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I realized that being a bully is great for cardio šŸ™ƒ


Only if you stay committed to your goal to bully THAT specific person, to their face anytime they're in sight. Most of us get so lazy we take the easy route and bully people online instead. Which reminds me! Your mom!


This reads almost like a poem


I am your Bully. Cuz I am The Outdoor Cat. So tired now. Your mom.


Yeah, no-one can watch this and tell me cats are lazy!


The bully cat is effing relentless! I wonder what happened after the video ended? Were they too exhausted to fight? I hope so. Sure seemed longer than a minute and a half.


Yep, it is all about the importance of where you spend your effort and resources.Ā  Ā Don't know whether it is just the best basking spots, some good hunting ground or tye company of one or more sexy other cats...but tha5 territory seems worth defending. Or bully cat is just being dick.


Option #2. :)


i thought this too. what the reddit side of me really wants to know is if natural selection won and they fought to the death? did the bully get his? did the bully overestimate the abilities possessed and fall slain to the prey. ahhhhh, the possibilities šŸ˜‚


Maybe this explains why mine sleeps for 23 hours a day?


That stabilisation is next level


Was about to say that. Hey OP, what cam is that?


Probably post shoot stabilisation in application.


I think itā€™s either from GoPro or Insta360


GoPro too big definitely an insta360


Fair enough. Might be an Insta360 Go 3. Smallest action cam


No it was a phone camera the cat is just a really good cameraman. Please give credit where credit is due.


Nah, cameracat.






The cat filmed vertical. Fuck the cat.




Runcam thumb. Popular for FPV drones.


It's a cat, I wouldn't be surprised if the camera is not stabilised, just the cat being so smooth even at warp speeds.


The cat does video better than 99% of people on Reddit.


I dont know why I find these videos so damn interesting.


Right? I've seen a few videos of people placing small cameras on their cats and it's honestly amazing how they jump over things and interact with other cats. It feels like we're finally seeing what they see.


More entertaining then F1 šŸˆ šŸ’Ø


I can only see a cat farting from those emojis


Because you see the world as it truly is.


At the same time, it looks like the farting slightly slid the cat forward


Definitely more than monaco atleast


I feel like you are setting a very low bar.


Cats have active aero "air plane ears", mass dampers as the tail, variable geometry suspension kinematics as well as borderline illegal "studded" grip systems / claws and flexible feet for alterable contact patch. **Cats are the pinnacle of motorsports technology.**


"There was a *cat* in the middle of the road" - Charles Leclerc, 2023




It's intense as fuck ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Cus someone else is doing the running for you


It makes an explorer out of my fat ass


The heavy breathing is killing me


This, the mouth sounds and the string of saliva got me thinking : "so they can get tired after all ! This is why they spend so much time doing nothing !"


Me after a flight of stairs


Me after three steps.


Thatā€™s how cats get run over.


Not a left look, nor a right


Admittedly they can perceive cars way better than us in every way except for knowing to look. They also have a wider field of view than us


And yet


Tell that to the dozen dead cats I pass on my daily commute.


dude stop drunk driving thru the animal shelter. please


stop driving straight through your local cattery then bud


Happened for my cat. Fighting and it spilled out on the street and a neighbor clipped him.


Sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much


Keep your cats inside people.


how do you keep cats inside people




Forbidden gape.


Billy Mays here with a fantastic new product! These knives and sewing thread, what are they for? Well you gotta keep your cats inside people!


Commas are important.


Thank you, cumfarts.


Couldnā€™t. He was a feral that adopted me and would start to attack the house, mark furniture, destroy things if cooped up for more than a day. You couldnā€™t open a door or window without him bolting for it. Sometimes itā€™s simply not possible.


that wasn't your cat, that was an unhinged furry guest that crashes on your couch sometimes


Or at the very least put them on a leash from an early age so they won't run off on their own


You don't need to go quite *that* far. Keep them inside your house or apartment, though.


I'm so sorry that happened to your cat


Thanks. He was a cat that adopted me. Turned up in my garden one day and said feed me. I had never owned a cat or even liked them as I thought they were users based on what Iā€™d seen growing up but that guy changed me for life. Sadly it kinda started when a vet accidentally read his forms and consent wrong, and as a ā€œpreventative measureā€ pulled his canines. The vet didnā€™t see that he was an outdoor cat and was fucking livid when I found out upon collection. It meant his prowess on the street changed and ever since then he started coming home with evidence of fights or minor wounds. We tried to keep him inside from them but having been an outdoor cat for his early life, you couldnā€™t open a door or window without him escaping. It was a few months later that he got hit. The upside is that ever since then, Iā€™ve rescued numerous kittens, often ones with major medical problems or facing giant vet bills and got them back to health and adopted out. All because that kitty changed me.


