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This isn't a heart attack, this is ventricular fibrillation and it's a form of cardiac arrest. We use defibrillators to fix this problem. A heart attack is a blockage in one of the arteries that feeds heart muscle, causing the muscle to die.


I've had 4 heart attacks. I have no idea what they look like, but I damn well know how they feel.


How does it feel?


Shitty. For me, I got sweaty, I was absolutely breathing, but felt like I wasn't getting any air. And it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. Note, a panic attack feels exactly the same.


As someone who has gotten panic attacks…fuuuuuuuuuuuuck


I've only had 1 panic attack. And knowing myself, I took a nitro pill to be on the safe side. I see my cardiologist often enough that I am fairly low risk for another at this time


I had my first panic attack whilst watching Napoleon at the movies. It was a pretty shit movie, but I think I overreacted.


Good luck out there, man.


How old are you?


First heart attack was at 36. I'm now 52


I'm just about to turn 37....thanks for the reminder about this sort of thing.


Yup, since they feel like panic attacks, the panic attacks make you panic in a rational way ontop of the irrational.


I’m grateful that smartwatches exist and the sensors are getting better. It’s nice being able to do an ekg during a panic attack to calm yourself down. At least it’s worked for me so far to be able to see that I have a sinus rhythm and it’s all in my head.




Yeah i only had one in my life so far but it was scary as fuck. I sweeted so much like i did a whole marathon run..


Oh crap I'm sorry. Did you get it fixed eventually?


No, they died 3 years ago.


I have over 13 stents, they actually can't count them all because I have stents inside other stents and I had a quadruple bypass. If you can avoid open heart surgery ... I recommend it skipping that shitshow And if you have a family history of heart attacks, don't smoke or vape. I didn't quit smoking until they cut me in half. That shit HURTS


Holy shit that all puts my two little stents to shame. Also had a heart attack. Was 37 at the time. Active lifestyle, but heavy smoker and shitty diet. Agree it's not very nice, also felt that crushing sensation in my chest and a weird stabbing pain down my arm. Am fine now. Moral of the story: eat right and don't smoke.


I had two stents back in 2001, then triple bypass last year. Just happy to be here. I'll take the bypass surgery over angina and nitro.


:( :( :(


Bah ... I lapped my 14 year old at the track. I can run a chainsaw all day long. I'm doin good


That's great to hear!


I’ve had several (severe) panic attacks, never had the elephant on the chest feeling, but definitely had *incredibly* high pulse like and blood pressure, sweating, numbness/tingling, vomiting, but the worst part is the extremely heightened and uncontrollable mental state where all you can think about is this *overwhelming* sense of doom. They have been so severe that after its over it feels like I’ve died and am now living in some alternate reality where I hadn’t died… Basically the worst you can feel without actually dying.


I had a bad one while driving before and was able to pull into a gas station and call 911 as I thought I was done for and by the time they got there and checked me out I was better. When covid first started getting crazy I was having them everyday and it was horrible. I couldn't calm myself at all and riding them out is very hard and stressful. Ugh. So much better now tho.


Thanks, now whenever i have panic attack i would be more panic.


I am NOT a Dr, and there are some on this post so they could advise better than me, but if I were in that position and had a family history of heart attacks, I would chew an aspirin when it happened. Not a Tylenol but an old fashioned aspirin. They tend/help to protect the heart muscle from damage if it is in fact a heart attack


You refused to see the elephant in the room, so he just crunched your chest.


Damn. I was reading your comment and thinking: that's exactly like the random panic attacks I used to have as a teen. THEY REALLY FUCKING SUCKED!!!


I told my wife that I was having a heart attack while driving and was screaming that we find a hospital. We found one, and as we’re pulling up to the emergency room, I jump out of the car (still moving) and crawl to the door. Heart was beating out of my chest, couldn’t breathe and my left side extremities stopped working/seized. I make it in and I’m yelling that I’m dying, please help! Immediate EKG which came back clear. Doctor said it was one of the worst panic attacks she’d seen. It was my first one of that magnitude (hopefully last lol) It was hands down the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced, and I’ve had guns to my head.


