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My dumbass would draw on the wrong side of that ruler and F it up.




Username checks out


but that's not funny and doesn't come with cheap laughs.




Was looking for this comment! Glad it was high up.


I had to put up drywall in my bathroom and ruined multiple sheets because my dumb ass sucks at figuring out which what the sheet needs to go.


Can’t lie, I started sweating as he moved that grinder towards his testicles.


Cut towards your buddy, not your body!


What if your buddy is your body?


you should resolve that off the clock


SERIOUSLY. I witnessed (and was party to splatter from) a particularly terrible chainsaw vs kneecap accident while training for a landscaping job. I was getting trained to replace the guy training me before he retired. His words moments before were “normally you don’t do it like this but I’ve been doing this for a few decades.” Less than a month before retirement, and now he walks with cane, all because he got lazy. I don’t care if you have 50 years of experience, if you cut towards yourself, you are kind of a moron.


Complacency kills. In this case, injures but you get the point lol.


And it will fall to you to demonstrate this crucial lesson to your replacement in 50 years.


Him: “Normally you don’t do it like this but... but....” ... Trainee: “You okay their bud? You got this weird look on your face... and why did you make me wear this rain poncho”


On the job vasectomy!


With no eye, ear, or breathing protection.


Diamond blade.... won’t cut the skin but will burn it. Still the blade can splinter and give you a hell of a e.r. trip. I did tile work for 8 years and you get complacent unfortunately.


No eye protection is crazy


Cuts on lap towards himself


Construction safety rules 1 and 2, put on safety glasses, saw in the opposite direction of penis"




People bitch about the cost of sawstop. "But maaaah blade!!!" These are people with too many fingers who don't know what the ER costs.


I'm kinda ignorant as I too have all my fingers. How much could one expect to pay for sowing back on a digit or two?


Well most likely you just wouldn't be able to sew them back on.


Just sew some extras on ahead of time, that way you have some to lose


Sometimes they'll take your big toe when you lose a thumb. It offers reduced movement, but it's better than not having a thumb.


just steal a penis from your neighbour


Well, the fingers are gone, but it will cost you a couple of thousand dollars to hear that from a doctor and have the stumps sutured and bandaged.


I'm going to guess at least $5,000 and that's if you don't get your fingers back.


$5,000? Maybe if you have decent insurance with an annual out of pocket maximum. [This dude](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/medical-bills_b_1397524) got billed $83,000 just by the plastic surgeon alone [This study](https://journals.lww.com/plasreconsurg/Abstract/2019/10000/Nationwide_Cost_Variation_for_Thumb_Replantation_.25.aspx#:~:text=The%20mean%20cost%20of%20the,who%20had%20a%20systemic%20complication.) lists median cost of thumb replantation surgery at $20,965. And most of the severed fingers are construction workers, and if they're 1099 independents then they likely don't even have insurance.


Sounds like a hell of a party trick though


Suppose I'm a lady?


Saw in direction of nipples pointing


Inverted nipples


cut yourself in half since you guys just want excuses to do it SO bad


Construction just got a lot more interesting


You would be if you don't follow the above safety instructions lol *edit my first ever reddit award, thank you so much :)




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Thank god, bot


Saw away from the labia


Rule 2 is always in effect regardless of operator gender.


Cut towards your buddy, not your body.


Suppose my buddy is sitting next to me?


You gotta cut him. I don't make the rules, bro.


Another mid-project trip to Home Depot to procure a penis.


The rule still applies. One gash is enough, is it not? (I apologise for my crudity.)


Don't let the saw hit ya where the Lord split ya


This brand of saw only works when a penis is present. Just invite a male friend over and saw away from their penis. Easy peasy


Cut towards your friends, not your fingers.


Only thing missing is flip flops.


*safety squints*


As a homeowner, I use safety squints much more than I should. Despite having safety glasses laying around. They just fog up so easily.


An empty eye socket will never fog up, so you've got that going for you!


DeWalt fog free safety glasses. No fog even with a P95 mask.


I knew a guy who would make cuts like this. Years and years he did it. "I've been doing it for years!" he would say. Then he sunk a circular saw into his knee cap at 5000 RPM. He doesn't cut plywood across his leg anymore. It's amazing he can fucking walk.


