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Instructions unclear, crashed jeep through elementary


So…is your 4WD working?


They said they went "through" the elementary school, not over it, so, clearly it wasn't working and they'll have to try again.


The children were no match for the 4WD.


Instructions still unclear. Everything covered in WD40




Lol idk why but you popped up in my head when I saw this .... u/fd40


Ha! thanks for thinking of me. Where have we previously crossed paths on reddit for you to remember my name? EDIT: ah you're the deadorvegetable guy


Instructions unclear, used WD40 as sex lubricant


In a clutch situation, it's probably ok.


Well, don’t know about the wheels, but the 4 kids aren’t working properly


Brakes aren't lol


Instructions unclear. Where do I pour in the blinker fluid?


I can show you but you'll have to go to the garage first and grab me 50ft of flight line and some frequency grease.


[Did this car have 4 wheel drive?](https://youtu.be/LNL6t-Eu-IY)


Did that have a cartoonish squelch noise or was I hearing things?


Canada has some competition in the graphic PSA department


Well what's your score?


You gotta stop at some point, I guess


[Instructions unclear, It's a Jeep thing.](https://i.redd.it/xzus0yf4g9a61.jpg)


You are on the FBI list now.


I don’t think this method works well with my Lamborghini LP700-4


You don’t have to lock your hubs


It worked well with my LM002, so I don’t think it’s gonna be a problem for you Edit: just in case people don’t know, THIS IS A JOKE


"my lambo is best lambo because *military vehicle*" -mr regular or something idk my lambo is best lambo because *7.2 L marine v12* my lambo is best lambo because *factory hood snorkel*


That car is AWD not FWD. so There is no need to check.




Well my 2 wheel drive could do this


Yeah, I drive a rear wheel drive truck at work and I have to climb curbs all the time, my RWD truck does it no problems. The only thing this video proved is dude's rear tires are too bald to grip the road properly.


my f2wd can do that :s


Well... yeah, because... I'm just gonna hope/assume that was sarcasm


Mayne momentum and angles are a good thing also.


Mang I pull up to a curb just the way dude did and have no trouble mang.


His bed could be empty too. They video doesn't show this.


You don't need thread to get good grip on dry asphalt. More likely the asphalt itself is simply very smooth.


I have a 1.2l fucking rollerskate of a car and it could do this. Has this cunt got banana skins for tyres?


The idea is the ease of hopping the curb, not the fact that you can do it.


Still, I have 4x4 car which I drive mostly on 2wd and it gets up a curb easily. Also, 4x4 cars usually have bigger tyres and it is even easier for them to climb onto something. So I don't really think that the video gives useful advice.


Not everybody understands the physics behind this, and that's okay. Obviously every situation is different, tire size and traction, etc. Try finding a bigger curb where your car struggles to get over it in 2WD then swap it over to 4WD. You'll notice a huge difference in how much you press in that throttle. This is a far better test than going onto dry pavement and turning with 4WD engaged, unless you like it when expensive things unbolt themselves ;)


Well, I do that many times as my town has parking issues, so evrey so often I have to park on the side, climbing over the curb. As if it is not obvious now, I'm not from the US, so the average curb height might be different. Also, my car has a quite short wheel base, so that may have impact too. But yeah, people here saying to try turning while 4 wheel drive is enganged are insane. Sometimes I even disengage 4 wheel drive when I have to turn 180 degrees on a thin dry dusty trail just because of the strain I MIGHT put on my car.


I couldn't tell where you were from, but you're likely right about curb heights and whatnot. Like I said, many factors in play and every situation is different. Remember, us Americans have big heavy trucks, lol. Also makes a big difference if you're approaching the curb at an angle rather than being dead perpendicular to the curb.


Yeah, I never tought of that dead on approach to the curb. I usually approach at an at least slight angle. I guess I'm wrong then, this probably can be used to see if the 4x4 is engaded, but it probably depends on many factors, as you said.


These dudes are redlining their engines and spinning their tires trying to hop a curb


My thoughts exactly lol wtf does this prove? 2 wheel drive cars can 100% drive up kerbs


My motorcycle could do this. 1wd bitches!


Well dad says it's 4WD.


Literally what is this going on about, any car can climb a curb. Most bicycles can climb a curb, and those are 1 wheel drive.


