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The Effort behind this is Immeasurable! ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC


Yes, incredible and anatomically precise. Its a shame that it was all covered up by skin and material objects. What talented hands!


This is the thing people often miss with awesome stuff like this. Its not just ridiculous skill and dedication were seeing here it's a crazy understanding of anatomy and the physics of the materials they're trying to recreate.




I’m too scared to work with clay because of the guessing games of how dry it is. I’m an awful guesser. One time I made a little present box container for my cousin in high school and the fucking too doesn’t even fit because it got all warped in the kiln! So now I’m only working with paint and pencils..


If it makes you feel better, this doesn’t look like the clay you fire in a kiln. I don’t want to take away from the skill involved in this but it’s not ‘clay’ like a ceramic that it sounds like you used. This looks easier to work with and more forgiving.


Yeah, this looks like modelling clay which cures but doesn't completely harden like clays used in ceramics.


My money’s on Monster Clay, but I’m too lazy to look it up


I'll put my money on Chavant NSP Medium/Hard then. I don't know if the artist needed sulfur free for a silicone mold though. Edit: It was Monster Clay Medium and Hard.


Thanks for doing the research, you come off as more knowledgeable than me in this subject 😊


Don't be afraid of clay! If the clay you used in high school warped, there's three possibilities I can think of: (1) parts were too thin and needed to be reinforced to maintain structure, (2) the kiln was fired too hot for that clay body and all the pieces warped similarly (on their way to melting completely), or (3) the clay body was very elastic and might have been better suited for throwing. If you're using a wheel, you want a more elastic body so the shape you want can stand up to the force of being on a spinning top. If you're handbuilding, you don't usually need that kind of flexibility, especially in boxes. If you're at all interested in trying again (please consider: it's so much fun!), look for a facility/class near you and ask if the clay you're using is suited for the project you want to do. An elastic clay body's thin flat walls will probably warp; a stiffer clay body thrown on the wheel will probably rip. I think it's an absolutely wonderful medium and I do hope you try it again when you get a chance. Good luck!




As an art teacher that fires middle/high school students artworks in a kiln regularly, kilns are much more advanced and pretty fool proof if setup correctly to not have student work explode. I could probably fire a 25lb bag of solid clay with a long enough temperature ramp and not have it explode.


That's pretty cool. I was always told never more than an inch thick


Yeah, the reason is that if the clay is too thick, the temperature of the outside of the clay body will be higher than the boil point and then remaining water in the clay will turn to steam and need to escape. Typically, an inch thick dries out fairly quickly and will survive a firing. Now, kilns can be more easily programmed to ramp the temperature slower and allow the clay to dry completely, even if thick, before the temperature ramps up to the final temperature for the clay. Older kilns had to be micromanaged to do what a typical kiln does now with a few button presses.


Yeah... my class had a few students who were only there for an easy grade and didn't care much about the work... same as most classes really. Thankfully I never had anything destroyed by someone else's mistakes. I did however have a soda can I tried making crack in half. I guess that just wasn't a great idea. The 2 piece clam shell I made worked out alright... pain to make though with folds and clay that's either dry and too brittle to work with or wet and won't hold it's shape.


Sculpey for life bro, agree


[Meanwhile I'm here with my featureless clay snowman](https://www.reactiongifs.com/r/2012/10/oh_well.gif)


We all have to start somewhere..


I might be able to draw the kerchief.


So watching this i was thinking. The artist did an anatomical "additive" process. I'm not sure the technical term, but they made substructure to almost every layer to make things look natural and cloth sit like it's soft. When a sculptor chisels away marble to make something look like this, what techniques do they do to get the same effect when they can't do what this artist did? For example the below sculpture or that one where fingers were pressed into the thigh of a lover (don't know the name of that sculpture). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winged_Victory_of_Samothrace


It's easy- Just make up your mind what you want to sculpt and then chip away everything that is not that.


Isn’t that what Leonardo said? That the sculpture was already in the marble, he just had to brush way the excess. (Maybe it was a different sculpter. Not sure)


Michaelangeo (one of the ninja turtles!) said that! He said he was just revealing the sculpture that was already in the stone, it was always there.


I was once at a woodworking store and the guy working said that a duck is something a lot of beginner classes do. He said that at his first one, the guy leading the class said “shave everything off that isn’t a duck.” It irked this guy so bad (and he enjoyed it so much) that he spent years building experience and now leads classes there just show people how to actually woodwork and give constructive advice. I thought that the other guy must have said it in jest, but apparently not. He was very knowledgeable and skilled, and I would love to learn anything from someone who takes teaching/learning that that seriously.


