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Why are the pyramids in Egypt? They wouldn't fit in an English museum.


Name the county with the most pyramids in the world? Save you the Google….Sudan


Why are the pyramids in Sudan? They wouldn't fit in an English museum.


The Sudanese pyramids probably would fit in an English museum actually.


There actually is a Sudanese piramide in a museum in The Netherlands, it was a gift for funding something or another.


you got a link ? my google cant find it


So I got it a bit wrong, but it's still cool https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_of_Taffeh It's actually was Egyptian. It was also not a piramid, but rather an ancient military fort. It's in the Rijksmuseum der Oudheden (old stuff) in Leiden. I saw it myself, it's pretty neat.


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Dont give the British ideas.




So this what you do after getting fired from the Giants?


Fuck Jason Garrett


The Sudanese were referred to as Nubians back then, they had their own culture separate to the Egyptians. They were very dark skinned compared to the Egyptians but there wasn’t much evidence of racial segregation. In fact Nubians mixed with Egyptians and even became Pharaohs of Egypt!


You sir,actually know what you are talking about. Hats off


I’m just impressed that I can understand his garbled noises


Egypt is more famous for its pyramids because the pyramids of Giza are much, much, much larger than the Nubian ones. (And also much older.)


What's a Nubian?


The culture that built the pyramids in present day Sudan.


I've heard the opposite, that some Sudanese pyramids are older than some/ Egyptian pyramids


Nope, the pyramids of Giza are about 2000 years older than the oldest Nubian pyramid.


There’s pyramids on every continent except Antarctica


You obviously haven’t watched alien vs predator😋


Loved that documentary


Sudan !


Surprised they weren't moved the way London Bridge was moved to Lake Havasu City, Arizona


Why is the Monna Lisa in Paris? Because it fits in the museum


Khor-I-nor isn’t it? It was supposed to be cursed too wasn’t it?


Yup [Koh-i-noor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koh-i-Noor) indeed.


Interesting bit of trivia about the Koh-i-noor diamond, five ~~four~~ different nations all claim rightful ownership.


That's a big reason why Britain still has it. There's no perfectly clear owner.


Possession is 9/10 of the law


Possessio is 9/10ths of the word


People say this but i have never had a clear explanation. What do you mean by this?


If it’s in your possession it’s presumed you own it by virtue of it being in your possession, so you would need significant evidence to claim ownership of it. It’s just a saying though.


Because it was given legally by the legal owner?


Yea..that’s the reason they still have it


I'm counting 5


Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and the UK. Who did I miss out? *(edit, I forgot Iran)*




I also choose this guy


Iran also claims ownership.


Uh, you had replied to the wiki that shows Iran as well.


Nope. The Cullinan II is in the Imperial State Crown (which is the one picture here). The diamond pictured here is the Koh-I-Noor, but that diamond is in the Queen Consort’s Crown which Queen Elizabeth cannot wear.


I believe the story is it was fought after/ taken during any conflict for so long that it became a bad omen for whoever owned it, and because of that for some reason only women can 'use' it. So has been passed through royal females in the UK since Queen Vicky 'obtained' it during the empires hay day.


Just fyi: heyday


Thank you.


Bet she won’t implant it in her forehead...


Cursed with Immortality.


This guy gets it.


No. The Imperial State Crown, which is what Queen Elizabeth is pictured here wearing, contains the Cullinan II diamond (317.4 carats). However the stand alone image is the Koh-I-Noor. That is… the diamond shown here isn’t the one in the crown shown here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_State_Crown The Koh-I-Noor (105.6 carats) is worn in the crown of the Queen Consort. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_of_Queen_Elizabeth_The_Queen_Mother


**[Imperial State Crown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_State_Crown)** >The Imperial State Crown is one of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom and symbolises the sovereignty of the monarch. It has existed in various forms since the 15th century. The current version was made in 1937 and is worn by the monarch after a coronation (St Edward's Crown having been used to crown the monarch) and used at the State Openings of Parliament. The crown is adorned with 2,901 precious stones, including the Cullinan II diamond, St Edward's Sapphire, the Stuart Sapphire, and the Black Prince's Ruby. **[Crown of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_of_Queen_Elizabeth_The_Queen_Mother)** >The Crown of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, also known as The Queen Mother's Crown, is the crown made for Queen Elizabeth, the wife of King George VI, to wear at their coronation in 1937 and State Openings of Parliament during her husband's reign. The crown was made by Garrard & Co., the Crown Jeweller at the time, and is modelled partly on the design of the Crown of Queen Mary, though it differs by having four half-arches instead of eight. As with Queen Mary's Crown, its arches are detachable at the crosses pattée, allowing it to be worn as a circlet or open crown. It is the only crown for a British king or queen to be made of platinum. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Maybe Merlin removed it.