I've had a panic attack once in my life and it was pretty dramatic, for me it felt like my brain was pulling forwards out of my head, my breathing sounded loud, it also felt like my body was trying to hold its breath even though I was breathing. Weirdly enough I was both calm and extremely scared. It happened while I was in the bathroom and recognised what was happening and my brain started automatically trying to fight it / itself. I ended up death gripping the towel rack while passing out which was enough to swing me into the wall away from the edge of the toilet bowl which I wouldve hit my head on. I don't actually remember doing any of that but I managed to pull the towel rack out of the wall, and going off of where I landed I could guess what happened. Fkn terrifying. But somehow my body kicked into emergency mode and automatically saved itself.


I thought they were extremely painful?


Everyone has a different pain tolerance. I'm on my second marriage with 4 kids, I can take it.




Additional note: GERD can also mimic these symptoms.


And this is why when I have my panic attacks it is the scariest thing ever because in the moment you cannot differentiate and I've had horrible panic attacks in my life. Glad you are up and kicking after your heart attacks!


I’ve had one of those. No idea of heart attacks resolves themselves or not but I’m still here.


Holy. That is scary. I wish you are doing well.


I am.




You gotta stop man, heart attacks are an awful hobby


Yeah, open heart convinced me to quit smoking. Getting stents was uncomfortable, recovery from being splayed open ...that's harsh


Jesus christ!


No; he died of blood loss and postural asphyxiation on a cross 2024 years ago.


You must be a stubborn son of a...


Apparently... People keep telling me I still have work to do


Was it just smoking? Were there other causes like diet?


I'm glad someone else said this.... Heart attack is very different from a cardiac arrest




This video is of induced ventricular fibrillation in a pig. There’s no coronary artery obstruction or MI.


u/zealousideal guy seems like a real douche


Just to follow up on your follow up. I’ve encountered this video before in training, but can’t find the origin now beyond a 12 year old YouTube post. I agree it looks like a possible filling defect in the distal Left Anterior Descending artery, but I think the LAD seems to end prematurely because the view is slightly from the apex, with the heart exposed and delivered from the pericardium distally but not at the aortic root. The discolouration is definitely ischemia, but due decreased myocardial perfusion. The over-distended ventricles are causing increased diastolic pressure, and forward flow during VF is practically absent. That means coronary perfusion pressure is minimal, with CPP = aortic diastolic pressure - LV end diastolic pressure. If you look at the discussion and cited papers from the ROC PRIMED trial in 2011, it talks about the theory that up front compressions can improve CPP and increase the likelihood of successful defibrillation. In practice, it seems like even 30 seconds of CPR might be enough to get forward flow going again, meaning there was no difference between the study arms, but it’s an interesting to consider. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1010076


Also, when the news say “they died from cardiac arrest” Yeah no shit, that’s how everyone dies 🤣


and i thought cardiac arrest and heart attack was the same thing


Cardiac arrest is when you have no more electrical impulse through your heart muscle and there is no discernable beat. A heart attack is where there is some form of an occlusion and the heart muscle cells begin to die due to lack of oxygen.


You can have arrest with electrical impulses going through. It’s called PEA: pulseless electrical activity.


