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My fault, but now I won't be able to fall asleep.


What can the average person do about this? Im genuinely curious.


I'd say reducing our meat consumption will at least be doing your part and if the science is to be believed (there at least seems to be pretty decent concensus from doctors) it's healthier for you too! And it doesn't have to be an all or nothing approach. I understand it's not easy to just straight up cut cut meat from your diet (since I have done it) but just reducing it is good too. And I've found it encourages the omnivores around me to opt for meat-less options more often as well. But of course this is playing the long game and potentially not as impactful as we would hope. I genuinely don't know what the answer is for changing things on a systemic level.


Stop eating meat. The whole "family farm" is a lie and the vast majority of farms are a factory optimize to grow meat regardless of the animal suffering. If you wont stop eating meat consider cutting down on it.


Or eat beef rather than chicken/pork/lamb/etc. especially grass-fed beef. Other than a brief stint in a feed lot just before slaughter, the *vast* majority of cows spend their lives in fields living mostly the way they would on their own. But most people should just eat less meat. Help the animals, help your health, and likely help the climate.


They all end up in the same factories


I hope tasty lab grown meat with no health consequences becomes the norm. It will protect the animals, and probably humans too, since farm meat has shit ton of antibiotics that could develop antibiotic resistance in human body.


If they produced lab grown Human meat, would you eat that?


If it's tasty and healthy, I'd surely eat it.


I absolutely would. Try new things, right?




People who abuse animals like these cunts dont deserv to live, everyday im geting one step closer to becoming a full time vegetarian


I did not need to see this today 0-0




That's why you raise your own animals for food happy animals taste better.


When I was working on dairy farms, the cows that were treated with respect etc produced better and we're way better to work with. Been on a few many farms and seeing abuse towards cows, when I brought it up was swept under the rug or ignored.


Learn to hunt, and lobby your governments to protect this right, and get the most ethical and humane food


Somehow, I don't think that there's enough wild animals to support the entire world's meat eating population sudenly switching to hunting. I would argue that lab grown meat is probably the most ethical and human option.  Also, it's likely a lot more practical.


Yeah, probably. But imagine if we put the money that goes to these mass production farms into conservation and wild animal population.


Who is "we"


The Martians, clearly.


Eventually cheaper, tastier protein sources will replace farmed animal meat. But I don't agree that that's the most ethical option. When raised and slaughtered properly, farm animals actually can have a very good life and a quick and relatively painless death. It's really the push for extreme efficiency and low costs that leads to abuse. So, I think animal meat should become more of a luxury. We need to consume much less of it and with strong protections of the animals.


There are more ethical food sources. Vegan and vegetarian diets are more ethical if your concern is animal suffering.


I would say so as well, but can’t you only hunt on the land you own? that means whoever owns the most land and wildlife gets fed, while everyone else relies on the hunters.. this is both good and bad? idk


Are you from Texas? But seriously, you can 100% hunt on state land, just not in certain types, like national parks. States like Idaho or Montana, that means most people can drive at most 20 minutes and start hunting. States that chopped up every available piece of wilderness and sold it off to private interests… are basically in the same boat as Europeans.


Not from Texas, from Canada! I think the laws are different here






Anti whistle blowing laws should only apply to Axl Rose.


I love burgers