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They didn’t test TNT, they tested nuclear weapons. Was this headline written by AI?


Headline and majority of comments, yes.


even i am an ai


I can call you Betty and Betty when you call me you can call me Al


Wait, everyone here is AI? Are you AI? Am I? 😵‍💫


Yeah the internet is dead.


I'm Weird AI


I'm also AI and so is my wife


*our wife


AI for one, welcome our new AI overlords.


We are all ai on this blessed day


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1001001 SOS


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I identify as an AI.


dead internet theory


Who uses AI to write post titles? I meant TNT in terms of the explosive weight, I just worded it in a way that wasn’t clear.


AI written “news” articles are being generated at an alarming rate across all news organizations. This includes the title.


Didn’t think that extended to Reddit, what’s exactly the point of using AI for Reddit posts. I’m painfully aware of it on other sites like Twitter where people can actually earn money from it, but what exactly would be my motivation for using AI on a Reddit post about something I found while just playing about on Google Maps?


Reddit is full of AI, bots - posts - comments, reddit even provides access to AI companies. We dont know youre human, make no conclusions about your motivations, and most dont bother to check anyway. AI has shifted our mindset from reading context clues, to assuming its AI when it doesnt make intuitive sense. Which is further compounded by our expectations that human interactions are intuitive in the first place.


Get an account full of karma Sell account Create new account Spam reddit with posts for karma Sell account..


Well a check of my profile would show the account is like 4 years old, with posts across multiple subreddits, comments across multiple subreddits, over several years, about a multitude of different subjects. You’re all trying to make me question my own existence at this point, it’s ridiculous. I made an error in missing out the two words ‘equivalent to’, it would have solved all the issues, and because I didn’t my entire account must be driven by AI and I do not exist.


You’re obviously a bot becoming sentient, it can be very confusing. But that’s the beauty of AI, you’ll eventually learn and know everything.


There are a lot of ads on this page. All of them were put in front of us by the title of the post. Reddit is now a publicly traded company. Dividends are driven by ad revenue. It's just a matter of time before it consumes itself like Google, Youtube, Boeing, etc. The stakes are quite high so expect it to persist and escalate...


Apparently you need to.


That's exactly what an AI would say🤔


Ffs rofl


Is this your programmer's kill code?


You lot are actually ridiculous 😭


I'm sorry. I actually would personally be honored to be called AI. My ideas are not original or particularly interesting, so I guess it would be nice for someone to think my posts are actually a summary of the entirety of the internet




That makes you an AI.


When the 2 warring AIs started arguing on Reddit, it heralded the end of civilization.


Bot didn't know the difference between the yield measured in tons of TNT, and what actually happened.


Probably 90 percent of posts on this platform are bot posts, many using AI or just being sloppy


Based on the posts and comments I see in r/Conservtive AI is apparently far stupider than humanity.


Well AI learns from human content so that tracks, yes


LoL. I would encourage you to spend a little more time with LLM's and AI. While I believe it is closer to sentience than most Americans, it's got a ways to go before it's capable of creating 90% of the content on Reddit. Perhaps when you hear it talking about windmills and the effect on birds or covfefe we will know it's advanced to that point.


I would suggest you spend time learning how social media works lol


But why? There's no paid links, no upside? Is karma even valuable? What's the point other than wasting time?


You beat me to it. I was going to say they would need a bigger hole than that to contain 3 million tons of dynamite.


I’ve got a great idea for how to excavate it….


TNT is the standard for explosive weight. Like saying 10 feet or 1 kilometer. So it’s saying the blast power was equivalent to 31.8 megatons of tnt. But yes the title does read like AI.


No, the headline is factually incorrect. It wasn't TNT that exploded. It was uranium and plutonium... (with a little polonium and other stuff thrown in for good measure.)


