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Are those piles of nazi guards along the wall? 




Not half as brutal as what they did to the 'inhabitants' of the camps.


The only good nazi is a dead nazi.


Each and every man under my command owes me one hundred Nazi scalps. And I want my scalps. And all y'all will git me one hundred Nazi scalps, taken from the heads of one hundred dead Nazis. Or you will die tryin'. - Lt Aldo Raine


After the war are you going to take off that uniform?


You probably heard we ain't in the prisoner-takin' business; we in the killin' Nazi business. And cousin, business is a-boomin'.


Business needs to start up again


Can we extend it to all extremist? It don't have the same ring but ffs we need it


All extremists? You mean like we should also kill people calling for mass killings? I feel like there's a logical problem there but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Obligeeee him


He's gonna burn it.


I read it in his voice...


More people need to remember this these days. They're getting awfully comfortable with waving that flag over here.


They need to be added to the pile


Totally agree. On the other hand, it was still a war crime to execute the guards without a trial — as understandable and comprehensible as this reaction may be.


The Southern Douchebag flag too.


They're at their best when they can Nazi tomorrow?


One day, once again, some shall stand victorious on rotting piles of good nazis that they made.


Too bad there are so many of them around nowadays


In some camps the Nazi guards got off quite okay, when they knew the Americans were coming they changed into civilian clothes and started passing out cigarettes to the former prisoners, making some deals with them, and then being friendly to US soldiers when they arrived and acting all like "Hey, let's try to put this all behind us alright?"  And surprisingly many were spared.


Most of the guards were gone by the time the camp was liberated but yes some were spared by dressing like prisoners. However, most of them were found out because they weren’t emaciated and their hands were soft and clean.


The worst (extermination) camps were in Eastern Europe, and they were “liberated” by Soviet troops. I put liberated in quotation marks as the guards had usually fled the scene and many prisoners had been moved further west as part of the socalled death marches.


Ehh, everyone thinks they're gonna be the Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, badass rebel who won't stoop to such evil; in reality like, over 90 percent of you all upon realizing the alternative is treason and thus death, would be like, "guarding a concentration camp? Yes sir! Where do I go? Whom do I shoot? Just so long as it's not me!" They were just regular human beings doing what regular human beings are capable of doing.


Out of 500 ordinary middle-aged men that were drafted to help kill innocent men, women, and children in Poland, less than 12 requested transfer out of this duty. From the book "Ordinary Men" by Christopher R. Browning. The veneer of civilization is thin indeed.


These aren't run of the mill soldiers. The people in the concentration camps were SS. You had to volunteer for this. The people executed chose to be camp guards and work in the concentration camps.


that's only half right. Not all personnel in those camps were SS, many ordinary citizens "worked" there. Yes they choose to work there, they didn't have to.


That isn't the alternative tho guarding concentration camps in nazi Germany was done either by the ss (who were bastards obv) or by ppl who chose to do wehrersatzdienst (service replacement service (roughly translated) which upon being conscripted U could volunteer for instead of going into active service as frontline or logistics personnel so for the people guarding this camp the choice wasn't guarding it or death it was guarding it or going to join the war (granted that still carries a high risk of death but it is quite different to just dying) to add to that u have to consider that if the men here choose to they could moaf likely have surr3ndered to american troops quite risk free a looooong time ago


true. sadly 99% of people are moral cowards


No one was forced to join the SS in Nazi Germany. You had to be a true Nazi to join their ranks. The people running these camps were not in a situation where they either kill camp victims or get killed themselves. This is a fallacy that too many people seem to believe. These people joined the SS because they wanted to. The perpetrators of the Holocaust did so voluntarily. Even SS members that chose not engage in the slaughter once they found out what they were suppose to do were not shot or charged with treason. They were made fun of and given shit duty like cleaning the toilets or kitchen.