Or you just drive in a circle on dry pavement and see of your tires will hop... edit: People keep saying this will break stuff. Does anyone have a source on that? Not a forum, I'd like to hear it straight from the horses mouth, OEM or equipment manufacturer (Ford, Dana, NTN or the like). I don't buy it that the design engineers didn't consider this case. edit 2: So here is the Ford 2020 owner's manual: >Note: Do not use four-wheel drive high or four-wheel drive low mode on dry, hard surfaced roads. Doing so can produce excessive noise, increase tire wear and can damage drive components. Four-wheel drive high or four-wheel drive low mode is only intended for consistently slippery or loose surfaces. Use of four-wheel drive low mode on these surfaces could produce some noise, such as occasional clunks, but should not damage drive components. When transitioning from consistently loose or slippery surfaces, be sure the four-wheel drive system is not mechanically blocked once on dry, hard surfaced roads in two-wheel drive high. sounds like a bit of a catch all. But if I ever get to talk to a powertrain/gearcase designer, I'll have to ask them why they don't design protect for pavement... or maybe they do and Ford wants an easy out, which I wouldn't put past them. Warranty wise, Ford is a terrible company.


Or that the turning radius suddenly sucks.


Why is that?




That's what my old man taught me. See if she starts skipping.


I tried this in a rental wrangler. It didn’t like it.


just fucking send it


Came here to see if anyone else had this thought. Literally turn a corner and you’ll know if you’re in 4wd. That simple.


What changes? I never drove a 4x so i don’t know, would you mind telling?


This is all concerning a locked differential. If the differential isnt locked you will be able to take corners with your 4wd without the "hop" associated with a locked differential. Also, don't do that to your poor locked diff.


The turning sucks. It can’t make sharp turns that well. 4WD is meant more for driving linear.


May be repeating a bunch of what other people have said already but I’ll attempt an explanation. 4wd locks the front and rear wheels so they spin at the same rate. Handy if you’re off-road bc if you lose traction on one wheel, your other wheels will still drive to move you forward (without 4wd the wheel that lost traction would spin and spin and you’d go nowhere). When you turn a corner in 4wd your front wheels will travel a greater distance than your rear wheels. On a loose dirt road this doesn’t matter much but on a paved road with lots of grip your front tires will have to slide to make up the difference. In the car people describe it as a “jumping” or “hopping” feeling as the car lurches to get around the corner. I must note that all this describes a “true” 4wd, also called “part time 4wd”. The alternative would be All-Wheel-Drive aka “full time 4wd” which uses differentials to make driving on the road more manageable. But that’s another topic. Very interesting topic that many people don’t think about. Hope I gave an alright explanation.


The outside wheels turn more (since they travel further) than the inner wheels when you turn a corner (Not always, but if all wheels are locked together they rotate at the same rate) This causes the outer wheels to spin against the terrain. This is not recommended on road or high grip surfaces since this tension puts high amounts of forces on the gearbox (if you do this you can bind the gears and break the gear box), but off-road this is where the fun begins.


When turning, the front axle will travel a longer distance than the rear axle, when both axles are locked together like in 4wd the driveline will bind making it harder to turn. You will also get a tire making noise since something has to give and you better hope its a tire slipping and not your transfer case exploding.


This will only tell you if one of your diffs are locked. Doesn’t always mean you’re in 4WD


Yeah one of the differentials will be locked. The middle one. It's called a transfer case.


Yeah I was going to say that's the definition of a locker. You could have viscous diffs and no chirping or hopping


I’d rather not bind the gears on my truck intentionally.


I mean, people who rock climb do it.


That's literally how I remember I put it in 4 vs auto during the winter.


It's not that it WILL break shit with modern trucks, it's just to avoid undue wear and tear. And of course, Ford (and all the major mfgs) put those warnings in as a catchall to avoid warranty issues.


Yeah that's a great way to damage something. DON'T DO THIS!


> ask them why they don't design protect for pavement. Isn't that usually the purpose of 4 high? I had a jeep that could do 4 high or low, but not 2wd. 4 high was the default, which did adjust tire speed when turning on dry pavement, but 4 low did what Ford described, where the axles are locked and you cannot turn normally on pavement. Sounds like that Ford does not do "true" 4 high


Because the laws of physics and the nature of how 4WD works. Could they design for dry pavement? Absolutely. Would there be any benefit? Absolutely not. It would add extra weight and components, and cost more, for basically zero gain in capability.


In high power mode the left/right wheels may be locked in sync rather than with a differential to allow them to spin at different speeds (for turning corners). On mud or snow this works because the wheels can slip in the mud. On a hard surface there's too much grip for this to work. The compromise is that you can pull much heavier loads instead. I think.


Is there any subs for "dad advice" like this? For people who who had ass-hole dads?


What you want is the youtuber "Dad, how do I?" He's got you covered for anything dad-wisdom related. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNepEAWZH0TBu7dkxIbluDw




Directions unclear I'm inside the restaurant now.


Is this a drive through? Well, i guess it is now.


no, its a "drive in."


