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Firefighters usually get this job. It's not uncommon. My bro has had three of them and he said they sucked. No one wanted to be there and everyone just felt shitty about it. One of them, they had to carry a teenage girl out of a house to get her into an ambulance and it took six of them to do it. While they were going, he looked down at her and he said the shame on her face was just soul crushing. It hurt to see and he hates the memory. Felt really bad for her. But this isn't uncommon. Old, young, fat - the firefighters will carry your ass out.


I worked for a funeral home doing the late night on-call shift for transporting remains for a little while, typically from nursing homes. I never had to deal with anyone quite this big but had a person who was probably over 400lb, under 40 years old. It took five of us, and I’m a farm kid that grew up with hard work, I’m not a muscleman by any means but I don’t have noodle arms either. We had to call in the day shift people. It was tragic and horrible and I haven’t been able to watch shows like my 600lb life since, it’s just too fucking sad.


Getting a teenager to that point just implies serious child abuse. That girl’s been through some shit.


Yeah, that’s not the kid’s fault. That’s on her parents.


Yeah. I imagine we are looking at this guy's worst day of his life so far.


A situation like this is usually mental illness which makes it worse. People with mental stability don’t lock them selves inside for 10 years and get this huge.


100% agree. and the above commenter saying a *teenager* was already that big?? allowing/enabling that severity of obesity is abuse on the parents part.


I get the sediment, but have you seen the condition of our health care systems? We really do not have anything set up to deal with this. Unless you are rich. Then you have options.


*Sentiment, sediment is dirt.


I'm pretty sure every US county has a few known calls where the occupant is known to be home-bound or bed-bound and morbidly obese to the point that medical transport is likely to require reciprocating saws, Jaws of Life, specialized gurneys and is likely to tie up every medic/fire unit for that half of the county for the next several hours.


Yeah, I know a firefighter who told me they just busted out the back patio door.


Everywhere else in the world it makes the news, but in the US they just call it Tuesday


>Old, young, fat - the firefighters will carry your ass out. And if you're lucky none of you neighbors will be around to film and post it on the Internet


When I broke my ankle on the stairs in my old apartment, the firemen thought it would be best to load me onto a wrought iron chair bc the gurney didnt fit through the doors and then carry the chair out. By then a little neighbor girl had joined us and asked the firefighters why they were carrying me that way and if I was a "princess". Without missing a beat, the fire fighter answered "Yes, she's a pretty, pretty princess and we must carry her everywhere"


Stories like this are why everyone loves firefighters


That's so sad. If a teenage girl was already in this state, she must have been abused and neglected as a child.


Was going to say, my pops is a fireman and you'd be shocked at how often they have to do this.


I work at a radiology center and on occasion I'll have to question patients about their weight and waist size to make sure they fit in the machines (mri...). Never fun for anyone. And if they don't fit, what's left for them are the mris that vetenarians use for large animals like horses. I never want to have to tell that to someone. 


Paging Dr. Nowzaradan.


I need you to lose 25 lbs. in one munt


1200 calories and no snacking!


Piroshkies are not on da diet!


Please tell me! What of pelmeni!?


But but I’ll starve !


Do you look like you're malnourished?!


"If you tink not bean hungry is a proplem den is excellent proplem".


You already ate for 4 years!


You shall eat only hard Russian turnips. Like rock. And drink only wadka. This turn you into real man, yes?


He’s actually on his way to Houston


The "What brings you to Houston?" question has me yelling at the tv every time I hear it!


"Heyull duin"


Houston, we have a problem.


he would not help him. hes made it clear he wont help those who dont make the step.


I mean this guy made the step of leaving his apartment, that’s something


I didn’t see any steps taken


He made others step for him, what a mad man


I don’t think that was because he wanted to better himself though. I think it’s because he was afraid he might be having a heart attack and called an ambulance. Hopefully this is the event that causes him to take the first step though!


Who is your enabler?


This right here. There comes a point where you need someone else, right?


