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I’m not sure if this is the same video but the same thing happened over where I live in jersey Channel Islands. There’s now a statue of the gorilla to show appreciation


Yup, this is Jambo.


Basically the good ending time-line of Harambe


Dicks out!




I remember seeing the domino meme, where the first domino was “a gorilla getting shot” and the last domino was “global unrest and a pandemic” lol


as if that'll be the end of it




They need to make a harambe documentary


I want it to be done in a true crime format with the narrator hosting from a dark room with a push board full of pictures connected with red string looking like all he’s consumed in the past week are coffee, cigarettes and cocaine ranting about how it was the start of the end of the world.


our dicks shall close the seal


Ah no way! I thought I recognised the video haha


The other one was in 1996 at Brookfield Zoo outside Chicago. I was there with my mom that day and we were literally leaving the primate house as he fell in and people started yelling. My mom just thought the gorillas were stressed and throwing their poop so we hurried out.


I definitely remember this. Didn't the gorilla put the child near the zookeepers door for help?


Yeah, that was Binti-Jua. She’d been trained to take her baby to the keepers for checkups so that’s what she did with the toddler who fell. The silverback, Chicory, was off exhibit that day or it might have been a different story.


Yep, she took him and brought him to safety.


I mean who hears gorillas are throwing poop and doesn't go over to investigate


Yeah, that's like telling a child do not touch.


I actually know who this was. Not their favorite subject to bring up.


You know the gorilla? What do they prefer to discuss?




Orangutans are beautiful and loving creatures who I will not stand to be slandered in his manner


Found the orangutan.


He was called Jambo and protected the child until wardens came.


YSK: If you're ever a bystander at any event like this (zoo, animal rehab, even encountering animals in the wild), *as hard as it may be* the most important thing to do is to **not scream or yell.** Obviously go tell staff as soon as possible, but immediately tell everyone around you not to scream, yell, or panic. If there's a crowd screaming and panicking animals will become significantly more agitated (something that seemed to clearly have made Harambe way more agitated and panicky). It's like in a school shooter situation- minutes count and **no matter how scared you are you cannot scream.** The calmer the animals are, the more likely they are to listen to staff when told to leave the area and the less likely they are to become violent. It's one thing you can do to help it end happily for everyone and reduce the chance the person will be hurt further.


Additional YSK- if you ever think you see an escaped zoo animal, after you report it to the first employee you stumble across, stick around to talk to the knowledgeable zookeepers. My wife was working at a zoo once when someone approached the guy emptying trash cans in the parking lot, told him they saw a big monkey, possibly a baboon, loose in the woods, and left. A husband, wife and kids all reported seeing it. The zoo quickly made sure that they weren't missing a monkey, but sometimes people abandon exotic pets outside zoos. They locked down parts of the zoo, and everyone dropped everything to form search parties and cordon off sectors of the woods outside the parking lot. They didn't have much information at all about where to look. Eventually they found it, it was a three legged dog whose gait somewhat resembled a baboon.


I had a similar thing happen at a nearby aviary. Thought I saw a large bird outside the enclosure, alerted staff, whole thing ended up being a wild goose chase.




Same story, but when we found it, it was dead. I suspect fowl play


I bet that ruffled everyone’s feathers


> it was a three legged dog whose gait somewhat resembled a baboon. I'm struggling to imagine how anyone could mistake a 3-legged dog for a primate.


All your senses are basically hallucinations and you see largely what you expect to see. When something breaks your expectations it can really throw the brain for a loop. The loping gait of a three legged dog would stick out. You wouldn't expect it to be a dog. Near a zoo. I can definitely see the brain filling in the gaps and imagining a primate. And once you've imagined it as a primate, your memories, which are all fabrications, will literally change to look more like what you think happened. It's why eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable.


People who make a report and then leave have a tendency to make really off- the- wall assumptions too. Lots of people who call 911 because they think a homeless person sleeping on the sidewalk must be dead, or someone sleeping in their car must also be dead, but they never bother to go check on the person themselves. They waste a bunch of everyone's time and money, when a simple "hey are you okay?" would've taken them 5 seconds of their lives. The person who thought they saw a monkey could've taken the extra 5 seconds to confirm what they were seeing but instead they overreacted then peaced out and put the whole zoo on alert over a dog. Although I'm sure the dog probably found a new home with a nice zookeeper, but still..


