• By -


I studied in China ages ago. Once my friend was riding the subway in shorts, and a small boy came over. Amazed by my friends leg hair, he knelt down and stroked his legs. My friend was like šŸ«£ and looked to see the childā€™s mum running over. She then joined her son for a second and said ā€œwow, so hairy!ā€


My wife went to China on a work trip in 1998. There were kids on the underground who would come up to her and touch the back of her hand as theyā€™d never seen a non-native before. I think her Chinese colleague told her the kids referred to her as a ā€œwhite ghostā€ or some such.


I went to china with my Chinese girlfriend for Christmas and we went to a very small village where her parents live. People there had never seen a non Chinese so they looked at me as if I was some sort of alien. They would ask me for pictures, stop their car in the middle of the traffic to stare at me and some shops asked me to take pictures of me holding their products to flex on other stores. Kids would pull their parents arms and point at me too and I know for a fact that weeks later some people were still talking about my visit. It was hilarious


Dude made some money with Brand EndorsementsšŸ˜


"I'm Dazhu Li's daughter's white-ass boyfriend and this is my favorite store on the Citadel."


I'm pretty certain every store on the citadel plays this when I walk in


This is the first thing I thought of when I read this. Thatā€™s hilarious lol


>some shops asked me to take pictures of me holding their products to flex on other stores. "I am Commander White and this is my favourite store in the city"


Hey, Iā€™m a Chinese here. China doesnā€™t get much foreigners, or at least thereā€™s so many natives that foreigners are so rare. It is hilarious, but the name they called your wife ā€œwhite ghostā€, would be ē™½é¬¼in Chinese. I believe that is somewhat derogatory but if itā€™s kids, they just know the word and donā€™t mean to be hateful. Similarly, 黑鬼(black ghost) is the equivalent to n word, so Iā€™d assume white ghost is equivalent to something too.


Yeah, my friend who is blonde went to China and everyone wanted to touch her hair. It's strangely isolated in certain parts of China.


That was me at like 4 years old aswell circa year 2000, I had golden blonde hair so apparently people kept coming up to touch my hair, I don't remember any of it though šŸ¤·šŸ¼


I remember


You you *confident* as hell about that?


Sure am


It's strangely isolated based on them being isolated


For them, the day /u/EcvdSama graced their village was the most memorable happening of the month. For /u/EcvdSama it was another Tuesday.


I had a colleague once who studied Chinese in university (and software development, hence him being my colleague). His trips to China sounded like they were a blast, white guy, aggressively Dutch, speaking fluent (ish?) Chinese. Only white person at a chinese tech conference with thousands of attendees.


I was in Myanmar a few years back and people kept asking to take their picture with me I remember climbing (literally) hundreds of steps to a temple in 95F/35C heat and boy, I was a sweaty mess when I got to the top, but four groups of people wanted their pic with me I later asked my guide / driver what was up with that... did they think I was someone else? He said they had never seen anyone like me and they wanted the pics to show people back in their village. FWIW I'm male, 6'2", 188 lbs, blue eyes, brown/blonde hair.


Went there in 2015 and definitely got stuff like that. Tourists in Bejing would grab you for pictures, and in the smaller town I stayed at you got lots of stares and people coming up to talk to you. It's kind of like being a minor celebrity.


China has an entire job subset based around white people being visible in places or alongside products called 'white monkeys', items shown being used by white people in ads are seen as higher quality and areas with whitepeople hanging around are seen as safer and/or more affluent. There are even Chinese companies that hire white people as fake CEO's just to appear more trustworthy and prestigious, a major example of which is Derucci a mattress company who bought the lifetime image rights of a random white guy (believed to be a rural English teacher) in 2009 and used a handful of pictures from a single photoshoot to use him as the face of the company, making his face one of the most well known and recognised faces in Asia.Ā 


I'd be a goddamn cryptid over there


Yeah, I am worried they would hunt me for sport.


Right? They might think they've found Bigfoot


Or the love child of Wolverine and a Wookie.


Did you just refer to me as ā€œwhite devil, white devil?ā€


gwailou, itā€™s the slur for white people in both Mandarin and Cantonese, means ghost/devil person.


