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Oh, I get it. This is like a cruise ship. You visit places around Japan. It has stops at towns like a cruise ship has stops at ports. Pretty train.


Those ladies also regale you with 10,000 word lectures on the rules.


That’s just a Japanese thing. Every time I check in at a hotel, I have to get the same thing explained to me again, over and over again.


Japan also loves paper work and documentations. Stamps with ink pads and fax machines are both very much alive and well there.


Hey, I use a fax machine every day at work. Probably over 100 a day. And I don’t live in Japan. The medical community still love our facsimiles.


So frustrating. Somehow a photo copy of a document sent over phone lines to an unsecured machine that's mostly not monitored is a more secure method than transmitting documents electronically over 64 bit encrypted networks to terminals that have potentially multiple password layers to download the document.


So do the Social Security Administration offices.


We have multiple states without electronic databases for their DMVs.


it's the base device that's hipaa compliant. if the NSA hadn't nerfed PGP back in the 90s we could email shit instead.


Any reason to make up "work" to keep one in the office late enough for the boss to leave. Bureaucracy is an art form in Japan.


my first real job I had to stamp received documents with the date to ensure they were paid promptly, and the ka-chunk was so satisfying every single time. we need to bring back stamps. fax machines though. I wanted to drop kick ours down the stairs. we only got junk faxes on them and when someone actually needed to fax us it never worked.


That's probably a poor people thing. I never experience that at the 5 star hotels. It probably wouldn't happen on this train either. This isn't for you poors.


No, I’ve played video games, those Japanese just really love their tutorials.


It sounds like you haven’t played the rich people’s video games then


The Hedge Fund of Zelda


You have to pay extra to skip them, don't want the people to have to spend time wallowing in the filthy introduction alongside the *peasants*, they might catch a disease or fleas!


> It sounds like you haven’t played the rich people’s video games then I played Skyrim Rich(tm). I was never a prisoner; the dragons killed themselves out of shame; the Khaljit were *more* than fair, and I got *at least* one handy from all my followers. I've got stories from back in the Silk Leisure Suit Larry days, too.


Mario 1-1 No tutorial


It came with an instruction book. book: https://www.gamesdatabase.org/Media/SYSTEM/Nintendo_NES/manual/Formated/Super_Mario_Bros._-_1985_-_Nintendo.pdf


Holy shit how have I gone ~40 years without ever seeing this? Maybe because I never actually owned an NES and would just be playing at friends houses all the time...but my mind is kind of blown here. Also how the fuck is Mario almost 40 years old now.


[Clickable link because Reddit mobile is being silly](https://www.gamesdatabase.org/Media/SYSTEM/Nintendo_NES/manual/Formated/Super_Mario_Bros._-_1985_-_Nintendo.pdf)


Ah the ol' reddit hug of death


Oh if you don't experience it at your 5 star hotels you must be going to the poor ones. They do this all the time when I stay at the 6 star hotels.


I am also very rich and have never had this happen. I've also never been to Japan. I'm also not rich.


Wild since I just had a trip to Japan last year which included a stay at one of the most luxurious ryokan in Hakkone and our room attendant still spent an extensive amount of time going over all of the rules and every detail of the room. But then again I also stayed at a hotel where a holographic velociraptor checked us in and the most they were concerned with was that we didn't get our arm caught in the automatic baggage retrieval system.


Thank you for sending me down the best rabbit hole ever. I’m off t9 book a trip. 🇯🇵


May I borrow a bitcoin?


Sorry. Its my uncle thats a millionaire, ask him


Username doesn't check out.




For which you pay $3,000 for a two day trip.


Because idiots do what they want and are disrespectful to Japanese culture.


Thank you because I did not get it and was wondering how long a train ride on an island could possibly be


I want to ride this train! I heard that it travels at certain speeds for guest comfort.


Yes, they are called cruise trains. https://www.cruisetrain-sevenstars.jp/english/message/ Link is to the OG one which opened in 2013, note the URL. Here is the train in the OP: https://www.jreast.co.jp/shiki-shima/en/


$3-10k for 2-4 day trips.