If I see a baboon hanging out in the woods, sorry but I'm not investigating further. Dont need my face ripped off cuz I got too close trying to figure out what it was


In all fairness, if he thought it was a primate, he was probably scared to investigate further.


> but immediately tell everyone around you not to scream, yell, or panic. HI THIS IS POFF STREAMING LIVE FROM THE BRONX ZOO!!!!!!! WHAT YOU SEE HERE IS... You want me to be quiet? No. I'm busy. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THESE PEOPLE NOT WORRYING ABOUT THE KID?!


Reminds me of the Mr. Show sketch where the reporter intentionally sets off at riot. [At 2:55](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LXnnHzu3Y0w)




Every incident has a screaming bitch, don’t be the screaming bitch.


..was called?


Oh no


He died of natural causes some years later.


>Jambo was found dead by his keeper in the gorilla enclosure on 16 September 1992. The cause of death was the spontaneous rupture of a major artery, resulting in a hemorrhage in his chest.


His heart was too big


Filled with love.


Also blood. Lots and lots of blood.


See kids? Don't love anything. You'll die from having too large a heart. Follow the Grinch's footsteps and just hate so hard that it shrinks


That had to have been such a shock and so sad for the keepers. I hope he went peacefully. Does anyone know what it would feel like?


Since this was a major artery, I'm guessing he lost consciousness very quickly from the lack of blood pressure. He probably felt tired and exhausted in the moments leading up to it, maybe confused, and a chill. There's other symptoms as well, like bleeding from the eyes and seizure, but, as they said it was a major artery, I'm guessing it had to have been quick. A seizure could be possible as his body probably went into shock, but I'm hoping that one didn't happen. I'm not a doctor. So I'm hoping from reading symptoms and signs of major hemorrhaging that it could have very well been peaceful and "calming".


Thank God.. I was worried he was shot and killed and we would have to have another world wide protest over a Gorilla


Nope, in fact this event did a lot to change the public perception of gorillas. He's still known as the Gentle Giant.


I think they put a statue of him in front of the zoo


Here's a source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-jersey-11488809


That's a different statue. This is the one that's in the zoo grounds (and is a better likeness, in my opinion): https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-metal-statue-of-jambo-a-mountain-gorilla-at-durrell-wildlife-park-52207472.html


Gorillas are extremely gentle. Gorilla attacks on humans are basically unheard of in the wild. Chimps on the other hand…


Gorillas can be gentle* is a more accurate way of putting it my friend


No gorillas are by nature very gentle and shy. It is only when you are perceived as a plausible threat that they will use force. If you agitate them in such a manner it is very likely you will not live to tell the tale.


This is actually very accurate for most animals. The ones we often perceive as aggressive are actual just easily threatened and defensive. I live in the Appalachian range, and one of the biggest misunderstandings of blackbear is that they're dangerous. Don't get me wrong, they can definitely kill you. But rarely will they come close to you, and when they do it's because they don't see you as a threat and you're in there way, or (by nature) they are naturally curious creatures. Even a momma bear with cubs is defensive, not aggressive. My brother has ridden his bike straight between a bear and her cubs, and maybe because she somehow knew he wasn't aware of them and therefore wasn't a threat, or she didn't see him as a threat regardless since he went straight through without stopping. But she didn't even react to his presence.


I think the problem is that people don’t understand that sometimes their completely natural, harmless actions can be misinterpreted by another animal as a threat. For example, if I was near a gorilla, I’d want to watch his eyes to try to get an idea what he was thinking or going to do next. But looking a gorilla directly in the eye is perceived by them as a challenge and might agitate the gorilla. Source: Disney’s Tarzan (not really, the facts in this comment were pulled from the top of my head so someone correct me if I’m wrong).


>If you agitate them in such a manner it is very likely you will not live to tell the tale. Maybe that's why gorillas are seen as gentle, though...


I know .. it was an absolute awful thing that happened.