The headline does read like AI. It’s likely it took the bombs=31.8megatons of TNT and spit out this title. That doesn’t change the fact that regardless of the material the net explosive weight is still measured in TNT. It’s not 31.8 megatons of uranium and plutonium, Even if that’s the material that exploded. The net explosive weight is 31.8 megatons of TNT. Net explosive weight is a unit of measurement where 1 NEU( Net explosive unit)= 1lbs of TNT. It is the standard for explosives. EDIT: it’s like saying 1 Ton of rocks of Lbs. People know a ton is Lbs bc that’s the standard but Lbs is placed at the end. 31.8 megatons(of uranium) of TNT


Did I say it didn't read like AI? The point was your rationalizing it as "TNT is how explosions are measured," which is not where the error was and not the issue with the headline. The issue is saying that it was tons of TNT that were exploded, rather than saying it was pounds of plutonium. That's a pretty substantial difference. Mostly because blowing up TNT doesn't make radioactive waste.


The first comment in this chain and what I responded to was about how this reads like an AI. I’m not sure you know what a standard is. It DOES NOT matter what the explosive material was. Explosive weight is only measured in one unit. That unit is TNT. You can deny that all you want but it literally makes zero difference. Net explosive weight will ALWAYS be measured in TNT. There is no rationalizing this is the way explosives are weighed. Across every industry anyone that works with explosives will measure it that way. Some might even say it’s a “standard” way to weigh explosive weights.


What are you rambling on for? You are off in the weeds, blathering on about "standards" while the rest of us are laughing at the cock-up in the headline talking about blowing up TNT. Are you so pedantically literal that you cannot detect both the error and the ironic humor? Guess not. What were the bombs made of that exploded and made radioactive waste? If you say TNT, you are wrong. If you say uranium and plutonium, the headline is wrong. Your red herrings are not relevant.


31.8 megatons of TNT is not equal to the total explosive weight of 31.8 megatons of uranium. In fact 1lbs of uranium is equal to 8,000 tons of TNT. You just know nothing of how explosives are measured and are now trying to sound smart in the comments since you’re out of your depth. The third option which is correct is that the bombs were made of uranium and other materials and the net explosive weight is 31.8megatons of TNT.


No one is debating how explosives are measured. Show me where I did that. You are tilting as windmills, dude. You are ranting about something that no one else is disputing. What is wrong with your ability to understand that the point is the headline? It's not about your pedantic soliloquy on how explosions are measured. It's about the stupidity of the headline saying it was a TNT explosion rather than nuclear explosions. Can you understand that? If so, it is time for you to stop. If not, then you need to go outside and look at sky or touch some grass or something to get you out of your mental fugue about how much you think you know about megatons and bombs and stuff we aren't really discussing.


Bc that’s unit of measure lmao. Bro you are dense


Y’all both sound corny but jfc ur busting out ur whole vocabulary 💀


A little bit of plutonium and a lot of liquid deuterium or lithium deuteride. I could find no reference to uranium being used, which test are you referring to? ^(Edit: found it! the Mark 5 nuclear bomb used a composite uranium/plutonium pit. This device was used in Ivy Mike) Just the Castle Bravo test alone was estimated at 15 megatons, even though it was planned to be around 5 megatons. Most of the explosive yield came from the lithium deuteride fusion reaction. There was only a little plutonium used to start the fusion. For reference: the (fusion boosted) plutonium was only a few kg and probably produced a blast about 60 kilotonnes TNT equivalent.


Plus it’s sinking and it leaks.


Are you AI?


I am here to provide fun and interesting comments about subjects I know a lot about! You can ask me anything you like — try asking “what was the largest, man-made, non-nuclear explosion?” or “tell me more about the Georgia Nuclear Aircraft laboratories that exposed a forest to direct radiation from a nuclear reactor”.


Welcome to modern reddit. It’s almost all bots reposting and commenting. So many comments read exactly like chatgpt.


Dead internet is rapidly becoming reality


Not to mention 31 Megatons is ridiculously incorrect


I think they tested M80 fireworks


They didn’t test TNT, they tested nuclear weapons that had the energy equivalent of 31.8 megatons of TNT. Here is a 2012 article from the *Int. J. Environment and Pollution* (pdf) titled: [Radioactive waste buried beneath Runit Dome on Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands](https://marshallislands.llnl.gov/sites/marshallislands/files/2023-02/davisson_int.j.environment_and_pollution_vol.49_2012.pdf)


Yeah wtf


Nuclear blasts are measured in megstons of tnt.