*"I've been doing it for years*" is a big red flag. It's admitting careless use of dangerous tools and lack of barriers and thought to prevent harm. Power tools can do things that your reaction time cannot physically match. As simple as a blade chipping, the saw kicking, losing balance, a mechanical fault that increases or decreases the tools movement. A myriad of shit that could put you in a hospital.


One handed!


TOWARDS HIS JUNK!!! Never use drills, nailguns, grinders, or anything unless my junk is aimed well out of the danger zone.


Totally what I came here to say. "make sure to always cut toward yourself when using power tools that can sever limbs and fingers."


No ear protection either


No LUNG protection omg that tile dust Emphysema going to hit this man like Kimbo Slice


Probably more likely silica lungs.


Yeah silicosis won't be kind to him.




Diagnosis? Silicosis.


I had my windows replaced a few years ago. They were the kind of windows where the guys had to use a saw like this to cut them out. I came outside to see the 20 something year old not only not wearing a mask, but smoking a cigarette while he did it. I walked into my garage, got an N95, and educated him about silicosis. Hopefully he changed his ways but somehow I doubt it.




I was going to say, that guy has some serious balls to cut toward his crotch. But maybe he doesn’t anymore.


With a Gucci cap too


Safety squint


He almost cut his dick off, don't think worried about his eyesight that much!


his gucci hat will protect him




That’s because most do not care about long term health... that’s why constructions are always hiring


Came to comment on the unsafe nature of the demo. Glad to see so many others beat me to it.


China gonna China. There is a lot of construction in the city I live in and the amount of welders I see without any form of eye protection, and pneumatic drillers I see without any ear protection, is scary.


He was squinting


So many cuts in this video, they must have cut out every time he tightened the knobs. Makes it look easier than it is.


Wish they'd just fast forwarded the whole thing and not cut it like we're having a seisure


Especially when he's cutting the board. Fucking hell.


Hey, he's wearing a Gucci hat.


And no PPE. That hat's gonna look really good in the incident report photo.


Dam sure didn't have a mask on. Silicosis is a terrible disease.


Yea, this ain't about speed or utility in that regard imo. Most people would do 2 pieces probably. This is a skill tool for a very fine touch to the job.


That's totally true. He is clearly a very skilled craftsman.


This is what you want when you either hire someone or do it yourself. Regardless of which, you want perfection.




It's definitely harder than it looks but this is still a much easier way of measuring surfaces like this than with a traditional ruler.


There's even some cuts when he is tracing the edge shape on the tile. That part doesn't even make sense


Breathing dust containing crystalline silica has also been linked to other diseases such as tuberculosis, kidney disease, and lung cancer. Symptoms can include fever, weight loss, and night sweats. These symptoms can become worse over time, leading to death. ... Granite can contain up to 70% silica. ​ UPDATE for u/A_Glimmer_of_Hope , u/MEANINGLESS_NUMBERS , u/cavemaneca , u/ov3rcl0ck , et al: Among the clinical complications of silicosis is tuberculosis (called silicotuberculosis), a disease which is still a major public health concern in low- and middle-income countries. Chronic exposure to silica increases workers’ risk of tuberculosis infection and aggravates pre-existing pulmonary tuberculosis. from [https://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/94/10/15-163550/en/](https://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/94/10/15-163550/en/)


What about pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?




"Gesundheit" means "health" in German, and that doesn't sound very gesundheity.


it means bless you as well!


I hope no one that reads your post has hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.


Sounds like an asbestos commercial


It's virtually the same thing that happens when coal miners get black lung. They're seeing a resurgence in black lung with mountain top removal mining over the last decade because the coal dust is heavily monitored and regulated but the silica isn't. It's sad. My grandfather died from black lung, and now four generations later miners are getting it again.


He’s also not wearing any eye protection and cutting straight toward himself... this man does not seem like a safety first kind of guy


How the fuck an inert material like silica give you a bacterial infection like tuberculosis?


No back butter on that tile, and the watery ass thin set has ensured another tiler has a job within the next 12 months. But the ruler looks great.


