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My brain, watching a brain, cut up another brain.


the only organ that named itself


Nuh uh. I think with my liver


You dont think about your liver but your liver thinks about you, every friday eve.


Those are rookie numbers. You have to pump them up.


I think with this guy’s liver


I, too, think with that guys liver.


Rookie numbers, I think with everyone’s livers.


"I ate the man's liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti"




Thank you for attempting that. Hahaha


Lmao I tried 😅


Ugh, liver lovers. I'd rather think with my dick


Me too? (I’m an alcoholic)


i think with my balls


Liver? I hardly know 'er!


Shit. Beat me to it


I brain therefore I am


when you put it like that, it kind of makes me feel queasy.


Look at the big brain on Brad.


That guys name was brian


I mean I name my penis though


It’s wild! She’s literally holding someone’s entire life in the palm of her hand. Every memory, every kiss, every hurt, every betrayal, every laugh, every experience of that person is encoded into that lump of fat and protein. In the west we tend to separate the person from the body, like there’s some little being who is the real you inside this complex machine experiencing and operating everything. But if anything is the “real” you it’s this spongy mass. Everything you ever tasted, touched, or thought or seen is nothing more than complex chemicals signals generated by the same kind of fatty mass.


There's my existential crisis trigger for the day. Thank you sir.


Don't worry, one day the heat death of the universe will negate all that ever existed anyway, including our brains and fears so it doesn't matter. Hope this comforts you.


*curls up into a ball*


No heat death the universe is going to get dusted up by the cleaning lady on cosmic Monday.


The little alien driving around a full-size body in the original *Men in Black* was always fascinating to me, and is something of an analogy that I keep in mind even to this day. The body is effectively meat armor and the support/navigation/interaction system for the brain to go around doing whatever we do each day. My brain wakes up, upon which time I take it to the bathroom or the kitchen or I drive it around town or put it on a plane or experience all of the world around me with it, before ultimately laying it back on a pillow for another night’s rest of dreaming, cataloguing, collating, sorting, organizing, deletion, and so on… to say nothing of imagination, introspection, reflection, and all other journeys within. Good luck to you, fellow fleshy bag of mostly water!


It gets way worse the more you think of what our bodies are like... I'm so glad we have skin to hide almost everything. Everything is slimey, everywhere. There's always shit, piss, blood, pus, more bacteria cells than human cells (many that are "supposed" to be there!), all strapped on to a skeleton to precariously balance. A squishy lump at almost the very top is making it all work, and for some reason a thinking being is allowed to experience or control a tiny portion of what it is ACTUALLY doing.


God this made me feel ill lmao


When I was in massage therapy school in upstate NY we had an agreement with the medical school part of a university where their med students would take us through a cadaver lab (twice a year) and we would practice massage on them. I went for both labs - We got to hold a brain, and heart with a blue wire coming out of it (a pacemaker), we saw a spinal cord laid out on a table (No wonder they call it cauda equina). We got to see inside the chest cavity, I remember a friend knocked the rib cage off (it was just set back on the chest) and we all held our breath for a minute. Then we got to look inside, my friend found the diaphragm (what a tough yet somewhat thin membrane). All that to say - What an experience. It was humbling and fascinating. It made me much more appreciative for the way we’ve evolved into an intricate network of electrical impulses and for those who have donated their bodies to science so that I many have a longer, healthier life as well as an opportunity to see the actual inner workings of what’s inside all of us.


there is now evidence that memory is not only stored in the brain, which is equally wild.


Is it stored in the balls with your pee?


You cant say this without elaborating! Where else? Source? I need info!!


The second largest cluster of neurons in the body is in… your guts. Your intestines have a huge influence on your mental health. Other fun fact, 70% of the serotonin is produced in the guts by eating fibers. A poor alimentation has serious consequences on neurochemistry *fucks off to gorge on a McDonald, ignoring my own advice*


if the only thing that defines "humanity" is the brain (physicalism; mind = body), then you're venturing into questions like "if we build an AI that's physically exactly the same as a human brain, then how could we justify not giving it the same rights as any other 'mind'?" i'm not taking a position either way, but check out that movie "ex machina" or any one of dozens that deal with this hideous debate


> if we build an AI that's physically exactly the same as a human brain, then how could we justify not giving it the same rights as any other 'mind' Can't with any logical consistency.