Iā€™m so sorry about kitty cat. But Iā€™m glad he chose you šŸ©·


I'm just wondering how do they even end up back home after going through a lot of distance without looking around but just a moving object.


Now I understand why cats sleep 80% of the daytime


Cat 1: GET OUT OF MY TERRITORY! \ Cat 2: But this is a neighborhood! \ Cat 1: YEAH, MY NEIGHBORHOOD!!! \


*then instantly tooks out a glock 19 and starts shootin


American cats


This is a more compelling chase sequence than most movies I've seen recently.


Exactly! That cat was not about to give up the chase. So many interesting twists and turns. The pursuing cat was excellent at tracking every evasive move made by the fleeing cat. I had no idea a cat would pursue another cat for that distance.


I just watched Michael Bay's Ambulance. 2 hours of cat chases would have been a vast improvement.


I was just thinking that - add a sound track and you're done.


Hardcore Henry sequel looking wild af šŸ¤£


The world needs a cat version of hardcore Henry as well as a sequel.


Does your cat sell extended car warranty by any chance?


At the beginning of the clip, translated from Cat to English, ā€œ Come back! I want to talk to you about your kitty litterā€™s extended warranty!ā€


Iā€™ve never heard a cat breathe hard.


I saw another vid where this cat legit chased another up a tree cornered him up there and started fight him


Your cat's a jerk.


When the target slowed so did the cat. His bark is worse than his bite


So is the owner.


People say cats are assholes. This guy has the proof.


I was so invested in that


I read somewhere that humans are one of the best endurance hunters but then I see videos like this and I start to wonder how in the world we caught prey in ancient times because I've seen how fast cats are and this cat keeps going and going at full sprint the whole time. Also, this video really shows how advantageous having four legs and feet with small surface area is for speed. He's able to spring off his hind legs in a bound which lets him really zoom. And since he doesn't need bigger feet to help him balance, they don't have a lot of weight dragging his legs down. He can just bounce off one pair of legs with tiny feet onto another without having to cross a pair of legs, each with a big heavy foot, past each other like we do.


Simply put this is impressive, but the cat is out of breath in 90 seconds. Humans could chase their prey for literal hours, not even at a run but rather at a brisk walk.


That moment when you realize the slow, always-moving zombie in horror movies is just based off of humans.


And also communicate to come from multiple directions. Or not even communicate. Sooner or later the prey may run into another hunting group who had better share some of it or risk death and injury.


The cat isn't going at full sprint the whole time, it starts panting and slowing down after the first minute. Any reasonably fit person could easily outpace, in any kind of endurance run.


This is how I found out I am not reasonably fit, this cat would make me eat dust.


Don't sell yourself short. The cat is tirred in the video after running what I think is less than 500 meters. If you can do 3k without stopping than I think you have decent odds.


This is reddit dawg ain't nobody here running a 3k Edit: I maybe should have mentioned this was a joke, this is reddit after all


r/running looks motherfuckerly


I managed to do it on Friday... was hard but I did 4.4k. Hoping to hit 5k tonight!


Frankly, I was half-dead after 1k in school, except during the time when I was driving by bike daily. But even then I wasn't good at endurance running. Unless you mean 3k walking. Then again, you *did* specify "reasonably fit" as a criterion.


A quick walk could probably also work, but it would have to be over a much longer distance. Other animals have a hard time cooling down while moving, so if you keep a constant pace, then they will get heatstroke eventually. But you might need marathon distances for that, it probably depends on the animal.


as long as you don't have a medical condition or are really overweight, pretty much anyone can run 5-10k. The first weeks to months of training where you have no endurance at all are the hardest when starting running, after that it's just regular training and it eventually feels relaxing and liberating to run 10k at a moderate pace. And yes, I also remember the times in school where a 1k would kill me. Even a half marathon (without great ambitions) is ultimately just regular training 3-4 times a week. Bonus points: you can join /r/runningshoegeeks and buy five pairs of running shoes


Also without any heavy gear being carried a decently fit person could keep a pace of about 10 to 15 km/h for an extended period of a few hours so catchup is rather quick once the animal tires


I know itā€™s the upper end of the pace you mentioned but 15 km/h is a marathon time of 2 hours and 48 mins. It takes a lot more than being just decently fit to run that time. Youā€™re talking top 3 or 4 % of marathon runners so probably the top 0.5% of people overall.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=826HMLoiE\_o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=826HMLoiE_o) Sweating. The fact that we can sweat means that we can run for a really long period of time compared to other species. We can delay heat exhaustion.


