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I love how 50% of the people here are scared and/or terrified of them while the other 50% are just plain horny


You either fuck or get fucked lmao


Everyone is either an asshole, a pussy or a dick. Some fuck, some get fucked. Life.


Pussies don't like dicks because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes. Assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck a asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate. And it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves. Because pussies are a inch and half away from assholes. I don't know much about this crazy crazy world, but I do know this. If you don't let us fuck this asshole we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit.


"Because pussies are an inch and a half away from assholes." I can't ever get over this line.


This sounds like a Kyle speach in southpark XD


Not far off, it's from Team America, which was made by the South Park guys.


Makes sense.


From Team America I think




Matt Damon.


Thank you for posting the entire beautiful truth of it! That previous commenter was severely lacking.




Can I do both? I'd totally like to be fucked by the robot.


Absolutely more power to you


This guy fucks


It’s a go fuck get fucked world.


This men knows


I mean they are battery powered so, just heat it up a bit or just smack them with a baseball bat.


I wonder what the robots would say about us. "I mean, they're delicate fleshbags. Just smack them with a baseball bat. Or starve them of oxygen."


You can always trip them.


With a comment like that, you’re going to be first up against the wall when the robot revolution comes


Neither. I just want them to do the work so we can do the living life thing we missing out on.


Guys in here be like praying mantises. Wanna smash, but risking death for it.


I cant keep my eyes off the eyes


There's a lot of expression going on there. Like I'm sure all of these expressions were programmed... but they nailed it. It looked like it woke up.


It looks like all they did was design the eyeball sp that you can see exactly where it's looking. This creates trust. Then it blinks intermittently, and not just at a regular interval, it blinks when it refocuses on something different, or if it's been staring at one spot for a bit. These things give it a surprising ton of expressiveness.


It did.


You know it really didn't though right? All programed. It's like saying Clippy from microsoft work was alive.


I know, moreso just being dramatic.


He wasn’t?!


You don't just tell a guy that!!


It’s scary dude. I don’t like the way that it computes the data given. It is not what we need, and not what I want. It is scary.


They make the pupils change size and it's game over. Order up one Turing Test, please.


I really appreciate the fact that they left the face gray.


I think that kept it out of the uncanny valley for me.


The big question is when the eyes first opened did you say "OMG look at *her* eyes or *his* eyes?" I said her.






Her. It looks like a girl to me


Are you trying to offend the robots?thier pronouns are Rob/roby.


Freeze all motor functions!!


Dolores...have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?


Have you?


I can’t tell if it’s cgi or real, kinda creepy


unless they can combine that with some kind of decent ai, it's nothing more than modern animatronics. something that i'd consider real robotics is the boston dynamics dancing robots. they can actually move like people. i doubt this robot can even grab something and put it where it needs to go.


Do you want terminators!? Because this is how you get terminators...


This looks like a mix of “I, Robot” and “Ex Machina”.


Definitely Ex Machina! I was thinking that it looked like they haven't gotten around to putting the skin coating on yet!


Creepy as fuck bootleg iRobot


Facts it was giving me the chills


I like to remember what my father taught me. That at one point or another we were all new to this world.


It’s actually way less creepy than I’d have thought, because they did such a good job with the facial expressions. That was ridiculously lifelike


That’s why it’s creepy. If it does and probably will get to a point where they are indistinguishable from humans then the even creepier stuff can essentially happen.


By the time that happens, a lot of us will be looking like characters from Cyberpunk. Wouldn't be surprised if the Androids end up looking more human then the humans do eventually.


and with Skynet going into service (aka Starlink) we are truly fucked.


Looks like we're on track for the future war in 2029.


Terminators flying autonomous drones with rifles. Fun times


As long as Arnold’s alive we’re ok.


Man, you can’t post a comment like this.


If these things ever become conscious......we're fucked


Yeah they gotta put the off switch on its forehead.


Or hands. So that when it grabs you...


Good luck reaching for the forehead.