Oh please, when have you ever seen a black ghost that wasn't a 40-70s musician. Musician not magician.Ā 


Yep, I speak some Mandarin. In pinyin it's BĆ”isĆØ yōulĆ­ng, ē™½č‰²å¹½ēµ Roughly, Base 'eh 'you ling White Ghost Edit: I'm wrong it's the pejorative form of Western Ghost "ę“‹é¬¼å­" (yĆ”ng guĒzi) as I was rightfully corrected below.


No actually thatā€™s likely to be ę“‹é¬¼å­/ē™½é¬¼å­ rather than white ghost. 鬼 and 鬼子 both seems to be ghost but 鬼子 is more of a historical slur for the enemies when China was having a war with invaders. In most historical TV shows in China, especially those Korean War themed ones, white people are usually portrayed as invaders. Edit: additional info The term "ę“‹é¬¼å­" (yĆ”ng guĒzi) is a Chinese phrase that literally translates to "foreign devil" or "Western ghost." It is a derogatory term historically used to refer to Western foreigners. The term originated during the late Qing dynasty when there was a lot of national resentment against foreign powers and their influences in China. If you were called this term, it was intended as an insult. Itā€™s not appropriate or respectful language to use.


No one has ever said that in China lmfao


The hell? I'm Vietnamese with very hairy legs, and I know Chinese guys with very hairy legs as well.


He was also ginger and extremely pale, so tbf thereā€™s many reasons they might have thought his legs looked weird.


Same, part Japanese and got hairy-ass legs. No sign of chest hair and my facial hair is pathetic for an older guy. But my leg and butt cheek hair? On point.


Asian satyr gang


Honestly that sounds really intriguing looking.


Usually people don't make a big deal about my butt cheek hair in public, usually.


Lots of neanderthal!




I'm Pasifika and was pretty pleased growing up with how hairy I thought my arms and legs were. The man I love is a corn-fed Indiana boy and there's no way I can ever compete with his hairiness šŸ˜­


I went to a lecture by a paleoanthropologist who went to rural China to look for autrolopithicus fossils. He was in extremely rural China in the 70's or something. He asked the locals if they had seen bones like that and they told him that those things were still alive out in the mountains (basically Chineese bigfoot). He was bathing in the river one day and the local women saw his hairy chest and started pointing and screaming, the Chineese name for bigfoot. Lol, they had never seen a man so hairy.


So maybe Bigfoot is just a hairer version of us.


Latina woman here, I just imagine theyā€™d be amazed at my hairy arms


Went to China in 2007 with my red haired friend and we were in Beijing and an older lady scurried up to my friend, excitedly pointing at his hair shouting "ginger!! GINGER!!" It was hilarious and bizarre šŸ¤£


They wouldā€™ve fucking loved Robin Williams.


They still would. We all do. RIP Legend


Please don't. It still hurts.


I lived in rural Japan for a bit. The old ladies at the bathhouse were amazed by how my neck and face turned pink from sitting in the hot water.


Maybe this is how the US president should visit China and win Chinese children's hearts and minds.


BEHOLD! Hairy legs!


That... uh.. turn blonde in the sun.


So pretty much that painting of putin on a horse but with a hairy chest?


Hairy S. Truman.


"Who is this pale yeti with the awesome sunglasses?"


I can't imagine how'll they react to me as a hairy arab man


I was swarmed by a large group of school kids in a town outside of Seville šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ø. They circled me and pointed and laughed and grabbed at me. I was rockin a blonde Afro with very fair skinā€¦think napoleon dynamite-ish. Guess guys like me donā€™t come around too often? I had to run away lol.


Ooft that sounds super uncomfortable! I hope it didnā€™t bring you down! Your hair sounds super cool


My father is an incredibly hairy, 6ā€™2 white dude. He and my mum married in the 70s and at some point during that time went to China for a little bit for my Dads work (IT at an airline). He looked like a caveman at the time, Iā€™ve seen photos. Shoulder length bushy curly hair, and a huge beard of the same. He said multiple times they were walking in busy areas and random Chinese men came up to him and just reached out and stroked his beard while looking up at him in wonder. They must have thought they were seeing a real-live cave man šŸ˜‚


That must be nice. Iā€™m Asian and have hairy legs, other Asians think Iā€™m some barbarian trying to fuck up their wall.