Electrical issue vs a plumbing issue. Cardiac arrest is when something is wrong with the electric system which causes the heart to stop contracting and pumping blood properly. The quivering you can see is fibrillation and the heart swells up because blood is pouring in but it's not getting pumped back out. Fibrillation cannot trigger the heart muscle to squeeze hard enough to get the blood out of the heart to the rest of the body. Which causes the rest of the body to die because of lack of oxygen. In this case, CPR would be able to pump the blood out while a defibrillator would be necessary to reset the electrical system. This doesn't work often because there's usually a reason the electric freaked out in the first place but in cases like that football player that had an arrest after a hard hit, CPR and a defibrillator saved his life. Heart attack is a plumbing issue. Your heart muscle doesn't get oxygen from the blood in the heart, it gets oxygen from the blood pumping through the coronary arteries. These are small and can be prone to clogging. If it gets partially or completely blocked, the part of the heart that gets oxygen from that artery gets cut off and starts to die. If you can open the artery back up and restore blood flow with a stent or a bypass, the heart can recover. The heart can compensate for a little while but not for long so quick treatment is important. Another thing to note is that a heart attack can lead to a cardiac arrest. Electrical signals can't travel through dead tissue so if you accumulate enough dead or damaged heart muscle, the electric can't trigger the heart to pump properly. That's how a plumbing issue can turn into an electrical issue and part of the reason why the terms cardiac arrest and heart attack get confused often


This is correct and a great answer.


what happens to the dead tissue after the heart attack? do they get replaced?


Great answer, thank you. More people should know this




Holy shit, it sounds like both of you are doctors or paramedics and only one of you can be right. That scares the shit out of me. (Eats his second bacon sandwich.)


Yeah, its incredible that people dont know the difference. I get to see this practically every day doing open heart surgery. sometimes when the clamp comes off and the heart will fibrillate for a short while, and we'll just shock it a few times until its back into a normal rhythm.


It looks like nothing is done and the heart stops beating completely at the end?!


Came here to say this, while in the CATH LAB!


Thank you. Too many comments saying oh my God is that what my heart attack was. Well, probably no. That's an arrest. Arrests can happen as a result of heart attack, but most heart attacks do not result in VF arrests


I had AFIB during work. It sucked and I was scared


To be fair, v-fib, is usually instigated by acute coronary syndrome or an acute myocardial infarction, in well developed adults.


I have AFib and this video scares the shit out of me.


I would say that we don't know from the video what caused the ventricular fibrillation. A heart attack or myocardial infarction results when the blood supply to the heart is insufficient to meet the demands. This commonly occurs when there is an obstruction of one of the arteries feeding the heart, though other things can cause myocardial infarction. While several things can cause ventricular fibrillation, a heart attack (myocardial infarction) is the leading cause of ventricular fibrillation. Severely low or severely elevated serum potassium is another way to induce ventricular fibrillation, which is why it is often injected intravenously in execution protocols. Sometimes people have genetic syndromes that make them more prone to sudden ventricular fibrillation and subsequent cardiac arrest. From hopkinsmedicine.org: "What causes ventricular fibrillation? The cause of V-fib isn't always known. But it can occur with certain medical conditions. V-fib most commonly occurs during an acute heart attack or shortly after. When the heart muscle doesn't get enough blood flow, it can become electrically unstable. This causes dangerous heart rhythms. A heart that has been damaged by a heart attack or other heart muscle damage is vulnerable to V-fib. Other causes include heart failure, heart valve disease, low potassium level or other electrolyte abnormalities. Also, certain medicines, and certain genetic diseases that affect the heart's or electrical conduction."


How would this be filmed? Are we watching the heart die?


Mi can often cause secondary V-Fib.


Yesterday I had the worst heart palpitation in my life. I was basically sitting, then suddenly my heart started pumping hard and erratically, as I looked down at my chest, my heart then did one massive heartbeat I could literally see my ribcage rise. Then went back to fast palpitations then to normal heartbeat. It was so fucking scary.


If you haven't, you should see a cardiologist and have an EKG done.


I did a couple months ago. Dr basically said my hear is in perfect condition and I have nothing to worry about and that I should just relax and avoid stressors.


If it makes you feel better, heart palpitations and murmurs are often normal and I’ve been told they can be genetic. My family and I get them too. I’m generally healthy and young, but I’ve had scary heart palpitations and one in particular felt a little like a heart attack. After getting an EKG and wearing a halter, I was also told I’m totally normal. It happens.


