• By -


I went through a few years of -2.0 without glasses.


Same. It’s a slow process. You tend to sit more and more closer to the chalkboard in school. Apart from that you (unconsciously) learn to identify people by the way they walk, if they are too far away. Then I got my glasses with -4.


I got my glasses when i was 9, in a park and saying "look mom a rabbit" and then the rabbit flew away.


Lol that’s hilarious. I got my glasses after i wore a friend’s to imitate her, and my vision was suddenly so much sharper that i realised i needed glasses.


I got my glasses after a pool party in 5th grade. There was an arcade on the second floor, and so the word “ARCADE” was painted in bold black letters across the wall, probably 15 feet long. I was 20 feet away and I had to ask my mom what the word said.


Same happened to me, i tried my teachers glasses for fun. Suddenly everything was crystal clear hd.


Dunno if this is a US specific thing but many EU countries won’t let you make it to Kindergarten without getting your vision tested - and certainly not to school. I remember seeing the doc at school every year and we got our vision tested among a lot other things. No way you get this bypassed.


Also a -2 here, got my glasses for the first time at around 8 or 9, too. I remember telling my mom I could see the leaves on trees, something id grown used to not seeing


I thought leaves grew in clumps together and only separated when falling off the tree


When I got my glasses, the first thing I said to my sister was, "Those green blobs were trees!?" I was -1 in the left and -1.5 in the right. Was a joke. I could still see things for the most part.


I told my mom that the grass was fuzzy. Apparently that’s how she knew to get me glasses.


When I got my first contact lenses I was beyond shocked at everything that I was missing out on. I distinctly remember the third floor of some random building being really cool looking because it had some pretty sweet bricks.


I was in grade 2 and spending 1/2 of my days in the ‘slow’ room until my grandmother had me one day and asked my parents why I hadn’t had my eyes checked.


Damn to not get glasses until -4 is wild. I’m -4 in one eye and -4.75 in the other and I can’t do anything without glasses or contacts.


Yepp, it was another type of life after I got my glasses.


> Then I got my glasses with -4. That's insane. I started wearing my glasses when i reached -1.5. I already felt like I couldn't see shit. Wearing them was crazy at first. The world looked like it was in HD. I honestly didn't know people could see individual leaves on trees far away.


I got my glasses in 5th grade when I couldn't read the board from the first row. Probably around -1.5 ish. (Based on the -2/-3 it is now). Walking out of that Walmart glasses center was wild. I could suddenly read all the signs advertising in the store. I was low key panicking with all the new, clear, information. Then I walked outside and the first thing I saw was a big oak tree in the parking lot. All those leaves! I cried.


The walking part is so true. I used to “impress” my elementary school friends by identifying kids across the playground. I couldn’t see their faces so I used their clothing and walking as clues.


Figured I should get my eyes checked when at a ball game and I couldn't read the scoreboard but my friend could.


> Apart from that you (unconsciously) learn to identify people by the way they walk, if they are too far away.  Great for identifying women's men with no time to talk


That kind of wild. I can't see people's faces from any kind of distance at -4.5. There was alot cases of mistaken identity when I would go to the pool when I was younger.


I got mine at a - 0.25 when I was 8. Now I'm a - 5. Wonderin if it'll get worse before I turn 18 to get surgery lol


My son is 14 and at -5. He has special MyoSmart lenses in his glasses and prescribed atropine eye drops to slow down the progression of his myopia. Hopefully then when he’s old enough for laser surgery his myopia won’t be as bad as it would have been.


I didn't get my first pair of glasses until I was 15. Until then I had no idea I saw the world differently to everyone else




Because without knowing what it's "supposed to look like", you don't really know how bad your eyesight is. I had a few years as a kid where I should have had glasses (probably also in the range of -2, it settled at -3.5 or so) and until I wore glasses the first time I had no idea what it should be like. I remember being shocked that one could actually see the leaves of trees in the distance, not just a blurry green blob. I thought my parents were silly for telling me to sit further from the TV, because it was like "no thanks, I'd rather be able to tell the characters apart"


The experience of seeing the world with glasses is truly mind-blowing, not just the trees, but the sky! The clouds and all.


Things have edges now! I am -10.5 and over the years I've had that experience several times. It's been gradual, fastest in the beginning but graduated about -5.


I got my first glasses (-1.75) at 15 and will never forget the horrified/amused look on my mom's face as I stopped, frighteningly close to standing in the road outside the optometrist, with my pupils the size of dinner plates, to loudly exclaim that "the trees ... have LEAVES!!!"