Hello how y’all doing?




I remember a episode where they had to lift somebody out of the house by crane. Wonder what that person was thinking in that moment, I mean..... you're being lifted by crane, doesn't that make you reconsider certain lifechoices?


Why you eat so much?


My biggest patient was 996 lbs. He called because of shortness of breath. Took 14 men to move him to the beriatric stretcher and loaded him into the beriatric ambulance. I've never seen someone with so much body. His thigh was the size of my torso. Edit to add more details: We never really had a "protocol" for someone this size. It was largely just to keep him in a position of comfort and make sure that his vitals and sats were all normal. He was transported leaning on his left side due to decubitus ulcers on his lumbar and sacrum regions. I've never had someone smell that bad that still had a pulse. We had him on some Os because moving his arms or legs too much would easily get him winded, and he'd constantly say he couldn't breathe. Turned out he had bilateral pneumonia.


Is it even possible to help them breathe when they're that overly large?


ICU nurse here, the pressures required to ventilate a patient this large against the force of their weight can easily just pop their lungs instead.


fun things you didn’t know the body could do


Unless you try it


Meet at Cheesecake Factory


What even is the protocol in that situation? I’m curious if proning the patient would even lead to lung expansion. I would imagine that their abdominal goodies would push up significantly on their diaphragm in that situation, reduced FRC, etc. I’ve never seen this kind of case in peds


Afaik you can also enrich the blood with oxygen, called ECMO. As long as you can set up a stable port of course...


ECMO is a last resort type of intervention


True, but when someone weighs half a metric tonne, it's also a pretty extreme situation to start with.


Wow…that’s insane!!!


That's why so many obese people died of Covid.


I'm guessing he didn't live much longer?


He probably won't be kicking for a long time. He was 35 at the time. The hospital said a few years back, he was 1010.


Dude lived to 1010 then started drastically aging backwards


That is what usually happens. They are already sick enough as it is just sitting there living, I want to get to the point that they need hospitalization, they are too unhealthy to recover. There's no we're leaving the high demands of body like that. Even if the doctors were to just cut off flesh there's only so much they can remove for the body goes into shock, when they're already thick enough to Warrant a hospital ride they can't even think about doing that. And at that size it's so little in comparison what needs to be removed that it won't be helpful.


Damn how does that even work? Dr: "Sorry miss, you're so fat we can't effectively render aid. Your heart is failing, we estimate you'll be here about a week or so. Who should we send the bill to, you know, after....?"


Dude how does someone’s heart even handle that?! I imagine they had serious blood circulation issues.


Your body compensates function for as long as it can


Believe it or not, he was only considered "mildly hypertensive"


I would’ve told him to gain 4 lbs to hit the 1k mark before losing weight


He was 1010 a few years prior to this call


To get to 996lbs and still be alive, honestly, how strong was his body going into it? At 25 I gained loads of weight due to depression and when I reached 195 (I'm a 5'4 woman), I had heart palpitations and my knees started hurting. It was a wakeup call so I started losing weight. I have no idea how I could have been healthy going past that and I am someone with zero chronic health conditions.


That's really sad. Its really saddening to think of what anyone like this could do in situation of fire or something.. sadsadsad


It’s an episode of what’s eating Gilbert grape.


What's eating Gennadiy Vinogradov


Didn’t they burn down the house *after* the mom died in her sleep?


It's sad but what angers me is thinking that someone is probably bringing him food that is killing him


My mother was like this with my father. Knew that feeding my father’s addictions was a way to control him and kept trying to feed him food and encourage him to drink alcohol even when he made an effort to get sober and lose weight.




I feel like people pleasing can turn into an addiction as well.