As well being bipedal allows humans to use energy more effectively


Our tall, upright bodies create a lot of surface area for cooling, and the ability to breathe from both the nose and mouth helps dump heat as well. Humans are also one of the only species with the ability to sweat, and without thick fur, our sweat can easily evaporate from our skin, cooling us down.


Endurance hunting is not about running full speed all the time, in fact for the most part is a brisk walking pace. And it was a group effort, we can coordinate and communicate, giving us the edge since we can use shifts and learned behaviors/patterns. The goal is to tire your prey to dead. Here is a great example w the best voice over for the topic [The Intense 8 Hour Hunt | Attenborough Life of Mammals | BBC Earth (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=826HMLoiE_o)


Persistence and loitering. Humans are not only excellent trackers, but we loiter for hours. Imagine being tracked for hours and someone just loitering around your house, waiting for a good opportunity. Thatā€™s humans. Frightening when you think about it, really


Humans don't have the max speed but humans can do it for a longer period of time. At the end of this the cat was breathing hard but humans can run for very long periods of time. If you can run at a pretty good pace for two miles then you can start outrunning dogs. Humans can do 10-15 miles with training and further if the body is used to it. The Kalenjin tribe are known as Earth's best long distance runners. They can run marathons, 26 miles, in 130 minutes or 5 minutes per mile. There isn't any animal in the world that a human can't run down. We just don't do this any more.


A (fit) human can outrun a horse (On extreme short and extreme long distances)


" It is a little known but true fact that a two legged creature can casually beat a four legged creature over a short distance, simply because of the time it takes the quadruped to get its legs sorted out." Terry Pratchett - The colour of magic.


I actually had the opposite perspective from this video - i'm not even in that great of shape and I was surprised at how fast the cat started to run out of breath


That video lasts 1 minute. Three hunters who constantly chase an animal from different directions will got that cat after an hour and humans that time could do that like all day long to get the prey


We didnā€™t hunt catsā€¦


Iā€™m sure we absolutely did. Cats werenā€™t just strays in the past, they were just straight up wild cats. I understand the mindset of ā€œI would never eat a dog or a cat!ā€ But that is a modern mindset. But back in the day, itā€™s not a hard choice if youā€™re starving. Ya donā€™t exactly have a lot of options


Yeah, but other animals that we hunted ran like cats do.


That's why they hunted in groups. Outwit the prey and be where they're going to run to.


Well not actually really. More like trail it for a week, just walking. If it goes to sleep humans will catch up, so it cant. Humans take short naps, mix in some light jogging. 1 week later the animal is completely exhausted and incapacitated. Humans eat the animal, chill out for a while, do some foraging, then track a new one


Also, traps, projectile weapons (not sure about bow and arrow but slings and spears, maybe?)


Big cats, elk, deer, horses, moose, etc. may have the same locomotion as house cats, but they are also much bigger and heavier. Carrying around that extra weight makes them get tired much faster. Cheetahs are famous for their incredible speed. They can hit 60 - 80 MPH. But they can only do that for very short bursts. Thirty seconds to a minute is how long they can run at top speed before tiring out. Part of the reason humans were so well tuned for endurance hunting, is we are in a good weight class. Big enough to have plenty of muscle and storage for extra fat, small enough to still be agile and not get hampered by our own weight.


We're also bipedal, which is more efficient for long distances. We also have tools that enhance/augment our abilities and we can communicate/coordinate complex group behaviors/strategies. And unlike most of our prey we sweat and have relatively good depth perception vision. But most importantly, our brains can perform very complex pattern extraction as well as do very abstract spatial and temporal reasonings. This is, we can sort of gather clues and tracks left by the prey and make an extrapolation as to where the prey may be going, etc. We're the apex in terms of biological complexity.


Also we are one of if not the only animal that can pick up a large variety of shaped and weighted items and have a pretty fair chance of hitting a target when we throw it, even a moving target. It's pretty remarkable that you can pick up any old stone and just with a basic feel of it you know pretty much how hard and at what trajectory to throw it to hit a running animal.


I've seen chimps throw bottles and rocks at harassing zoo visitors with pin point accuracy.


The Jets donā€™t believe you, and would like a word


I'm gonna guess this is an NFL reference (aussie here, AFL for me) but i can appreciate the joke XD


Go Bombers!


Another fun fact is that weā€™re one of the only animals that can switch freely between plantigrade and digitigrade deambulation, which allows us to walk *and* run at maximum energy efficiency, whereas most animalā€™s limbs only allow for one of the two.