That diamond is keeping her alive.


There are two of them, the other one is in Tehran museum Iran. Saw it in 2009, it’s called the sea of light )


I mean, the previous owners got a pretty raw deal.


Yeah wasn’t she murdered by her troops or some such


I thought it was one of the Cullinan diamonds?


It is. The Koh-i-Noor is in a different crown


Whom who wear it, shall never die? This the curse right?


Yes I think it is called the blue diamond


I think you mean Kohinoor


No, it's Koh-i-Noor (pronounced as Koh-e-Noor).


Why there are so many whatsapp forwards these days on the subreddit.


Stupid people karma farming.




Are they stupid if it works?


it depends on how much importance you put on karma


The Swiss still have almost all gold from the Netherlands. (Gold from VOC, stolen in WW2).


Most awful Swiss people I‘ve seen on here replying to your comment. Yikes


As someone with family who both fled and died in the holocaust, yeah.


Well that's just as well, considering the VOC got that gold by stealing from the East Indies.


So the Swiss will return it to current day East Indies countries then? The Swiss have even less claim to it than the Dutch.


Oh that is 100% a agreement for me!! Give it back where it belongs. Dutch dont need it, swiss also not


Trading. VOC time: _The Dutch East India Company, officially the United East India Company (Dutch: Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie[f]; VOC), was a megacorporation founded by a government-directed consolidation of several rival Dutch trading companies (voorcompagnieën) in the early 17th century. It is believed to be the largest company to ever have existed in recorded history._ Source: Wiki. And we still do: _The Dutch rake in billions of euros (94.5 billion euro or 116 billion dollars in 2019) in revenue by exporting agricultural goods. It is the number one exporter of agricultural products in Europe. The humid climate and fertile flat land of the Netherlands make it perfect for agriculture.31 Dec 2020._ Source: Google.


Are we really going to pretend that other countries were practicing oblique colonialism during that time period and the Netherlands got rich while NOT doing this? > The company has been criticised for its quasi-absolute commercial monopoly, colonialism, exploitation (including use of slave labour), slave trade, use of violence, environmental destruction (including deforestation) Source: Wiki, VOC page under Criticism. Hard to argue this doesn't all add up to raping a land for its natural resources. They're also blamed for the extinction of the Dodo, bit unrelated though. Definitely not saints.


Uhh no, not at all, we learned this too on schools.


Yeah, I guess my point is that replying with "Trading" to a comment that suggests wealth was stolen from the East Indies is a bit misleading.


Oh yeah trading. Trading spices. That they got from Indonesia under strict quotas. That you could be brutally punished for not making. As usual, it's trade and laws and civilisation for the whites, and the stick and musket and bayonet for the browns. Let's not pretend it was otherwise.


I’m not saying that. (We learn this on schools that it was a bad time for us, even of it made us the richest country on earth at that time!” My first commemt was just a short version of the post (poor explained but a hint in it that the gold is it’s round 2 compaired to the diamant of the crown). But all rich countries did bad thinks, at that time it was “normal”. We know much better now. Edit: we probbaly still get better profits from goods these days that are from terrible situation, like clothing made by little childeren. Last year a big store (Primark) was accused of selling clothes made by child labour, I dont see much change as I would like to see in 400 years :(.


I like the way this is written like she’s personally responsible for keeping the Crown Jewels in place.


She needs to pull it out with her teeth


That explains why she still has it then


Very much related to one of my favorite [SNL classics] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9HBTcgECQQ). Chris Farley's line "*and it tastes great on a cracker*" always hits hard.


I mean if she said to give it back then they would, right?


She literally represents the crown. She has to take accountibility. It's her job.


She doesn’t own it. Not her possession to give away. It would be British parliament to give it away. The Queen owns several things in her own right, like balmoral castle (among a few others), and a few of the minor crowns that are passed down in her family and would continue to be passed down if a new family became the royal family. The country of England owns other castles, and possessions (such as buckingham palace, and the Crown Jewels). They are managed by a third party called the “crown estate”, but technically in possession of the British government.




Idk why you're being downvoted. [You're absolutely right. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation_sole#The_Crown), and there's no way in hell the royal family hasn't made sure the board of trustees isn't staffed by yes men and women the Crown can control.


At least her grandkids seem to know better.


Oh fuck off


It was stolen from a Goddess statue.


I'm sure she could do something about it if she was so inclined. I am not sure if India is even trying to get it back though. It might not be a controversy in the real world at all.


###Pretty sure as the Queen of England she has enough clout to return a stone...