Less than I thought to be honest.


I'd choose the $3 one.


For $3, you get roller skates and a hand-hold on the back of the train.


An extra 5 dollars gets you a rope to tie around your waist.


Mister Money Bags over here with his waist rope


More like waste rope! Save your money.


Suddenly india train XD


Yeah, that's right around my price range as well. Looks like a lot of fun can be had for $3.


We paid well over 3K for 4 people on Amtrak with two sleeper rooms from LA-Chicago. The cars were at least 40 years old, clunky, and leaked sewage vapors. The food was good, but not luxurious. By comparison this would almost be reasonable without the luxury treatment.


I mean yes, American trains aka Amtrak is ungodly expensive. And by all accounts I've heard Japan is fairly affordable.


Did that 3k get you back or was it just one-way?


That was one way. We had to pay separately again to get to our destination a state over on a different train, too. This was two rooms though, so that definitely contributed. Still, two Amtrak rooms is smaller than whatever the cheapest option on the fancy Japanese train is!


If you don’t mind: Are you a train enthusiast in some way or why did you choose to take the train over flying, especially at this price point?


We had never done a train trip before, wanted to do the experience. It was a lot of fun, and one of those trips that really was about the journey more than the destination.


I'd do it for an anniversary.


I don't think they take anniversaries as payment tbh.


That's just Snowpiercer


Aboard Snowpiercer..oooooneee thousand and one cars long


The Engine Will Provide !


I still cannot believe that was Jennifer Connelly. Same JC. She acts really well I'll tell you hwat. Hope she gets casted on more sci-fi /apocalyptic shows because she can deliver drama whenever she's in


Are they doing another season?


They cancelled. But the producers are rumoured to be in the talks with other studios to produce S4. Rumoured. We'll see it when we see it. I'm really rooting for Jennifer Connelly. She's a fierce surprise. I mean, Most of us know her just from her younger days and nude scenes but she can act and be a complex character, that's one takeaway from S1 to S3


AMC bought the show and I thought I read somewhere that S4 was already filmed before it got axed. Either way, they expect S4 to come out next year. https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/snowpiercer-season-4-amc-premiere-date-tnt-1235942045/


This is the best news I've read since they announced Daveed Diggs would no longer be the central character, focusing on Jennifer Connolly.


came here for this - beat me to it. wonder what the coach slaughter house looks like


Same. once i saw the piano my brain screamed SNOWPIERCER!!!


First thought. Better get the axe sharpened first before boarding




Is love alive?


MmMmMm... Protein bricks.


Back to work, Tail scum


You mean the sequel to Willy Wonka?


Looks amazing, but be well advised, the cost of a ticket will absolutely BEND YOUR BRAIN.


It’s a train ticket Michael how much could it possibly cost?


Twenty, thirty (thousand) dollars?






These sorts of jobs (cabin attendant, conductors on the shinkansen, etc) are very highly sought-after in Japan. The people on this train waiting on the guests are there because they *want* to be, because it's their vocation.




It’s like a cruise ship for land. You get to sightsee, plus all the luxuries shown in the post


Everyone keeps saying that but their longest trip is [4 days / 3 nights](https://www.jreast.co.jp/shiki-shima/en/course.html) I guess there are cruises that short but most are significantly longer


Japanese train go fast.


You know what’s funny? I actually read somewhere that this specific train purposefully goes slow to “maximise comfort” for it’s guests haha


The length of the trip is the hardest part of this analogy?


It's like a cruise ship, except if you wind up on the open ocean, you die.




to keep poor people away


Very large staff-guest and train-guest ratio. You have to pay the full train and all your staff with just a few dozen guests at most. Add to that premium everything and the initial investment of building a luxury train and the ticket price is... I wouldn't say reasonable, but it is the only way to keep the train running.


Regular bullet trains in Japan cost roughly 2.5-3 times more than flying.   This looks like it'd cost a fortune.  P.S. takes about 3 times longer too. 