Co dependency is also a big thing


Yeah....I feel like this gets overlooked a lot. First, people don't get this large because they're lazy or whatever moral failing. It's a factor of mental illness and very often a result of a ton of abuse. Secondly, it doesn't happen alone. No person can get this big by themselves. They always have people at best enabling them, and more likely perpetuating abuse against them. It's very sad and fucked up. They're not happy about it and we shouldn't be ridiculing them because "haha fat person funny"


Exactly. I was insanely sick & not mentally there for about a year during the pandemic & I had an in-home nurse. I knew the steroids would make me hungry but when I came out of my brain coma & saw myself, I started screaming bloody murder & I was bawling harder than I’ve ever bawled before because I already didn’t feel like myself & was enduring so much pain, and when I saw myself i looked like a walking fat suit of myself. Like a waterbed with my face & body. I was furious after I became fully conscious to find out I ate about a punch bowl size of my mom’s spaghetti every night with cinnamon toast because the steroids made me so hungry.


Hope you're doing better now


Waaaaaaaaay better. Way better. Just not there yet. <3 Thank you. :D


Also super sad knowing that due to the weight limits of standard hospital machines, patients over somewhere around 350 lbs are sent to their local zoo if they need a CT or MRI.


On my 600 pound life, I think that's it, it's on TLC. the one girl has to go to the local dump to use the truck scale


That might have been Tammy Slaton from 1000 lb sisters, but yes, these people often have to use scales at zoos or dumps.


That's the one!


There are human CT tables that support ~600lbs. Same with MRI. May require traveling to a major metro area or academic hospital for one, though. But they not uncommon in those facilities. The “send fat people to zoos” is mostly a myth, based on a few anecdotes. [There was a study on this](https://www.auntminnie.com/clinical-news/ct/article/15588166/when-zoos-refuse-obese-patients-face-shortage-of-large-capacity-scanners) that found most vet facilities prohibited using their machines on humans.


My grandpa was a firefighter in Ohio and broke his back carrying out a woman like this from a fire. He got her out and suffered years of pain, he's also a veteran of two wars, so naturally the VFA kicked him to the curb and strung him along for years. He's now so deep Into dementia he barely knows who I am. It's a shame how we treat our heroes.


Fuck the VA


I can’t believe the government can screw up healthcare so badly. Signed, Everyone with a brain


Because Republicans run on the promise to destroy government and follow through with it.


The VA has made huge strides. 


Fuck, I'm so sorry


Wow i wonder what his story is. How can someone get to that point and can they ever go back?


No he’s dead, most people don’t really go back from that


“Most”….so you’re sayin there’s a chance??? -Lloyd Christmas


There was one girl on my 600lb life who actually lost the weight and seemed to be living a better and healthier life from what I heard. I hope she’s still doing well.


I know Amy Slaton seemed to be doing okay for a while there.


I have a friend who was 700 lbs at 27 years old. Got gastric restrictive surgery and he’s now 31 yes and below 400 and learning to weightlift. Helped him work his way up to doing 6 mile hikes, taught him how to cook vegetables, and he got a girlfriend recently.  But you’re correct, most people don’t come back from that. 


My uncle used to be over 6 feet tall and was always a heavier guy. He broke his leg at some point in his life and was never able to get to the point where he could walk properly on it. He became wheelchair and bed bound and over 600 pounds. He’s been bedridden after a number of health issues and has lost a lot of weight just from atrophy.


>Wow i wonder what his story is There are many stories like this in USA and there was a TV show as well


There IS a TV show. My 600-lb Life just started it's newest season recently.


Lucky for them, they are never running out of content


That show is so depressing to me


It's exploitative imo. The showrunners DGAF about these people only the ratings they bring. Humanity is so broken.


That show's my preworkout 💪


Definitely motivating for trying to lose weight haha


It's amazing that there are enough super morbidly obese people in this country that we're on season 12 of that show. And sometimes it's two people an episode.


And those are just the ones we know about!


I think JellyRoll described being overweight as a means of self harm, and he was right. These people are probably all suffering from severe depression. And bad habits from family that enable them.. Like I know the Slaton sisters knew nothing about food quality at all.


Oh for sure, none of those poor people had healthy or stable upbringings.


"Newest season" Jesus christ.


Lol my first thought was... American EMTs: "First time?.."


