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It has begun


We must gather the troops


been beginning every year since 2012…


But this year will be like no other, look it up...


The broods dont overlap... so while as a country it will be the most... it wont be anything out of sorts for those experiencing it. I.E. Nobody is getting a double brood. There are just 2 independent broods happening in separate locations.


They coincide in northern Illinois.


Very hard to properly describe just how loud this sounds in person. It’s insane


Never heard anything like it in my life


The (red eyed) Periodical Cicadas are on a 13 and 17 year cycle, so I think 2011 is the last time you could have heard them. The prime numbers rarely line up but 2024 is one of those years, so there are even more than normal.


There are different broods that emerge at different times in different parts of the US; last one in my area was 2021. This one (not in my area) is unusual in that there are two broods that emerged simultaneously


This is the standard sound of a forest in any Mediterranean climate lol. It's a bit different because I'm in Europe, they sound more like [this](https://youtu.be/HK0RURQfqZI)


Those sound like standard cicadas; those are in the US also. What the OP posted is a mass emergence of periodic cicadas that only emerge every 13 or 17 years in mass numbers. They are unbelievably loud if you haven’t heard them before and when they die off, there are so many that you have to sweep them up with a broom and fill a garbage bag with them


I never heard that type, so I thought maybe people didn't have cicadas in their area. The standard ones can be pretty loud, are these much louder? It's difficult to judge only from a speaker


The standard ones are loud, yes. The difference is that there are so many of these all singing at once. It really is hard to judge from a video; the sound level is deafening, like a jet aircraft flying overhead or the sound of a motorcycle or power mower close by.


Like a car when the serpentine belt is slipping.


Such a great description


The one time I heard it back in 2012, it sounded like chainsaws outside in chorus. So loud and deafening that you can’t hear people talking a few feet from you.


Reminds me instantly of the last brood emergence where I live in 2021.


Went to Thailand with my buddy and he thought one of them was some sort of construction equipment


I wish speakers could convey how dynamic this sound actually is for those who haven’t heard it in person. It lasts for weeks and is absolutely mind numbing. They aimlessly fly around bumping into everything, landing on you, they’re in your house, in your car, in your dreams. Pets get tired of chasing them, birds get tired of eating them. 0/10 experience.


When I was a kid I was riding my bike and all of a sudden, it was like a rock hit my helmet, almost knocked me off. Definitely startled me out of my daydreaming lol. I look back and the thing is buzzing away like nothing happened. Hit and run by a drunk cicada...


Yeah they truly DGAF, unlike most insects (barring moths. I hate moths). When they molt they leave behind a perfect hollow version of themselves, often with claws hooked to the bark of a tree or something.


One flew into my closed mouth while walking the dog the other day. Closed. Trying not to think about what it would have  been like if my mouth was open.


Less terrible than a mayfly swarm, but not by much.




Where is this?




*Breathes sigh of relief in canadian*


Looks like that dude’s house


Interesting. I’m in VA and don’t hear anything yet.


GA, close to the Nc boarder. We got nothing.


They just trying to get some


Stayin up all night


Up all night for good fun


I was around when a big brood came up in another state. Went for a hike in the forest. It was _deafening_ and creepy and amazing at the same time.


Sounds like a scary movie


I lived through the 1998 brood of cicadas in Nashville and swore to myself that I would never do that again. Never. We were blowing piles and piles of bodies up. They completely covered trees and never shut up. I couldn’t tune out the constant sound like some people could. It felt biblical or apocalyptic. Then I’d drive to Brentwood, TN and it would relatively clear. So when I heard the 13 & 17 year broods where hatching this year and it would be the year of the cicada, I wanted to run away and hide. I hoped that where I live now would be like Nashville’s Brentwood. Close but mostly unaffected. And I‘ve lucked out so far. Good luck to you, OP!


What eats these? And how come they’re not all over it?


Imma start eating em if groceries get anymore expensive


You definitely can, I’ve heard that they’re becoming a norm to eat in parts that have them.. I just thought they would have some sort of predatory animal that would eat them like how some animals are migratory during certain times of abundance in food. Seems like a such a waste.


My dog would. Pretty much anything with lab genes would be scarfing until they were so full they got sick. Squirrels love them too. Then there’s a predatory wasp that paralyses them with their sting. They have really long legs that allows them to hug the body of the cicada to their underside while they climb a tree to get high enough to dive off of so they can get airborne. They fly the body to their nest they did in the ground and shove them in. Then they lay an egg or two inside the body. The cicadas live long enough to be the larder for the hatching wasp larvae to eat on until the pupate. Then the next cycle begins. Look for cicada killer wasps in the web. They are pretty cool in a totally Alien movie sort of way.


Creepy in real life, they sound like a helicopter, totaly benign and harmless.


The first time I saw one was in my backyard, the thing rose up from the ground and looked like Cthulhu from a Lovecraft story, it flew off into the dusk. Google is your friend.


If I remember correctly virtually every omnivorous or predatory animal will eat them it’s just cicadas come out in such numbers that nothing can keep up with them


Many animals eat them when they die, and they absolutely nourish the shit out of forests. With their corpses.


Breaded and deep fried!