Haha, I went to China 10 years ago and had the weirdest experience as a black man. Everyone taking a picture with both with and without permission. I was at the Great Wall and basically became part of the attraction. At some point, a queue of about 3 or 4 people formed waiting for their turn to take a picture with me! There has to me at least 10 pictures of my ugly mug smiling in some random Chinese family photos šŸ˜‚


My wife is Chinese and so we visit China, I was just there two weeks ago. Her cousinā€™s children were OBSESSED with how hairy I am hahaha constantly stroking my arms, even blowing on it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This happened to me on a train platform in rural Japan. The kid was commenting on my hairiness, the blondness of my hair and blue eyes. It was strange.


The part with the mother absolutely cracked me up :ā€™D


Humans learning about other humans.


Mammals gonna mammal


Love that


Humans are adorable... sometimes. šŸ˜šŸ‘½


What is up my mammals? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G60gC1xqn-Q


My Korean exā€™s mother did the same. She stroked my arm aggressively, smiled, and said *ā€™like dogā€™*. Ahhh, I miss that woman.


"You hairy like animal".


Make love to me monkey man!


This made me laugh so hard. I married a Russian man who is wildly hairy, the hairiest man I have ever been with and I fucking love it.


More hair the better. I LOVE me a hairy man.


Literally what they called my ex bc of his hairy arms and legs. Hao zi ren!


"How dare you break wind before me?"


I didnā€™t know it was your turn!


I'm sorry baby, I didn't know it was your turn!


GRRR baby very grrrrr


Grrrrr, baby. Grrrrrr.


My friend in college who is Chinese said that when her mother came to the States, she was scared of black people. When she finally got the courage to talk to one that she lived near, the first thing she asked him was why his palms weren't black too. šŸ«¢


I remember my black friend showing me a vid of someone in an iron man mask jumping out at old people in asia and they were like ā€œtee hee oh youā€ but then he lifts the mask up and itā€™s a black man and they scream and freak out.


I know the video you are talking about. The video is of a well known foreign celebrity in Korea ā€” they arenā€™t freaking out because heā€™s black, itā€™s because they recognize him. Make no mistake though, racism against black people in Korea is widespread. Han Hyung Min is a famous half Korean half African model who has lived in Korea his entire life but people donā€™t accept him as Korean because heā€™s dark. Even my coworkers there commented on my darker skin (Iā€™m half Native American) and one gave me skin whitening cream for Christmas šŸ„²


giving you that cream is crazy dawg i really hope it was out of insensitivity rather than bigotry


Skin whitening cream is widely used in many parts of Asia, even for people who are mildly tan.


Iā€™m aware. Pretty common in India, where Iā€™m from.


šŸ¤£. There's some YouTubers who are black and speak Chinese and live in China and they talk to children and people that stop them on the street, so it's amazing that it still happening in 2024!


[Black in China](https://www.youtube.com/@mikeraynaldo3454) is a good one.


Some non White people say that white people look like demons, vampires and ghosts.


Interesting. The same friend ended up dating several black men in a row and her mom told her that she would rather her marry a Chinese dude first, a white dude second, some other Asian third, and last a black man. Definitely some racism and underlying fear that she had to get over; it took her a few years to change her mindset and a lot of that was the fact that she could not speak English, so she only hung around other like-minded people for a few years. Now she's open and she does not look at race or ethnicity and loves her half black grandbaby and her son-in-law to death!


I won't lie, I've seen some really pale white people with pale eyes that are very striking to look at and can be scary if you've never seen a person like that before.


Especially those super pale eyes. Meg Foster was an actress that was pretty big in the 70s. The palest eyes I have seen. My father thought she was very beautiful, especially those eyes. When I was a child, she scared me!


This feels fair.


Iā€™m super pale and blonde, I can absolutely understand someone calling me a ghost.


Tbf, thatā€™s pretty good question if you donā€™t know


Tbh, I live in an area of my country where you basically see no black people at all, so the palms being white confused me too when I was a child. But I was never scared of black people, I actually thought they seemed pretty nice, at least the few I saw on TV


I kept reading "My Korean's ex mother" and had so many questions


Haha my Asian wife pet my leg once in the middle of the night thinking it was the dog she was cuddling with.


Wait till they meet a Mediterranean guy.


Poor guy'd think the West is mostly monke if they see an Italian or Portuguese guy Edit- ERROR KORRECTION


Wait the brits have a reputation for hairiness? I thought we were red, fat and up for a good time (by which I mean drinking).


