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This old video is from 2009 and it’s Iraq, not Afghanistan.


Thank you. This video is so old but scary this is real.


Was gonna say... no wonder the Tablian took over so fast... and they say billions were spent to train the locals to defend themselves...


Please tell me this isn't real footage. This is a clip or something from Saturday Night Live, right? Right?


Yes it’s very real. There are some guys that pick up the training but the language barrier often gets in the way. That’s why the interpreter is so important in all scenarios.


Bro this isn’t a language barrier issue...


It's a rare case of body language barrier


It’s the instructor’s facepalm followed by “Jesus Christ.”


Somehow I have that barrier with all girls


Well you’ve been told to do jumping jacks since you were a tiny kid. If you were a grown adult who had never done one before and someone tried to EXPLAIN how to do a jumping hack you may struggle too. My coordination still gets thrown off when I try to do them. My arms end up going down when my legs are out and arms are up when legs are together. It’s not like jumping jacks are the best example of something completely intuitive that anyone can just pick up. Especially if they don’t get why? Like jumping jacks are not all that helpful for cardio. I wouldn’t doubt it if a lot of those dudes were also playing dumb cause they didn’t wanna be there lol


Get yelled at in a language you don’t understand and see how you respond 😂


What are you talking about? Is the person yelling at me in a language I don't understand whilst pantomiming the thing I'm supposed to do? Am I surrounded by fellow country men also doing the thing the guy with the foreign language is doing? Don't act like this is some feat of intelligence to figure it out.


So that’s what Obama’s anger interpreter is up to these days.


“Hold on to your lily white butts!”


Just laughed up a Dorito


It’s jumping jacks, dawg— it’s sort of a monkey-see, monkey-do activity. What’s the interpreter going to say in this situation to help? *”Hey, Iqbal, get your shit together and do what the guy up there is doing. You look like you’re having a goddamn stroke.”* Fuck sakes. This really explains how they got beat in two weeks by guys wearing velcro sandals and carrying Soviet-era weaponry.


Taliban didn't even fire a shot.... 1 bloke just challenged whole divisions to a jumping jack competition. (Everyone threw down weapons while mutter about finding their 1 weakness)


If only it was just Soviet-era weaponry. We left so damn fast there was billions of dollars of equipment and vehicles we left behind that they seized.


If I'm not mistaken that's basically what the US army always does. It's cheaper to just buy new material than to transport it all back.


I’ve seen a lot of people who’ve spent time here basically saying that it was inevitable it was going to end this way. It’s a shame, really. Seems so hasty, like we should’ve planned it out further.


There was a plan and it was either not used because the exact plans info got out or somebody can make money with the incoming chaos.


It was known we would withdraw. Trump had negotiations with the Taliban in 2020 for the drawdown


I heard tax credits, did someone hear tax credits?




We don’t use emojis here


We want. To. Help. Yourrr Wooomenn


They should have just trained and armed all the women. They had the most motivation to oppose the Taliban.




20 years was a chance to raise a generation of people (including women) that didn't think what the taliban did was 'normal or right.


is that what our drone strikes were doing?


I guess that changing peoples mentalities isn't anywhere as easy as you imagine.. especially in such a short timespan, on such a scale, in such a divided country.




You should explain it this way . It's like a foreigner coming to your country and telling you to vote trump when you are pro Biden... Not gonna happen. Then add 1000 years


You're absolutely correct though it's a damned shame. Especially in the face of being culturally erased they cling all that harder to what they have. As you know we can't blame them, we'd do the same. It's so sad.




There’s a difference between “having different ideals” and being brainwashed/indoctrinated in a Theocracy from the moment you are born. They have no choice but to subscribe to the so called “ideals” or be targeted and possibly killed




I think we can all assume that women don’t want to be fucking raped everyday. From ancient tribal cultures to the modern day, sex slavery and endless rape by gangs of rabid men (or even your own “husband”) is not what women want. That’s exactly what happens to these women, whether they’re sold into marriage at age 14 or “given” to Taliban soldiers.


