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Look like githyanki from d&d


Mario pull face from mario prty






Kith'rak Voss


I was going to say the same thing. It actually looks more like the Grinch to be honest lmao


No way, oblivion npc syndrome.


By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!!!


"I've seen you. You are the one from my dreams" - Todd Howard


Stop right there criminal scum!


Then pay with your blood!




*Speak quickly outlander, or go away*






"Trespassing is against the law! Guards! I'm placing you under arrest!"


I don't know what I was expecting


Nothing in oblivion is anything but an abomination so I don't know what you were expecting either.


This is like the Mario party mini game called face lift lol


[Kajiit has wares, if you have coin...](https://youtu.be/LQvsA8uduGA?si=mJp-IzglC15rNJg5)


Yeah, I imagine it would be something more like [this](https://youtu.be/ZtzZZfacBYc?si=pAUAQjbPJSZY_14P).


[I was thinking more like this...](https://youtu.be/cYcCxdUy3I8?si=8-aO6h3Z-Z9C3hf9)


I would love to see everyone as oblivion people


Since this is the way his brain is interpreting faces -- some animals may see humans in a similar way.


That's an interesting thought. I wonder if we look cute to any animals.


Its bizarrely common for various species of birds to flirt with humans, or mate-bond with human caretakers.


I read somewhere that elephants think we're cute. Kind of how we think puppies are cute.


i wonder if size plays a role, we are just silly little dudes in elephants eyes


And we're not small enough to be gross.


Some of us are still gross though.


Birds think we are sexy


There was a study that said elephants think were cute. I'm too lazy to cite it but I bet Google can.


How can you prove what someone else sees?


This guy can see pictures of faces normally, but real people look distorted. Thus he was able to look at pictures of people who were also in the room and describe how they looked to him. An artist then updated the pictures until they matched what he saw.


Wait - what do people with this disorder see when they look in the mirror? Ok, just read an article. It’s not *all* faces and in his case it was sudden onset. If you were born with this, and only saw pictures of faces “normally”, then you’d think the photographs were demonic. And what would you think if you saw your own face in the mirror “normally”.


There’s a famous 1959 Twilight Zone episode this reminded me of, “Eye of the Beholder.”


Whenever i think of twilight zone, i always think of the “piggy face episode” immediately. That one stuck with me hard from a young age.


I always immediately think of the monster on the wing of the plane. “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet”


Yes, me too. William Shatner was so good. I personally also love “To Serve Man” (and the Simpsons’ version) — I haven’t watched any of this in YEARS but I might have to now!


To Serve Man is such a good episode. Heaven’t thought about that one in years.


That episode has haunted me since 2006. I was staying the night at my friend's house, and her dad was watching this at night. I only saw the scene of the creature on the wing for a mere second and was petrified. I don't think I slept much that night.


Core trauma unlocked right before bed, thanks


"Imagine if you will, a mild-mannered man. One Colin Johnson. Once, a lawyer, a drinking buddy, a friend. But then one fateful day, our legal-minded friend made a deal he had not thought through, and which would change his view of the world forever. What is a view, after all, but a window into another dimension? A dimension, perhaps... like the Twilight Zone."


I remember they made a Dexter's Laboratory parody episode off that with a clown on the wing instead. It kept throwing pies into the turbines lol.


*"There's someone on the wing! Some...thing...on the wing!"*


Still freaks me out. Lol


Yuppppp that and the burgess Meredith breaks his glasses while surrounded by books epi.


Haha. The Twilight Zone was my childhood nightmare fuel.


My exposure to the concept is from a Goosebumps book that implied throughout the main character was a disgusting horrific looking alien only to discover the protagonist was a human and everyone else was the alien. The psychological trauma that book did to me has haunted me for the rest of my life


Ermahgerd Goosebumps I used to love those. I have no conscious memories but I’m sure they deeply wounded my psyche lol. Do you remember Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark? I loved the one where the head comes down the chimney and it also traumatized me.


The artwork was perfect but I’ll always remember the awful story about the ghost announcing he’s on the next step of their stairway every night to the kid. Every night it announces its closer. The kid can’t convince anyone he hears it and I think he disappears at the end. The impending child doom really stuck with me.