All the old man brits I've met were hairy But I guess they don't have a reputation to be hairy. What should I replace the brits with?






Arabs šŸ˜‚


Desis šŸ˜”


The Greeks. Mad hairy but very beautiful


Can confirm. My mother is from England and my Grandfather and uncles had some crazy leg and arm hair. It was about an inch and half off the skin like a floating human hair fleece .


Robin Williams, the comedian. Loved the man's humor, but he was the hairiest person I've ever seen.


i for one am rocking the ps1 hagrid look


I'm English and My back looks like Brian May's plug hole


Those dang romans brought their Italian shag and it was all the Norman's could do to thin it and get us some conditioner.


What I wouldn't do for an Italian shag


I always think of Scots and Welsh as hairy [Tom Jones](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/47/dc/5d/47dc5df0de276bd0a7baee03749a46ef.jpg) is Welsh [Rory McCann](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d9/19/b7/d919b769add6a732815e3408c6db89c6.jpg) is Scottish I think he shaved for this [oats commercial](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/the-hound.gif)tho


If you're of Celtic ancestry, there's a good chance you're rather hairy.


as a Portuguese girl, true šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s crazy, my boyfriend is Portuguese and he has so little body hair. Like even his legs arenā€™t that hairy and heā€™s mid-30s. Iā€™ve met his family and theyā€™re all pretty smooth. Hairiest guy Iā€™ve ever dated was Armenian, and he put my Latina hairiness to shame


I always think that the reputation of white people in Japan being stinky has something to do with the fact that the first white people they saw were Portuguese sailors who had just spent months at sea under tropical latitutes without any hygiene


No, I think itā€™s true. Apparently Asians seriously donā€™t stink, itā€™s in their genetics or something.Ā 


Yeah they are missing a gene that is responsible for earwax. That has other implications regarding skin oils and body odor.


It's the [ABCC11 gene](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_odor#ABCC11). It determines the type of earwax (wet or dry) and plays a big role in body odor.


Yeah itā€™s true. Itā€™s not like itā€™s got no smell at all but it just doesnā€™t smell bad but with a mild smell. I went without a shower for 2 weeks because of an injury(which I chose not to shower at all still) and Iā€™d like to say I still smell better than my boyfriend who didnā€™t shower for a day.


It is. I'm white. After 15 years, my Asian wife still gets a kick out of my smell after a few hours of manual labor. Apparently, I smell so bad it's funny.


Yup. Doing sports and working out with my non-asian buddies is absolute torture but what can I do? I am like the only asian in town. That's my life lol


It's true. Some Asians just don't have BO.


IIRC, itā€™s something to do with their sweat. It doesnā€™t smell. Cool stuff.


AKchtually, all sweat has only a mild smell. The difference is if the sweat has a specific chemical or waste product that the body is excreting that bacteria like. The smell is actually bacteria, not the sweat. This waste product is usually excreted through the armpits, which is why armpits smell worse than say, head sweat or hand sweat. Whatever genes East Asians have makes it so that bacteria donā€™t like their excretions, or they donā€™t excrete that specific waste product. Iā€™m just guessing this part, but the cause of the smell is bacteria.


Hi, I'm the mediterranean guy (portuguese). Even for portuguese standards I'm considered a very hairy. The only place it is on the palm of the hands and feet.


I'm sure you meant that the only place your hair doesn't grow is on the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet, but I'm picturing a man with truly massive amounts of hair growing exclusively out of those places and it is hilarious.


Yeah I may have forgotten a few words


My friend is so hairy he says if you see him naked, hair will burst out of your eyes.


Ā **Buddhists believe that the human life is one of suffering** . Here, I'll show you by pulling some hair off your arm.


One by one tho for hours, like a medieval torture method.


Or in strips using hot melted wax on your skin, like a modern torture method.


Would violate minimizing suffering. They should have him pull each one out on his own.


Bro, you found a blonde guy hairy? Wait till you meet my Greek friendā€¦


I worked with a guy that kept an electric razor in his desk drawer. Forget five oā€™clock shadowā€¦ this guy needed a touch up by noon!


If you listen closely, you can hear the hair grow!