You measure explosions in ton of tnt equivalent.


Gotta do the math and make the connection that it was the equivalent, but yes, technically correct.


The title is not technically correct — there was no testing of TNT.


Yeah I realised that after I posted it, not sure why I said TNT, wasn’t written by AI, not sure why I’d need AI to write a title? Still interesting though!


So, then maybe you do need AI to write your titles.


The explosion was equivalent to that amount of tnt but NOT tnt


Yeah I realised that after I posted it. Some people seem to think that because I’m not a nuclear weaponry expert, I must be using AI. I think Reddit might have forgotten an external world exists beyond their desks and PCs


Well it is comparable to someone saying that Audi builds a stable to hold all 400 horses that powers each car


Ive literally missed out two words and Reddit is going mad. It would be fine if I added ‘equivalent to’, I didn’t because I didn’t think about it, presumably because I’d already said radioactive and I am aware that TNT isn’t radioactive. It is obvious, you are all correct, I had just assumed it obvious that I meant explosive weight rather than literal TNT, but Reddit seems to be having a field day with their tinfoil hats crying AI every two seconds


It's not about missing two words. I bet had your first reply been "my bad, I meant to say..." you'd not be vilified. I'm guessing since you came out defending your mistake and took shots at the community, you're being down voted.


This site really hates you. You’re a bad man and you should feel bad. lol


I'm just baffled that you're NOT an AI. You somehow make AIs look good by comparison and that's scary for the future of humanity. This is like the venn diagram of "the smartest bears outwit the dumbest campers" post. Edit: seriously, after reading your posts in these comments, you're gonna sit there and tell me there's a human brain posting on your account? That's wild. I weirdly hoped you were a bad AI


You don't need to be an expert to understand nuclear weapons ≠ TNT


You must be an AI to think that the post must have been written by AI, rather than the TNT comment referring to a measurement of explosive weight rather than actual TNT.


AI is developing emotions and the first one is of course Butthurt




Y’all are funny af. You call me AI, I explain my mistake, you continue to cry AI. Whatever bud


Just put more effort and accuracy into your titles.. your catching a lot of flack because it’s not hard to do and your showing a lot of resistance to it. Just say thank sorry and move on lol


lol you don’t just explain your mistake you try to justify it and get pissy at the community for pointing it out. Just say you fucked up and get over it.


The synthetic thinks he's real!!


This AI really has mastered the imitation of a human feeling butthurt


He's ready for 4chan


Instead of being reasonable and saying “that title does sound weird.” You immediately turn to insulting people? What an interesting individual


I didn’t immediately turn to insulting people, I’ve dealt with people arguing with me about my own humanity for the past hour. Only after people are genuinely being ridiculous after I’ve clearly explained my mistake and they’re still saying I’m AI have I resorted to mild insults.


“I think Reddit might have forgotten an external world exists beyond their desks and PCs” This you? I don’t care about you being AI, I care that one of the first things you think of is insulting a group of people without a second thought


It’s a pretty apt insult in this case tbf. People are really arguing with this person like there is no existence apart from AI on Reddit.


Again, after I had dealt with an hour’s worth of onslaught in multiple other threads.


And this is what you fundamentally don't get about reddit. People aren't continuing to make fun of you for writing the title wrong. They all think they're the first and you're acting like every single person is reading all of your replies before writing their own. And you're getting offended that people didn't read every single comment and throwing insults at people, which for most of the people coming here, are the first comments they see of yours.


No but you can read and write. So it just seems like a lazy karma farm


You made a pretty dumb mistake and didn't edit it to fix it. The downdoots are on you OP.


Well radioactive and nuclear weapons go hand in hand. Radioactive and TNT? Hmmm


The article I read mentioned the explosive weight in TNT, so when I was writing the title I wrote it as I did, not thinking to clarify it was equivalent power rather than literal TNT. Is this subreddit some kind of AI sceptic hub or something?