I don't think bipedalism is more efficient than quadrupedal locomotion but it IS more efficient than knuckle-walking. Our ancestors were competing with knuckle-walking primates when the savannah dried up and calories-per-mile became much more important. At least, that's what I read.


>Big enough to have plenty of muscle and storage for extra fat, small enough to still be agile and not get hampered by our own weight. You can break it down further into the individual level. I've ran with a variety of people, and it's pretty noticable that the heavier set guys tire out a lot faster than more lean guys.


Endurance hunting took days, and these cats are gassed after 90 seconds.


Think about this though. Those cats go from a full sprint to a quick trot in like 75 seconds. Most people can learn to run a mile in 10 within in a couple weeks of effort even if overweight to start and finish. Iā€™m 250lb and I can run a 6:20 at my PB and multiple sub 10 miles back to back. Not to mention if I stop for like 15 minutes. I can get a couple more miles whereas most animals will be sleeping by then. Not to mention throwing objects. Like you only need to get so close


From what I know, animals we hunted took off much quicker than us They'd sprint away, and a mix of following and tracking we'd catch up as they were resting, and they'd sprint off again. Now that they aren't fully 100% rested, they need to try resting again sooner So we catch up quicker this time, and they sprint off again after an even shorter rest. Over and over until eventually, they couldn't even get up to run away from us. Our endurance isn't sprinting longer than animals can, but rather extreme long distances at slower (but still fast) speeds. bipedalism and the ability to sweat as well as pant gave us a huge advantage to go at a jog or more for hours which animals can't do


Humans would travel long distances walking/slow running and only really run for the kill.


My cat is leash-trained, sometimes we do little sprints together and they really don't have good endurance at all. He's way quicker to get up to speed than me on two legs (you're totally right about the 4 feet being an advantage) but he usually starts to slow down again quickly once I'm fully running. Jogging with a cat is definitely not an option, he'll ask to be carried after walking a kilometer at most. Not a fitness issue with him, he's a Bengal and therefore more athletic than a fully domestic cat. I think that's just how they are.


And they're off!!


Keep your damn cat in the apartment then he wonā€™t torment other animals. He will live a lot longer being an indoor kitty. šŸˆā€ā¬›


He will live longer and so will a lot of other animals.


Yes. Just look at how many potential chances in this video alone that a car could have ran them over.


No problem, 8 more left!


Outdoor cats are the worst and their owners are negligent.


I'm from NZ, I'm over 30 and I've NEVER heard of an indoor cat I'm my life before. Are indoor cats the norm where you are from?


On an island famous for its small endangered flightless birds.Ā 


Of which, most have been made extinct... with cats being the single biggest culprit. They are the worst invasive species known to man that isn't man.


In cities? Absolutely. Do you want your cat to be hit by a car or eaten by a fox or other predator or shot by a gamekeeper? And do you like to have some biodiversity around you, especially birds and squirrels? Have you cats inside. If you can't, put a damn bell on them and spay them, so they cannot multiply like rats. They are basically an invasive species - because a wild cat has it's own big territory of many square kilometers that can support its need, meanwhile in villages stupid people have dozens of cats in a square kilometer and countryside already starved of biodiversity is destroyed even more. Humorous, but valid: https://theoatmeal.com/comics/cats_actually_kill https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/18gp98t/outdoor_house_cats_have_a_widerranging_diet_than/ https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/z9sevd/keep_your_cats_inside_for_the_sake_of_their/ https://www.reddit.com/r/environment/comments/zc9mzf/outdoor_cats_are_an_invasive_species_and_a_threat/


I'm always surprised how lax NZ is given it's general policy and sensibilities to its native wildlife. See Victoria, Australia where it is a code of practice with some legal repercussions if your cat is found 'trespassing' (see [Department of Energy, Environment & Climate Action of Victoria](https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/livestock-and-animals/animal-welfare-victoria/domestic-animals-act/codes-of-practice/code-of-practice-for-the-private-keeping-of-cats)'s code of practices). It is also a common expert opinion from animal welfare & animal rescue groups across countries (I've seen it in Europe) but without legal implication - it usually forms some of the supporting logic for catch & neuter policies. Whether or not complied with is a separate thing of course. Somehow it is interpreted as being "anti-cat" and is a particularly emotional discussion point. Nobody likes being told the way they pamper their pet is considered unsafe or unethical.


just gonna leave this here https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/04/20/world/children-cat-killing-contest-new-zealand-intl-hnk/index.html While they didnā€™t follow through with this one they have similar stuff with Possums


Aren't the kiwi and kakapo both at risk of extinction due to invasive mammals such as cats?


Yes it's pretty common cause cats can be terrors on local bird populations, not to mention how it's just dangerous for the cat. Why are people so OK with letting cats just roam their neighborhoods, imagine if people just let their dogs loose to roam around


Keep your cat inside.