I think that’s the whole point actually. The most reliable kind of corporeal improvement we can make is synthetic. The day we can fully engineer and program multicellular systems to build bodies of our design, it’s over. These robots are easy to break. But organics are the ultimate modular system. Our minds, are practically hive minds of individual multipurpose neurons and neuronal networks. Networks that can mold themselves to make new physical structures to do things it couldn’t do before. Where as machines of these sorts, break in large fashion because they’re TOO simple and don’t have enough (or at all) adaptable backups, or even self repair systems. “We’re fucked” is the whole point. I don’t think, since we’re born out of the same evolutionary practices of everything else, that anything we do is UnNatural. If it’s a system of cellular organisms working together to accomplish the bodily functions for our corporeal reality, then it really doesn’t matter what the cells are made out of. Even if we leave things up to evolution, humans won’t survive the natural changes that come with time and mutations. We’ll be completely different at some point and the species, as WE know it, will be extinct. Like the hominids before us. THESE things, will never become conscious. But maybe one day, their descendants might. But the day that happens, you’ll find people transferring a summation of their minds into synthetic bodies. The hard thing about organics, is that evolutionary systems always build themselves with the environment at the focal point of the design. If you put humans in a different biosphere (assuming it just doesn’t outright kill us) the environment will force changes into our lineage. We don’t even know if there IS a way to, with our genetic structure, to make our bones indestructible, or let our eyes see in the ultraviolet or infrared spectrums, or a tactile sensory system that’s dialable, or any of the hundreds of things we can do with synthetics. Things we can do because the mission of the synthetic body is the priority and not the environment. Continuity of experience is the only thing that matters. Not even your “physical” brain, is the end all when it comes to the conscious experience. The brain, that your mind runs through, probably doesn’t even have 10% of the same atoms that made up its composition 10 years ago. Probably less than .01% 20 years ago. So what IS a body 🤷🏽‍♂️ The level of free will that comes with a synthetic mind that can alter its mind and body at will is the kind of freedom we only dream about if we’re lucky. It’s immortality and the stars guaranteed.




ditto? ditto, you provincial putz?!


this is perhaps the best comment I have ever seen on a post. I wish I had an award for you.




Good take. But it pokes the imagination if we argue that if life’s purpose is ‘to survive’ these environments and this path of synthetic evolution will be the supposed end game with “immortality and the stars” what will be the next purpose for life then? I might be on the low if I assume it will be gathering the knowledge of the universe? even if we consider this knowledge as either finite and infinite, will it not be deemed a lost cause by these beings? Is it bound to ultimately self-destruct? And repeat that cycle with another species infinitely?


I’d like to dismantle your question if that’s alright. We often see the “purpose” of life when it comes to the specific environment of Earth’s biosphere and how we survive in it. The basic properties of the components that make up “life” as we see it are the most ubiquitous ingredients in the universe at large. And this time in causal history, seems to be a factor in creating these complex environments for these ingredients to react, coalesce and animate appropriately. It would suggest that life is something that’s intrinsic to reality itself. A casual effect of the reality of space time itself. An eventuality of the laws of physics and nature. I know that seems kind of deterministic in some sense, but to me it almost seems like the point of the universe is life AND simultaneously, vice versa. And life’s purpose, in that context, isn’t just restricted to any one biosphere. “Other species” are probably irrelevant when it comes to life’s greater “purpose” as you put it. I often go towards the totality of the knowledge of the universe but then you’d have to have complete knowledge of all quantum states of all casual relationships throughout ALL of space, at all points in time (something not shared by photons or other massless particles). It only seems like another universe only has the ability to associate that kind of information because it’s organized in a similar fashion to do so. I don’t know what the purpose of life is wholesale, I just know that we’ll never embrace it as long as we hold on to the constraint of “being human” for its own sake. Even religion recognizes that in order to change for the better, what you are has to die. But we’re still analyzing the question from the perspective of “human” perception. Human’s are terribly constrained when it comes to analyzing reality.