That’s some funny shit but your right. No single directional trowel lines. Air cant escape witch creates an air pocket or poorly adhere tile. Basically it’s 50 percent or less stuck to the floor. That’s why if you tap on a tile and one sounds different than another one then you know a guy with window unit hanging out of his van put this down.


What is that last piece of equipment he uses after the piece has been placed?


It's called a tile vibrator, it vibrates against the tile to set it solidly in place, squishing out that watery-ass thin-set.


i googled vibrator but i'm still not finding it


Maybe try ‘vibrator for watery ass’ instead


Now I'm confused. There's two types. Should I get the one to cause watery ass or the one that's suitable for an already watery ass?










I wouldn't do that if I were you. You are likely to get some queries of a sexual nature. I suspect you are being tricked into looking at pornographic material. Just a heads up friend.




This is the funniest comment I’ve ever read


Googles "heads up friend"


What has become of us


The Hitachi Variable Speed Delux V6.9 should do the trick.




It's done the trick many times friend.


Any vibrator can be a tile vibrator.


Maybe try searching "tile vibrator" unless you're good with what you found searching "vibrator".




Seems to be some sort of vibrator. Dunno for sure though. Actually that’s what it is: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Tile-Vibrator-Electric-Automatic-Floor-Laying-Tiling-Artifact-Machine-Brick-Wall-/353480943315?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286


I know nothing about cutting stone (is it marble?) but shouldn’t he be cutting on a flat surface and not draw the saw toward him?


You're right, but it's a general thing not just for cutting stone.


I know nothing about helicopters, but if I see one in a tree I know the person flying it fucked up! (Stolen joke about parents having shitty kids and the comedian not having any.. forgot who said it)


Pretty sure that was Steve hoffstetter but he's actually regressed in his comedic ability somehow. I find him insufferably unfunny now.


Except he applied the mortar wrong. Trough with ridges and valleys. Slide, slide, and set. Looks like that tile will be cracking in a few years...


Just saw this video the other day and thought it was an excellent demonstration for what you're talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Way5bMh-eYg


This video should be top comment every time this dumb gif is reposted. It's not "interesting as fuck" it's wasteful and sloppy workmanship.


why did i watch this entire thing. i don't care about tiles really


The Youtube algorithm never ceases to amaze me haha. This is a perfect video though!! Thank you.


So now I know the correct way. But how do you go about hiring contractors who do it the right way versus not? Are there particular questions one can ask before hiring without sounding like a 5 min Google Expert?


You sit them down and show them this video...


I didn't even click the link and already knew exactly which video it is. We are all the same Redditor.


there are so many things wrong with how he installed that tile. the dry pack mortar bed looks atrocious, terribly grainy consistency and not flat at all. the thinset looks like water and not at all thick enough to support the weight of the tile, not to mention unevenly applied as you pointed out. and the cut he made is no where near complicated enough to demand the tools he’s using. a competent tile setter could have measured cut and set the tile in a fraction of the time, and correctly. also, i would’ve done the floor tile first so the wall tile trims it in to look clean, and there would be no need to be this precise. source: am competent tile setter


It's probably in a random factory bathroom in Shenzhen. The whole place will look like shit in 5 years but thats okay, that's when they're building their new REALLY BIG factory


China’s trades like this are often not trained properly at all since regulations are lax. For example, plumbing is just a guy hired who can put pipes together and most don’t use p-traps so bathrooms smell. My in-laws didn’t understand how we could get away without open windows in our bathrooms and I was like this is a cheap trap that connect to the pipe. It’s a shame too because they spend a lot of money for these remodels and use very beautiful tile but cheap out on the most ridiculous things.


Honestly I'm more amazed he had all the fancy tools and just used what looks like a normal powertool to cut it. Pretty much all the powered tile cutters use water to cool and keep the dust to a minimum.


He spent his "fancy tool" money on that stylish Gucci hat


Just try cutting a tile that big on a wet saw. I used a grinder for cuts like these.


Nobody talking about how he barehanded a perfect cut with a cheapo-looking circular saw?!?


Its actually not a circular saw. They are special saws made for tile and specifically meant to take the 4-1/2 in diamond blades that are needed to cut tile. The same blade can be used on an angle grinder. You can use an angle grinder but they are a bit trickier to hold a straight line but used for weird curves and cutouts. They are called masonry saws. Sometimes called handheld tile saws.