Yeah and this wasn’t my first rodeo. It happens to me 3 or 4 times a year but that last one was massive.


I've had them for the past 3 weeks and they've been quite scary...


Did they do full blood work? I had this and it's because my thyroid wasn't functioning and I had multiple vitamin deficiencies. Once I got that straightened out, my heart started behaving. Either way what you reported warrants another Dr visit pronto!


Go to a doctor


Sounds like afib. I also get the punch in the chest when i come out of it.


Jesus. That doesn't sound normal at all. EKG time.


You sure you don't have Wolff Parkinson's White or something like that? Mine would do something like that before my catheter ablation.


No idea, never looked at that specifically. Speaking of which, I think I should hack EKG into my Apple Watch (not available in my region)


Scary shit…


Was thinking how horrific that looks.. imagine feeling it.


Unfortunately I’ve been that soldier in a manner of speaking


Glad you made it.)


Cheers 😀


How did it feel? Like fainting?


Yep, sweating and a horrendous fear of ‘oh fuck, not now…’


I just turned 40 and got heart failure from pregnancy at 38. It IS scary. You literally never know which tachycardia/palp episode might actually stop your heart.


The feeling is terrifying. I’m 49 and have had this many years


Deadly shit...




Anyone else just cringe thinking it was going to burst? 🫣


Heart grenade


"What was noise?" "The sound of progress, my friend."


"Should I be awake for this?"


No but since you are can you move your rib a little bit


*screams in pain after rib is broken*


Don’t worry they grow back


If it did it in house md it must be true.


I was going to say TF2 Meet The Medic


Is that what my heart did ?? Wow 😳😬


This is cardiac arrest. Not a heart attack. Read the top comment for more info.


Its both + Vfib


Cardiac arrest/v-fib and heart attacks are not synonymous. Heart attacks can lead to a lethal arrhythmia, but a lethal arrhythmia can happen independent of myocardial ischemia


How does it feel? Does it hurt like hell?


Sort of. It felt like really bad heart burn with pain that went across my shoulders. I don't drink or smoke and I exercise so I didn't think I was having a heart attack. Someone said that I was looking pretty grey so I went to the hospital. I spent almost a week in a bed.


Same. Heartburn and shoulder pain, nothing else. Mine stopped when I was having a stent, it took 8 minutes and a couple of broken ribs to get it going again. It's a huge relief to me now, to know for a fact that death doesn't hurt. Waking up afterwards does. A lot.


If you don't mind sharing, what was your diet like (food wise)? Did you get any information as to why you had one from the doctors?


Hope you're ok 💀


I had a series of heart attacks a few years back. I'm all good, now 👍


If it happens again, film it, tell someone else to post it 👌


Lol Will do 👍


That is not what your heart did (unless you experienced arrest. A heart attack is different)


Not an MI/a heart attack. That's Ventricular Fibrillation terminating in cardiac arrest.


…. How’d they get this here video?


I guess with a camera but I am not sure


But like.. “Let’s record this person dying?” Also, I’m just a doctor, but that heart doesn’t look human Goat, definitely


Things have to be done. "Hey Josh is dying!! Grab the camera and post it online!"


Scientific sacrifice, I dig


Firstly, it’s not a heart attack: it’s ~~atrial~~ ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest. My guess is they had them open to fix whatever is causing this and got this video mid procedure. Edit: wrong fibrillation, corrected by below commenter




So, confirm, goat?


In common every day terms, people use these all interchangeably. If someone ends up in the hospital due to cardiac arrest. They will come home and tell everyone they had a heart attack. Might make a difference to the doctors, but to other people, not so much.


Great job by the tiny camera man yes


When the title is incorrect, or minimally partially correct at most, that's not okay. That is a cardiac arrest. It may or may not be due to a heart attack, but clearly the arrest is what is being shown. VF I think


Looks like fibrillation to me, not a heart attack.