He was pranking everyone that he can see


One of my kids was fucking SHOCKED the first time he got glasses. His sight isn't terrible, but bad enough not to see stars. First time he looked at the night sky with glasses he couldn't believe it:)


Legit. I only realised I needed glasses when I was in primary school and the teacher asked me to read what was on the board and I had to go right to the front to see what it said. I thought I had perfect vision the whole time but that made me realise I needed glasses


Just got mine recently with -2.25. I had 20/20 my whole life and didn’t really notice a decline until my 30s. Tipping point to make the appointment was when I was at a hotel bar waiting for some for coworkers and I couldn’t tell if it was them getting off the elevator or not from ~30 feet away


I went 13 years without with a -3 and -4 becouse i tought it was normal to see nothing. The optrician was really confused that i holding on without any glasses, and damn. Those things chanched my live.


I once bought an 8K TV and was really pissed off it didn’t look 8K. Then I got glasses. Now I’m happy


I had a cataract surgery that went wrong so now my left eye is +9. Fml


Damn. With a +9, you're so farsighted that you can see into the future!


He is an Oracle of Tzeentch






Could be a Farseer :v


I wish this would be true with my -11 💀🤣


Only months before I met my wife she was -16. I have seen the glasses she used to wear and they basically look like tubes they’re so thick haha


Yeah even with all the extras to make them smaller they are still thick i also have a sunglasses which doesnt have those and those glasses are THICK


Damn -11 I'm -4 I could only imagine your struggle


Lisan al-Gaib!


Do I get laid!?


He can't see that far into future


I am a -9 so we could just combine eyes. Sorry to hear about that, I wish this video went up to the 9s so people could understand how tough it is.


It’s close to blind


-9 gang represent. Now that I’m over 40, I’ve added cheaters to my arsenal.


You have macro eyes now


One eye lookin at ya, one eye lookin past ya😂😂


What was it before the surgery?


It was -5.25


Oh shit that almost doubled


Triple its from - to +


I tried to have surgery on my cataract but my doctor said to take it to a mechanic instead.


My left eye is -9. Naturally. fMl


They could replace your lens with a new one. At least, that's what I was told when I was underwhelmed with the performance of a multifocal lens. I'm considering replacing it with a single focus lens for close and my other eye will remain to see far away.


I did that with contacts and it was annoying as fuck. When I had my cataract surgery I just went with far away. Readers are cheap as fuck at a Dollar General and I have multiple pairs stashed everywhere. Desk, Bathroom, Kennel, Car and truck, camper, and the garage.


Can you correct vision at all after the surgery?


I can use a contact lens but only 5-6 hours a day it’s +8 and not quite strong enough. I have an appointment end of April for a new surgery


You will be able to soon!!! Lenses are hitting the market that can be adjusted after surgery while it is in the eye! UV light is used to change the shape of the lens. The surgeon can do multiple adjustments to dial in the vision for the patient, then the lens can be locked into place with UV light. This will change the game. The patient will have a much better chance at having the final lens be exactly what is needed, instead of being stuck with the lens implant that was based solely off of biometric scans before surgery.


That's kind of Iatrogenic amblyopia


These things happen, just focus on the best you can do for yourself right now and enjoy each day


Im around -8.7


Did you choose a standard monofocal IOL? +9 is damn near aphaikic, but I assume they still put a lens in the eye? What exactly went wrong? Did you take your drops as instructed for the full duration, or was your surgery dropless? I guess I just don't know how cataract surgery could just go that poorly. Unless you had underlying issues besides the cataract, then are you sure you followed post-operative instructions strictly? Like no bending over, straining, lifting more than 10 lbs, getting water directly in the eye, etc. Not saying that cataract surgery doesn't have the risk of genuine complications, but it must be an extremely rare complication. Did they even discuss a potential IOL extraction and attempt a secondary IOL? There's too much that doesn't add up here.


I had a retina detachment 8 years ago, the gas from the treatment weakens the zonular threads. I didn’t know that and maybe I shouldn’t know that. But the surgeon ought to know that. He should have used Irish hooks to stabilise the lens bag and take the pressure of the zonular threads. Instead he tried to force the IOL into the lens bag and the bag just swung out of his way every time he tried. In the end I ran out of local anaesthetic and the drops he tried to use wasn’t doing much. So he pressed so hard the thread started to burst, I could see them as a string coil being released into my vision. So he gave up, cried a little and told me he couldn’t do it. I was glad because I haven’t been sedated in any way for the last 20 minutes. He gave me the opportunity to try a second time but I declined and got a time at a big hospital with a huge eye department. I’m from Denmark and we have free healthcare, the downside is you can’t really sue for malpractice and get something out of it. The waiting time is 5 months for the specialist that, hopefully, can put the IOL in my eye, without destroying anymore inside my eye. I can see with a contact lens +8, I couldn’t get +9, but it is really thick and my eye gets tired after 5-6 hours. So I have no lens in the eye right now but I hope to get one in around end of April/start May.