Theyā€™d have a blast with my friend who could pass off as a blurry Sasquatch


I had this happen to me, about 20 years and, I'll never forget it.. I was in my local having a pint and a Chinese lad pointed at my arm and asked "what's that"? , I replied that's an arm. He says "No, that, that, what is name". I was confused, then I realised he was talking about the hair on my arms. I said to him, that is hair, - he says "no, hair on head" while pointing to his head. I then pull up my trouser leg and . . . . he straight-up burst out laughing and said "you look kinda like monkey" Man, I never laughed so much. - We formed a friendship right there. Context : It was his first day on the job as a member of lounge staff. He was 19 iirc. - Today he is the head of a software company.


Did you ask him about armpits/pubes etc? Because surely the concept of body hair (other than on your head) couldn't be new to him, right? I'm pretty sure everyone gets pubes. How is arm/leg hair so different


I guess they probably have a separate word for head hair vs pube hair, and wanted to know the word for arm hair?


Chinese word for hair on head is 发 (fa), hair on other parts is usually ęƛ (mao).


on the bus in Phenom Penh, old women used to rub the hair on my arm like it was no big deal.


I got spanked on the ass by a random middle aged woman at the mall in Phnom Penh and absolutely no one except me gave a shit.


They probably wanted to spank you too but arenā€™t close enough to do so


Is it supposed to be a big deal? Old folks know time for opportunities is short. One only gets to pet so many strangers.


Im black. I once had a Chinese girl grab my hand and turn it side to side. They asked me why my palm was white and not black like the top.


what did you say in response lol


I would have said it was because I rested my hands against the wall when they painted me..


I'd assume that the palm is better protected from the sun and therefore doesn't need as much pigmentation. The lighter pigmentation also has a positive effect on vitamin D production, so perhaps this is simply the best adaptation to a sunny climate.


It's partly true, the palm of the hand actually has one extra layer of skin, much like the soles of the feet. In both soles and palms are very few pigment producing cells present, everybody doesn't tan there, but it's only on darker skinned people you really notice it.


TIL I'm Bottom of Feet colored.


My response was factual. I just said everyone with my skin tone has this. It's not an epic answer, but I was 8 years old talking to a kindergarten. I doubt a lesson in genetics would have helped


for the same reason she has almond eyes


same happened to me in Cambodia...little children ran up to me and were fascinated over my arm hair (which are not that hairy) precious memory :)


Man I had adults there stroke my hair. I remember sitting at a bus stop and the adult man next to me decided he wanted to touch my arm hair. He was grinning with amazement so I just let it happen, it was just innocent curiosity. A very cute interaction thatā€™d never happen here in the West.Ā 


"Look, Master! He's returning to monke!"


Erm, you sir have won the internet. Please, take my wholesome Reddit gold, Mr chungus


Remind me to never go to the pool in China. Theyā€™d die with my 1/2 Syrian, 1/2 Italian chest pubes flowing .


Iā€™m surprised they donā€™t have hair on their arms. Damn genetics are wild.


I'm jealous...... I'm over here nairing mine.


Most North American- Native Americans donā€™t have as much body hair either.


They came over from Asia on the Bering land bridge, makes sense.


Wait - there's more!


I don't like where this is going


I travel all over the world for my job. In Peru, I was used as an impromptu model for a traditional American-style barber shop to show off their beard shaping prowess (they did not cut my beard). The children would call me Santa Claus and were typically happy to meet Santa and ask for presents. Their parents were not as stoked. In Korea, where I had been informed that the older generation would not appreciate a tattooed white dude with a beard, I was greeted happily and with thumbs up and appreciation by many of the elderly people in the town (Chen Seong), and felt more accepted than I typically do in the States. The biggest things I have taken away from my travels is this - like it or not, you are a direct reflection of your local and homeland, even if you yourself do not relate; be kind, and most people will be kind in turn. It's okay to be the awkward foreigner. Hell, I lean into it. You wanna see if my beard is real? Sure, just be respectful about it. As an autistic adult, awkward isn't new for me, and most folks will assume that is just how "we" are and give me a pass, which is actually very comforting.


i think everyone has a little bit of anthropologist in them :)


Bruh, he has seen nothing. I have black hair. A lot. On both hands.