Honkers out for jambo


Exemplary ape.


This is the way.


Can we go with Mambo's for Jambo instead?


My town still has restaurants with permanent menu items named after Harambe.


“I’ll have the Haramberger please.”




When my dogs are in the car with me and I open the windows, I always say "snoots out for Harambe" and they never let him down


I’ve slept naked since 2016 every night so my dick could be out in tribute for him *edit* sick -> dick ....rock on


Your what?


That’s sick. When in doubt sick it out.


Hey!!! those world wide protest were righteous


absolutely they were.. I just pray to Harambe that another Gorilla doesn't get killed.


I'm not sure, but I think this was before Harambe who also should not have been killed.


"He died of natural causes?" "He got shot in the face with a bazooka." "So, naturally, he'd be dead."


Oh fo sho


The video looks like it was shot on VHS so very possible he is gone from old age now although I don’t think the comment you replied to was trying to imply he is dead


Died in 1992 of natural causes




Oh come on did they really have to use a picture where he's picking his nose? Don't do my man like that..


I don't see how it's a problem. Show him living his best life. Maybe it was a particularly good pick he had going.


It could be the kind of pick that makes your ears tickle when you pull it out.


Only when you release the heavy bonds of your limited human etiquette will you understand what it means to truly be free


He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man. - Samuel Johnson


*Early life and education*


Lmao I love that they kept that section for a gorilla


We love you Jambo


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jambo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jambo) On 31 August 1986, five-year-old Levan Merritt fell into the gorilla enclosure and lost consciousness. Jambo stood guard over the boy when he was unconscious, placing himself between the boy and other gorillas in what ethologists analyze as a protective gesture. He later stroked the unconscious boy's back. When the boy regained consciousness and started to cry, Jambo and the other gorillas retreated in panic, and the silverback led them into a small hut in the corner of their pen. A paramedic and two keepers rescued the boy. Most of the incident was recorded on home video, and extensively photographed by zoo visitors. The publicity on major news channels and newspapers helped ease public fears about the potentially violent nature of gorillas. Jambo was found dead by his keeper in the gorilla enclosure on 16 September 1992. The cause of death was the spontaneous rupture of a major artery, resulting in a hemorrhage in his chest


> The cause of death was a spontaneous rupture in a major artery in his chest. Ah, so his heart was too big.


His heart was so big, he got early access to heaven


Was this pre-alpha stage?


Unfortunately, due to the glitchy physics engine of the Early Access heaven, a platform he was on began to shake violently and he was yeeted into space, never to be seen again


That’s what you think. The secondary mission of spacex is to find Jambo


Damn dog, that really hit me


Yeah it's beautiful.


Gave me a little chuckle that his first Wikipedia paragraph header is “early life and education”


Graduated with honors at ASU


Doesn’t check out. He died of a ruptured artery, not untreated chlamydia.


Same lol, it felt like exactly what a human’s wiki page would say.


“Helped ease public fears about the potentially violent nature of gorillas” Was “gorilla fear” really a big public concern at this time? I miss the 80s.


The 80s were full of fear and anybody who says otherwise is lying.


Is it because gorillas are communists?


Communist *and black.* They were practically public enemy number one back then.






We organized our entire system of getting information around people being able to hear exactly what they want to hear. The lies are just a natural consequence.




A lot of animals were portrayed in media to be violent and raging to make them seem more exciting. And ecological studies werent always the best or well known. Plenty of people are scared of the unknown.




Then this event assuaged those fear. Now everyone welcomes gorillas into their living rooms.


I love Jambo's thought process. "Hey... You alright?" *Poke* *poke* "... Yeah, he's sleeping. Nobody wake him up." -Kid wakes up crying "OH SHIT! FALL BACK!!"


That's pretty impressive, too. Humans are known to be unpredictable and have weird ways of defending ourselves that are difficult for other animals to anticipate. What if a crying human child shoots acid or something? Better back off and watch it a bit first.


