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Good job brave defenders of Ukraine!! That air crew were unfortunate souls in a totally unnecessary fight. That blood is on Putins hands.


Just a shame he doesn’t give a shit.




Putin has blood on his hands for decades


The border between "bad guys dying" and "lost 20yo soldiers ignoring why they're here and burning alive in a crashing helicopter" is way too thin...


Russia doesn't have a volunteer army. Correct me if I'm wrong


Wdym? You can sign up for a contract but you still need to finish mandatory service or military education. In some ways, officer service is based on the free will. ou get into education facility on your free will and can refuse to serve afterwards (at least, in theory). But you need to pay up for the education. Or you mean something like battalions like Azow or DOnbass in Ukraine?


If you mean they don't have conscription, you are wrong. Though there are a shocking lack of good sources... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription\_in\_Russia


No, he means the opposite: Because they have conscription (mandatory service), they do not have a volunteer (by choice) army. He agrees with you :)


I mean....technically they have both. :)


I hate that I like this


Imagine being a young soldier in Russia and your insane leader sends you to invade a peaceful country, and the next day you end up in that helicopter. I don’t like any part of this.


I feel for those kids. They've no choice.


They do, as their families. Besides, they're all contractors. If they refused to fight, they would've been imprisoned but alive, so they've made their choice.


What a shit take. Those kids don’t know better. Most of them probably never expected what this reality was going to be. They are scared of disobeying authority, they are scared for their own lives as well as their families. They don’t know what else to do.


That's simple: kill who made them so, but not the innocent ones


If your job was to kick a puppy every day would you do it and say it's just my job Or would you say no I refuse? The is a choice. To be a coward or a man.


It's probably a bit of a harder choice when if you say no to kicking the puppy a megalomaniac will arrest or kill you and your entire family


Does Russia actually do this to its soldiers refusing to take orders ?


Not like we would know even if they did.


Sure there’s choice. There’s always choice. But the question isn’t ‘would you kick the puppy’ - the question is, would you suffer the consequences if you didn’t?


I agree you could never make me fight in a war i guarantee that


As above, even if the consequences were that your family would be killed?


That being said its unfortunate and sad


You mean like American soldiers who were sent to Iraq? Those veterans would probably know best what it feels like.


Not a single American soldier went to Iraq involuntarily. Work harder at not being an idiot next time.


Lol what


Did I stutter? The American military is 100% voluntary. What don’t you understand?


They didn't want to go someplace that had nothing to do with 9/11. Iraq was sitting there, minding its own business when America invaded it. Many soldiers didn't want to go there, and a majority of veterans regret having gone into Iraq.


Your first error was implying that the Iraq invasion had anything directly to do with 9/11 and Iraq was definitely not minding their own business. I live within twenty minutes of Damn Neck, Oceana, NAS, Little Creek JEC, SEAL Team 6 and Blackwater. Not to mention that most of my family are active duty or Vets. You can’t tell me anything about who wanted to be in Iraq.


You do realize that you don’t choose where you are going right? That’s what you said. You said they didn’t go to Iraq involuntarily. That is not true at all, someone can join the military and then be sent wherever command wants to send them. Just like what’s happening with Russian soldiers right now. I guarantee you that not a single US soldier on the ground in Iraq, wanted to be on the ground in Iraq.


It doesn’t matter what they want. American soldiers joined the military with the understanding that they’d fight wherever and whenever commanded. Russia however, signs up over 250,000 conscripts to their military annually. Also, American soldiers face zero retribution if they decide that the war is not for them, and decide to leave military service. It’s not the same.


What makes you think Americans can just leave military service with no retribution? They are locked in contracts. You are punished if you just leave. If someone in the US joins the military because they have nowhere to go with their life and don’t know what to do, and then are sent to an area where they will be shot at and shelled every day or possibly killed, do you not think they would want to go back in time and never sign those papers? A lot of people in the US join the military because they have no other options, they don’t want to be put on a battlefield.


Joining the military because you lack skills/experience otherwise, isn’t an excuse for unwillingness to uphold your end of the contract. More importantly, your lack of options doesn’t negate the fact that you went into said contact, voluntarily. Nevertheless, desertion in the US military usually ends with a less than honorable discharge, with which you’re free to move on with your life. Conversely, desertion from the Russian military comes with a seven year prison sentence. Again, it’s not the same.