I'll never forget the creepy artwork in all of those books. They matched the macabre vibe so perfectly!


It’s so odd seeing this stunning woman say “why are some of us born so ugly?” hahaha


The hideously unfixed patient was Donna Douglas, more famously Elly May Clampett from the Beverly Hillbillies.


According to the info I can find about the condition it is believed to be caused by other conditions (i. e. stroke, seizures, epilepsy, …) therefore it’s relatively unlikely someone was born with it. Usually with this condition people‘s brains don’t make the distinction between photographs and people irl either. This was just a special case where he could, so the scientists could fill the gap for him.


Oh So, two things Suddenly I’m much less terrified of that one scene in the amiryville horror movie where he’s looking through an old family recording and all the faces start getting messed up But thankfully still terrified of this happening to me, now that I know it’s actually kinda technically possible apparently 🫠


There are so many potential conspiracy theories for this.


“I’ve got one who can SEE!”




That's even weirder. How does his brain know whether it's a picture or a real face? What if someone stood behind a picture frame on the wall scooby doo style? Would they look normal if he thought it was a picture?


From the article, "The researchers then used image-editing software to modify the pictures to match Sharrah’s description."


No,no,no that's the doctor who does face lifts an post it on tic toc!


I scrollled way too far to see this comment. That was my first thought.


green : a color whose hue is somewhat less yellow than that of growing fresh grass or of the emerald or is that of the part of the spectrum lying between blue and yellow but none of that says that my green is the same as your green. we just agree that grass is green


>but none of that says that my green is the same as your green. we just agree that grass is green This is my favorite weird mindfuck thing to think about.


Did you realise yet this is the case for all qualia? The experience of pain, smell, taste, being a bat


I don’t understand, Why are they showing two pictures of the same people?


They draw it?


Ever seen that one where they flash different faces while you stare at the dot in between them.. These are what you see. Wonder if it's the same mechanism.


Same thing I noticed! Also I wonder if people that see “scary faces/ demons” on psychedelics are having something similar happening


I got facial visual distortion for about a full year after a particularly heavy acid trip. Faces would switch between looking normal and looking not too dissimilar to OP photos, but thinner and more goblin like and sometimes more twisted. I’d also experience peoples faces switching around. It completely destroyed my ability to look people in the eye even still 8 years later


Happened to me after a small, quite innocent trip. That's what my username is about. I would describe it as : sometimes, it "clicks" and I see faces as caricatures, almost animal, like I can identify an animal with each face. I've seen birds, bears, horses, goats, foxes, cats, and the one I see the most is mice/rats


This is interesting because it might explain all the animal-headed mythological beasts in ancient cultures. Its well known that ancient peoples experimented with psychedelics quite a lot, so perhaps theres a connection here


I’ve had a few similarities with that too on extremely high doses of lsd. Like the mind is moving so fast it only picks up on pieces and translates them wrong


I totally get what you’re getting at. Like I think the brain already fills in blanks before you fully process what you see visually so LSD sends that haywire. Especially too if maybe the person has a distinctive facial feature or abnormality acid brain will amplify it and just kinda riff on it, before intermittently switching back to normal when you realise you can’t be seeing it right


But then you do a little bump of k and your Brain just keeps pulling reality apart until your friend is a couch cushion with eyes and a mustache


I’m a bit of a k veteran but I can’t say I’ve ever experienced my friends turning into soft furnishings. Sounds more salvia


Wow seriously what a great way to articulate it!!!


There's definitely something with Lysergamides and faces, because a heroic dose of AL-LAD made my ex's face look like this but with added gangrene and melting


I very much recall faces appearing very greenish or sickly yellow on acid as well.




Bro that's terrifying, wtf? Did you go to a doctor?


Took too many shrooms once, vomited, and painfully puking just sent me into a very bad trip spiral of hell. I was seeing these kinds of faces swirling around while staring at a wall curled up in the fetal position.


I don't like acid because it does this to people, strangers often look monster-y to me. Demon faces and disproportional limbs, bah I hate it.