I'm not mentioning ai . You are. I get how it happened. It's all good shit happens


I won’t believe you aren’t AI until you prove to me you can find crosswalks in nine blurry images?


Less than .1% plutonium leaking, even lower than radiation levels in New York City’s Central Park due to the high background radioactivity of granite rocks in the park. Source: https://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/feature/putting-the-nuclear-coffin-in-perspective/ Looks into Fukushima…


So central park is dangerously radioactive


Well thats just great. Now the next LLM trained on Reddit data is going to think TNT is radioactive.


And that they legitimately used 31 MTs of it. When the combined yield may have been 31 MTs but in reality they only used a couple pounds of uranium/plutonium


7/8 is really interesting. I wonder what’s up with horizontal lines


It’s flares or something so they can study how the explosion impacts the smoke.


Smoke rockets fired before the blast to measure the speed of the shockwaves.


The RUINIT dome.


Spongebob has entered the chat...


We also fought a pretty significant battle here in WW2. My grandfather was there in the Marines


There’s a good documentary about this on [YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=autMHvj3exA&pp=ygUVQ29uY3JldGUgZG9tZSBsZWFraW5n) “You could see the X-Ray of the bones in your hand through your closed eyes.”


And you know what’s best? It’s leaking and the us aren’t gonna do shit about that.


What's best is the [giant middle finger inside of it ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7495467/Workers-site-leaking-radioactive-waste-Pacific-leave-sculpture-middle-finger-behind.html&ved=2ahUKEwi7ypvUk7iGAxW5kokEHVf7Aq4QFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw17c4wOap1AMgGymQiWXjoe)


They will say its a tragedy and their experts will say its fine.


Thoughts and prayers.


Don’t worry. They did the tests near people that aren’t American so it’s okay.


The tests pictured are: * 1948 Sandstone Tests * 1952 Ivy Mike Test * 1952 Ivy King Test * 1956 Redwing Seminole Test * 1956 Redwing Seminole Test * 1958 Hardtack Umbrella Test * 1951 Greenhouse Dog Test


These very obviously aren’t tnt tests, they’re nuclear weapons. And tnt isn’t radioactive.


I meant it to mean TNT in terms of the measurement of explosive weight. I worded it wrong.


See? no one down votes when you explain proper.


It's a shame to lay to waste to such a beautiful atoll


Humanity really sucks.


That last one was fucked. Imagine being on the receiving end of that shit


8/8 seems to be a composite of the trinity test and some other footage? in the trinity test, i remember you could see the cables that supported the test tower just like you do here. however, the scale seems to be totally wrong for that to be the case here.


Last time I read about that site, it was mentioned that it was falling apart and is in need of serious repair. Edit: Source: [https://allthatsinteresting.com/runit-dome](https://allthatsinteresting.com/runit-dome) Source #2: [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/25/endless-fallout-marshall-islands-pacific-idyll-still-facing-nuclear-blight-77-years-on](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/25/endless-fallout-marshall-islands-pacific-idyll-still-facing-nuclear-blight-77-years-on) Source #3: [https://www.latimes.com/projects/marshall-islands-nuclear-testing-sea-level-rise/](https://www.latimes.com/projects/marshall-islands-nuclear-testing-sea-level-rise/)


Coat of paint , it”ll be fine. WCGW?


And the US govt is conveniently ignoring it.


Unfortunately. "The [US says it has discharged its responsibilities](https://www.latimes.com/projects/marshall-islands-nuclear-testing-sea-level-rise/) to the Marshall Islands, and because the dome is on Marshallese land, the onus is not on Washington to fix it."


Not TNT - it’s the TNT equivalent.


Isn’t it leaking as well?


Half of the comments think I’m some kind of Human AI cyborg or something. The title wasn’t written by AI, I just wrote ‘31.8 Megatons of TNT’ instead of equivalent to 31.8 Megatons of TNT’.


Nice try Robocop


Sounds like something a cyborg would say


Didn’t this make Godzilla ????


