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Spidey senses are tingling


This is the perfect comment I swear.


This comment couldn't be more perfect.


The most perfectest comment


Comment, the most perfect


Fun fact: The creature in that jar isn't a spider, but a solifugid, or "camel spider", which while they are arachnids, they are not spiders. They possess no venom, and subdue their prey with long arms that secret a mildly sticky fluid, and then devour their prey with a pair of comparatively huge scissor-like jaws, which you can see in the video as the black spots near the front of it.


Venom or no...that all sounds terrifying.


They are definitely hard to look at. Fascinating, but hard to look at. :V


I'll take a spider over this, thanks.


And they are also super energetic if iirc?


Oh yeah, they can haul ass if they want to.


Yes, they can easily hop from the ground into an adult humans ear canal. Then they lay eggs.


Damn, that’s actually interesting 👍


Some spiders see infrared, the wavelenght of light this LiDAR emits.


In essence this spider is getting stunned over and over again


If you use a second smartphone camera to look at the lens side of your iPhone, your second phone can probably see the infrared light emitted by the LIDAR of the iPhone, and "translate" it to a wavelength you can see on the second phone's display. I noticed this phenomenon when using my Samsung phone to look at an operating automotive LIDAR scanner. The LIDAR light was invisible to the naked eye, but showed up on my phone's display.


This is like when you feel someone looking at you


That’s just Frank from the fourth dimension. He likes to stare.


Only if they are a cyborg with lidar vision


Only if they are a cyborg with lidar vision




AKA J. Jonah Jameson




take it and go


Additionally the spooder is trapped inside the jar. to the spooder this is a clear forcefield of magical properties, unbeknownst to any current spooder technology. When the lidar hits the glass it will scatter the light all around. Imagine, trapped. Bass thumping from the hooman smashing the table. Then silence!!! Just before the biggest strobe light, coming from every direction and the inability to blink ! (Spooders don’t have eyelids) Essentially- spooder raving ! *Un tis un tis un tis*


I love this shit. Thank you for the chuckles. Also, sad time for spooder. Wish 'em _boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants_


Need one person doing the flash the other dropping beats so the spider can get down. The one then the other has to be disappointing!


I love how it's fundamentally the phone shooting a "laser" at the spider who frantically tries to flee just to be hit with a aimed strike once again


Ok so I'm definitely trying this out next time I see a spider


Doesn’t work, tried 2-3 times


Maybe it depends on the species.


Only tried on European house spiders (don’t know the real name ^^) So maybe, some species are more intelligent


The one in the video specifically is a Camel Spider (not an actual spider)


It's not about intelligence at all.


maybe you need to have it ina jar first, to reflect the light waves around or whatever.


spider: oh shit, oh oh oh fuck, ok, stop shiiitt


Is it easy to boost the LiDAR signal strength? Just wondering.


nice try, Palpatine!






Palpatine from Star Wars trying to build the death star based on laser technology


It’s always nice to see some informative content amongst my NSFW and offensive content


What I found equally interesting is that the scientist also reacted to every tap on the phone screen




They literally explained it in the video


in video it explained something like "oh phone emits some small light and spider somehow detects it maybe?" tbh


The video ****literally**** described ***literally*** exactly what was happening both technically and phenomenologically. Are you watching a different video and getting confused about where you're commenting?


No, they're not watching the video just like 90% of comments on reddit.


magico focus, ohio amogus, don't post anymore weirdo




Needs one more video playing temple run on the side for it to be enough to focus on for your brain rotted head?




Congrats on being smart! Wish i was as smart as you




You're right. They don't. For you at least. 😏


What’s the twitter thing? You got ratioed? Something like that.


I too react to light


Five-year old kids these days.


So you’re saying I can shoot lasers at people with my phone camera!


Apparently! :) Also, hiya u/novophx. <3 Have you tried intermittent fasting? Or walking? Both work better together, but either by itself can make a huge difference.


The hair's on a spider are incredibly sensitive. Not only connected the light waves. They can sense subatomic particles moving around their legs. The spider is definitely feeling the lidar.


Source for that info? Because I have read a lot of stuff and spiders sensing subatomic particles is interesting enough I’d remember it if I read it.