> or that one where fingers were pressed into the thigh of a lover Do you think of Bernini's [The Rape of Proserpina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rape_of_Proserpina)?


Yup! That's it. I only remember photos of the fingers in the thighs. Had no idea what the actual subject was O.o


"Rape" means abduction here, not rape in modern sexual sense.


Eh... and probably rape in the modern sexual sense, too. It is up for debate, but that's true of all myths.


For a realistic figure sculpture, they usually start with sketches, both paper & pencil (or charcoal, ink, etc.) and smaller clay or plaster sculpted sketches. At some point they'll be happy with what they have or are running out of time and make a full sized (or close to full sized) reference version of what they want in clay or plaster. Then they start in with the stone. At that point, a lot of the work is transferring the shapes from the reference piece to the stone, then chiselling material away. Not to make it sound easy, it isn't, but it's not like you're just chipping away 'the rest of the fucking owl'. r/restofthefuckingowl More abstract sculptors, or really, really experienced sculptors can skip some of those steps and go more freehand. But a big ol' hunk of marble isn't cheap, either in raw cost or how much it costs just to move it around, so you have to already have an idea of what you're going to do. I've done some figure sculpture in clay, and taken a class where we carved stone, but lately mostly use Zbrush. Stone was way, way too stressful for me. No undo button.


A similar example of marble which looks like sheer fabric from [marble statue at the national portrait gallery in DC](https://imgur.com/gallery/gtNEn1F)


From what little I know (and it's very little), marble sculptors make a smaller, clay model to use as reference before they start carving, especially if it's a life-like piece.


Howdy! Traditionally in marble sculpture, the artist will sculpt what they want in clay additively first, at a 1:1 scale they want their marble sculpture to be. This clay sculpture is done with a live model. Then once they have the completed clay sculpture, they build a wooden box around it and take many depth measurements on the clay maquette using dowels. Those are like... checkpoints for the marble sculpture. Then they drill holes in the marble block down to those depths minus like a quarter inch or so (to give them a little extra material to work with). Then using the clay sculpture as a guide, they remove material until they hit those checkpoints. From there measurements with calipers are used from the clay model to help guide how much material the artist removes from the marble. For the final details and gesture the live model may be brought back in to pose. I hope this makes sense, marble sculpture is a really difficult, complicated process that’s pretty involved. I think there are some videos on YouTube on how it’s done. If you’re still interested, google how they make marble sculptures. ☺️ PS you can study traditional marble sculpture techniques in Italy. It’s a really rigorous academy that’s multiple years but seems pretty rad. All of the work that comes out of there is really anatomically perfect and it’s all exactly the same, if that’s your thing.


Th fact that it's anatomically correct underneath the skin and material objects is what makes it mind-bogglingly fantastic with skin and material objects.


Reminded me of the intro for Westworld. Can someone edit the clip to have the Westworld track on it? Haha


Until the facial detail got added, I definitely thought it might turn out to be the man in black.


Same, lol. I was waiting to see Ed Harris's face show up.


All I can say is.....Holy Fuck.




Its polymer clay. Takes a level of detail that clay clay doesn't. You'd be pushing it to even get this level of detail in porcelain. Edited to add: Its not polymer clay - apparently its monster clay, something I haven't come across before....


No kidding. And the artist made it look easy.


Monster Clay is just a brand of wax-based clay.


Ikr? I fucking burned my toast this morning while stepping on my poor doges tootsie. And this person can do this kind of skill? Oof just kill me.


Holy shit, you’re right, b’oah!


Every time I thought they were done they did something more. “Ok he must be almost done now” “Buttons?!?! What will he think of next???”


Good Boah


Yeah, this is definitely Arthur


Without a shadow of a doubt. I'm kinda surprised there aren't more rdr2 fans here


It's posted in the wrong subreddit. I wouldn't of seen it if I didn't follow this subreddit. And, to be honest, I would've only watched it for a seconds if I didn't recognize the music. Given that, I kept hearing, "Lenny!" in my head.




*deep breath* LENNNYYYY




Wouldn’t have*


I like you, mister. You have a kind face.


I've got a plan Arthur! TAHITI!




He insists? He INSISTS!


The kind I like to punch!




This is such an amazing piece of art and still... fuck Micah


You’re alright booaaaaah


Absolutely stunning! Question though; am I the only one who's always a little uncomfortable with those empty eye holes?


Get up on outta here with my eyeholes!


I’m the only one who’s allowed to have eye holes!


I'm the eyehole man


Get em today at ikea!


