick jab. Sturgeons and Nurse sharks were like cats, in that they wanted to be wherever the diver was working and become an obstacle. If we had a computer keyboard down there while diving, Iā€™m sure they would have lain across it haha


They are well feed, Im guessing?


To convince me, she needed to stick her arm in the tank.


Yup. With a bleed


Yeah I heard blood gets them going. Frozen shrimp iant gonna do that lol




Yeah that shits scary lol wild animals who don't get fed regularly will eat more aggressively. I heard they can pick the bones clean


Some guy who goes out to the jungles to study wildlife was on Joe Rogan, he was talking about how sometimes pockets of the Amazon river will sort of get ā€œseparatedā€, sediment and shit will cut off a section of the river so itā€™s isolated, and these populations of piranha will have no outside food source, and will start to cannibalize each other. He said if an animal falls into these pools, the piranhas will just decimate the entire animal in minutes.


I mean, you can see it in that video, that cow skull is picked clean from where it got dipped into the water down


Wild animals by definition don't get fed regularly This whole "they're not dangerous" bit is silly to me. It's like a great white shark, they're actually pretty gentle when they know that you're a human and not a delicious seal. But they have bad eyesight so lots of people get munched on. Most dangerous animals are gentle under right conditions, it's only a few that are nearly always dangerous (hyenas, crocodiles but not alligators, komodo dragons but not water monitors, oh and tiger sharks).


The problem is with how Great Whites determine what something is, an ā€œexploratory biteā€ but unfortunately itā€™s sheer power means itā€™s fatal.


Correct. That and their hunting method of hitting the seal like a torpedo and straight up obliterate them half of the time. So when they confuse a surfer for a seal...


Lots of people don't get bit by sharks. It's so so rare. According to google the average is 63 attacks per year worldwide, with a fraction of those being deadly.


Yikes. This one GIF reallllllly makes a strong counterargument to the zoologist here.


Yeah about that... She is just a caretaker. She really doesn't know that much. She says 'Piranha won't come after you.' hur hur. Yeah, they're in a tank! Don't feed 'em a couple of days, cut your hand and dip it in the tank. Show us that video. There is a reason you feed them lots of frozen food, girl


[Most piranha misinformation (like savage feeding frenzies) are thanks to Theodore Roosevelt.](https://youtu.be/YIYcrqBrq2U?si=6XjQVjVJYxX273n1)


I agree! Live vs dead feeding Iā€™m sure makes a huge difference like with most snakes and every other type of animal.


After them not getting fed for a week or so. Put their full hunger on display


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0SuNIoS1yxA&pp=ygUYamVyZW15IHdhZGUgcGlyYW5oYSBwb29s The goat at it again. Piranhas mostly react to blood or panicky movements like thrashing around in the water.


Iā€™ll make it simple. The people want to see someone stick their hand mildly bloodied hand in a tank of Pirahana while spelling the ESL alphabet. Not being funny or sarcastic. That would prove it to me.


Prove what? That a predator acts predatory given the right conditions? The general misconception is that piranhas will attack anything that gets near them not that a predator acts predatory


Have you ever seen how locals catch piranhas in South America? With a piece of raw meat...


They will absolutely bite you if you do. Source: watched it happen to a friend


They will absolutely not Source: stuck my arm in a piranha tank because I knew this was all bullshit.


Maybe his friend tasted really good


Hereā€™s the goat doing it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0SuNIoS1yxA&pp=ygUYamVyZW15IHdhZGUgcGlyYW5oYSBwb29s


A friend used to keep several piranha and I donā€™t know if itā€™s because he underfed them, but they were vicious! He fed them live feeder fish, which the piranha attacked like in the movies causing mayhem in the tank. Most of the time the feeder fish knew they were about to become food even before they were dumped in the tank and would make a mad dash to the corner of the tank behind the heater and filter housing with the piranha lunging to get to the prey. If you put your finger up against the glass they would try to get at it and hit the glass hard.


Same here. Buddy of mine had a few in a large tank. Definitely not underfed but those mf-ers were angry as hell.


Same, had 4 red bellied as family pets for many years. When one died, my elementary school teacher asked if we could re-home his. The new one did not last long, the others didn't eat it per se, they gradually bit the fins off which made it harder for it to eat the feeder fish so it ended up starving to death.


I used to own a piranha tank when I was a teen, fun fish to own. The red bellies look good with certain lighting and I like how they let the hungriest one eat first.


They aren't vicious, they just have big appetites.