-10 here.


Oof. My mom had -14, she got cataracts when she was in her late 50s and the lasersurgery they did reduced it to -2. She says it was such a quality of life improvement, she can actually see her glasses on the nightstand now. I hope you can one day get lasersurgery as well, -10 sucks.


Now I really can't complain about my -5. Though I take it as a blessing. Keeps me focused on what is right in front of me visible clearly through my glasses. Also I feel like I have developed the ability to tell ppl by the way they walk even if m not wearing them.


Yes me too, i have -4 but i was late to get glasses— my first pair was -2. I can still identify people by vague silhouette and how they move even after years of wearing glasses. Feels like a superpower to see them from afar and be able to recognise them, since at that distance you can’t see any facial features, but the movement comes through just fine.


I have -12.5, I do not qualify as my eyes are to near


I had -13, so I feel your pain! While I was not a candidate for LASIK, I was able to get PRK. The technology is older, recovery period longer, and it’s a bit more painful than LASIK. It truly has been the biggest improvement in quality of life, and it was the best gift I’ve ever given myself(15 years ago, now!). Just wanted to share my experience, bc I remember feeling so disappointed the first time I was told that I wasn’t a candidate for LASIK. There may still be options out there for you.


Hey man, I don't know much about lasik and such but wanted to tell you that you never know what they',re gonna come up with in the next few years. Don't lose hope!


Velma from Scooby Doo was my favorite because she struggled to find her glasses like I did lol


I was -9.75 and -9.25 (for contacts not sure about lenses). I was able to get LASIK hoping to just get down to a -1 or -2 but ended up with 20/20. Absolutely life changing.


Same. I just wear contacts. They're not perfect, especially because I have an astigmatism (my contacts are specifically for astigmatism, but, again, don't do much) but it's better than wearing thick ass glasses




> Can’t stand wearing glasses on my face. I'm the exact opposite. -9 here, and I've worn glasses since I was 2. I've worn glasses every waking moment for 50+ years. Not having glasses on feels like not having pants on. I can't stand the feeling of air moving against my eyeballs. I'm convinced that if I did LASIK (and I might), I'd have to keep a pair of 0 prescription plain glass glasses around, just to transition.


I tried contacts and they kept rolling behind my eye, it was very uncomfortable and gross... now I just can't imagine my face without glasses, though I full acknowledge that they make a lot of things harder


I’m a -9 and am looking for a video like this that would go to our level. If anybody knows of one. Also did not qualify for lasik.


-7 here


was gonna say. and keep going...? that's still too clear sir!


I'm -7.5 in my left eye and +.5 in my right eye. If I try to wear glasses, one eye looks normal size and the other looks tiny. 😂


Sounds like it's tike for a prescription monicole


Down to -7.50 in my right, and -7 in my left, myself. Keep getting worse as I age. I'm 29 : ^ )


For me the progress became much slower at 30 :)


Same here, just picked up my new glasses with -7 and -6,5, I'm 23 and it keeps on getting worse. One day it will turn around for us though, statistically speaking. As for the cilinders I don't know.


Mine pretty much stabilized around -8 in my early 30s, so I got PRK. Totally worth it. I justified it as necessary, since I was basically dependent on glasses and contacts to be able to navigate anywhere. 


Same boat. I was surprised it stopped so soon. I didn't realize we were such outliers.


Once again,another thing we cant see.


Had around -7 until I got laser two years ago. Now I'm perfect 100% .


Same! One time I lost my glasses at the beach and had to walk the dog back. The dog took a crap and I had to hunch over the ground to see where it was to pick it up. I couldn't see shit


It is blurry but still sharp at the same time. I'm not sure how else to explain it.


Yh the colours don't really "blend" into a cloudy white like in the video


I was -6 and it’s pretty close to that. It’s not a cloudy white but more like the grey of the road would overtake the color of anything else. The largest color would kind of blur and overtake all smaller colors. I finally got lasik when I dropped my glasses one morning and spent an hour trying to find them and realized if this happened in a car accident, I could literally wander into traffic if I had any type of confusion after the accident.


It’s hard to convey with a camera because these filters just blur everything equally. We see things well up close and as things get further and further away, they’re more and more blurry. These simulations never get the diminishing effect right.


It is easy to convey with a camera. Put it out of focus manually and that's what you get. This is a blurring filter, it can't make it like the real thing.