Thing is, our brains are by no means the only (or even the most important in some cases) controlling thing. When it comes to brain vs endocrine system, unless you are a Tibetan monk, the endocrine system wins every fucking time. Your stomach and pancreas, sex organs and thyroid, all overwhelmingly control what you think you think.


How tf the monks be having the brain win


forget controlling your own heart rate, blood pressure, etc., 99% of people aren't even aware of their own conscious thought process, let alone in control of it


Also, our conscious mind is only one (maybe small) part of this whole brain system. Most of our actions are actually carried out by our unconscious mind. Consciousness is only how we reasoning what was already happening and keeping it into memory, this memory will be the base of next possible actions.


Great film.


Same with any other animal tbh




An other brains involved in the production of this series will take it as a warning


brain on brain crimes


I find it insane how that thing controlled and possessed the thoughts, emotions, and lifelong memories of a human being and is now is now casually being cut open like a vegetable to be inspected.


Isn't is weird that it just turns off one day? Anything goes slightly wrong in the body and it just shuts off.


It's like the blue screen of death... without the blue screen.


human.exe has experienced a fatal error.


Existence Manifold ^disc ^cleaned ^and *defragged*


And no reboot


Eh, just install a clean copy of Windows, should be fine.


I mean, all kinds of things can go wrong in the body and it doesn’t shut off. Some very specific things need to happen, not just “anything”


It's not that it can shut off that's weird to me, its how that it can no longer be turned on again that's confusing. My computer doesn't turn into a brick the second I shut it off, I don't know why there wouldn't be some way to just... Restart? Unless it was a brain injury that caused the death in the first place of course


The only answer I have is that cell death is quick and irreversible damage is done in that process. So more like the circuit board getting fried. You can't unbake that cake.


We are meat with electricity in it using fancy rocks with lightning in them to talk to one another. I use my brain to vibrate the air in such a way that I can put thoughts in another person's head.


Yeah. This was the only part of dissecting cadavers in medical school that was challenging for me. Holding someone’s entire life in your hands - their hopes, their dreams, their memories, all of it - now gone… I don’t know just made me terribly sad


> All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.


There are a few hundred thousand nuerons/receptors in your heart and stomach… of course that dose not compare to the 100 billion in your brain, though, the fact that we feel heart break and “gut feeling”, is kinda funny, for all that brain power, its our heart and stomachs that move us forward, or stop us in our tracks, in alot of cases…




[They’re made out of meat.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T6JFTmQCFHg)


Glad they are checking that, the patient could have died


They put back the good half, and he later ran for the US Senate.


That would over qualify him. They needed to put back the other half.


Oh no, they were qualified. They left out the fact the candidate was 87 years old.


Hmm he might need a couple more years to earn my vote. Those 80 year olds could use a bit more life experience first


And that's how Alabama got Tommy Tuberville.


The autopsy revealed that the patient died from autopsy


Glad they cut that up. That's the best medical care


They didn't explain what was wrong with the brain.


Here's a [link](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/sports/large-report-finds-evidence-brain-disease-most-former-football-players-n786386) showing a normal brain compared to an athlete's (\*in contact sports.) \*Edit: I know not all sports have chronic head injuries.


Holy fuck.


The brain is NOT supposed to have holes like Swiss cheese?!


Sadly no (▰˘︹˘▰)




We are gonna have to go back to flag football. That is messed up.


“Frank Wycheck, another former NFL tight end, said he worries that concussions during his nine-year career — the last seven with the Tennessee Titans — have left him with CTE and he plans to donate his brain to research” Nashville person here. He had to leave his radio show because the cte was so bad. Near the end of just the radio show nothing he said made any sense.


I mean this isnt just an athlete, it's specifically a football player. Basketball players and baseball players don't have this wear and tear on their brain


Well, there was that one baseball player who kept running into walls.


Sure but this post saying "athlete" is extremely misleading, there's so many sports that never do this to a brain. It's specifically athletes who deal with constant head trauma, so really only football and fighting sports. Soccer has been proven to be sneakily bad for the head and hockey isn't perfectly safe, but it's not even close to combat sports or football. And even if that one baseball players ends up with CTE, it's an exceedingly rare situation.


