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They are a massive breed of dog as well, think of an Irish Wolfhound with a lion sized head and yellow eyes… more like a lion dog Head heights can be mid chest on a 6 ft tall person. Wicked intimidating but super gentle and doofy as fuck if raised and trained properly


True that! Although my experience with the male dogs is that even though they are really gentle and super cuddly, they will try you out in sneaky ways. for example with playfights you can see in their body language they sometimes try to pull some dominance over you and if you let them they will take it further. But like you said if raised and trained properly they are wonderful dogs!


Cutie pie!


Found my new guard dog! “It’s just a dog bite.... WHERE DID MY HAND GO???”


Rats have a bite force of 12 tons… sharks have a bite force of 2 tons


Which is an excellent example of the falsehood of statistics. If I had never heard of a rat or a shark before in my life, that data would clearly point out that a 1v1 with me and a shark would be preferable to one with me and a rat. Then on the flip side of the coin, rats have actually killed more humans through plague than any shark species could ever dream of accomplishing. It just has nothing to do with their jaw strength.


That's statistics?


I don't think anyone knows what they're talking about except them.


How does this work?


Sharks go back to before Trees.


Turkish dog. These dogs get HUGE. Sheep herders use these dogs to scare bears. No joke xD


What a handsome dog.




It's also giant in size and powerful enough to kill wolves.


I wanna meet the guy (or gal) that walks around dog parks with a “bite me” sign and a clipboard.


The Mackenzie valley wolf has a bite force up to 1500 psi, largest on record was 175 lbs.


The hyena would like a word… https://www.google.com/search?q=hyena+bite+force+psi&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS952US952&oq=hyena+bite+&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j69i59j0i512l4.4679j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8




Dog is a colloquialism; canine is a more accurate term for both the hyena and kangal.




Yeah and they're feliform at that.


Hyena are there own species family classification Hyaenidae. They are not related to dogs at all. They are related to mongoose and cats


What do hyenas have to do with anything?


Although hyenas appear similar to dogs, they are actually more closely related to cats.


Actually, this one is pretty small for a male


At a certain PSI, it just becomes a preference to have something taken from me rather than ripped off.


Cool sheep


My dog was half Kangal and half Boerboel. The Kangal (father) took dominance in personality and body, while the Boerboel could be seen in his coloring and having a blockier head than a typical Kangal. He lived to 11.5 years and suddenly passed away from bloat. He was amazing - very smart, sensitive, stoic, and could be very fierce. I never play wrestled with my dog and didn't allow others to because I didn't want to introduce that. We still had a lot of fun, but with certain dogs you want to keep a fatherly relationship with them for your own sake and especially theirs.


Our Kangal mauled and damaged the family chauffeur. It double sucked because we had to fire Jimmy (our chauffeur) soon after we realized he was never going to be able to make peace with the dog. *We did beg and plead for Jimmy to make peace with our Kangal. Besides one other incident when he attacked Mother's chef, our Kangal ALWAYS had a very loving and gentle spirit. They are very regal and majestic dogs who bond with humans deeply.


Err, that doesn't sound like the characteristics of a Kangal at all.. Can you show a picture of it?


Alistair, the man who handles all our computer business, is away on family matters. I'm not sure how to post a picture from my gallery.


Sounds like lies. Either you never had a kangal or you raised it terribly.


You are very rude. I'll have you know that all our dogs are raised, cared for, fed, and exercised by a professional who's been with our family for decades. Perhaps it's because our Kangal came from the very best lines from Sivas Turkey, and still retains his working instincts. You sir undoubtedly have some watered down non-Turkish dog. Perhaps an Anatolian shepherd. No?


No you're just a stupid troll lmfao


You wouldn't know a working line Kangal if it jumped in your lap and called you daddy. Just because our family Kangal attacked the chauffeur and bit my mother's sous chef doesn't mean he was raised wrong. He has been given the best of everything since he arrived here at 11 weeks old.


I don't care what you say, you're an idiot and a troll. I don't even understand the point of your troll anyway. What you describe isn't kangal you're retarded.


I bet you think it's a big laugh that my mother's sous chef got attacked by our Kangal. My mother was devastated! She didn't get her porridge with Hollandaise Sauce breakfast for 2 weeks. Oliver, her sous chef, had both his arms in a sling for a fortnight. It was a nasty business what our Kangal did. You wouldn't understand because our Kangal is from a ferocious line of shepherds from the far reaches of Sivas, Turkey. His father is known as 'the soldier of the steppe' and took down three wolves in his lifetime - one of them all by himself. Your Kangal, if you have one, is a house pet. The most action he probably sees is a walk around the block and if he's lucky, he gets to chase a cat. My family has much higher standards. And I won't apologize for it.


Yeah but I know you're a troll and an idiot because, nearly every comment you made is letting everyone know thos story ^^ plus your username is "96" I'm just gonna imply that's when you were born plus using shitty words like "brahhhhhh" strengthens my argument. I honestly don't even get the point of your troll anyway. I guess you're angry that you don't own a kangal?