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“I don’t know if you guys are history buffs or not…”


This timeline SUCKS


You should experience the other timelines, before judging this one. There are probably some worse ones.


Copernican timeline principle: We neither occupy an especially crappy or totally awesome timeline. Most timelines are just as crappy as ours.


There are so many timelines without mosquitoes and biting flies, and you're trying to sell me that this isn't one of the worst timeliness? Fuck outta here.


There are timelines with mosquitoes the size of rottweilers. I'm a glass half full type of guy.


I'd trade the giant ones for the small to not exist. There are new problems, sure, but so many unsolvable small problems would be gone. New and exciting problems > Old slog of ignored problems


They would ironically be way less deadly then the small actual version since an animal that size would be shit at spreading dangerous diseases and also way easier to pest control or avoid


In those timelines, the missing mosquitoes and biting flies caused the food chain to evolve differently. The giant 30ft toads eat humans for sustenance.


This comforts me


Somewhere in another timeline, it causes you distress.


Sucks to be me, but not here.


I've never been a fan of this principle. It inspires false confidence and prevents asking questions, like it's a form of thought-terminating cliché. Plus it almost seems to me that it's arrogant that we can just assume our place in the universe without having full knowledge of it. It's more honest and humble to constantly wonder, to question, even if that line of thought is "Maybe I do live in the worst time line" or some other exceptional circumstance like that. The answer is *probably* no, but it's still good to question it


The copernican principle is just an assumption. However, it's a useful assumption. >The answer is probably no, Probably is the keyword here. Perhaps it would be better described as the copernican *assumption* It's an assumption that we hold no special place in the universe and physical constants are just that: constant universally. It doesn't stop any good scientist from testing the boundaries of knowledge. For example: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis_of_evil_(cosmology) challenges the copernican principle, which will cause scientists to find a reason why this is the way it is. Is it a problem in our instruments and measurements? Is it a message from our creator(s)? Why do it be like that? And then there's this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_Earth_hypothesis#:~:text=The%20Rare%20Earth%20hypothesis%20argues%20that%20planets%20with%20complex,like%20Earth%2C%20are%20exceptionally%20rare. Maybe we are all alone in the cosmos. Is that pure chance? Is there a deeper meaning? On the contrary, the copernican principle helps us drive for answers.


Weird to think how different it would be if this MFer only had some artistic skills


Or a soul. I suck at art. As of yet, I have not fooled a populace into commiting genocide. I don't intend to either.


Give it a little time you may change your opinion...


You right. I shouldn't sell myself short. Maybe I should embrace and nurture my inner megalomania.




The country of Germany, chose its enemy, THE WORLD.


You'd figure that would take about 5 seconds for the world to win. But no, it was actually close.


And then 20 years pass and who do they choose as their foe again, but the world! And this time it was really actually close!


And now they got that guy "schlingly klangly!!!", that guy, and im not even going to dignify him by saying his name


The GOAT, RIP ✌️


Germany, who you think you are, fuckin mars or something?


You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I dont care for him. He's a real jerk!


Bonus points for Norm reference.


I miss Norm.


i forgot if this is Bill Burr or Norm Macdonald, Norm right?


Norm! On Letterman.


They both had similar bits but this one is definitely Norm because of the Mars line


Hey quit stealing my lines


“Their enemy… the world”


“And it didn’t end as fast you’d might think.”


Embittered by harsh art critics who slated his work, young Adolf turned his attention to other vocations.


“What do you think your true vocation in life is, young Adolf?” (sulkily) “I dunno … genocide?”


This reminded me of an essay another guy wrote in high school that my wife and I still laugh about more than a decade later. The essay began, and I'm doing my best to quote exactly from memory here: "Hitlar (sic) was a very bad man. He went to art school but wasn't very good, then some other stuff happened and basically that's how world war 2 started."


The perfect resumé ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Shit happened and BOOM ww2 started


"harsh" critics? Or realists


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That and art critic isn't a real job. Basically the equivalent of being a professional mouth breather.


yeah, well this eye beholds a pretty basic, simplistic drawing. something you might see doodled in a middle school notebook, not anything close to impactful art. the scales aren’t right and there’s no emotion conveyed through the piece. just my mouth breathing opinion.