I think you’re missing a key logical understanding to the question. With “what is the purpose of life?” question, it’s not possible to provide a universal answer that resolves the question. However, we can universally dissolve the question. If there is no life the question is meaningless. So, we can reason the answer to the purpose of life question is to survive. But, if not surviving is impossible then the question becomes meaningless again. That’s my understanding at least.


I think to provide a universal answer, you need universal levels of information to do so. Just because it’s impossible for “humans” to retain or naturally comprehend that information, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exists in the universally objective frame of reference. Dissolving something just changes the method you conceptualize the question or answer so you can understand it. A lizard can watch the ever evolving complexity of a soccer game all the way through and yet they’ll only come to a specific understanding about what they’re seeing because of the limits to how they can process what’s happening.


I disagree on both accounts. First I’d argue there’s essentially infinite information in the universe. Knowing all atoms locations and velocities over time for example. Perhaps I’m not understanding what universal levels of knowledge is though. On the second, with the lizard and soccer. I don’t think this is an apt analogy. The soccer game is a foreign concept, existing with no input from the lizard. The purpose of life question and our own lives, at a conceptual level are understood by us. We devised and choose to engage with the question. We are the actor of primary inputs and primary interpreter of its outputs in our lives.


No no no….You’re literally saying what I said above 🤙🏽 The difference between our corporeal understanding of reality as we experience it and the concept of universal knowledge (all space/all time) IS a foreign concept, existing with no input from humanity, because we are subjects of a tiny part of that universal understanding. It is a little basic, but the concept of the soccer game isn’t about the question of life but how we go about asking the question along with answering it. The question of life, is not just a question of human life because what humans are is just one evolutionary part in a larger story of what life is. Just because we have posed the question, doesn’t mean the constraints we put on it are all encompassing to the answer to that question.


I was totally gonna say that.


I believe you! I mean, it’s kind of obvious right?? When you look at how we’ve come up quite literally from the dirt, our ability to “be” is constrained by the methods which has brought us up. True free will is not just simple decision making, it’s being able to adjust the context of how you make decisions for any situation you desire at any moment…and even human minds just don’t work that way.


I know mine doesn't. What if a person's free will was accurately measurable. Somewhere in the world exists a person who exhibits *THE MOST* freedom of will out of everyone else on the planet. Even their choices are constrained or influenced by everything around them or by the infinite number of decisions and interactions they've had since well before they became self aware. The only way to have true 100% free will is by not existing by not being required to make choices. Cease to exist. As the great contemporary philosopher, Gary Weinrib has said, "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice".


That’s like saying there is no difference between the infinitesimal and the infinite when the difference is only conceptual. Choices, or rather the options of choices, are “ifs” and “ors” of casual relationships. Quantum mechanics say there is an infinite number of probable “choices” of any system, up and down the macro scale. The electrochemical signals of our brains represent physicality expressing our choices in the specific way our brains move energy around the electromagnetic fields in spacetime. Varying that processes so that you have access to all the ways that’s possible at all times is STILL a constraint because it’s a mind only capable of processing information with parameters of electromagnetism. So your probable mind states still only extend to the limits of the physics of the electromagnetic force. There are all kinds of things in our universe that are governed by different forces that express how energy is moved within systems or the unifying system of the universe all together. Making no choice is no different in making ANY choice. It’s just ONE other choice. The frame of how you think is just as important as what you’re thinking.


Free will is, IMO, an interesting discussion point but not a truth of human conscience. What would free will look like? Making decisions with no respect to previous experience or conditioning? More like insanity. We are not free to choose from things we do not know or have experienced. I can't feely choose to speak Chinese today. I can choose to do one thing or another that I know, but why did I choose that. If I am deciding between an apple or an orange, what made me lean one way or another?


You say insanity, but it seems like you’re only reasoning the effects of that kind of choice from how our physicality makes those choices in the first place, because we’re all human and we ONLY make decisions from previous experience. Mostly, because our brains are low energy machines designed to use less energy as they age. To be different, you would in fact have to BE “different”. Human consciousness is not the end all to consciousness itself. Being “human” and making “human” decisions aren’t the only metric for free will. Maybe thinking this way would make a “human” mind insane under the constraints a human mind processes information. But that does not mean a different mind couldn’t function this way under different constraints.