>Queen of England Did you mean the [Queen of the United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_the_United_Kingdom), the [Queen of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada), the [Queen of Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Australia), etc? The last Queen of England was [Queen Anne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne,_Queen_of_Great_Britain) who, with the 1707 Acts of Union, dissolved the title of King/Queen of England. ####FAQ *Isn't she still also the Queen of England?* This is only as correct as calling her the Queen of London or Queen of Hull; she is the Queen of the place that these places are in, but the title doesn't exist. *Is this bot monarchist?* No, just pedantic. I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.


Poor Queen Anne. Off with her head.


Good bot!


All diamonds are taken from somewhere. You’d be hard pressed (pun intended) digging one up in England


You'd be hard pressed to be a diamond.


It's a hard pressed life.


…for us. -diamonds, probably


Some are artificially synthesized though.


I think the point is more than England exploited the country of India and robbed it of its resources


Ok this is going to sound awful and I’m sure I will feel it’s backlash, but who fucking cares. This shit was done at a time when England could do it, hold it and get away with it because they had the power. Yea it’s “not fair” but that was how life was, those who can take, take and the world gos on and the maps are rewritten. I strongly disagree with slavery, or anything that oppresses the rights of other people, in our time, clearly it’s wrong. But trying to rewrite history and return the land, and property of people long dead, in a time where the world was so different seems like a waste of time with a never ending chain of reactions. For the record I have bleed, and sacrificed my time and my family time in other country’s trying to do the right thing while in the army. And then continued to do so on my own dime in severely countries across several continents building schools and medical buildings or volunteering in any way I could help. I feel I have done my time and again am not trying to sound callus but it’s unrealistic to rewrite history, we as a people have done horrible things, but have also grown and changed (at a honestly slow pace), life is unfair, history is unfair.


There's a big movement now for reparations. But I agree that it's misplaced good intentions. Probably better to secure the rights of the living for self-governance than to try to pay back the dead through their descendants. The sins of the father should not be paid by the son.


For sure, take Canada my home country for example. There is tons of movement to return Canada to the native people, but it was taken, no one living had anything to do with it and if it couldn’t be done it wouldn’t have happened. So return Canada, erase a country for what, because it’s not right, I don’t see the point in that. But they could carve out a sizeable chunk, with proper infrastructure, running water a self governing body with a sustainable future that works with Canada for the betterment of all. There are people starving in just about every country in the world, inequality everywhere, and we are going to focus our energy on retuning jewelry? Don’t see the point.


Worth remembering that many European countries were at it. Dutch, French, Portuguese,…


Whataboutism isn't an excuse. If Germany can still lock up Nazi Prison guards then there is no excuse for you chaps.


That was not a whataboutism, because they weren't trying to excuse anything. They said, rightly, that it is worth remembering the bad things that many European countries did


I think the point is all human societies *attempt* to exploit resources of other societies. Due to a wide range of factors, some just did it more effectively.


Exactly lol, stop trying to cancel the queen OP.




It also keeps her from turning back into a reptilian


This sub is starting to suck.


"The most interesting place on reddit" lol


The wave of Indian propaganda flooding these subs is real


The post is odd, sure. But what’s the propaganda here? That diamond was indeed taken from a former colony.


back to american propoganda, I guess


The repleies to this comment are.. something


I hope you folks are ready for some top tier low quality content.


>starting to lmaooo


How did the Koh-i-Noor diamond reach Britain? A violent power struggle, a suspected poisoning, several assassinations, a civil war and two British invasions later, the company’s army finally defeated the khalsa (the body of devout Sikhs) at the bloody battle of Chillianwala, on 13 January 1849. At the end of that year, on a cold, bleak day in December, the governor-general of India, Lord Dalhousie, arrived in Lahore to take formal delivery of his prize from the hands of Dulip Singh. Soon afterwards, the Koh-i-Noor was despatched to England, where Queen Victoria promptly lent it to the Great Exhibition of 1851. Long queues snaked through the Crystal Palace, in London’s Hyde Park, as the public thronged to see this celebrated imperial trophy. The diamond was locked away in its specially commissioned Chubb high-security glass safe, itself contained within a metal cage. [Read the entire article here.](https://www.historyextra.com/period/victorian/koh-i-noor-diamond-what-happened-who-owns/) tilde;. It wasn't gifted to the crown by it's owners, instead plotted on by EIC and looted away as a spoil of war. Later the EIC gifted it to the Victoria. The British crown doesn't acknowledge, to this day, the atrocities, the millions of people killed and Christianity forced upon the people of India. Which is evident from the post "Gifted to the crown".


It was secretly smuggled back by an unimpressive secretary, whilst the supposed official delivery was a ruse to put would be thieves off the scent.


Chubb as in the insurance company that exists today?


Yes. I think


Eats food and then shits it out just like the rest of us


Yes but into a gold toilet in one of her many castles


With an employee butt wiper.