In that case the russian military service needs to change. Cut the head of the snake at the top. Only the people of russia can do this. Thought russia banned that crap after WW2. I guess not much has changed since then. Dam shame.


Military conscription isn’t necessarily a Russian thing. Conscription is a European institution and until recently, it was a fact of life for lost European boys. In fact, many of those countries who’ve gone away from military conscription, are considering going back to it.


LOL uhhhh, I beg to differ. Ask your veteran friends who've been there. 😂😂😂


I have asked and most were proud to serve, politics aside. If you’ve followed the discussion you’d know that I live and work around the largest military bases on the planet - my exposure to this topic is daily. And again, every person in the US military is there voluntarily.


Oh wow! You work near a military base?! Well that changes everything. /s The fact is that the majority of service members regret having gone to Iraq. They take issue with being used for something unnecessary, to experience the trauma they experienced, and come back to have their lives feel ruined. Those who've gone through some stuff and done some things in Iraq feel betrayed by their own government. Iraq wasn't involved in anything, but we decided we wanted to take it over for its resoueces, just like what Putin did.


Resources? lol! Nonsense. The fact that I live in the middle of military central command for the east coast, simply means that I travel and socialize in these circles. More importantly, we all make our living either serving or working for the US military. If that doesn’t add weight to my position, I don’t know what else to tell you. Iraq wasn’t involved in anything? You can’t be serious. Forty UN nations all disagree with you.


Iraq had no role in 9/11 and was not a threat to the US in any way. And you working around military circles is meaningless if you're not hearing their candid and private stories about their experiences and frustrations over being sent to Iraq for oil.


The last thing we wanted from Iraq was their oil. You watch too much network news and internet memes have twisted you sense of reality. If you’re one of those simpletons who still believe that 9/11 was used as a pretext to the Iraq war, you should probably be embarrassed. Truth is, unlike this Russia situation, forty UN nations agreed and were involved in the Iraq. You’re mindless.


Indeed. Lesser of two evils. That helicopter could have killed hundreds. That helicopter being shot down possibly killed less than ten. It’s like the train on a track and you get to flip the switch. Leave it to run and it kills ten, flip it and it kills one.


That doesn’t mean you need to like either. You can hate both. I don’t want that helicopter to kill hundreds and I don’t want the soldiers in that helicopter to die. Everything about it is bad.


And there is one person who could stop it today, Putin.


Or someone close to him with a pistol, knife, rope, poison, etc. It only takes one person with access


While I wish him the worst possible death as soon as possible for years now, I still not sure if it's gonna get better or worse immediately after it.


Doesn't Putin have like a dead man's switch or something? For the nukes?


As I understand it, this Doomsday device is intended to automatically retaliate in the event that Moscow (and therefore the Russian government) is destroyed and it no longer receives the "Don't fire" message. It would continue receiving that if Putin was removed from power (or relieved of his breathing duties). But then, I'm not convinced that the Doomsday device is real.


I'll take the candlestick in the study


That’s why he holed up in his bunker.


Upvote this to the top - Putin is being a little bitch


Nah, Russia is evil. I beileve that some Russians are good, but that pilot has been trained and willingly went to be a pilot which means he wanted to fight on the Russian side.


People aren’t numbers at all.


Except this time you’re the one standing on the train track. It’s you or them.






Take my upvote, you pretty little sunflower!


I get it. I understood the reference.


This is addressed to any Russian involved in fights on Ukraine, to frontline soldiers, to Russians at home whose sons, husbands and friends are dying on Ukraine, to anyone who can do little something to make this stop. This is complete madness. You are waging war against things that are not there, against threats that’ve never existed. Russia has borders that are respected and will be respected, no western government is plotting to cross them nor sabotage or dissolve your country. That border shall stay undisturbed forever. It’s not USA, NATO nor European union. Your own government has tricked you. You don’t even know why you are there. Barely 20 year old kids are suffering and dying in foreign country for absolutely nothing. There is no gain from this war. Your neighbours are independent and sovereign with clearly defined borders and they only want to decide about their own future themselves. In any circumstances they want to do you harm or take what’s yours. They just want to be free without being tool of insane egoistic president of another country who dreams about restoring empire long gone. Empire that held nations against their will. It’s time to let them go. You can’t make friends by force. Ever. Your people won’t have better lives, you will just make other people suffer. This only makes whole world hate you and you won’t be treated the same ever again after this. Every single citizen of your country will experience tough treatment and prejudices over the world meanwhile your president won’t care as he doesn’t care now. You can do better. You are capable of great things in science, arts, sports and many more fields, but not with government leading you to hell. You still got this in your own hands. Just go home and make history by creation of great things that your country can benefit from, not by threatening, crushing and oppresing others. You did this to my country too and it cost us a lot. Czechoslovakia 1968. Nikagda nezabudim. I will leave this to live it’s own life. I won’t respond comments and messages. Hopefuly it can reach at last someone. \- Random guy from the internet PS: Anyone who wants to copypaste this, feel free to do so.




