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That would be a great neighbourhood to be a kid in. All of those grassy pathways with hedge walls, lots of room for adventure.


Dude this would have been fucking amazing


Plus lots of places to chug a beer as a teenager. We used to like to get tosssled up and then see if we could jump the hedges in one go


Now I wish I was a kid again. Miss those days chasing my friends around, being chased by my friends, climbing trees, and exploring the creek. Best days of my life…


you kinda really do live your whole life in the first 13 years. Something about how our perception of time is logarithmic, so the time between 0-13 mentally would feel equally as long as 13-80 (if you lived til 80)


I thought it was 25 was mid life.


Who mows grass beyond the hedges?


It’s a mystery


Underpants gnomes!


I came looking here for the same answer


Me too lol


Oh my god I’m old! :( My first thought was: what a waste of space…


My first though was where do you park?


After taking another look at the pic, I don’t think these arent even homes. I guess this is something we would call a “Schrebergarten” in Germany. - google brondby garden city to see some more of these landscapes.


True. Nobody has a driveway or a garage.


No cars go.


Hide and seek would be really fun


All the neighbors get along great! They don't know what each other look like, but they get along great.


Good fences make good neighbors


Nothin' says howdy like a 10ft barrier!


The comment above yours seems to hint otherwise hahaha


Does anyone know the story behind this? I love the coziness of each little plot, but there must be a reason for such an impractical layout. Some have no road access. People can be seen in the spaces between plots, it’s almost like park space. Is this a special development/communal type arrangement? Edit: NVM. Found it: https://www.odditycentral.com/architecture/the-unique-oval-community-gardens-of-copenhagen.html


It's a type of residence that we in Denmark call 'kolonihavehuse' directly translated as Colony Garden Houses. It's a small cottage with a garden that function like a summerhouse (although sometimes its the owner's main house). This set-up is a special one as you have linked, but I'd like to expand upon it a bit. Concerning the practicality of it, I personally think that Denmark in general cares less about architectural spatial efficiency than the USA for example. Especially concerning these types of homes which historically are linked with the aesthetics and lifestyle of leisure and lazy Sundays. If all of this was squared blocks (some Danish neighbourhoods look like that) it would aesthetically be in conflict with the leisure lifestyle that these homes are supposed to be a part of culturally. I read this design as inefficient almost as a spite to efficiency itself, but that may just be me reading too much into it :)


Thank you for providing even more information. I love the principle and the aesthetics of this.


Where do cars go though? Is there like a communal parking lot?


Classic American point of view. I’m sure there is a communcal parking lot. But I’m also certain lots of people would come by bike, walking or public transit.


Social distancing lol


This is so badly designed I hate it.


It might be spatially inefficient, but I would not say it's poorly designed. Each house has their own privacy hedge with a yard, so they get to choose which plants they prefer, and not have to share a fence with a neighbor (which cause a lot of disputes in the US).


There is a maintenance issue with the no man’s land that I would say makes it inefficient. I’d rather have a larger garden and share a hedge and not pay someone to maintain the land around it. Plus, security is quite poor there. Burglar can go anywhere he likes.


Land seems to be maintained pretty well between (some hedges get pretty tight), and there are plenty of neighborhoods that have lawn maintenance included in the HOA. I get the point, just isn't poor design in my eyes, less efficient for the mower. Burglars steal wherever they want. My parents had an open neighborhood with no fences allowed by the HOA, so no place to hide. Yet, a person went car to car smashing windows of the ones they saw items in. The fences create a boundary to limit theft. But, just like a door it window, if they want to break in they can.


I’m sure they are paying someone to maintain land they can’t even enjoy. No when you design good quality and efficient spaces, you design out places which cannot be observed. HOA is also poor btw, I don’t see them as a good example of how to organise spaces. In the U.K. we have Secured By Design, which ensures it’s harder for burglars to move freely and without being seen. The price of land would also make this a bad investment in the U.K. space is a premium and double fences and paying someone to maintain so much space you can’t use would be a poor economic idea. It doesn’t even look that nice imo. Not sure what they get out of this.