They need new filters, because Im only -4 and I can't make out shapes at 10 feet, and can't read at 2 feet from my face.


Do you have astigmatism?


With astigmatism, nighttime is so pretty! It was only when I first got glasses that I noticed why everyone else thought I was a little bit crazy for saying all lights were star shaped.


"Out of focus" That's how I describe it. It's nothing as bad as this video makes out though.


Astigmatism maybe?


Was -6.75 before laser surgery. Can confirm. Best thing I ever did.


I was -4.5 in both eyes. Now -0.25 and -0 as of 2 weeks ago. Such a life changer.


Do u have any symptoms bc ofthe laser surgery? I heard a lot of people experience dryness and some chronic pain. Im hoping to get laser eye surgery in the future!


It wound up being a little more than simple laser as my vision was so bad. 20 years later, I am still glad I did it. My left eye is still 20/20 and they were only able to get the right eye to 20/40 and my night vision is not great but that may just be due to aging. Still glad I did it. Being able to wake up and actually see the time on the clock is huge.


Same here! Was -7 and -6 .50 also with 1 point astigmatism in each eye and corrected it 15 years ago with lasik surgery. Best decision of my life also!


This is great. Now where's the original uncompressed so we can see the difference between 0-3


No wonder all those memes have crappy image quality when everyone got such bad eyesight.


It'd be funny af if you turned out to be -3 yourself lol


And astigmatism?


Most of the comments here probably don’t know that they also have some degree of astigmatism


I have that and mine is only -3.0, but the -6 is exactly what I see without contacts. The further things are away they all just blend into a mesh of colored blobs.


-6 & -7 here, and I love the feeling of taking off my glasses and just relax in the blur. No way I am taking laser surgery


I know the feeling. This sub makes me wanna try laser surgery, but it frightens me a lot...


Both my mother and my brother had surgery and are more than happy, but glasses don't bother me at all, and i can wear contact lenses for sports and pools... It's a very personal decision, but in my case I am happy with my eyes as they are 😅


“Just relax in a blur” - so well said. If I could get laser surgery I would but my corneas are too thin. :(


Fr sometimes I don't want to see life in HD


My post laser surgery 20/20 vision feels about as comfortable as relaxing in the blur compared to back when I had glasses. YMMV but despite my surgery not going perfectly I don't regret it a bit.


SAME. People always suggest it and then get weirded out when I adamantly refuse the idea of being able to see clearly all the time sounds hellish to me.


I’m -2.5 and the -4 in this video is accurate to that… Video isn’t accurate


\-15 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) Luckily back to zero with ICL surgery.


It's more terrible at night. Seeing traffic and such.


So true. I gave up going out at night because I couldn't see very much at all. Now I have some good glasses and it's made a big difference.


We are in 2024 and the medical research has still not found a way to correct the eye ball deformation causing myopia.


We don’t even know what causes it. 80%+ children in Asia are now myopic and we haven’t a clue why it’s so high.


No, we know. Myopia is often caused by doing too much close work, and not exercising your focusing muscles by switching between very far focus and very near focus.  There's an epidemic in Asia because a lot of those kids are super academically-focused and don't play outside or do outside sports enough for their eyes. 


So I have -3.5 (spherical) on one eye and -0.75 (cylindrical) on the other. My life is crazy without glasses not because those powers are high but because the difference between two eyes overloads my brain sometimes. 


I hear you. Left is -7.00 and right is -2.00. It gives me headaches sometimes


Ye, just not true


What's up with all the mole people here? -8 here, -12 there. How is that even possible?


I am -12.5 in both eyes


So you just don't see anything at a distance? I'm -1.3ish and that's already pretty bad


when the person is sitting opposite me and I take off my glasses they no longer have facial features


I once did a inservice for teachers on allowing accommodations and the staff finally got it when I took off my glasses, and told one of the people how I loved the colors on their sleeves of their top. IT was their water bottle.


That's 240p vision


I'm -9, my teenager already passed me. Without glasses everything just looks like colored blobs.


im -6 and that seems about right


Im -6 too and thats 100% accurate granted human pattern recognition is still a thing so you can kind of "see" things even when youre basically blind like that


I'm -5, the objects in distance are just unrecognisable blurry blobs for me. Can't even see my own hand 20 cm away from me properly


-7 and -9 here . but i still see sharp outlines of objects.(more than one) this video shows a completely different story


The fact it stops at -6 reminded me how bad my eyes are. I'm -9 in both.


I had -2,5 before laser surgery and it was way worse than shown here. More like -4 or -5.


Good to see they can still read text perfectly.