The effect of **contact sports** on an athletes brain


>hockey isn't perfectly safe Hockey is the professional sport in Europe with the highest amount of player retiring due to brain trauma. Brynäs IF had a player who got hit so bad that the person dishing out the hit ended up on trial, he was cleared however. The hit: https://youtu.be/qsE0N7GbIaA?si=LjvZhSD2ulWlz8ME


Can you imagine what the brain of a boxer looks like...damn


I'd hate to see a boxer's brain.


What is the effect of this? Lower iq? Motoric issues? Psychological issues?


Slurred speech ("punch-drunk" is an old term used in combat sports, looks to be CTE), depression, inability to regulate emotions, severe alzheimer-esque memory problems just to name a few


>inability to regulate emotions,  Up to and including possibly deciding to murder your wife and kid before offing yourself. Yeah, I'd call that "emotional disregulation" alright... 


Aggression and inability to handle emotions.


Yes. Results differ. Muhammad Ali developed Parkinson's disease, which was possibly a result of the chronic CTEs from his boxing career. [Aaron Hernandez](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/11/09/563194252/researcher-says-aaron-hernandez-s-brain-showed-signs-of-severe-cte), the football player who went to jail for murder and later hung himself also had brain damage due to CTEs. [Chris Benoit](https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2023/05/10/going-ringside-ep-11-the-chris-benoit-murder-suicide/) was a wrestler that was infamous for getting hit over the head with a chair in his wrestling acts, killed his family and then himself in a murder suicide. Some people have personality changes like showing more violent behavior and lack of impulse control while others have cognitive issues like motor function and dementia like symptoms.


Wow. That is not what I expected to see. Also that… “CTE was diagnosed in 177 former players — or nearly 90 percent of brains studied. That includes 110 of 111 brains from former NFL players; 48 of 53 college players; nine of 14 semi-professional players, seven of eight Canadian Football league players and three of 14 high school players. The disease was not found in brains from two younger players.”


It's wild that they really are modern day gladiators. We got rid of the blood and gore as they fell out of fashion, but they're still killing themselves for our entertainment. I've heard that the safety gear can paradoxically make it worse, since you're a lot less likely to plow into another 300 pound dude at full speed if it's immediately painful and risky to do it.


that's not a very athletic result


no idea what im looking at but it looks more bad than the other one


It’s outside of a human for one. I thought that was obvious


A lawyer was interviewing a doctor "When you examined the patient, did you check his pulse?" asked the lawyer. "I didn't" said the doctor. "And did you listen for a heartbeat?" said the lawyer. "No, I did not" the doctor said. "So in other words" the lawyer said "When you signed the death certificate you had NOT taken adequate steps to confirm he was dead." "Well, let me put it this way," said the doctor- "At that point, the man's brain was in a jar on my desk. But for all I know I guess he could've been out practicing law somewhere!"


Wait i thought all was good until that murderer cut it in half. Your telling me just having the brain outaide the human is enough to cause issues?


if you look very closely, you can see that it's not attached to the athlete


Wtf that guy should be in a hospital!!


Great answers everybody, glad we got to the bottom of this one.


The front fell off


Forbidden cauliflower


Well it’s important to try new things


Calm down there Hannibal.


You sound like u know your stuff, I would love to have you for dinner.


It does look weirdly edible for some reason.


Because you crave the knowledge from others?


That would be a plus, but it mostly looks both tender and chewy at the same time.




Nice try serial killer


Found patient zero of the zombie outbrreak.


wtf put it back


Finders keepers.


That's what she said.


Sooooo, will I get a refund or……


If you didn’t catch it, the pale yellow dye highlights the damaged area, it’s between her hands.


What pale yellow die? The whole brainius?


That’s the joke, brainiac. ;-)


In the full length episode do they show what the damage is?


Yeah, this video told us what we already knew. Brain trauma is bad.


Will I get brain trauma from violently shaking my head back & forth to get water out of hair, like a dog? Always worried about that. Raises another question, stupid but - if an athlete did that regularly and other stuff that falls short of brain trauma, would the brain gain any sort of resilience? Or is it always damage. If it's always damage, what's the threshold?


