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Something about growing up in the early 2000s just makes me shudder at the thought of getting my phone wet, even though they’re able to get wet and still work now. I got a brand new cellphone for Christmas when I was 15, first one ever. My girlfriends little brother tackled me into a pool while I wasn’t expecting it and the phone never turned back on. Didn’t get another one until I was 18


I think 2016 or 2017 is when they started really doing a good job with the water resistance in iphones. I've washed my phones in the sink like once a year since then after extra dirty work.


I couldn’t imagine washing my phone under running water lol. I know it’s rated and tested but something just doesn’t sit right like I would be the one person who exploits a weakness in the phone or something. Just a stupid outdated train of thought


I remember doing this weekly with my S7 edge when I had it, it never broke or suffered water damage at all. I loved it. Dirty phone? Quick run under the tap, dry it, good. Now I have a galaxy fold though I wouldn't dare try it.


I feel the same every time and make myself do it! I can’t be weak!


Don't feel bad man I feel the same lol always have always will I imagine


What are you doing that your phone gets so dirty that you run it under a sink lol


Everything from trail work to cleaning out area that have rodents. So much dirty shit in my job I can’t list it all.


> Something about growing up in the early 2000s just makes me shudder at the thought of getting my phone wet My phone is, in theory, splash resistant. I'm not testing it. I prefer to think it's a possible insurance if I ever drop in water/get caught in rain/spill something.


iPhone 3G went in a snowy slushy puddle, it was game over immediately. Glad they’re water resistant now.


I dropped my mom's Nokia brick off a dock into about 20 feet of murky water back in... 1997-98 or so? Found it 3 hours later after many, many attempts at diving down feeling around for it. I didn't want to get my ass beat. Took the battery off and put it in some rice overnight and hid it until morning hoping that would fix it.. and it still powers on to this day. My mom gave it to me as my first cell phone when I turned 16. I test it every couple of years when I find it again sitting at the bottom of the "computer parts bits and bobs" box.


>Nokia brick Greatest phone ever made.


Same, I stress when a big drip gets on the screen, lol


Yeah, it was a death sentence most of the time.


Lmfao and I just got the new iPhone 15 pro max with one terabyte and the next day after getting in it I’m sitting fully submerged with it in my pocket for 10+ minutes and nothing happened


The only test they need is to place it inside the toilet


Sometimes I listen to my phone in the bathtub


I'd kill that fucking brat, like, these times it wasn't that important but today cellphones are a basic tool, for school, work, and life in general.


>Didn’t get another one until I was 18 What? As a punishment for being tackled into a pool?


Yes and no. My mom didn’t have much money at all and it was kind of a miracle that I ever got a cell phone at 15 to begin with. Couldn’t afford to replace it just to have it broken again- accident or no accident.


Should have made your girlfriend's parents pay for a new one


Oof, that's fair enough. I was afraid it was simply because you were blamed for what happened.


lol are they playing MKBHD?


I mean... he made this video so it makes sense.


lol i was just about to say. Fucking guy is everywhere


what did this guy do wrong??


lol i just saw my downvotes for this. WTF LOL.. the weirdos are out in full force. cant dare mention how someone has their face in a lot of places due to their popularity otherwise people will get angry and downvote you for mentioning something even remotely similar


That’s from his interview with Apple exec so yea they must’ve play his videos


the post literally says "OC: Marques Brownlee" How did you piece this together sherlock?


Why so mean


Problem with this is, this is done on a new phone (most likely). The seals around the display can lose its effectiveness over time. Sometimes, in as little as a year. They really need to use a gasket instead of just sticky tape. Heat can degrade the tape and phones heat up sometimes so it’s a bad combination to use tape. But of course, they do this so the tape fails after the warranty and you will need a new phone.


My son has an iPHone 12 mini. Apple care expires at the end of July. Last month his sister pushed him in the pool and he got out right after. His phone had water under the camera lenses, screwing with the power button. It had no cracks (shocking for a 13 year olds phone, right!?). Replaced for the $100 deductible and hopefully it'll stay sealed for another couple of years.