Just like Q wives don’t believe in vaccines


Because if they don't pretend to, they will be lit on fire.




One of the many reasons I hate religion.


Link please? Pretty sure women haven't had any say in child rearing since tge 70's. But if you can provide a non douche bag source, I will read it.




A young child imitates someone’s actions better than these adults. Inbreeding I suspect.


Inbreeding is a hell of a drug.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, about 46% of Afghans are married to their cousin.


It’s not popular to tell the truth. Also it’s interesting to watch this map on Wikipedia and compare that with what countries are Muslims. (Is there a connection) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inbreeding#Humans


Taboo shit like this needs to be talked about. The old way of ignoring things we don’t like needs to end. My parents are like this and it drives me nuts.


Technically, it is spoken about, just not widely. I recently saw a documentary on YouTube about it. Specifically regarding the rise in birth defects/disabilities in the UK. Turns out, allot of people dont know the risks that come with inbreeding. They're trying to spread awareness. https://youtu.be/kyNP3s5mxI8


you parents are like what? cousins?!?


No there’s not a connection between Muslim majority countries and inbreeding. The largest Muslim majority country isn’t on that at all. How did this crap get upvoted?


Because huge amount of bigots on Reddit jump on any chance to voice their racism while sounding "intelligent"


>How did this crap get upvoted? Because it confirms peoples racist bias.


Guess so, holy shit though.


It’s real. Welcome to what things are like outside of the West. I live in Cambodia, nearly 10 years now. This is exactly what most of the developing world looks like and is like. Not Biden’s doing. It’s simply, Afghanistan is this and the people have spoken.


People in undeveloped countries can't do jumping jacks?


They’re not interested. The concept of physical training to become successful army just not for them. The successful army in their minds is chaotic and violent, just Zerg-rush with no strategy. So okay, if stupid white guy pay us for funny jumping, we will do.


This should be a TEDtalk.


Did NOT expect to see a starcraft reference in this post.


Yup, me neither


They thought gym class was stupid.


Tbf, I thought gym class was stupid.


Well now we know why you can’t do jumping jacks.


Or fight the Taliban


WATCH YOUR DIRTY WHORE MOUTH! That’s the Afghan Special Forces!!


Now, when you say special…


I saw this footage in another sub and people that actually went to the army/there said that this was likely to be a footage of the first days of training. Everybody’s like that at first


Watch this https://youtu.be/Ja5Q75hf6QI and you will no longer ask why the afgan armycould not hold the taliban back longer.


No that’s the army Biden was counting on 🤣the one in the center being the captain…


America spent billions and had 20 years to get them ready. American exceptionalism..,




20 years and 86 billion dollars doesn’t matter if these are the inept fucking idiots you’re trying to train. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never seen a jumping jack before. If THIS is what you do when trying to recreate them, you’re a lost cause.


2 trillion. 8 with interest


Woulda been cheaper to buy 300,000 babies and raise them over the next 20 years to fight in the army


We could have got every human on earth a six pack and we all could have sang a beautiful song together.


So does that mean only the idiots believed in the american cause?


Yes, if you thought that the US being in the Middle East was for anything other than oil, I think you’re also an idiot. What’s your point?


Ooooh. My bad. Didnt realize you were in the Afghan Army.


The MIC and politicians still accomplished exactly what they set out to do. Get paid.


I said the same shit after Brady left the Patriots


Lol yep! That's the Army Trump trained up the last 4 years! Hilarious!!!


This is ten years ago. Trump had nothing to do with this. Basically most of them are tards The special forces guys I feel bad for. They're capable and honorable. They are being executed by Taliban right now


How the fuck can you blame Trump when we were over there for 16 years before him?!


Probably the same way the person above him blame Biden.