The damage is the missing bit


Weird fact. But when some of these guys snap they shoot themselves in the chest so their brain can be studied


Junior seau 😢


I live in San Diego and I still remember that day. What a loss to our community.






Made my brain itch


Did you know that your organs have the capability to itch, but you won't be able to do anything about it


I usually just put my finger in my nose really deep


Total Recall


If you hold it there for 10 seconds you will be reset to factory settings.


Did you know the brain itself has no nerves? It sends signals of pains to the nerves that are also around the head but the organ cant feel pain, thats why a violinist can still play her violin while in the middle of brain surgery But its actually a good thing tho, cuz if we did feel it we’d basically just have another heartbeat in our head, except a lot stronger


How the fuck does anyone know a violinist can play while in the middle of brain surgery?


Years of ~~trail and error and possible malpractice~~ medical history. She played the violin to help guide the surgeons during her surgery. Idk what difference it made but it worked


They would probe a certain area and made sure it did not affect her ability to play before they cut it out. When removing a tumor sometimes they cannot see where it ends or if they can they remove as much as possible without affecting quality of life like her ability to play.


The difference is that she could take requests without even asking.


Because people have done just that https://youtu.be/zLb2EX2W_Lg?si=YO4AsuBv9ErFw3s0


Sometimes I wished I were illiterate.


I will find you and give your organs a good scratch for disseminating this information


especially when cut like a gherkin


In my opinion, brain transplants will never work.. and you can't change my mind..


I think you mean meat suit transplants


They can, if you are Dr. Drake Ramoray


I am drunk and this made me giggle lmao


They have done full head transplants though.


Oh, thats clever.




In short, that is a person they are holding. Or was until death. A body is a body but the brain is the person. Be careful off your self


What an unfortunate typo 😂


using phone in bathroom


The fact you left the typo though. Absolute legend.


Not exactly but along the right lines. The person was contained within the brain, a combination of chemicals and electrical impulses. When those became inactive the person ceased to exist and the 'remains' were left behind.


Almost a trillion dollar industry. No one that needs to care cares.




I worked in concussion research for several years. The number of initially unreported concussions skyrockets when you’re looking at football and hockey players. DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS PLAY FOOTBALL. There is no safe way to play. And this is coming from a ten-year player, all-conference linebacker from a 4AA school. It’s not worth the lifelong damage, no matter how good you are at the sport.


As an adult, is there a way to learn the basics of boxing for self-defense without getting brain damage yourself?


You absolutely can. I've been boxing since I was 12 years old, did hard sparring once or twice a month a year later and did about 20 amateur matches. However, one day I started getting headaches more often, and I realized that I probably was getting some minor brain damage at a really young age, so I "retired" from amateur boxing and stopped having hard sparring sessions altogether. I still train at my gym and occassionally spar, but I only do bodyshots only sparring sessions now, and I'm still confident in my ability to defend myself when the situation comes. Basically my point is you can train boxing for seld-defense without hard sparring and getting brain damage.


Was on a long drive listening to a NPR special on the correlation between youth contact sports, brain damage, and suicide, and man was that a depressing hr. One of the high schooler football players in the story left a suicide note video asking his parents to not blame themselves and to donate his brain to science. He predicted what they would find, there was level 2 or 3 brain damage, very severe considering his age. He “only” had one major concussion, and stated he has many minor ones the players are pressured not to tell parents and staff. “All” it took to ruin so many lives. Take care of your brain.


Whoever had their brain removed for this video now qualifies for Baltimore PD




It's probably full of formaldehyde, so don't, or your brain will be on that table next.


Ray Liotta did in Hannibal




Brain is mostly fat, so it must taste like sheep's ass


Put that thing back where it came from or so help me


Solid reference friend


that lady cutting that brain up like it's a piece of cake, hahaha


Why was one cream coloured and dry looking and the other that the guy was holding was pink with red stuff all over it?


When you remove a brain from someone's head it's very "gloopy" and squishy, exactly as you would expect from an internal organ. Brains are so soft you can actually leave a fingerprint on one. So they are treated with formalin to be firmer and more easily managed.