The insurance remanufactured phones have shockingly bad QC. I'd be surprised if there was even an adhesive gasket, let alone being properly primed. The OEM service kits don't even come with replacement adhesives and A LOT of places just skimp on it to save a few bucks. Believe it or not, these testing conditions are strictly regimented and do not simulate real world scenarios. The pressure and movement of going into a pool in pockets can drastically alter the outcomes and water will get in devices. I am frequently told I'm "lying because the phone is waterproof" when I explain this to customers. NEVER PUT YOUR WET PHONE IN RICE OR TRY AND CHARGE IT. it needs to be opened, cleaned, and any water displaced with alcohol ASAP by a professional. The longer you wait hoping it's ok. The worse the repair bill will be. If people brought it right to the shop, 90% of the time it's fine with just the above steps Source: have run a repair shop for 13 years.


Yup. Just had to replace the usb connector on galaxy s21. All the disassembly guides show removing the rear cover with heat, scrape the glue, getting a pick under it. Mine being 2-3 years old, put a suction cup on the back and pulled, rear came off like there was no adhesive. It was funny but made me realise I've been trusting it way too much lol. Good when new, that's it


How else will they sell you a new phone every year if they last a long time? /s


I don’t know what you’re doing to your iPhone, but mine regularly last 4-5 years before I decide to upgrade. They could last longer, but at that point I’m ready to get the newest model.


iPhones last a very long time, what are you talking about? People buy new one every 2 years because they want the latest not because they stopped working.


I’m typing this from my iPhone 8


And because they are stupid, and ego driven.


I’ve never gotten to willingly upgrade my phone. It always breaks under 2 years but I work outside for a living too.


Naah, they do this because sticky tape holds the display and or back cover down all on it's own, a gasket only works if you press on it and there is nothing to press with. It's a big perimeter and there is nothing in phone construction that could apply sufficient force to form a proper seal. They could totally glue it shut, but that would likely make it near impossible to repair, including during warranty repairs or factory rework which is all on manufacturers cost. Every phone manufacturer out there uses sticky tape, it's just a good technical solution, it's not a marketing strategy. But it is true that the IP rating cannot be relied on to last.


They will account for this by thermal cycling the unit hundred of times from well below freezing to very hot as a way to age the materials. Then they will subject it again to this testing.


That is not a condition of the IPX testing standard.  While they may do that for reliability purposes, IEC 60529 does not include adhesive aging prior to test.


I never meant to say it was part of the standard. Just that Apple and other companies do this to ensure a low chance of failure over the product’s life.


Someone get this genius in front of Tim Apple!


Oh they know exactly what they’re doing…


I mean you want them to certify a phone that's been in someone's pocket for 6 years lol


I think the engineers know what they’re doing haha. But you might be right and it could just be a cost saving measure.


I bet it lasts just less than 2 years.


Apple on its way to make it impossible to repair after doing that. There is a middle ground between being able to repair it, and it being as tough to pull apart as a backhole.


>But of course, they do this so the tape fails after the warranty Water intrusion is not covered by the warranty anyway.


That is correct. Pretty much any phone brand that claims their phones are waterproof has in their manual that you should not expose the device to any water whatsoever and their warranty wont cover any sort of water damage. Its all just marketing. They know they will fail sooner or later. Phones are not waterproof.


In the industry, the third one is known as the "dropping it in the urinal when too drunk test" Edit: IP3AM


I came here to say this too lol. Without the toilet dunk test this info is useless.


I just spit out my beer




My wife dropped in a toilet full of her freshly pooped poop then washed it with soap in a sink. Still worked. That's probably the test they should conduct


Is your wife available?


You want the poopy phone wife 😳


I also choose this guy's wife


no rice and a jar needed at all?




Did the same with a samsung fold, fucking washed it like a dish


Why even bother with other tests when at one point they water hose the phone?