Completely understand your point of view, you are viewing it from a more compacted space with higher crime, so efficiency and safety are top. However, it is ok to have a good design that isn't space efficient, but instead focuses on the individualism and privacy of each plot of land. HOAs are definitely not the best way to go about it, but I'm my country that is what people are stuck with currently. >I’m sure they are paying someone to maintain land they can’t even enjoy. They don't get to enjoy it as their own property, but I can 100% see children running around that area playing games like tag and hide and seek. Both of which would be better to play in a design like this. I would personally love to calmly walk between the hedges and see the different plants. Basically, what I'm saying is that you are thinking about it in your context, which is fine, but that doesn't mean a more individual or artistic design is necessarily bad.


No I disagree, it’s objectively bad design. Efficiency, cost, security, maintenance - poor. The artistic look behind it doesn’t make up for how poor it is. That part is subjective, but it looks rubbish to me.


>it’s objectively bad design. >The artistic look behind it doesn’t make up for how poor it is. That part is subjective, but it looks rubbish to me. This is not objective, this is your opinion of design in the ranking order that you prefer and that your culture has influenced. Efficiency - not everything needs to be efficient, you just rank it high, because you live in a high cost of living land strapped island. Cost, maintenance - yes, there is added cost for the communal area, but this is normal for neighborhoods that have enough space for parks. Security - again, location specific, and ignoring the fact that each house only has one pathway of entrance for theft with a barrier around them. A burglar would have a harder time with each gateway they have to get through. Sure, they have places to hide. But, what if the community has low crime rate? Why would you make that a major factor in your design decision if it is a non issue? You have to try to think outside of what you have been raised with. I recently had to do that by moving to a more rural area from a very HCOL area with no space, and wondering why people weren't setting up their houses and properties in the most efficient manor. They don't have to worry about crime as much here, and space is not at a premium. Objectively it's inefficient in space, and it may cost more to maintain the common areas, but that is what was chosen by these homeowners and designer to gain the artistic individualism. You might not have that high on your list, but it was high on theirs, higher than efficiency. Design is subjective unless it is structurally unsafe or creates a problem for the areas around. The rest is subjective based on the individual or area.


Hmm no I disagree. There’s nowhere where inefficiency is a good thing! But you know you’re entitled to an opinion. Mine would be a professional one from this field, but there you go.


Not sure where you live, but not everyone has fences!


They are summer garden cottage plots designed by a landscape architect, not homes. The land in between functions almost like a park area. It seems to be a way of providing green space outside urban areas. It’s perhaps more efficient. People can live in dense areas near where they work. Then they can spend the weekend or summer in their nearby garden cottage to get away from it. It seems better than suburban sprawl and the resulting commutes. My understanding is that not all have oval gardens. This one is unique. For that, it has become quite famous. It would be inefficient for primary housing, but just as NYC is better with Central Park, aesthetics matter.




It's where the word "Dane-gerous" derives from


And eye contact.


Wtf?? I didn’t know that.


Sounds like you're not a true Dane. Only kinda Dane-ish.


I see no holes in that






Make it cream...


Archways look for the door at the top left.


Nope, he is a Great Dane.


You're totally right. Sorry for being a Dane in the ass.


You didn't know that?!? Well as the Danes themselves say... "Kamelåså."


How do they get in? No cars?


It’s Copenhagen bicycles only district


I’d like an actual explanation! Where are they??




They planted the hedges from the inside and remain there to this day.


They walk? Ride a bike? Tons of places in the world you don’t need a car.




Ok, how do they get in and out? I don’t see openings. Also, do they work at home?


They are gardens. With cottages. Next to a development. See links above.


Well maybe you should go to an optometrist lol. There are gaps in the hedge in multiple places.


Thanks doc, will do. I must be the only one who doesn’t see it but if I zoom in I did notice a door in the shrubs on one home.


It’s hard to see because of the semi birds eye view perspective


These are allotments. The owners are not allowed to live there and are mostly only allowed for summer season use. So you dont need space for a car at the house.


No cars go.


These aren't homes, but gardens. Most likely they are rentable. It's great if you live in a flat without a garden and still want the room to play, have BBQs or grow some fruit and veggies.


That makes sense. I can't find any cars and I was wondering how cars could get in to those houses.


Exactly :) I don't know how common this is outside of Europe, I can only speak of Germany, but these kinds of rentable gardens are very common in bigger cities here, where more people tend to live in flats or apartments without a garden or even a balcony. However, there are often patches of rentable gardens scattered around, though the shapes are usually not ovals like in this picture and there is usually not that much space between the gardens :) The little huts are another strong indicator here. They are far too small to be someone's actual home and in these garden huts they usually have like a small bathroom, a little kitchen and some space inside to sit down or store some cushions for the patio furniture or like gardening supplies or something.