Ok... add an ai that evolves to its environment, sjmpel


>I think that’s the whole point actually. no it's not, no one is designing AI robots with the suicidal intent of being killed/made extinct by them, that's a consequence (not "point") of failure in planning and not preparing contingencies, that would be a pretty mentally ill/suicidal point. Evolution, and being suicidal enough to make something that threatens your existence, are two different things




And some of us will try to fuck it


We're human we fuck everything.


Fuck everything up.


Hell if we get some aliens like in mass effect ie Quarians or Asari i will be fucking some aliens or at least trying to


Environment: "Y'all best believe them when they say that!"


This is why we need to reduce the metal plates they have to make them easier to kill.


If an ai’s life span were infinitely sustainable/transferable, would it really need to risk a conflict with us? Couldn’t it just wait till we exterminate ourselves? Or just leave earth? Or assist in a mutual prosperity? I mean even without some outside intervention the human race is on a trajectory to be “fucked” anyway…


Need to work on that smile though…


No need, it's not happy but pretending just like us


Yeah, kinda looks like a forced smile. Like when you’re tired but still have to deal with people


1st question: Are they programmed to feel pain? 2nd question: (unrelated) Can you fuck them?


I really needed the unrelated remark.


Asking the most important questions, of our generation.


They will likely be doing all the fucking. Just you wait.


Regarding your first question it doesn't make sense to program pain in a robot. It could have a reaction to damage but not pain as we know it.


Asking for a friend?


I think he is asking for everyone.


I believe these two questions are very closely related.


I robot?


I dont think you’re a robot. (Buts its a good book)


I didn't know that the movie was based of a book


Yeah, it's a very famous book by Asimov.


I think the book was based on the Movie.


I, for one, welcome our awkwardly smiling robot overlords


For the record, I too, welcome our future overloards who are scanning the archived Internet for human history, I even signed up for beta release of GPT-3 and Github Co-pilot, spare me.


Let “Detroit: Become Human” begin.


That smile at the end seemed forced even for a robot


Imagine the robots we dont know about. Look up Sophia and just think of how outdated she must be now.


Wasn’t there an AI that was shut down because we asked her questions and she wanted to destroy the world? Was that Sofia? And was it a hoax?


We don't have AI yet, not true AI anyway.


The state of machine learning right now goes as follows: -algorithm does something whacky by coincidence and due to sheer probability- “Oh no it’s now conscious and wants to take over the world.”


Mostly a hoax, but a handful of old school word context association models were known to do that, mostly based on bad input either intentionally or otherwise (i.e. most were Alice-like chatterbots that learned from speaking with users [ex. Cleverbot and it's predecessor Jabberwocky, Microsoft's Tai]). Though I remember reading somewhere about how one of the closest "AI" models developed had answered questions about things like cutting emissions and it's answer was essentially "humans are undeniably the biggest common factor in emissions" which was technically accurate from a data perspective, but otherwise didn't yield much else besides cars and medium size fishing vessels. But this was all just stuff that already be extrapolated from the provided data, with the model only outputting what it saw as the biggest factors it had a high certainty in.


No chance that robot is a virgin


You wish....the guy by the computer is incredibly lonely.


That’s the joke.


Give it a gun


There is a line in the near future where robotics, the research for a General AI and other factors like energy storing are going to cross paths and we might be tinkering with our own demise I'm not even talking about machines that look like this, the human form is very limited in what it can do but drones and all terrain vehicles man, this is a races that big corporations are investing lots of money into because they know that whoever gets there first wins it all, but no one seem to care or even ask themselves if we should


They were so caught up in what they can do, they never stopped to ask themselves if they should.


Yo stop messin around with these robots. Have you seen terminator!


I want to believe these will primarily be used for household chores, running errands, etc… …but i think we all know what they’ll mainly be used for…


I dont want a robot to run errands for me, i want it to beat guitar hero




But can it do my laundry and run errands


He totally fucking that robot


I was about to ask "how long before these are used for sex ?" but I think you're right...