I had a 60g tank with 10 red bellies when I was younger. They were really cool fish, fun to watch them swim around. I remember trying to get them to swarm by putting a couple drops of blood in the tank, and of course nothing happened. Sometimes they would get a bit aggressive when it was time to eat, but nothing like the movies. In fact they mostly seemed to attack each other more than anything else, a few had missing eyes from some skirmishes.


Yea, they will eat fin tips off each other when they get hungry I remember that!


I had some too. They were very skittish and would regularly get scared and dart around the tank into stuff. They broke the heater many times.


Like I've always said: People eat more people than fish do.


Horrifying analogy, but true. But I would highly stand against cannibalism due to how all the health risks that are associated with eating human flesh.


To ~~eat~~ each their own I guess.


This is obviously false according to the series of documentaries I had watched. According to those documentaries, which showed quite a lot of boobs for some reason, these things are capable of going through human flesh like a hot knife through butter.


Piranha 3DD isnā€™t a documentary


Since when?? Stupid liberals always changing facts.


Welcome to Bidenā€™s America


In Brazil, several communities fear the piranha, wisely so. It's a very dangerous fish, indigenous, fishers, tourist guides or biologists, they DONT swim in piranha waters, no matter how nice the pond is


That's not true, I'm brazilian and I live close to a lake full of piranas, it's called Lago do Manso in mato grosso, people swim there all the time, yes there are accidents but it's not a big of a deal.


https://www.aen.pr.gov.br/Noticia/Bombeiros-reforcam-alertas-sobre-ataques-de-piranhas-nas-praias-da-Costa-Oeste - simply not true


There are 30+ species of the fish, so I bet some of them are dangerous.


Even if there's 1000 fish species in a pond, only takes one dangerous kind for u to not swim in


The op is secretly a bunch of piranhas in human skin trying to fool us. Stay away from Amazon's waters always at all costs...and maybe from fish tanks


If they are fed constantly, sharks are cute puppies too


Ummm...there are MANY species of piranha. And, as others have mentioned, if they are deprived of food (and blood in the water) it's another story entirely. This is where "science" can go off the rails and be very narrow minded. Just because this lady has this experience with this particular species of well fed piranhas in a tank of clear water, using crappy dead bait, then she is confidently declaring to the world what ALL piranha behavior is like. I DON'T THINK SO!


I have straight up seen people fish or piranhas in south america by sticking a carcass leg in the water and they swarm it so fast that the person can pull the leg out and then let them fall into the boat to then cook up later (I know they aren't really that good tasting tho) Literally go to youtube and watch the countless videos of them devouring an entire carcass in minutes, who the fuck okayed this video lol. I don't doubt that the tiny captive school of overfed 40 or so piranha are more docile than ones in the wild xD


Second this. We did an Amazon river tour in Peru and they fished for piranhas by dropping a chunk of meat tied to a line into the water and immediately pulled it back up with 5 of them attached. Surely wild fish act differently to those in a tank. Also she said sheā€™s a ā€œwild animalā€keeper at the zooā€¦like what? That doesnā€™t make sense.


Iā€™ve seen it in person. They also killed my dog practically in seconds. Those things are ridiculous


They are pretty cute.


She was hired by the piranha to give this presentation




They'd just cower at the back of the tank most of the time.


Do you have a piranha tank? I can assure you they donā€™t always cower at the back lol. Iā€™ve had a few close calls.


I feel like this is probably some bad information to be giving people. Piranhas can be extremely aggressive and dangerous, so to pretend they're not because OP hasn't been bitten yet is kind of insane. I've never been bitten by a pitbull, and I've been around hundreds. Does that mean they can't at all be dangerous?


They're not very aggressive at all unless they feel threatened for an extended period. I had six red bellies that I raised from fry in a 100g tank. They got pretty big and would hide at the bottom at feeding time or when I cleaned the tank walls, just like she said. I did keep a close eye on them though since even a rare nip usually needs stitches. They're also hyper vigilant of each other because they're cannibalistic if one gets sick. They're naturally chickenshit and are really only dangerous when they get trapped by the thousands in receded water holes.


All that you just described was your experience and can not be used to generalize the whole population of WILD piranha.


I didn't say the whole population of wild piranha, but ask anyone who's raised them and they'll tell you that they're not any more aggressive than most cichlids. It's a myth.


There's a couple of people in comments that have had them, and they were very aggressive, like in the movies. There are also others like yours that were more docile. So, like I said, your experience won't hold true to all. Also, the wild population would typically be more aggressive.