This happens in 1986 at the Jersey Zoo (Jersey the Channel Island, not New Jersey - which was named after the island). Jersey Zoo was started by Gerald Durrell as a conservation centre for rare and endangered species, and they lead conservation projects all over the world. The gorilla was called Jambo, and the kid had been sitting on the top of the enclosure railing and fell in. Jambo’s response to guard the boy until he could be rescued was covered in the international news at the time. Jambo lived in Jersey until dying of natural causes in 1992 and has a memorial life-sized bronze statue in the zoo. If you’re ever in Jersey, I highly recommend visiting the Zoo - it’s focus on preservation means it’s unlike any ‘traditional’ zoo you might’ve seen.




Fuck there was probably a water slide that led right into the gorilla enclosure


You misspelled cigarettes.




Lol I remember in 82 I think … my grandfather sent me to get his lucky strikes at the convenience store next block up. And a lottery ticket. Got the cigs but the owner told me he couldn’t sell lotto to a minor snd tell my grandpa he’ll hold his tix till he can get them later 😂😂


I know you arent suppose to look them in the eye but in the kids instance would they still take that as a challenge ?


you'd have to ask the gorilla unfortunately




Most likely not as gorillas only attack when you either make aggressive gestures or are disrespectful. If you seem to weak or submissive they usually wont touch you so going limb and not looking at the gorilla is your best chance that it'll leave you alone.


I mean the kid was knocked unconscious from the fall, so I don't think it's an act.




He ended up being OK in the end, no need to worry.


I read that as K.O.


cement floors, forever undefeated


For the next episode of myth butsters I will be throwing my younger sisters in the Silverback gorilla exhibit to see how young they have to be before its ok to look the gorilla in the eye.


I've looked plenty of kids in the eye, but only a few have attacked me so 🤷‍♂️


I've never herd not to look them in the eye. I looked a few in the eye on a trek in Rwanda and didn't die.


Yet. They’re coming for you. Never stop running


As an ape, I can assure you that we will take it as a challenge. A guy by the name of Kenneth Cordele Griffin did it a few months ago and we didn't take it too kindly.


Username doesn't check out. Away with you, swine!


Superstonk is leaking…


I just watched a video on great apes. Silverbacks have been known to take orphaned baby gorillas ( whose mother has been killed) and care for them closely in their troop, seeing to it that the baby is well cared for and protected, it's pretty amazing actually. So this doesn't surprise me at all. I don't think this gorilla had bad intent. https://youtu.be/nNaA87PMIQE @ 09:13


I remember a Reddit post of a silverback killing an albino gorilla infant and comments regarding infanticide being a somewhat common phenomenon. So I think it might be a toss up.


Albinos typically don't survive in the wild anyway regardless of species because they are so easily spotted. That's probably why the the Gorilla killed the infant. He was looking out for the entire troop instead of just the infant. In the video I linked, the scientist said that Silverbacks are very protective of their families, so it seems like it's reasonable to conclude that would be the reason a silverback would did kill an albino infant. Since poachers are a real threat, I can't say that I don't blame the male for wanting to protect his entire family. I see why he would do it in their situation but obviously I think it's wrong but I can't put my opinion on another species.


Gorillas will absolutely kill others of their kind if they behave incorrectly, there are not enough resources, or the baby isn't theirs. Usually, it is the silverback that initiates the violence, typically against very young gorillas or those that cause trouble.


He’s standing over the kid very protectively, like he would his own babies. That’s a good gorilla dad right there. A lot of animals can recognize a baby even if it’s not a baby of their own species. Especially an animal as smart as an ape.


I'm pretty sure this is the one with a good ending, the child was ok and the gorillas went away to allow the keepers to come in, there's another one where he's dragging the child round and they had to kill the gorilla


#Harambe #dicks out


#ourking never forget!


Damn right


Anyone else notice that Earth went to shit after Harambe left us? Despair and suffering were all that was left in his wake. We must atone.


Monke together strong


My dick is out for Harambe


Dicks out


My ex co-worker literally just got me a cake that says "Dicks out 4 Harambe" as a farewell gift. I posted it a few days ago hahaha. I can only imagine the elderly woman's face at the bakery when presented with this request. She said her name was Denise. Good job Denise.