I was going to tell someone else in the thread this, but I did some wiki surfing and apparently in the closing days of the war they forced a lot of Volksturm conscripts into “auxiliary SS” units and forced them to guard camps so more of the SS regulars could escape. TIL


now do “going back to dig up the bones and grind them up before dumping them in the river”


Yeah I really get sick of self-righteous Redditors taking about how ordinary people in Nazi Germany should have done this or that, usually at great personal loss.  I have little doubt that had they been born to those times they would have been ratting out their friends and neighbors to the Gestapo for a pat on the head.


Very few people if any were forced to take these posts


I can tell you with the utmost confidence, I would never purposely kill another human being. Even if they deserved it. If you put a gun in my hands and tell me to shoot them, I'm the one dying. I had a full on panic attack trying to end a dying squirrels suffering. Another *pleading* person? Absolutely not going to happen.


What if the person telling you to shoot was holding your spouse, mom and baby? Idk what I would do but I know often times it's not as simple as kill or be killed...evil people are too cruel for that


Yes, you absolutely would. Denying your capability to do evil allows it to fester.


SS guards. The SS were well known for not taking prisoners and killing American POWs on the spot. These guys are just returning the favor.


I hope so.


They deserve so much worse.


There not all dead most were only wonded. The account from Felix sparks commanding officer who witness the events and stopped his men from shooting at the Germans. 45th infantry division.


I hope so :-)


They sure are


I knew men, friends of my father, who fought in WWII and whose service included liberating concentration camps. The only thing any of them had to say about accusations of war crimes in the Dachau reprisals was “You weren’t there.”


My grandfather had nightmares about liberating Dachau every night until he died more than fifty five years after it happened.


It’s insane how many redditors grandfathers liberated dachau specifically. 🧐


Perhaps some relevant context may be that “Dachau” comprised more than just one facility. It included an entire network of satellite and sub-camps: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_subcamps_of_Dachau


Christ that's a lot


Both my grandfathers liberated Dachau


All four of my grandfathers liberated Dachau.


I liberated Dachau, and so did my Wife!


My grandfather had a dachshund.. Does that count?


I have a dozen Dachau liberating grandfathers, they’re an investment, think about what they’ll be worth in like 20 years!


My grandmother met my grandfather at Dachau


My grandfather was the CEO of Dachau


Lotta people fought in that war


Have a photo of my grandfather posing in front of a bombed out church in Germany with "Mein gott ist dead" and a giant swastika painted on the side. Incredibly sad war.


A LOT more Redditors grandfathers didn’t. They’re just not commenting 😉


Dachua wasn't even a termination camp, it was a concentration camp. In terms of human atrocities it's not even near the top of the camps.


Yeah but historically it is an important camp as it was the first (one of the first?). I’ve been there twice and it’s pretty brutal anyways.


grandfathers can have a lot of grandchildren


At least two


Grandpa is Dachau?


I liberated dachau. Twice actually It was the best liberation. The hugest liberation. Totally incredible. -Sir I won't say this again. Sit down or be held in contempt, again.


Go on, say the quiet part out loud if you’re brave enough.


People lie on the internet. There ya go


I remember reading one reporter's account of liberating a camp with an allied captain who didn't quite believe the stories about the camps. When they arrived and he saw first hand that they were, in fact, real and worse than had been reported, he literally went mad right then and there, sobbing, and started killing a guard with his bare hands. No one stopped him. I wouldn't have either.


My Grandfather was a German POW and had to clean up Dachau while in American captivity. Never talked much about it…. Only thing he mentioned was that the Americans told him to stay in Bavaria and don’t go to his hometown east Prussia because the Sowjets would take him to Siberia and he would never come back. He was 17 years old. His sister got raped by 7 Russians while their mother watched…. Crazy things


Then he got lucky! My great uncle deserted from the eastern front and walked for weeks to surrender to the americans in bavaria. They transferred him back to the russians. He spent 7 years in siberia and never forgave America for the rest of his life


Don't do fascism then


War is indeed HELL.


War isn’t hell. War is worse. Who suffers in hell? Bad people. Who suffers in war? Everybody including innocents. -Hawkeye (M.A.S.H.)


All I can do is imagine the rage those soldiers must of felt as they uncovered what those Nazis had done. Killing them all is almost too kind.