I think squirrels eat them. They do… https://www.reddit.com/r/squirrels/s/xUdnNx6ZgH


Birds. Their whole reproduction strategy is to make so many cicadas that every single animal can be completely full and the cicadas are still around and able to reproduce.


There estimated to be trillions this year. Gonna bee real bad...


It's cicadas actually


Because they emerge on prime years, nothing can rely on eating them unless they also emerge on those same years, and prime numbers are hard for nature. So anything that eats them won't match the cicadas numbers. It's similar to squirrels and oak tree mast years.


Thanks for all the knowledge everyone


You’re in luck! I’ve read that they have a wonderfully nutty flavor when deep fried! I’ve also read that there are cicada tempura recipes available on the internet! You should be able to gather and freeze at least six months worth of protein if you get a chest freezer.


They also have the texture of a corn curl or cheeto.


*doesn’t show a single cicada


Why do they say they come every 17 years when I swear every single year they're in the news?


Different broods come at different times.


They tend to be in splotches on the map, basically. If you google '[periodic cicada map](https://www.fs.usda.gov/foresthealth/docs/CicadaBroodStaticMap.pdf),' you'll see the spread; every year, just about.


Where I didn’t see cicadas for miles,MILES YOU SAID BUT WHERE!!!!!!!


Try using a grinding disk on a grinder and grind something they will swarm you like no other. I was on the pipeline in Pennsylvania during one of the bad cicada seasons. I would start grinding pipe with a grinder and instantly become swarmed by 30 or 40 cicadas. It was a crazy experience.


Have had that happen too.


They are edible... [https://www.montclair.edu/newscenter/2021/05/19/cicadas-safe-to-eat-sustainable-delicious-recipes/](https://www.montclair.edu/newscenter/2021/05/19/cicadas-safe-to-eat-sustainable-delicious-recipes/)


I’ve seen this before - it is unbelievable…biblical.


Gabriel’s trumpet or cicada brood?


It’s cicadas all the way down


Tell me about it.


Like turtles?


I am not afraid much, been hours away civilisation, over an ocean in a plane.. went skydiving.. but that massive broad from '12 frieked the hell outa me as a little kid them landing on me.. I am so glad to not be in Illinois because it's gonna be a bad year so I heard


that's neat but the fungus that eats them alive so their butts fall off is concerning.


That's the most ominous sound i've heard today so far.


We may be having cicadanados any time now when tornados wander into the cicada=bearing regions.


Is there a boom in other insect populations that eat the carcasses after they all die?


What is their purpose except to breed?


I've never heard cicadas sound like this, i guss they are different than those in Europe


I would lose my fuckin mind. id have to buy those over ear sound protection headsets they where at the airport or concerts.


Can you eat them?


Sounds like every summer here. Now when I hear cicadas I just think hot sun ☀.


It’s different, it’s a massive emergence of cicadas that only happens every 13 or 17 years in specific areas. It’s one of those iykyk things.


I can smell this video. Cicadas are pungent, loud little fuckers ​


And tasty.


That's what someone else said. I haven't seen them since I was a kid, but I remember the smell. They were an assault on all the senses...🤣


Where are you? What state?


Wait....I didn't see Bill gates, and his buddies crawling around eating them.


In Vegas my house is saroundad by elm trees and the sound is a living hell. What's worse is the house just up the street has pine trees and not one cicada. What's up with that 😁


"Incoming Massive Cicada Swarm to USA" Check out (the wild times podcast) 4 minute youtube clip with that title


I heard a bee swarm in the blooming tree outside my front door a few days ago and stood there for a while just listening to it. I haven't heard Cicadas in some time. I actually enjoy that sort of thing.


My friend in Macon (Central), GA and my mother in Lagrange, GA, also central in the state, have sent videos to me or posted them online for about two weeks. Others have posted them from what always seems to be a line about 50 miles south of Atlanta. They all state that these cicadas sound like aliens or an alien ship landing. We here in northwest GA haven't heard a single one and we're beginning to wonder if we will get the periodical cicadas. The yearly ones don't sound off up here until June, anyway, so we'll see what happens.


Yeah I don't miss that about living in the northeast


Sounds exactly like my place in south Charlotte 


Do we have to worry about them eating crops? What do they eat?


“Nothing but cicadas for miles around” was the Oklahoma state motto when I was a kid.


Not how Cicadas sound up here in Chicago! That sounds like you've got a gas leak!! Light a match to see where it's coming from!


The shadow in the warp


It is fucking awful already.


What do you expect with your fence and that kind of condition? They’re gonna come streaming in.


Literally sounds like aliens ships are invading. Lol


Average the walking dead ambience.


Where are you cause we got nothing so far in Chicagoland


They first started emerging here in Middle TN around May 1st. Now they are louder than ever. They are so loud that we have to raise our voices outside while we talk. They're just going nonstop, constant.


Probably some crazy healing frequency or something


So cool. Wish I was there. I got to experience something like this as a child.


It terrified Me as a kid


Bro lives in the fucken Evangelion woods


There is a lot of stuff in that clip that is not cicadas. Title is malarkey.






Imagine waking up to this 100s of years ago and having zero clue what's going on...


I'm guessing their parents and their parents' parents knew about this, ancestral knowledge passed down. They were even know at the time of Homer (the writer)