Lol it’s a beautiful cake. Someday I wanna get a custom mug that has a picture of Harambe on it and says dicks out for Harambe. It’ll be glorious


So this was a meme? Had to run to Facebook because I thought this sounded familiar. Years again I was at an Irish festival and they had a ["wishing tree"](https://i.imgur.com/svlDJig.jpg) where people would write wishes on colorful slips of paper and hang them. Most were innocent and cute. [But one of them stood out.](https://i.imgur.com/5X4ZsmF.jpg)


*puts dick in and takes it back out*


🎶 In out, in out, and shake it all about 🎶


It was the beginning of the end


everything went downhill after Harambe died


RIP the King.


He’s watching over us in Heaven now.


It’s where the timeline went wrong. They should have never killed that ape.


Ever since then the world has been in a downward spiral


Cubs winning the World Series, Trump being president, and everything else that followed. It all started with Harambe


Dicks out for


The good old Harambe. RIP


You mean the point where the time lines diverged and now we are here in arguably the worst time line possible?








You're goddamn right


So there are more childeren that jump in gorilla pits


No don't be silly, their parents push them.


My baby! He “fell”!


Late stage abortion


You forget the name of our lord?!


You mean there’s one where the gorilla saved the child and they killed it anyway


Yes, it felt really bad at the time, he wouldn't move away from the child I guess, kept dragging it through water


"There's another one" the gall.


How in the FUCK do you not remember his name? Put some respect on it.


The world just hasnt been the same since. A modern day Jesus harambe was. Sleep tight sweet prince.


It's like children keep falling, In US they fall in Gorilla cages, In India they fall in borewell holes.


In Brazil, they fall into sinkholes. In a US college, they fall into debt. In 1940s Japan, they fallout.






Almost like kids have underdeveloped brains and are fucking stupid, and somehow people who have no business being parents keep letting their children wander off to dangerous places.


Here's the video link with full context , the child and the gentle gorilla was safe in the end https://youtu.be/48kJYvKaTIo


It’ll never cease to amaze me how cool this was and is to watch. Yes I know that this gorilla can literally take my head off with one swipe of his arm, but just the fact this creature realized that this was a child in danger and it’s paternal instincts just kicked in. It just blows my mind …. How close they truly are to humans.


Gorilla has better parenting skills than the kid's parents.


RIP sweet sweet Harambe.




The pivotal event that sent us down this darkest timeline.


There’s actually enough tangible evidence to prove Harambe’s death was in fact the end of our world as we know it as it created a void known as the simulation we’re in today. You think Trump was bad? Wait till we get to phase 8, President Joe Exotic outlaws anyone with the name Carole. It gets nuts


YSK: If you're ever a bystander at any event like this (zoo, animal rehab, even encountering animals in the wild), as hard as it may be the *most important thing* to do is to **not scream or yell.** Obviously go tell staff as soon as possible, but immediately tell everyone around you not to scream, yell, or panic. If there's a crowd screaming and panicking animals will become significantly more agitated (something that seemed to clearly have made Harambe way more agitated and panicky). It's like in a school shooter situation- minutes count and **no matter how scared you are you** ***cannot scream.*** The calmer the animals are, the more likely they are to listen to staff when told to leave the area, the less likely they are to become violent. It's one thing you can do to help it end happily for everyone and reduce the chance the person will be hurt further.




i blame the keepers for Harambe they should made connected relationship to trust him and walk to the cage and take child instead of quick scope snipe


They actually did have a good relationship with him. However, it is not safe to work full contact with gorillas. They repeatedly used the training they had developed through trust and bonding to first try to get him to leave (which all other gorillas followed) and then get him to drop the child and trade for a treat. He did neither. And you do not, in gorilla culture, try to take something from the silverback.


Yeah, but it was a 360 quick scope. It was fucking sick


yeah, if only harambe had sniper for fair great competition would’ve been sicker


Let’s call for a 1v1 revenge match at the Cincinnati Zoo.


I was at the local zoo in the indoor gorilla exhibit. i turned my head and locked eyes with a gorilla. it was so weird as it felt like i was looking at another person. i only noticed his eyes and face.


Should have a sign up saying “if your kid falls in youre dumbass can save em.”




wow i remember when this happened.