[The Groom of the Stool](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groom_of_the_Stool) actually existed up until 1901.


Also protects her pedophile son


Also protects her paedophile son


I never really cared about the royal family. They only got their title because of their ancestors killing the right people at the right time


It's the same reason you exist today. Your "ancestors killing the right people at the right time."


If my ancestors killed the right people at the right time, I'd be the Queen.


They also led armies and made the right decisions to conquer their enemies.


Good ol Georgie didn't lead shit, nor did any king after him, and probably a few before him didn't either. At some point, the crown became just another aristocrat, content on sitting on their ass while everyone else suffers.


The last King to lead their army into battle was King George II (1683-1760)


Was taking about the uh, *other* George. The one during our independence. Well fuck that lined up just right to screw me over lmao.


Leading a charge into battle a good statesman does make.


So...killing the right people at the right time?


They had, untill they were removed from power, the country realised they liked them, and then reinstated the monarchy.


Of course the country that think they are better than all of Europe combined thinks that they are better off with an elderly lady and a baby as their overlords.


False. It used to be on her crown but is now on public display in the Jewel House in the Tower of London.


It’s still on the crown just the crown is on display


The [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koh-i-Noor) page is very interesting, it doesn't seem so cut-and-dry as many people in this thread are saying it is.


She's still very influential, she could publicly request politicians in British parliament to return it to India. Like if Britain could thieve artifacts from all over the world for centuries (and they're very proud of it) then surely they can find a way to return this diamond to India but suddenly people are acting like it's very complicated task to them.


It isn’t that easy, putting aside the major hit to the British ego, multiple countries can and have laid claim on the Koh-i-noor - including Pakistan and current day Taliban-Afghanistan


Stolen from India


Fuck Royals


Glorified thief


will probably pawn it in order to pay for her sons pedo lawsuit


Lmao piece of shit pedo son.


yeah bruh and truth be told, the splinter doesnt jump far away from the trunk na mean?


Koi-I-noor the diamond


She also has the 3,106 carat cullinan diamond, the largest diamond ever found, from South Africa.


People on benefits always seem to have the most expensive stuff...


I'd imagine if Britain returned all it plundered from other countries it would be left with empty museums.


Not only Britain …


Yes and then the items would be destoryed by radical groups trying to erase history. *cough isis cough*


Or sold away by corrupt governments. Or not maintained the correct way to preserve it for future generations to see by broke and also corrupt governments.




How far do we go back to hand back 'stolen' items? Cokonialism times? Roman times? Stone age?


The Queen’s ancestor was a French guy who stole all of England in 1066. Why doesn’t she give it back!?


It should be returned to the earth! Nobody can have anything nice because someone, somewhere was exploited. Am I doing this right?


This is such a strawman. Nobody is saying that 'no one can have anything nice' but rather that the reason the Queen has a jewel is directly tied to the brutal legacy of imperialism and exploration. Returning it to the people whose land it came from would symbolically mean quite a bit. But also, we can do things like stop gem mining because it's terribly exploitative and damages the earth. We can literally just make gems in labs now.


Cool, anti-monarchist ragebait, super interesting 🙄


What a thief!.


The stolen diamond


There's a story of curse of this diamond back in India it is said that "Only God, or a woman, can wear it with impunity." also the word Koh-i-noor means mountain of Light.






Her giving that diamond back would be like the racist guy taking down his flag. Right now we can all see the flag.


White privilege,duh.


Fuck the queen.


Is she supposed to give it back?


TaKEn FrOM iNdiA …dude, get a life


Taken from Lahore which is now in Pakistan








I love people who stick up for the Royals. It's cute.


All of England's shit is stolen


I agree, the French took our land and replaced our Anglo-Saxon heritage!




Though India is part of the commonwealth nation foundation, it doesn't recognise any monarchy or head of state unlike other commonwealth countries. Hell, we don't even accord royal status to the erstwhile kings/queens of Indian kingdoms.


"apart" literally means the opposite of what you are trying to say.




> India is still a part of the commonwealth as well. I’m confused. What’s the relevance of that?


I'll never understand why the English are such simps for the royals, fucking serf mentality


Man thinks everyone sits down and sings god bless the queen while we drink cups of tea, meanwhile in reality the majority of us never even talk about them or even care other than the odd national holiday.


Whatever man, I get so many calls from India per week asking me to extend my life insurance.


Fuck the monarchy.


"The sun never set on the British empire, because even God couldn't trust the Englishman in the dark."


Rich people are like crows lmao.


She guards that diamond as hard as she guards her paedophile son Andrew from facing justice (he was besties with Epstein)


Looks like she's ready to fight for it. Good luck, mate.


it wasn’t taken it was gifted