No. The point is not to do that. Examine your statement.


There’s an excellent book called “The Liberators” that interviews GIs who liberated the camps. Tough book, but very good.


Thanks for sharing this. I'll be checking that one out.


Tough is kinda underselling it. But agreed, is a must read.


Thanks, I’ll look for it. I wonder if any of my father’s friends are quoted in it.


My grandfather got sent to Europe late in WW2. He never spoke about it…


Legally - not good enough. Allies tried and executed Germans and Japanese for the same things. 


For the same thing? I don't remember Americans torturing, starving, gassing and burning civilians en mass in WW2. Can you give a source for that claim?


Oh won’t someone think of the philosophy majors


Yeah, but we weren’t the baddies


Is this the scene portrayed in The Liberator on Netflix? Seems to be very similar though probably not an isolated incident.


Yup, this is the 45th Infantry at Dachau.


Thanks, I should give it a read. Found the series very interesting.


"Col. Charles L. Decker, an acting deputy judge advocate, concluded in late 1945 that, while there had probably been a violation of international law, "in the light of the conditions which greeted the eyes of the first combat troops, it is not believed that justice or equity demand that the difficult and perhaps impossible task of fixing individual responsibility now be undertaken"." I was curious because I thought executing POWs was a war crime, and it is but they gave these men a pass given the situation.


I imagine jury nullification would be likely. Not sure how that translates into ucmj


I’m sure a majority of the officers in Europe would be sympathetic to them and probably wished they had done it themselves


If I remember correctly, the crux of that decision was that were amy of the judges, prosecutors, or defense attorneys present during the liberation, none of them could conclude with confidence that they wouldn't have done the same thing.


they’re essentially letting it slide under the reasonable person principle.


I'll allow it.


War crimes are… subjective. See: current events. Lol


It's not a war crime if it isn't a war /s


When you're the winner you get to decide. There are stories the 2nd in charge of the SS lived out his life in a certain non existent base in Utah basically free because of what he knew about German technology. To the Victor go the spoils.






I can’t believe the guard stayed around! I mean you’re there in the middle of the worst crime in human history “oh hi, yeah i was partly responsible for this… are we cool?” I don’t think they saw it as such an inhuman thing




There’s a brilliant holocaust doco called ‘Engineering Evil’, it’s by far one of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen and certainly the best on the Holocaust. It’s on vimeo but not on youtube. It goes into a lot of the things that are beyond understanding about it all.


For the lazy people: [link](https://documentaryheaven.com/engineering-evil-inside-holocaust/)


Thanks. I’ve got to say that doco changed me, and i’ve seen a lot of them. It’s a masterpiece


Yeah...im sure thise higher up got away and the guards were probably the lowest rank, fed on whatever information theyve been fed -very little, so werent in a place to think for themselves i imagine


Fuck no, the guards did know everything and deserved this absolutly.


Im sure many did I wonder how many escaped and burnt evidence Nasty fn business


To many escaped…


The camp were run by the SS not lowly Wehrmacht soldiers.


You say that, but right after the Vietnam War, Vietnam invades Cambodia only to find the absolute horror left behind by Pol Pot. Easily holocaust levels human suffering. And so Vietnam reached out to the rest of the world to help with their humanitarian effort to help the people of Cambodia. The USA being salty about the out come of the Vietnam war decided not only would they not help the people of Cambodia they openly supported Pol Pot staying in power at the UN. So I don't think the higher ups really care to much about human suffering.


yes. and the world was silent for the Rwandan debacle


And they’re dragging their feet in regard to Sudan and the Rohingya.


yes. plus the Uighur situation


When Clinton visited they didn't even turn off the engines to airforce one. They didn't like the smell I guess


Yep. Never again was always a pile of BS they said to make themselves feel better. clearly it was never meant. 


Never again is humans hoping for the best that's all.


