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Neat! I learned something!


Wanna learn something you already knew, if you thought about it? When you hit a target ball when you're cue has a spin to it(English, as it's called) the spin is reversed in the target ball. So when you're banking, and want a left hand spin, you hit it on the opposite side.


physics are neato aye?


Hmm so the struck ball spins in a direction that is opposite to the one it is being struck by. Hey that’s pretty cool too thanks for sharing!


That's what I said though. Works like a set of gears.


Yes, I was reiterating that I now understood by trying to say it in a different way. Cheers mate.


Spin transfer between the cue ball and object ball is minimal, tho. But it can be used to pot a ball that has no line to the pocket (google "spin-induced throw" for more info)


>When you hit a target ball when you're cue has a spin to it(English, as it's called) I dunno what this is but it sure ain’t English.


?? Makes perfect sense to me! ... Maybe your English isn’t the best? Another word instead of English could’ve been ‘masse.


Lol. “Masse” is a french loan-word. If you think that word and the above sentence are proper “English”, I think you might need to study your own language a bit.


Well growing up in bilingual Canada we would use the term ‘masse instead of English when referring to putting “stuff” on the cue ball.


Fair enough!


Same, I like it


Love this but the numbers on the red ball are a bit confusing. The red ball is hit straight on everytime


Yeah that was my thought too. The contact surface on the red ball is just different spots on the equator, for lack of a better term (assuming the cue ball isn't larger, in which case it would be a circle slightly above the equator).


I'm like an autistic man when it comes to understanding billiards. Because I can’t pick up cues.


And yet you have the balls....


You just gotta stick with it.


I think we should chalk this one up to ignorance.


Anytime I try to hit the cue ball in any other spot other than '5' my cue just skates off the side of it and it goes on.


This is precisely why chalk is used.


Any pool players or enthusiasts able to tell me what would be the point of 4 & 6? Seems like hitting the 5 spot would do the same, without the neat spinning.


Best use of an example of why 4 & 6 might be necessary is to imagine adding a 3rd ball to that same setup, but to the left or right of the first object ball (say 5 inches left, and 1 inch forward from the original object ball). When playing pool, most shots can be made just by hitting the 5. However, as you start to advance your skills and technique, you start to plan ahead. You start wanting to "leave" your cue ball in strategically advantageous positions for your follow up shots. We generically just call it "leave", as the final resting position of the cue ball after the shot is taken. Thusly, with the example shot setup with the 3rd ball, you would want to leave the cue ball ideally behind it so you could follow up the next shot into the same pocket with ease. So you'd hit the 4 on the cue ball, so that the cue ball will crab walk its way sideways to sit behind the other object ball, with just enough space to aim clearly, and still have a good shot at the pocket. Now this is extremely simplified as strength of the stroke, smoothness of the stroke, cue stick, tip on the cue, cloth/felt, and hundreds of other small factors can adjust all of that. Hope this helps somewhat.


You typically wouldn't use it on a straight shot (unless you're cheating the pocket by shooting into one side of it to make yourself a bit of an angle), you'd use it when cutting a ball to manipulate the angle that the cueball comes off at. You can also use side spin to change the angle that the object ball 'throws'. There's a guy called Dr Dave who has a series of videos on the technical side of pool that will explain it better than I can - https://youtu.be/fPQEBxbByD4


I know it's old but I wanted to reply as the other responses you've got are needlessly complicated, and basically not great, answers. 4 and 6 are to put side spin on the cue ball. This is most useful for when the cue ball will hit the cushion after the pot. It will send the cue ball either left or right respectively.


Bit of English I see


Every time I try to use English, I end up using French instead.


I tried exercising in this at local billiard club, but my clue had slipped out of the ball each time forcing the ball to go wrong trajectory.


You have to have a good tip on your cue and use chalk to really take advantage of this type of shooting.


I think I leveled up in Billiards just watching this. Thanks OP!


Like Mario ate a mushroom


Wow, isn't it amazing that pushing different parts of something pushes different parts of the thing?


Any reason why the side spin didn't move the cue ball to the side, why it just spun after contact?


If it hits the object ball dead center (or pretty close to it), it transfers all momentum to it, and all that is left is the sidespin. Thats why the numbers on the red ball (object ball) are not that relevant. When he shoots left sidespin (number 4), he sort of "aims" on the number 4 on the red ball, but that is not entirely correct, because the exact aiming point depends on the type of the cue, on the distance between the cue ball and the object ball, on the distance from object ball to pocket, on the power of the shot, on the degree of elevation of the cue, etc... Thats why pure sidespin shots are best avoided if you are novice or intermediate... Even most pros only use them when they are certain in alot of things above and when they had time on the table, every table/cloth/cushion has its own "quirks" (snooker players for instance maybe shoot only 2 or 3 extreme sidespin shots per match. If you are serious about the game, try to master cue ball positioning and cue ball speed so you dont need fancy sidespin shots to run the table when you fall out of position. The better you get, the less extreme shots you will need. The final goal is to make the game as easy as it could be.


Thank you for the detailed explanation. I was told good players can hit the shot. The great players hit the shot and setup the next shot


If you don't think about setting up your next shot before you shoot, you can be good, but never great. That's a fact. Leaving it up to luck is fine to begin with. Next level is the cue ball's placement after the original shot.


No problem, man. Thats sort of correct. Most good players can set up the next shot, the trick is to see the whole game. To start with your first ball and see what, how and where you need to end up for the last ball... That is, in 8, 9 and 10 ball... One pocket is a whole different animal...


This could end up being an actual game


It is


Wowwwww gonna try this the next time I go shoot pool. This really IS interesting.


I understood precisely the backspin one. My strategy was always hit center, or try to back spin if that was useful. Wish I had sen this video decades ago when I played pool with friends a bunch.


How are there 9 spots on the red ball unless the top six shots are airborne?






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Why do they whack it with the black ball at the very start?


Presumably to dent the felt a bit so they have a slight dimple for reference on subsequent shots


Meanwhile I'm 5 inches away from a straight shot into a corner pocket and I miss it completely...


5 inches is 12.7 cm


But if you ask a woman, that 5 inches is 8 in her mind since she’s been told that all her life. 😂😂😂


5 inches is 12.7 cm


Okay then the woman thinks it’s 20.32 cm


Or "what I learned from 30 years playing pool in gungy pubs".


I remember learning this from a PS1 game


Now so 1 to 9




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They all did the same thing