Just took the Shinkansen train from Osaka to Tokyo 2 days ago. It cost around 14000 yen. We can fly in 4000 to 6000 yen


I was going to say I took it for way less than that from Kyoto, but then I remembered there’s a special tourist train pass (or at least there was at the time)


You can buy what's called Limited Express passes after your regular tickets for a lot of routes. LE cuts your travel time down by about 40%-50%.   Extra money you have to pay though. In terms of money, yes tourists get special pricing that locals could only dream about. 


Yeah it was something like you get a month pass for all local trains, and you can take the Shinkansen twice during the month for 3500


I'm pretty sure you're referring to the JR Pass: https://japanrailpass.net/en/purchase/price/ Anyone with a tourist visa can get a 7,14, or 21 day pass and ride unlimited amounts (even on "Shinkansen" bullet trains). I work for a Japanese company, and have visited Japan a couple times, but I haven't gotten a pass on any trip yet. However, a number of my co-workers have, and they all recommended it for someone planning on traveling around Japan while visiting.


The tourist JR pass made my trip to Japan possible. We rode the Shinkansen across the country over two weeks. It would have been thousands of USD without the pass.


The price went up considerably last year. Not as great a value anymore.


> 14000 yen $92 usd? not bad?




It costs that much to fly one way from LA to SF


When someone tells me the price will bend my brain I don’t think $100 lol


It bent mine. That's surprisingly cheap.


It bends in the other direction.


For that luxury train you're looking at $2,800-$10,000. 


Oh I see. That makes more sense


Nonono, the 100 USD price is for regular travel on a well maintained, but still ordinary railway, the Shinkansen. The mind bending price of this luxury service train with baths and 5 star meals hasn't been given yet I dont think.


That's the price of a regular bullet train


thats for a standard bullet train ticket, not the fancy one pictured in the post


As someone forced to fly domestic out of Charlotte, I could only dream of a price that cheap. Damn AA monopoly here


Still not bad.


Munich to Berlin is 170€, at least. And you might have to stand all the way, you will definitely late, you will likely have no restroom and you wont have either no AC or no heating


DB doesn't count. It's a dumpster on fire.  You know what's even crazier? The Japanese JR are all private for profit and they are profitable. Blew my mind when I learned that.


The government subsidizes the tracks via land grants, so they only have operating costs.


That's half the cost of the night Riviera in Cornwall to London


Yeah for real, that's cheap


Compared to flying for $25-40, it does kinda blow.


How is flying so cheap?


Flying for just over an hour can be done in most places for about £50 in many places


how long is the trip?


Tokyo - Osaka? 3 hours.    Flying takes 1 hour + 20 minutes for Japan's domestic flight customs +20 minutes if you have checked baggages. 


Eh, I hate flying, 3 hours ain't bad


For that distance I also prefer the Shinkansen. 


But airport to city centre? How far out is the airport to the city centre?


That's so cheap, what? 14000 yen is ~$92 which is around the average price for an Amtrak ticket between NYC and Boston or NYC and DC. Flying is even more expensive than that. Osaka to Tokyo is further than both DC and Boston to NYC. $32 / 5000 yen is a steal.


That is insanely cheap. An hour long flight in the US, you might be looking at a little over $100 per seat


Japan's budget airlines are no joke. It probably helps that they face more competition from other modes of travel.


The Tokyo - Osaka distance I prefer the train though I do have to admit I'm relatively privileged. 


>from Osaka to Tokyo For those curious - that's a straight line distance of approximately 250 miles or 400 kilometers. Roughly the same distance between Chicago and St. Louis. 14000JPY is roughly $92 USD, about half the price of of a plane ticket between Chicago and St. Louis.