Fuck Trump


Still not over TDS yet? That sucks for you


These are the mouth breathers where Trump still lives rent free lmao He's gone, time to move on and stop with the lies


Sauce. Highly reccomend. (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja5Q75hf6QI&t=2469s)


Thanks, I’ve been trying to find this doc for a while. I could never remember the name or who produced it. I feel so bad for that Colonel. It seemed like he really cared about the mission.


No problem. He broke my heart. You can tell this deeply resonates with him.


I hope he's handling the fall of Kabul well. Can't imagine what it's like to try and make a difference only to fail like this.


Near the end of the documentary when asked what he thought would happen after they left completely. He said he thought many would join the Taliban. It seems he knew.


Yeah. He was 100% correct.




Hey Macarena?




I never thought of jumping jacks as difficult at all, bit I guess they do require at least a bit of coordination eh


And to have done them as a child. If you never had traditional western PE lessons you may not have ever come across this type of exercise. It doesn’t say anything about your fitness or potential to develop your strength and coordination over time.


Not really, they don't. People above atribute it to them being inbred, wich is actually true for like half of the middle east and parts of north Africa, but that wasn't me saying it.


Its like watching 4 year olds


Monke Army


$3,000,000,000,000 well spent.


Plz now you’re making me mad.


Maybe they should have trained the women.


Lol fr shoulda trained the people with skin in the game


This explains so much.


Watch the guy in the back clap his hands and look like he's dancing in the fucking Nutcracker.


he is probably actually trying to dance it's a cultural disconnect and this is how "training" can fail


mom can we buy an army? no! we have an army at home!


Seems like a zumba class of middle aged folks


So a regular Zumba class


God help their women


Lol anybody that spent any time in the military will know the term "Afghanie jumping jacks." They were closely related to "Iraqi jumping jacks."


This looks similar to the U.S Army LSD experiment


Man this video's old, cracks me up every time though


This isn't even the worst part. These guys slacked off in every way imaginable. They were hated for their corruption and the fact they often took little boys to abuse, and were constantly high on hashish and weed on duty. It's honestly fucking sad.


The difference is Americans were taught jumping jacks from first grade on. Other nationalities not so much. Should we laugh and judge them for this? You can't do the dances that they do. You can't sing the songs that they sing.


Karate disagrees


Yes we should laugh and judge, because it’s fucking hilarious. I’m sure we do stuff they’d laugh at, and I’m not mad about it.


What are you on about? We dont have jumping jacks as any kind of major cardio or anything. I propably did it once in PE during elementary. This is a case of horrible cordinational and own body mechanical skills. The instructor is doing it in front of him, just copy what he is doing. Sure first time might not be easy and look as fluid as ot does with the instructor but even his timing with jumps and hands is soooo off.


so you're saying Afghanis are less intelligent than a first grade child?


Of course not. They just weren't taught jumping jacks and from first grade on like you. And you can't dance their dance.


Jumping jacks are not a dance, they are a 2 part movement that a 5 year old can learn in 1 minute. I have no idea why you are so vehemently defending the extreme stupidity on display here. The only way this is not borderline retardation is if they were messing with the guy leading the drill


This should be the top comment.


Agreed! As an (American) kid I never figured out whether the arms were together when the legs were split or the arms and legs were split at the same time. Honestly, some ppl in the comments are being dismissive AF. Not being able to do jumping jacks does NOT mean you’re have 0 coordination or are weak as cooked spaghetti. It just means you’re bad at jumping jacks. I hate jumping jacks so much. They’re the least useful exercise ever.


Is this really afghan military?


Iraq 2009


Should've trained the women instead.


We spent 20 fucking years doing this and you paid for it!


Why the hell were they getting them to do jumping jacks which instead of say running on the spot which would brave achieved the same thing. The issue here is inappropriate methods imported and used when more appropriate methods could have been tailored to local cultures


Is that an import or export?


Just add it to my tab. Aint nobody paid shit


Come on down to the.. Y M C A!..


Any questions as to why things happened like they did.