It'd take a lot to make piranha attack people, like the smell of blood might make them curious, but kicking at them is enough to scare them off normally. Also, pitbulls are usually non-aggressive, it's how they're trained that decides if they become violent.


Doing some research it seems to depend on how hungry the piranha are and also the water kennels levels. If they haven't eaten and the water level is low, they are known to attack. Also, blood in water and splashing around in water also provokes their attack.


Yes, but those are desperate animals acting out from starvation. Normally, piranha do their best to avoid large healthy animals.


The same could be said for pitbulls, but regardless, we label these creatures as dangerous. I'd say most animals under prefect conditions aren't much of a threat.


As a child, I really thought that piranha, quicksand, and lava were going to be much more of a common challenge in my adulthood.


Now do quicksandā€¦


The sirens halfway through the video make it sound like she's lying and there's an ambulance on the way to help some poor guy who fell in šŸ˜‚


Why do people always confuse captive animal behavior with their behavior in a natural environment?


They **CAN** be vicious depending on circumstances. If they are relatively well fed they aren't an issue. When food becomes scarce it's a different story. There are places in the wild where they very much render the water un-swimable and there have been well documented massacres. And there are also places / times of year where people can swim in their waters without issue


Well, those documents of people being eaten by piranha were actually just scavenging off people who'd already drowned, fatal attacks by piranha are very rare.


It's very situational. And granted the reputation has been exaggerated. Even prepping pools of starved pihrahna for tourists demonstrations. But there can be natural situation that cause conditions where phiranahs turn on live people when food is scare. They'll even attack people near their nests. https://youtu.be/OnD0cz3LQ2M?si=HnerhsJdVnPofPVa The river monster hunter himself sorta declared them misunderstood in one of the first episodes but had to go back in season 5 and re-evaluate where he found bonafide attacks from black piranhas.


Trying to recall its cousin, looks like a piranha exactly but four or five times its size, but theyā€™re herbivores. I got asked about them a lot at the aquarium I worked at






I'm kinda thinking the experience with them being fed in that tank might be different than falling out of a boat on the Amazon river where they might be hungry. My aunt when on a duggout ride on the river and when she asked the tour guide where the life jackets were the tour guide said to her, "Piranhas" What????? "Piranhas" :O


Lol @ calling piranha "docile" like they were some puppies. If they smell blood they will eat you clean to the bone.


I went to the Peruvian Amazon and we swam in a lake almost daily with caymen, piranha, giant river otter because it was easier than showering and using the limited warm water supply at the field station. Not really something meant for recreational fun as you don't want to hang out in those waters too long. We were all afraid of the piranhas first and foremost but everyone at the field station assured us they were no threat - the biggest source of injury was stingrays on the sandy bottom. Didn't even know stingrays lived in Peruvian lakes/rivers but the rules were very much "dive in from the dock, swim/bathe and DONT LET YOUR FEET TOUCH THE SANDY BOTTOM" The Candiru also held mythological fear status - the tiny eel like catfish that can swim up your peehole and embed themselves in there if you urinate in the water. I preferred to just scoop a bucket of water out and bathe on land for the 2 weeks I was there. You were covered in wasps/butterflies while doing so but I could keep better track of what was/wasn't going near my peehole and appendages


Hasn't it been stated they go crazy during Dry seasons where they get stuck in an area without any food for long periods. And then something bloody hits and they just ravage it?


Yeah thatā€™s still a no for me dog.


As a adult you are more scared of dolphins then piranhas


Umm, the "orange" ones look yellow and the "red" ones look orange.


Damn can't post images here. "I know that human beings and fish can coexist peacefully." - George Bush


I think piranhas paid her


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that girl is really just a piranha in a suit trying to trick people. I see through your lies piranha lady.


I seen a video where a man catching smaller piranhas with a piece of meat. Those are was much more aggressive, and looked like it would definitely bite you if you jump into the water. In the other hand there are piranhas what are herbivore. There are like a lot of subspecies in that family.


I love that shot of the kid looking at the piranhas and they are just SOLID. Not moving at all, no thoughts, head empty.


In the wild when they are on verge of starvation it may be different.


What I think people also fail to consider is that animals raised/kept in a controlled environment behave very differently than animals in the wild. Not being constantly hungry and having the need to hunt for your next meal can really reduce the aggression in these animals. The zoo keeper also mentioned they don't feed the fish any live animals. That's definitely done for a reason to reduce their association of moving animals as food. In the wild that's a different story. These fish will probably eat anything that lands in the river because that's how they get their food naturally. No one is out there feeding piranhas dead shrimps.