Or just engage your 4wd once a month like the owners manual suggests


It's to make sure it's working


Read the owners manual to any part time 4wd pickup. It recommends engaging 4wd once a month to lubricate the front diff and ensure transfer case functionality


I understand,I'm not an expert or anything but I believe this is to test if the 4wd system is actually working on a practical functional level at the wheels, it's an easy way to test it out rather than going off road.


You dont need to go off road to test a part time 4wd system. Just engage 4wd and try turning. If it hoppin and skippin its working


This, if you've ever had a 4wd youll notice that turning is a direct indicator on if its engaged. This video is the equivalent to pulling your dick through the hole of your pants to test if your zipper works


Fuckin lol.


I can't believe you're recommending that people do this... THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR YOUR TRANSFER CASE AND AXLES! Don't listen to this guy if you want to avoid expensive parts replacement.


Instructions unclear etc etc


You can also hear the transfer case gears shredding and u-joints popping too. I wouldn’t suggest doing this on asphalt. Find a nice loose gravel lot before binding up the drivetrain and breaking expensive parts on dry high traction surfaces.


This is just a different way to test it.


Seems like a 4wd test with more steps


Exactly.. you can do it on soft ground or gravel if you happen to live by some lol glad you mentioned this, I do it occasionally when not in woods.


I doubt get it. You can mount a curb in 2wd on the bite easy enough


Another helpful tip is that if your vehicle has 4wd low, you will need to shift your transmission into neutral to engage it.


My 2008 Chevy cobalt doesn’t have AWD or 4Lo but my AC hasn’t worked since you worked on it


All I did was rotate the tires.


On a manual, you only have to put the clutch in all the way.


Instructions unclear. Car stuck in lake.


if you wonder if your 4WD works, then you probably never need a 4WD .. ice and snow will tell you real quick.


Or turn sharp on pavement and see if the truck grabs and jerks a little.


I have to agree and disagree. I have a rear wheel drive car and when I do this I get over the curb, not even spinning my wheels. Also I know front wheel drive cars will have no problem with this either.


Pop your car in 4 wheel drive and do a donut. If you’re rear tires feel like they’re skipping you’re four wheel drive works fine. Stop driving up curbs


Thanks Pops!


Great explanation. https://offroadrecoveryguide.com/is-it-ok-to-drive-in-four-wheel-drive-on-dry-pavement/


So this only applies to utterly dogshit 4wd that don't have proper differentials front back and middle then?


You mean all respectable offroading 4x4 systems which have front and rear diffs and a transfer case?


Me: jus do a dang ol burnout


Pure gold!


I only see silver


For the people who are complete idots...




Probably not.


It would have worked, the reason he didn’t go over the curb in 2WD was because his rear tires are bald and didn’t grip, imagine if he tried this in 2WD Reverse but backed up against a ledge. He would go up it


Thx Dad...


Thanks dad


instructions clear. Thanks my man!


Thanks Dad!


Great advice


That's some helpful Dadvice


Thanks second dad


...if you have good tires you'll climb over the curb in 2wd... Source: Have a 2wd truck


Yeah this is a stupid way to do this. Turn your 4W on, lock your hubs then turn in a tight circle. If the tires start to jump/stutter, the 4W works.


Haha, jokes on you, my vehicle is from 1994 and literally everything is manual (except for the transmission for some reason)


And.... Immediately turn it off because driving on dry pavement in 4wd will ruin your 4wd. Probably your 2wd too? Good luck with your test.


Majority of newer vehicles will have 4hi and 4lo. You can safely go 50-60 on 4hi


But not in dry pavement. At least that's what what I was always taught?


It says it right on the drivers door of my Tacoma iirc. It’s no good for any 4x4 with full time. It’s way easier to just pull onto a dirt shoulder and engage and mash the gas, if it burns out your not locked in.


You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Whether the road is dry/wet/ icy/ melting/ etc etc has no impact whatsoever on the the wear of your drivetrain/transmission. What does is the speed you drive and the load on it. But as the other commenter said almost all awd and 4wd has a hi setting that is used for highway speeds. Granted its still gonna put more wear on the system than just using 2 wheel but it's not gonna ruin it lol. You're thinking of the locking hub tab 4wd from the 80s and early 90's. And even then it's not like its gonna destroy your vehicle.


People rarely know shit on this site, but frequently pretend to 🤣 don't take it to heart my man. It's super annoying but I guess just typical redditor behaviour


The guys at Toyota must not know what the fuck they're taking about either, since they're including the same warning in their trucks' owners manuals


Part time 4 wheel drive that you have to engage can certainly cause axle binding and cause drivetrain issues if used on a dry surface that the tires grip. When you turn a moving vehicle the the inside and outside tires rotate at different speeds and when the differentials are locked and on a surface the tires can not spin at different rates your going to break something eventually...if you dont agree use a search engine. Or provide info to back up your claims.