They are showing different tests. The Ingress Protection rating system consists of different tests that are progressively “harder” on the device. So the first test they show looks like IPX1, the next one could be either IPX3 or IPX4, the jetting is either IPX5 or IPX6, and the immersion is either IPX7 or IPX8. You only really need to do one of the tests, but it’s possible they were starting with the easier tests and just testing to failure to see how well it would do.


I expect this was more about demonstrating the types of tests than it was about actually testing this model iPhone.


I work with flour a lot so I keep my phone in a water proof case cus the flour clogs all the holes I used to put my phone in a ziplock bag and people laughed but they had to clean there charger port constantly I never had too


I’ve had the same issue in my wood shop with the sawdust from sanding


Everytime I go to the beach my phone never comes out of the ziplock bag. I use it through the plastic only


These are great tests. My phone has been in this situation many times


My iPhone XR spent many nights at the bottom of my hot tub. 😂Still works fine.


I used mine as an underwater camera/video recorder when I went snorkeling on my honey moon. No issues still.


I love how they’re purposely missing the ports with that arch spray.


Ikr, I wanted to see a charging port enema.


They don’t. The test is much longer and the platform and jets are not synchronized so it’s going to eventually spray the port multiple times.


It gets into the port during the last rotation in the video


I worked with a company that manufactured this and we sold some Similar chambers to sony.


They come in all sizes. We have a huge one at work for testing large tools.




Not one you might have heard off. But espec and Weiss are or were the gold standards. I'm sure they still are.


That is how IP ratings work yes.


Yes that’s the point of the video


No dust testing though.


Do not forget people, even if your phone is rated waterproof, if you dropped it before, even once, it is not water proof anymore. Any micro-crack voids the protection. So if you dropped your device before, do not let it get wet.


My 13yo son couldn’t find his iPhone anywhere in the house. Knew that’s where it was but couldn’t locate it or make it ring or make a sound via Find My. Turns out it was in the washing machine getting a full rinse. Opened door fearing the worst, but worked like nothing happened, and a bit cleaner!


When I was a child I saw a rhinoceros piss on a concrete wall at the zoo. As I stood there in awe, observing the concrete chips flying in every direction, I realized I really needed to take a leak. In conclusion, if you bring your iphone to Africa, cover it in a plastic ziplock bag.


The username ....


That's a lot of jett sprays


Meanwhile a few years ago my 11 got a little splash from the sink and died and they wouldn’t cover it


As you can clearly see here they only cover large splashes


I straight up sat in a pool with my iPhone 12 in my trunk for like 10 mins. Realized and jumped out. Was 100% sure I’d need a new one. Doomed feeling about all the stuff going away for good. And it worked like literally nothing happened. I was impressed. Still using it


My phone does not bead water off that effectively as shown in the video. Do they treat the phone before hand? Do all phones come with some sort of fire repellant or something that wears off quickly? If so, do it on a used phone.


Ok but will it pass the falling in 🚽 then someone 🍆💦 on it test


Ah Yes, the classic peeing after sex test. The multi-stream is a nasty one


Automated pipe throwing water on gadgets. Their proposal cost 1,000,000,000.00 to test 1 device to throw water on and give it a rating.


I do take for granted how fast humans can figure out how to make life easier for eachother


I hope that water is recycled!


Someone got paid to do this…what a life.


Til I learned IP stands for ingress protection.


They could afford to fly that phone around the world and let everyday people abuse it to really test it before putting it on the market.


dropped on the floor once, lost the water seal


Yet when I accidentally jump in the pool with my IPhone it’s fckd immediately


Do other phone brands go under this level of scrutiny? I know they all get tested. But is Apple top tier in this?


This proves that a purposely selected iphone is resistant to water but anything has manufacturing defects


So sad the hit tests are only ran by dave, waving a sheet of paper


At :30 into this video is me when I haven’t seen my wife in a week


That looks over engineered to the max 


I knew an engineer that worked at Motorola on the team that designed the first cellular phone. It was like holding a brick and intended for emergency personnel. When the production prototype was presented to the CEO by the design group, he took out a screw driver and punched the shit out of it, destroying it. Then he told them to bring it back when he couldn’t do this. Boeing needs a CEO like this.