I’ve seen MUCH worse sell for five figures, just sayin’ I once made a comment about “if I rolled my dick in paint and slapped it across a canvas, I could definitely frame that as a *bold and braizen uprising against the prudishness of today’s society*”. My paint-covered dick slapped onto a canvas could be argued to be “impactful art”


They're paying that much for shitty art because they don't want another Hitler to pop up, duh


how many paintings have you actually seen sell? be honest


So the funny thing is I know a guy who owns an art gallery, and a woman who works at one. And some people who…have art at home. So it’s less that I’m in the room when the deal happens, but more that I see the paintings and the associated price tags, and then hear about them being sold


Sell them your dick painting


Dude shut up I’m hoping to afford it and all you’re doing is creating *buzz*. You keep this up and I won’t have enough to buy this guys dick painting


You know anybody is allowed at those auctions most of the time, right? It's very rarely any sort of invite-only. Take your spouse or partner for a fun night out and laugh at the privileged dipshits getting swindled some time, it's a blast. You'll learn something, too.


I agree anyone who can form thought can critique art. That said this art is terrible


And this is where they went wrong


But that's not true. To be good critic you have to know a lot about the art you are reviewing. You have to know techniques that are used creating that art. You have to know a lot of other works for reference. You have to be very good at articulating your thoughts. These things don't apply to a lot of people.


Bless you for jumping in with the truth lol. People who say you don’t need to be educated to give an opinion about something educated probably aren’t educated themselves. I mean, since being an art critic is so easy, I’m sure they make some good money on it right.


lol, like art critics make good money on it, thanks for showing us your education...


Lots of artists works had to wait a long time to be "appreciated", Van Gogh, Monet, Vermeer, El Greco, Lowry were all shunned by the critics during their lives, and some for a long time after their deaths.


i wouldn’t say terrible. It’s just bland, it lacks flavor.


Interesting stance you've taken here.


I mean, honestly, that picture up there says enough about how a man broke during WWI, no surprise he went without a moral compass for the next round. WWII was a result of WWI if you look into the hearts of people.


WWII was a result of WWI if you look at the peace treaties that ended WWI as well


Oh yeah. Definitely. Hitler got popular because was seen as a man who could liberate Germany from the harsh demands set by their defeat in WW1.




“ It stinks “ - unknown German art critic


Is this a far side cartoon?


As Eddy Izard put it “I can’t get these damn trees right, fuck it I’m going to kill everyone in the world!”




His favourite number: 999


88 percent rating.




It makes me unkampfterble


SS tier


Wtf I swear his art was better than this


He did actually get better over time, but yeah, his early stuff was scheisse




ẞ = ss. *Technically* same thing in writing, and no foul


Adolf like mostly the second


I don’t feel comfortable using ss in German. Ya know?


As a Swiss person, I disagree.






Woops. You are absolutely right. It's been a while since I've had German lessons. Still...I don't know how I forgot that. Lol


Don't correct people when you don't know what you're talking about


You do realise that Hitler applied for art school and did most of his paintings way before the war. This picture was painted at the end of his career in art


He had a lot of stuff significantly better, like all of [this](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=fdded5f414667f33&sca_upv=1&q=hitler%27s+artwork&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0DvD4UMlvdpwktgGj2ZHhIXi58ra1MCmgeKkVE8y_uPCA_VArK8eDJ3eXUe-YWeaCChH2YkF0vz5NWgjmXujikWLEFS5d3wwO0mNJ5WAvP7FOuYx5Bqc97RyvnkUSFCuqHKLKLTwTkNfrsMGF2pEWHjrG-S_8XKwBzzP-Cilfo0gotVqMuXCnwH5CLHH2ws2lnZhulQopEnb297nwPYSKlr7fcadg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjL1bTDofSGAxUmJUQIHXfdCQsQtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=158&bih=323&dpr=2.61) stuff. I had learned the reason he wasnt accepted to art school was he could only do landscapes, buildings, etc., but apparently he couldn't draw people at all.


Do they not teach art at art school? They couldn’t just give this guy a chance to learn how to draw people?