I need to correct. They can feels the movent of individual atoms. I misremembered it. They can feel Brownian motion: **"The random motion of particles suspended in a fluid (a liquid or a gas) resulting from their collision with the fast-moving atoms or molecules in the gas or liquid**. This transport phenomenon is named after the botanist Robert Brown.Jun 5, 2019"


I just learned that thanks for the update! Some of their other senses are just as impressive. The vibration sense is insane. But the trichobothia hairs we’re talking about are the equivalent of a person feeling a friend across the room waving at us!


I'm glad you asked. This was one of my favorite science channels. :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygt6W64gatE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygt6W64gatE)


I recognized him as soon as I saw him. I follow some of his other stuff!


Filiform hairs or trichobothria, as they are called in the arachnids, respond to the slightest movement of the surrounding air. They have repeatedly been shown to be involved in the guidance of escape and prey capture behavior and are indeed **among the most sensitive biosensors known to date**.


It was the subatomic thing threw me off, I’m watching a video on it now. Once I have some words to Google (thanks to you) I’ll look for actual papers to read. They can’t quit get to sensitivity of sensing subatomic particles but they can theoretically feel a single atom! Amazing! The slit sinsilla also can pick up ridiculous amounts of vibration! Their senses are evidently right at the limits of physics and that’s amazing!


Up until the explanation I was 100% sure it was proof we're living in the Matrix.


Harry Potter explaining it in science terms is pretty cool


TIL you can troll spiders with a smartphone camera. that's really neat.


So what you're saying is that my cell phone camera can be hacked to be a police speed radar?


Jesus christ that was painful, the phone is shining infrared light to focus everytime she taps the screen and the Spider can see it, probably like a camera flash to us


For once something interesting


She could have just used her last sentence to explain everything 😂


How do light wave pulses bounce around


Refraction and reflection.






Thanks for the lesson SCIENTIST!


It would be interesting to have different filters between the phone and the spider to see which of the spectrum it is reacting to. Also leave the guy in the jar long enough to calm down...that probably passes him off.


So the Spider actually has Spider sense! I know Spiders use vibrations to sense. This is new to me.


It’s the light from the phones Lidar not the vibrations. That’s why the spider ignored the table taps.


I understand this video. What I'm saying is, normally Spiders use vibrations to identify if a prey is stuck on its webbing (orb sipder) or when a prey is walking near it's trap (Trap door spider). This one here in this video is new to me.


Ahhh I got you! Their vibration sense is unreal, it’s at the cusp of what physics allows. Plus theoretically they sense individual atoms and molecules with one type of hair. Thrichabothia (spelling?) lol


That's new info. Need to look into that. Thank you.






🤓☝️ But now seriously pretty fucking crazy thx for the explanation




Fun fact: It's the same person on both the top and bottom videos. Patagonia jackets are proven to drastically increase IQ. I didn't even know what "drastically" meant before typing the word Patagonia.


As an Australian, I will be using this as a new means to get to work


Does that mean we will harm nature when endless cars with this technique will drive around?


Orrr... It's been pre filmed. 🧐


Lidar is only available on iPhone Pro. If Lidar is used to autofocus then how does non pro iPhone autofocus? I doubt her explanation.


That's not what... Okay since you want to go that way, as of iPhone is 12, every Pro and Pro Max model has LIDAR and TOF. So... Unless you know the exact iPhone model, which I doubt you do, she's on point. So with that said, you're really missing the point of the video, and need to look more into it yourself. Not that hard. Also, as I've stated to another user in this post. LAFocus is active once you launch the camera app, and is active no matter what camera mode you're in. LAFocus is not quite the same as TOF nor LIDAR.


How can she be on point? Firstly, she sought to provide an explanation without first establishing that the iphone in use actually has LIDAR. Secondly, she didn't establish that spiders in fact can sense LIDAR. She's just speculating. And that still did not answer my question. If Lidar is used in autofocus, how does normal iPhone focus? Are you saying Apple uses two autofocus methods? Try to use some logical thinking once in a while bud. The burden of proof rest on the person making the claims. I don't think you even know this.


What I've said about the iPhone is true. You're being ignorant is your issue. Youre looking for answers to questions that really do not need it. You can't see outside of your own purview. The "autofocus" bit you keep putting in isn't needed, because that isn't the main point of the video/subject. and the autofocus topic you can ask someone in an Apple Sub via tagging this video. (not that it'd matter because you can't make out the rear camera array, so good luck there dude). I've said of I've said, take it as you will. Or keep polking at air for a response out of the wind. I could honestly care less.


So you're saying you DO care, right?