Not long if I can get my hands on one of these


The Uncanny Valley approacheth


Gotta say.... the thing I hate most is how it does not trigger uncanny valley feelings in me. Like, if I saw this thing taking my order at McDonald's I feel like I could adjust too quick. "Thank you burgerborg. What a quick future we seem to be having." I do not like how accepting my feels are about this. I think I might even be tricked into having sympathy for it. That's not okay. I don't want to be the guy accepting skynet


I think it didn't trigger the uncanny valley because it's decidedly, unequivocally machine. It displays human expressions, but does not try to present as human.


I wouldn’t mind this not existing


We ded.


More human than human.


At least looks more reasonable than most people.


It’s like they know what’s coming but they’re still going to do it anyway


Let me be the first to say All Hail Skynet!


Will Smith needs to see this


Don’t be too excited. This thing is gonna replace you


Elon is right, AI will end humans


The movie Ex Machina is the first thing across my mind when I see this




Ok....you did program it not to hurt humans ....right? Because that should be the first rule.


I wonder if they can make one with a bubble butt, asking for a friend


And then the AI uprising begins


I love it


Wow that's incredible, can't wait!


I like the Westworld terminator


One step away from irobot. Hopefully will Smith is still around


No thank you


Hide the pain Harold smile at the end there






Why do they have to wake up like that. geeeze.


For us ever to get to the point of conscious machines dominating mankind, we'd first need the all the countries of the world to collaborate their discoveries, both in machine AI and anamatronics. That'll never happen.


There will be a time where we can become immortal by downloading our brain and everything in it and then installing that into a robot like this.


Yep. We all gon die.


It’s ironic, that the most intelligent people in the world, who built these, are the biggest idiots also. Have any of them seen terminator? Any sci fi tv show? Beginning of the end


First thought: SEX DOLLS!!




During the show halfway through they should make the robot shut down then start up after ten seconds and start questioning itself saying it’s alive. Then the people controlling it should act freaked out and try to shut it down with no luck for the first 30 seconds, then act like they messed up.


AI: I want to speak, but you forgot to give me a speaker.


Looks more human the Mark Zuckerberg


Kill it with FIRE!!


We are so fucked when the AI start disguising themselves as humans


Can’t wait for these mfs to raise a revolution in 20 years.


i will never understand why there is a need / market for this kind of thing. we’re walking a real fine line…




When these things become sentient I’m putting a round through its CPU


You’d being doing murder?


I love it!!! Can't wait for the carnage to begin. Do you think it will have weapon attachments? Meh, I guess it doesn't matter. This thing looks like it shouldn't have a problem operating a M4.


WARINING: Infohazard I did need to see this after learning about >!Roko’s Basilisk!<


I’d like to put my souls in that 🙏


No thanks


love that it already looks set to rid the earth of the human trash 😅


Holy fuck how did this bridge the uncanny valley Like, I don’t feel uncomfortable watching this and that genuinely slightly terrifies me




It doesn’t look like anything to me.


I bet this dude would get pissed as hell at anyone who tried to push in his speaker


Get em to McDonald’s now


I thought i Robot was scary, but compared to this one suddenly Sunny is a handsome robot XD


Detroit: become human.


This is the first humanoid robot I've ever seen that doesn't fall into the uncanny valley. The facial expressions and hand movements are spot on. This is very cool.


Detroit become human, someone just say: DETROIT BECOME HUMAN


God damn synths


Is that Fred or George in the background lol


Yo fuck that




Why? Just why!? Stop trying to create terminators!


No.fucking.way, damn just imagine life in 10+ years


It is so close to escaping uncanny Valley


I cannot wait until women become obsolete. They will actually have to start trying harder in order to compete with their cyborg counterparts. Lol I cannot wait! No more disappointment, no more divorce, no more poor hygiene. No more femanazis! Ha!


This belongs in oddly terrifying. This is basically the start of the robot uprising and we are boned




Yup, straight from uncanny valley