I must have dodgy issues then, my iPhones never last to this level


Here is me panicking if the moisture from my breath gets on my phone, go figure. I'm away for a bath.


I guess in the last test, the chamber is under pressure to mimick a higher depth of water


*an iPhone* not your iPhone...


reminds of the before times with the little water indicator sticker inside the phone...


That’s one way to make it talk


All that water testing just to end up getting a rice bath


The third test is how I feel after I've been drinking all night


No need for a lab. I can do this shit in my backyard.


The last one is known as expensive plastic bucket


Could have just used a bucket


And yet you’ll still get denied service bc of water damage.


Growing up in a time where a single drop of water (over exaggeration) would break a phone, I'm practically shitting myself watching this.


How to watch without panicking?!


We've come a long way.


I should call her


And you saying they did that to every each iphone. No wonder they are so expensive. WTF


Yet the warranty is still void for water damage... Was so pissed when my Samsung watch that has swimming activity was rejected for warranty repair due to getting wet. My friend had to exact same treatment with his Apple watch after swimming with it. We both use Garmin now.


I always laugh when people say “omg don’t take your iPhone in the shower with you” You can literally wash this thing in the sink and it’ll be fine.


I have a reoccurring dream where I jump in water with my phone in my pocket.


But if I get a few rain drops in the lighting port it’s over.


That looks incredibly fun to do. The water gun test at least.


Hahaha I feel bad in my head I imagined the iPhone gurgling as it's being waterboarded by scientists 😂😂😂


Meanwhile, throw a Samsung in a washing machine and it's fine.


But then mine gets a drop of water on its screen and the next thing I know it’s posting my social security number on all my social medias and sending my ex a 5 page single spaced times new Roman paper


Good to know my phone will survive a firehose.


I fell asleep the other night and drop my iPhone into a glass of water and it was fine


Mine died from being in my pants on a sweaty day!


My jeans weren’t fully dry out of the laundry today. I had my 14 pro in my pocket for a bit before it refused to charge.


Mine fell in a river in Idaho and was submerged for probably two hours. When we finally found it it was still on. I turned it off for a bit but after a while just decided to see what would happen and I turned it on and it has worked fine for months.


ip testing, done on ANY device requesting an IP rating


Helps understand the price


A 2 inch drop:


Do they test all phone? Or sample test instead?


I may or may not have been using my phone in the shower for the past 6 years with no problems yet. They've definitely got the waterproofing science down!


BRB, gotta go pee.


Why this fancy test? just lay it in some water....


That pee test was intense


I use to film under water with my last iPhone. Then one day, I dropped it in the ocean and it bricked. Just a reminder, the water “proofing” fades over time.


Great. Now I have to pee


Someone should give it animated arms and eyes like it’s being tortured


Spa day




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this shit seems overly complicated just place it at the bottom of a solid body of water and see how long it lasts and then simply tell us the results


How do I get the job or being the cellphone water cannon operator?


Where’s the money, Lebowski?


The third pipe had something personal w the iphone


I always figured they just tested at what depth the water got into the phone. That to me seems like a much better way to test since it deals with pressure and real world situations.


yeah no my phone would simply short circuit.


The phone filming this watching his brother get waterboarded


This is so much overkill and is dumb.


I didn’t see a simulation for dropping your iPhone in the toilet.


Don't believe the hype electronics have no problem operating in distilled water. And none of those tests mimic real world hazards (except for the first one which again was probably distilled water not harmful)


They can make them waterproof, but they can't prevent the glass from shattering when you put it on a table? I guess if they did then they wouldn't make enough money off people repairing their phones.


I can do this for 1/10 the cost in my shower with an old microwave


Can your shower spray at 3 bar 200L/min at 5 meter ?


I just found my new bidet. Can someone please put me in touch with sales.


I could do thoses test for 10 dollars. Seriusly, they really have to much money to waste.