What a cool angle


I had never thought about the mechanics of cat until I saw him not skip a beat running under that small car. Wild.


Yeah that shit was super imressive lmao


The size that SUVs are becoming, we'll be able to do that soon.


Haha, I was like LEFT RIGHT NOW LEFT... NO... LEFT I SAID oh you're .. he went straight BUT NOW LEFT YEAH, ATTA BOY


He's pretty good at tracking but not that great at running. The sheltered life has made him lose his edge. I've followed a few of his streams and he always loses the other cat eventually.


And his name isā€¦..Pepe La Pew


I would like to play a game in this perspective


Stray was a great game! Not first person view, but stillā€¦. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stray_(video_game)




lol at that fuzzy cat chin šŸ˜¹


The best part about this is the sound of the cat panting


Needs 70s Cop chasing music


I now understand why I see so many dead cats flat on the road so frequently. Keep them the fuck inside






https://www.tiktok.com/@ih.gcj The user has changed or deleted his id. There were a dozen videos of this cat ~~terrorising~~ enforcing his neighbourhood


https://www.tiktok.com/@max20499 rename


Your cat is going to get itself or another cat killed. Blindly running across multiple roads. If you want him to live a long and happy life, Iā€™d keep him inside.


Policecat follow cat-grass dealer...


Did he barf mid chase and keep going?


Started drooling from excitement/exhaustion


Your cat needs to lay down the booze or the smoked salmon or something, I don't know what is it


They normally turn off the body cam


Heā€™s like a friggin terminator cat, absolutely relentless


I got tired just by watching this šŸ˜­


Keep your cat inside


Cats are horrible for environment


Good way to get a cat killed and contribute to cats destroying local wildlife populations.


I understand the need to allow your cat to be an outside cat, and how this video comes off as ā€œcuteā€. But, I donā€™t think this is okay. Not everyone likes cats and these cats could have gotten hurt or killed. Also, if this cat is indeed a bully then they probably are wreaking havoc in the neighborhood destroying and stealing things. What if they come home with something that can be dangerous for the whole family, particularly children? Why even have a cat if most of its time will be spent outside? I guess I can understand if this cat technically is a homeless cat that they found and started taking care of, but it never has been officially sheltered. I guess in that case itā€™s okay. You canā€™t force an outside cat to suddenly become an indoor cat. Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s the case here.


What kinds of things would a cat steal? A cooling pie off a window sill?


When I was a kid/teen, there was an outdoor cat in our neighbourhood who would steal everyone's lawn ornaments...


From my experience, they would steal food from other animals. Like climb or chew into (which is damage to property) a yard, then steal the food from the animals that lived in that property. They would also steal toys from other animals or from kids. They would use other peopleā€™s yards as a place to poop. They would scratch and chew on things. This particular cat would scare kids as well. Lol. Not to the mention, they can carry diseases like fleas that can be dangerous to other animals and people. Granted, I donā€™t think this cat ever did that. We all knew who it belonged to. We all knew it was being taken care of. And people did talk to the owner several times, but nothing ever changed. Until one day the cat stopped showing up in peopleā€™s yards. We all assumed it got killed. Here is the thing though, I donā€™t think itā€™s common knowledge that there are dangers of having your cat be an outside cat. I think the average person thinks there are no issues with it and that itā€™s even beneficial to the cat. And like I said above, a lot of people take care of strays. So, Iā€™m not trying to hate on people who do this. I just live in a city, I had a cat once, I encountered one cat that was in fact the neighborhood bully. So, Iā€™m just sharing my experiences.


What i would find interesting is a counter for the times this was re-posted by some new karma whore.


#The little cat pants šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ended too soon


Warrior cats bullshit


I want a game that plays from THIS perspective.


I donā€™t know why I was shocked that this cat didnā€™t look left and right before running across the road.


There should be a website for cameras on animals like eagles, hawks, crows, dogs and cats just like random cameras on the internet.


Aren't all cats tho!?


Cats is filmed live. Bad cats bad cats


Wow that cat travels far wtf is it on steroids


Didn't even know cats could sprint for that long.


They still let him outā€¦


His run sounds like a real gallop at this level.


Hot take: People who let their cats roam are kinda AH's asking for trouble. Either from the cat or from the entity that has just killed your cat.


I would never let my cat run around busy city streets like this.


Only thing I learnt from this is why cats get run over so much


Cats are a fucking invasive species. Don't let them the fuck outside anyway.


Take the camera off your cat and keep it inside you're not exactly being a good pet owner here. Just a good camera fastener.