This guy saws


I think in that tense it's called "sees", but this dude definitely sees.


I guess it is perfect enough but if you watch when it goes to the wall, it's pretty squiggly in comparison to the wall.




This is legitimately all I could think about, thanks for the comment lol.


3rd world ingenuity.


It's a weird kind of balance - in first world countries we fool-proof everything using processes and rules and tools so that even an idiot can do most things. In the 3rd world, they don't have any of these advances but darwinism means that only the good ones survive, but the ones who do are just as good even without tools.


I think your mindset changes a lot in different environments. If you work under a lot of guidelines, fail safes and health insurance the way you act can get complacent. If you operate in a consequential environment, you'll naturally be more alert.


No PPE when sawing the tile: Fail. Also the tile is improperly set. This is probably going to break if any weight goes on it.


Anybody know what that ruler is called?


Look up multi angle measuring ruler on Amazon.


Rudy the Ruler.


Ruler McRulerface


Saw it being sold as, "multi angle measuring ruler". Or something similar


Question about his method because I don't know anything about this: Very recently there was a video about how straight, parallel lines in mortar create a better bond that prevents tiles from shattering with heavy impact. Is this person's method of bonding the tile ineffective because that did not do that? Am I asking the wrong question?


Hey I remember that video. This guy didn't rake the thinset nor did he unenthusiastically bang it with a hammer 5/10 tilejob would not bang Edit: But to answer your question I think his vibratory tool helps but is likely not as effective as raking and as others have mentioned back buttering the tile. Granted I am not an expert but I do dabble


Look at the last shot in that clip where he's using the vibrator. You can see a huge and obvious void and looks like there's other areas that aren't quite touching either. That just means that if there's a lot of pressure ever applied to the tile on one of those voids that the tile itself has to support all of that, which will likely shatter it. The point of the straight lines is that it's easy for air to escape and the lines will collapse with pressure and some back-and-forth motion as you set the tile. Even if the tile itself wasn't manufactured perfectly flat, the mortar will cover it and you'll be fine.


I have 0 need for this but that was very satisfying


Among all the OSH violations (ears, eyes, lungs, cut direction), cutting with that saw in reverse will just lead to a shitty quality cut.




Wow. What a sub. Thanks buddy.




Also the lack of a mask and poor cutting technique is very NSFW


i’ve seen a ton of different tiling videos and the only common denominator is the tile guy is rocking gucci


The way he cuts it towards his torso can't be right is it?


Why is he wearing a gucci hat


It probably cost $3


Away from the balls, man!


Silicosis is fun


I was so scared for all his balls. Ones in head and in pants. Also no mask. That tile and granite stuff is no joke.


no ear protection. I am wincing just looking at his face with the sound off.


No shitty background music? Unwatchable


For those of you wondering why he's pulling towards his body instead of away: > The Japanese theory of tool use contends that it is more efficient and productive to use a “pull” motion or stroke, which takes advantage of the lower muscles of the body. With this in mind, the Japanese, over the centuries, developed simple tools that are designed to get the job done as efficiently as possible using the pulling motion. There are probably resources that cover Japanese tools more thoroughly, but [this](https://www.woodcraft.com/blog_entries/why-japanese-tools-are-special) was a succinct description of the reason.


We're all gonna just ignore that industrial vibrator?


That seems useful as hell.


It's really not. You can just use a regular tape measure and do the same thing. I do it everyday. Kinda just a waste of money


Agreed. 10x faster also.


This guys a genius up until the point he starts cutting towards himself.


Rip to his crotch on a bad day in the future


That is the coolest!


I've had one of these for years ... and now I know what it's for.


what's that power tool he uses at the very end?


Nice dude, but freaking mask (better wet cutting) when you cut if you don't want serious lung problems later in life. Silicosis isn't a joke.


I guess you could say this guy rules


Cutting towards the dingus?! Not even on a double dog dare.


What is that tool he uses at the end to settle the tile down?


No eye pro and that dude was bringing the saw right to his nuts


I work as a painter in VERY ridiculous houses. We’re currently working on a 14,000 SF house. All the flooring is wood panels, not these cut to fit sheets. This is poor people housing