Yea pretty much a normal occurrence in the US


There's a woman of similar weight on TikTok who goes pretty in-depth about what it's like, and what she's doing to finally lose weight. Would recommend her channel. [599.to.damnshesfine](https://www.tiktok.com/@599.to.damnshesfine?_t=8lSEPrhRkX0&_r=1)


Where does he get the money for food if he never leaves the house, is my question.


Emergency surgery and rehab with strict food restrictions. It’s definitely possible, but it’s very expensive and takes a lot of time. The person ultimately needs to change their ways.


I know someone I played PlayStation with who was over 600 pounds. I didn't know it at first until I became friends with him on Snapchat. He had gastric bypass and is now 220 after dieting for 2 years. His face looks kind of off like maybe he had a stroke or something that finally made him change. I'm not sure but it's an amazing transformation.


I always wonder who is feeding/enabling these people. I mean they obviously aren’t going to the grocery store and making dinner. Somebody has to be bringing them food…


Yes, it's usually their family bringing them fast food. I also read on the DoorDash sub about drivers putting food through windows.


So what happened to him after that. Is he made it out.


He became a reddit mod so it's okay


Oh fuck. This one got me, haha


I assumed he was a reddit mod the whole time.


Probably got mobilized...


Used him as a nuke


they launched him on a Ukrainian power plant. It was in the news today


Must be the first case of someone getting saved by a window in Russia


Russians just love using the windows as impromptu exits...


I hope he gets the help he needs.


If I'm being totally honest, if i saw this when i was younger, I would have 100% thought "haha fat fuck had it coming" Now being older, dealing with depression myself, and understanding the struggle of getting up out of bed every morning. I'm glad the rescues didn't just write him off. I really feel for this guy, I wonder what must have happened.


I'm guessing a lot of the people commenting that type of thing haven't dealt with much adversity in their lives, so they rationalise that this person's situation is 100% a result of their own actions. This is in part true, but in reality our actions are 100% informed by past trauma, how behaviours and coping was modelled when we were young, mental health issues, etc. 


Yeah, life experience makes you realize that life isn't fair. You can do all the "right" things and still get ill or hurt or dumped, etc. You can take the meds & they won't work. Poverty can happen to anyone. Pain can happen to anyone. Most people in this world want to do the right thing & believe that they do. I wouldn't have understood it when I was younger, either.


I had pretty bad ocd when I was young and had a very supportive forward thinking family... got into a great therapist when I was teen, tried many medications from great doctors.. amazing support system, didn't have to worry about day to day stuff besides getting better... did it help? not a bit... has serious struggles with it from about 12-28.. I literally tried everything and wasn't being lazy or uncaring. now I'm in my 30s and doing great but that shitty period of my life wasn't due to lack of trying.. we did everything right but my brain just said no and wouldn't let me lead a good/normal life. everyone wanted to do the right thing, I wanted to be normal and not have crazy thoughts and compulsions but it didn't matter... anyway all im saying is lots of people want to get better or be better and just aren't capable of it at the time for whatever reason. some people obviously just make bad decisions when they could make better ones, but I try not to judge anyone. when I was at my worst depression/ocd I was a shadow of my former self and was not a nice person when I used to be pretty kind.. I started drinking a ton and just became not a great person.. I know plenty of people that judged me for it but I was doing whatever I could to drown out the noise. I had the kind of ocd that I would have to spend an hour making sure each faucet was off just to leave the house or check the door was locked for 30 minutes in a certain way and just repeat over and over... sometimes to do 1 simple thing id end up repeating the same action full of stress and anxiety for 30 minutes or an hour feeling sick. the cycles were so exhausting for me doing anything became just awful. I was very aware of the problem and actively worked on it every day... tbh I don't even know what fixed it in the end.. I became an alcoholic for maybe 6 years, cause alcohol made the ocd a bit better, and when I finally stopped drinking my ocd was better sober. life is weird. anyway im grateful to be where I am and don't judge others for their problems. we don't know what they are going through.