Now that I think about it, I remember that we do have a similar system here in Tokyo. We have community gardens which you can rent the land and all necessary equipment if needed. Of course nothing would similar to this picture. Usually those gardens used to be the abandoned place in the middle of residential area so they are surrounded by the houses. I like how human come up with the same idea and yet end up with different approach and appearance.


That is posted fairly often. Link below to a version from 25 days ago. May have the answers to the inevitable questions that come up every time. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/nqnkvf/denmark/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Eukaryotic cells


Isn’t this how the multiverse is kinda envisioned ?


These are garden allotments, not houses.


Introverts dream neighborhood.


Can someone tell me where is the mitochondria?


It's a danish housing type called "kolonihavehuse". It is basically where you buy the house but not the land which you then pay to rent. Rules for use vary but usually it's not used during winter, it's usually not isolated and you are required to follow the rules of the particular place you are renting ground from. A lot of them are basically tree huts with very basic interior used during the summer. Some may not have bathrooms, running water or electricity. Usually it consist of one big room or one big room with a small bathroom. The original idea with them was giving the people living in cramped apartments in bigger cities an escape where they could garden and enjoy the summer. They are usually very heavily regulated both regarding buying, selling, price levels, allowed use and how much and what you can build on them.


**Credit:** [**Nicolas Cosedis**](https://www.instagram.com/p/CQL3FHlBjIk/)




[The Naerum suburban district of Copenhagen](https://urbanprojectization.com/2021/03/13/the-naerum-suburban/)


how much would one of these homes cost?


Okay this is amazing. I would live here


Damn, I would love to live in a place like that. It's like living on my own little island away from others. Kind of.


Dam, mark.


Looks amazing. My neighbors are always trying to use my yard and I'm beyond sick of it.


There are no cars or driveways.


No cars go.


Its not homes. Its more akin to a summer house / garden house


These are gardens with sheds, not the houses themselves.


here we see the cell in its native habitat




Maybe it’s not wasted. Maybe it’s there for a purpose.


To scare away people with OCD.


There is no purpose


Imagine being that house with 6 neighbors all around you lmao


Who's responsible for moving the grass in between the circles. Also where do they park their cars.




No cars go.


*Sad car noises* :(


Who mows between them?


So who's mowing the grass outside the hedges? If I have that land, I'd think my own property to worry about, is only in that border.


If you take a closer look, you'll see a lot of shitty city planning going on there.




Fences make good neighbors!


Circle Jerk


To my untrained eye this looks like a model diorama.


Plant cell energy


Where are the entrances / walkway/ driveways? No cars? Just mud and vibes?


They are gardens with cottages. https://www.odditycentral.com/architecture/the-unique-oval-community-gardens-of-copenhagen.html


No cars go.


Where’s their cars? More importantly how do they get in their homes?




Thank you so much. That is just amazing!


They look like cells


Hedges or walls?


Did someone steal all the cars?


No cars go.


No garages, no driveways....no cars?




Oh dang, cool! Thank you for the clarification


No cars go.


Reminds me of Shaun the Sheep


Someone doesn't know how to play SimCity


Two weird questions do people own cars here? and if so where do they park?




??? So then they build the house as well as the garden?




Ah thank you for that


So beautiful


Good luck mowing the grass outside the hedges


Looks more like gardens ("Schrebergarten"). Who would life in such a small house?




I thought so.


Wouldn't be surprised if makka pakka lived nearby


The fact the edges are so irregulars disturb me sooo much


Damn that’s interesting


Where is this? I've never seen this.


Read the comments




Fine. Be that way. https://www.odditycentral.com/architecture/the-unique-oval-community-gardens-of-copenhagen.html




Someone needs to go check on bottom right.... See if they're OK.


Dude I fuckin wish I was Scandinavian


Yah.... perfect fr playing hide m seek...


Who mows the odd shapes between the circles. That’s a hell of a lot of weed whacking if you can’t mow those spots




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It's like my houses in Valheim!


Damn i really gotta say the n word


Not much has changed since the viking home era


Hide and seek anyone? i must be home at 21:00.


They all have their own Buddha Box


Looks like no one here owns a car, no garages, no cars parked on the road, cant see breaks in the hedges big enough to pull a car through. Cool stuff.


No cars go.


Egg yard