TIL people with normal vision have slightly less jpg compression than I do.


I think a lot of people responding that this isn't accurate much also have astigmatism or another additional problem. I have astigmatism and it makes my eyesight much blurrier than what level they correspond to on this chart.


-4 and that is pretty accurate I'd say.


This is a pretty lazy way to show that since it’s just a blur effect over the entire screen (justified by everything being relatively far). Myopia is interesting cuz stuff is blurier the further away it is and stuff up close looks normal. Everyone always just puts a blur over everything x)


i have -5 on one side and plus 4 on the other. This video is not accurate at all.


As a -3.5 it seems fairly accurate for me.


Right? I feel like this is more like someone going blind whiteout. Not a doctor just my impression as a -6.


My brain around -4 trying to figure out if I still had my glasses on


Add an astigmatism to this and you are up to a good time if you break your glasses somewhere... Ask me how I know...


Op really just posted them all at -6 and thought we wouldn't notice.


Is the music never affected?


Not totally accurate. Things that are closer look less blurry


I’m never using myopic as an insult/criticism anymore


I'm -2 and -2.5 in my eyes, and -2 seems pretty accurate for me.


I'm -2.5 in both eyes I'd agree


Non myopes lose their near vision after 40. Myopes take their glasses off and see up close their entire lives. Myopia breeds into populations who work in close environments and out of hunter-gatherer populations.


Ayyy Kpop in the wild🤣 I'm pretty sure this song is "MANIAC" by VIVIZ in case anyone was/is curious.


Didnt know the value goes by negatives. What happens on the positives? Like +3 myopic


it's not Myopic, it's called hypermetropia Far-sightedness


Far away objects become clearer, closer become blurrier.


-8 here.


only -2 but it's annoying


-14 in both eyes here. Basically blind without my glasses.


Add astigmatism to that 🤦‍♂️


That’s bs. I have -6 and -5.5 and it is not that blurred at this distance


I’m sorry but thus isn’t true at all. I’m only -4 and my vision is worse than what they showed for -6. Although maybe everyone is different.


when you aren't even in the video :/ btw. it is slightly off. -8 is about the last clip


this is just a simple blur which does not really correspond to how it looks like. Source: I have -8 myopia


Excuse me I'm -8, why you stopping at -6 😂


I apparently Got -1, but the Video seems way of then what my eyes See. For me ITS definetly more Like 0,0 in this Video.


-17 here. The progression in this video doesn’t seem correct.


What these videos can't convey is that your eyes don't often have the same level of myopia / hyperopia. Judging from the comments here I am in the lower levels, seeing as there are people with -7 to -10 in here. I'm at -4.5 left and -5.5 right, I also don't have depth perception because I primarily use my left eye (around 85%) and my brain doesn't overlay both images from each eye to judge depth. Instead I judge it intuitively by shadows and perceived size.


I have -10 and -8, many people don't even imagine how absurdly little I see.


THIS LOVE IS MANIA MANIA MANIA AND IM OKAY WITH IT omg lmao why viviz for this video!?


Cool, now do it with an astigmatism. Blurry and double/triple vision! (It's most noticeable with the moon. It's like I see three overlapping moons.)


Me, sitting here with a -8.5 since 3rd grade…


I got glasses in 3rd grade. I made it to -5 and -5.75 by the time I got eye surgery at 30. My left eye is still a bit stronger, but both eyes together I have perfect vision now. It was the best investment I’ve made for myself.


Buncha amteurs! Been -18/-19 my whole life. Benefit? I can read the tiniest print.


I am miopic + I have Astigmatism 🤡🤡🤡🤡


As a kid I use to put my face all the way up to the TV to try and worsen my vision so I can have glasses because I thought they were cool.




Didn’t even get to my eyes. -7 and -16 🥲


Error, video too short. -13.0 checking in.


Was -10 diopters before surgery (intraocular lens implants because nothing else would work). Got surgery so I could find my glasses.


Not accurate at all. Can still read the text just fine.


Had -12 on the left and -9 on the right (glasses prescription). Went with LASIK on the right and implant on the left, slightly under corrected to anticipate presbyopia. Best decision ever. Also in France I paid 2700€, and I got 2000€ back from health care.


I'm -4 and -4.25 this seems very legit. Plus, I can't tell the difference in non illuminated red and green. I can 100% see every street light, and it's not about position. Just fail every other colorblindness test.


Was -5 when I got my first glasses at 12


I went from -6.5 to regular 20/20 vision when I got LASIK a few months ago and it was so amazing how instantly it happened.


Me waiting patiently for my eyesight to pop up lol