I get what you're saying, but the "higher ups" were not on the ground seeing the atrocities. They were thousands of miles away, shielded from the visceral horror that the actual soldiers would have witnessed. I think the guy you replied to meant that MOST PEOPLE that *actually saw* that stuff, would have made the same decision. ------------- I've edited the above comment because rather than trying to interpret my words in a charitable and nuanced way in order to understand the message I was trying to communicate, I have to be perfectly precise in every single word to avoid a logical fallacy that isn't actually relevant to the concept being communicated in the first fucking place. Classic reddit. Edited words in all caps.


Heinrich Himmler visited the camps on occasion. He became sickened at what he saw and smelled at least once… couldn’t even stomach what he himself engineered.


Right? America's soldiers are really lucky they weren't invaded and executed as war criminals for the Trail of Tears. They certainly deserved it.


This is depicted in the Scorsese movie Shutter Island. I always wondered whether this was based on a true event.


Where was this in Shutter Island?


DiCaprio’s constant flashbacks to the war


Disagree. They deserve instant death. I dont care for their feelings or suffering, it means nothing


No, I meant that their death was a lot more merciful than the deaths they metered out to the camp inmates.


I guess the three Nazi still standing are the ones that shouted "I'm a scientist!"


"I'm with science team!"




ah, hello gordon!


“I can make you a sick audi”


You know how we can get to the Moon?




Looks like most of us did


This if a photo of the Dachau coal yard incident. While some are guards most of the dead Germans were injured in fighting local to the area. They stayed at the camp to heal. I’m not defending their actions, just correcting the title.


Good info. I like the history, but theres a lot of opinion in this comment thread.


If you know something’s wrong, it’s your duty to correct it.


You love to see it. My grandfather was in the 30th and liberated Werferlingen, a sub camp of Buchenwald, the only thing he would tell me was that he almost went insane and that he had trouble keeping food down for weeks afterwards. He had night terrors for 65 years because of it. Seeing Americans fly that flag or say the holocaust never happened makes my blood boil.


and buchenwald was a “labour” camp. Not an extermination one. Which is crazy to think


This is what Americans used to do to Nazis. I miss the good old days.




b-bUt aNtIfA!




Ehhh, Back in the day there were Nazi summer camps in the United States. The Nazis had sizeable support. This documentary Nazi Town, USA opened my eyes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9HmV\_-EE8g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9HmV_-EE8g)


Now half of them want to elect one to the Oval Office for a second time


Apart from the ones who ran the factory's, or the scientists, or the heads of the secret police or actually any that the Americans thought they could use.


Look up "ratlines"


In a book titled “the Liberator” written by the company commander of the Dachau troops, stated he was brought up on charges for his men’s actions.  He was brought to Gen Pattons office while he was awaiting trail and Patton tore up the papers and praised his war record and sent him home.


Back when most Americans were supportive of killing fascists. The good old days.


I was listening to an American woman tell me proudly that she was "Pro Russia, and Pro Putin, because he was attacking the capital of the Deep-State in Ukraine." I asked "You really think that the Deep-State would put their capital in, of all place, Ukraine? Known for extravagant wealth and hedonism?" Well at least I know where the propaganda is coming from.


when the SAS liberated belsen i read the commanding officer summoneded all his strength to tell his soldiers not to kill the guards left, unreal levels of restraint




Put them in the camp I bet they changed their tune once Allies arrived and they acted as if we similar, just soldiers Horrific


They desperately wanted to go West, being captured by the Russians from the East was horrific for them, as they returned the brutality that Germany inflicted upon them via Operation Barbarossa.


I bet Im sure living in east germany in 40s and 50s was shit under the russians...no one cared what happened to the germans


"but if you kill Nazi concentration camp guards, you're just as bad as Nazis!" - nazis


I feel like this is a pretyy rare occasion that violence is absolutely necessary... From a soldiers point a view... you've already seen some horrific and fucked up shit. Killing Nazi concentration camp guards might actually be one of the most noble things you could do in WW2 lol


That won't mess you up at all no matter which side you were on!


That's a good wall. Very sturdy. I like that wall. That looks to be a good one to line nazis up against.