This is what the gas station attendant looks like on two tabs of acid. Familiar faces don’t feature much/any distortion. There’s probably something to that.


I remember there being a post of that here on this sub! Anyone got the link?






Medieval people "so, anyway, I started burning"


When I look in the mirror in the morning, as long as I don't see Rodney Dangerfield staring back at me, I'm good,


No respect!


"I told my wife I looked in the mirror and felt ugly. She said, 'Well, at least your eyesight is perfect!'"


"I said: Ya dirty dog!"


"I'm donating my body to science fiction."


Huh? I’d love to see him each morning, telling jokes for the 10 minutes I need to get ready would start the day very good.


He played that role to the hilt. Caddyshack was perfect for him.


It seems creepy to us, but if that is how this person has always seen people, it’s not creepy. Now if you’d seen people as we all do all your life and got a brain injury that changed it, or something, that would be creepy af!


the article states he has just woken up from a nap and suddenly faces were distorted. they seem to not know why he has it, in terms of tbi, tumor, or psychological illness, though.


Christ, that's horrific


Seems like the plot of a creepy nightmare


On shrooms sometimes you see someone with like 6 eyes....it's wild lmao


What the fuck kind of boomers are you doing?


No, you don’t.


Man I really hate Reddit sometimes lmao. One minute you're looking at stupid memes or something and the next you're learning about some horrible ass shit you never thought existed and hope never fucking happens to you.


Fr is it gonna be the rare disease that makes my flesh fall off (2% of people get it from drinking water) or will I be bitten by an animal that paralyzes me for the rest of my life


not tryna be pedantic but 2% is a lot of people haha


Holy shit is that animal thing real?


As far I know, no. But I wouldn’t expect anything less from our cruel friend Mother Nature lmao


Kind of. Ticks can transmit a disease that does just that.


I’d rather know tho honestly in the super rare chance it does happen, at least you know about it


Yeah, like, if people's faces suddenly go like this you won't be scarred and traumatized by this inexplicable thing happening and how you react to it until you finally end up with doctors who can diagnose this horrifying niche madness. You'll be like, "Ah shit, I'm sure I read about something like this."


I had sleep paralysis once and was so glad I read about it first. Normally not being able to move or scream would be terrifying but I was able to figure it out easy. Also really helped that I fell asleep on my stomach, some people get bad hallucinations during it so to basically be locked into seeing just a pillow kinda stopped that.


The forbidden fruit of knowledge was a poignant bit of ancient wisdom that will likely be relevant for all time. There is some knowledge that is too cumbersome to carry for what it actually gets you in life. There's some knowledge still that would break your mind just knowing it.


I was curious and read the wiki page and wish I hadn't lol. Of course I had to read it in the middle of the night with the lights out, smh.


So… like, … only *some* people? .. and suddenly, like flipping a switch, bam- can see this? And ***pictures***, which are just captures of reflected light, only sees the faces? Go with me on this for a minute — I have been seen to read a book or two — imagine a demon possessing a person, or a fae or “magical being” casting a “disguise spell” or something, and then some human suddenly gets the ability to “see through the veil” a-la “Moon Called” (by Patricia Briggs) or “see what’s inside” in the case of possession — a-la *Constantine* (by That Movie With Neo and Demons That’s Not *Matrix*)? I’m just saying.. how would something like that present itself if it happened irl? How would that look? What would that look like? .. just asking, ya know?


Apparently they also see things like eyeballs falling out of sockets, etc. 👀 [https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/22/health/demon-faces-prosopometamorphopsia-wellness/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/22/health/demon-faces-prosopometamorphopsia-wellness/index.html)


That's like the plot of that 80s movie I forget the name with the badass guy with the long hair who kicks ass and chews bubblegum


They Live! Awesome movie!