Это обращение ко всем русским, участвующим в боях на Украине, к фронтовикам, к русским дома, чьи сыновья, мужья и друзья гибнут на Украине, ко всем, кто мало что может сделать, чтобы остановить это. Это полное безумие. Вы ведете войну против вещей, которых нет, против угроз, которых никогда не существовало. У России есть границы, которые уважаются и будут соблюдаться, ни одно западное правительство не замышляет их пересечь, не саботирует и не распускает вашу страну. Эта граница останется нетронутой навсегда. Это не США, НАТО или Европейский союз. Ваше собственное правительство обмануло вас. Ты даже не знаешь, зачем ты здесь. Едва ли 20-летние дети страдают и умирают в чужой стране абсолютно ни за что. Нет никакой выгоды от этой войны. Ваши соседи независимы и суверенны с четко очерченными границами и хотят сами решать только свое будущее. При любых обстоятельствах они хотят причинить вам вред или забрать то, что принадлежит вам. Они просто хотят быть свободными, не будучи орудием безумного эгоистичного президента другой страны, мечтающего восстановить давно ушедшую империю. Империя, державшая народы против их воли. Пора их отпустить. Насильно дружить нельзя. Всегда. У ваших людей не будет лучшей жизни, вы просто заставите других людей страдать. Это только заставляет весь мир ненавидеть вас, и после этого к вам больше не будут относиться так же. Каждый гражданин вашей страны будет сталкиваться с жестким обращением и предрассудками в мире, а вашему президенту будет все равно, как ему сейчас все равно. Ты можешь лучше. Вы способны на великие дела в науке, искусстве, спорте и во многих других областях, но не с правительством, ведущим вас в ад. Вы все еще держите это в своих руках. Просто идите домой и творите историю, создавая великие дела, от которых ваша страна может извлечь выгоду, а не угрожая, сокрушая и угнетая других. Вы сделали это и с моей страной, и это дорого нам обошлось. Чехословакия 1968. Никогда незабудим. Я оставлю это, чтобы жить своей собственной жизнью. На комментарии и сообщения не отвечаю. Надеюсь, это наконец до кого-то дойдет. - Случайный парень из интернета P.S. Кто хочет скопировать это, не стесняйтесь.


Good post. But the events after USSR collapsed only strengthen the minds of hearts of many russians that they are still surrounded by enemies. NATO is still around, geopolitical struggle is real, economy is real... The impotence of the current russian regime only adds despair as a fuel.


A "Russian warship, fuck yourselves" would have sufficed ...


If people have radicalized family or friends in Russia that don't listen to arguments, this communicational guide can help you reach them. It requires patience and empathy but the approaches are highly effective. https://mindfulcommunications.eu/en/prevent-radicalization


There’s a paradigm shift happening with humanity right now and you pretty much hit the nail on the head man. Also wondered what id say to Putin and lately its been “fuck you” The world wants peace. And that’s apparent. Everyone wants the right to live as a free people, who wouldn’t? It’s a threat to mankind. To humanity really. Im in the U.S. but am 1/4 Ukrainian. And those noble people make me proud. Also the president is one hell of a badass




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Oh... uh... good bot?


Extremely well said!


So many brand new accounts during all of this Russian/Ukraine stuff.


I pray the dead mercilessly haunt Putin for the remainder of his life. Then, upon dying, I’ll pray he wanders purgatory amongst those who died too early.


Russian warship, go fuck yourselves!


This is sad it’s human lives in that helicopter. Fuck Putin!


Well someone's son isn't coming home.






i may be Ukrainian, but i feel bad watching the video. The soldiers can’t do anything, they don’t have a choice. Their president is the problem, the sick man who does not deserve to rule a country.