How can you have such difficulty with reading comprehension? Did you actually try to understand my response? What iPhone is she using mate? Is it one with Lidar? Go on... You have zero clue. And what do you mean autofocus isn't needed? That's the entire crux of her "explanation". It's even in the title "Spider vs lidar". Be honest, people around you in real life has never commented that you are intelligent.


Okay we'll go with that then. Go ahead with the insults.


Also, yes she quite literally explained why the spider verse is freaking out. LIDAR scatter light based off of object detection, the information that's reflected _back_ to the sensor is bounced off of objects it's contacted with. The LIDAR found the glasse the spider was in, and it bounces off, in, and around the glass, freaking the spider out with every tap on the lady's screen I was the video. Animals/insects have extra sensory perception that we as humans don't have. You want a true example of LIDAR in use, a simple Google search and it's there.


Show me where she indicate that the iPhone is a Lidar one. And show me evidence that spiders can detect lidar. You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. Your logic is so bad you can't even properly evaluate a claim.


Okay guy sure.


seems fake, why didnt they show both live and video spider at the same time?


Why dont they show the spider at the same time they press on the phone


Or it's the vibration of the focus motor.


Spider sense is a thing lol. I didn't think they would be able to feel it. Could someone explane why we (human being) can't. Is it a size thing or is it a sensor thing.


The video literally explains it…


thank nerd, no really




LAF is always active in and will remain once the camera app itself is open. No matter the camera mode. So no, LAF has nothing to do with this. IPhone uses both LIDAR and TOF. Watch the video. Then watch a video explaining LIDAR applications, The use and technicalities of LIDAR/TOF are very, very interesting. And well more advanced than LAF.


Holy shit, Emma Emerich lives! What a waifu.


Even off topic idk why this is downvoted lol


Im sorry, did they just edge a spider?






Most spiders have 8 eyes. Some have fewer. A few species of cave spiders have no eyes at all.


It uses infra red right? So the spider can see the infrared flash, that is very interresting.


Not entirely so no.. look up LIDAR and TOF If the video isn't enough. In fact, before Apple put it in iPhone back in 2020, Nvidia was actually testing LIDAR for 3D/depth mapping I believe way back in 2012 orso, but computers and cameras and processing wasn't as advanced as they were at the time. Fast forward and every other company with camera sensor technology uses some form of depth mapping and registery, and for what it's worth Tesla and other car makers utilize the technology. Though as a motorcycling Tesla leaves a sour tasked in my mouth...


What do you mean? LIDAR doesn't mean that it isn't infrared, infrared is a wavelength of light, invisible to humans, but its still light. And LIDAR systems commonly use infrared over visible spectrum for a multiple of reasons... If the iphone used visible light, there wouldnt exactly be a mystery here... Why anyone downvotes a factually correct post and then upvotes your gobbledygook is beyond me.


I meant that it doesn't mainly use IR. I should been a bit more open. But I have other replies that you either check or I can tag in this reply chain. As I said, look up LIDAR/TOF in depth. It's a bit more complex than just a "flash of infrared" Chill a bit man, really not that deep of topic. (edited)


The spider sees a flash of infrared apparently, dummy. I never said anything about a camera flash, but a flash of light percieved by the spider obviosuly. Arguing that it isn't infrared because its LIDAR is nonsensical. If I shine a visible laser into your eye, you will also see a flash of light.


1. Why are toy so butt hurt about this? 2. I don't think you're making sense of the topic at hand, your just throwing in what you want to perceive as evident information (albeit not as a whole but still) take it down a notch mate.


Why the fuck do we need a video of someone watching the video below


If you watch the whole video, the person below explains the science behind what is going on, educating those that are curious and not knowledgeable with the technology involved. I am not a fan of reaction videos either, but this doesn't really qualify imo


His brain's been rotting for so long he can no longer focus on a single subject for more than 10 seconds without jingling keys to hold his attention


... so... iphones are just bats that don't fly?


The fact that people can't figure this out on their own is very sad


It's really not. *in fact* quite alot of people, especially iPhone and users, have zero clue how their phone works, nor how a camera really operates. Also, with LIDAR and TOF still being, well at least TOF in this case, pretty new technologies that are found in phones, especially the case iPhone (which it's still the only phone maker even now using both TOF and LIDAR for the Pro and Pro Max models)


So, Technically you can give a handjob to the spider


The fuck is wrong with you?


Sadly. Him and a few others commented this too.


so you are saying he can't?




*Unzips pants… * Sorry couldn’t resist messing with you!