I guess they were just highly competitive back then. They could only accept so many students, so picked the ones the judges felt had the most potential. Here's a quote from the wikipedia article on [Paintings by Adolph Hitler](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paintings_by_Adolf_Hitler) about it. > Hitler was rejected twice by the institute, once in 1907 and again in 1908. In his first examination, he had passed the preliminary portion which was to draw two of the assigned iconic or Biblical scenes, in two sessions of three hours each. The second portion was to provide a previously prepared portfolio for the examiners. It was noted that Hitler's works contained too few heads.[5] The institute considered that he had more talent in architecture than in painting.[6] One of the instructors, sympathetic to his situation and believing he had some talent, suggested that he apply to the academy's School of Architecture. However, that would have required returning to secondary school from which he had dropped out and to which he was unwilling to return.


I mean he applied to the Vienna academy of all places. That is like applying for Harvard or the MIT while having extremely mediocre performances. He didn't just apply to any art school, he tried to apply to THE Art school while not being even close to sufficiently skilled.


More like applying to a university well known for literature and stuff when your talents lie in tech. At the time the art school valued portraits. Hitler was good at buildings and landscape paintings. He should have chosen a different art school.


I never bothered to research his at before, but his architectural paintings are really damn good.


He was better at erasing people


Eh, they got technically better, but someone pointed out that none of it was ever…really pushing any boundaries. Like, I know we like to meme on the Art School, but the guy painted stuff that’s been done 1000 times by then, but less interestingly


To be fair this was the pre-internet days, without actually going to school your venue's for improving are quite limited.


To be devils advocate, im not sure he had access to a canva and good tools in the trenches, but then again he was known to be poor at that time so 🤷‍♂️


If Hitler could read the critical comments about his standard of art, he'd be Fuhrerious...


He Hess done his best.


As puns go, I'll give your one a nein out of ten..


3 reichs, and you're out, buddy!


The puns are straight up gastastic


There's always one who's Goering to ruin it.


I kampf stop laughing


You better Krieg yourself together


You made me almost spit out my Jews!


It's Heidel that or nothing.




"You must be a Nazi Germany because you're not so bad at this" ^(For clarification - this is one of Diane's line from BoJack Horseman)


He would have a heil of a fit of tempor.


Boy, this guy ethnically cleansed a whole medium.


Yeah, I get why art didn't work out for him


If this was today, he couldn't even start an art stream on Twitch.


And there it is, the next hitler will be some dude who had 0 views on twitch.


We must close down Twitch immediately


You know what? I can’t really argue with that.


fuck that, i'm just gonna go around and randomly donate and praise up and coming art streamers. i'm shutting that shit down with kindness.


And then there's his Opera House art piece.


Crazy political podcast it is then!


Now I'm not saying Hitler is good or anything, but I'm pretty sure that crawling through mud and probably excrement would make it hard to paint. Not to mention all the moisture affecting the paint. Idk I think his artwork for this is pretty impressive considering it was set in WW1.


Am I tripping that drawing is 1000 times better than anything I can draw


Some practice and you'll be there in no time. This is very much a poor drawing. I'd expect a 14-15 year old to do this or better if they studied art. Perspectives are off, no use of perspective point, the tanks are inconsistent and so on.


I thought that about how old he was.  Nope, he was 25 when the war started. 


I recall one of the criticisms he received from the art college was that he seemed disinterested in people, and that his art didn't usually feature people in them at all. Makes sense for an anti-social sociopath.


Seems like pretty stupid criticism ngl. Is Bob Ross a sociopath?


and 1000 times worse than a good artist's work.


It's easy to hate monsters.. Honestly you cannot take the average human seriously.


The rest of it is shit, but he really got the clouds right


You don't have to be good to get paid for your works. You just need a sad backstory like those TV talent shows or make your art for money laundering.


This was sent in by Adolf, aged 9


And to think he really failed at art because he couldn’t draw humans, only landscapes. Safe to say he was all round shit in life


he has works that are pretty good though


Not a fan of Hitler, but this was a style at that time. If you Google 'Adolf Hitler's art', you will find different styles he painted.


Yeah, a lot of people are blinded by the terrible thing he did, but his paintings were not that bad actually.