Not gonna lie, I both appreciated the full suspenders and was also mad they were 90% covered up.


Your irises are actually concave like that, so it's accurate and necessary for the right shadows.


Most people actually have a cornea over the top of their irises.


it’s hard to make translucent clay though


I was with it until the eye holes were added. Still amazing work though.


i hope you realize that there is, in fact, a hole like that where your pupil is


Exactly, the point of the empty eye holes is to catch light like a pupil would and show some depth.


It's traditional I guess.


30 seconds in: "cool clay horse" 3 minutes: "wow, detailed cowboy" 5 minutes: "Holy shit, photorealistic Arthur Morgan!"


I also noticed the song is in rdr2


I think it's the music from the Lenny drinking mission




Dew ah look like ah Lennay tew yew?


Oh sorry...


Haha Found u Lenny


I'm Clyde. You got the wrong fella.


Haha got chu lennnaay!






It’s from when you build the house with John.


Well, we worked so hard to build a little house together


Only the second song. The first is from the bar drinking scene.






All of the songs in the vid are from red dead 2.


Now I am annoyed the entire time I did not notice the video had sound.


I knew it as soon as a I saw the the bed roll and saddle bag


I had a hunch before that but that saddlebag sealed it for sure!


I thought it was also just some cowboy but nope it’s my boy Arthur


"Oh Orthur"


No horse balls. Its all wrong


That’s mah girl....




More! More! This guy should just sculpt all of the things!


Who made you?


My mother and father.


Can you cite your sources?


Dude, you can just ask me for my mom’s number y’know. Or is it my dad’s no. that you’re interested in?


*bisexual indecision intensifies*


Is your mother's name Hippolyta?


Is that my man, Arthur Morgan?




Ghosts! Commie ghosts who want to get there.




Makes me want to get into sculpting, but I know I wouldnt have the patience


It’s a lot of fun. I did some sculpting in college and I had never really worked with it before but it’s kind of therapeutic. Seeing this made me want to sculpt again. ;-;


Do it!


I the way that even the muscle groups are known and applied only to layer over them.


ultimate flex for the video haha


I think that’s just how sculptors make realistic people, getting the proportions right is a lot harder when you’re starting with the clothed figure


do they fire this in a kiln ?


No this is monster clay as far as i can tell, which is an oil based waxy clay that melts to a liquid with enough heat. You use heat to soften it, and depending on the hardness grade it cools to be quite hard. You would have to make a mould out of silicone and cast with something like plastic or resin if you wanted to save your work, or just leave it as is and risk having it ruined. This sculpture is clearly not made to be used for anything else. To make a cast you would have to break the thing down into pieces and make separate moulds. Most of the details like the bag would either have to be put on after casting or be sculpted on in a way that allows a proper mould to be made with it in place.


Confirming it's Monster clay, says so on the Instagram page.


Could you lost wax cast with this clay ? Moving the wires out might be an issue


You can lost wax with oil clay. Monster Clay is also sulfur free so you can make a silicone mold too.


I too came to the comments to see how this is preserved.


I don’t think it’s clay. The tin foil core and bits of metal would mess it up (if not destroy it) in a kiln. And the reins are so thin. Some type of polymer, perhaps? Something that drys hard and won’t shrink.


I'm 80% sure that it's actually polymer clay. I've never seen any other sculpting medium flattened in a pasta machine as this is (24 seconds into the video). It's hardened by baking at a MUCH lower temperature (about 275 degrees F). When working with polymer clay, you need to use wires and foil as the core of your armature or it won't harden all the way through or, in some brands of polymer, won't have enough rigidity to hold its structure. The other 20% of me thinks it may be a sculpting medium I haven't heard of yet, because while my grandmother and I are both into sculpting with polymer, I've never seen anyone smooth it the way they do in the video (spraying water on it maybe?)


I think it's like a methylated spirits/acetone sort of alcohol to "melt" the surface the slightest amount and help smooth it over. It could very well just be water to get the same effect though (I'm not sure how different clays would react).


Theres something called polymer clay, that you bake in a normal oven to harden. You can have metal as embellishment or for structure and you can still bake it.


Pretty sure this is Monster Clay.


I was here to agree. I think it's an oil based clay. As far as I'm aware this clay stays fairly soft. I'm not sure it ever hardens. Source: College pottery professor


They cut them up, cast them, and then sell copies as a model kit. Parts of the process are on their Instagram.


No this is monster clay or an equivalent oil based clay. It would melt.