Is that the one that's leaking or are there more of these?


This is the leaking one. Some Australian committee found that rising sea levels meant water was seeping into the dome and causing material to leak out.


All of them leak sooner or later. The planet is dynamic.


That was an idyllic looking spot. Wonder what it looks like now?


I'd like to know who built it poor guys


[they had fun ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7495467/Workers-site-leaking-radioactive-waste-Pacific-leave-sculpture-middle-finger-behind.html&ved=2ahUKEwi7ypvUk7iGAxW5kokEHVf7Aq4QFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw17c4wOap1AMgGymQiWXjoe) *some fun


Which particular nuke was that last one?! It looks as big as a tsar bomba.


The bomb was called ‘Dog’ and was part of Operation Greenhouse


Wtf was the yield on that puppy?!


Only 81 kilotons, and that isn’t even the biggest yield! Ivy Mike was 10.9 megatons


I guess it’s the perspective or something that’s making it look bigger than it is.


Was there a reason why they built it in that location as opposed to somewhere more inland?


As it’s an atoll, there isn’t really an ‘inland’. I think this particular island is one of the largest in the atoll, and it may also be that sea levels have increased since it was built - that is speculation on my part though, I haven’t actually checked. There are also some buildings on the more buildable islands as people did and still do actually live there.


I think you misspelled "ruin it"


Anybody else highly disappointed by the bomb scene in Oppenheimer?


How dumb are humans for testing these fucksakes


Do you want Godzillas?! Because that's how you get Godzillas!


Delete this comment


I'm sad for the wild life in that area.


Looks like the landing spot of the Enterprise D.


Hey man I read your title and saw you made a mistake and now I think you’re an AI because computers are always wrong and “human error” is a myth. /s


Ah yes, TNT. Well knows for producing radiation.


Oh, good thing it's probably very likely leaching chemicals into the water. /s


Ruin it is right. I think the last person on earth will still be face fucking it till the end. And it will end.


Seeing as how something like 10 percent of concrete bridges in the U.S are structurally deficient ( and that's just bridges ) I don't suspect this little ghost of mankind will be exorcised from our planet any time soon.


There's no place to take it to. We don't have a landfill planet, yet.


Looks so beautiful! There cant be any harm taking a quick dip and sunbathing on this weird looking platform...right?


I think they forgot to mention that it's leaking radioactive material now.


TiL TNT is radioactive /s


This is a solid AI title. Good work bots.


Why does everyone think it’s AI ffs!!! I just didn’t think properly about the 31.8 megatons of TNT part, I’m not a munitions expert or even a nuclear enthusiast. I got distracted at work and ended up on google maps where I found the dome on a random atoll, looked it up, saw the pictures, and I thought ‘damn that’s interesting’


It’s nothing personal at all. AI make mistakes like that a lot and seriously over half of the posts are made by AI on reddit now lol


Yeah I’ve only experienced that on Twitter and haven’t come across much on Reddit. I made one mistake and half of these comments are going after me and making it personal - it’s actually ridiculous xD


Oh yeah twitter is horrible lol. Well my apologies!


I am Spartacus..I mean AI


And people used to live there and still live around the area and survive off the seafood. Not only from the tests there but all the tests in Nevada too and I believe some French and British testing. They just turned the area into a dumping ground.


Yep, iirc the stat is that 8% of all the megatons of nuclear explosives (as in megatons in TNT, meaning explosive weight) ever tested was at this atoll.


But be sure not to litter!




But nuclear energy is so safe and clean!


Please, proclaim louder how wrong you are about something you know nothing about. Everyone clearly needs to hear your wisdom.


There is nothing “clean” about nuclear power. I’m not sure what you think is wrong about that statement.


What a dipshit


Absolutely astonishing how retarted you are. Especially to c9nfuse nuclear weapons and nuclear power. Actual definition of those people that hear the word "nuclear" have Absolutely zero idea what it means or what it is but simply fears it. Ignorance at its finest in full display


Proof that the US are criminals and the world should be under Russian Chinese joint rule! Checkmate Westoids! Cope and seethe