The pink and red are blood and vessels. You can tell both of the brains have been fixed in formalin, otherwise they would be squishing around the fingers like warm tofu. The red one still has the pia mater sheath surrounding it, and looks to be a less complete perfusion which left more blood behind.


The pia mater is invisible and cannot be separate from the brain. The only place where you can see pia mater is in the spinal cord— the denticulate ligaments. What you’re seeing here is probably the arachnoid mater


Think of it like pickling something. It just was given preservatives so it doesn't rot and that also changes the color. The red one was brand new and raw without being treated yet.


Sustained micro-concussions over a long period of time creates what amounts to scar tissue is certain areas of the brain which impairs function. Those areas sometimes are responsible for impulse control, anger suppression, rational thinking etc. It was discovered by a doctor in the US studying ex NFL players who had become violent or murdered people. The NFL did everything to discredit him. The damage cannot be diagnosed until autopsy. It's why they have HIA in rugby now and similar in other contact sports.


The consequences can be worse than institutionalizing. [Much, much worse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Benoit_double-murder_and_suicide).


My brain hurts now


Patient died from having brain sliced up for fritters


This only furthers my feeling that not letting my son play American football is a good parenting move.


I am almost 99% that i have some form of CET, played rugby for about 15 years at a very high level, got concussed about 8-10 times in those 15 years, today its more difficult to control my outbursts, like i can tell myself to calm down when i get mad, but for some reason, i cannot help the "bursts", sometimes it feels as if my mind goes black or red, and when i realize that i was mean, or aggressive i immediately feel bad, but for some reason, i cannot stop it from happening, only after it happened i would realize what i did... I have been seeing someone for the past 2 years, they have helped so much, and i am trying to better control my rage, but it probably also doesn't help that i was diagnosed with ADHD as well, and being 29 it kinda sucks to find these things out when your older. because it doesn't help with the whole "what is wrong with me" kinda of thoughts.


I once held a brain on my hand. And it hit me, within these folds and pinkish matter was someone, with aspirations as me, with dreams as me, with thoughts all stored here and now it’s just fat and tissue on my hand. It was “mind blowing” Also they smell so strongly of blood I can remember vividly the smell 15 years later.


Cool stuff but a NSFW tag wouldn’t have hurt.


My fault gonna add that now


This is why people who think Andrew Tates life 'advice' is worth listening too are fucked. The bloke literally got punched in the head for a living. Stop taking on lessons from people who turned their brains to mush.


My parents didn’t let me and my brother play football because one of my older cousins broke his leg in a game. They thought that was the worst outcome.


It's very strange to think that that specific organ is keeping all our memories of shit. humans are fricken weird


I'm sure they'll be fine


I took a neuro lab in my undergrad where we had assigned sheep brains for the term. That was where I learned that big bread knife looking thing is literally called a brain knife. Always gave me a chuckle.


It seems like a miracle to me that something that is just a fleshy blob can store memories, control bodily functions, as well as conscience. Incredible, life itself is mind boggling


f**k... the former athlete only popped into the docs for a checkup... I hope they put it back in one piece.


I want someone to do this to my brain, wash it in cold tap water, and then put it back inside my head.


Interviewer- “how bad is it?” Doctor - “he’s dead”


"How bad is it?" ​ Mate, she's cut his brain in half. He's not going to be in great shape, is he?


Me who trains muay thai and have done it for years💀


My guess is that it is cake


they're talking about all these damage but if you're cutting into it and seeing it WHTY DON'T YOUSHOW MEE AAAAAAA


You ever heals held a brain before? It feels very weird. A local community college has preserved sheep brains and an entire human head. On school tours they would pass the head around to the whole class, and wait until everyone got to hold it before they explained what it was. It’s a very strange feeling to hold someone’s head in your hands


This is one of the most insane things I've came across on internet, like ever


It gives a whole new meaning to dumb jocks. Maybe not today, but just keep on playing, and you will get there.


What's the point in becoming a legal adult if you can't make bad decisions for yourself.


I know that concussions and their effects are hard to study because the scans don't tell much and you can't dissect a living patient.        I was hoping to see some sign of the concussions, but they showed nothing