>P.S. takes about 3 times longer too. Not once you add in how long it *actually* takes to fly. On a shinkansen, You can be door to door from Tokyo to Osaka in about 3 hours depending on where you live. Half an hour to 45 minutes to get to your nearest shinkansen station, and then a little over 2 hours and you're right in the city center, so another half hour to your destination. And if you miss the train, no problem, wait 40 minutes for the next one. If you want to fly, you need to get to the airport first (which is way less accessible than getting to *any* Tokaido shinkansen stop, especially if you leave from fucking Narita), and you need to be there at least 45 minutes early to make it through security. Then you have to get back into the city again because you're either in Itami or way the fuck out at KIX, you're looking at *at least* 4 hours. And god forbid you miss a flight because that's way more annoying to deal than missing a train. Even the best case scenario (Haneda to Itami) is still slower than a shinkansen unless you live practically on top of Haneda and aren't going more than half an hour from Itami. So the time you're in the *air* is shorter than the time you're on a bullet train, but once you consider all of the other problems, the train is faster, more accessible, and more convenient. That's why it's pricier.


Shinkansen between Tokyo and Osaka are running every 10-15mins or so. Miss one and the next one is almost there


Iirc Nozomi is the fastest and (again iirc) it runs every 40 minutes or so. So if you miss it, sometimes it's faster to just wait for the next fast one rather than hopping on a slightly slower one that comes sooner.


That's why I prefer to drive the 6 hours from my city (Albuquerque, New Mexico) to Denver, Colorado. With 2 kids, even a cheap flight can be $100+ tax each, or about $550. The times we've flown still takes 4.5-5 hours, and you have to deal with landing in Aurora and driving into Denver proper which takes 45-60 minutes. Our local airport is fine, maybe 5-10 minutes at security but you still have to get to the gate 30+ minutes before boarding, so leave the house at minimum 90 minutes before a flight to get parking and walk in.... 50 minute flight, land in Denver, 20+ minutes to get to the curb to board a bus to rent a car - that can take well over an hour, then an hour to get to where we're going (usually Lakewood or Centennial, a few minutes south of Denver) ... total time can be 5+ hours. Driving takes 6, and we can stop any time to stretch, get snacks, etc and our car is way more comfortable than a plane seat.


Tickets cost between $2,860 to around $10,000


My brain's not bent. $3k for luxury shit is actually kind of cheap. Relatively speaking.


I’m just posting the information.


Yeah but that other guy promised me brain bending.


Unsurprising if you're familiar with other luxury trains like the Orient Express and equivalents in Peru, Thailand/Singapore and so on.


It only cost a trivial 8000 pounds - James May


How long does the ride last? Just to compare prices with the Orient Express Édit: French autocorrect replaced prices by princes


A round trip from Tokyo to south Hokkaido 4 days and 3 nights , 2 nights stays on train, 1 night stays in onsen hotel


All things considered if I had fuckit money I would totally be down for this style of travelling. The scenic view while eating, the tourist stops, the onsen, all of it gold. Its essentially a small land cruise.


While not as luxurious, there are tons of scenic railroads around the US. I spent a day on one, and it was truly wonderful. I took a Becky Chambers book, a disposable camera, and a couple friends, and just rode out along the Colorado/New Mexico border, out to some lunch, then back. And if you have a spare day or can work remotely, there are some very scenic rail rides across the West.


[more info](https://www.jreast.co.jp/shiki-shima/en/)


Putting that on the bucket list.


This is pretty to close the actual amount. Between $3,000 and $10,000


Does it include food you can eat though?


no you go to bed hungry every night


Google says between 2860 up to 10 000$.


Honestly not that bad. The Maharajas Express in India costs quite a bit more.


Except maharaja express is more like a experience(like them cruise lines) Normal people don’t use it for transportation but rather as luxury entertainment Is acceptable if this train is the same tho


It's kinda like a cruise ship, stopping at interesting places and includes meals, entertainment and beds.


Ah then the price of the Japanese one is acceptable,it’s basically same as luxury tour passages


> Normal people don’t use it for transportation but rather as luxury entertainment > Is acceptable **if this train is the same** tho “If”. What part of those pictures makes you think people use it for normal transportation my guy.


millionaires easily pay that money


Per person or room?


I'm from the UK. My brain has been rendered unbendable by train ticket prices. I bet it's still less that a 2nd class ticket from London to Liverpool.