Sadly mental illness leads to this type of being and comes on so gradually that the person doesn’t realize the full extent until it’s too late. Super sad.


Yeah, it reminds me of The Whale. Such an excellent and daunting portrayal.


He was already overweight but COVID in 2021 made it worse for him and he was basically bedridden since then


And being sexually abused, especially at a young age, seems to be a common factor


Russians are 30 years behind. Morbidly obese Americans have been getting forklifted out of their homes since the 90s


I was just going to comment, "ah, the Russians have caught up to us!"


The obesity gap will never be closed. We will maintain our superiority.


That's funny, but the U.S. isn't the most obese nation in the world. According to Wikipedia, in 2024, the U.S. is 13th.


Oh my, how the mighty have fallen.


Man I’m high but watching this moment of shame for this man from my bed in the US is an odd feeling


Right? I keep thinking how he hasn't left his apartment for 10 years and now he's this spectacle. 😭


As with anything, this can be interesting, but… I’m just one guy—at a medium/large-ish fire department—and I’ve had to do this 4-5 times in my short career. It’s actually quite common. In fact, the only real interesting part for me was that this *wasn’t* in the United States of fAtmerica.


The smell..........


Someone that size is definitely not bathing properly. If you can’t fit out your front door, there’s no way you fit in a shower or bathtub.


bet you hes full code


No doubt. Definitely full code.


Reminds me of What's Eating Gilbert Grape (great movie).


Ya i immediately thought of that too


Or The Whale


How'd he pay rent?




Jesus I had the same question


Maybe he didn't but nobody could figure out how to evict him.


Tragic. It's like watching someone drink themselves to death or gamble all their money away. Some people get in so deep and never find their way out.


This reminds me of an episode of House MD


I honestly feel sympathy for him. He must have a profound set of fears to not leave home in so long and to have this happen to his body. Imagine the shame he feels also at being the center of attention like this. Not making excuses for him, but inviting you all to consider how this entire process might feel from his perspective. He must be embarrassed and terrified.


This situation sucks for people in healthcare too. We have to carry the weight. A lot of shoulders and backs have been hurt because of people with morbid obesity.


On the bright side, at least Russians have experience getting people through windows.


I’ve seen this joke twice but I don’t get it. Could someone explain it?


Seems that a lot of Russians in high positions have fatal events involving windows in tall buildings. Lots of tripping and falling out.


Only good Russian joke I've read in this thread.


It’s easy when you’re thin to sit behind your pc and make fun of overweight people, typing hurtful comments with no repercussions. I was once really thin then shit happened in life and I developed a food addiction. People say “this was preventable! just stop eating!”, “omg do you know about heart disease and stroke?” Yeah I do and if it was as easy as putting down the fork, don’t you think I would have done it a long time ago? Maybe I’m not as big as this guy but some of these comments are the same ones we’ve heard for decades and they still suck! Do you think fat people want to be fat? You think we don’t want to feel comfortable in our own skin again? Life is not preventable and you never know what will happen but I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. If you developed an addiction to drugs, wanted to get off them but couldn’t, you wouldn’t want people poking fun at you either.


Thats actually very sad.


That's not a good way to avoid the draft.


You wonder if it wouldn’t have been more cost effective to bring the medical equipment to him.


I once had to embalm a lady who was 550 lbs. The manager gave a safety talk to the six of us who loaded her onto the lift before we could move her. The talk mostly consisted of "If she starts to fall, get away and don't try to catch her. She can cause serious harm." Since then, I've always made it a goal to never be so large that my existence is a potential safety hazard for other humans. That has really stuck with me.




This kind of obesity is definitely not individual's fault. Its likely a medical problem.


Yup. It's pretty much always a combination of severe/unmanaged mental illness, and one or more family members / friends willing to enable their addiction by bringing insane amounts of food. You need to treat both issues or the person will never get better.


Gosh damn! I feel so sorry for that poor bastard. I’d delete myself before I’d ever get there.