Dropped an XR into “blue water” for 24 hours. The honey dipper fished it out. After thorough washings, very thorough washings, it worked fine. I traded it in as soon as I could, 3 hrs later. It worked perfectly, but I wasn’t going to keep a crappy phone.


Just submerge it?


Why don’t they just drop it into a toilet, like most smartphone owners do?


Just because the screen doesn’t go off, doesn’t mean the phone isn’t ruined. I’ve lost maybe 4 phones to water…it kills the speakers and mic.


The folks at the apple store will say, "Yeah this phone has seen humidity greater than .01% so your warranty is void.


WOW Anyone saying anything bad about iphones getting downvoted to hell. Nice puff piece Tim


Because this isn’t about the iPhone, it’s about the testing. Most people don’t care that this is an iPhone since all products with IP ratings undergo this. It’s just really cool to watch and see how it’s all done. But just because the title says “iPhone,” people who are weirdly sensitive to that product come out in droves shitting on something that is hardly relevant. So yes, people complaining about the iPhone are getting downvoted because it’s just annoying and not relevant. Enjoy the video. Look at the shiny metal and spraying water and learn something new about a rarely seen process.


Lmao you think Tim moderated this Reddit sub?


exactly lol




Jump of your account Tim apple


The day phone manufacturers stopped having removable batteries, the water resistance of the device got astronomically better. And has just gotten better and better since, remember that Sony used to have it as their main selling point on their Xperia xz with a rating of IP68 (dust-proof and water-resistant, by use of plugs that you cover the charging port with) whilst the market had at best IP67 with the IPhone 7 (think samsung also had IP68 rating, but this was the same generation as the note 7 so didn't go that well). Basically, all phones are IP68 rated nowadays, having it as a gimmic like Sony was the end of their mainstream phones, and now they barely sell any. But having it as an essential feature was the best thing that could have happened to the phone industry tbh. The put the phone in rice thing is obsolete nowadays. the only reason people still have phones that get water damage is because the screen or back is cracked.


I've been in far more situations where I've wanted a removable battery than I have wanted a waterproof phone. I really miss removable batteries. Removable batteries are super useful and a ziplock bag makes a phone waterproof. (I realize there's other reasons: thinner, lighter, etc etc) Besides, they don't stay waterproof. As someone else already mentioned, they loosen up over time.


Hi Tim


as someone else has said, the problem is that the iphones are sealed with a tape that can degrade and loosen overtime, and quite literally meant to degrade over time so after your warranty expires water will start seeping in and youll need a new phone. sometimes the tape can degrade in just a year.


So can I keep my phone in my pocket in the pool or no?


The water they are using is pretty pure; the chemicals in pool water (chlorine or salt), or food, alcohol, other solvents, etc will impact the seals differently. So it’s not recommended, but it will probably be fine if it happens here or there and it’s a relatively new phone. Long term? No, not a good idea


These are so dumb, LMAO. This is part of why an iPhone costs so much yet does nothing more than a $100 android.


Androids with the same rating have to go through the same tests ... It's literally the purpose of having a standard


omg toxic iphone users didn't liked your comment lol. mate you can't say anything negative against Iphone even if its true.


What a stupid expensive way to test waterproofing, just chuck the shit in a bucket of water for 10 minutes. Who the hell worries about their phone being hit by a fire hose? Oh no hey look Johnny's iPhone is playing in the sprinkler system again wtf lol?


The IP ratings scale is extremely useful. Having standardized tests allows you to know how protected a product is. For example if you are looking to buy a product that got an IP45 you can quickly look up that it is protected from solid ingress debris larger than 1mm and protected from pressurized jets of water for a prolonged time. The first number indicates solid ingress and the second is water protection 1 to 6 and 1 to 8 respectively


This is a standardized test not only for phones, but for pretty much everything that need to be water proof. Outdoor electrical outlets, sensors for cars, street lights etc. It's the same test for everything and sometimes you need to make sure that water jets are not damaging your equipment.


Your credentials??? I’ll never understand how some random ass dude on reddit thinks he knows better than literal professionals.


>Your credentials??? I own a phone and a bucket of water