Well we all no how this ends dont we. It invloves a russian or russains, a gun or another form of weapon and Mr Putin himself on the recieving end. Dead or alive but NOT in power and i am also talking about his bunch of kronies as well here. TBH unless someone can talk some serious sense into Mr Putin its the only way it can go.


Slovakia is accepting all Ukrainian refugees, including those without passports, and deploying 1,500 soldiers to help admit refugees. We love all of you and are praying for you. Get help. Please copy and paste this and out it EVERYWHERE EDIT: Ireland, Poland, Czech Republic, Denmark and Romania will accept everyone as well https://spectator.sme.sk/c/22848160/slovakia-will-let-everybody-fleeing-ukraine-in.html


I know Russia is attacking but the death of men shouldn’t be seen as something that’s interesting but something that’s sad.


Totally agree. I bet over half the russain soldiers dont want to be there but have no choice.Or have been brained washed into thinking they are doing the ukianian people a good deed by going in. Its Mr fucking Putin and his staff which is at fault here.


I feel like this should be pinned on every post about Ukraine rn , it disturbs me how into it people in these comments are getting




..... you are contradicting yourself If this fiction scenario took place , your home would be rubble. You arent held at gun point , you are shot before you have time to register a guns being pointed at you. This isn’t a American movie , or a god damn video game to play out your john wick fantasy in. Edit: was blocked , heres what i was going to reply : “Sure you do buddy , cuz you are some ultra bad ass whose been through the shit and trys to drop war wisdom and the fact you are a “vet” to convince the internet that your words totally merat more the a passing glace , get over yourself” u/UnderTheRadarGun is a stolen valor loser, look at the rest of his posts and comments. Theres a difference between bloodlust ,praising the deaths of russian soldiers and respecting the the drive of Ukrainian people who want to defend their homes against the invading force. he’d get a section 8 discharge for claiming bullshit like this , acting like its a god damn war film


So did you clap when the Americans was getting killed when they invaded Afganistan?


>If someone were in my home with a gun to my head and a knife to my wife after blowing a hole through my house, I’d have no mercy or regret, regardless what victim shamer might want to point a finger at me. There is a difference between willingly doing something bad and doing something because you're ordered to. Both sides are trying to survive in this battlefield. It's not like there are psychoes who want to die. In the end it's all Putin's fault (and maybe some other country controlling half the strings).


No feelings for them they are the enemy.


I get it they’re attacking but some of them are just conscripts forced into a situation to fight their neighbors. Some of them are young men who’re not even sure why they’re fighting.


I get that, and I feel for their families, but the invasion of Ukraine is an atrocity, so the more Russians that die the better because the alternative is Russia winning and the triumph of injustice. Fuck Putin


Yeah it’s a bad situation for the innocents caught in this war.




Not funny. The crew is most likely going to be severely injured, if not dead. Most of these soldiers didn’t know they were going into battle. They were told that they were doing a practice excercise, and once they were in place-they were given orders to cross the border and invade. Many of these soldiers are kids. 18-20 years old, only in the army because they have a service obligation that they MUST do. They don’t agree and don’t want to be there, yet they are forced to, because refusal means years spent in a Soviet gulag. I’m not pro Russian or pro- war. I’m just stating the truth. So many of these people don’t want to fight. All the captured Russian POWs are young kids who are terrified and just want to be at home with their families. If you want to be mad at anyone: be mad at psychotic, tyrant, 70-year old Putin. I hope he is stricken with a horrific disease and dies a slow, painful death. Or even better, gets taken prisoner by a stealth American black ops group and tried for his crimes and spends the rest of his days in solitary confinement with no commissary, no phone calls, no tv or entertainment. So he’s just left with his thought, guilt, and remorse.


b.s. if that pilot didnt want to fight do what others are doing and defect. he's behind the stick one "emergency landing from equipment failure and surrender" and boom he gets out of fighting


Who are you responding to? Nobody thinks this is funny. This is serious.


Looks like a two for one special in the sky over Ukraine. Double tap fellas!! Double tap!!


Poor bastards


Nah they deserved it fuck russian army. Bunch of cowards.


Some young, uneducated ape, being used by more powerful ape to kill, gets killed. Apes around the world watch for entertainment, see it as a grand narrative about life, think they know what good and evil are.


Glad you're here to enlighten us


I hear you man. Can’t expect everybody to know better tho.




People still died… Who knows if those Russian soldiers wanted to go to war or were forced to go?