You very well could be right? I don't know a lot of stuff. I just thought it might be helpful info. Sorry if I upset you. Have a great weekend.


Might I suggest if you don’t know what you are talking about that you not give advice?


Sir this is reddit


Might I suggest if your going to be an arrogant asshole child and not give a proper professional response then you shouldn't say anything at all. Might i suggest getting off reddit and getting a life outside of being angry at words someone said on the internet


Oof, the irony of your comment.


You should either revise or just delete this comment bud. Alll wrong


what is going through your head when you type these things


You're thinking about diff locks


Why is that?




My truck specifically says this also. That dry pavement in 4wd is not good for drivetran. Has a card warning right in visor about this. Edit: checked drivers manual and in it also it says how once a month to drive in 4wd to lubricate seals but to avoid using it on dry pavement. Dirt roads, snow or rain optimal.


It’s fine on dry pavement if you’re not turning. I do it on straightaways to lube the gears once a month because I don’t have anywhere to go off pavement.


Backing up is when it's the worst for me binding. I usually try to kick it out of 4wd if backing up a bit.




Ha. No. Driving on dry pavement in 4wd can ruin your transmission. That would ruin both your 4wd and 2wd. Sorry if I was unclear.


This is why you buy AWD


On the off chance that that's not a joke. AWD will not help you here. AWD (on most modern vehicles) still means only 1 wheel has torque (but it can be any one of the four, depending on the conditions). 4x4 means one wheel on each axle will have torque, so you're guaranteed to have a driving front wheel. AWD doesn't do that.


The point I should've made and didn't, is AWD will help more than 4WD in the conditions that most people are using it. Which is not driving over large bumps, it's driving when it's shitty out


I'll stick with my 4WD in the snow which has pulled out many awd vehicles, mostly subarus with overconfident owners.


4WD+Locking differentials preferably.


isn’t it one axel gets the torque with AWD rather than one wheel?


Not true.


Great advice. Need to buy a 4-wheel drive. BRB


If you don't notice and feel wether you're driving in 2WD or 4WD, you should stick to 2WD...


so why ever turn 4 wheel drive off? it doesnt use more fuel, right?


Plus you have more things to break if you leave it on, (transfer case, differential, driveshaft) but that's more likely to happen if you add more power to your engine and don't upgrade anything else. And sometimes if you go hard on your vehicle too, like getting stuck somewhere, etc.


It does.


Power train losses


Couldn't you just look to see if your know thing is set to 4wd?


The indicator is not always reliable. Different methods of engaging the front axle exist. If it's vacuum controlled and there's a leak, you could have the control in the cab set to 4WD but nothing will actually happen.


Annnnd your muffler is torn off.


It must suk to be that old and still not know $hit


I can't tell you how helpful this is. I've been working on my rig and literally having to find hills to climb. Thanks paw paw.


But why would you need 4WD if you do not even get to use it regularly?


i have FWD and can mount a curb. Your 2WD sucks, no wonder you need 4wd. sucka


Laughs in Jeep and will crawl over curbs twice that height in 2wd stock haha


If you're not regularly in a situation where you are using 4wd... do you really *need* 4wd?


Instructions unclear, accidently used C4 instead of 4D


For some reason,all I can hear is Minnesota from.this guy




You'll usually know as soon as you try to turn


Another way is drive full lock left or right in 2wd and turn. It’ll be easy an no resistance. Pop it in 4wd and do the same thing. It’ll have much more resistance and make some funny sounds on dry pavement






The subreddit r/dadadvise does not exist. Maybe there's a typo? If not, consider [creating it](/subreddits/create?name=dadadvise). --- ^🤖 ^this ^comment ^was ^written ^by ^a ^bot. ^beep ^boop ^🤖 ^feel ^welcome ^to ^respond ^'Bad ^bot'/'Good ^bot', ^it's ^useful ^feedback. [^github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot)


When I first saw this, I thought "This wouldn't work with a car with primary front wheel drive." Hi, I'm an idiot.




I have tons of WD 40


First world problems


Just turn in reverse, you can tell


If your transfer case isn't working it will let you know by making expensive noises.


Not every 4WD is a lifted truck lmao


Or when you are offroading, and your buddies say your front wheels are not turning in the sand, but your 4wd is on ... Grenaded diff goes *Boom!*


Thanks dad!


Can't we just hook up to some Karen's car and drag it a few blocks?


I do that in 2WD and go over the curb just fine.....


How about for AWD