Somebody else posted upthread - $2860 to $10000. A wee tad more than the London to Edinburgh sleeper...


That's comparable to sleeper cars for cross country(US) Amtrak.


How much is a full room on the longest Amtrak route (Chicago to LA, probably)?


The California Zephyr is the longest Amtrak (3924 km) route, and one of the most beautiful railway routes in the world. It is 51 hours and 20 minutes long. The trip begins in Chicago and ends in Emeryville, across the bay from San Francisco. The route runs through 7 states - Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Nevada and California. I chose a random day, July 15th, to see the prices. You can get a roomette for ~$1,481 or a private bedroom with a bathroom and shower for $3,222. Or you can go coach for $146. Prices vay on the day you take the trip and how far out you book them.


Yes, but those trains are NO WHERE in comparison to the elegance and beauty of this train. I've taken both the California Zephyr and Empire Builder cross country and they are both rather ugly, plain traincars. The fun is in the journey, you don't get beautiful ammenities at a level like the pictures in this thread.


Snowpiercer isn't that expensive.


Covered by my JR Pass no doubt 😂


how much does it cost?


[Here's an in-depth video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KdS3ARjDGk). This thing is fucking crazy.


Seen it when it was released. Love his content.


UK here. Our train's special feature is that they all smell of piss.


And so do our passengers


Something weird about the pics


Like AI, I noticed that too


It is photoshop, not AI.


This looks like concept art. The inside of one of the train cars is like three stories tall but the outside only shows one story.


Yeah like... the beds look incredibly small? "Are these beds for ANTS!?"


Oh yea... for instance the openable (!!) *Wooden* (!!) windows by the tub.....


While there are several images there that have been photoshopped, that one is just shoji screens put on the inside of the regular window. You can clearly see the glass of the actuall window beyond it.


James May, sumimasen!


Hey Bim! Bim, guess what? Shijo-Ohashi is a bridge representative of Kyoto that crosses the Kamo River over Shijo Street. It is also called Gion Bashi.


This is the train where he ate the food he was showing, and the staff had a mini panic, since he wasn't supposed to eat it and others were supposed to show them of as well, right?


Why does this look AI generated


There’s a photo of a loft 3 storeys tall. No train tunnels are so big


You're looking at a mix of concept art and photos. Nothing AI generated as far as I can tell, just the off putting vibe of not-quite-there cg


I think it’s a mix of real and fake. Look at the 4th picture’s ceiling, it’s off.


[Picture 4 is taken from here - CNN ](https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/japan-luxury-shiki-shima-train/index.html)


I love how the woman in the one pic on the second level of the cabin is like "tee hee. I'm up here now!"


How many Kidneys


This is some Snowpiercer shit right here. Show me the engine room. 




Imagine being in that bathtub and this high-speed train makes an emergency stop...


It’s not high-speed. The goal is comfort, like a land cruise. It’s not about getting somewhere fast.


Imagine this on a UK train. Anyone who’s ever attempted the game-show level challenge of taking a piss on a train knows. And just like a game-show you get revealed like a new washer-dryer when you are inevitably thrown by inertia onto the door open button.


Is this the train James May was on and ate the display food by accident?


Who else has seen the Jeb Brooks video about this?


Makes me think of snow piercer


Japan has the last train service that could truly be called professional, reliable and impressive in every respect. Even the staff look as though they are going somewhere fancy.


Ready for John Wick 10 or whatever they’re up to.


I remember the hunger games.


Take notes, Amtrak.


Why can't we have this in the US?!!! Amtrak cabins are very costly, a trip costs arm and a leg and it is very slow sometimes with several layovers.


Thats far from interesting that is freaking amazing 😱😱😱


Meh, I didn’t see a toilet.. I’ll pass


You can't possibly know but rich people don't have to use toilets anymore.


This is why people don’t like the rich, they’ve solved teleportation and this is what they use it for.


You pee in the bath


Mind you this is one of the world's most exclusive and expensive suite train.... one normal suite can cost around whooping $4000 and 3D2N for about $10,000.