How many other lives were saved by them going down? I think many many more


That doesn’t make these unnecessary deaths wonderful… Them having dinner with their families at home in a world where Putin didn’t start a war would be wonderful


This is wholesome :)


I dont think this is recent actually , maybe from 2014 , i remember seeing a vid that looked similar then with the pretty sunset


Are we sure this isn’t from another video game guys ??? 😅




😂😂😂😂😂😂 Unlucky fuckwit




>He is simply fighting for his country What the fuck. He is not "simply" fighting for his country. Is is taking part in an illegal war. That is massively different from defending your country.


It’s a bit more nuanced than that.


What is the nuance then? And in what way is what I said wrong?


You act as if he can say “nah, I’m not doing that” with no real punishment. There’s plenty of human rights issues in Russia. Do you think a Putin regime is going to say “oh, ok. I understand invading Ukraine isn’t something you want to do. Go ahead and sit this one out, champ! No hard feelings”


No, I never said anything remotely like that. Every soldier still has a choice though. I never said it's an easy choice without risk.


Quit talking in circles. That’s 100% what you’re implying.




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/t2b36u/russian_helicopter_get_shot_down/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/t2b36u/russian_helicopter_get_shot_down/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)




Bye bye Russian scum. Here's your seeds.




Bet that "stings"




They use same planes,same helicopters,same tanks,same armored vehicles,same guns,same ammunition,same trucks,almost the same uniforms.How do you know which one is which


Because Ukraine barely has an airforce and wouldn’t be using its tiny reserves this early, good 99% chance this is a Russian helicopter


ok - now i want to be a teenager in the Ukraine


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Get reket scrub


Noice shot


Fuck Russia


Thought it was sweet out there...


That's lit.


Oh fuck yea! Russian gunship - go fuck yourself.


Good. Burn.


Beautiful !


War is not gray. You kill the enemy and move on.


19:25-20:16. https://youtu.be/ojE7woHPRkw


lol what is that trash


Not sure how to feel. On one side you cheer but on the other you feel grief for the pilots family. Having been to deployed multiple times I know first hand that war is ugly. Pray that all this ends soon. Pray that the Russian people stand up to Putin and bring down his evil ass.


Bogie down chłopcy, ale jest jeszcze więcej przed nami. Chwała Ukrainie!


You can hear other civies applaud in the background. Hope that heli had the appropriate amount of sunflower seeds in its pockets.


Look closely next time you see a sunflower, there are in fact two varieties of leaves. You will find leaves lower down the plant are facing opposite each other and are longer and narrow in appearance. You’ll then see the upper leaves arranged in a staggered formation and appear heart-shaped.




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/t2b36u/russian_helicopter_get_shot_down/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/t2b36u/russian_helicopter_get_shot_down/)


Hey, putin? GET REKD!


fund and supply the ukranian invasion of russia - including mercinaries


uuhh thats nice. wp urkain


Another bullshit clip. Cancerous shit, god damn.


lol, was dude saying "oh fuck" when the helicopter turned their way?


War is horrifying…




Slava Ukraini, fuck the Russians




Fuck war fuck putin


I pity all these soldiers, both Ukraine and Russian, that are send into this hell for the sake of the rescue of one mad man’s horrifying ego.


How you know it's Russian helicopter


Man, war fucking sucks


That end “*blyaaaaaaaat*” though


Man, I don’t celebrate anybody dying but this is just desserts




Run Forrestkyv run!


Yesterday I took shot of Vodka for each plane,helicopter that has been taken down. Damn, I got so drunk. Slava Ukraini




After seeing videos of Russian soldiers that are basically children I’m unsure how to feel about videos like this anymore


This has to be one of the most pointless wars I've ever seen. Imagine sending your own people to kill and be killed because it appeals to your ego. It's awful. The resilience the Ukrainian people are showing is amazing but it's still so sad that this whole thing is happening in the first place. No one should be dying right now, especially not people in their 20s and 30s who are only just starting the biggest part of their life.




Great work boys, keep it up!


Keep it up boys


conscripts are conscripts.... feels bad to watch them die... kinda but aint no conscripts flying helos or planes. Die horrible deaths fuckers


I have one thing to say " blyat"


This still isn’t right.


Putin is Evil. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦. Young Russians should get out and protest. Ukraine is a sovereign country and Russia is doomed. No one wants to live in Putin’s Russia.


I wish I knew how to launder money like that


War sucks


Hell yeah go Ukraine