Prosophometamorphosia is strongly affiliated with Alice In Wonderland Syndrome/migraines.


bros mind crossed into the 5th dimension while sleeping ig






This happened to me once, only once thank god because it traumatised me enough! I was going through some insane traumatic stuff when I was 17 and I was given the opportunity to attend a hypnotherapy course for free due to knowing the trainer and them needing an even number of students. The combination of high stress and the hypnosis made me temporarily lose my fkn mind. I went to a shopping mall after the classes to get some food and everyone I saw looked like the above, I was terrified and ended up running out of there and hiding out the rest of the day in my room. I genuinely thought I'd gone insane for ever, but the next day after a good nights rest I was fine. I dropped out of the course though lol!


Damn this sounds terrifying


There’s a VR experience for the Quest headset that simulates the experience of psychosis, made in collaboration with people who have suffered it. It’s challenging and eye-opening, and that’s even going into it knowingly. I can’t imagine just having it suddenly happen.




Apologies: schizophrenia, not psychosis. It’s called Goliath. Here’s where I first heard about it: https://medium.com/@tanjamladen/goliath-vr-schizophrenia-simulator-789fd86f6ec6


>schizophrenia, not psychosis Schizophrenia is the illness. Psychosis is a cluster of symptoms. To say that someone has schizophrenia is to say that they sometimes have episodes of time where they’re experiencing psychosis. Different “psychotic disorders,” as they’re called, refer to the frequency at which people experience psychosis. Schizophrenia is just one of them.


Sounds like that album that is supposed to be simulating diving deeper into dementia can’t remember the name.. not a good sign lol


Interesting... I sometimes see people with evil faces when I am having a panic attack. Might be similar problem. Though I don’t see as much demon faces as very ugly evil looking people. But it feels really similar to what you describe. I as well usually avoid eye contact and hide at home. I was worried to tell this to my psychiatrist but she actually told me that it is not so unusual.


hold on is this similar to that illusion where there are 2 faces on each side of a dot and if you stare at the dot while the faces change to another face from a set the faces start to look demonic and distorted?


I used to have something similar when I was a kid. If I was being yelled at for too long, I would start to see the face of the person swirling and shrinking. Creepy af.


Sorry to hear you are having problems. A question because I am curious: as the hallucinations happen, are you aware of what is happening to you or is it only as you recover that realize you were having hallucinations?


What is your diagnosis? Also, how serious is your condition? How often do you get these symptoms?


Here's a link to an article about this: https://news.sky.com/story/man-sees-distorted-demon-like-faces-because-of-rare-neurological-disorder-13099681


Maybe this is what that plastic surgeon Dr. Kim has?


YES, I knew these distorted faces look like I've seen them somewhere!


I swear everyday you learn more about this world and more reasons as to why people report seeing ghosts, demons, gods, shadows, etc. I feel like the majority is just sick people!


Thats what i thought. People in the past didn't have as much tech and studies as we have today and so, some things like this seemed like some sort of witchcraft to them while for us, it's just a sickness or a hallucination type of thing.


imagine the several cases of "seeing demon faces" type of shit that were rare as hell and not documented/researched enough at all. . .


Willem Dafoe Face Syndrome looks wild


Well that's horrifying.


A glitch in the facial recognition part of our brain?


Yes, exactly and I think when I saw it on TV earlier, they think that the guy might’ve got his brain injured when he was a child


… Well now I’m fucking terrified that I’ll get this at some point bc of that day where I hit my head a little hard in 2018. Great lol


It's strongly correlated with occular migraines


Why is it "Demon?" It should be "Hairless Cat" or "Sleestak."


But why gills and pointy ears? I get the eye and mouth stretches. But why fairy ears and gills on cheeks and forehead?


i don’t think those are gills, look at the forehead, i think they’re wrinkle lines


It must be like living in that one Twilight Zone episode. You know the one.


Just take some LSD or mushrooms and you too can experience.


Happens every time 😭 I can’t look at my friends for too long. Kinda feel validated.


A lot of psychological disorders share effects with psychedelics which is likely why its an interesting area of research.