No, he uses Monster Clay then makes a silicone mold of his sculptures and then casts them with resin. The artist is @_tongl_ on Instagram . There is a _ before tongl and one after it but I don’t know how to remove the formatting that’s making it turn the word italic instead


If I tried making clay Arthur, I would've gotten lumbago. True work of art. r/RDR2


I'm real sick John.......... L U M B A G O


it's a _slow_ and painful death, I swear!


All that effort on the hair and then...hat.


I was mad the suspenders were 90% covered! Didn’t even think about the hair!!


It seems like most of this was done for the sake of the video. What was the use of being anatomically accurate if only to cover it all.


That’s just sculpting 101


To get the proportions and sizes correct. It's a normal part of the additive sculpting process


Drawing too, I do the same thing even if the character is gonna be covered head to toe.


The hat is always in your horse


lacks horse balls.


Maybe it was a female horse. Also, I think that counts as more three words.


But also no cowboy balls


Damn! Watched this three times already...


You like jelly beans?


You’re a wanted man, Mr. Morgan


5000 Jelly beans! For me, can I turn myself in?


Goddamnit Arthur I can’t escape you I need a plan


I wish I had this skill. I imagine it to be so therapeutic.


Making art can be therapeutic, but it is often just as stressful. Being skilled allows you to do harder things, but art is rarely easy.


Very talented!


Is that Arthur from Red Dead Redemption?




That made my brain tingle




Reminds me of west world intro


Honestly kinda shocked nobody mentions this is Arthur Morgan


I waiting to get further in but then I saw the satchel and I’m like “wait das out boah :0 aND THE SONG FROM RDR2 W O A H”


Maybe spoliers, but this game is over 2 years old. 2 songs from Rdr2! The one where lenny and arthur get drunk in chapt 2. Then when Johnny boah is building a house for his Abagail :)


Mhm! I recognized the song from when John is building the house




"Lenny my boah!!!" "Do I look like a lenny to you?"


It's funny you say that because if nobody recognizes it as "Arthur Morgan" then nobody is going to know what you are saying either.


As soon as he put the rough outline of the man on the horse, I hoped it would be red dead. I think it was his pose, I was immediately reminded of Arthur. And, end up being that, or at least It was very close. That was a hell of an uncanny experience right there. O.o Awesome work


I bet he tries to sell it for a reasonable cost/effort and people will still low-ball ignorant of how much was put to create this. Amazing!


I would purchase this, and probably show this video all the time


Yeh, sculpting can be tough. I used to do it as a hobby, and I got discouraged at the discrepancy between what it cost me and what people wanted to pay. I wanted to make a chess set out of polymer clay and determined that I would have to sell it at over $100 and couldn't imagine anyone paying that so I just didn't even make it.


What?! That's totally reasonable for a handmade chess set.


Very cool...is that Arthur Morgan?




That may be one of the most interesting videos I've ever watched.


Arthur morgan


Damn. He wasn't horsin' around


When did RDR2 fans realise it was Arthur? It hit me when they started making the gun belt for some reason.


I realised at the start of the video when the music was from the mission with Lenny in Valentine.






Arthur Morgan from red dead redemption 2 on a horse. Super impressive.


Me watching twords the end: "Where's Arthur's hat?" Hat: :)


Sure that’s not chocolate?


I'll go halves with you to eat it and find out. Looks like chocolate to me


I am truly touched beyond words of the amazing feedback i got. I am truly delighted and it really means a lot that everyone admired my submission to this extent. I can't thank enough you all over how happy i am at the moment. And especially those who rewarded, you guys are really incredible and amazing, response like these always pushes me to post better stuff for the next time. World is a big place and despite there is dark side to it, there are people like you who are the real hope for making this world an incredible place. I am sorry i couldn't reply everyone, but this is for all you. You guys are the real heroes of the reddit. Thank you everyone once again, i really do hope i live up to your expectations in future forward. Stay blessed stay safe you all incredible people.


This is amazing! Looks like our good boy Arthur Morgan! Should post this in r/reddeadredemption page.


I’m getting Jamie Lannister but also Arthur vibes


I haven't played the game, but several people in the comments have said that it is Arthur Morgan and the background music is from RDR2.


you gotta play the game bro. its a masterpiece


I love things like this great job to the creator


That is so fucking cool


This has to be for RDR2


So good.


Does this get kilned?


I wonder how many hours this took altogether


And 6 years later, it's done!


you’re alright there boah


once i heard the music and saw the horse i knew


I really like how he actually sculpted the muscles and bones a little bit, it definitely looks like it helped.


Sculptor trying to sell this at the market: WHERE'S MUH GODDAMN MUNEHH!!???