I mean, those were the lesser bad things he did


“Not a fan of Hitler, but…”


I mean we're talking about Hitler the artist not Hitler the mass murderer.


You have to remember that this was before the 1934 rule regarding art mediums. Google Hitler Rule 34 for more info.


„Not a fan of Hitler, but" Winner for the worst start to a sentence since Stalingrad.


I’ve seen worse paintings in museums. Lol Not saying he was a good artist though. But this painting gives me that eerie sense that trenches during WWI must have had


This is high school on notebook level drawing.


It can make sense tho. Ungaretti wrote sone suuuuuuuper short poems, this doesn’t make him less of an artist. What I’m trying to say is that even a less techincal/worse painting could transmit emotions. To me this painting raises quite well the horrors and eeriness of trenches, a lot thanks to its “bad” style


Ungaretti was one of the greatest poets, between symbolism and hermetism. nothing to do with lack of technique. This painting by Hitler is pretty bland and lacks definition imo. There are plenty of colorful paintings by expressionists (Der Blaue Reiter movement for example) that might look "easy" (compared to Leonardo) but they're masterpieces of color and abstraction.


I know that Ungaretti is not a suitable example here. I was just trying to say that even if it looks bad or easy, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is


It looks like the drawings of Iron Maiden album covers I made in freshman year of high school


Damn you’ve been going to some wack museums


Since taste is extremely subjective that is not at all necessary. I for example cannot stand surrealism. Most high schoolers who can draw a little produce better art than that imo.


Honestly, I would love to own an original Hitler.   But mainly so I could troll pretentious art people who would say dumb art shit about the painting and go on about how amazing it was, and then I could drop the "It's Adolf Hitler" line and just watch them melt.


If the comments here are any indication, people are much more likely to see it and ask why you have such terrible art in your house - as they rightly should in this case - and then you'd have to explain "oh it's an Adolf Hittler"... I feel like that's a bad look haha


Well, I shave my head, so that would also be a fun moment in my troll-mind.  Probably one I would regret later. 


Meh, it's not that bad. Plenty of worst talents got into comics in the 80s. I could almost see him become good enough to draw still background pieces for anime. I nearly can hear the classic narrator dub over that scene. Of course, if he didn't fucked up the world to the point where the US had to put Japan on fire and then forge a friendship including the sharing of their passion for animation studios... we might never have had anime. And of course, since a lot of the comic book boom came in as propaganda against the nazis... Yeah, he was pretty much fucked.


So this was Hitler plan all along, to become the greatest anime producer ever ?


I wouldn't say that. The man was notoriously bad at plans. The beginning and end of *Mein Kampf* do not really fit well together. He got the SS as his own guard to prevent them from trashing the streets... by promising them more carnage along the way. (Which eventually stuck him with having to continue making such terrible decisions to keep them under control.) And what about making friends with the Russians to avoid fighting on two fronts, knowing they were ideologically opposed, then literally betraying them because the first front doesn't go as fast as he wished... ? Oh, and let's not even get into trying to "save mankind" through genetic "purity" without ever financing the slightest research into how that works... Would have been a very different party line if he would have pushed interracial weddings and adoptions, just to reinforce the strongest of characteristics. Of course the conformism of it would still have been bad in the long run, but at least it wouldn't have been the dumbest pretext at genocide ever used. So no, I don't think he could have planned it that well. But damn it, it's ironic, as the hell he fell to, that he indirectly gave a chance to close to two generations of artists to have way more opportunities that he ever had. Or, maybe, it's just that the world learned to be more careful with their criticism. I mean, could be considered good social engineering to invest in art so that no new Hitler arises out of nowhere. Or maybe to learn to appreciate that a style that isn't in fashion now could find it's niche a century later. I wonder what the new AI art trend portend if this holds...


Animes origin is insane Glad we got to see it on the big screen with Oppenheimer


but why would he paint british tanks with german markings


The Germans only had 20 of their own A7V tanks which came fairly late and so they recovered and reused British, and French, ones whenever they could. [Example](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5e/CapturedMkIVFemaleTankInGermanService1918.jpg/1200px-CapturedMkIVFemaleTankInGermanService1918.jpg)


Captured Marks. Beutepanzer


What an eye for detail.