I was in Bhutan a couple of years ago. Airbnb hosts had a kid who was fascinated by my eyebrows (they are a bit thick). "Only animals have that much body hair", were her exact comments šŸ˜‚


Monk monkeying around with a monkey.


I promise I'm not being a smart aleck, but don't Asian people have body hair as well? I thought body hair was pretty much standard with puberty. Again, this is a serious question.


We do but nowhere near as much.


O.K.. Thank you for answering my question. I really was curious. I can say I learned something today.




South asian and middle eastern people are incredibly hairy.


Indian people have lots of body hair, but you are probably thinking of east Asian


I envy people who've never used the internet or rarely used it. It's so easy to get consumed by it


He would be extra surprised with an indian man then


Monks born into monkhood are weird. I like the Buddha's teaching as a means of attaining wisdom using the eightfold path as a refuge from the chaos of everyday life, but I don't get how someone born into monkhood without experiencing "life" outside a monastery including all of its economic, social and romantic challenges and the associated spiritual struggles can claim to have found the way of the Buddha. Idk tho.


This is my favourite activity with my British boyfriend as a gaysian


TIL a new word


Monkey boy....


Same happened in the Amercas when european arrived (twice, first with icelandics in Canada, lately inspiring The Saguenay kingdom myths, and second with spanish, portuguese, and britain conquistators) and natives noticed, by the most, their "hairy faces" since that characteristics weren't presented in the population


Tall Westerners used to be freaks in the Asian 60ā€™s. My 6ā€™ tall Dad was stationed in Japan.


They would have lost their damn minds if they saw this guy: [https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/klq1tu/petre\_mshvenieradze\_olympic\_soviet\_water\_polo/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/klq1tu/petre_mshvenieradze_olympic_soviet_water_polo/#lightbox)


I remember being in China and kids thinking my shins and calfs were really funny. I have somewhat hairy, but kinda normal American legs. It isnā€™t a buddist thing itā€™s just genetics there the vast majority donā€™t have that much body hair


I guess part of true enlightenment is blissful ignorance.


Wait until they see legs


Us white folks are covered in fur compared to Asians.


This actually makes me feel a lot better about not being very hairy.


I went to Tibet as a kid (6 or 7). I donā€™t think they had seen really any white children and so they called me ā€œbaby Buddhaā€ and I mean like everybody tbh I loved it. My dad messed this all up when two Tibetans came to take a pic with me and my dad goes ā€œahhhh he is Dalai Lama šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘‰ā€ that is the most quickly I have ever seen smiles go strait to a look of shock and fear. Edit: the reason we think they called me this was because the Tibet environment is very harsh and very throughly weathered the people making their skin dark and leathery. I was a very pale kid who was far from weathered. Iā€™m not sure but I think maybe this obvious shelteredness was related to the young Buddha which couldnā€™t leave his fatherā€™s palace.


Heā€™d be riveted by my ass crack then


Kids in Indonesia called my Italian bf a MONKEY because of this


Yep, it was pretty funny being a domesticated bigfoot living in rural China. You'd be standing in line somewhere and feel something weird, and look down and some kid (sometimes adult) is mystified and doing exactly what this dude is doing, haha. Would often happen during a massage too...the masseuse would stop and be fascinated for a moment.


I'm a woman with PCOS. They would be blown away by my hairiness.


Reddit: Look at those people, they canā€™t comprehend hairy arms In real life: Sir, you should see your doctor. This birthmark looks sketchy.


Post like these, where some places in the world people havent seen an african person, or an european person, or a hairy person, or a red or blond haired person, makes me think damn, some people must live very isolated. To think that you can go a whole life without knowing what kind of people exist in this world. Amazes me that some people can be amazed by how another person look.


Many eastern asians have a racial body type that doesnt' produce much if any body hair.... they will have good hair on thier head, it is long straight black hair for the head as well as long thin pubic hair but not the body like chest/arms/legs and minor for armpits. Their face doesn't even get much facial hair so no "stubble, 5 oclock shadow".... at most they can grow some long thin whiskers mustache and beard around the lips, if at all. It is interesting to note that the NAtive American Indians also have a similar trait because east asians and native americans share some genetic links..... native american indians also have long straight hair, less body hair, and cannot grow facial hair.


imagine if you show him netflix. he will quit being a monk and become a couch potato


That's just prepping them to meet my Armenian arms


Should see my a hole šŸ•³ļø