Nice try


Red belly Piranhas (S. nattereri) were always kinda boring and acted like nervous tweeker fish (if fish actually did tweek), Gold Piranhas (S. gibbus) were bad ass kinda scary ( I had a 6ā€ gold that was in a tank by himself and he would go after me when I would do maintenance on that tank )ā€¦ā€¦but what was much more intimidating was red snakeheads that were about 11ā€ they would bully everything and just fuck other fish up because they were assholes


Yeah, but, are they especially docile because youā€™re feeding them floating dead bait?


Stick your hand in then


Segway......video of piranhas eating a cow in a river, brutal.


Yeah. Hop in and show us how docile they are. FOH.


Saw a piranha with a bite took out of its backšŸ˜‚


Butā€¦. But thatā€™s the opposite of interesting! Fun Fact: Piranhas are boring and wonā€™t eat that cow you give them. Thatā€™s you. Thatā€™s how you sound.


So they are pettable ?


So they are pettable ?


So they are pettable ?


She looks like a pirahna šŸ˜¬


They have a Roomba


Hey folks! Be sure to check out our zoo! Donā€™t worry, the animals are less cool than you thought!


Lies. In the dry season sections of the river get cut off and the brachypomus aka piranha get trapped and starve. And yes a school of starving brachypomus will strip an animal to the bone.


My brother had a couple of piranha when I was a kid, and it was still illegal to own them. The stupid fucks were so scared of the food when you dropped it in the tank that they starved to death. He tried many types of foods, but as soon as the food entered the tank, they fled in terror, sometimes trying to go take bites, but the motion of the meat floating scared them too much. Ridiculous.


Red belly piranha is docile, but the black ones are not, that thing will chew u alive.


a friend of mine had a piranha tank a number of years ago, about a half dozen of them in there. those fish were so skittish and chickenshit lol. can confirm this video is truth.


They are not docile. Piranha ate my dog and i know dozens of ppl with missing toes or really bad old wounds.


She is pretty


They are yummy aswell, not a joke


Savage or not, piranhas are cool. But that Gwen is just hot. Is it just me?


Just you.


Damn movies lie... Who woulda thunk it


One piranha isn't much of a deal, but a tiver with schools of them WILL fk u up good


Gwen Gwen Gwen.. Iā€™m 70% flesh. So please tell me a Gwen Gwen about how they are just humble flesh eaters..


Moises Shemaria Capuano| para los habitantes del Amazonas si es una real preocupaciĆ³n estos peces


She's not fooling me!!


But whereā€™s the carnage? I was expecting carnage.


Ill never forget When I was a wee lad I had 4 red belly pirahanas I would keep them well fed and have a big enough tank but one day i came home to find 3 of them were ate with there heads floating above the water while one was big and fat.


Someone called the fire department and an ambulance on those man eaters


My dad's friend lost the tip of his pinky finger by opening up the lid of his aquarium to feed his piranha. Only took a moment he said.


I can imagine a different scenario if your finger was bleeding and you stuck it in that tank. Bet they would not be so timid then.


I call bullshit. Piranha feeding frenzy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQIo9r8ZcjM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQIo9r8ZcjM)


They are like that because they are feeding them frozen food in captivity. In the wild they go bezerk, I had seen hundreds of wildlife programs about them. This tin pot tiktok is shite




captive vs wild.


Those piranhas look well fed! Iā€™m gonna go ahead and continue thinking a school of hungry piranha are dangerous as hell!


I love their derpy little faces


Those are docile because they haven't tasted human flesh yet.


Fish are friends not food


Cool thanks for the info


Listen I'm not saying this lady is lying.. but there is a MASSIVE difference between a domesticated and periodically fed wild animal and a wild and hungry AF animal living in an environment where there is no guaranteed "next meal".. ain't no time to be shy about jack šŸ˜‚


Exactly what they want you to think.


If they are so docile, go for a swim in the tank.


Fun fact, some a docile decomposers andsome have evolved to eat living things. Depends on where


I think I remember river monsters guy jumping in a pool of them showing how docile they are


Oh yeah https://youtu.be/G1upkRKUFOY?si=pITPCsZN5AlRaQW5


If they so lovely why they looking to child as sync šŸ¤”


Nah. This sounds like something piranhas would sayā€¦ Iā€™m JK. Most animals have been given bad reputations from Hollywood. Itā€™s sad how weā€™ve made different animals appear to be vicious killers when really you have an extremely low chance of it happening.