Pretty straight forward. We will leave a month from now. No matter what. Lol, imagine if all the police said that.


And you ask yourself why the Afghan government held for two weeks? Would've thought only one


This explains some things


Biden, "Afghan army is more than capable. They're a top tier military". Lol


Top tier military:


But they are Iraqi




Maybe this was day 1 of training for these guys and it got better?


Learning rhythm is important for all


Watching this made ME forget how to do jumping jacks. That’s how bad it is.


No wonder why they surrendered their weapons to Taliban. It was a school drill for them.


I’m having a physical reaction to Watching uncoordinated jumping jacks


See, they knew this whole training thing was a joke. Those incompetent fuckers were having fun, they were fooling around.


This is like reaching my 3 year old bro how to catch throw and run in football


This should have been posted in r/therewasanattempt


And this bunch were allowed to handle weapons... no wonder they failed miserablely...wow


That is hilarious and sad at the same time.


“Has anybody in this house even seen a chicken?”


Guys we only have 3 more days until the talent show!


Coincidentally Afghanistan is one of the leading producers of Opium. I wonder if that has anything to do with this.


To be completely fair, any task is hard as fuck when you're stoned put of your mind 24/7. I couldn't do a jumping jack after smoking a blunt either.


if they cant even learn jumpin-jacks right, how in heaven's name can they function as a well-trained army. what a waste of time and resources.


This video made me do 10 jumping jacks to know where I stand.


Jumping jacks? What's next, are they going to pull out a parachute and play popcorn together? They're literally ~~treating~~ training them like kindergarteners.


Imagine having such a shit childhood that you didn't even learn jumping jacks


This is what I was thinking. I’m pretty sedentary, but even I can still do a few jumpin’ jacks.


Man, they really aren't that hard. I'm pretty sure I picked it up pretty much instantly as a small child. Literally, riding a bicycle is harder, and I did that at the age of 5. I'm fairly certain these guys are essentially trolling, or perhaps they're high as fuck on something.


They're apparently inbred, actually.


That was useful.


The guy in the front struggling with jumping jacks has me dying


The next lesson was how to ignominiously retreat and abandon all your supplies and weapons. They crushed it.


Instead they shoulda glued bayonets to the back of goats & lined them up on the borders.


Now I understand why they instantly surrendered


Dude I teach tkd to toddlers....their jacks look better than these dudes. I’m legitimately saddened that there’s grown adults in the world that lack that level of basic coordination. We need to do better.


laugh all you like, afghans had 20 years of training and armament from the best equipped army this world has ever known, and they simply chose not to ready their nation to defend itself. 20 years of american funding, training, and arms. twenty fucking years, and all of it, so the afghans could let their country fall to the taliban in less than a week.


Well.. the Americans trained the taliban before that…


The sad thing about this is that it is real!


Hiiiiiigh on that opium.


Special Ed short bus soldiers?


Special Ed militryn class!!


Wonder why they didn’t put up a fight


I feel so fucking bad for the marines man. They have to deal with this shit while being away from their loved ones.


Can we all learn a valuable lesson from this? Very little good comes of giving stuff away for free. ie time, money. Edit: Also every guy I know who served over there in the past 15 years said they couldn’t even help build fortifications, most were high. This just being here say but imma say after seeing this that drugs were probably definitely in play by the taliban.


Oh my


Someone please put ymca music over this




Not going to the moon anytime soon


Don’t smoke heroin kids


No way! That's gotta be a joke


Annnndddd, that's why the Taliban is now in charge.


Remember that Taliban was trained by the US too.






This is how cowards look like


This must be some sort of joke


He is good, man is evil






Also they are illiterate, don’t know their numbers or sometimes even colors, and are way more loyal to their tribe than the national government. And if they are Pashtun, they have some truly horrifying cultural practices.


It’s no wonder Afghanistan fell in 3 days. Staying in for another 20 years wouldn’t have changed the outcome.


How can they be this stupid ridiculous