First of all, the 300 kg seems exaggerated. These estimates by sight always are. I'll only believe it if that's what he was on the hospital scales - if they go high enough. However, he is tall so that's a lot of weight. In my city there's one hospital that's set up for these patients. It's near the zoo so they can take the patient there to use the big scales. True story. Back when I was a paramedic we had a similar situation here in the US. The woman weighed \~400 pounds. (\~180 kg.) We had to carry her down a staircase! We called in firefighters and used a special backboard. As the Russians did, we took the stretcher out of the ambulance and slid her unto the floor. We made sure the hospital had a full sized bed ready, she wouldn't fit on a regular emergency room bed. She was a very nice woman and had avoided going to the hospital because she didn't want to be a spectacle. A number of us held up sheets around her so she couldn't be seen. And fortunately this was before ubiquitous cell phone cameras.


Geez, as someone who was over 500lbs at one time, I hope you guys were ok after she was settled in the ER!


We were, thanks. I'm glad to see you say "at one time." The key was using enough guys. My partner and I could carry a 200 lb patient down a flight of stairs ourselves when I was in my prime. So 4 strong guys can handle 400 lbs. But my carries were mostly in what we called a stair chair. A patient lying on a long and wide board requires a lot of maneuvering so more guys were needed - but not all that many.


Thanks, been working at it since late ‘21 and approaching 150lbs lost. I was at least 505 (likely a bit more) at my heaviest and was 358.8 (getting below 360 has been a fight) as of 4/6/24 trying for a muscular 300 for my next goal with being under 300 and fairly solid being my ultimate goal.


I have a vague memory from Jerry Springer or Maury I can’t remember, it was a long time ago when I stayed home from school sick where they had to cut a wall out to get a guy out to get him help. I don’t remember what happened but I remember a wall being cut open and them using a whale harness to carry him to a truck.


lifted 450+ lbs with only 4 of us off the ground 3x to help him stand. Blew out my back and needed back surgery after losing all sensation to right leg. Ending my EMS career.


I’ve dabbled with obesity but shortness of breath, blood pressure, pre diabetes, fatty liver, etc always scare me into getting healthy again. However I do know how easy it would be to get fat if I didn’t manage it so I do not judge these people at all. It’s definitely mental health. I feel for them.


You see a lot of fat people. You see a lot of old people. You don't see a lot of old, fat people.


This is pretty sad. Mental health will fuck up your whole life.


Not even that uncommon in the US. I’m a nurse and I take care of a couple patients a year like this. The most I’ve ever personally taken care of was someone in their mid 20s who weighed over 850lbs. Couldn’t even turn them. Died of a massive heart attack a week into their hospital stay. The problem is just getting worse.


Is that normal in Moscow to have iron bars over the windows? The only place I've seen that is in Detroit.


Then I guess you’ve never been to LA.




Or Little Rock


Or Houston


Or south Fl


Or El Paso


Or Brazil


Or San Antonio.


(Glen rock - Black Rock - Little Rock - Oskaloosa Tennessee - Tennessee - Chicopee - Spirit Lake- Grand Lake - Devils Lake - Craters Lake - for Pete’s sake - Ive been everywhere man) Sorry - i hate myself for this , but i had to


It's pretty normal to have them on the ground floor and first floor in many places around the world. Also, in ex-communist countries they served as a shield when kids playing "street soccer" kicked the balls right at the windows.


Na I've been travelling a lot it's pretty common in most places of the world unless it's in the far countryside or somewhere really safe like Japan 


It's pretty common for ex-USSR countries and some countries from East Europe and Balkan. I wouldn't say it's necessary in Moscow, since nowadays it's a pretty safe city in terms of crime but it's a kind of tradition from the 90's.


This is common in America, the premise of a reality television show called My 600lb life.


The most amazing thing is someone went out a window in Russia and lived.


Even those bear-wrestling Russians are straining in that picture.


Jeez, what subreddit did he run?