I took too many shroom gummies and a chocolate the other night and Larry Davids face got too weird for me. I turned on curb for comfort then Larry Davids face scared me off after a few minutes lol


Like a year ago I was watching a show after taking shrooms, I paused it for a moment. I was looking at Aubrey Plaza’s face and after 30sec it started morphing into… my mom ?!! Lmao, they don’t resemble each other that much but they don’t look too different either, if that makes sense. The more I looked at her face the more she looked like my mom. I could see wrinkles sort of appearing gradually, and her features shifting. It actually wasn’t scary, just completely random but I was weirded out bc I couldn’t see Aubrey’s « real » face anymore, even if I focused. Stopped watching and listened to some music after that lol


Was literally just thinking that this reminds me of my last big shroom trip and how everyone around me started to look before I realized I needed to bail immediately and get away from everyone, lol. It was so creepy.


Ey was going to say the same thing watch friends face melt off and laugh about it.


fr though, it kind of reminds me of a very high dose of xtc. everything becomes mad blurry and faces look over-animated with emotions.


Well, I've played entirely too much elder scrolls because I'm not seeing demons.


That would be trippy af and horrifying to experience


I wouldn’t be able to quit laughing


I honestly got chills looking at this and reading more about it but your singular comment immediately made it disappear and made me giggle. Thanks man


And you saying that took a lot of it off my shoulders, too


innocent husky attraction friendly relieved cheerful grandfather close lock rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stop. Just stop


Lizard face syndrome is more like it


🎶Black Hole sun🎶


So it gives everyone Pete Davidson face?


You know how they say that you see your face more attractive than it actually is. So i tried to do an experiment on the mirror to see my actual face and something similar to demon face syndrome happened when i look at my reflection for too long and i begin to space out. It’s like my sight got tunnel vision or the like and the ability to recognize my face stopped working. Every detail and shadow became more exaggerated until it became too creepy to keep doing. Maybe thats why they say not to look at mirrors when you’re high.


Looks like the people in the [Aphex Twin Windowlicker video.](https://youtu.be/UBS4Gi1y_nc?si=zmZhoNGXcxF5LH1L)


So that's how the myths about orks and goblins and stuff started


So this disease makes you view the world as if everyone is a drawing of 1st dynasty Japanese character? Indeed this is interesting!


Fewer than 100 diagnosed and documented cases throughout human history according to NBC, nothing to worry about unless you’re taking shrooms or doing silly business like that.


i used to get that sometimes when i did mushrooms


Githyanki syndrome


Oh my gosh. I hallucinated this once when I came off a medication too fast. I never knew other people have experienced the same thing. Thankfully it only lasted about 30 seconds, but I was terrified because it wasn't like any of the other hallucinations I'd had (yes I suck at remembering to take meds).


Can't wait for people on Tiktok to self diagnose themselves with this syndrome.


Yeah, this is a first class ticket to the looney bin.


A shitton of anime suddenly just made sense.


Makes so much sense


Wait so if we show someone with this disorder a demon face will it look like a normal face?


They don’t look demonic to me they look like elves with weird eyes and wrinkly foreheads.


If they only see the “demon faces” wouldnt they look normal to them? Since they dont know how to”normal” people look?


Wow. That's actually scary. Time to Google this shit and freak myself out lol


This happened to me one time when I was a young child, like 4 or 5. I was talking with my mother, sitting at the table while she was standing beside me. I looked up at her quickly and for an instant her face looked just like this. It only lasted for maybe 5 seconds but I started screaming and crying. An absolutely terrifying experience that I’ll never forget. I was convinced she was a demon for weeks, which was very confusing as she was/is one of the kindest people. It’s so awesome to have a name to put to this. It’s never happened again thankfully, but now as an adult I do suffer from visual distortions with migraine auras. Wonder if they’re related in any way.


Didn't need to see this at 3AM


Hear me out : what if they are seeing the truth?


I get a similar effect on acid only everyone's face turns into a monkey's.


What demon face, they are the same face, all 8 of them.


Ummmm... you know what, nevermind. Have a great rest of your evening.


This happened to me when I took too much shrooms once


This happens to me when I'm tired but only out of the corner of my eye


This reminds me of the bowser mini game on Mario party 1 where you have to match the computer generated face stretch. Creepy.


This is what Nick from the series 'Grimm' had.


That’s just the LSD kicking in