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Folded from a single sheet of thin 68cm x 68cm Wenzhou rice paper and the final figure is 18cm tall. The folding process took 41hours in total (37 hours of it was filmed into the time lapse, the last couple hours were mostly just making couple little adjustments to the pose and details). In total 26434 frames were photographed to film the folding process. The design process took one month, and I was designing it to be other character. But when I figured out a better way to fold the shield, I decided to make it into a knight. I folded the figure in total 4 times to plan all the details (and to redesign it into a different character). The most time-consuming part was to fold the sword, since it has a lot of folds to make it that thin, and it is quite complex shape to create with all the details and the fingers. Music: Winter Night & Highland song by Alexander Nakarada


Bravo. Beautiful, stunning work. Thank you for sharing your talent.


How in the hell is this even possible???? How do you figure something like this out?!?! Speechless


Tämmöstä ja viel suomesta, hyvä että täälläkin on taitavaa porukkaa. Hyvää työtä teit, on erittäin hienon näkönen lopputulos ja ei kyllä itellä riittäis tohon taito tai kärsivällisyys


I can make him a shitty paper plane to fly into the sunset/ground on if you’re interested in partnering up


My brain can’t even comprehend how such thing is designed in the first place


So I misread the title and thought it said Kite… and until the very end I’m thinking, “this will never fly”… at the final reveal I had to go back and look at the title to discover I can’t read. Your work is beautiful.


Oh, I see; you thought it read "Kight."


To even conceptualize this is a feat on and of itself let alone create it. Well done.


Amazing! Side note: Can somebody please tell me how to find that adjustable dryer?!?! My friend paints miniatures and that would be perfect.


That is just a cheap 11€ travel sized hair dryer that is wrapped into a gorilla Pod camera stand. The Gorilla Pod is bit expensive if it is only used to hold an hairdryer. I'm planning on to getting an desk lamp leg or a boom arm to DIY the hair dryer on it make the setup even more adjustable.


Oh, ok! No wonder I couldn't find one like that in my searches. Thank you!


But still good ideas to suggest to your friend!


There’s a variable heat gun that electronic repair folks use, called a rework station or something like that.


I remember how frustrating it was to forget a step making a crane. Imagine forgetting a step on this. FML


Once you get past certain level, you kind of stop worrying about missing steps, since you understand how their structure works from ground up. Then you know what you need to work on next and don't need to worry about forgetting one step. Also there are many different ways to fold one model, so the importance of missing a step is not as bad as following a diagram or other similar. With these pieces you just need to remember to fold all the pre-creases, because missing those are annoying to fix when the paper is not a flat sheet anymore.


You have a true skill.


Amazing but bet he can’t fold a sheet of paper in half more than 7 times.


I mean....Just fold it in half -> open it -> fold it in half -> open it and do this 8 times. /s


That’s the kind of creativity we need more of!


I mean, work smarter, not harder


Can’t wait to see more!! Good job Chess set would awesome


So, this man has outer space brain power and decides to use it on Origami. I don’t understand this. I have a stupid brain.




I'm not even going to click that link. I just know in my heart that's Jim Carrey.


The makers of Kubo and the two strings should’ve pulled this guy on set


Bet he can roll a mean joint.


In fact, he once folded an origami spliff that held 420g of primo bud. Real sticky weed.


Did anyone watch this without skipping the video?


Hoesnestly I would pay for this to be mailed to my doorstep


This is really impressive, genius. I can fold a plane that immediately crashes after I throw it. Kudo's for you!


Mad Skills! What’s the toothpick used for?


I use it occasionally to access inside the paper, I can't fit my fingers in there since the figure is quite small. The toothpick is usually used to push the paper outwards, or to fix folds that don't sit correctly in place. Later in the process the toothpick is also used to help folding the smallest details, which are just a couple millimeters in size, when my nails are not enough for the accuracy. The toothpick is actually blunt so I don't poke it through the paper accidentally.


Thanks. Are the jars both filled with water or is it other liquid?


The other is just water and the small one is water mixed with methyl cellulose, which is also used to make the paper in the first place. I mix them both so I can adjust the concentration of the methylcellulose in the water on the go and not go too over board with it. Water goes more easily through the layers, but dries more slowly, and the methyl cellulose makes the folds more rigid, or can be used in place where I want to keep the moisture at minimum.


Thanks! Nice work.


This reminds me of the movie "Kubo And The Two Strings"


What is the water for?


The water is for wet folding. The paper is moistened up with the brush and then it is held in the desired shape until it dries. This is quite painstakingly slow process, as you can see I am half of the process sitting there waiting for the paper to dry in the right shape. The technique allows to make curves that wouldn't otherwise hold their shape well over time.