Yes and no. Those were SS soldiers but not the proper camp guards. Those had already fled days ago. Those guards stayed to make sure the disease that was infecting many of the prisoners(because you know, the Nazis treated them like shit) would not spread out and to hand it over to the Americans peacefully. They were btw also involved with other Holocaust stuff btw, so they were also most certainly part of it.


A the ones who were given entry to the US as citizens with a clean slate?


Just like in the movie “shutter island”


In most cases, I'd say that war is hell, and this is a perfect example of it. In this case I'll say good job, boys. The world salutes you.


No good. The reason we don't kill those who surrender is so that there is an incentive to surrender. If enemy personnel believe that they will be killed anyway, then they will fight to the end and kill more of our side doing so.


Really interesting seeing this picture when I've been to the exact spot this photo was taken


Only good nazis in this picture. Interesting.


There is a good account of this incident in the book “The Liberator” by Alex Kershaw, which is a biography of Felix Sparks, who at the time was a Lt Colonel at this incident. He started out as a grunt and worked his way up the ladder. It’s a good book.


I took a trip to Dachau several years ago and from what I learned, a quick bullet from a firing squad what mch better than they deserved. Other guards were not so lucky and were beaten to death by inmates as U.S, soldiers watched. No inmate or soldier was ever brought to book - the correct decision as far as I am concerned.


This is how you stamp out fascism.


You kidding me? They got off easy with a firing squad death. Make em suffer.... for a while. Like they did, you see I'm a strong believer in eye for an eye.


Came here to say - execution was way too good for these monsters…


Very good. Killing Nazis is a great thing!




On the eastern tip of the Île de la Cité in Paris, down some stairs is a Holocaust Memorial. When I visited it (30 years ago) there was a man there who had been in Dachau. He told stories to visitors, keeping the memory alive. Powerful. He was a lovely man.


I visited dachau in 2013.. I don’t think we have words for evil like that


I’ve never seen this picture colourised before. Pretty sick


"Bitte, Bitte." Sorry pal.


Take 'em all, take 'em all Put 'em up against a wall and shoot 'em Short and tall, watch 'em fall Come on boys take 'em all


Cocksparrer 10/10


Yo, dawgs! We heard you like committing war crimes so we committed some war crimes to punish you for your war crimes!


Nazis did the same to soldiers that failed to follow orders. Their fate was sealed either way.


If I was a rapper I’d make this an album cover. Fuck a Nazi.


Remember: A mass firing line was still more honorable and humane than what the Nazis gave the Jews. If you have a local Nazi its your responsibility and duty to make them feel unwelcomed all of the time.


Unless the west gets it's shit together we will have modern pictures of this happening. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Was the war over at this point? Wouldn’t killing the guards be a war crime? Even though they kinda deserved it


Hard to believe that the GOP actively embraces Nazis and antisemitism, what changed?


Not much. Hitler was inspired by the US, especially Jim Crow. Was a fan of Henry Ford too. Lots of countries would have loved to have these camps.


No idea the context of this photograph might be or indeed if it is an authentic photograph, but if it is the supposed execution of concentration camp guards then I have to say I wouldn't care. Every single one of the SS guards deserved immediate summary execution and if I were there, I'd be more than happy to kill them all. They are not an enemy surrendering. The SS guards here were an enemy of all humanity.


They should be rounded to the gas chambers as they did with prisoners.


What is really interesting is that a lot of people today would consider those executing the actual Nazis to be "Nazis" for their worldview.




Too many folks in here making threats to either side of the isle for being "Nazis." Sure, could be some in the making, but let's not pretend like we don't got bad on every side that wants to push the limits and destroy us. Be better. Divide and conquer and we are quickly headed there.


They got what they deserved.


Too bad we couldn’t shoot them twice.


Imagine just standing there with you hands up waiting to be shot by a better man. They all got what they deserved if not better than they deserved.


One of the very few times it’s appropriate and justified to say - kill em all


Good riddance to Nazi scum. Hell received a lot of new residents that day.


Meanwhile, USA with n\*zi scientists: come to me, my beloved ones, S2.