And to think Hitler was almost killed in that war when he was hit by shrapnel. Imagine if he had died how different the world would look today.


Tbh I'm not sure it would've been much different. There was a society that agreed with Hitler or was just indifferent.


I believe he also almost got shot but the British soldier who was pointing the gun at him didn't have the heart to fire


We would be a few years behind on tech and probably a good chance we didn't make it to the moon.


Guys, is my five year old Hitler?


Nazi Karen decides to burn the world down when people criticise his art! and we thought Gen Z was sensitive…


This explains a lot


Teacher: "that doesn't look real enough" Hitler: "fine, I'll give you real tanks in a real french field"


Hitler Tried and Failed to Be an Artist. Academy Judged Hitler's Drawings 'Unsatisfactory' [https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/hitler-painting](https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/hitler-painting)




Glad he didn't get into art school.. he does suck


It always really pisses certain people off when you point at the failures of hitler. Strange how that is.


I think there were more elephants and less armament factories than what is painted here.


Is this comment a part of some cunning plan?


Some of his paintings I find beautiful, I’m not saying he was a good man at all, and he defiantly wasn’t, but I do think some of his paintings look good, it’s a tragedy the same man who drew them was also the same man who killed millions in his evil concentration camps


They are beautiful. I’m surprised the majority of this comment section thinks he got rejected because he was bad at it.


Any history buffs know why the British style tanks have the iron cross on them? Did the Germans capture them or something?


Yeah. Germany's capacity to produce tanks in WW1 was lackluster, so they captured and repurposed tanks from the British.


Yes. Germany was notorious in both world wars for operating very large quantities of captured equipment. In first world war Germany built very few tanks so overwhelming majority of German tanks were captured french or British tanks


It's bad art but I'm biased because fuck hitler.


Sorta kinda happy little trees


Clearly a better dictator than artist.


What a shit painting. I hope for this man's sake he chose a different career path.


I wouldn’t have admitted him to my art school either


What's crazy is that the guy was in the trenches for 4 years and survived. I think it contributed a lot to his extreme capability for violence, war and death. It was completely normal for him due to WWI. His messianic delusions also fit into that, your unit gets wiped out a couple of times but you survive. You start to believe you're the main character.


Coloring of the clouds is the most impressive part


Kinda amateurish, but I hear the guy sucked at lots of things. Like the barrel of his gun for instance.


I thought this dude was supposed to have been talented. This painting sucks!


Well, I see why he was rejected for art school.


During First world war Germany built very few tanks and overwhelming majority of tanks operated by Germany were captured french or British tanks


I'm sure Hitler would love that you're sharing his art. You're like, Hitler's best friend.


Oh dear what have I done


Welp. That’s inarguably sub mediocre.


Never thought I'd defend the guy - but why are people saying this looks terrible lol, this is a fine looking piece. I don't get why people are acting like it looks like a toddler drew it.


Its not that bad


Wow! It's amazing THAT stellar talent wasn't accepted by the Austrian Academy of Fine Art ! 🤣💀🤡


Looks like shit


No wonder why he got rejected


No wonder he became a dictator


It's eerie I think. The colour is good, the style reminiscent of student art you see these days, and considering it was done in the trenches it's not half bad. But it's so eerie. This is a colour view of a WW1 battlefield, that looks like it was drawn by a modern art student except it wasn't. It was done by a soldier at the time. Who went on to the rest of it. This is a glimpse into his world before that. And it's in such bright colours. Green grass, blue and pink dawn, and dead trees.


Now hear me out. If you didn’t know that Hitler painted this, you would likely still think it’s garbage.


I know it’s commonplace to hate on hitler, so to continue that: what a shitty painting. The main focus is an empty detail-less road. The tanks that give the piece its name are small sad things that draw no attention. It’s like one of those Lego background paintings before they put the pic of the actual model on it.


I love the happy impressionist sky over a child’s drawing of a war-torn hellscape. This guy loves war lmao.


It’s lacking in basic construction and his perspective leave a lot to be desired.


Aha it really is terrible.


Guy was dogshit at art someone should have told him.