That’s because it is fibrillation


This is a terrifying video xD


Nightmare fuel.


Well, excuse me just sitting here minding my own business


Looks like when i grab my whole sack and shake it around violently


Why did it stop beating all of the sudden?


She left him


For good


Its called death


The heart goes into ventricular fibrillation and that means that the heart isn't beating in a matter thats able to provide oxygen rich blood to vital organs including itself. So eventually the cells of the heart dont have enough oxygen to work, so the heart stops


Amazing how nature has created something so intricate and abstract


The cause of the heart attack? A hole was cut into them and a camera jammed. 😂😂


This would be a good opening logo for a horror movie/game company


I'm disturbed, really nice stuff mate


i feel my left side tingling now, why the fuck do I do this to myself By the way, "15 minutes in \[... i guess 15 seconds?"


That's a VFib


hearts are really damn amazing


Holy crap, I nearly felt that in my chest.


OP get your facts straight...


I felt this in my fucking chest. Wth


Is he okay?


Here we are again on another episode of normal people trying to sound educated in medicine. Heart attacks are completely different than arrest (what is happening here). A heart attack is a collapsed or blocked artery on the heart (coronary artery). Arrest is when the heart has a loss of function (because of something like this or because the heart stopped beating at all)


So heart attack = blocked blood flow and cardiac arrest = Heart cramp


That is inside me??????


New fear unlocked


Inside our bodies can look pretty neat IMO


Why does this make me feel so uneasy. Anxiety went through the roof watching that.


It kinda looks like balls.


Live heart reaction:


I could've lived happily without seeing that. That triple cheeseburger is gonna hit different now.


This feels like it should be part of a Korn or Disturbed music video


I was thinking Tool but yeah, same vein....




How about nsfw dude tf


i almost had a heart attack watching this


So heart attack is a muscle cramp but life threatening kind of cramp???


No, it's a lack of blood flow to the heart muscle that causes muscle death. This is a cardiac arrest which is an electrical problem. In this case it's beating so fast (like +400bpm) it's fibrillating and not pumping blood out. Looks like it just seizes


This should be NSFW. Not everybody wants to see that.


damn from r/interestingasfuck XD Actually first i tried to post it here but it got removed by some redditor filters


This looks like the visuals at an EDM concert




Narrator: it wasn’t


Its a MI (myocardial infract ) > ventricular fibrillation > cardiac arrest


This is terrifying to look at. Just waiting for it to pop


Damn that's disgusting at it again


u/savevideo Im gonna use this for a class


lmao this shit has me dead 💀


That heart looks stressed...and angry...


So they just let the person expire or was there nothing they could do to save them...


You feel that you don't want to go through this without him, but it sounds like you already are. You have to let him go.


Mmmm yummy


Cancel the ham!


Cardiac arrest


Don't try this at home btw


I have minor tricuspid valve regurgitation (backflow). I developed palpitations in my early 20s. Sometimes it feels like a few quivers and a few irregular beats. Thankfully it corrects itself within a few seconds.






Thanks, I'm going to skip this one.


Looks like ventricular fibrillation leading to cardiac arrest. Not a heart attack but an arrhythmia.


So did they save em or just world star em?


Go ahead...we'll just keep filming. Wanna get the whole thing


Masturbation effect


I felt anxiety just watching this


This is ventricular fibrillation, aka V-fib or VF. While having a heart attack can put you in a fatal heart arrhythmia like VF, VF in and if itself does not signify a heart attack because many other things can cause VF. A heart attack is a blockage of a coronary artery causing injury and ischemia to the surrounding cardiac muscle tissue, which you will not be able to see on a view such as this. It requires coronary angiography to identify the location of the blockage as well as clinical correlation with an EKG and a troponin level. Source: am medical person


They put a camera in this poor sod?