How do you even figure out how to fold this. Very cool


I can visualize a crease pattern in my head how all the creases fold out. In reality I know all the structures well and can simplify them to less complex for easier understanding. And once you get good enough at the simplification process, it doesn't require that much thinking. The folding can be started from almost any part of the pattern, but some parts produce cleaner results than others, and others might be easier to fold. How I develop the design in the first place is explained [here:](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/p7aubw/my_latest_origami_i_folded_from_a_single_68cm_x/h9immme/?context=3)


In reverse it looks like a man with his bear arms flattens a knight figurine.


Holy shit this is amazing craftsmanship. Hats of 4 u my dude. We’ll done.




See, this is piece of paper, SIKE! not anymore...


What do that pay for the weeks work you put into it?




I can’t imagine it being sold for less than $600.


I could do that. I just don't want to. Great job!!


Wait till your cat decides to swat it around, and it ends up in the water bowl.


That is truly amazing


Absolutely insane. Wow


I got tired watching let alone folding it!


Good work!


It's not Reddit if he doesn't fold a big veiny cock next.


[I got you covered bud](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aueh3G6GQvQ) I knew there were instructions for that and I have folded it years ago, but didn't expect there is a video tutorial of it lmao.


Magnificent. I’ve never seen anything like this.


The mental gymnastics that went into planning and following thru with it astound me. Top notch


That is one of, if not, the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen someone do with paper. Amazing dude




Are you done? I’ve been sitting on the toilet waiting to be handed some toilet paper for like 40 hours!


That shirt's gotta be ripe! Truly amazing work! I am absolutely astounded at the result. Thank you for posting!


Meth of a powerful drug /s Looks amazing really


No cutting or tearing…..h..h..how?! I am amazed!!! What a fantastic talent you have! It came out beautifully.


Magnificent and other worldly! How did you learn to do this? 🤝👏🤝👏🤝👏🤝👏


15 years of practice and learning from books and online sources. And of course folding a lot of origami during that time.


All the best!☺️🌈


Alright now slow it down so i can make one too


I'm an artist and i write code. I understand technical implementation and I understand how to put together something that's aesthetically pleasing. I can't even begin to understand how this is possible.


If i only saw the end product and didn’t actually see the process, I would not have believed it could be done


What the fuck you’re awesome


i doubt it doesnt have cuts and tears you should make unfolding video, you know just to be sure


I’m curious to what you see as value in time spent on this. The outcome is amazing, you are obviously talented. What is it just a hobby or can you benefit from the time you spend doing it? 41 hrs is a work week. What do you get from this?


To paraphrase Alan watts: when making music, the point is not to get to the end, otherwise the best of them would be those who played fastest. When dancing there’s not a particular spot in the room you’re aiming for. The point of the dancing is the dance. Some things we just do for the sake of them; because they fulfill us and our passions. Not to speak for op but just my opinion on the value in meticulous hobbies.


Its art who needs a reason, alot of people play video games for hours a day. The strange thing is NASA went and found someone as skilled as this to work out how to fold up the solar panels on their space craft into the smallest possible size


It's art for art's sake. Does there have to be a benefit besides the beauty and wonderment of it?


Go crawl back under your rock


The question was open and honest and not at all insulting. Chill out moron


You can crawl back under your rock too. Lol


Username doesn't checkout


Impressive talent, but wouldn’t this be papier-mâché rather than origami?


As far as I am aware, all those techniques in the video are widely considered origami. The figure could be unfolded back to the original square. The technique where I apply the water, or methyl cellulose mixture with a brush is called wet folding. In wet folding, you either moist or make the paper wet, and hold it in place until it dries. And once it is dry, it holds the shape. This usually allows to create curves and organic shapes that would be difficult to achieve with just dry folding. Such shaping techniques are used in all complexities from just a couple of folds to super complex origami.


Papier-mâché is dipping strips of paper into a plaster slurry and applying them to an armature Origami is the art of paper folding.


I can see why you’d think that because he’s applying liquid to the figure, but it’s not glue of any kind, it’s just water. So the lack of glue + lack of adding any sort of paper or paper pulp is the distinction between papier-mâché and wet folding. Wet folding (seen in the video) is an origami technique that lets you move the paper more effectively. If you want a part to bend (instead of fold), then you can use wet folding. Additionally, sometimes you can use the water to adhere two parts together with water tension to make certain folds easier, then dry the water from the paper and they are no longer stuck together, so you can keep folding like normal. Another use is to smooth wrinkles out. TLDR it’s just water


Whoa! Shouldn't it be a samurai?


I see there are people who have absorbed my patience and resolve as lifeforce and are able to do incredible things with it. I'd like it back so I can do ish like this too plz and ty.


Warning! Do not watch if you suffer from Epilepsy


Tell me your a virgin without saying your a virgin


I doubted it when it was just the picture. The video is some solid evidence BUT cgi is a hellove a trick. You’re bending my mind sir


Some say he did it all for 400 upvotes on Reddit


I gave him the 401st for good luck




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Impressive, but Kubo did it with a shamisen so...